[00:01] upgraded. firefox 56 keeps crashing. tried deleting $HOME/.mozilla/firefox, tried launching with -P, no difference in behavior. [00:03] preyalone, what if you log in with x instead of wayland? [00:07] puxavida: 14.04 doesn't have wayland [00:08] ah yeah - see now he said 14.04 [00:09] <_28kb> got disconnected... [00:10] isn't 14.04 unsupported? [00:10] preyalone: if you start it from the terminal, does it tell the error message when it crashes? [00:10] puxavida: yes [00:11] <_28kb> discontinued support [00:11] firefox v57 was just released [00:11] _28kb: no it's still supported [00:11] with 14.04 would there be some lib that isn't up to par for ff 56? [00:12] <_28kb> Jordan_U, are you still there? [00:12] ubuntu repos don't seem to have firefox v57 yet [00:14] puxavida: oh sorry i read your message wrong. 14.04 is still supported [00:15] well it looks like 14.0.5 lts has some life until april 2019 [00:15] <_28kb> i checked too.. thought it was ended [00:17] 14.04.5 that is [00:28] _28kb: Please try booting from an Ubuntu 17.10 LiveUSB. [00:32] <_28kb> i don't have it at hand [00:32] _28kb: Will it be very difficult for you do download? [00:32] <_28kb> i'll need about an hour to do that [00:33] <_28kb> can you help me to create bootable usb? [00:33] <_28kb> i do that using windows [00:33] <_28kb> maybe there's easier way using ubuntu [00:34] _28kb: I think you can download a program called 'Rufus' to do that, frienderino. [00:34] _28kb: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 [00:34] And ze Jordan_U has kindly beaten me to the exact same link I was about to paste into the chat. [00:35] <_28kb> i'm at main download page... should i just choose download @ Ubuntu 17.10? [00:35] <_28kb> doesn't mention liveUSB [00:36] _28kb: Yes. The same download can be used to burn to a DVD or write to a USB drive. [00:36] _28kb: depends. Do you want the latest, shiniest Ubuntu, or the LTS (Long Term Support) release that has older software and is more likely to be stable? [00:37] <_28kb> ok ty both [00:38] I'd normally recommend LTS because the shinest release has usually been buggy for me, especially when it hasn't had time to be battle-tested by users around release. But in this case, I'd recommend 17.x since it uses Gnome by default and not Ubuntu - and I find you'd be happier with that than Unity. [00:38] s/Ubuntu/Unity/ [00:38] <_28kb> i forgot i have better internet now.. it'll take 9 more minutes.. i'll empty my usb and install rufus [00:39] <_28kb> no rufus in apt-get [00:40] _28kb: I might have misunderstood then, since I came into the chat late. I thought you were using Windows? [00:40] _28kb: If you're creating the USB from Ubuntu then follow this guide instead: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#0 [00:40] Hello all what is common bugs in LInux ubuntu 16.04 LTS version? [00:41] <_28kb> doing... [00:42] preyalone, just installed 14.04.5 and updated and ff 56 runs. If you create another login and log in and run ff does it work there? [00:42] Hello all i have internet wifi but i lost internet often [00:42] Its bug? [00:43] as mentioned before run terminal and check output from running ff there [00:43] Check your Internet connection.\ [00:43] But in windws my internet works fine [00:43] wtf [00:43] marcisb: Possibly. Do other devices on the same network and in the same area have problems with being disconnected? Does another OS on this same machine have the same problem? === tyzoid is now known as tyz === tyz is now known as tyzoid [00:44] i have to learn networking from terminal to set up a vpn and bouncer from a remote server that i can connect to from anywhere [00:44] Jordan_U, No in windows wifi works fine without lost connections [00:44] any good books you recommend i read ? [00:44] marcisb: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn". [00:44] Jordan_U, How to do linux update in terminal? [00:45] marcisb: To upgrade all of your packages to the latest available versions (this will *not* upgrade you to a newer release of Ubuntu) run "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt upgrade". [00:50] <_28kb> still emptying USB... what do i next when i boot to it? install chat client or do something and go back with results? [00:51] <_28kb> writing disk image.. [00:53] _28kb: Probably easiest would be to join via http://webchat.freenode.net/ (Make sure that you join the #ubuntu channel). [00:53] <_28kb> ok.. will.. soon [01:03] that was dumb how i disconnected then [01:03] anyway, any help guys ? [01:07] <_28kb> liveUSB didn't boot [01:08] <_28kb> freezes at sandy light-magenta background with mouse cursor only [01:08] <_28kb> i gave it a time [01:08] <_28kb> but stayed frozen [01:09] <_28kb> left monitor was as i described.. right one black (and mousable) [01:10] <_28kb> i tried again... this time with one monitor on... same.. sandy textured, light magented.. and dumb [01:11] <_28kb> this time i had no console to restart lightdm and move on [01:11] hello, how can i exctract gz file? [01:15] You can gunzip or use tar [01:17] Hi, there are some programs that have their names not translated on menus in Xubuntu 17.10 amd64. The language of my system is pt_BR and the programs are with their English names and descriptions, but when opened their interfaces are in Brazilian Portuguese. On previous versions, there were menu entries in Brazilian Portuguese for those programs. The programs are: gnome-disks, gnome-calculator, gnome-sudoku, deja-dup, gnome-mines, gnome- [01:17] font-viewer and simple-scan [01:19] FurretUber: perhaps you might want to chat with the folks at #xubuntu-devel [01:19] <_28kb> i don't think program names gets translated [01:20] FurretUber: did you check /usr/share/applications for them? [01:22] <_28kb> what's Brazilian for Ubuntu? :) [01:24] FurretUber : maybe in #GNOME channel can help you [01:27] FurretUber: ? [01:27] Yes, I've checked them [01:28] There are the entries for pt_BR. Using gnome-mines as a example [01:28] It has the entry Name[pt_BR]=Minas [01:28] But it shows "Mines" instead of "Minas" [01:29] FurretUber: do you see only "pt_BR" if you run locale in the terminal? [01:30] FurretUber : corre este comando desde terminal cat /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | grep pt_BR [01:30] locale output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25964534/ [01:31] FurretUber : en mi máquinetodos los .desktop estan traducidos, quiza en tu caso sólo es cuestion de configurar tu idiomeepara todo el sistema === fusa24_ is now known as fusa24 [01:33] From cat /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | grep pt_BR: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25964537/ [01:35] hi. I have a bit of an unusual question. I'm on an old 32-bit computer so getting chrome is not as easy as it could be. I'm using slackware, but have been using ubuntu's 32-bit chromium builds with great success since 2016. (slackware's don't have debug symbols available). my problem is this [01:35] I'm still stuck on chromium 57 or something crazy old like that, because downloading updates from launchpad is a REALLY confusing process. so I wanted to automate the download process [01:36] FurretUber : tienes que cambiar la configuración de XFCE , desde hace mucho no uso ese escritorio, pero recuerdo que existe la opciión para cambiar globalmente el idioma [01:36] the problem with _that_ is that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out the launchpad API. I don't know(/like) python so I can't use launchpadlib. [01:36] #launchpad is completely dead, so I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone has any advice [01:37] I realize the likelihood someone here will know the answer is low - I'm just wondering where else other than IRC I can ask launchpad questions [01:39] IRC would probably be my last choice for something like that. Have you tried the mailing lists for launchpad ? [01:40] hmm, I guess that could work [01:40] wow, it's really quiet at this time of day [01:46] i336, so you are actually using slackware? [01:46] yup, but I'm planning on tinkering with making my own distro at some point [01:47] The desktop files are translated and working nearly everywhere, except in the menus from the xfce4-panel "Start Menu": https://i.imgur.com/e7gdTmk.png [01:47] Both Whisker and default menus have this problem [01:47] kostkon: I started using slackware because it was what I had burnt to a CD at one point, continued using it because it was interesting despite the lack of dependency resolution, and continue to use it in protest of systemd :P [01:47] I don't have a problem w/ systemd, but I think that choice is important, and the fact that most distros don't make it easy to switch away is annoying [01:47] i336, that is fine, the problem is that we only support Ubuntu here [01:47] I completely realize that [01:48] FurretUber: does /etc/default/locale also contain only pt_BR ? [01:48] I asked my question in #launchpad 3 hours ago and have been cheered on by crickets for the past 3 hours, though, so I thought I'd throw a request out here :P [01:48] and, silly me, I just discovered https://answers.launchpad.net [01:48] Now I noticed nautilus is not translated too. [01:49] I'll paste the /etc/default/locale content: [01:49] # File generated by update-locale [01:49] LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 [01:49] #LANGUAGE="pt_BR:pt:en" [01:49] FurretUber: it should have more lines in there [01:51] What additional content should it have? Is there a command to add this content? [01:52] FurretUber: i have this: https://pastebin.com/raw/BNs04tmB [01:53] FurretUber: there's also a variable called LC_ALL which sets all those variables at once [01:54] So if I paste the content from locale output ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/25964534/ ), then should this issue be solved? [01:54] expect LANG [01:54] except [01:54] FurretUber: that's for english but i guess won't hurt to test [01:55] FurretUber: how did LANGUAGE= end up there? [01:55] oh ok it's not in the file but in locale output [01:57] Should I log out to see any changes? [01:57] FurretUber: try restarting the computer [01:58] Ok, give me a moment [02:05] Hi, I have rebooted and it's still not translated [02:14] hey i wanted to know [02:14] whats a good book to learn ubuntu networking [02:15] el_m80: Why not networking for Linux in general? [02:15] or is there a ubuntu networking terminal chan i could join? [02:15] im not sure [02:15] FurretUber: do you still get "en" when you run "locale" ? [02:15] that sounds all good [02:15] el_m80: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NET3-4-HOWTO.html Amazing what a google search can bring up. [02:15] know any good linux networking from terminal books ? [02:16] When running locale, it shows only pt_BR. The problem appears to be exclusively with xfce4-panel menus [02:16] i think what im trying to say is that ive downloaded a lot of books and not all of them work in terminal same as it is displayed in book [02:16] i found one book was ok [02:16] but it isnt all the info i need [02:16] el_m80: Check the link above [02:16] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NET3-4-HOWTO.html <---- Or here [02:16] but i did find one, that no matter what it says in the book, i type it, it works for me [02:16] ok cool bananas [02:16] i have ubuntu 16.04 on pc and laptop [02:17] Nice. I have 17.10 [02:17] started fresh [02:17] FurretUber: you can actually see the environment variable for processes with "sudo ps auxwwe | grep xfce4-panel" [02:17] so i want to set up a bouncer on remote server for irc [02:17] a shell [02:17] so i need to learn linux networking fairly well [02:17] anything else i can read after that link you gave me? [02:18] so i dont keep dropping in and asking [02:18] Not sure. But you can do a google search [02:18] errytime i try to set up a bouncer it doesnt work [02:18] so imma need some fairly good tutorial work from someone [02:19] Linux tux 4.4.0-98-generic #121-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 10 14:24:03 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [02:19] thats what im learning on [02:20] FurretUber: the same data is available in /proc/PID/environ [02:22] The output was pretty big. I've copied it to gedit and searched for en, there was no result related to locales [02:22] FurretUber: sorry i don't know anymore. is there something in xfce settings for it? [02:25] From my knowledge no, it uses gnome-language-selector (which is translated correctly) [02:26] FurretUber: try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales [02:28] have to go. good night [02:29] Good night, and thank you for helping me [02:31] Hi! So like... I don't really understand encryption fully in Ubuntu, like... So you can encrypt your entire disk during the install process and that uses... some password you enter. and then you ar eprompted if you wanna encrypt your home directory which i did... and now it asks for me to enter a passphrase then it blurbs something back at me and i'm uspposed to write it down... idk i'm like totally confused about this XD i've [02:31] never had to use that really long hex-looking string before... [02:38] hi where can i look for help on using Sentinel Key in ubuntu...i have a software that requires the key to run.. [03:01] Hi, what is "reverse cursor" in terminal? [03:01] does anyone else have problems with monitor rotation when waking up from sleep? Im running 17.10 [03:02] My whole world spins when I wake from sleep. [03:02] * blkadder ducks from the off-topic censors. :-) [03:03] amosbird: I think it might be inverse colors? [03:03] um, when will it be useful? [03:03] no clue! where is the setting? [03:05] st terminal [03:06] could it be when enabled, the letter under it shows through? [03:10] hi [03:10] Heyy [03:11] is there an estimative on when firefox 57 will be released? [03:11] in ubuntu [03:11] the package i mean [03:11] oh [03:11] i was going to say "um now? haha [03:12] godel: its in the mozilla beta PPA right now [03:12] and on that note, is there a way to have more updated software? i know ubuntu is not a rolling release [03:12] but to get software updates as soon as possible [03:13] godel: Just download the .tar from mozilla [03:13] godel, run arch [03:13] i have arch in my other computer [03:13] Don't even have to install it, just extract and run [03:13] but in this laptop i have ubuntu [03:13] cause i wanted to install it alongside windows [03:14] godel, why would that make a diffrence lol [03:14] and i wanted to make the install as easy as possible [03:14] firefox 57? [03:14] godel: (btw, you can install any distro alongside windows, and other distros :P) [03:14] it's the new firefox [03:14] godel, antergos installer for arch [03:14] and i want to try it out here [03:14] i know CoJaBo , but it is easier with ubuntu [03:14] i was afraid of irreversibly breaking something installing arch [03:14] something being windows [03:15] godel, no its relly not as lonf as you have a windos part grub will add it [03:15] long [03:15] oh ok [03:15] nice to know [03:15] godel: the Kubuntu 17.10 installer wrecked my windows install lol [03:15] lol [03:15] Always back up before installing a new OS [03:15] i resized my ubuntu partition once [03:15] like both the windows and the ubuntu one [03:15] godel: firefox 57 is in the mozilla PPA right now [03:15] to make the ubuntu one larger [03:16] hello all [03:16] godel, but you van also run mint rolling [03:16] can [03:16] hi stump [03:16] Installing a PPA seems like overkill just to get 57 [03:16] oh thank you xXLabRatXx [03:16] any time! [03:16] godel, mint lmde [03:17] I've been haven a hell of a time burning an Audio CD with Brasero or K3D [03:17] yea, i might wipe this install later this year [03:17] godel, but relly i found debion roling a mess compard to arch [03:17] arch is really a great distro [03:18] my last 'advisors' said to go with the default burner....fine, Brasero it is [03:18] ubuntu too, the only things i don't like are software not being updated as soon as available, and the install is a bit bloated [03:18] btw when installing this i couldn't find ubuntu-minimal [03:18] is that still a thing? [03:19] godel, yea it is [03:19] is it on the official site? [03:19] or is it a bootleg disto? [03:19] this is the log report that was generated when it locked up "https://pastebin.com/8MVHvspZ" [03:20] godel, no its offical [03:20] godel, they just dont keep it on the main site [03:20] I noticed that wodim seams to be the problem, please note the line "BraseroWodim stderr: wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits." [03:20] godel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [03:21] my question is How do I raise the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits? if my diagnosis is correct . . . [03:22] how to install virtual box on ubuntu 17.04 [03:23] jackdripper, download the deb from virtualbox [03:23] jackdripper, the one in the repos lacks usb support and stuff [03:24] no i need usb support for using sentinel key [03:24] but it doesnt work [03:24] jackdripper, then you need the deb from the website [03:24] i downloaded from here virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads [03:24] yep [03:24] i386 [03:25] but it doesnt allow USB support...i mean it doesnt detect USB drive [03:25] plug in usb device then in your vm devices menu turn it on [03:25] jackdripper, you need to add it to your vm [03:26] other usb devices are shown [03:26] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB [03:27] for other devices VM works excellent [03:40] wodim.....RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits?.....increase?...... [03:45] lol found the problem with ubuntu 16.04, ubuntu 14.04, firefox, qemu, and dpkg: VMware was defaulting the Ubuntu VM's to 1 GB of RAM, less than the minimum system requirements! oy [03:59] Bueller.....Bueller.....Bueller.....Bueller.....Bueller..... [04:02] Blucher! [04:02] StumpDumb: Does burning still fail at the slowest speed? Does burning with this hardware work in another OS? === JanC_ is now known as JanC === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [04:16] thx Jordan_U.....yes the light scribe works with This system wen doing a data burn, but Not wen doing a Audio CD. I'm quite sure its wodim memory limit [04:17] Does anyone here have a working vpnserver running on ubuntu 16.04 my question is that the i connect to vpnserver browse the internet but my isp address is showin on the client end and has an ip of do i have this setup correctly? any help would be greatfu? [04:18] here's a similar bug that I found "https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=455728" [04:18] Debian bug 455728 in wodim "wodim: OPC failed when recording DVD" [Important,Open] [04:21] voltrix: i do [04:22] when i check dnsleak.com it shows goggle for isp [04:24] intresting, if you google "my ip" what ip does it give === JanC_ is now known as JanC [04:25] let me check [04:25] ok I think Im getting Close "https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=440401" message part 1 [04:25] Debian bug 440401 in wodim "wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits." [Minor,Open] [04:25] StumpDumb: As a test, can you put some .wav files in a directory to burn directly using wodim from the terminal? [04:27] I ran ulimit -a | grep locked and it gave me - max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64 [04:28] I can't figure out how to set limits in the /etc/security/limits.conf [04:29] voltrix: any luck??? [04:29] yes so what is the server ip [04:29] StumpDumb: Let's confirm that that is the problem before trying to change your memlock hard limit. [04:30] xXLabRatXx [04:30] ok, u want me to try to burn a .wav file to cd from terminal? [04:31] StumpDumb: Yes, multiple .wav files if you actually want to make a CD with the tracks you want. [04:32] voltrix its not public, sorry i misunderstood the question when you asked origionally... my bad [04:32] I'm not familiar with how to do that with terminal [04:32] StumpDumb: OK. Where is the audio file, or set of audio files, that you want to burn? [04:33] i'll put 'em in da Music folder [04:34] yes well i must have a misconfiguration in my server.conf file [04:35] StumpDumb: Do you have anything else in your Music directory right now? [04:35] does it matter if they're mp3 or wav? [04:36] StumpDumb: My plan is to walk you through converting them to wav, unless you already have wave files. [04:36] no wavs...I checkd === JanC is now known as Guest67213 === JanC__ is now known as JanC [04:41] Hi. On ubuntu 16.04, when I attach a disk that is snapshot of an existing disk, the partitions of the snapshot disk get mounted in place of the original disk. [04:41] Due to the way our snapshots are taken, we have the partition uuid's matching in the disks [04:42] Any suggestions on why this could be happening and how it can be avoided? === JanC__ is now known as JanC [04:45] black_angel: What filesystem? By "snapshot" do you mean you're using LVM or just dding the contents of one drive to another? [04:47] StumpDumb: I'm waiting for you to answer "Do you have anything else in your Music directory right now?". [04:49] Jordan_U: LVM or standard EXT4, both give the issue. [04:49] some other folders....should I move 'em out? [04:49] The system is a Virtual Machine. [04:49] And the snapshots are basically copies of the vmdk file at the point in time. [04:50] I will make Music dir empty with only files I want to burn :-D [04:50] StumpDumb: No, just create a directory for the audio files you want on this CD, like "~/Music/test_audio/". [04:50] ok [04:53] Ok dir created n files in dare [04:53] cd_test [04:53] Home/cd_test [04:54] I'm having problems with systemd not logging all stdout. I made a service that runs a script I wrote that updates and then runs a python program I wrote. The print() outputs of the python program normally show up in the terminal but don't get logged through systemd. Anyone got any idea why? Pastebin of start script, service config, and service status here: https://pastebin.com/A8ePz79F [04:54] StumpDumb: OK, open a terminal and run "for mp3 in ~/Music/cd_test/*.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$mp3" "$mp3".wav; done" . [04:55] StumpDumb: That should make .wav files for each of the mp3 files, and put them in the same directory (somewhat confusingly named something.mp3.wav, but this is just a quick test). [04:59] ok, auw done. [04:59] black_angel: Having two filesystems with the same UUID is a bad idea. Universally Unique Identifiers should be universally unique. After creating your snapshot you can change the UUID of the snapshot with "sudo tune2fs -U random /path/to/device" . [05:01] StumpDumb: Now run "cdrecord -v -nofix -eject dev='/dev/cdrom' -audio -pad ~/Music/cd_test/*.wav" (Which we expect to fail). [05:07] yes, failed. should I post in pastebin? [05:08] I am using earbuds and all audio output is being sent to audio input as well. I can see the bar movement in sound settings under input tab. How to prevent this? This happens even when i pull out the earphone jack and only mic jack is plugged in. [05:11] StumpDumb: Yes. [05:13] StumpDumb: Then try "sudo cdrecord -v -nofix -eject dev='/dev/cdrom' -audio -pad ~/Music/cd_test/*.wav" If the only problem is RLIMIT_MEMLOCK then this will succeed. [05:14] here ya go "https://pastebin.com/TdmFPpm9" Enjoy [05:17] that did not work either. I'll post it on pastebin. [05:19] here ya go https://pastebin.com/z54JZkwU [05:24] maybe I'm wrong but it looks like its still using wodim Not cdrecord? [05:27] i'm looking at a docker file and it's doing apt-get with all the packages ending in -dev. Can anyone tell me what -dev is? [05:30] StumpDumb: cdrecord is a command provided by the wodim project. [05:31] ok [05:35] so wair do we go from here? [05:36] jeff_h: -dev packages are needed when you want to build something that uses those libraries [05:37] ah, thanks! [05:47] Jordan_U: Yes having two filesystems with the same UUIDs is bad, but at present its not in my power to change the way snapshots are taken. I can only change things after the snapshot disk gets attached. [05:48] While in other linux systems, I get the time to change the UUID using the tune2fs command before mouting the partitions. In Ubuntu16.04, the partition gets swapped as soon as the disk is attached. [05:50] StumpDumb: best way to get your issue solved is repeat your problem once in a while in channel, with all details [05:51] (06:41:36 πμ) black_angel: Hi. On ubuntu 16.04, when I attach a disk that is snapshot of an existing disk, the partitions of the snapshot disk get mounted in place of the original disk. ==> then don't use uuid in fstab? [05:51] black_angel: ls /dev/disk => select any by* there [05:52] :-( so what is your take on this issue? [05:53] alkisg: how would the ls help? [05:53] black_angel: $ ls /dev/disk/by- [05:53] by-id/ by-label/ by-partlabel/ by-partuuid/ by-path/ by-uuid/ [05:54] It helps in telling you that there are other ways to list a disk in /etc/fstab, without using uuids [05:54] E.g. by path [05:56] That is true. But it doesn't help me solve the issue. I do not want the partitions to get replaced before I can change the uuid's. As the snapshot disk gets attached as read only, i encounter issues doing any operations. [05:57] black_angel: let's name your real disk a and your snapshot b. Now b gets mounted over a because "both" are listed in /etc/fstab because they have the same uuid [05:58] black_angel: if you change your fstab and tell the system to mount a by path, then b won't be found in fstab anymore [05:58] Thus it won't be mounted over "a" anymore. [05:59] ok. === RaptorJesus is now known as BobSaget === BobSaget is now known as Majesticles === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [08:05] when is the next LTS release schedueld? [08:06] !bionic | userbacon [08:06] userbacon: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+1 [08:06] april next year [08:06] wow [08:06] why so long? [08:06] 16.04 has been arround for evah [08:07] lts releases are .04 - hence the naming [08:08] you can of course use a regular release, which is every six months === mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc === Majesticles is now known as RaptorJesus [08:23] hello [08:23] world [08:38] any idea? [80229.347050] type=1400 audit(1510734392.926:17): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="/usr/local/sbin/" pid=13198 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [08:38] why apparmor is blocking ntpd? [08:44] farciarz84: it's blocking it from reading in /usr/local/sbin/, where it should have no need to read anything in the first place [08:48] can I do on ubuntu service for send emails, vibers, and other services? [08:48] can on ubuntu create any web app? [08:49] Neo1: as long as you can code it, sure [08:50] it should be learned? I saw on freelance there all normal clients wants do some unique web services, for this need good knowledge of server [08:51] ducasse: if I install ubuntu on my desctip I can give access to internet and this will be as the real server? [08:52] I opened access for WAMP on windows 10 and this didn't work as real server [08:52] there's no real difference between server and desktop other than the installed packages [08:52] ducasse: it will be equal as real VPS? [08:53] a VPS is heavily tweaked, so no. [08:54] why heavily? there all tweaked of default? Isn't it? [08:55] you can run any server software on a desktop [08:55] tweaks are obviously not default. [08:56] oerheks: I watched on web there some sites created using java or C++, how they did it? [08:57] oerheks: totalizators didn't detect OS [08:57] Analizators* [08:57] oerheks: how they do it without appach? [08:58] Not sure what you are asking for; how would we know how someone builds a site? java and c++ is available in softwarecenter [08:58] some chats are using c++ instead php [08:58] how to create web sites is beyond the scope of this channel [08:59] ok [08:59] nevertheless seems it's worth thing know how to work server anyway should be learned [09:00] to know* [09:01] you need to know the basics, yes [09:01] I am using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. 2 days back, my firefox stopped showing text for many google websites. This includes youtube (Only video titles are visible), gmail login page (no text visible), google maps (only drop down suggestion text is visible) and google groups (no text is visible). It could be because of some font updates I made for Octave. Please help! === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [09:03] sazawal: try starting firefox in safe mode, see if that helps [09:16] ok [09:19] Greetings all,I just got Ubuntu 17.04 on my laptop its lovely and all but its started lagging badly especially when i open google mail does anyone know how i can give it a boost [09:20] hi to all [09:21] yoyo , forget about chromium , install firefox57 asap :-D it's blistering fast [09:22] i've just tried it , and i'm impressed [09:22] which room is for ubuntu server [09:22] Ilie[], we wait for the update, debian got it now. [09:22] #ubuntu-server [09:24] yea, i've just installed it on my 16.04 workstation [09:24] ;-) happy with it tbh [09:25] i will try it llie,u think it will solve my lag? [09:25] depends on what kind of lag you have :)) [09:26] do u have a sudo apt-get link? [09:26] i have crazy-throw pc at the wall lag [09:28] !u | Silentboss [09:28] Silentboss: Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks! [09:29] no , no apt-get :)) you have to download the tarball from website and "install" it manually ( by copy`ing the folder to /opt/ ) and then you change the symlink to point to the new firefox [09:29] hold on , i think i have a website around here [09:29] Silentboss: it will be in the repos within a few days, normally, you should really wait for that [09:29] thank you [09:30] or , you could do that -.- [09:30] but don't be lazy, there isn't really that much of a deal [09:31] http://libre-software.net/how-to-install-firefox-on-ubuntu-linux-mint/ [09:31] here ^ Silentboss [09:31] Silentboss: if you install it manually, *you* become responsible for updating later. if you get it from the repos all that is handled for you. [09:32] don't listen to ducasse :))) [09:32] don't be lazy ! [09:33] thanks llie,@ducasse im so desperate to get rid of the lag which generally only worries me when i open chrome or the old firefox [09:33] do u have any remedys for lag,my machine is Celeron N2840 - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD [09:33] Ilie[]: actually, that's how we recommend doing things in this channel [09:34] i know ducasse , but man is in pain , you have to listen to him [09:34] yes,lots of pain,ive tasted Linux - i cant go back to windows [09:34] if your production server was down right now , and I'd give you advice to wait a few days until I can fix it , you won't like it ^^ [09:34] just saying [09:35] Ilie[]: and this isn't the way to do it - a better suggestion would be to use a ppa [09:36] be right back ,need to google ppa [09:36] ok ducasse , I see your point , sorry [09:36] Silentboss: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [09:37] Silentboss: that is still unsupported, but at least provided by the security team [09:37] so should be good [09:38] ok im good on the Mozila but i still get freezing === osvimer1 is now known as osvimer [09:38] are they temp files i need to clean? [09:39] or is it a virus,i am using Xubuntu which is supposedly light but i still get lag,my pc is a bit dated but not so much [09:40] Silentboss: can you describe the freezing/lag in more detail? what happens, exactly? [09:40] and no, it's most likely not a virus [09:41] Hello, I'm using an ubuntu server, I'm looking at limits that come up with the 'ulimit' command. I'm trying to figure out what these limits might be in relation to system resources such as RAM and CPU but I'm not an expert sysadmin and maybe I'm not googling right. Can anybody shed a light on this topic? thank you [09:42] hold on just a minute , is this channel , a support channel ? [09:42] yes [09:42] mhm , i see [09:43] Silentboss: did you have the same symptom(s) using Firefox 57? yes or no [09:43] well , best of luck [09:44] * tatertotz had made a flow chart [09:48] Hello world: Does anyone know when the new FF57 will be available in the apt repos? [09:49] within a few days [09:49] Before telling people to update blindly to Firefox 57, it may also be worth mentioning that the *reason* it is apparently so much faster is that it has completely changed the add-on API, which means that many old add-ons will not work in the new version. [09:49] topster, soon, debian released it today. [09:50] confluency: that is mozilla's job [09:50] People should be aware of this before upgrading, so that they can do some research and see if any add-ons they rely on have compatible versions or replacements available. [09:50] What is Mozilla's job? [09:50] to inform its users [09:50] confluency, not an ubuntu issue, this happened before [09:51] end of npapi ( FF 52) [09:52] I'm commenting on someone in this channel advising someone to upgrade Firefox as a solution to lag, without mentioning the massive caveat. [09:52] massive for a certain amount of users only [09:53] My firefox stopped showing text on certain google websites, 2 days ago. This includes youtube (only titles are visible), google maps (only text on map and dropdown suggestions are visible), gmail login page (no text visible), google groups (no text visible). I am using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. It could be because of some font updates I did for Octave. What is the issue here? [09:53] yeah, FUD .. not all plugins are affected. [09:53] sazawal, change font and see if that helps? [09:53] sazawal: I would test with safe mode [09:53] sazawal: did you try safe mode like i suggested? [09:54] noscript has migrated apparently, only plugin I use [09:54] I didn't say that all add-ons were affected, nor am I suggesting that people shouldn't do the upgrade. [09:54] ducasse: No, I got disconnected and didn't receive your message. I will try it now. [09:54] confluency, the upgrade will come anyway, no need to warn [09:55] let the pluginmaker handle the issue [09:55] hope the new noscript is just as good... [09:55] I'm not really sure what we're arguing about. [09:55] you shouldn't argue here anyway [09:58] i wear a hijab [09:58] and how is that related to ubuntu support? [09:59] it's pretty crucial. [09:59] lets take the chatter elsewhere bmatt [09:59] i relent. [10:02] ducasse: The text is still missing in the firefox safe-mode. Here are the screenshots https://imgur.com/a/tpwQP [10:05] hello guys. i've done `apt update && apt upgrade -y` and after that it said that there were packages that aren't needed anymore and to run `apt autoremove`, which i've done. but when removing those packages i got an error. it's on line 43 here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/25966517/ [10:06] does it have any problem or i can jyst ignore it? [10:06] s/jyst/just [10:08] Exterminador: it's not an error, just a warning, and it's unimportant now anyway [10:09] Exterminador: it also tells you how to fix it on line 44 [10:09] line #44 gives the answer. please install the linux-headers-4.10.0-28-generic package to fix this. [10:10] yeah. but that's why i was asking if it's worth [10:11] Exterminador: it just means the headers for that kernel were not installed, but it removed the kernel anyway. since you no longer have the kernel you don't need the headers [10:12] cool. so i'm safe. btw, i'm using also Ubuntu 17.10 and i must say that it's awesome!! [10:13] so how come I can't find cwm in apt? [10:13] kinda heavy for my dear old laptop but i like the new GUI [10:14] ollehar, what version of ubuntu [10:14] bazhang: 14.04.5 LTS [10:15] there's a cwm in swap-cwm [10:15] cwm is in artful at least [10:16] !info cwm trusty [10:16] Package cwm does not exist in trusty [10:16] ducasse: wrong cwm, I thinkg. :) I'm looking for the window manager. [10:17] bazhang: so sources.list issue? [10:17] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cwm [10:17] ollehar: then it doesn't seem to exist in trusty, no [10:17] cwm is in 'universe' [10:18] * oerheks misread, 14.04 .. [10:21] at Ducasse,the laptop just freezes and i cant do anything for a few minutes [10:22] mouse everything freezes then i have too force power off but sometimes it lets me open system mnitor and kill the browser [10:23] Silentboss: sounds like you're running out of ram [10:24] Silentboss: 4GB of ram isn't much with all the bells and whistles enabled, try a lighter desktop like XFCE and don't open too many tabs in firefox [10:24] how do i solve that,i tried changing a setting from 60 to 10 but leafpad says im not allowed [10:25] it was a setting somewhere in etc/apt [10:26] 4gb should be enough. [10:27] heh I currently have 14.5GB in use, so it sure ain't enough for me :P [10:30] i am using xfce,problems ususally only start if the browser is open [10:31] i suspect your network/wifi being the culprit. [10:31] Silentboss: are you using chrome? can't use chrome with so little ram [10:32] Triffid_Hunter, please stop that FUD [10:32] it is not true. [10:32] 2 gb should be enough. [10:33] it is [10:33] oerheks: I currently have chrome open, it has 9 tabs and is using over 3GB ram.. firefox has >200 tabs and is using about the same [10:33] Triffid_Hunter, how is that at all topical here [10:34] bazhang: because Silentboss is trying to diagnose a performance issue that sounds exactly like what happens when someone tries to use more RAM than they have? [10:34] ... [10:35] Triffid_Hunter, 2 gb is more than enough, if you have some 200 tabs open thats a very special case [10:44] 200 tabs is considered trolling [10:45] Fresh installation of 16.04. Installed xampp. Couldn't find /etc/apache2/sites-available/, only /etc/apache2/conf-available/. Any help? [10:45] xampp is not supported here, lamp is [10:46] !xampp [10:46] We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information. [10:54] I have a pile of datetime stamps in this format 2017-11-15T09:16:05.032Z how can I convert them to Unix timestamps? [11:00] regex ftw [11:01] thanks guys for all the help [11:06] I need a clipboard spy/debugger which will show me each and ALL mime-types that are on the clipboard. I do remember having such a tool previously, but don't remember the name. I've tried various "this is the best clipboard manager" but they don't seem to show me everything, just the mime types they know about. [11:09] jablo: you mean for Xorg ? was it a command-line or GUI tool? [11:10] Gui preferred but anything that will show me what's on the clipboard [11:10] (hmmm... maybe I'll just need to roll my own, I'm doing clipboard stuff with my application and wanted some easy way to see/verify what I'm putting on the clipboard ) [11:11] !info wmcliphist [11:11] wmcliphist (source: wmcliphist): Dockapp which provides a history for X11 selections. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1-2 (artful), package size 45 kB, installed size 99 kB [11:11] Thanks I'll look at that. [11:13] jablo: there's also xsel and xclip === dreamon_ is now known as dreamon [11:13] Hmm. Actually "copyq" does the trick --- I was just getting lost in its menus :/ [11:13] jablo: do "apt-cache search clipboard" to find all packages mentioning clipboard, and then "apt-cache show " for each you want to investigate [11:13] jablo: :) often the way [11:19] Hello everyone === Betonneklakske is now known as Garc [11:21] Does someone have experience with "terminator"? I have a weird situation going on with one of the KeyBindings [11:22] Whenever I am on another app or workspace, if I press CTRL+ALT+A the terminal appears and disappears. Even if I am not focused on the terminal [11:24] hey guys [11:25] when will firefox 57 be available in the artful repos ? [11:27] pdefreitas, soon [11:29] don't follow this guide, https://itsfoss.com/firefox-quantum-ubuntu/ it will bring you firefox 58 > https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next [11:29] :-D [11:30] firefox nightly is very stable direct from Mozilla [11:31] today is it, the next day it isn't [11:31] it is [11:31] woops [11:32] Is it just me or does Gnome desktop butcher applications ability to provide full screen option? [11:33] I can't seem to get any game to work in full screen mode, desktop elements get in the way, stuff gets in the wrong display, or other such nonsense [11:34] Jonii: is that with gnome wayland? [11:34] No idea [11:34] I just upgraded 17.04 into 17.10 [11:34] Desktop changed, and overall I like the change, but full screen just doesn't seem like a thing that's possible to get working [11:34] for gaming I would switch to the Xorg session [11:35] you can do that from the login screen [11:35] Wait, Wayland is default? [11:35] I thought it was still some pipe dream beta thing [11:35] if supported, yes [11:35] How do I see if it's used or not? [11:36] echo $DESKTOP_SESSION [11:36] "ubuntu" [11:37] and echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ? [11:37] then you are using xorg/lightdm i guess [11:37] X11 [11:37] ok [11:37] Full screen still broken [11:38] then it cannot be blamed on wayland [11:40] mmh [11:40] there is a new version of mutter in -proposed [11:41] bug 1730097 [11:41] bug 1730097 in mutter (Ubuntu Artful) "Update mutter to 3.26.2" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1730097 [11:41] Jonii: I would test this version [11:42] >Fix unredirecting full-screen windows and fix returning to full-screen after Alt-Tab [11:42] this may be related [11:44] firefox update? :P === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [12:20] how to instal linux ubuntu on ACER ES1-132-C3HJ ? [12:21] help me please === Barones is now known as Rafael4829 [12:23] no boootable device message [12:27] what device are you trying to install from, USB or DVD ? [12:29] ACER ES1-132-C3HJ [12:29] usb [12:29] Lavinho: if you're installing in UEFI mode you need to 'trust' the boot loader via the Acer's firmware Setup > SECURITY tab [12:29] yes [12:29] and ? [12:31] Lavinho: if your model has this feature, it's something like: 200~press F2, go to SECURITY, choose "select an UEFI file as trusted for executing", in "Available File system" choose the USB device, navigate to EFI/BOOT/ and se [12:31] lect BOOTx64.EFI, give it a name, then select YES, then got to the BOOT menu choose the name you have it as first in boot priority [12:31] Lavinho: we had someone else with this same issue on an Acer a few days ago [12:34] Lavinho: if i recall correctly that user saved the new setting but needed to do 2 reboots to have it recognise it [12:53] When is Ubuntu 16.04 getting firefox Quantum? [12:54] c2tarun, soon. [13:03] wow lots of buzz over the new firefox [13:04] people are chomping at the bit [13:04] it better be good [13:05] Howdy folks [13:06] I've not really noticed much difference. Position of options and icons has changed, slightly snappier with many tabs but I have umatrix blocking most 3rd party javascript so don't see many issues even with pre-57 firefox [13:06] firefox? good? in one sentance? [13:06] what year is it 2000? [13:08] CptLuxx: Do you know about Firefox Quantum? [13:08] throw cake [13:08] grr. firefox 57 still not in 17.10. (yes i know about firefox-next ppa, but it's just gone up to 58 while main archives still don't have 57) [13:09] patience [13:09] just be patient, FF57 already landed in debian, ubuntu follows soon [13:09] i am really, i'm just registering the gripe where it'll make no difference ;-) [13:10] ppa-purged firefox-next, reinstalled ff57 from the cache, it should upgrade by itself when final appears (assuming it has a higher version no) [13:10] StrangeNoises: it's in here if you really need it https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [13:10] it's nice though. :-) coincidentally was having issues with chrome and switched back to ff a day before 57 came out [13:11] FF57 works good for me. Maybe it's a better choice for increased privacy too. [13:12] I'm sick of all this lag on this so-called lightweight distribution. [13:13] only extension issue was enpass, as they *have* a new-style version but bizarrely haven't pushed it to mozilla addons yet [13:14] firefox v56 already included tracking protection [13:14] bmatt: are you running lubuntu? [13:19] auronandace: ya man [13:24] throw a hotdog at a slender fella. [13:28] so you are not looking for support, bmatt [13:33] oerheks: i provide support. [13:39] Hello:) I hope im a the right place for some help regarding my ubuntu installation [13:39] oerheks: why do you keep asking me these questions? [13:39] Long story short: Ubuntu hangs on login screen -> Freezes on reboot, tried many fixes, none of which worked, finally made me think it is a problem with my graphics card [13:40] so I installed the latest and greatest nvidia which is compattible with my hp g3 zbook, quadro M1000M And within 10s my whole system crashed -> New ubuntu installation -> Same problems.. [13:41] So where can I find out which graphic driver to use? Nvidia´s own site is clearly not up for the task [13:41] stevenz__: are you chatting from the computer now? [13:41] nvidia 384 btw [13:41] bmatt, all i read is non-supportive comments of you. this is ubuntu support only. [13:41] yes! When I start from recovery and boot normally i can enter to desktop [13:42] stevenz__: can you open terminal? [13:42] yes I have [13:42] oerheks: the things i read online regarding your "friendliness" are clearly incorrect. [13:42] stevenz__: in terminal> sudo apt install inxi pastebinit [13:42] stevenz__: let me know when it's done [13:42] hi! anyone can help i have this error when i try build some module [13:43] done! [13:43] g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus) [13:43] Please submit a full bug report, [13:43] with preprocessed source if appropriate. [13:43] See for instructions. [13:43] Makefile:1366: recipe for target 'apertium_tagger.o' failed [13:43] make[2]: *** [apertium_tagger.o] Error 4 [13:43] stevenz__: in terminal> inxi -Fxxprzc0|pastebinit [13:43] stevenz__: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so [13:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967556/ [13:43] here you go:) [13:44] wauw that link is pretty cool! [13:44] stevenz__: in terminal> apt list --installed|grep nvid|pastebinit [13:45] anyone can help with my error? [13:45] WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. You are trying to send an empty document, exiting. [13:45] stevenz__: ok so you do not have nvidia installed at all anymore [13:46] no I installed a new ubuntu 1 hour ago and didnt install the nvidia driver [13:47] stevenz__: in terminal> ubuntu-drivers devices|pastebinit [13:48] tatertotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967584/ [13:52] Hi. Technical question: Why does sudo export $HOME from the user calling it, if the sudoers file contains `Defaults env_reset`? [13:52] if I understand correctly, that line should cause `sudo` to not import $HOME from its environment [13:53] cousteau: try using it with the -i option [13:53] so sudo bash -c 'echo ~' should print /root, not /home/user [13:53] akik, the solution I've found so far is to use -H [13:53] i think you have it backwards [13:53] stevenz__: have you tried using the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau driver? [13:54] cousteau: so you have a solution but it doesn't work? [13:54] Ben64, as in, env_reset should cause it to import $HOME and !env_reset to reset it? [13:54] akik, I do have a way around the problem, but I'm curious about why ubuntu behaves like this [13:54] (apparently other distros don't) [13:54] what are you actually trying to do [13:54] cousteau: add -i [13:55] tatertotz: I think im using those now.. That one is selected in the addidional drivers menu.. [13:55] akik, Ben64, I'm not really trying to solve a problem but rather to figure out why ubuntu has a strange behavior which I think is non-standard [13:56] so none of this matters then [13:56] none of what? [13:56] stevenz__: not according to http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967556/ [13:57] your question, our answers, nothing. you're just having some weird thought experiment? [13:57] No. [13:57] stevenz__: in terminal> sudo lshw -C video|pastebinit [13:57] I'm trying to figure out how to use /etc/sudoers [13:57] and trying to understand why it does not behave as (I think) it should [13:58] if trying to diagnose a potential bug on Ubuntu is a "weird thought experiment" to you, then yes [13:59] tatertotz: Im not really sure.. In the pastebin with the drivers There are 2 drivers right? nvidia and nouveau [13:59] cousteau: it's not a bug, it's working as intended [13:59] tatertotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967644/ [14:00] how to install ubuntu on acer es1-134? [14:00] Ben64, I don't think so; although it is likely that I don't think so because I don't understand this file [14:00] stevenz__: in a moment press ctrl+alt+backspace and meet me back here [14:01] stevenz__: actually do it now [14:01] tatertotz: nothing happens.. [14:01] tatertotz: Dont really now what should happen(A) [14:02] cousteau: "man sudoers" >> "Command environment": "... The new environment contains the TERM, PATH, HOME, MAIL, SHELL, LOGNAME, USER, USERNAME and SUDO_* variables ..." [14:02] stevenz__: in terminal> awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg|pastebinit [14:03] TJ-, so this means that those variables are *imported* from the environment? [14:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967678/ [14:03] cousteau: correct; as the man-page says when env_reset is enabled. [14:03] because I was understanding that they were generated [14:03] cousteau: read the man-page, it's very verbose [14:03] tatertotz: oeps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967678/ [14:03] stevenz__: do you have the same symptom(s) when using 4.4.0-98-generic? [14:04] with all due respect, but the manpage doesn't state it clearly [14:04] stevenz__: or are your symptom(s) isolated to 4.10 [14:04] mine at least [14:04] tatertotz: I thinks so, haven¨t checked in 2 days.. [14:04] stevenz__: if you do not know...it would behoove you to find out [14:05] tatertotz: oke let me check! [14:05] tatertotz: brb [14:05] stevenz__: k [14:06] TJ-, I mean, it says the new environment contains those variables, in addition to variables from the invoking process permitted by the env_check and env_keep options [14:06] which sounds like "it creates those variables, and imports some OTHER variables from the invoking process" [14:06] cousteau: keep reading, because with pam_env there can be additional variables too [14:08] I want to change my defense to "the manpage was EXCESSIVELY verbose and put important information way down in it" [14:10] ...also I think that part isn't on my manpage; it seems to be added somewhere between 14.10 and 16.04 [14:11] hi! can anyone help please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967709/ [14:12] piraye, maybe seeing a bit more of the log would help [14:13] but it seems that something is causing g++ to fail [14:14] (not "fail" as in the source code had errors in it; "fail" as in there's probably a bug in g++ (maybe triggered by an error in the code) causing an error in g++) [14:15] cousteau, yes i have this module with compiled version installed in my system and then i have to change some thing in the ode of module and i try download it to Document and try omplie it and give me this error [14:16] TJ-, welp, I think I'm not able to figure this out... but in any case, it would seem that Ubuntu's sudo imports $HOME and ~ (unless I use -H) whereas other distros apparently don't. I think I'll keep using sudo -H [14:18] cousteau, do you have any idea how can i fix this error [14:19] piraye, that error only says that it has failed; it would be interesting to see a few lines before the error happens to see what's going on [14:19] with the info you provided it's hard to work I think [14:20] ok i will give the whole [14:21] cousteau: yes, it was added 2016-03-30. See /usr/share/doc/sudo/changelog.Debian.gz for explanation [14:21] cousteau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967768/ [14:23] TJ-, well I can't open that file in a version that contains said change... let me google it [14:23] cousteau: 'less' should automatically pipe it through zcat [14:24] cousteau: added in version 1.8.16-0ubuntu1) [14:24] cousteau: you can also do "apt-get changelog sudo" for the full-form [14:24] TJ-, I mean I can't open it because my Ubuntu doesn't have that option yet [14:24] so it doesn't appear in my local /usr/share/doc/sudo/changelog.Debian.gz [14:25] cousteau: you mean the OS version you're using isn't the same as the version you're asking about? [14:25] it is [14:25] and it doesn't have that option yet [14:25] the pam_whatever thing [14:25] so it doesn't appear in my changelog [14:27] cousteau: what ubuntu release are you using? because that change was introduced for 16.04 xenial and is in the changelog [14:27] tatertotz: so took me a while, tried it several times but kind of got different results every time [14:28] tatertotz: first hang on the grub loader, showing NMI watchdog big: softlockup CPU 6 for 22s xorg 1024 [14:28] a very old one, 12.04, because otherwise I need to reinstall some things [14:28] (it's a computer I'm going to stop using in a short time) [14:28] stevenz__: Your issue sounds very much like an ACPI problem [14:28] tatertotz: second time it did continue to the login screen for a second and than went to the grub loader again.. could login with cntr alt f2 but saw grubloader massages mingled with the terminal [14:29] TJ-, never mind; I downloaded the sudo .deb from xenial and accessed its changelog.Debian.gz [14:30] stevenz__: there's a fix you can apply that usually solves these issues 90% of the time; so common I've written a page on it. Have a read: https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html [14:30] TJ-: Thanks! Im checking the link out right now [14:31] TJ-, anyway I see /etc/environment /etc/default/locale and ~/.pam_environment mentioned, none of which mention $HOME [14:31] got in finally, hey guys, I have a question, might be silly, but hopefully, someone can give me a hand [14:32] cousteau: it's in the patch, which is named in the changelog. see debian/patches/keep_home_by_default.patch [14:33] I am doing pxe efi boot with gpt partition and lvm, but it seems the preseed file doesn't work as excepted [14:33] here is the partition part, can anyone help to review it? [14:35] http://paste.debian.net/995869/ [14:35] Who know how to install on Windows 10 ssd disk else ubuntu? I'm going to install for learning [14:36] is it possible done without delete windows? There ssd 120Gb [14:36] how many memory should allocate for ubuntu? [14:38] I mean, it can automatically install the system, but after reboot, it gives me a black screen with a few color dots on top of the screen [14:38] TJ-, I'm a bit lost , but that patch means that they added $HOME to the list of variables that were (imported/reset)? when you do (sudo/sudo -H/sudo -i)? [14:40] TJ-, it would seem to me that that patch causes $HOME to be imported when you run sudo without -H; however that was already the case before the patch [14:40] cousteau: it preserves $HOME by default since -H and -i remove it if required [14:40] Neo1: A miniumum of 8 for a server install, 15-20 for a graphical desktop. And yes you can install side by side. [14:40] !dualboot | Neo1 [14:40] Neo1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [14:41] cousteau: should say 's/remove/replace/' [14:41] TJ-, well, that's weird, because here on ubuntu 12.04 it also seems to preserve $HOME [14:42] tomreyn, not sure 120 GB will be enough though; windows is huge... [14:42] Ok, thanks, I'll research it now. Want install as soon as possible [14:43] Neo1, if you want to just try it you may try the Live USB [14:44] but yes, you can just have Windows and Linux side by side; at the beginning there's a "bootloader" which will ask you which OS you want to run [14:44] I have free 50Gb and can delete still all crape http://prntscr.com/hatbp0 [14:44] (if you install Linux first and then Windows, the Windows installer overwrites this bootloader so you can only boot Windows and you need to reinstall it) [14:44] where's daryl [14:45] 25Gb for Ubuntu and will free 25 [14:45] Neo1, I wouldn't use all those 50 GB for Linux though... but yeah, otherwise I think it'll fit [14:45] ah yes, that makes sense [14:46] cousteau: on my VPS only 3 Gb for ubuntu [14:46] cousteau: that patch is applied to all Ubuntu releases; you should find it mentioned in the 12.04 sudo changelog too [14:46] cousteau: 30 is more than enough [14:47] tatertotz: TJ- : Hey me again! Tried the fix, so far it seems to work on, on it completely crashes.. But I did your fix on [14:47] right now I have 10 GB of system files, 15 of user files (I use this PC for work and I work with huge project files), and I also have a partition with 50 GB of huge software (ever heard of a thing called Xilinx? well, it's quite large) [14:48] I have a netbook with an 8 GB HDD where I have a full Lubuntu with a LaTeX install (which is rather large), so yes, I think 20 GB will be enough :) [14:48] TJ-, ah [14:49] TJ-: tatertotz: So do changes I make on also change the grub in [14:49] ok [14:49] never heard about it [14:50] cousteau: it gets re-applied after every new upstream release; Not sure when it was first added though. Hard to track that via the changelog [14:50] I want create my own server that will accessible over internet, and put on it site as chaterbut with video cams and voice. [14:50] fat people make the best pillows [14:50] TJ-, well, I don't see it on my changelog [14:50] stevenz__: in terminal> inxi -Fxxprzc0|pastebinit [14:50] Seems without your own server it's impossible to do [14:51] maybe it was a necessary change because they changed something... [14:51] tatertotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967968/ [14:51] in any case, I have aliased sudo to sudo -H on my PC to avoid problems [14:52] I have also done that on a coworker's PC because he couldn't log in because he had used sudo with a graphical program when he shouldn't have used sudo with said graphical program [14:52] I haven't heard of people doing that before, aliasing Sudo to Sudo - H [14:52] you know when ~/.ICEauthority belongs to root and you can't login? [14:53] GhostwalkGames, it's to prevent programs called with sudo from touching my personal config files [14:53] is it possible to setup a server only Ubuntu install from a Desktop version Ubuntu? Also is it possible to have laptop auto connect to a wifi network on boot? [14:53] stevenz__: looks better......compared to the first one......http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967556/ [14:53] when running in server mode only [14:53] Okay, I see. What sort of config file is this? In Bash? I'm newbie [14:53] stevenz__: i can tell there's still some issues though, but i digress [14:53] mboard, do you mean from a desktop live USB, or from a desktop Ubuntu install? [14:54] how can i update to firefox 57? ubuntu 17.04 [14:54] GhostwalkGames, I added it as an alias in .bashrc [14:54] stevenz__: if you're happy i'm happy [14:54] cousteau desktop Ubuntu it alread has Ubuntu but no cd drives and I do not have any spare USB devices to install [14:54] and how can i upgrade ubuntu using tor? [14:54] tatertotz: Display Server: X.Org 1.19.3 drivers: (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) FAILED: nouveau [14:54] mboard, Ubuntu server is not a different thing; it's just Ubuntu with some things added and some other things removed [14:55] tatertotz: is it a good idea to try and download the nvidia driver again? [14:55] Ok thanks. I'm gonna try and add my first alias today maybe :) I got a bash e-book [14:55] stevenz__: you're using the same Kernel: 4.10.0-38 in both [14:55] so you can just install whatever you need on your regular Ubuntu, I think [14:55] cousteau: after some detective work on Launchpad, it looks like that was introduced in Natty in April 2011 [14:55] stevenz__: which is a sock to me...because i thought you left to try a > version of the kernel [14:55] mboard, in fact there's a package in repositories called ubuntu-server which I guess installs all that [14:56] cousteau: ok great [14:56] TJ-, weird, I think I had seen that before... [14:56] tatertotz: yea I did! But it froze.. [14:56] I have a super old Ubuntu install at home; I'll try it :) [14:56] TJ-, thanks a lot! [14:56] stevenz__: oh okay [14:56] cousteau: original patch (I think!) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/sudo/natty/view/head:/debian/patches/keep_home_by_default.patch [14:56] mboard, in any case, you could also just install what you need specifically [14:56] tatertotz: could only do the pastebin commands in this kernel.. [14:57] stevenz__: in terminal> sudo lshw -C video|pastebinit [14:57] tatertotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25968010/ [14:57] stevenz__: yeah that's because you installed it in this kernel [14:58] mboard, like, if you want to set up an Apache server, maybe you could just install the needed Apache packages [14:58] stevenz__: looks better...compared to the first one earlier this morning ....http://paste.ubuntu.com/25967644/ [14:58] cousteau it is an old laptop and I want to get as much performances as I can from it, it will mostly be for databases but I will see how it goes [14:58] stevenz__: at least you're "claimed" [14:58] maybe I should stop being cheap and just buy a new computer hah :D [14:59] mboard, I think server stuff runs as services that start automatically when booting, so you could boot and leave your computer at the login screen [14:59] stevenz__: you could certainly try to install the nvidia again [15:00] stevenz__: i would if i were you [15:00] mboard, my home computer is from 2006, it has 1.5 GB RAM, I am not going to judge people for being cheap! [15:00] tatertotz: oke! Will do that now than [15:01] tatertotz: Im just kind of afraid that it crashes again when I tried to boot 2morrow morning.. last 3 days it seemed to work when I left the office but froze and did other weird stuf when I booted up again in the morning.. [15:02] stevenz__: there may be some other stuff going on....if it gives you trouble just let me know and i'll get a more detailed analysis going [15:03] tatertotz: oke! im installing the nvidia now, this morning when I did the same it crashed within 10s but hopefully it is the ACPI and will not crash now(A) [15:03] tatertotz: Anyway Thanks a lot for you help! you guys are amazing! [15:03] stevenz__: no prob [15:08] stevenz__: have you considered an overheating issue? [15:10] stevenz__: i do see a 4 degree increase in temperature [15:11] stevenz__: did the nvidia install complete successfully? [15:15] TJ-: tatertotz: No not at all.. my fan works fine as far as I know.. fires up whenever I run a big analysis.. [15:15] TJ-: tatertotz: and nvidia installed fine! no crash!:) [15:16] stevenz__: whether the fan runs is not the issue; it's whether the CPU hits a thermal barrier. Common with laptops is the radiator and/or fan getting blocked with fluff that needs cleaning out every 6 months or so [15:16] stevenz__: can also happen due to failing thermal paste on older devices especially. Not saying this is the cause, but it's worth keeping it in mind [15:17] cousteau: hah I dont feel like I am the only cheap one no more. I do have another laptop that is newish but I dont want to spend money for small projects like that. [15:17] stevenz__: sudden power-offs are usually hardware induced [15:18] TJ-: you think that is why a cpu gets stuck at booting? And my laptop doesnt power off suddenly though.. Always froze whenever I tried t restart.. [15:18] stevenz__: the freeze is more likely the ACPI issue; thermal issues cause a sudden power-off [15:19] TJ-: Oke! im installing some temperature sensors to check if overheating is an issue [15:22] TJ-: tatertotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25968147/ [15:22] TJ-: tatertotz: Not really sure if this means anything.. [15:26] stevenz__: looks OK [15:27] External, separate temp sensors are often a good idea especially for overclocked desktops [15:29] tatertotz: You where saying something about an more extended analysis, is this something I could do myself? Would like to do it but I understand that you have better things to do in your day:P [15:30] stevenz__: interesting story. There was a notebook that would always fail to boot successfully first time after being transported in a backpack. reason? turned out during transport it was collecting humidity from the public transport service and needed to dry out :) [15:31] stevenz__: so, the morale is, it could be *anything* and that could be werider than you can imagine :) [15:31] TJ-: Whaha wauw!:P thats indeed weird [15:32] stevenz__: i've seen laptops where a small stray sliver of solder was caught between the legs of a RAM chip causing unexplained 'random' issues. [15:33] TJ-: Im a physicist, and our field is also packed with stories like that why detectors failed in the past!:P [15:34] TJ-: Well thanks for your help! I hope my problems are largely solved! I think they are [15:34] TJ-: You guys are absolutely amazing! Thanks! [15:35] TJ-, don't get me started on "weird causes for stuff happening" [15:35] a friend of mine once had to deal with a program that didn't work on Wednesdays [15:37] (it turned out to be a locale problem and bad handling of non-ASCII characters with the Spanish locale) [15:39] and more recently, "misuse of sudo prevented graphical login of regular users"... which is why I started asking about sudoers [15:42] hello :3 [15:42] i installed ubuntu 14.04 server edition and for some reason it doesn't detect my motherboard's network card (nor the network) although it works fine on 16.04 and windows [15:43] xflacko, no driver # [15:43] How can a program not work on Wednesdays lol that sounds like such an interesting bug [15:43] Mr_Pan where do i download the drivers for asus motherboards? [15:43] xflacko, asus.com ? [15:46] GhostwalkGames, because "wednesday" in Spanish is "miércoles" [15:46] Hi! It seems that one of my servers is used in a botnet and I'm trying to figure out what I can do to check if this is really the case (and how I can fix it) [15:46] xflacko: did you also install the 14.04 HWE which contains the up-to-date kernels that likely contain the driver for the NIC? [15:46] !hwe | xflacko [15:46] xflacko: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [15:46] Haha ah I see its the e [15:46] and the program that was parsing the generated file choked when reading the timestamp, even if it was inside a comment [15:47] TJ- that i did not [15:47] roxlu: what makes you think it is? can you share the ip address? [15:47] GhostwalkGames, the thing is, the guy who found this was modifying the program [15:47] TJ- is there a way to do an offline install? [15:47] xflacko: that's likely the reason. The original 14.04 kernel probably came out before support for the NIC was added to the kernel [15:47] so he was like "dammit, this worked yesterday, what the hell?" [15:47] and next Thursday "ok, whatever it was I managed to fix it" [15:47] took a couple of Wednesdays to realize there was a pattern [15:48] xflacko: Yes. manually download the packages, move them over, use "sudo dpkg -i ..." to install them [15:49] TJ- linux-generic-lts-xenial this package, correct? (apologies for the noobish questions) [15:49] !pm | roxlu just to explain why we prefer it on the channel [15:49] roxlu just to explain why we prefer it on the channel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [15:50] xflacko: Yes, and it's dependencies and those package's dependencies. Start here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-updates/linux-generic-lts-xenial [15:50] tomreyn: yeah though sharing the IP of a server when it's vulnerable isn't really something I'm eager to do :) [15:51] xflacko: you want to have the linux-{image,headers}-4.4.0-98-generic installed as well as the parent meta packages [15:51] roxlu: that's 'security by obscurity' (which does not work) but that's ok. [15:51] TJ- gotcha ^^ ill give it a whirl :3 [15:51] xflacko: download them into a single directory, then when booted to the offline system cd /that/directory/ and then do "sudo dpkg -Ri ." to install all .deb files in that directory [15:52] oh hehe ok :) [15:52] arrrgg ff 57 still not there :D [15:52] tomreyn: do you maybe have some info that might help me to check what is going on? I guess I want tcpdmump, netstat? [15:53] TJ- the rabbit hole is deep :o [15:53] is there anyway to download all dependants? [15:53] xflacko: should be 3 layers :) [15:53] roxlu: i would actually start from the point which makes you think the system might have been compromised. what is this assumption based on? [15:53] okies ^^ [15:54] which guys is actually marc shuttleworth here in IRC channel? [15:54] *guy [15:54] adac: not exactly a support topic. [15:54] tomreyn: because I got a mail from my VPS provider. I got a log showing that my server is doing http posts to some other server; it's brute forcing wp-admin logins [15:55] nacc, yes true. hehe just curious :) [15:55] hi all [15:56] hope that everyone is doing great [15:56] xflacko: is it amd64? if so "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-{image,headers}-4.4.0-98-generic_4.4.0-98.121_amd64.deb" should get you bootstrapped; you can leave the meta packages and install those with "sudo apt install ..." once the system is online [15:57] anyone got a link etc... on creating HA ubuntu servers, looking at building HA vsftpd solution. found quite a few sites. We are currently going through the different configs. [15:57] However wanted to find out if anyone here has perhaps already done something like this. [15:57] Always easier when not having to recreate the wheel [15:57] any help greatly appreciated [15:58] magic_1: there's this related to doing it with OpenStack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/OpenStackHA#Technical_Design [15:59] thanks TJ- looking at the site now [16:00] roxlu: was the log attached to the email or did you get the log from your VPS? we wouldn't want you to be a victim of phishing [16:00] roxlu: okay, that's good indication then. start by typing your servers' ip address into the "Search" tab on https://www.virustotal.com/en/ and press "search it!". this is a google owned / operated service. [16:02] roxlu: if the server doesn't usually make outgoing connections to http servers the first thing I'd do is set an outgoing firewall rule preventing them, as in "sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o ethX -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DROP" (set ethX appropriately) ... then you can investigate without it being able to continue the attacks [16:03] TJ- how do i trigger the install? just sudo dpkg -i linux-generic-lts-xenial_4. ? [16:03] xflacko: cd /path/to/deb/files/ then simply "sudo dpkg -iR ." [16:04] aye aye :3 [16:04] thanks TJ- [16:05] tomreyn: ... sorry I know you want to help me .. and I'm feeling a jerk saying this... but I have to check if that server is actually "secure". [16:05] Something [16:06] ping [16:06] roxlu: bear in mind you may also need to impose the same rule for IPv6 with "ip6tables", too [16:06] rebooting :3 [16:07] why would this occur on a fresh installed headless server? [16:07] TJ- thank you!! [16:07] $ sudo service networking restart [16:07] Failed to restart networking.service: Unit networking.service not found. [16:07] time to install x11 and amd graphic drivers :3 [16:07] 17.10 [16:08] thanks TJ- [16:08] roxlu: right, you can look into tcpdump then, or just start with "netstat -pan --inet" or "lsof -i" [16:08] roxlu: i'm afraid i need to leave, good luck. [16:09] np thanks a lot tomreyn [16:10] roxlu: did you mention what version of ubuntu your VPS is using? [16:10] xflacko: don't forget, if necessary, to "sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-xenial" to get the meta-packages to keep things up to date [16:11] TJ-: When I do a tcpdump I see lots of these kind of messages: https://gist.github.com/roxlu/3b5a22a06a23d1a7036c11a1d37c7fca :( [16:14] roxlu: now use netstat or ss to identify what process is running those connections: "sudo netstat -tnp | grep ':80.*ESTABLISHED' " [16:18] hmm ifupdown was not installed [16:18] ericus: 17.10? [16:18] TJ- yes [16:19] ericus: see the Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration [16:19] oh, thanks [16:20] TJ-: thanks so much! When I do that I see just a couple of lines from "apache2" [16:21] TJ- would this mean that I should not edit /etc/network/interfaces anymore? [16:21] TJ-, thanks for the help+patience with the sudoers thing, btw! [16:22] roxlu: it's making outgoing connections? that suggests something in your httpd applications is compromised. you'll need to investigate in detail. maybe do a 'grep' for one of the fixed strings in the tcpdump you captured [16:22] ericus: correct :) that file belongs to ifupdown [16:22] cousteau: you're welcome; it was an informative investigation. [16:23] TJ-: yeah, it seems like my server is doing http posts [16:23] I'm trying to find out what vhost is responsible [16:23] roxlu: so first stop the apache service, then start grep-ing the codebase of the installed web apps [16:23] With regard to Iptable rules, I have the linked forward chain rules. Why doesn’t the default policy automatically drop invalid connections? Why is it necessary to add that additional drop policy? https://gist.github.com/saturday/341759c0b8d23c682866d1c856ef9c47 [16:26] someish: without seeing the actual packets that get through without the DROP INVALID rule it's impossible to say. They may be matching the ESTABLISHED,RELATED rule [16:27] someish: this assumes the packets are using the same IP version as the rules tables (IPv4 == iptables, IPv6 == ip6tables) [16:27] TJ-: So an invalid ctstate may also be a established or related ctstate? [16:27] someish: I'm not sure; it's not something I've ever needed to think about :) But that's the obvious conclusion - certainly more likely than some obscure bug in the kernel :) [16:28] someish: collect data on the packets that 'escape' to figure it out [16:28] Fair enough. Thanks TJ-. [16:29] someish: the packets are originating from another host/ transit-ing through (being routed) ? [16:29] TJ-: Yes from another host. [16:30] TJ-: Technically it could original locally as well. [16:31] someish: I've been caught out with VMs in the past thinking 'FORWARD' but due to the way it was configured it was localhost and therefore 'OUTPUT' :) [16:33] TJ-: That’s pretty interesting. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. [16:35] DEBUG: Processing input file //etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml.. [16:35] Invalid YAML at //etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml line 12 column 25: mapping values are not allowed in this context [16:43] Are there any commands to get list(s) of all non-system apps/services that are running? [16:44] why the change from ifupdown to netdata? :( [16:44] it confuses me [16:47] i just uploaded from xenial to zesty and now i'm in dependency hell. https://paste.ubuntu.com/25968541/ any ideas? [16:47] that's apt -f install [16:50] wxl: doesn't really look like dependency hell [16:50] I believe you no lonnger need systemd-shim [16:50] wxl: can you purge it with dpkg? [16:50] well that's reassuring [16:50] !info systemd-shim zesty [16:50] Package systemd-shim does not exist in zesty [16:50] wxl: --^ so i thik it's removing a no-longer-needed package and failing [16:51] wxl: https://askubuntu.com/questions/838491/systemd-shim-error-after-upgrading-from-16-04-to-16-10 [16:51] wxl: i think that matches your situation? [16:51] oh nice find [16:52] wxl: i think the problem is that file moved to systemd [16:52] wxl: so it was already replaced [16:52] wxl: so when the shim package is revmoed, it tries to undivert and it fails because the original file and the new file don't match [16:53] ah great [16:53] there was a whole bunch of dependency issues based on that [16:53] i should have went searching [16:53] thanks for duckduckgo'ing that for me nacc :) [16:53] wxl: :) [16:54] i was kicking myself in the hind end for not staying on lts too! [17:02] this would be the correct config for a static IP, right? https://pastebin.com/Vv0kSnY9 [17:04] ericus: it looks OK but I'm not 100% on the syntax myself as yet [17:04] ericus, if you use not the /24 [17:05] why Southern_Gentlem? [17:05] Southern_Gentlem: ericus the CIDR notation is required for addresses; it sets the netmask [17:06] from "man netplan": "Each sequence entry is in CIDR notation, i. e. of the form addr/prefixlen" [17:07] Hi [17:07] hi [17:08] I have a .crt, .key file of open vpn. How can I connect on kubuntu? [17:08] TJ-, but there is only 256 IP's on the LAN [17:08] - 255 [17:08] ericus: right, I'm saying your pastebin is correct [17:09]* [17:10] you mean :) [17:10] yeah [17:10] so it's OK? [17:11] ericus: it looks so; I think you can test the syntax with the netplan tooling [17:12] still gives me DEBUG's after reboot [17:12] ** (generate:1650): DEBUG: NetworkManager: definition eth0 is not for us (backend 1) [17:13] ericus: if you're usign NM, then you should't be messing with netplan [17:13] ericus: NM handles it for you, iiuc [17:13] nacc no, it's a headless server [17:14] ericus: then why do you ahve network manager?? [17:14] ericus: that's a desktop application. [17:14] network manager is a system service [17:14] I don't nacc [17:14] not istalled by default on 'server' [17:15] Oh crap, I do have it [17:15] right. [17:16] Would it come from the ifupdown-package? [17:16] 'cause I ran apt-get install on that, but later on apt-get purge [17:17] hi im smooth [17:17] i want to know when will firefox 57 be released on the offical repos [17:18] Smooth operator? [17:18] ericus: check /var/log/apt/* logs ... it could also be installed if you had apt configured to installl Suggests as well as Reccommends [17:18] 1-2 days I've read imanyx [17:19] oh, ok. I was using it to test, loved the visuals, thank you [17:22] no signs of network-manager TJ- [17:23] ericus: from a fresh install, it should be in the apt logs somewhere if it is installed [17:24] so I have ubuntu 16.04 server upgraded from 14.04. For some reason, the getty, graphical and multi-user targets aren't starting on boot. Trying to start any of them manually just hangs. This is the status of multi-user.target: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25968771/ [17:24] looked in the wrong .log [17:24] think I found it [17:24] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/networking.service ^f^r /lib/systemd/system/networking.service. [17:24] I have 4 other machines that were identical to this one, all upgraded at the same time in the exact same manner and none of them have this issue [17:26] ericus: that's ifupdown NOT network-manager :) [17:28] leftyfb: what does "journalctl -xb -p warning" show ? [17:29] TJ-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25968805/ [17:29] nothing :/ [17:29] it's so weird [17:31] leftyfb: has all the hardware started/drivers loaded, as expected? [17:31] from what I can tell [17:31] wifi obviously works [17:33] clear === lingkhang_ is now known as lingkhang [17:34] gents, i currently have a quite annoying issue, i'm currently using ubuntu 17.10. When i plugin an audio jack i do see the pop up which as me if it is an headset, headphones or speaker. However when i made my chose i do not hear the audio [17:35] TheEagerPadawan: tried turning the volume up AFTER you plug in and make the selection? [17:36] yes ofcourse [17:37] how can i activate my new swap partition [17:37] or how can i see the UUID of swap [17:45] back [17:46] i currently have a quite annoying issue, i'm currently using ubuntu 17.10. When i plugin an audio jack i do see the pop up which as me if it is an headset, headphones or speaker. However when i made my chose i do not hear the audio === TikTok is now known as michealb [17:58] hi, is there any recommended procedure to disable LVM on host? I just want to avoid any LVM objects being discovered and imported on host. I was considering the "filter = [ 'r/.*/' ]" directive, perhaps there's a more systematic solution though [17:58] diffie hellman parameters. Using kvpnc and getting debug: [openvpn] Options error: --dh fails with 'dh1024.pem': No such file or directory [18:00] kukacz does the host have other LVM devices that need to remain operational? [18:01] TJ-: it does not [18:05] is there a way to find out what files a program is reading and writing to? [18:06] I tried using strace but still no luck. I change the config file for my program but it still uses the values from the *old* config file [18:06] which is confusing as hell. where is it reading them from?? [18:06] kukacz: the filter will work initially, but you'll also need to ensure the lvmetad doesn't run [18:07] johnjay: "ls -l /proc/$(pidof )/fd/" [18:08] johnjay: that assumes the files are kept open; otherwise strace -f (the -f follows child processes) [18:08] hmm the example someone gve me is strace -e [18:08] basically i added a config option "blue" in the file. then i change it to "red". but the program still shows the option as "blue" [18:08] johnjay: yes, you need -e with something like trace=file, but you also need -f so it follows child processes [18:08] i know it's not a default because I added it. so i'm confused [18:08] TJ-: could you kindly explain why? does the lvmetad perform any configuration ignoring the filter? [18:09] kukacz: the pvscan doesn't use the lvm.conf when lvmetad is running [18:10] TJ-: no luck, it's all shared libraries like libsomething.so.1 [18:10] TJ-: aha, now I understand. so disabling the "lvm2-lvmetad" service in addition to the filter in lvm.conf should do all the work? [18:12] when will firefox quantum be available for 17.10? [18:13] varaindemian, https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next [18:13] I've been running it for a while now on 16.04 [18:13] lordcirth_work, only thorow this ppa? [18:13] lordcirth_work, I want it throw the official repos [18:14] varaindemian, just wait then [18:14] varaindemian, I don't know when it will be released on 17.10 by Ubuntu; I'm just saying there's nothing stopping you from getting it anyway [18:14] I tried strace -e trace=open -f [18:15] but it didn't show it writing to the config file when I know it did. what did I leave out? [18:18] johnjay: isn't the syntax "-e open" ? i might be wrong [18:18] seems to do the same thing [18:18] Hello. I have a problem with an ext4 formatted external usb3 drive. The read and write speeds have slowed terribly and I can't figure out why. Here's the # lsusb -v output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25968997/ [18:19] akik: well I deleted the entire config folder and that seemed to reset it [18:19] alexknuckles: does dmesg show anything about it? [18:19] so i guess there's a weird hidden secret file in there or something it was using [18:20] still shouldn't that appear in -e open if it's opening a for reading? [18:22] EriC^^: Yes. Here's the dmesg output for it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25969029/ [18:23] I am trying to learn about building my own distro from 16.04. Where would I start? At my job we have new machine that will always have same hardware configurations. [18:23] bleh well i give up [18:23] So for starters is there a tool or some kinds that would help me build kernel for just specific hardware configuration? And remove what is not needed? [18:23] changing the config file seems to change its behavior now [18:23] johnjay: which application is it? [18:23] so i guess my kernel was possessed by demons before [18:24] akik: elinks. I was trying to get it to display images in the terminal or at least via a sh ortcut command [18:24] Guma: I would try one of the Kernel channels. or maybe even LFS [18:24] alexknuckles: nothing out of the ordinary there [18:24] but I would set the shortcut to be called "blue" and key "b". then I edit the config file to make it "red" and "b" [18:24] but elinks still showed "blue" on the menu. [18:25] Any idea of where I should look? I was getting 100mb reads and now it's down to 10 [18:25] even after deleting the the config file it still showed blue. it only finally reset when I deleted the entire .elinks config directory [18:25] so ther was probably a hidden file it was reading [18:25] johnjay: did you check that the config change you did in the elinks ui is the same than you did manually? [18:25] alexknuckles: no idea here, someone else might know though [18:26] akik: what? [18:26] alexknuckles: also you might want to try asking in ##linux and #hardware [18:26] johnjay: i mean, create a backup of the config file, then do the config change in elinks and save, then diff the config files [18:27] Okay. Thank you. [18:27] hmm well too late to try that idea, but that might ahve been helpful. I just changed the config file and noticed no change happened in the program. but I could update it in the UI [18:27] i guess it must have been using a random other hidden file i couldn't see or something [18:28] i'll use diff next time, thanks [18:28] i mean it was updating the config file. it just didn't actually affect anything. XD [18:29] would strace -e open also show writes to files as well as reads? [18:31] johnjay: no,. as I said earlier, you'd need "-e trace=file" to see all file accesses including writes [18:31] oh ok. my mistake === bbbryson is now known as Bryson [18:42] wxl: get aids, nigger [18:46] did the guest account go away? [18:46] the guest account feature was great [18:51] Hi. [18:51] !ask [18:51] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:52] https://imgur.com/1OJwcmo [18:52] <_28kb> how about strange problems? [18:52] I am stuck on that screen. It won't let me log in. [18:52] did you try swiping up [18:53] (with the mouse) [18:53] Oh! Thank you! [18:53] * Hermione is such a n00b [18:53] you can also just enter your password without swiping [18:54] Okay, thank you. [18:54] you manager to get on IRC [18:55] * nicomachus has been using Ubuntu for over 5 years now and has never seen that screen [18:55] nicomachus, its gnome 3, so ubuntu 17.10 [18:56] I've been using IRC for 12 years but fairly new to linux. [18:57] Hermione, it use to suggest swiping up, but I guess not anymore [18:57] ahh just not ubuntu, debian is fine [18:57] you should file a bug [18:58] It showed me arrows, but I didn't know that's what they meant lol. [18:58] I was clicking on the arrows. [18:59] I didn't install firefox 57. I unzipped the bz2 file and I just click on the executable to run ff. How do I install it? I'm running Xubuntu 16.04 LTS. [19:00] plaindave: it may in the repos now. i would not recommend installing from that tarball they provide on the website. [19:00] plaindave: firefox 57 is not yet available from ubuntu for ubuntu. If you are using a PPA, please cotact hte ppa owner for support. [19:00] plaindave: if youa re installin from an upstream tarball, please contact upstream for support. [19:01] Okay, thanks. I just d/l'd it from Mozilla directly. [19:01] nicomachus, you can only run one firefox at a time unless you use the profile manager [19:01] scientes: what [19:01] http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager [19:02] who's talking about running more than one firefox at a time? [19:02] nicomachus, you have to close all firefox windows before running the one you downloaded [19:02] you're talking to the wrong person, friendo [19:02] ff57 running fine here. [19:02] plaindave, ^ [19:03] * scientes runs firefox from mozilla [19:03] scientes, ? [19:04] plaindave: wait another day or so for the Ubuntu repos to get firefox 57 or you can install the firefox-next ppa [19:04] okay. will do. [19:05] hey guys how to make caps lock behave as ctrl not only in Gnome but in tty sesions as well? [19:06] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151577 [19:06] alexas, ^ [19:06] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_console [19:07] thank you scientes [19:07] hello, someone know a tool that convert png to svg in ubuntu, please? [19:08] ghost-287: imagemagick has a convert tool, and if not that, then gimp can do it, presuambly [19:10] nacc, ty, i ll try [19:16] Well, I just installed Firefox v.58 from the repo. Just thought you all should know. [19:30] plaindave: not really relevant to this channel [19:32] It mattered to me [19:35] in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config I have set PermitRootLogin no and restarted the ssh daemon [19:36] but if I try "ssh root@hostname" it still asks for a password [19:36] instead of just denying the connection [19:36] nacc, Oh sorry. [19:37] hsiktas: That’s how it works IIRC [19:37] PermitRootLogin no doesn’t deny the connection because you have to have a connection to pass a user name [19:40] "PasswordAuthentication no" seems to help [19:40] now I can only login with my ssh keys [19:40] and the root user should have no password anymore: https://askubuntu.com/questions/104137/is-it-possible-to-unset-root-password [19:41] When is Firefox 57 likely to be in the repos? [19:43] onomatopiea, Check https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/mozilla_team_firefox_next [19:43] onomatopiea: 0-2 days [19:44] nice.. So I can just upgrade it using aptitude soon? [19:44] yes, soon [19:44] yay [19:45] I look forward to trying it. I hear good things [19:45] i finally found inkscape + a good tutorial to get a very useful svgs :) [19:46] which will cause me less headaches: installing gitlab via the omnibus package, which installs postgres, nginx etc. into /opt or running gitlab via a docker image? [19:47] does anyone have any experience accessing tv.xfinity.com from a linux/ubuntu machine? it's built to support only windows/mac operating systems, and user agent spoofing hasn't really worked out well either [19:47] googling led me to try installing some fancy flash player for firefox that had the drm support of the other operating systems but to no avail [19:48] i also tried installing firefox from playonlinux but couldn't get it working because of some missing DLL [19:48] giggybyte: is it Silverlight or something? [19:48] nicomachus: i don't think it's silverlight but it's sort of the same concept [19:49] the nuclear option at this point would be to install windows on an external HDD or something but it'd be awesome if i could just get it working within ubuntu [19:49] it technically "works" within a windows VM but the A/V playback is pretty choppy [19:50] Hi, I'm trying to build kubernetes with juju, but I am trying to figure out how to register with the controller as the admin user from another machine. The machine I used to create the controller is temporary, and I need to move admin to a more permanent location [19:50] oh wow the whole site shuts down... [19:51] good lord that site is awful even on Windows [19:51] agreed, but it's the only way i can watch the newest episode of mr. robot tonight live :p [19:52] giggybyte: you could try to fool it by installing a Windows VM or something... or even a Windows browser through Wine [19:52] already tried a windows VM, scroll up, but haven't tried installing a windows browser through wine... === CptLuxx is now known as therealweq [19:54] I hate to say it, but try installing a vanilla browser like IE or Edge in Wine. [19:54] * nicomachus washes his hands === therealweq is now known as CptLuxx [19:54] nicomachus: i'm trying the chrome-windows-wine solution thing now [19:55] is anyone online that has experience with juju? I'm trying to connect as the admin user from a different machine, but I have no idea how to find the registration string for the superuser [19:55] R_P_S: never heard of it, sorry. [19:56] guess I'll see if there's a juju specific channel. Juju support generically sends over to ubuntu support... [19:57] nicomachus: no dice on running chrome installer through windows, for some reason can't access the internet [19:57] giggybyte, why do you need win version of chrome ? [19:57] Mathisen: scroll up [19:57] Mathisen: because the linux version of any web browser doesn't have support for tv.xfinity.com [20:00] giggybyte, can you change your browser [20:00] giggybyte, have you tried just to fool it by changing user agent in browser ? [20:00] user agent [20:00] puxavida and Mathisen: already tried these as i've stated a few minutes ago [20:00] R_P_S: yes or use #ubuntu-server [20:00] (yes, use the juju channel) [20:01] for some reason chrome faking a win10 agent doesn't fool anything -- tv.xfinity.com still throws "not supported" errors (even with a blank history) [20:01] no response from #juju yet... [20:01] with firefox and a fake UA i can at least get past the verification, but get stuck at "Adding user" [20:03] giggybyte, give me a min hard time thinkning it wont work on linux [20:07] Mathisen: if you have a comcast subscription feel free to try it yourself and let me know what happens but good luckl\ [20:07] s/luckl/luck jesus i suck at typing [20:07] giggybyte, done works on archlinux but you need pipelight [20:08] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pipelight [20:08] get it installed on your ubuntu and it should work in FF [20:09] that's why I was asking about silverlight ^ [20:09] but didn't think it would work after seeing the page error... [20:09] i had tried installing pipelight in the past but i'll give it another shot [20:11] giggybyte: when you tried the virtual machine route, did you try using qemu/kvm with the QXL driver and SPICE and the Windows Spice filter driver ? [20:12] giggybyte, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/pipelight-use-silverlight-in-your-linux.html [20:12] M$ provides a pretty nice (and free) VM just for Edge [20:12] nicomachus: really? where's that at? [20:12] TJ-: no, I was using virtualbox [20:12] https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ [20:13] haven't done it myself, they market it as for testing. [20:14] giggybyte: the idea is the windows client filter driver passes the GDI calls to the host's SPICE server layer that does native drawing. [20:15] Why is the updater details window only one black like that can't be opened up? on 17.10 [20:15] black line [20:16] TJ-: is that complicated to set up? [20:17] this is interesting, i ran firefox from the command line this time around: i think one my installs is fucked somewhere https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5df358ae12301221ba8e80d2116ad281 [20:18] giggybyte: language please [20:18] sorry bout that [20:21] giggybyte, did you folow the guide ? [20:21] Mathisen: yes [20:23] giggybyte, can you pastebin output from " sudo pipelight-plugin --update " [20:25] Mathisen: sure just give me two seconds to reboot [20:29] Mathisen: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bbdd9f78be5aad4b0e1380c96401c879 [20:29] Any idea when firefox 57 will hit the 16.04 repos? I have not paid attention to timing in the past. [20:29] giggybyte: well, not with qemu/kvm no, especially if you use the libvirt virt-manager GUI [20:32] giggybyte, not sure then. it does complain on gpg key but only warning not halting so [20:33] i'm trying the virt-manager route right now, will let you guys know how that goes [20:34] giggybyte, wine should work good enough for browser usage [20:34] VM is a bit overkill for that [20:34] giggybyte, but get wine-staging [20:34] not wine package [20:34] HUGE diffrence [20:35] what is the difference? performance? [20:35] yep [20:35] giggybyte: don't forget you'll need the windows guest tools bit too: https://www.spice-space.org/download.html [20:41] I have an Ubuntu server in a VPS [20:42] I resized the root partitions, and rebooted [20:42] Unfortunately, the system disk is still the same size, how can I make it use all the space? [20:44] sylario: is it ext3/4? if so do an online resize of the file-system with "sudo resize2fs /dev/sdXY" where XY is the partition containing the rootfs [20:45] TJ-: thx, that was it [20:45] except it was xv instead of sd [20:48] sylario: xen hypervisor then I assume [20:48] I think [20:48] It's a .... [20:49] WHat's the name, company selling servers online [20:49] not an ISP [20:49] like OVH [20:49] sylario: you just said it... VPS host [20:49] he ment what is hosting your vps [20:50] the company type [20:50] i pay people ! [20:50] In an OFFICE [20:50] sylario: i feel like you've gone offtopic [20:50] your vps = is an VM.. hypervisor = virtual machine monitor = runs your VPS [20:50] sorry^^ I just mean I went through the company website to handle my servers specs [20:51] Like goddaddy but for server [21:01] Hi [21:01] I found this line in top1385 nobody 20 0 53180 2872 2480 S 0,0 0,1 0:02.16 dnsmasq [21:01] Is this normal? Why is it running as nobody? I have never touched to any server thing [21:02] dedze: is that libvirt's dnsmasq? [21:03] nacc: I have no idea, I never saw 'dnsmasq' before [21:03] nacc: Could it be that I'm being hacked? [21:08] dedze: no, that's unlikely [21:08] dedze: `ps aux | grep dnsmasq` in a pastebin [21:08] I am trying to upgrade a 12.04 server, and it fails on signature check [21:08] nacc: Sorry I'm noob with ubuntu, I dont understand the instruction [21:08] !eolupgrade | sylario [21:08] sylario: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [21:09] dedze: run 'ps aux | grep dnsmasq' in a terminal and provide the output on a pastebin [21:09] !pastebin | dedze [21:09] dedze: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:09] nacc: Yes thank you for helping me!! I'm on it [21:09] nacc: thx I was going to ask for a list of depots [21:10] nacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25970008/ [21:11] dedze: 16.04? [21:11] nacc: yes it's my version of ubuntu [21:13] dedze: i don't have one handy, but that doesn't look wrong to me it's a dnsmasq used by network manager, see LP: #1105493 [21:13] Launchpad bug 1105493 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network manager runs dnsmasq as user nobody" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1105493 [21:13] dedze: it might be insecure, but you can also disable it, if you want [21:15] nacc: is it something that belongs to Ubuntu and not some foreign process? [21:15] dedze: correct [21:15] dedze: it is used by the network manager tool, which is managing your network conenction [21:15] nacc: need to test another 16.04 machine? lay it on me [21:16] nicomachus: i think the bug confirmed it for me [21:16] nacc: ahh thank you so much! Have a nice day!! [21:18] same ps aux output here. [21:20] nacc: Ah shit now I saw a process called geoclue ran by user geoclue but didnt have time to copy it [21:20] language! [21:20] my eol upgrade keep failling on a depot from the company that host my server. The thing is that there is only ubuntu depot in my source.list [21:20] sylario: did you check sources.list.d ? [21:21] not sure how to read it [21:21] chris-lea-node_js-precise.list.save [21:21] gandi.list [21:21] gandi.list.save [21:21] nodesource.list [21:22] sylario: pastebinit <(ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d) [21:22] nacc: I found two new users I never found before, how can I know if I'm being hacked?? The two users were avahi and geoclue [21:23] sylario: right, so those also are all usesd (well, theones ending in .list) [21:23] dedze_: your machine probably has hundreds of users on it. [21:23] nicomachus: Hundreds???? [21:23] yes. it's normal. [21:23] dedze_: users are not really an indicatio of being hacked and you probably only added one user to your system, and it comes with 50 or so [21:23] ho [21:24] I just realized i was VIM ing a folder [21:24] Well I didnt know that [21:24] I've been panicking at each new user that I saw [21:24] dedze_: 'cat /etc/passwd/' will list all of them. [21:25] errr... 'cat /etc/passwd' [21:26] nicomachus: Should I run this command? [21:26] hi all - is it possible to test nic device? lspci shows no problems. i can see nic device. but i dont get ip-adress via dhcp. i changed already lan-cable and router. inside os it seems like there i no lan-cable connected. no led on router-port and nic-port (on laptop) [21:26] bios is already actually. [21:26] all other pcs on lan are working absolute normally. [21:27] i tested on this mashine windows too - there i have absolute same effect - no nic working. [21:27] andre144k, you could try ethtool [21:27] dedze_: you don't need to, it will just shwo you all the users on the machine. [21:28] if you're curious. [21:29] andre144k: A check for internal problem: ping -c3 . [21:29] Is there a way to re-enable AppArmor while using a mainline kernel? [21:30] DaemonFC: for LXD? [21:31] nacc: It's getting very suspicious, again one new user I never saw before called rtkit, and I've been monitoring top many times in the past, 3 new users in less than 1 hour?? the process was rtkit-daemon [21:32] DaemonFC: unfortunately no; it is missing Ubuntu-specific apparmor patches [21:32] Well, I noticed that with a kernel PPA kernel loaded, AppArmor says its status is the module is loaded but the apparmor file system is not mounted. [21:32] dedze: seeing processes does *not* mean they are new users [21:32] do-release upgrade ends on a very strange error : [21:32] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/QFgQ0Hrn/ [21:32] dedze: that's fine. [21:32] dedze: i woudl recommend some basic education before jumping to conclusions [21:32] nacc: could someone be installing a server on my laptop? [21:33] DaemonFC: apparmor does work; there's a setting for LXD that prevents some functionality working, I forget which... unprivileged containers I think [21:33] nacc: I apologize for all this.. it just stresses me so much [21:33] TJ-, Heh. I used to maintain my own rolling fork of the kernel and add those patches. It's a shame that it still relies on out of tree patches. :/ [21:33] Five years later, no less. [21:33] my /tmp/ partions is sized at 1024 Byte oO [21:34] dedze: before panicking simply find out which package contains the executable: e.g. "dpkg -S rtkit-daemon" then use the package name to check what that package is for with "apt-cache show " [21:34] Compile time goes way down when you eliminate modules that are not appropriate for your hardware, so I was building them in a matter of minutes even on a Phenom II X4. [21:34] DaemonFC: I think the delta between upstream an Ubuntu is getting smaller [21:35] TJ-, Probably so. That entire series to support Upstart is gone, of course. [21:35] DaemonFC: right, with make localmodconfig/localyesconfig ? [21:35] TJ-, Yeah, and then a few fixups to correct a mistake it made here and there. :) [21:36] dedze, here's the 'users' that are on my 16.04 Desktop: https://gist.github.com/lordcirth/b2c6f79de01fe42e322c4e785bf61fd6 [21:36] Minus myself [21:36] I had the latest upstream with drm-next, a bunch of stuff from -ck, Ubuntu's out of tree patches. It was sort of a chimera when I was done with it. Quite stable though, oddly enough. [21:36] lordcirth_work: Oh all my users are there too.. thank you [21:37] Lots of programs run as their own users to reduce their privileges, instead of running as root or as you [21:37] lordcirth_work, Yeah, that's sort of a clumsy hack though. That's why the UIDs had to be redone recently. [21:37] TJ-: Is this the full name of the package? '/lib/systemd/system/rtkit-daemon.service' [21:38] DaemonFC, It's a very old approach to a very old problem; many new solutions are being tried [21:38] With enough apps doing that, you risk running out of UIDs, and the system doesn't recycle them to avoid embarrassing file ownership clashes with stuff that might have been removed. [21:38] dedze: you can even determine which packages add users/groups with: "grep -n 'adduser .*--system' /var/lib/dpkg/info/* " [21:38] dedze, no, that's a file. "apt-file search /lib/systemd/system/rtkit-daemon.service" shows the package name is 'rtkit' [21:38] dedze: no, the package name is before the colon "rtkit:" ... files matching the search are on the right [21:39] lordcirth_work, I suppose that maybe removing that user would work? Most people don't know or care, probably. [21:39] And who is going to run out of users when 1,000 is the new limit? :) [21:39] dedze: so that's the installed package; then "apt-cache show rtkit" will tell you about the package in the Description field [21:39] DaemonFC, hopefully things like cgroups and AppArmor will remove the need for services to have uids [21:40] I'm not really fond of LSMs, to be honest. [21:41] SELinux especially. [21:41] TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25970189/ [21:41] I have 2 rtkit package? [21:42] SELinux is too arcane to ever be implemented widely. [21:42] It might make your computer more secure in some sense, but at the cost of constantly introducing bugs. The policy "Targeted" on Fedora, for instance, look at the changlog and the update frequency. [21:42] How can i check both of them since they have the same name? [21:42] dedze, no, you have 1 package, rtkit, which contains 2 files that matched your search string [21:42] dedze: you didn't provide the package name (the bit to the left of the colon). "apt-cache show rtkit" [21:42] Then there's the LVM problem that it's causing that doesn't result in any usable AVC messages. :) [21:42] It's still happening after 2 years. (At least.) [21:45] File Capabilities are going to have to be used more now that the default behavior for XWayland is to not allow apps owned by other users to connect. [21:45] Leads to really embarrassing failures if you go do something like....try to run Synaptic package manager. [21:45] roxlu: so, did you get it sorted? [21:46] TJ-: Ahh oki so it's a way to see if a process is legit right? [21:46] lordcirth_work, thx: eth0tool -t eno1: https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1165404 [21:47] lordcirth_work: Is it possible to have 2 processes with the same name coming from 2 different packages? [21:47] Bashing-om, lordcirth_work : ping -c3 is working - but - i think for that u dont need any nic connection - iut shld be virtual. [21:47] dedze: right. With the name of a file (in your case "rtkit-daemon" you use "dpkg -S " to discover which package installed it; Then you use "apt-cache show " to find out what the package is for. You can also do "dpkg -L " to list all the other files the package installed [21:47] is anyone familiar with fixing the top menu bar (16.04) on a dual screen? I cant find the right utility [21:48] DaemonFC, personally I don't think GUIs should run as root; it should run as you and use some sort of sudo-like escalation to call a handful of functions that actually need to be root [21:48] like gksudo [21:48] dedze, possible, though I'm not aware of a case. [21:49] giggybyte, gksudo runs the whole GUI as root, though, doesn't it? [21:49] dedze: yes, because the path to the executable could be different; e.g. /usr/sbin/apache2 and /usr/local/sbin/apache2 [21:50] lordcirth_work: So is this normal http://paste.ubuntu.com/25970245/ [21:50] dedze: in this case I've a custom-built package of the latest apache httpd with it's install prefix set to /usr/local/ [21:50] lordcirth_work: yeah, my bad [21:50] Ohh oki TJ- [21:50] dedze, those aren't processes, those are files [21:51] lordcirth_work, It does indeed, so that won't work in Wayland either. [21:51] You end up having to use xauth or just fall back to Xorg. [21:51] hi all [21:52] DaemonFC, whereas if synaptic can run as your user and connect to a backend daemon that runs as root, no GUI has to run with root privs. Anyway, offtopic here I guess [21:52] supra0169, hi [21:52] I need some help, I try since 2hours to configure my ftp server with ftp users creation without success [21:52] Xorg is more appropriate anyway at this time because XWayland is a great way to turn a video game from 13 years ago into a slideshow that burns up your computer. === jstein_ is now known as jstein [21:52] Im using proftpd [21:53] andre144k: Back to square 1 and by the numbers : 1. network card detected ? ' sudo lshw -C network ; lspci | grep Ethernet ' . See what we can learn . [21:53] Well, that's not completely fair. XWayland has been getting better. [21:53] and I get the following error when I try to connect (after entering password) : 530 Authentification incorrecte. [21:54] supra0169, why ftp, it is old and not secure just use ssh/sftp [21:54] Does IO wait mean no other process can continue until IO is down to 0%? [21:54] Can anyone recommend a network monitoring solution that encrypts the remote clients data as it will poll over the interweb? [21:55] because my partner usually connect via ftp [21:55] and for me it is more easy to setup (on server side) [21:55] isn't it ? [21:55] nope [21:56] if you add a user to your system sftp would work directly [21:56] Bashing-om: sudo lshw -C network - shows network adapter. lspci | grep Ethernet - same [21:56] any user that can ssh can connect with sftp [21:56] all seems to be correct from os-side [21:56] supra0169, then it is just a mather of configuring what the user should be able to see/get [21:57] Mathisen OK. Can you provide me an URL / tutorial to install sftp server and configure user ? [21:57] Bashing-om: dmesg shows no errors on network device [21:57] please [21:57] supra0169, can you ssh in to your machine now ? [21:57] Mathiser, yes ! [21:57] supra0169, then you already have it [21:58] Mathisen : it is a dedicated server I rent [21:58] lordcirth_work: nacc TJ- Thank you for your help guys, sorry about worrying about normal stuff [21:58] supra0169, what OS is the "client" connecting from ? [21:59] Mathisen : so what are the next step to create sftp user locked in their folder /var/www/ftp/username ? [21:59] andre144k: K; ' ip link ls ' ? we got an ID ? [21:59] Mathisen : I don't know, they will push automatically file on my server ( [22:00] Mathisen : maybe using a php script or something else, in other language [22:00] Bashing-om, 1: eno1 .... [22:00] supra0169, well multiple ways to do it. if only one user just make a link " ln -s /var/www/ftp/username /home/username/whatever " then chmod it and chown user:user [22:01] supra0169, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-enable-sftp-without-shell-access-on-ubuntu-16-04 [22:01] supra0169, that should explain most of it to you [22:01] Mathisen : ok and if I have several users ? [22:01] Bashing-om, 1: eno1 ... with mac-adress [22:02] lan cable is connected, no link led at netgear router-port [22:02] andre144k: when the ethernet cable is connected does 'dmesg' report link up? [22:02] Mathisen : Ok thank you, I have a look to your link [22:02] andre144k: 2. IP address assigned ? ' arp -a ' . [22:03] andre144k: "NOCARRIER" suggests either a physical problem with the NIC, or a firmware issue. show us a pastebin of "lspci -nnk" === Trystam is now known as Tristam [22:08] Hi. [22:08] How do I install redis-server [22:08] Bashing-om, dmesg | grep e1000e >>> ... en01 NIC Link is Down [22:08] but not as a service? [22:08] Or how do I disable the service? [22:08] Bashing-om, dmesg | grep e1000e >>> ... eno1 NIC Link is Down [22:09] what the name of that software burns iso's brasso or somthing? [22:10] !info brasero [22:10] brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.1-4ubuntu2 (artful), package size 175 kB, installed size 571 kB [22:10] join ty [22:10] ty [22:11] andre144k: Then back to TJ-'s (the guru ) advisement :) [22:11] lordcirth_work, Not really. The big problem with the "Software Center" (A modded GNOME Software) is that a new description of every package has to be written in a format that it understands, so you can't see every conceivable package you might want to install, meaning that Synaptic is still highly relevant. [22:12] Bashing-om, how did u mean ? - u dont know what i can do? [22:12] Bashing-om, cause until yesterday all was working fine - maybe there is an hw defect ... [22:15] andre144k: " show us a pastebin of "lspci -nnk" " . [22:17] Mathisen : Thank you a lot Mathisen !!! Very easy to setup and it works very well ! [22:17] supra0169, no problem [22:17] Mathisen : you saved me lot of time and enable me to use a more secure way to echange files [22:18] Mathisen : thanks again :) [22:21] Hi. On Lubuntu 17.10 here. I've noticed that the sudo command (by itself, not 'sudo do_something_else') freezes up (doesn't even respond to Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z) after I disable networking whilst connected to a wifi network. Without being able to sudo, it means I can't re-enable networking. This behaviour is not triggered if I disable and re-enable networking whilst not connected. [22:21] The solution here https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/401008/sudo-command-hangs didn't help [22:24] jmft2: that sounds like a failure to resolve the hostname of the system [22:26] Bashing-om, one moment pls [22:26] TJ-: My /etc/hostname file has 'hussar' and /etc/hosts says ' localhost hussar', and some IPv6 stuff. [22:28] https://www2.pic-upload.de/img/34303023/screen.jpg [22:28] Bashing-om, https://www2.pic-upload.de/img/34303023/screen.jpg [22:29] jmft2: I've seen this before; trying to remember what fixed it. It could be something to do with nsswitch config, or possibly the active resolver (systemd-resolved possibly) [22:30] Bashing-om, have same problems under windows - since yesterday absolute no connection anymore. no errors inside windows. i reinstalled nic-drivers. deactivated in bios, activated - and so on... [22:31] andre144k: are you always connecting to the same Ethernet port on the *switch* (or router) ? could it be that port that has failed? [22:31] Bashing-om, have to stop this session soon - thanks for your helpings... [22:31] TJ-, i changed router and lan cable already [22:31] andre144k: also, check inside the port ... check the spring metal contacts aren't bent, broken, or have fluff or debris around them [22:32] TJ-, i tried to connect other pc on lan and router-port - without any problems. link-led directly active [22:32] andre144k: there are 8 spring-metal contacts in the RJ45 port... I've seen those get bent out of place before [22:32] i tried different lan cables. [22:32] andre144k: time to get the magnifying glass out :) [22:32] all are worlking with other pcs [22:33] TJ-, ehat u mean? [22:33] andre144k: I'm talking about the RJ45 port on the PC, not the router, or the cables [22:33] are yes i check one moment [22:34] andre144k: +10 for bent pins ! .. took me 2 days effort to find this out on my last go-around on my system ! [22:34] andre144k: this is what it should look like: http://c8.alamy.com/comp/CR3TPG/close-up-of-an-ethernet-port-on-a-laptop-computer-CR3TPG.jpg [22:35] TJ-, i see no broken parts on 8 spring metal contacts [22:35] andre144k: that's good then! [22:35] but my glasses arent perfect :) [22:35] andre144k: if dmesg doesn't show "link up" when the cable is connected then something else is wrong. Have you tried booting with an older kernel version via the GRUB boot-loader's Advanced sub-menu? [22:36] andre144k: is the port Fast Ethernet (100Mbps) or Gigabit (1000Mbps) ? [22:37] TJ-, i dnt try other kernel then ubuntus 16.04: 4.8.0-36 [22:37] but have exact same problems under windows [22:37] since yesterday [22:37] before yesterdday all working perfect [22:37] no updates since yesterday - until tomorrow his day [22:38] now i updated bios and nic-driver under windows - but same problem [22:39] andre144k: unless there's a firmware/BIOS issue (try resetting to Factory defaults in case of corruption) it looks like the hardware PHY has failed. [22:39] andre144k: is it a laptop? [22:39] TJ-, yes - dell lapitude E5540 [22:39] andre144k: if it has a removable battery, shutdown/poweroff and remove the battery for a minute or so; sometimes that can work miracles [22:40] TJ-, i already tryed - no effect [22:40] resetting bios factory defaults ill try tomorrow [22:41] andre144k: I'm sorry we're not more help; it does sound like a hardware issue of some kind though. [22:42] andre144k: try an older kernel for sure; just in case it can put the port into a sensible state [22:42] TJ-, thanks for your ideas - think same. [22:42] yes ill try older kernel too ubuntu14.04 i think its a good idea [22:43] Bashing-om, thanks for your ideas too... now im an nic expert :) [22:43] andre144k: if you can copy off the 'dmesg' output to a pastebin next time that'd be really helpful [22:44] its not easy without netwiork connection [22:44] andre144k: write it to a USB device then pastebinit from a networked PC [22:44] ah yes [22:44] i can took a photo - moment [22:44] andre144k: capture it immediately after a boot with "dmesg > /media//dmesg.log" [22:45] andre144k: a photo isn't going to be much help; we need to see all the interface enablement reports in dmesg [22:46] this is probably not simple, i regularly do sudo apt update & sudo apt full-upgrade, how to automate that the most accessible for average user? [22:47] *the most accessible way - I was trying to say [22:47] say so that it will be executed each day at 2pm or something [22:47] alexas: That is a function of unattended-upgrades that you can configure . [22:50] alexas: See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343732 ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2339387 <- setting up unattended-upgrades . [22:50] TJ-, dmesg: https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1165421 [22:52] Bashing-om: seems I can create a notification option for when there is 'all other updates' through GNOME - which I did, we'll see what it will notify me about [22:53] TJ-, lspci -nnk: https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1165422 [22:55] andre144k: is the laptop booting on AC power or only battery? [22:55] andre144k: never mind! I see it now "ACPI: AC Adapter [AC] (on-line)" [22:56] while i booted on power -at moment on battery [22:56] andre144k: is there any difference if you boot the laptop with the AC disconnected? [22:56] i bootet AC online [22:56] i put only offline now [22:56] andre144k: right; have you tried booting it from power-off without the AC? [22:56] TJ-: Question: " 5.435031] e1000e 0000:00:19.0 0000:00:19.0 (uninitialized): " that uninitialized) meaningful ? [22:56] andre144k: we've had issues with ACPI where AC power makes a big difference! [22:56] TJ-, no - shld i? [22:58] TJ-, oki ill try - 5min [23:00] Bashing-om: no, that's fine. PHC is the Intel Precision time protocol Hardware Clock being set up [23:05] andre144k: I think I have it! Apparently there's an issue whereby this happens when the interface is configured for Wake on LAN in the Windows driver. [23:07] hmm, shld i disable wake on lan in windows? [23:07] or in bios? [23:09] TJ-, oki booting without ac - no link anymore - moment... [23:10] andre144k: there's a method that can be done from Linux' I'm just testing it here [23:11] I've ran apt upgrade on 16.04 and this resulted with the nvidia driver breaking. I've apt purge nvidia and nouveau seems to be doign ok. Question is: I see lsmod showing nvidia_drm, nvidia_modeset should those be there? [23:11] andre144k: from Linux try: "echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/net/eno1/../../reset" [23:13] "/../.." this correct? [23:13] or do i have to change? [23:13] andre144k: type it exactly as I showed [23:13] oki moment [23:15] oki - i did [23:15] i got in tty: 1 [23:15] andre144k: that's ok. now check the state of the link "ip link show dev eno1" [23:16] andre144k: and also, check "dmesg | tail -n 20" to see what the kernel is saying [23:16] andre144k: if it is this power-saving/WoL issue the reset should have cleared that and the I/F should be active [23:18] oki moment - ill nopaste both [23:20] TJ-, dmesg complete (cause usb-messages in -n 20): https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1165428 [23:21] TJ-, and ip link messages: https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1165429 [23:23] andre144k: right, so that didn't help. I can only suggest you reboot it into Windows, go to Device Manager, find the Intel Ethernet device, open the Properties, choose the Power Management tab, and then disable all the Power Save Options. Check if Windows then works, then try again in Linux [23:23] TJ-, BIG THNX !! [23:24] andre144k: another possiblity is to change the Wake On LAN mode using ethtool [23:24] i have 5yrs linux experiences (linux from scratch too) - but today i founded someone who knows really much more :) [23:24] =) [23:25] andre144k: it's currently in 'g' mode (magic packet) according to your earlier pastebin; you could so "sudo ethtool -s eno1 wol p" (for wake on PHY activity) [23:26] andre144k: in theory any activity on the line (from the router) should wake the port up (and the system if it were in S3 sleep) [23:26] ethtool -s en01 wol d [23:26] to disable? [23:26] andre144k: yes [23:27] andre144k: but it seems like the power-management functions on that chip are deeper than just WoL facilities, hence using the Windows device manager [23:29] andre144k: "ethtool --show-eee" is "show enervy efficient ethernet" and might be a way into the power settings from Linux [23:30] andre144k: so "sudo ethtool --show-eee eno1" and possibly "sudo ethtool --set-eee eno1 eee off" [23:33] "ethtool --show-eee eno1" >> EEE status: disabled [23:33] andre144k: OK, doesn't sound like that is the same thing as Windows Power Management options then [23:33] "ethtool eno1 | grep Wake" >> Wake-on: d [23:34] yes - no link-led on router [23:34] andre144k: although, looking at the Windows dialog, it does show EEE as one of the options [23:34] yes - ill reboot inside windows now [23:34] andre144k: OK, let's hope! [23:36] TJ-, in bios-settings: powermanagement > wake-on-lan > DISABLED [23:37] andre144k: how about any "PCI-Express native power management" options? [23:38] S3 state - DISABLED [23:39] there seems no option for PCI-Express [23:39] hello: I hava simple one, before upgrading to 17.10 I had removed the shutdown confirmation now I Can't....How do you remove the shutdown confirmation [23:39] andre144k: S3 state is suspend-to-RAM; I'd expect that'd be enabled usually on a laptop [23:39] andre144k: OK, don't worry. often the settings are hidden on laptops but shown for desktops [23:40] ill boot windows now [23:43] andre144k: just noticed the e1000e driver had a param: "SmartPowerDownEnable" and also "debug" (level) which could (have) helped [23:43] ok in windows therer are some options EEE, WAKE-On-Lan [23:43] i disabled, and will reboot [23:43] andre144k: disable all of them, yes? [23:43] oki ill do [23:46] How do you remove the shutdown confirmation? [23:46] TJ-, i disabled all options in PowerManagement Options form NIC in devicemanager [23:46] andre144k: Good [23:47] after reboot - all options are disabled [23:47] but under windows no led for link [23:47] andre144k: try rebooting into Linux. [23:47] andre144k: if this doesn't work there's a hardware fault it seems [23:48] yes [23:48] oki moment [23:50] i have to stop in some minuts _ time for my bed [23:51] ill try tomorrow ubunut 14.04 too [23:53] TJ-: care to continue troubleshooting my system target issue? [23:54] leftyfb: it's my bedtime :) [23:54] boooo [23:54] TJ-, 1minute - then ill see in ubutu 16.04 [23:55] If anyone else is able/willing to help, getty, multi-user and graphical targets are starting, starting their dependent units/services but not continuing on to an "active" state. They just hang. Both on boot and when started manually. [23:55] I found this out when troubleshooting another target we created that was experiencing the same issue [23:56] Hey, on Ubuntu Server 16.04. Is there a way to get the same configuration of the network settings text-mode gui wizard to come up again? [23:56] af-cmg: I'm pretty sure that's just part of the Ubiquity installer [23:56] anyone in here know bout burning audio cd's? [23:57] af-cmg: out of curiosity, why do you need it? [23:57] StumpDumb: we don't tend to answer surveys here [23:57] leftyfb: I could suggest using "systemd-analayze critical-chain" to see if there are any long delays from some service [23:57] leftyfb: I need to set up my network connection and I don't know how to do it other than that way. [23:57] TJ-, thx for your advanced expert knowhow ! [23:57] leftyfb: I have a static IP assigned to my MAC address from my network administrator. That's all the information I have. [23:57] TJ-, but ... same problem [23:58] andre144k: looking like a hardware failure I'm afraid [23:58] af-cmg: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html [23:58] TJ-, i think hardware issue - ill try ubuntu14.04 tomorrow [23:58] andre144k: OK, let us know how you get on, and especially if you solve it [23:58] yes - but thnx - know im feeling better, cause i know i checked all what i can do [23:58] "now"! [23:59] have to go out now... have good time all [23:59] bye [23:59] yesterday worked on it in here for over an Hour, a Complete waste of time [23:59] TJ-: systemd-analayze isn't a package or a filename in any package in any of the official repo packages [23:59] leftyfb: systemd-analyze