
Unit193Oh dear.00:00
Unit193I have one that uses Launchpad.00:00
bluesabreI'm a terrible human :300:00
Unit193I'm not entirely sure I'm better. :D00:01
Unit193BTW, I keep backports alive in unit193/xfce :P00:01
Unit193...Using a script to keep track of my own uploading.00:04
bluesabreMy goal is to keep the majority of our packageset in sync here https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/staging with bionic00:04
Unit193Backporting all bionic to artful?00:05
Unit193IOW, exactly what I'm doing personally?00:05
bluesabreSeeeeeeems soooooo00:06
bluesabreAnd not all bionic, but the important bits00:06
bluesabreso QA has can run Artful + 1 PPA00:06
Unit193So, I can do what I'm doing for my own there too.00:07
bluesabreYes, please do :D00:07
Unit193I'm pretty sure QA wants to run Bionic and use as little PPAs as possible.00:07
Unit193Difference with mine is that I want mine in pristine shape, so no libxfce4ui uploads or other baselibraries.00:07
bluesabreRight, but that's the path of least resistance for folks that want to have a stable base00:07
hggdhUnit193: just sent a pt_BR user here, on some untranslated menu entries on 17.1001:20
Unit193hggdh: Depends, if they're upstream Xfce then it matters.  If it's just random other packages, nothing we can actually do.01:20
hggdhUnit193: I understand. They seem to be mostly gnome-*, and the user (FurretUber, just joined) prolly can explain better01:21
FurretUberThe menu entries at /usr/share/applications are there, and the pt_BR option is present01:22
FurretUberBut they are still showing the entries in English01:22
FurretUberThe language-pack-gnome-pt is installed01:23
* hggdh goes walk the dogs01:23
Unit193(I doubt I'll be of much help, I'm en_US exclusively.01:24
FurretUberUsing Deja-Dup as a example: it has in the .desktop file: Comment[pt_BR]=Altere suas configurações de cópia de segurança01:24
FurretUberBut it uses Comment=Change your backup settings01:25
FurretUberHi, I have found the cause of the bug of the .desktop files03:32
FurretUberxfce4-panel requires a specific order of the .desktop entries. So if the " Name[pt_BR]= " entry comes before the " Name= " entry, the [pt_BR] is ignored03:33
Unit193Wow, that's nice.  I wonder if that's fixed in the development releases.03:34
FurretUberI will report it in Launchpad03:35
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13979 in Applications Menu "Some application names are not localized in applications menu" [Normal,New]03:39
Unit193FurretUber: ↑03:40
FurretUberThis is the problem I'm having03:40
FurretUberShould I report it to Launchpad? I thought it was not known03:43
Unit193Nah, what we should do is poke ochosi.03:45
FurretUberI've reconfigured all the problematic .desktop files, so the options without a specific locale are the first ones on the .desktop files. I am going to sleep, good night04:01
flocculantUnit193: this qa runs bionic with whatever happens to be kicking around - what this qa wants is something easy for 'testers' to do if they can't run bionic as daily - eg artful with 1 ppa if possible06:12
flocculantjust trying to get as much of the 'new' tested as possible either on bionic or artful06:14
flocculanttoo much thinking this early :p06:14
Unit193I wonder what I put in the PPA. ;306:15
Unit193(I mean in terms of artie.)07:32
akxwi-daveWell this QA will be running desktop with AA + PPA and his lappy with BB..   :-) oh and daily iso with VBox10:13
bluesabreflocculant: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/staging is synced up11:11
flocculantbluesabre: awesome - so we can point people at artful plus that and they're at similar state to 'me' ?18:12
Unit193ochosi: Did you see your friendly ping here?22:15
ochosii did22:20
ochosijust haven't had time to understand the bug/report yet22:20
ochosithat's probably garcon though, not the panel22:21
ochosishould be also visible in xfdesktop's application menu with gtk3/garcon0.622:21
ochosiUnit193: commented on the upstream report you linked22:27
ochosiwill continue to track it there22:27
ochosiUnit193: as you can see i gently forwarded the issue ;)22:54
bluesabreflocculant: correct22:57
Unit193ochosi: Well I hadn't seen it yet. :323:02

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