
=== MrElmo0 is now known as MrElmo`
NewGnuGuyWhen a new version of a package (in this case libsdl2) is migrated from Debian unstable to testing, will that package automatically get added the latest Ubuntu stable release (in this case Artful) or does something have to be done manually?06:10
NewGnuGuyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2 Version 2.0.7 is listed for Bionic, but 2.0.6 is still listed for Artful. 2.0.6 suffers from these crash-inducing bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2/+bug/1722060 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2/+bug/172784906:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1722060 in widelands (Ubuntu) "Some programs (e.g. Widelands) crash when playing sounds with sdl2 2.0.6" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727849 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu) "SDL audio does not work in artful" [Undecided,New]06:11
Unit193No, much like thigns don't migrate from testing to stable.06:11
NewGnuGuyWho is in charge of manually making that change?06:12
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates06:12
=== mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc
Jimmy40Hello guys, I've an annoying issue with Firefox and Thunderbird, on my 2 Xubuntu VM. When I launch them from the Whisker menu, and/or from terminal, nothing start, but there are two processes running in task manager.10:28
Jimmy40for example, I launch firefox and nothing show up, but I can see two running firefox processes in task manager. If I kill one, the Firefox UI show up10:29
Jimmy40This happens on my both Xubuntu VM, Does not on my Kubuntu VM10:30
Jimmy40Tried --purge and reinstall, refresh, safe mode, starting from scratch, nothing. :(10:31
Jimmy40One of those two processes use 0 CPU while the other around 50%10:32
Jimmy40What could I do to find how to solve this issue ?10:33
rockyhI installed texlive-full and texstudio in Xubuntu 16.04, but I get a compilation error10:50
rockyh"I can't find file `pgfcircutils.sty'. \input pgfcircutils.sty"10:50
rockyhthe package is circuitikz and I found some .tex files about it in "/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/circuitikz". But there are no .sty file, in the whole filesystem. What's wrong?10:51
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
asif_hey dreamon11:14
ambientHi, I get the following error when I try to update: https://pastebin.com/uVMQrYmH16:45
drleviathandrbdlinks - Manages symlinks into a shared DRBD partition17:26
drleviathanambient, are you running a DRDB file system?17:26
ambientdrleviathan, no17:31
ambientdrleviathan, I purged it17:31
ambientstill get the error17:31
drleviathanhow did you "purge" it?  was it successful?17:33
drleviathanack, I've got to go AFK.17:33
=== drleviathan is now known as leviathanAFK
=== leviathanAFK is now known as drleviathan
plaindaveI didn't install firefox 57. I unzipped the bz2 file and I just click on the executable to run ff. How do I install it? I'm running 16.04 LTS.18:50
drleviathanplaindave, do already have a version of firefox installed with a package?19:04
drleviathanthat is, when you run:  dpkg -l | grep firefox19:05
drleviathanwhat do you see?19:05
drleviathanI downloaded firefox-57 and looked at the contents of that zip file.19:11
drleviathanit appears one way would be to "sudo" unfurl it in /usr/local/lib/ and then manually make a symlink to /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox from /usr/local/bin/firefox19:13
plaindaveActually, I just installed Firefox v.58 from the repo. And installed by sudo apt install firefox.19:20
plaindaveI didn't know that v.58 was out, but that's what it says in "About Firefox".19:21
plaindavedrleviathan, Sorry. I should've put your name first so that you'd know that I sent you the messages.19:24
drleviathanoh right, 16.04 is LTS.  I think this laptop is on 17.04 which doesn't have an updated firefox package available.19:27
victor___hello! i'd like to ask a question about logging into xubuntu using a username provided by a windows domain the computer is connected to. anyone could help me? thanks19:30
drleviathanvictor___, I've never tried it, but: you've already googled it?  What did you learn?19:39
victor___i saw that the most referred to way to achieve it nowadays is called sssd; the documentation and tutorials are a little too technical for me. so i'd like to check if it's the right approach and, if so, if someone knows a relatively simple tutorial19:41
drleviathanhrm... it appears there is an #sssd channel on freenode19:45
=== dontbeadick is now known as kennyloggins
victor___oh, i didn't see it! :D   i will ask there, thanks a lot drleviathan!!19:48
kennylogginshow do I add the brisk menu to xubuntu ?20:02
=== PlainDave is now known as PlainDav
=== PlainDav is now known as PlainDave
PlainDaveI think the brisk menu is only a MATE thing, but I might be wrong.20:18
PlainDaveoops he's gone20:18
kennylogginsPlainDave: about the brisk menu .. is an alternative avail~ similar to brisk in xubuntu ?21:53
PlainDavekennyloggins, I really don't know. I'm somewhat new to Xubuntu. I used to run MATE for a long time, and I had the brisk menu with that. I googled it and it only made references to brisk with MATE.22:22
kennylogginsok thanks.22:26
geniiMATE is a GNOME2 desktop, brisk is an applet for it. Xubuntu is an XFCE desktop22:26
kennylogginsjust looking for an alternative to endless scolling in xubuntu menu ?22:26
PlainDavereally? I have a search window at the top of the menu.22:27
kennylogginsnot here - I have 'web browser'.22:28
PlainDave16.04.3 LTS22:28
PlainDaveThat's odd. I hope 18 this April has it.22:29
kennylogginsmaybe I am creating a problem that doesn't exit. my menu looks a mess.22:29
PlainDaveDo you have Menu Editor?22:30
PlainDavein the menu?22:30
kennylogginsyep - but its too complicated for me to understand thou,22:31
PlainDaveoh okay22:31
kennylogginsoh wait - just turned on 'games' in menu - do I have to log-out ?22:32
PlainDaveI tried 17.10, but it just locked up. I had to hold the power button down to reboot.22:32
PlainDaveoh, I don't know22:32
kennylogginsshall log out later :)22:34
kennylogginsSo I installed 17.10 xubuntu - but I am not happy with the menu.23:15
kennylogginsIam trying to find a diplomatic way to say this without re-installing, but does anyone have an omg ubuntu page where I don't have to recompile a new menu, to get an alternative menu ?23:16
PlainDaveYou could install and use 16.04, but you probably don't want to do that.23:19
kennylogginsI dont have a spare usb, anyway.23:21
Unit193...Re-install just to change to the applicationsmenu?  That seems majorly overkill.23:22
Unit193Am I confused as to what's being asked?23:23
kennylogginsjust want a different menu, pal.23:26
Unit193OK, so add 'applications menu' and you'll be set, it's the classic menu.23:31
kennylogginsUnit193: how ?23:35
Unit193Right click on the panel → Panel → Add new items  and select it from the list.23:36
PlainDavecool. I didn't know that.23:37
Unit193Whisker is actually a non-default menu, you have to install it as it is another package.23:37
Unit193!info xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin23:38
ubottuxfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (source: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin): Alternate menu plugin for the Xfce desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 149 kB, installed size 710 kB23:38
PlainDaveWhisker's what I have, apparently.23:40
Unit193Yes, it is default in Xubuntu.23:41
kennylogginsI have whisker now - from the panel options, thankyou.23:42
kennylogginsconfidently installing snaps now, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25970839/23:46
kennylogginsalthough I go this from here :  https://askubuntu.com/q/806780/54399423:46
kennylogginshow do I kill rhythmbox , there is no icon for it ?23:49
well_laid_lawnkennyloggins:  there should be a close button on top of the window23:58
kennylogginsyeah - I had to re-initiate it , then press stop & close, but thanks.23:58
kennylogginsIf you can find me the bug - I shall have a look (?) in xubuntu.23:59

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