
kennylogginsWhat is the command to install two snaps in sequence ?00:00
sergiusenskyrofa snapcraft#171900:01
mupPR snapcraft#1719: many: account for python shebang args in rewrite <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1719>00:01
kyrofasergiusens, that didn't restart, it's been going for two hours00:01
nacckennyloggins: not sure i understand? `sudo snap install <snap1>; sudo snap install <snap2>` ?00:01
sergiusensbummer, why did it start only two hours ago?00:01
kyrofasergiusens, I had to start it because snapd toasted my local adt runs00:01
kyrofasergiusens, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapcraft-adt-failures-with-the-new-core-release/2850/1200:02
kyrofasergiusens, also, I did comment in the PR :)00:02
sergiusenskyrofa yeah, that I did see; do we need this though?00:03
kyrofasergiusens, up to you, I'm fairly confident given that I had successful runs before the rebase, but they were on zesty00:04
sergiusenskyrofa elopio we need less tests, or broader ones; how many of the catkin tests could be merged into one?00:04
sergiusenssame for all the other components00:05
sergiusensthey could be condensed into on with multiple parts/apps00:05
sergiusensunless it warrants a separate one00:05
sergiusensbut I am going to be pragmatic here, many are only separate because it looks good on paper00:05
kyrofasergiusens, remember we're still not re-using the cache00:06
kyrofaSimpler tests are way easier to maintain00:07
kyrofaBut yeah, we can definitely combine some catkin ones if that's the direction we want to go00:07
kyrofaThis normally doesn't hurt quite so badly, we simply need to get in the habit of running them more often and paying attention to the result. I suggest caution in making decisions about our tests in our current state of pain00:09
sergiusenskyrofa well, tonight is your night and tomorrow is your morning, right?00:11
kennylogginsWhat is test-snapd-cups-control-consumer , exactly ? Is it for printers ?00:11
nacckennyloggins: you can read it's description in `snap info test-snapd-cups-control-consumer`00:13
naccbut as the name implies, it's a test snap for snapd to test the cups-control interfcase00:13
kennyloggins>  A basic snap declaring a plug on cups-control00:14
kennyloggins so its for printers ?00:14
nacckennyloggins: it doesn't do anything, afaict00:15
nacckennyloggins: it's a test snap00:15
kennylogginsokay thanks00:15
nacckennyloggins: to test an interface's functionality, in this case the cups-control interface (which is an interface for printing, yes)00:15
kennylogginsnacc, thanks by the way - can now install 15 snaps ; one after another in one command, cheers pal.00:22
nacckennyloggins: sure, that's not really snap specific :)00:22
nacckennyloggins: i'm not sure if instll can take multiple snap names or not00:22
naccseems like it probably could00:22
kyrofaelopio, another PR to snappy-m-o00:28
kyrofanacc, `snap remove` certainly can00:29
kyrofaHaven't tried on install00:29
nacckyrofa: yeah, me neither :)00:29
nacckyrofa: never had a reason, tbh00:29
kyrofanacc, me neither00:29
kennylogginsnacc: that kinda worked ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/25971109/ ) Althou, I think I may have boken pastebin (on the right) :(00:46
nacckennyloggins: not sure what you mean by 'right'? it's just a long linne00:50
elopiosnappy-m-o, github subscribe 171901:45
snappy-m-oelopio: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1719 (many: account for python shebang args in rewrite).01:45
mupPR #1719: firstboot: add firstboot assertions importing <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1719>01:45
elopiosnappy-m-o, github subscribe 171901:47
elopiosnappy-m-o, github subscribe 171901:47
snappy-m-oelopio: I'll send you updates as tests complete in pull request snapcraft#1719 (many: account for python shebang args in rewrite).01:47
mupPR snapcraft#1719: many: account for python shebang args in rewrite <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1719>01:47
sergiusenssnappy-m-o github subscribe 171901:50
snappy-m-osergiusens: I'll send you updates as tests complete in pull request snapcraft#1719 (many: account for python shebang args in rewrite).01:50
mupPR snapcraft#1719: many: account for python shebang args in rewrite <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1719>01:50
mupPR snapcraft#1719 closed: many: account for python shebang args in rewrite <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1719>02:01
stgrabersergiusens: hmm, so just noticed something funny... "version: 2.20" results in a snap of version "2.2" rather than "2.20"02:08
stgrabersergiusens: updating now to be 'version: "2.20"' which hopefully will fix that issue :)02:08
sergiusensstgraber oh, yaml; pyyaml parses that as a number; we should probably just update our jsonschema (commented) and enforce the type02:10
sergiusenskyrofa elopio take a look at snapcraft#1650 again please and I'll merge and tag after the travis tests are done02:11
mupPR snapcraft#1650: Release changelog for 2.35 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1650>02:11
kyrofasergiusens, bug #1732076 will still bite us02:37
mupBug #1732076: Plainbox snapd test failure <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732076>02:37
sergiusenskyrofa I'll skip the install part in packaging02:55
sergiusenskyrofa fwiw, i386 runs on lxd02:58
sergiusenskyrofa actually, I won't skip it, just document it as part of the SRU03:04
sergiusensat this point I am more interested in releasing a snap03:04
mupPR snapcraft#1740 opened: tests: add the home plug to the plainbox snap <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1740>03:22
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1740 zesty:amd6403:22
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.03:22
elopiosnappy-m-o github subscribe 174003:23
snappy-m-oelopio: I'll send you updates as tests complete in pull request snapcraft#1740 (tests: add the home plug to the plainbox snap).03:23
mupPR snapcraft#1740: tests: add the home plug to the plainbox snap <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1740>03:23
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1740 artful:amd6403:29
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.03:29
mborzeckimorning everyone05:57
zygahow are things?05:57
mborzeckizyga: hey05:57
mborzeckithings are good, the conference was very nice05:58
mborzeckidid you watch the video streams?05:58
zygano, but I'd like to later05:59
zygafighting release stuff05:59
mborzeckiwhat else have i missed?05:59
zygamborzecki: not much I'd say06:02
zygamborzecki: we could use some help debugging lxd issues today06:02
zygamborzecki: I know about one issue that I'll try to finally address but it seems we have one more06:02
zygaI'm slowly waking up, I was working past midnight06:04
zygaafter kids are in school I'll probably take a nap06:04
* zyga is grumpy because everything fails and needs to be restarted 06:05
zygawe could use some time on stabilizing those tests06:06
mborzeckitravis again?06:06
zygamborzecki: some of our spread tests are flaky06:06
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls/ all they yetllow ones failed on some random thing06:07
mborzeckii'll quickly look through those and see if there's anyting with the tests or just the CI was flaky06:11
mborzeckizyga: will artful cloud image be good enough for reproducing lxc problem that kyrofa reported?06:13
zygamborzecki: I think so06:14
zygamborzecki: not sure if he used 16.04 or 17.1006:14
zygamvo: good morning06:41
zygamvo: some ungood news: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/422806:41
mupPR #4228: interfaces,tests: skip unknown plug/slot interfaces (2.29) <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4228>06:41
zygamvo: though please look at the diff, we need to see if this actually makes sense06:43
zyga(I made it after midnight so not super sure)06:43
zygaI was under the impression that the new load-time validation would handle this06:43
zygathis is a regression caused by that patch06:43
zygait seems we validate a snap and then say "yeah it's broken but I'll load it anywy"06:43
zygaand this is probably a wider hole to fill06:44
zygamvo: other than that we also have the LXD regression, mborzecki and I will look at that (though I'm so sleepy I plan to take a nap for an hour as soon as kids leave)06:45
mvozyga: god morning06:45
mborzeckimvo: hey06:45
mvozyga: thanks for the update06:46
mvoand good morning mborzecki06:46
mvozyga: do we know anything more about the lxd issue? does it affect every snap ?06:46
mvozyga: I also wonder why our lxd-test did not catch it :/06:46
zygamvo: I have some ideas06:47
zygamvo: the namespace didn't exist so snap-update-ns just bailed out06:47
zygamvo: and there were no content changes to apply06:47
zygamvo: this really requires the content interface test06:47
mvozyga: and plainbox is using that iface?06:48
zygamvo: I'm very convinced that we need to try to run the full test suite on lxd and see what is broken06:48
zygamvo: I don't know actually,06:48
zygamvo: it's possible06:48
zygakissiel: ^06:48
zygakissiel: is the checkbox/plainbox snap using content interface?06:49
zygamvo: though AFAIK this was a test in snapcraft so perhaps an artificial one06:49
zygaand obviousl I could be wrong and there's something lurking deeper about why this failed06:49
mvozyga: thanks, that is already quite helpful!06:50
mvozyga: hm, kyrofa reproduced it for hello-world in lxc so I doubt its the content iface06:53
mvozyga: it works via sudo06:53
mvozyga: which is also strange but it explains why our test did not catch it, it means a regression test should be simple at least06:53
zygamvo: sudo will fix it because the denial was on cap_read_search06:54
zygamvo: we are apparently trying to traverse a directory that is not readable to us06:54
zygamvo: and then fail on the missing capability06:54
zygamvo: sudo will just give us that06:54
zygamvo: (not the capability but the read permission)06:54
zygamvo: the freezer cgroup setup insie containers is something worth looking at06:55
mvozyga: right, I'm trying to modify the lxd test so that we have a reproducer/regression test06:57
zygaI feel like it's time to crash now, I'll be back closer to 10AM07:00
mvozyga: sleep well07:00
mupPR snapd#4230 opened: tests: add test to run snap inside lxd as a user <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4230>07:11
mborzeckimvo: can i force remove core snap?07:46
mvomborzecki: unfortunately not, you can "dpkg --purge snapd" (or fedora has a snap-mgr.sh script that does the same) to remove all snaps07:59
mvozyga: just fyi, adding "capability dac_read_search" is not sufficient to fix the lxd issue08:01
mborzeckihmm cgroup freezer directories are left behind once a snap runs (is that ok?), anyways, when a snap is run with sudo, it will be possible to create a directory under /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer08:01
mvomborzecki: yeah, see 4230, we have a lxd test but unfortunately it runs as root so it did not catch the bug08:01
mborzeckiomg, broke lxd08:13
mborzeckii restarted an ephemeral container, now i can't remove it nor stop if08:14
mborzeckiexec doesn't work either08:14
mupPR snapd#4231 opened: interfaces: add "refresh-schedule" attribute to snapd-control <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4231>08:24
zygamvo: any news?08:52
mborzeckizyga: snap-confine is setuid root right?08:56
mvozyga: not much, we have a reproducer08:56
mvozyga: in spread08:56
zygamborzecki: yes08:57
zygamvo: aha, that's good08:57
mborzeckii build this, make it chown root:root, u+s, and cannot create a frezer group08:57
mvozyga: and the apparmor denial is not it, I added it for testing to snap-confine.appamor.in and it still fails08:58
mvozyga: with permission denied but no apparmor denial anymore08:59
zygamvo: I'm running your test locally now09:00
mvozyga: cool09:00
mupPR snapd#4232 opened: store: add support for flags in ListRefresh() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4232>09:11
mvozyga: silly question, could we revert the freezer group in 2.29? or would that cause havoc?09:12
zygamvo: I think a bit havoc, I'd have to look09:13
mvozyga: hm, then lets see if we can do a proper fix09:14
=== JoshStrobl|Away is now known as JoshStrobl
zygamvo: hmm, the container is weird09:18
zygaI cannot switch to "ubuntu" user09:18
* kalikiana coffee09:20
zygamvo: I know what the problem is, I think09:20
zygastgraber: around?09:20
zygamvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25973198/09:23
zygamvo: so two ideas for quick "solution":09:24
zygamvo: 1) make that step optional and let it fail, this means mount changes are not atomic in lxd09:24
zygamvo: 2) talk to stgraber and figure out why lxd sets up containers this way and what we can do about it09:24
zygamvo, mborzecki: opinions?09:26
mborzeckihmm that's why g+s works i guess09:26
zygamborzecki: correct09:27
zygamvo: it's actually a deeper problem:09:29
zygaroot@my-ubuntu:~# ls -ld /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/09:29
zygadrwxrwxr-x 5 nobody root 0 Nov 16 09:13 /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/09:29
zygamvo: unless we somehow disabled all udev tagging inside containers09:29
zygamvo: it will break on when creating the device cgroup09:30
mborzeckithat's perhaps silly, but could we g+s snap-confine too? we're dropping both anyway right after setting up09:31
zygamborzecki: that's another option, indeed09:32
zygathough I'd like to understand the motivation behind lxd choices09:32
Chipacamoin moin09:33
zygaChipaca: hello09:33
mborzeckiChipaca: hey09:33
zygaChipaca: welcome to the fire dept09:33
zygaChipaca: pick your hose and let's put out the fires ;)09:33
Chipacaoh dear09:34
Chipacazyga: what's on fire?09:34
zygaChipaca: lxd09:34
zygaChipaca: also snapd crashes:09:36
mupBug #1732555: Installing bad snap has snapd crashing <Snappy:In Progress by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732555>09:36
zygaChipaca: that one needs some love from pstolowski and perhaps you, something went south very much whe we switched to "validate on load"09:37
mvozyga: hm, reading backlog. sorry, my laptop came back from repair just now (doorbell and all that)09:37
zygaChipaca: I'm a bit sleepy still09:37
zygamvo: great, did they hide that cable?09:37
Chipacazyga: both of those claim to have a fix in a pr; is the fire putting out effort needed from me to review those prs?09:37
zygamvo: btw I opened mine and I think I know why your cable was sticking out, there's a compartment for that cable where it's supposed to be held and be attached, if that part is loose it can easily slide through the hinge09:38
mvozyga: yeah, its not longer visible, I wonder where they put it, I'm inclined to open the machine to see what happend to it. but opening the modern ones is a pita (IMO) so I probably won't09:38
zygaChipaca: lxd is not fixed yet09:38
mvozyga: aha, nice09:38
zygaChipaca: and the snapd crash is just fixing the immediate problem, the deeper problem is not addresed09:38
zygaChipaca: it seems the validate-on-load concept is validate-and-log-but-continue-anyway09:38
mvozyga: I had it open before and tried to figure out where it belonged but couldn't find an obvious place and was too impatient then09:39
zygamvo: I bought a x240 for a family member and I opened it to clean it and replace the heatsink thermal glue09:39
zygamvo: (interestingly no internal battery there)09:39
pstolowskizyga, i'll look into this, thanks for the intermediate fix09:42
zygapstolowski: thank you09:43
mupPR snapd#4229 closed: interfaces,tests: skip unknown plug/slot interfaces <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4229>09:54
* zyga is doing code reviews10:03
zygamvo: offtopic, do you remember that zesty issue with the repair systemd unit?10:04
zygamvo: is that something that needs love?10:04
zygapstolowski: FYI: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/422810:04
mupPR #4228: interfaces,tests: skip unknown plug/slot interfaces (2.29) <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4228>10:04
zygapstolowski: 2.29 backport of that PR10:05
mvozyga: I remember it, I thought it was conditionally dislabed and that would not put things into degraded state10:05
mupPR snapd#4228 closed: interfaces,tests: skip unknown plug/slot interfaces (2.29) <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4228>10:06
mvozyga: iirc I checked on a fresh VM10:06
zygamvo: aha, thank you10:06
zygamvo: I requested your review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4227 as you looked into framebuffers on pi recently10:06
mupPR #4227: tests: add test for frame buffer interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4227>10:06
mvozyga: sure, I have a look10:12
zygaChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/422510:15
mupPR #4225: cmd/snap-update-ns: tweak changePerform <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4225>10:15
Chipacazyga: +110:21
ackkzyga, addressed all your comments on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/421910:25
mupPR #4219: snap/validate: extend socket validation tests <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4219>10:25
zygaackk: thank you, I'll look now10:27
mupPR snapd#4225 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: tweak changePerform <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4225>10:28
mupPR snapd#4185 closed: interfaces/builtin/account_control: use gid owning /etc/shadow to setup seccomp rules <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4185>10:30
pstolowskizyga, i think i've a proper fix for the bad plugs/slots. interestingy it uncovered an small issue with api tests after all these change10:40
zygapstolowski: interesting10:41
zygapstolowski: I'll gladly review the PR10:42
mvoa second review for 4232 and 4231 would be great10:58
zygamvo: I could use a few reviews10:58
mborzeckii can take a look10:59
zygamvo: this one is interesting: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/422410:59
mupPR #4224: cmd/snap-update-ns: teach update logic to handle synthetic changes <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4224>10:59
zygamvo: the code change is tiny in one function, the rest are just tests10:59
mvozyga, ok, looking. was about to jump to reviews anyway while me laptop restores its backup11:00
mupPR snapcraft#1740 closed: tests: add the home plug to the plainbox snap <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1740>11:06
mupPR snapd#4233 opened: interfaces: remove invalid plugs/slots from SnapInfo on sanitization <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4233>11:10
pstolowskizyga, ^11:10
zygapstolowski: looking11:14
mborzeckiok, conference report sent, back to snapd now11:20
zygapstolowski: reviewed11:20
mborzeckizyga: so what do we do with lxd?11:20
zygaI'd like to discuss this with stgraber11:21
zygasetuid is problematic in itself11:21
pstolowskizyga, thanks!11:21
* Chipaca ~> haircut, and lunch11:30
Saviqpopey: hey, what GUI snaps would you recommend to try out?11:42
popeyWhat's the goal?11:42
* Chipaca aborts haircut plans11:47
mborzeckiTestExecInCoreSnapUnsetsDidReexec fails on me with arch11:51
zyga-solusmborzecki: maybe it assumes ubuntu and lacks mocking?11:51
zyga-solusmborzecki: thank you for running that on arch11:51
zyga-soluslet me try on solus11:51
mborzeckiin ExecInCoreSnap(), should SNAP_DID_REEXEC be unset in all early exit paths?11:51
zyga-solusmborzecki: I don't know, sorry11:52
zyga-solusikey: any chance for F57 soon? ^_^11:52
Saviqpopey: evaluating X11 over SSH11:53
ikeyits in unstable zyga-solus11:53
ikeywe sync on fridays11:54
zyga-solusikey: thank you! :) I cannot wait to see that11:54
ikeyits pretty banging11:54
mborzeckimvo: you fixed the bug, so I assume ou know something about SNAP_DID_REEEXEC ;)11:54
zyga-solusikey: so I heard11:54
zyga-solusmborzecki: FYI, that test passes on solus11:54
ikeyunfortunately we couldn't do a simple cherry-pick for firefox to get it in early11:55
ikeydepends on new stuff like dbus + xcb + x11 + co11:55
ikeybig chain11:55
ikeyand right now im rebootstrapping the solus toolchain11:55
mborzeckizyga-solus: thx for checking11:55
popeySaviq: pycharm-community, mailspring, wavebox, ohmygiraffe, chromium.. good enough to get on with?11:55
* zyga-solus sees one unit test failing on solus, let's fix that11:59
zyga-solusbut while tests run, it's tea time!11:59
Saviqpopey: sure, thanks12:15
zyga-soluspstolowski: +112:27
zyga-soluspstolowski: can you please do a 2.29 backport as well, feel free to rebase+squash this PR for simplicity12:27
zyga-solusmvo: can you do a 2nd review of 4233 with the extra changes, for sanity please?12:27
zyga-solusjdstrand: good morning :)12:28
mborzeckizyga-solus: SnapMountDir must be /snap in solus apparently12:31
zyga-solusmborzecki: yes, that's right12:31
mborzeckithe test should fail on fedora too then12:31
zyga-solusmborzecki: perhaps neal patched it, I haven't used fedora actively lately12:31
ikeySnapMountDir never wasn't /snap in our snapd12:33
* ikey is confused12:33
* ikey also can't english today12:33
zyga-solusikey: it's all good12:33
zyga-solusikey: just chasing an unit test without mocking that mborzecki found while running arch12:33
diddledanikey: English you good done!12:37
ikeythanks much they have do12:37
* diddledan looks to see what podcasts he has waiting to be heard12:38
diddledanah there we go. a nice shiny new bad voltage12:38
* ikey occupies himself with watching llvm build12:41
diddledanooh, that sounds almost like Gentoo :-p12:41
ikeynah gentoo is for newbs12:42
ikeysomeone else has already done the packaging for you at that point :p12:42
* ikey wouldn't object to someone else doing this for him though.12:42
ikey 12:46:18 up 13:26,  1 user,  load average: 10.95, 9.48, 6.7612:46
ikeyow. xD12:46
zyga-solusikey: are you on gentoo now? :D12:49
ikeynah on solus12:50
ikeythe laptop is taking offence to being used as a build machine12:50
zyga-solusikey: maybe get one of those $9 chip clusters ;)12:51
ikeyfwiw ive already built gcc on this thing today as well12:51
ikeyrunning out of compilers to compile..12:52
zyga-solusikey: think about the gcc CI machine12:52
zyga-soluspoor thing :)12:52
ikeylo, ya12:52
ikeythen again they use SVN12:53
ikeyso they kinda bring pain on themselves12:53
zyga-solusnext up: more shards of glass under our fingertips12:53
ikeyyeah i was checking out https://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/gcc?view=revision&revision=248032 earlier12:53
jdstrandzyga-solus: good morning :)12:54
jdstrandzyga-solus: or rather, good afternoon :)12:54
zyga-solusjdstrand: we had some drama in the morning, the interface part seems to be addressed now but we are still in the red in lxd12:54
jdstrandyeah, saw that12:54
Chipacais https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-fails-to-update-lxd/2858 the same lxd issue?12:55
* ikey adds appropriately topical and dramatic musical backdrop to zyga-solus's words12:55
diddledanemerge glibc binutils gcc && emerge glibc binutils gcc <-- back in the day that was the required encantation to ensure Gentoo consistency (IIRC)12:55
ikeydiddledan, yeah ive done binutils already lol12:55
zyga-solusikey: just say everything I write with hollywood trailer voice12:55
mvomborzecki, I have a look at this reexec in a little bit but strange that it fails on arch and not ubuntu12:55
mupPR snapd#4234 opened: snap: use field names when initializing composite literals <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4234>12:55
zyga-solusChipaca: not sure, I just saw that12:56
mborzeckitrivial PR ^^ if anyone wants to take a look12:56
* ikey will send off binutils and gcc again once this llvm finishes..12:56
mborzeckimvo: opening PR in a minute, added some mocks to workaround this12:56
diddledanI hope your laptop is on a desk rather than your knees :-p *hothothot*12:57
ikeynot sure the battery would last the time it took to move between the desk and the sofa12:57
ikeynowadays its permanently plugged in12:57
ikeyand hooked up to my 4k monitor12:57
ikey(keyboard/mouse/everything external)12:57
ikeyits like the most ironic laptop12:57
Chipacamborzecki: i thought that was written `snap.R(20)`12:57
mborzeckiChipaca: yes/no/maybe, let me check12:59
pedronisat least that is what we usually do12:59
pstolowskizyga-solus, thanks. will do 2.29pr12:59
mborzeckiyup, i'll update the PR13:00
Chipacahmm, ho seems stucjk13:03
mupPR snapd#4235 opened: cmd: pretend we're running on Ubuntu in TestExecInCoreSnapUnsetsDidRe… <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4235>13:06
mupPR snapcraft#1650 closed: Release changelog for 2.35 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1650>13:30
Chipacaniemeyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHTxzn4YL6o13:36
* kalikiana taking a short break13:41
kyrofaMornin folks13:55
kyrofasergiusens, things finally looking up this morning?14:01
pedronismvo: I did mark the things in the roadmap for 2.30 with 2_3014:02
pedronisChipaca: is this done https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/expose-a-more-consistent-subset-of-systemds-service-directives/2268 ? considering that we have also this one now https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-snapctl-stop-start-restart-services/190814:03
mvopedronis: excellent, thank you14:06
* kalikiana waves at kyrofa 14:07
pedronismvo: Chipaca: this is done for now:  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/should-we-use-polkit-for-local-auth/1206  ?14:08
mvopedronis: yes, that has landed14:08
mvopedronis: iirc 2.2814:08
Chipacapedronis: it is not done14:10
Chipacapedronis: the first one i mean, not even started14:10
kyrofaHey there kalikiana14:10
pedronisChipaca: ah, I confused what it was, sorry14:11
Chipacapedronis: 2.30 for that one might be too soon though14:11
pedronisChipaca: yes14:11
Chipacanot sure i'm going to get to it (pretty sure i'm going to be elbow-deep in snapshots)14:12
pedronisChipaca: are aliases the last bit missing for tab completion for snaps?14:12
pedronisChipaca: feel free to put to backlog if that's the case14:12
Chipacapedronis: aliases are done14:16
abeatomvo, jdstrand, hi, I have a question about the emergency repair assertion, does it need to be signed by Canonical? Or not necessarily and it can be created by the brand-id that signed the model assertion?14:16
Chipacai don't think there's anything else14:16
pedronisChipaca: but not released? so 2.30, right?14:16
Chipacapedronis: correct14:16
Chipacait even says as much :-)14:16
Chipaca“Tab completion of aliases is enabled transparently from snapd 2.30 (the completer should only see the dealiased command).”14:16
pedronispstolowski: what's the status of this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/declaratively-defining-environment-variables/175/23 it's marked backlog but worked happened on it14:17
pstolowskipedronis, right, it's done14:19
pstolowskipedronis, hold on14:19
pstolowskipedronis, i need to check entire thread in case there was more than just this bugfix14:20
pedronisyea, np14:20
pedronisalso there's snapcraft part to it14:21
zyga-solusChipaca: I requested your review on two PRs14:27
jdstrandabeato: I defer to mvo14:28
zyga-solusmvo: I replied to brauner on the thread14:31
zyga-solusmvo: not sure how to understand what we should (or not) do14:31
mvoabeato: currently it needs to be signed by canonical. phase-2 would allow others to sign it but we are not there yet14:38
mvozyga-solus: thank you14:38
abeatomvo, got it, when is phase-2 planned to happen?14:43
mvoabeato: we have no firm timeline for this yet unfortunately14:46
pedronisit also depends how self-service it needs to be14:46
mvoabeato: indeed, what pedronis said -^14:46
abeatopedronis, mvo I would expect that the owner of the model (creator of the image) would be able to send emergency fixes as required, from their own store14:48
pedronisthere is no timeline on that, it would also need store work14:49
abeatogot it, thanks14:51
mupPR snapd#4236 opened: Reject bad plugsslots 229 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4236>15:01
Chipacazyga-solus: i'm not seeing the notification for that15:07
* Chipaca pokes15:07
kyrofasergiusens, the release notes are missing the "using a remote lxd instance" demo15:09
kyrofaAh, I got it15:10
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
kyrofasergiusens, dumb question: is it actually "dotnet" or .NET ?15:16
kyrofaThe plugin name is obvious, but when used in a phrase15:16
kyrofaI thought it was .NET15:16
zyga-solusChipaca: you should be able to on: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls/review-requested/chipaca15:17
Chipacazyga-solus: ! thank you15:18
zyga-solusit's an useful link :)15:18
zyga-solusmvo: hey15:24
zyga-solusmvo: around?15:24
zyga-solusmvo: I'm playing with containers15:24
om26erjdstrand: I think that android studio is now good to be allowed 'classic' following Alan's reply.15:26
sergiusenskyrofa dotnet15:26
sergiusenskyrofa err, the command is dotnet... the infra is .NET core15:27
sergiusenskyrofa the release notes are in draft for a reason :-)15:27
sergiusenskyrofa waiting on kalikiana for that video link (unless I missed it)15:27
kyrofasergiusens, I fixed it15:28
kyrofasergiusens, I'll fix the .NET ones as well15:28
sergiusenskyrofa elopio btw, `snap install mailspring` and email problems will be a problem of the past15:28
elopiosergiusens: so, this was all because we didn't make a lot of noise when we implemented that "snap install core || echo ignoreerror" workaround?15:28
elopiosergiusens: isn't mailspring just as nylas? They have your emails on their server?15:28
sergiusenselopio it is local15:29
sergiusenselopio no, this is different15:29
ikeyand less JS heavy than the old thing15:29
elopioI will check it out.15:29
sergiusenselopio it is faster than any other email client I've used and it actually does not lie about unread emails as I have been seeing on other clients using imap15:30
mvozyga-solus: back now, I was in a meeting15:30
kalikianasergiusens: I sent it in email yesterday15:31
kalikianain the gist15:31
ikey[Package] Creating /home/build/work/llvm-32bit-5.0.0-53-1-x86_64.eopkg ...15:31
* ikey sobs with relief15:31
sergiusensikey failed, out of space15:32
ikeyno dont lol15:32
ikeyit failed the first time15:32
sergiusenscleaning up15:32
* ikey almost cried15:32
kalikianasergiusens: wait, I see it in the "is here"...  did you mean another video?15:33
sergiusenskalikiana I am not following on that last comment15:34
kalikianasergiusens: you said "waiting on kalikiana for that video link"15:34
zyga-solusmvo: thank you for the notice, I wanted to say that the issue with LXD is not so clear cut anymore15:35
sergiusenskalikiana no, no other video15:35
kalikianasergiusens: I see the video on the "snapcraft 2.35 is here" page15:35
mvozyga-solus: how do you mean?15:36
Chipacamvo: +1! and then suddenly -115:36
zyga-solusmvo: I don't think I know what's really going on15:36
Chipacamvo: (on #4232)15:36
mupPR #4232: store: add support for flags in ListRefresh() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4232>15:36
zyga-solusmvo: look at the last few posts15:36
zyga-solusand lxd itself is fun (for unmagic regular software)15:37
mupPR snapd#4237 opened: debian: add missing udev dependency <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4237>15:37
mvoChipaca: uh, thank you! I will fix this15:38
mupPR snapd#4231 closed: interfaces: add "refresh-schedule" attribute to snapd-control <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4231>15:41
mvozyga-solus: just read the backlog, did you see brauners suggestion about the mount-namespace-capture-helper profile?15:42
kalikianasergiusens: btw if it was you who made my bits 10 times better, thank you so much for that. Tons better!15:42
zyga-solusmvo: no, where was that?15:43
kalikianasergiusens: are the "empty" sections still to be filled in?15:43
mvozyga-solus: just 2min ago, maybe you need to reload15:43
zyga-solusah, not here on IRC15:43
* zyga-solus looks at the forum15:43
mvoChipaca: thanks for the suggestions in the PR - so you suggest that I use "type RefreshOptions struct {RefreshManaged bool}' instead?15:44
mvoChipaca: instead of bit-flags?15:44
Chipacamvo: yep15:45
Chipacamvo: or if you think the bitfield means a smaller refactor, give it a IsRefreshManaged() bool, that does the check15:46
Chipacaeither is fine, but over time we've moved to structs for flags15:46
Chipaca(there might be bitfields still somewhere though)15:46
Chipaca(dunno, haven't hunted)15:46
mvoChipaca: I go for the struct, the fact that I messed up the bitfield sounds like a good reason against it15:46
Chipacamvo: memorywise it's the same15:47
* kalikiana needs to hop on a tram, will be back in a bit15:48
mvoChipaca: interessting15:50
mvoChipaca: anyway, refactoring now, thanks for your input!15:50
jdstrandom26er: I'll take a look, thanks15:53
zyga-solusmvo: I'm running out of ideas on LXD15:53
mvozyga-solus: what are we using the freezer group for in 2.29? is it allready criticial (I assume yes but want to double check)15:54
zyga-solusmvo: it's done so that mount changes are atomic15:55
zyga-solusmvo: and we also use it to detect (but not yet act on) stale namespaces when the base snap changes revision15:55
mvozyga-solus: what did we do in 2.28 for mount changes?15:55
zyga-solusmvo: we didn't do certain kids16:00
zyga-solusmvo: and they were racy16:00
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
mvozyga-solus: right, mostly asking to see if revert is an option until we have a handle on this. but lets keep digging and hoping that stgraber has an idear16:00
zyga-solusmvo: I think it's a jdstrand question16:01
zyga-solusmvo: the base snap staleness we can ignore for now (it's not live)16:01
zyga-solusmvo: the race prevention was a direct request from him16:01
mvozyga-solus: ok16:01
mvozyga-solus: well, I think of course ideally we would make it work under lxd, but the lack of ideas is slightly worrying :)16:02
zyga-solusmvo: I don't know what's going on really16:02
zyga-solusmvo: it feels like apparmor but I don't even see the capability dac_read_search denial anymore16:02
mborzeckithis may sound crazy but I tried using this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25975053/ then on the hose enable trace basically all, and then kill -CONT in the container16:05
mborzeckizyga-solus: maybe this will give you some ideas16:06
zyga-solusmborzecki: sorry, I don't understand16:07
mborzeckithat paste is a minimal sample that fails under lxd, extracted from our code16:08
mborzeckithen in the container i run this process and tell it to create a frezer cgroup, it will stop with SIGSTOP16:08
Chipacamvo: you made it a pointer to keep the refactor down?16:08
zyga-solusand you ran this setuid root?16:08
zyga-solusas a user16:08
zyga-solusmborzecki: can you please add that to the thread on the forum where brauner reads this?16:09
mborzeckithen on the host i try trace-cmd -e all -P <pid-translated-to-global-ns>16:09
mvoChipaca: yeah, I can change it to by value if you prefer, will make the call sites looks a bit more ugly (or a bit more clear depending on POV)16:09
mborzeckizyga-solus: ok16:09
mvoChipaca: do you prefer the non-pointer approach?16:09
Chipacamvo: 's fine16:09
Chipacamvo: very marginal preference for passing by value (with a for-convenience default flags object maybe)16:10
Chipacamvo: i already +1'ed before asking, that's how much i care about this :-)16:10
mvoChipaca: ok, I don't mind either way so lets go with it until someone else objects :)16:10
mvopedronis: your input on 4222 would be great16:12
mupPR snapd#4219 closed: snap/validate: extend socket validation tests <Created by albertodonato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4219>16:14
=== jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner
stgraberzyga-solus: what's up?16:35
zyga-solusstgraber: hello16:37
zyga-solusstgraber: we're trying to understand an issue we found after 2.29.3 went to stable16:37
zyga-solusstgraber: it's happening here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapcraft-adt-failures-with-the-new-core-release/2850/48 -- brauner is helping us16:38
stgraberyeah, he just sent me that link16:42
zyga-solusjdstrand: hey, if you have a sec please look at the forum thread linked above16:48
zyga-solusmvo: I think the issue is understood and we have a solution on our plate16:50
pedronismvo: was in  a meeting16:51
mupPR snapd#4237 closed: debian: add missing udev dependency <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4237>16:54
zyga-solusjdstrand, mvo, stgraber: I'm running a spread run with g+s, let's see what happens17:02
pedronismvo: added some comments17:06
zyga-solusmvo: the outlook on LXD issue (the more recent one) is that we'll have a patch later today and will need to go through a round of review17:08
zyga-solusmvo: expect it to be semi-landable tomorrow17:08
Chipacamvo: zyga means through a security review there i think17:09
pedronismvo: was this fixed:  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/spread-cron-is-not-running-snapd-vendor-sync/2739 ?17:10
zyga-solusChipaca: I think the review will be very detailed as it's not a minor change17:11
zyga-solusit's a small change with major consequences17:12
kyrofasergiusens, can we start landing PRs for 2.36?17:13
mvozyga-solus: yay, understood sounds great17:17
zyga-solusthat single test case passes, I'm running all of main and adjusting for this (some parts need to go)17:17
sergiusenskyrofa I thought first came elopio's testing one and then we'd all rebase17:23
sergiusenselopio ETA for that?17:23
kyrofasergiusens, sounds lovely17:24
elopiosergiusens: let me finish the council meeeting, and I'll rebase.17:25
elopioso, 1 hour. Hopefully the merge is easy17:26
popeyGuys, I have a snap which is doing my head in. Files (executables) are not being copied from stage to prime. They exist in stage just fine, but never end up in prime or the resulting snap.17:45
popeyIs there some rule about what gets copied from stage to prime which will eliminate things?17:46
naccpopey: i think that would be plugin specific? (/me is not a snap developer)17:47
naccpopey: do you have the yaml handy?17:47
popeyplugin specific? I dont understand how17:47
naccpopey: i though the plugins implement the lifecycle, e.g. what actually happens at each point, so stage, prime, snap: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/plugins17:48
nacc(going by docs)17:48
sergiusenspopey things in stage have to come from a part17:49
popeyI'm using autotools plugin but overriding with prepare, build and install17:49
popeyyeah, the part builds the app, it gets to stage just fine17:49
popeybut then gets lost between stage and prime17:49
sergiusensit should just work then; does it exist in parts/<part-name>/install ?17:50
sergiusenspopey wait, is it a file which would be considered hidden?17:50
sergiusensstarts with dot17:50
popeyno, bunch of executables17:50
kyrofapopey, any chance this is public?17:51
popeyi haven't investigated all the missing files, but the primary executable is the main one missing and that's a big problem17:51
popeyit can be. it takes ~20+ mins to build on my 64GB i717:51
kyrofaeven just a peek at the YAML would be interesting17:51
sergiusenshmm, out of quick ideas and heading out to rehab (knee, don't get ideas); so I'll leave it to kyrofa to continue the "interrogation"17:51
kyrofasergiusens hurt his knee doing drugs, FYI17:52
sergiusenspopey teleconsole ftw ;-)17:52
popeyfunnily enough wimpy is teleconsoled in right now watching it17:52
popeyi did cleanbuild though so all thrown away in this build17:52
mcphailsergiusens: "don't do snaps kids"17:52
* popey seals up the woodwork, less more come out17:53
kyrofasergiusens, we call that "physical therapy" around here :P17:53
popeyok, am kicking off another build as a container build so I can keep the artifacts17:53
Chipacazyga-solus: jinx!17:56
Chipacazyga-solus: except instead of commenting i cherry-picked and pushed17:56
Chipacaand now I'll kinda-EOD; will check back to merge that if it's green17:57
zyga-solusChipaca: :D17:59
zyga-solusChipaca: thank you!17:59
zyga-solusChipaca: I saw that just a few seconds after I commented17:59
zyga-solusChipaca: I'll do that :)17:59
zyga-solusChipaca: enjoy your evening17:59
mupPR snapd#4233 closed: interfaces: remove invalid plugs/slots from SnapInfo on sanitization <Created by stolowski> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4233>17:59
mupPR snapd#4232 closed: store: add support for flags in ListRefresh() <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4232>18:02
mupPR snapd#4215 closed: HACKING: fix path in snap install <Created by asalminen> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4215>18:04
zyga-solusjdstrand: do you have some time for 2nd look on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4169 today?18:08
mupPR #4169: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secureMkfileAll <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4169>18:08
jdstrandzyga-solus: I'm trying18:10
jdstrandzyga-solus: for the setgid. I think the coding changes are that we limit setguid to that own chown. so, as early as possible we temporarily drop, then right before the fchown, we raise, then right after, we temporarily drop. we then let the current code let us drop permanently18:12
jdstrands/own chown/one chown/18:12
zyga-solusjdstrand: ah, interesting, so effectively minimize the changes to the current behaviour18:13
jdstrandzyga-solus: that happens to be the safest thing to do, but also will have the smallest code impact18:13
zyga-solusjdstrand: I was thinking about going all the way in by dropping the chown code entirely18:13
zyga-solusjdstrand: we can consider that for future improvement18:13
jdstrandzyga-solus: I was thinking of that too, but its hard to think through setuid, sudo, non-sudo for both inside and outside of lxd18:14
zyga-solusyes, it certainly needs more time18:14
jdstrandit would have to be carefully and methodically worked through18:14
zyga-solusjdstrand: I'll prepare the patch as you suggested initially for tomorrow18:15
zyga-solus(today I'm just gardening PRs)18:15
jdstrandzyga-solus: you probably recall that we temp drop uid and reraise in the codebase. you can look at that for inspiration18:15
mvopedronis: thanks for your review. I addressed the raised points now18:16
zyga-solusjdstrand: yes, totally18:16
mvozyga-solus: silly question, I commented out the fchown code as a test but that was not enough, but I guess thats known, right?18:21
zyga-solusmvo: for the cgroup issue?18:23
mvozyga-solus: yeah18:23
zyga-solusmvo: no, that's not enough18:23
zyga-solusmvo: you also need the packaging changes to make us setgid root18:24
zyga-solusmvo: and some assorted code that jdstrand described above18:24
mvozyga-solus: aha, ok18:25
mvozyga-solus: I keep an eye on it (but not now :/18:25
zyga-solusmvo: are you EOD?18:26
mvozyga-solus: well, sort of, I can be around in ~2h again or so18:28
mvozyga-solus: or 1.5h18:28
zyga-solusmvo: no worries, I just beg for code reviews :)18:28
magicaltroutalright folks, stupid question cause i've not built anything in a while18:32
magicaltroutif i use a plugin, like ant. Can I run a command to copy a file before running the build?18:32
naccmagicaltrout: see the prepare scriptlet18:33
magicaltroutah thats the word that had escaped me!18:33
mupPR snapcraft#1741 opened: TESTING: adt on lxc requires squashfuse <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1741>18:44
kyrofaogra_, you around18:52
elopiokyrofa: sergiusens: The massive diff looks good to me. You can review while the tests run.19:10
zyga-soluskoza: thank you!19:14
zyga-solusjdstrand: thank you, I'll address those items immediately19:21
sergiusenselopio 2.35 is in beta; test away and tell me when to promote to candidate (so you can make the cft)20:03
elopiosergiusens will start after lunch.20:04
mupPR snapd#4236 closed: many: reject bad plugs/slots 2.29 <Created by stolowski> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4236>20:07
mupPR snapd#4238 opened: interfaces/browser-support: adjust base declaration for auto-connection <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4238>20:31
* kyrofa runs some errands, back later21:07
pedronisjdstrand: thanks for #4238, I pushed a test there too21:14
mupPR #4238: interfaces/browser-support: adjust base declaration for auto-connection <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4238>21:14
mupPR snapd#4234 closed: snap: use field names when initializing composite literals <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4234>21:17
jdstrandpedronis: thanks!21:39
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull in r943 of the review tools. no rush21:43
mwhudsoner does snapcraft's python plugin look at requirements.txt files?21:46
ikeysoo did we figure out some kind of rules to make up to apply to base snaps? :)21:47
* ikey isn't tryna rush stuff but would love to spread social medias :p21:47
naccmwhudson: i think so?21:48
naccmwhudson: oh wait, you tell it to (requirements: requirements.txt)21:48
mwhudsonnacc: yeah i just found that bit21:48
naccmwhudson: the help doesn't indicate it has any default value, so i guess it must be specified to use it21:48
* mwhudson tries that21:49
naccmwhudson: i use it to build gbp in my snap21:49
zyga-soluscachio: you missed one const21:55
zyga-soluscachio: look at my comments please21:55
cachiozyga-solus, ouch21:56
zyga-soluscachio: added one more comment and reading the rest21:56
cachiozyga-solus, looking21:56
mwhudsonha no i get two versions of pyudev in my snap22:00
mwhudson(Well priming fails)22:00
zyga-soluscachio: done22:01
zyga-soluscachio: tweak a few things and merge, approved22:01
cachiozyga-solus, tx22:01
zyga-soluscachio: thanks :)22:02
sergiusenselopio something s wrong with snapcraft#163822:05
mupPR snapcraft#1638:  tests: reorganize unit and integration suites to make them easier to split for travis <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1638>22:05
mupPR snapcraft#1741 closed: TESTING: adt on lxc requires squashfuse <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1741>22:06
roadmrjdstrand: hi! sorry for the delay. r943 of tools coming up22:07
sergiusenskyrofa have you reviewed that ^?22:14
jdstrandroadmr: thanks!22:15
ikeyany answer to my Q?22:18
sergiusensikey what Q? rules for base snaps? I guess that would involve jdstrand and other specific folks22:20
ikeyi asked yesterday and got no response, thought id check in and see where we're at22:21
ikeyotherwise its kinda a waste of time for me to be uploading snaps22:21
ikeyi.e. ill save doing the uploads until i know its working22:22
ikeysave triggering the system :p22:22
zyga-solusikey: I do think that's jdstrand, just be patient please22:23
* ikey just had to be awkward and use the new shiny22:23
ikeyzyga-solus, im being patient - id just like communication22:23
ikeyand ive asked here for 2 days without being acknowledged22:23
ikeyi dont care how long it takes i just dont like talking into the void22:23
ikeyas i have to juggle my own work and time22:23
zyga-solusikey: I think you asked on the forum and there was a response there, no?22:23
naccare base snaps that close to existing?22:24
ikeythey exist-ish22:24
ikeyas in i have one22:24
naccright, i have followed what you've been doing, ikey  (here)22:24
ikeyzyga-solus, even if i get told that ill be emailed or something when a decision is made, thats fine22:24
ikeyi just dislike limbo - then i can plan to put off all LSI work for now :P22:25
zyga-solusikey: I understand, I'll try to get you a response quickly22:26
mcphailikey: we're loving your work, but you need to change that name - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvpbm37OLiU22:26
ikeyno no - thats not what im tryna accomplish :P im not tryna hurry things up i just wanna know that there is process, and whether i need to check up, or ill be told, etc22:26
* ikey blinks at video22:27
ikeytbf i mean thats basically the topic of any FPS discord mcphail22:27
ikeyso it *kinda fits* ? >_>22:27
mcphailkinda ;)22:28
* ikey renames it boney m just to be ambiguous altogether22:28
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz
mupPR snapd#4169 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secureMkfileAll <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4169>23:03
zyga-solusjdstrand, pedronis: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/303226031?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification23:03
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
mupPR snapd#4222 closed: tests: add new `fakestore new-snap-{declaration,revision}` helpers <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4222>23:24
mwhudsonah haha you can work around the "cleanbuild always uses xenial" thing by creating a container with the right name ahead of time and then using SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 :-)23:43
zyga-soluscachio: one more comment on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4171/files23:44
mupPR #4171: tests: adding test to test physical memory observe interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4171>23:44

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