
Bashing-omrebooting for testing a command in the TTY environment .00:01
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:02
oerhekshi lotus05:03
lotuspsychjehey oerheks05:03
lotuspsychjewhere is your O05:03
oerheksoh, didn' t bother to correct it05:04
lotuspsychjelike it better05:04
oerhekswith the big O ?05:05
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^06:04
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje06:04
lotuspsychjeall good there EriC^^ ?06:05
EriC^^yup you?06:05
lotuspsychjeyeah fine here06:06
lotuspsychjecoffee & chill before work06:06
lotuspsychje!info firefox xenial06:07
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 (xenial), package size 44608 kB, installed size 170740 kB06:07
lotuspsychjenew logo06:07
EriC^^yeah firefox quantum06:18
EriC^^seems ok yeah?06:19
lotuspsychjeyeah im testing it06:19
lotuspsychjelove the loading tabs06:25
sirru5hHowdy Everyone06:51
sirru5hHey there jink06:51
sirru5hLooks like we got firefox 57.006:52
lotuspsychjehi jink06:53
lotuspsychjehi sirru5h06:53
sirru5hHey there lotuspsychje how are you doing?06:54
lotuspsychjegreat here sirru5h06:55
sirru5hI just hope it is better than 56 man I had a ton of trouble with that one06:56
sirru5hAt one point i actually removed and reinstalled firefox it was so buggy, weird because it was fine on my ubuntu 17.04 machine07:01
ducassegood morning, all07:02
sirru5hHey there ducasse07:02
ducasse\o sirru5h07:03
lordievaderGood morning07:07
ducassehi lordievader07:10
ducassehow are you guys?07:10
lordievaderHey ducasse (IRC)07:10
lordievaderDoing good here, how are you?07:10
jinkMet je rare nick-completion.07:12
* lordievader blames weechat plugin07:12
ducassedoing well, still waking up :)07:12
jinklordievader: :P07:12
jinklordievader: Get a real IRC client, like irssi. ^__^07:12
lordievaderThat doesn't support Matrix.07:13
jinklordievader: wtf is Matrix?07:40
lordievaderNo need to swear... https://www.matrix.org/07:40
ducassei set up a riot account, but haven't looked at it much - maybe i should...07:46
lotuspsychjehey lordievader & ducasse07:46
ducassegood morning lotuspsychje07:47
ducasseall well?07:47
lotuspsychjeyeah, you?07:47
lotuspsychjeducasse: new phone tweaked already?07:47
ducassestill new things to play with :)07:48
lotuspsychjehmmz every time there's a new firefox it scrambles up my speed dial addon grr07:50
lotuspsychjeand i dont like top websites, as less visited websites are also important07:53
lotuspsychjeoh well, yet another speed dial addon for a change07:59
lotuspsychjeuntil next version doesnt support it07:59
ducasselets hope they don't change the addon stuff again in a while now08:03
lotuspsychjebbl guys work ; )08:12
lotuspsychjehave a nice day08:12
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje (IRC)08:23
lordievaderHow are you doing?08:23
Bashing-omOuch . forum suddenly went down - hard !08:24
Bashing-om .. back up ,, was not even able to ping :(08:32
* Bashing-om done - eyes too heavy to maintain . good nite \o08:40
BluesKajHiyas all12:37
nicomachus!info firefox15:39
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.17.10.5 (artful), package size 45043 kB, installed size 171518 kB15:39
nicomachusayyyyy got that update15:39
nicomachusI guess I should get rid of that firefox-new ppa and revert to the repo version...16:07
BluesKajtrying out the new kde browser falkon ...reminds me of konqueror by the method used to import bookmarks .... impossible to figure out how to add them to the bookmarks toolbar ...so far it's got me beat..managed to import them, but adding them seems impossible16:31
BluesKajthe browser is nice tho, it doesn't buffer on some difficult sites due to my slow dsl connection16:35
BluesKajbuffer video that is16:36
=== Guest7945 is now known as Spydar007
nicomachus"there is no apt"19:41
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
TJ-nacc: can I sound you out on a theory regarding the sudo/nss issue from earlier?20:54
naccTJ-: sure20:54
TJ-I think there may be a bug in the libnss-mdns .postinst script but I want a 2nd opinion. read "man nsswitch.conf", the section on the STATUS and ACTION, in particular for [NOTFOUND=return] ... do you agree "return" suggests no further lookups are done for that database (hosts in our case) e.g. if we have "hosts: mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns" it'll never reach 'dns' if 'hostname' was not found20:58
TJ-by mdns4_minimal?20:58
TJ-Because in /var/lib/dpkg/info/libnss-mdns:amd64.postinst it inserts that into the existing nsswitch.conf - I'd expect it to be "[NOTFOUND=continue]"20:59
TJ-which explains why jmft2 had  'hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname'21:00
naccTJ-: makes sense, readinng still21:03
TJ-that doesn't explain why 'files' didn't get it from /etc/hosts (but I assume the default is read as "files [success=continue] or "files [success=merge]"21:03
naccTJ-: also, [NOTFOUND=continue] appears to b the default21:03
naccTJ-: so i'm not sure why the =return is there at all21:04
TJ-I'm trying to determine what the default status=action settings are; it's explained in the man page21:04
naccTJ-: yep, that's what i'm reading now21:04
nacclooks to be21:04
TJ-nacc: right, you'd expect it'd be [FOUND=return]21:04
TJ-sorry, [success=return]21:04
TJ-so, in principle, jmft2's entry with "files" first should have read /etc/hosts, found the entry that matched /etc/hostname, and done [success=return]21:05
TJ-but it seems like it may have done [success=continue] and then failed on a later look-up21:05
TJ-if it had reached 'dns' and that called systemd-resolve, then the hostname would have resolved correctly even offline - according to my tests in an 17.10 container when doing "ip link set down dev eth0"21:06
naccTJ-: were youa ble to determine for sure that the hostname it was trying to resolve was the one in /etc/hosts?21:08
naccTJ-: if that mismatched, for some reason, i could see it falling over to dns21:08
naccTJ-: unfort. i think to get any debugging, yhou have to get all the LIBC debugging21:09
TJ-so... seems like 3 possibilities: 1) nsswitch.conf is being ignored/is corrupt 2) libnss-mdns .postinst script is inserting the wrong [STATUS=action] or 3) there's a bug in the internal glibc nss implementation in 17.1021:09
naccTJ-: was this a regression for them on upgrade?21:09
TJ-fresh install so no idea21:09
TJ-the user said they're going to install 16.04 so no ability to further debug it there21:10
TJ-seems to me there should be a unit-test for this someplace for offline lookups of local hostname21:10
TJ-grrr! would you believe, for an NSS module NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND can have two meanings, depending on whether errorno is set to ENOENT or SUCCESS !21:13
TJ-reading https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/NSS-Modules-Interface.html#NSS-Modules-Interface21:13
naccTJ-: lol21:14
TJ-aha. default status=action options: https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Actions-in-the-NSS-configuration.html#Actions-in-the-NSS-configuration21:16
TJ-default is "notfound=continue"21:16
TJ-so that puts suspicion on libnss-mdns .postinst21:17
TJ-if the nsswitch.conf cannot be read for whatever reason the default is: "For the hosts and networks databases the default value is dns [!UNAVAIL=return] files"21:19
TJ-which could be what we were seeing - DNS *is* available so it's answer is definitive and 'files' is never used21:19
naccyeah, so *possibly* you are getting a parse error?21:19
naccand that is coming across as "nsswithc.conf cannnot be read" ?21:20
TJ-possibly... there were /r/n line endings in /etc/hosts, but the user said /etc/nsswitch.conf didn't have them21:20
TJ-nacc: could be... it's only read once on start-up anyhow21:20
TJ-oh wow, ouch! just had an apport dialog telling me that ycmd thing has crashed!21:21
TJ-weird since I've not got any vim sessions going21:21
TJ-i can't think of a way to prove nsswitch.conf get's read. it'll be too early to set an inotify watch on it, unless it gets read once per process rather than once per boot21:23
TJ-oh, it's fine, it's once per process. "inotifywait -m /etc/nsswitch.conf" works21:25
naccTJ-: yeah, i think something inthe manpage says a given rpocess will only read it once21:28
naccso it wo't see updates at runtime21:28
TJ-"sudo -i" and it reads twice; I assume once for sudo and once for $SHELL21:29
TJ-it does mean we can experiment by altering the file and re-running commands, rather than needing to reboot21:29
TJ-I've set up "inotifywait -m --timefmt "%H:%M:%S" --format "%T %e %f" /etc/nsswitch.conf" so I get timestamps21:29
TJ-it's being read but no indication if there's a parse error; not sure about how to detect that21:30
TJ-I suppose the only way is to write my own debug module of libnss and include it so it logs queries21:30
TJ-!info libnss-wrapper21:34
ubot5libnss-wrapper (source: nss-wrapper): NSS wrapper library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1 (artful), package size 26 kB, installed size 86 kB21:34
naccfun :)21:35
TJ-fab: "LD_PRELOAD=libnss_wrapper.so  NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS=/path/to/host ./myapplication"21:36
naccah that's great21:38
naccso somoene thought of it before :)21:39
TJ-it seems so; now I need to find a way to reproduce the original failure with sudo so I can use it!21:39
naccyeah, i was wondering if you had a testcase already or not21:40
TJ-first test I guess is to change mdns4_minimal to [NOTFOUND=continue]21:40
TJ-I doubt it'll happen in a container so I'm trying a VM21:41
naccand yeah, i think you'd need as close to a real machine env as possible21:41
TJ-I'll give that a shot in the morning21:41
TJ-apparently it was a fresh install of the desktop so it should be possible to recreate the same environment. The only thing I didn't find out was how the network was being configured.21:42
TJ-well B**** me!!! Bug #129522921:48
ubot5bug 1295229 in nss-mdns (Ubuntu) "With 'hosts: mdns4' in nsswitch.conf, getaddrinfo() returns -5 (EAI_NODATA) when network interface is down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129522921:48
daftykinsBind9? ;)21:49
naccTJ-: interesting that it was filed so long ago21:50
naccand no traction21:50
nacci wonder why it's not seen more commonly21:50
TJ-I wonder if that's the bug that prompted [NOTFOUND=return] ... but the meaning of that was misunderstood and the maintainer meant to have it do [NOTFOUND=continue]21:51
TJ-oh, no, they show it in their description.21:52
TJ-nice; someones written me a testcase :)21:52
TJ-I'll test against 14.04 and 16.04 now I've seen that21:53
TJ-Tackle it tomorrow with some positive pointers21:54

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