
philroche#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team16:07
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 16 16:07:39 2017 UTC.  The chair is philroche. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:07
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team Meeting | Current topic:
philroche#topic Lightning rounds16:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team Meeting | Current topic: Lightning rounds
philrocheecho $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther)16:07
philrochercj infinity doko bdmurray mwhudson xnox philroche rbalint sil2100 slangasek fginther cyphermox tribaal Odd_Bloke tdaitx16:08
* sil2100 needs time16:08
rcj* took 2 days vacation and drove 1,800 miles16:08
rcj* automated build work for cloud images16:08
* rcj stalls for time16:09
rcj* meeting with partners16:09
infinity* Mostly sick and grumpy this week, plus VAC on Monday16:10
infinity  - Examine some build failures16:10
infinity  - Looking into HWE SRU reviews16:10
infinity  - Getting started on glibc CI for 2.2716:10
infinity  - Probably other stuff I've forgotten16:10
doko- pythonqt bus errors on armhf16:11
doko- looking at ruby-mysql2 bus errors on armhf16:11
doko- xerces-c transition16:11
doko- http-parser transition16:11
doko- rpm transition16:11
doko- armadillo transition16:11
doko- fixing build failures ...16:11
doko- binutils fix for haskell arm6416:11
doko- gcc update16:11
doko- ruby2.3 / ruby2.5 test failures, ftbfs16:11
doko- samba merge16:11
doko- more glibc xlocale.h ftbfs16:11
bdmurrayswitched all LP retracers to xenial chroots16:11
bdmurrayupdated oops-repository packaging recipe and branch for 16.0416:11
bdmurrayfurther testing, fixing of ET mojo spec (packages) for xenial16:11
bdmurrayirc discussion re indicator-printers SRU review and LP: #170304616:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1703046 in indicator-printers (Ubuntu) "indicator-printers-service crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI_____strtol_l_internal()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170304616:11
bdmurrayworked with security team regarding apport CVEs16:11
bdmurrayuploaded apport w/ CVE fix to bionic16:11
bdmurraypushed apport CVE changes to trunk16:11
bdmurrayinvestigation into LTS point releases and jigdo files16:11
bdmurray✔ done16:11
xnox* merges16:12
xnox* work on figuring out outstanding adt failures for systemd16:12
xnox* nudging postgresql transition a bit; which is entangled with migration of doom (icu)16:12
xnox* upstreaming NM resolved change16:12
xnox* upstreaming to debian qemu building s390 firmware16:12
xnox* talking about zvm cloud images, again16:12
xnox* some image work for some people16:12
philroche* Cloud images build system vanguard16:12
philroche* Cloud images build system updates16:12
philroche* Cloud partner image work16:12
rbalint* livecd-rootfs changes16:12
rbalint* taking care of MoM's merges under my name updating ldns and sudo (to be uploaded)16:12
rbalint* became Core Dev :-)16:12
rbalint* dmks changes to allow attaching pregenarated module signatures when they16:13
rbalint  build reproducibly16:13
rbalint  https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/ubuntu/+source/dkms/+git/dkms16:13
rbalint* some things i can't list yet16:13
sil2100- Holiday-swap on Monday16:13
sil2100- Regular SRU work16:13
sil2100- Working on packages stuck in bionic-proposed (sqlalchemy, mysql-5.7 and others)16:13
sil2100- Looking into getting rid of trust-store from pulseaudio to remove it from Ubuntu16:13
sil2100- Candidate reviews16:13
sil2100- Preliminary work on the mini.iso no-login-prompt thingy16:14
sil2100- Shepherding the new livecd-rootfs for ubuntu-image 1.216:14
sil2100- And other stuff16:14
sil2100(not enough time!)16:14
fginther* Partner image work.16:14
fginther* Image build system vanguard.16:14
cyphermox- review papi & pcp (bug LP: #1700827, bug LP: #1704130)16:14
cyphermox- various discussions about netplan16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1700827 in pcp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pcp package" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170082716:14
cyphermox- jenkins cpc code merge16:14
cyphermox- klibc DOMAINSEARCH fix + SRU16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1704130 in papi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] papi" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170413016:15
cyphermox- netplan 0.32 (fix regression in UUID generation/fix autopkgtests)16:15
cyphermox- systemd-networkd implementation of 'optional' keyword for wait-online16:15
cyphermox- investigating d-i preseeding behavior for console-setup w/ Josh16:15
cyphermox- digging into debconf/priority change between artful & bionic16:15
Tribaal* SRU'd livecd-rootfs changes for minimized images to  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/+bug/173149216:15
Tribaal* Partner image work (as usual)16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1731492 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Release "minimized round 2" changes to Xenial" [Undecided,New]16:15
tdaitx* Building OpenJDK 7 with 8u151 security backports, waiting to check build results16:15
tdaitx* Rebuilding packages locally with OpenJDK 9 as default on bionic16:15
tdaitx* Started working on subiquity proxy support while the other stuff builds16:15
tdaitx* Looking for OpenJDK 8u151 regressions on errors.ubuntu.com, nothing new so far16:15
tdaitxOther: away next Thursday/Friday for a Blues Festival16:15
philroche#topic AOB16:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team Meeting | Current topic: AOB
dokowe need to address our transition mess ...16:18
bdmurrayI'll miss next week's meeting16:18
bdmurraybecause of Thanksgiving.16:18
dokoI don't think we get this done without freezing the archive for a while, and then people working towards this16:18
infinitydoko: What transitions are in flight now?16:20
dokohaskell and about 10-15 connected ones16:20
xnoxinfinity, icu; postgresql; entagled with above, still.16:21
slangasekwasn't libreoffice still the last big issue?16:22
infinityYeah, glad we started another icu right after finishing with icu.16:22
slangasekand there was no visible progress on that16:22
dokoso we wait and see more things piling up?16:23
dokocould the release team override the desktop team uploading the lo fix?16:23
dokoafaiu it's a regression in hypenating a URL16:23
xnoxdoko, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:5.4.2-0ubuntu3 ?16:24
xnoxdoko, there seem to be an upload.... or is that still broken?16:24
slangasekxnox: that's the one that's 8 days old and ftbfs on amd6416:24
dokoxnox: yes, just disable the tests as on other archs16:24
* xnox downloads the build log over shoelace connection16:25
dokobut with each day there are new transitions and new ftbfs ...16:25
Laneythat's far from being the last issue16:25
dokobut I can't keep up working on all new issues when new transitions arrive16:26
dokoslangasek, infinity, Laney: we can move that over to -release too16:28
sil2100Anything else here?16:31
dokoshould we open a bug to track issues?16:31
sil2100I guess it might be an idead16:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 16 16:52:47 2017 UTC.16:52
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-11-16-16.07.moin.txt16:52
elopioflexiondotorg, elacheche, ahoneybun, jose, marcoceppi, wxl: are you going to join the meeting? It's in 5 minutes.16:55
wxli'll be late. i'm not at work until 93016:56
elachecheI'll be there elopio16:58
elopioalright. It's time, should we start?17:00
flexiondotorgWho is here other than elopio and me?17:01
elachecheLet's go17:01
flexiondotorgahoneybun jose wxl marcoceppi ?17:02
wxlnot til 930 for me. i'm here for a second but not much17:02
flexiondotorgWell, we have three here and one on the way.17:02
flexiondotorgelopio: Start the meeting I think :-)17:02
elopio#startmeeting Community Council meeting: 2017111617:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 16 17:02:50 2017 UTC.  The chair is elopio. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20171116 | Current topic:
popeyI had a to-do to start a thread about wiki migration on the hub, but it's still on my to-do list, sorry.17:03
popeyHad a couple of mad weeks.17:03
elopioOkay, hello! We didn't do a good use of the agenda in the hub this time, so let's start asking who has a topic to discuss17:03
elopioI have two. Report of progress on my actions from last meeting, and ubuntu community appreciation day.17:03
elachecheOK, let's discuss that17:04
elopioAlright. Feel free to add topics as we go.17:04
elopioSo, thanks to wxl we started the LoCo council election. We have 7 votes already, probably missing Mark's who I'm not sure if it's going to vote or not.17:05
elopioBut, the deadline is tomorrow anyway. So we will end the voting and announce the new council tomorrow.17:05
elopioI also had the action to convince everybody from the CC to be a mentor for code-in, but haven't done it yet.17:06
elopiowxl already said he will be a mentor. What about you flexiondotorg and elacheche ?17:06
elachecheI need to read more about code-in and the tasks that I should do, if my skills are good for that I will happy to be a mentor17:07
elachecheThe only recent informatio nI got about code-in is that Ubuntu is partof it, no further details, please share any link that can have details17:07
* elacheche is very sorry, was very busy lately17:08
elopioelacheche: I'm sure you will be a great mentor, and you can define the tasks you want to work on. Let's talk after the meeting, when you have some time :)17:08
elachecheSure elopio17:08
elopiodid we lose flexiondotorg ?17:09
flexiondotorgI have some tasks for GCI related to MATE Desktop and Ubuntu MATE.17:09
flexiondotorgSo, what about ubuntu community appreciation day?17:10
elachecheIt'll be for next Sunday, right?17:10
elopioflexiondotorg: awesome. I didn't see you replying on the post on the hub. Maybe I missed it. I will ping ahoneybun, jose and marcoceppi to see if they become mentors too.17:11
elopiowait, wait. Still on the report of the actions.17:11
elopiomy other action was to ping jose and marcoceppi to see why they have been missing this meetings17:11
elachecheWe'll celebrate the Software Freedom Day on sunday too.. I'll be part of that me and my LoCo, and we'll celebrate the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day too + a Release Party (hopefully)17:11
elopiojose said he was busy with a new job, but that he would be here today :/17:11
ahoneybunelopio: ?17:11
elopiomarcoceppi said he has been traveling the world for a few weeks, and has weird hours17:12
elopioI want to encourage everybody to use the hub more to talk council stuff, so these meetings are not so necessary in the future. Just for important things to sync.17:12
elopioanother action was to find artists. I talked to eylul from ubuntu studio and she liked the idea very much.17:13
flexiondotorgWe should promote what Ubuntu appreciation day is on the social networks so people can think about who they want to thank.17:13
elopioflexiondotorg: can I put some pressure on you to make that post so we can direct the artists there?17:13
flexiondotorgelopio: You mean to here - https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-community-appreciation-day-nov-20th/176217:14
elachecheelopio: We can share a public announcement to spread the word about searching for artists, the news ML should be great for that17:14
elopioflexiondotorg: no, I'm talking about the guerrilla marketing campaing.17:14
flexiondotorgAh, right.17:15
elopioyou are getting ahead, uca day was the second topic on the agenda :D17:15
flexiondotorgYes. I have started drafting something.17:15
flexiondotorgNeed time to finish it.17:15
elopioflexiondotorg: thanks :)17:15
elopioThat's all I had to report, so next topic, UCA Day17:15
elopioI started the post that flexiondotorg linked. If you have ideas of what else to do, please share them17:15
elopiowe should sync the ubuntu social network accounts to send posts on that day, on all our different time zones.17:16
elachecheAs I said, in Tunisia We'll celebrate the Software Freedom Day on sunday too.. I'll be part of that me and my LoCo, and we'll celebrate the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day too + a Release Party (hopefully)17:16
flexiondotorgSo I think we should share that post, before Monday, so people learn that UAD is coming and think about who they might want to thank.17:16
elopioelacheche: it's monday, but your celebration on sunday will be great! :D17:16
elachecheOh! Yeah I'll be the 1st to celebrate :D17:17
elopioflexiondotorg: so, start making noise today or tomorrow?17:17
elachecheWe should share the info before Monday then, we should pick a hashtag for that too17:17
elacheche#UCADay will be good I guess17:17
elopioelacheche: the hashtag used for previous years was #ucaday17:17
flexiondotorgI will queue some social posts for tomorrow.17:17
elopiothanks flexiondotorg!17:17
elachecheOK, my fault, 1st year to hear about the ucaday :(17:18
elopioI also got a MR for message of the day: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-motd/appreciation/+merge/33355217:18
elachecheflexiondotorg: You'll use Ubuntu official accounts?17:18
elopionow I need to find Dustin to merge it, hopefully to release it tomorrow.17:18
elopioalright. Something else to discuss about ucaday?17:19
flexiondotorgelopio: Great idea updating motd. Very creative!17:20
elopiowe'll see how it goes and if we can keep using that resource17:20
flexiondotorgYeah, we should use that for future promotions.17:21
elopioso, bottom line, make sure to appreciate somebody before monday ends.17:21
elopiolet's see what else should we discuss...17:21
elachecheI'll do fir sure x) Multiple persons, not only one! :)17:22
elopioelacheche: on the previous meeting we talked about starting to discuss with the wiki people. popey will set the right tone for the discussion, but I was wondering if you could help finding the right people to engage.17:22
elopioit will be a post on the hub, so we need to invite people there to discuss a plan.17:22
elachecheBy wiki people you mean Wiki admins or wiki users? x)17:23
elachecheWhat's the plan? To get rid of the wiki and move to the Hub?17:24
elopioelacheche: I don't know. I guess both, but that's the task, find the people most interested.17:24
popeyIt isn't a plan17:24
popeyIt's a discussion17:24
elopioelacheche: no, and that's the wrong way to phrase it :)17:24
popeyWe _plan_ to have a _discussion_ about what to do about the wiki, open conversation.17:24
* elacheche likes the Wiki more than the hub :D17:24
popeyIt's a tricky topic, because there are some people who use the wiki an awful lot.17:24
popeyIt's possible to like both elacheche :)17:25
elopioelacheche: that's why I thought you might be the right person to find the stakeholders for the discussion.17:25
elachecheI agree with you popey.. I'll find some folks to add to the discussion ;)17:25
elopiothanks elacheche! thanks popey!17:26
elachecheAll  LoCo "rules" are around logging things in the Wiki, by time it became a hard task, huge wiki, and fewer people to contribute..17:26
elachecheAll MY*17:26
elachecheI was talking about my LoCo not other ones x)17:26
elopiookay, that's actually all I had for this meeting. On friday 24th, wxl and I will host another ubuntu hour17:26
elopioyou are all invited, it will be great to have you there.17:27
elopiomore details on the hub, probably tomorrow.17:27
elachecheThaks elopio !17:27
elopioanybody else with topics to discuss? ahoneybun are you with us? I'm just seeing your ping now.17:27
elachecheNot me17:29
elopiowe can give a few minutes to see if wxl has something to discuss17:30
elopioHe doesn't seem to be around. And anyway, we can discuss about everything in the async hub.17:36
elachecheHey wxl :)17:37
elopiohello wxl :) We were waiting to see if you had something to talk about today.17:37
wxlelopio: i haven't read the backlog, but my biggest concern is the LoCo Council17:38
elopiowxl: I started with that. We already have 7 votes, and the voting closes tomorrow.17:39
elopiowxl: does that solve your concern, or is it about something else?17:39
flexiondotorg7 votes total?17:39
wxlyeah, no, that's good17:39
wxli just want to make sure it gets DONE!17:40
elopioflexiondotorg: yes. We were confused, and apparently only the community council votes in the loco election.17:40
flexiondotorgSo, that is all but Makr I imagine.17:40
elopiowxl: I'll make sure to hit the end button tomorrow. Then, the announcement. Do you want to take care of announcing?17:41
elopioflexiondotorg: that's my guess, but we don't have a way to see who voted.17:41
wxlelopio: sure. as a current member of the council i can help with the transition, too17:41
elopiowxl: great! So, at this time tomorrow is when we announced the deadline.17:42
wxlelopio: so i'll come in tomorrow morning, close the poll, and make the announcement17:42
elopiowxl: yes, thanks!17:42
wxlelopio: i assume that announcement is only going to be on discourse?17:43
elopiowxl: in there first. But if you want to put it in the planet, in mailing lists, forums, that would be nice too17:43
elopiotell flexiondotorg and popey to put it in the podcast too :D17:44
flexiondotorgNoted :-)17:44
elopioanything else to talk about, or should we end meeting?17:44
flexiondotorgWe've just recorded two episodes, so it won't go in for 2 weeks.17:44
wxlelopio: um how do we put things on the planet?17:45
elopioflexiondotorg: I think the term is for two years, so no hurries right? ;)17:45
elopiowxl: you put it in a blog post, and syndicate the blog post in the planet.17:45
wxlelopio: ah, i meant whether or nto we had a cc blog17:45
elopiowxl: I don't think we have. And I don't think we should have, the category on the hub is a good amount of work already17:46
elachechePersonnal blog post17:46
flexiondotorgPerhaps we can investigate creating an RSS feed from the CC category on the Ubuntu Commumity Hub.17:46
flexiondotorgAnd syndicating that to Planet.17:47
flexiondotorgThen we have one place to post content.17:47
flexiondotorgOK, put that down as action for me than :-)17:47
wxli think that's a good idea17:48
elopioit will be noted as such on the summary17:48
wxli don't want to litter my personal blog with cc administravata17:48
wxlon the other hand, it would be nice if i actually published SOMETHING XD17:48
elopioalright, if people need help with their action items, please say it and we'll share the load.17:49
flexiondotorgI'll invetigate what is possible.17:49
flexiondotorgWe don't want to spam the planet.17:49
flexiondotorgI have a question If there is nothing else.17:49
elopiogo for it17:50
flexiondotorgI love the translation happening on the Ubuntu Community Hub.17:50
flexiondotorgWhy are we using shorthand country codes to designate the translation?17:50
flexiondotorgShould we not use long hand language names so it is clear what they are?17:51
elopioflexiondotorg: I thought they were short-hand codes for languages. Like pt-br17:51
flexiondotorgIndeed. But Why not use "Portuguese (Brazilian)" instead of pt-br.17:52
elopiobut it's all an experiment. I searched a little on options to make discourse multi-language and they are all kind of bad. Would you prefer, for example español/ instead of es/ ?17:52
flexiondotorgI dout everyone know what the short hand means.17:52
wxlor would it be better to say spanish?17:52
flexiondotorg"Would you prefer, for example español/ instead of es/?" <- Yes :-)17:52
wxl^^ not serious17:52
elopioflexiondotorg: on a topic, the name of the language will take most of the space. That was my thinking, but I'm happy to try something different.17:52
flexiondotorgI think localised version.17:52
elopioflexiondotorg: ok, will change that in the places I can17:53
flexiondotorgThe language can be a sub-heading, so the length is not an issue.17:53
elopioI will try that!17:54
elopioflexiondotorg: one of the not so terrible ideas was to tag the posts with the name of the language. Can you grant me that? https://community.ubuntu.com/t/a-tag-for-spanish-posts/163017:54
flexiondotorgYep, I'll do that after this meeting.17:55
elopioThe translation category in the hub is open to discuss about this experiment.17:56
elopioflexiondotorg: oh wait, how do I do a sub-heading?17:56
flexiondotorgUsing makrdown.17:56
flexiondotorg # H117:56
flexiondotorg ## H217:56
flexiondotorg  ### H317:56
elopioAhh, ok. I thought there was something like a subtitle textfield for posts.17:57
elopioI guess that's ok. It doesn't make a lot of sense to tag them in the title. You either understand the language or you don't :)17:57
elopioI'll start a topic to get this proposal.17:58
elopiook, we are almost out of time. Say your last words.17:58
flexiondotorgI'll add the tag you've requested as well.17:58
flexiondotorgI've shared my best words with you already ;-)17:59
elopioand it was such an honor!17:59
elopioclosing in 5...17:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 16 17:59:41 2017 UTC.17:59
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-11-16-17.02.moin.txt17:59
wxlthanks all17:59
elopiothanks everybody17:59
flexiondotorgThanks guys.18:00
elopiolet's appoint somebody else to chair the next meeting. flexiondotorg has 2, I have 2, sounds like a good idea to rotate them.18:00
elopioelacheche or wxl, who wants to control the bot and the agenda?18:01
elopiowell, it will be your turn someday :) elacheche: you have been volunteered!18:01
flexiondotorgI just wxl volunteer ;-)18:01
wxli'll take next time :)18:01
* wxl slaps flexiondotorg 18:02
* flexiondotorg rubs face18:02
elachecheYeah, one day x)18:03
elopioelacheche: is that a yes for next month? Now I'm confused :)18:03
elachecheThanks folks, I need to go home.. elopio Let's move to #ubuntu-communitycouncil18:04
elopiocan somebody invite me there, please?18:04
elopioI had to remove my matrix bridge, it was still rought around the edges.18:04
flexiondotorgelopio: Tags are now enabled on the Community Hub.18:04
wxl /msg chanserv invite #ubuntu-communitycouncil18:04
elopiothanks flexiondotorg, wxl18:05
ahoneybundid I miss it all?18:06
flexiondotorgJust working out what Trust Level should be minimum to create tags elopio .18:06
elopioahoneybun: you did miss it all. You can add comments in the topic of the hub.18:07
flexiondotorgOK, Trust Level 2 is required before you can create a tag on the Hub.18:07
flexiondotorgelopio: You qualify. So you can add the tags you require :-)18:07
ahoneybunbut it starts at 11am for me18:08
ahoneybunthen the time changed18:08
elopioahoneybun: the time is 17 UTC. One thing I mentioned to marcoceppi and jose was that we can discuss about moving it to other time/day if that promotes participation.18:10
ahoneybunthe heck18:10
ahoneybunthat's 10am for me18:11
ahoneybunelopio: need to update the calendar when18:11
elopioahoneybun: the announcement comes out in the hub, with date, time and agenda.18:15
ahoneybunupdate calendar please that's what I go by18:15
=== Guest7945 is now known as Spydar007

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