
jrwrenmeld sucks and is slow... kdiff3 doesn't have undo.  I guess I'll try p4merge? Are there really no great merge tools, only passable ones?15:25
cmaloneyIf it can't be done using diff and patch it's not worth doing15:37
cmaloneyalso: good morning15:38
jrwrenwell, that simply isn't true.15:41
jrwrenwhat happens when your base changes and the patch no longer applies? start over?15:42
rick_hsorry, I use meld when I need something more than vimdiff16:04
rick_hso nothing better for you, beyondcompare is supposed to be nice but don't have it16:04
jrwrenmaybe I'll try vimdiff.  ugh.16:06
jrwrenI think this is the largest conflicting merge i've ever done. it always sucks.16:06
jrwrenoh wow... VS Code detects unmerged changes and offers a beautiful gui.16:19
cmaloneyYeah, I use vimdiff as well18:37
cmaloneybut yeah, things can get messy quickly18:37
cmaloneyAlso I think VSCode is borrowing heavily from Atom  iirc18:37
jrwrenugh... some tool I used merged wrong and I'm still recoverying.18:39
jrwrengonna be like 8hrs of merging.18:39
cmaloneywhat the hell happened?18:44
jrwrenjust two big changes to the same codebase18:45
greg-gare they already committed? Sounds like they're so large a human readable diff is worthless18:45
jrwrenits not that big. it will get reviewed in gerrit.18:46
jrwrenits almost like every part of the patch had merge conflict18:47
greg-gand wow, ya'll chose gerrit? we have a love/hate relationship with it here18:49
greg-gas most people have with most code review systems18:49
jrwrenI hate gerrit18:49
jrwrenbut it is what we use.18:49
jrwrenand its probably better than whatever is in BB18:49
jrwrenbecause atlassian is the literal worst.18:49
greg-gI tried to get us to migrate to Diffrential (Phabricator) but there was enough crabbiness from oldtimers we didn't18:50
jrwreni honestly didn't think atlassian could be that bad until I started using their products.18:50
jrwrenI guess someone has to give IBM/Rational a run for worst.18:50
cmaloneyWow, that's a nice bar18:50
jrwrenfinally done.  WHEW19:36
jrwrengood times!19:36
jrwrenonly 3.5hrs, not quite as bad as it felt.19:36
jrwrenand since greg-g asked, the diff is +3255, -115, but 1303 of that +3255 is generated code, so really only +2000 loc19:37
greg-g2000?! still huge19:40
greg-gDifferential doesn't show diffs that big because it's outside realistic human review19:40
jrwrenits really not that big.19:41
jrwrenI mean... mabye that is huge for python or PHP19:42
rick_hthat's pretty big, I think when we did limits 800ish was as big as we'd allow19:42
jrwrenbut for go, remember 75% of that looks like: if err != nil { return err }19:42
jrwrenon 4 lines19:42
greg-gI forget the line number cut off, but here's their reasoning: https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/differential_large_changes/19:43
cmaloneyYipes, taht's a lot of LoC for diffs20:21
jrwrenits really not that big.20:24
jrwrenhttps://lwn.net/Articles/737937/  +3407 -30, for comparison :p20:28
jrwrenhttps://lwn.net/Articles/738170/  +3359 -28  for comparison to add all of SMBD to the kernel. LOL20:29

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