[07:23] good mornings [07:27] NOTE: before you upgrade to Firefox v57 (Quantum), make sure your crucial addons are covered [07:27] * inetpro just noticed that FireFTP is "Not compatible with Firefox Quantum" [07:28] not that I use it so much but it has come in useful from time to time [07:29] fortunately there are many alternative FTP clients [07:36] more things like flashblock etc. that are essential I think [07:37] there are quite a lot of those that are still 'legacy' [07:42] why are firefox pushing screenshots so hard, do they realise that all operating systems have perfectly capable built in screenshot abilities? [07:43] I'm not even sure I want my web browser to be capable of doing screenshots, it seems like just another privacy nightmare [07:47] yep, good point [07:49] good points as well [07:51] hi [07:52] in-browser screenshots are probably more useful for developers right now. Is there some kind of underserved screenshot-meme subculture or something? [07:58] I'm guessing it is meant to serve some perceived "end user support for users who can't figure out how to upload screenshots" demand or something, but yeah I find it a bit odd [07:58] hrm tab mix plus is "legacy" thats going to be an issue for me [08:00] is anyone here intrigued by rust, now that Quantum is **2X Faster**? [08:00] rustaceans, rise! [08:01] haha [09:51] at least the RSS feed subscribe button is back again, not sure whether it's been hiding there behind the toolbar customise option for some time though [11:15] morning all [11:17] MaNI: in-browser screenshots will catch the whole page - when one has to scroll - whereas the OS screenshot will catch the window, its decorations and everything in the current scroll area [11:19] poppingtonic: I have started looking into rust a few months ago... it seems like a merge between C++ and go for me so far [11:44] oh yes, chesedo is right, in-browser screenshots will catch the whole page [11:45] on the rare occasions when I needed that I had awesome screenshot plus installed as a addon [11:46] but for the rest I have to agree with MaNI - ie why would normal user use it? [11:48] we were looking for places to hire a car last week and someone at my mom's work decided to help by sending my mom a screenshot of her google search results [11:48] interestingly, awesome screenshot is still working on v57, but I guess I can just uninstall it now [11:49] I was going to say that spectacle can take snapshots of only the content part of the browser as well, but it can't I guess because these days everything is owner drawn and nobody does stuff proper native anymore [11:50] either that or I'm going senile - I swear I used to be able to snapshot only parts of any X11 app [11:50] shutter still can last i checked [11:51] although maybe wayland has changed things [11:51] 'progress' haha [11:51] lol [11:52] * inetpro most often don't need more than what is offered with KSnapshot [11:54] well theres rectangular selection area when all else fails, thats usually enough, but I don't really spend much of my life taking screenshots [15:49] inetpro: KSnapshot is old. Spectacle is the new. [15:50] MaNI: Last time I used Spectacle (which was about 2 days ago) I could take a shot of a rectangular region of the screen. [15:51] sudo apt install kde-spectacle [15:52] superfly: thanks [15:52] so how do I make it launch on the press of the PrntScr key in stead of KSnapshot? [16:09] superfly, yeah still can [16:10] inetpro: remove ksnapshot? [16:10] inetpro: or go into system settings, shortcuts, and change there [16:10] but it used to be possible with ksnapshot (unless my memory is completely failing me) to screenshot 'parts' of a window, like it would show a red rectangle around specific parts as you moved the mouse and could snapshot it [16:11] MaNI: I don't recall that, to be honest [16:11] not entirely sure when that fell away, but I guess it's a victim of all the owner drawing and compositing and whatnot [16:12] superfly: nope, it was not necessary to remove ksnapshot [16:12] I'm fairly certain it was a thing, but don't really care enough to go look for it, anyway [16:13] just had to logout and login to see "Start Screenshot Tool" in the KDE Daemon component of global shortcuts [16:13] spectacle is pretty nice and does pretty much anything I would personally actually need on a day to day basis [16:14] I agree === shadow is now known as Guest15743