
TJ-leftyfb: sorry, tired fingers00:00
leftyfb$ sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain00:01
leftyfbBootup is not yet finished. Please try again later.00:01
leftyfbuptime is 6 hours :)00:01
naccleftyfb: `systemctl status`00:01
TJ-leftyfb: ok, try "systemd-analyze blame"00:02
naccleftyfb: some systemd job is running still probably00:02
leftyfbblame gives the same output00:02
naccyeah you can't blame or analyze unless it's done booting00:03
leftyfbwhat am I looking for in status?00:03
naccleftyfb: can you pastebin it ?00:03
leftyfbsure, but I'll have to redact some things since it's for my work00:03
naccleftyfb: possibly just the top bits are needed00:03
naccleftyfb: sepcfically "State: "00:04
naccleftyfb: and I thinkn "Jobs: "00:04
leftyfbhold on00:04
leftyfbI MIGHT see the isue00:04
naccleftyfb: :)00:04
leftyfbnifty tool that status00:04
naccleftyfb: yeah :) i will admit that as long as you know the commands to run in order to query, you can ask systemd quite a bit about itself00:05
naccleftyfb: figured it out?00:05
leftyfbstuff I built for unattended deployment00:05
leftyfbfor some reason never got removed from rc.local00:06
naccalways the way :)00:06
leftyfbok, that makes my job tomorrow a lot easier :)00:06
af-cmgI really don't know how to configure the internet. All I know is that the network admin has given my MAC address a static IP, which I know the value of. Other than that, I have no idea how to configure it.00:13
af-cmgI have the wire plugged in. When I follow the Static IP Address Assignment in the Ubuntu Server guide, I cannot contact any other hosts on the network with ping.00:14
naccaf-cmg: do you have any routes (`ip route`) ?00:14
af-cmgnacc: It says: default via dev eno1 onlink linkdown00:15
af-cmgnacc: dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src linkdown00:16
jmft2TJ-: Tried also on a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 install, no good00:16
jmft2Same problem00:16
naccaf-cmg: ok, so you have two problems00:16
naccaf-cmg: 1) it would appear you don't have link (have you tried `ip link set eno1 up` ?00:16
naccaf-cmg: 2) is your gateway actually
af-cmgnacc: I just ran that command, no output. Is the gateway the router? If so, yes.00:17
naccaf-cmg: can you ping that address?00:17
af-cmgnacc: Destination host unreachable.00:18
naccaf-cmg: can you pastebin the output of `ip link` ?00:18
nacc!pastebin | af-cmg00:19
ubottuaf-cmg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:19
af-cmgnacc: Ok, I've gotta type it all out though. Give me a few seconds.00:19
nacc!pastebinit | af-cmg00:19
ubottuaf-cmg: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit00:19
naccaf-cmg: or `ip link | nc termbin.com 9999`00:19
af-cmgnacc: Can I skip the lo: part and just type out the eno1 part?00:19
bcowanthere a ppa or snap for firefox 57 on 17.10 yet?00:19
af-cmgI don't have a network connection so that might be a bit difficult :P00:19
af-cmgThat's a cool pastebin tip though00:20
naccaf-cmg: ah of course :)00:20
naccaf-cmg: i assumed you were ssh'd in and could c&p on this machine00:20
naccaf-cmg: but of coruse you're not, you're on a termial or so00:20
naccbcowan: 1) snaps are not tied to distributions :)00:20
naccbcowan: 2) the building ppa has it, but you should just wait00:21
af-cmgnacc: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/arya-cmg/b8c79355418ae9bc683ab912d25995b5/raw/22d1370f38660af9b7a362cb0b80f8cb93a900a5/gistfile1.txt00:21
naccbcowan: actually, it looks like it just got copied to the security pockets00:21
af-cmgnacc: Yes, I'm on the actual hardware terminal.00:21
bcowannacc, ill wait then, thank you00:22
naccaf-cmg: hrm, it isn't detecting link, you'd need to check with ethtool -- this is a rj45 connencted device?00:22
naccaf-cmg: sudo ethtool -i eno100:24
naccaf-cmg: or so00:24
naccbcowan: just got it on 17.10 myself after refreshing00:25
af-cmgnacc: driver: e1000e, version: 3.2.6-k, firmware-version: 0.12-2, expansion-rom-version: <blank>, bus-info: 0000:00:19.0, supports-statistics: yes, supports-test: yes, supports-eeprom-access: yes, supports-register-dump: yes, supports-priv-flags: no00:25
lakituhey, i used Cubic to make a custom Ubuntu disc, it works, but something's wrong with my console (konsole). it won't tab complete (just makes tab-whitespace) & doesn't do up/down-arrow history00:26
naccaf-cmg: err, sorry, no -i00:26
lakitui'm wondering if there's an easy/obvious fix to this00:26
af-cmgnacc: Lots of info. Anything in particular that is important?00:26
naccaf-cmg: look for mentions of link00:27
af-cmgnacc: Link detected: no00:27
naccaf-cmg: there you go :)00:27
naccaf-cmg: check `dmesg` to see if there are errors00:27
bcowannacc, cool!00:27
af-cmgnacc: Sorry, I'll be right back in 10 mins!00:27
lakituthe prompt just shows "$", rather than "{user}@{computer}:{directory}#"; root shows it normally & works fine this way tho00:27
nacclakitu: are you possibly not running bash in that sessionn?00:27
nacclakitu: echo $SHELL00:28
lakitulet met ry to run bash00:28
nacclakitu: you might be in dash?00:28
lakituit's empty00:28
lakituthe echo $SHELL00:28
nacclakitu: also not great :)00:28
lakitubest to reinstall?00:28
lakituif so - what do i do?00:28
nacclakitu: dunno how you did that00:28
lakitui just installed a 64-bit octave00:28
lakituin cubic00:28
lakitui guess i also added a user00:29
nacclakitu: i don't kown what cubic is, and you above implied you are not using the stock ubuntu00:29
lakitucubic makes a custom ubuntu installer00:29
lakituit's a gui for it00:29
nacclakitu: you can change the user's shell with usermod, or possibly you are ont supposed to be able to login as that user00:29
lakituwell i am sys admin, & the only one using this00:29
lakituok let me try that00:29
nacci don't understand 'installed a 64-bit octave in cubic', if cubic is a gui for making installers.00:30
naccbut i also don't use it, so dunno00:30
nacclakitu: it's in a ppa? ask the ppa owner for support00:31
lakituit gives a console, that is chrooted into the live cd os00:31
nacclakitu: or try and reproduce it with the normal ubuntu, if you want support here00:31
lakitunot in a ppa, i don't think00:31
nacclakitu: not in ubuntu, for sure00:31
nacc!info cubic00:31
ubottuPackage cubic does not exist in artful00:31
lakituit isn't then, but it's a modded ubuntu00:32
lakituwhere would i get support for that, are you saying?00:32
nacclakitu: well, 'modded ubuntu' makes it even less ontopic for this channel00:33
nacclakitu: see the ppa page you got it from, and the owner thereof00:33
nacclakitu: or wherever you got it from, if not a ppa00:33
af-cmgnacc: How should I filter dmesg?00:34
af-cmgnacc: I see IPv6: ADDRCONF_NETDEVP_UP): eno1: link is not ready00:35
naccaf-cmg: i'd grep for thingns like eno1, or errors00:35
af-cmgnacc: That's about all that comes up00:36
naccaf-cmg: actually, can you pastebin the `ip addr show dev eno1` output00:36
lakitugot it00:37
af-cmgnacc: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/arya-cmg/b8c79355418ae9bc683ab912d25995b5/raw/c462e23ebe740a6f73e14db9080fed9c61216864/gistfile1.txt00:37
lakituconsider supporting ubuntus modded before install along with after install =) otherwise thanks, your tip worked nacc. good day00:38
naccaf-cmg: hrm, i thikn that output implies there is nno physical linnk00:38
naccaf-cmg: do you see the link light on, on the device?00:38
af-cmgnacc: Let me check00:38
af-cmgnacc: I don't see a light, but it was working 1 hour ago when Windows was installed, and the computer hasn't been touched since.00:39
scootergrisenWhere do i find the translated strings for a .desktop file if not in for example /usr/share/applications/seahorse.desktop ? I can see its translated in the application menu but there is nu Name[*]= in that file00:40
naccaf-cmg: dunno, could be a driver issue, but the light being off means the device is off, i thik00:41
naccaf-cmg: i am at the end of my day, though, hopefully someone else can help00:41
af-cmgnacc: Well, thanks for the help! I'll keep trying. Have a good night.00:41
RomanticWhat can I do to resolve this error with the nvidia driver (from kern.log) NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 384.98 but the this kernel module has the version 384.9000:44
naccRomantic: the tool you are using is newer than the driver you have loaded00:45
naccRomantic: "NVRM"00:45
Romanticyes, it’s the nvidia driver. I’m unsure how to proceed.00:47
RomanticIf there is a way to remove any and every bit of either versions, that would be a start.00:48
Bashing-om!info nvidia-384 xenial00:50
ubottunvidia-384 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-384): NVIDIA binary driver - version 384.90. In component restricted, is optional. Version 384.90-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 41185 kB, installed size 166822 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)00:50
naccyeah, only at .90 i all releases00:50
naccRomantic: where did you get 384.98 from?00:51
be-pHi guys I need to definitely delete a package and its configurations . I run apt purge, dpkg purge, locate and deleted remaining files, removed var/cache and var/bakup. what else? If i try to re install it with dpkg -i pkgname it installs the pkg in one second but if i run the service it is still bugged00:51
naccbe-p: what package?00:52
be-pthingsboard (IoT platform .. needed for work)00:52
Bashing-omnacc: I too - pulling from the PPA " ii  nvidia-384   384.98-0ubuntu0~gpu16.04.1 " .00:52
naccBashing-om: ah, the ppa :)00:52
naccBashing-om: probably some other packages need to be updated to match, inn Romantic's case?00:53
naccbe-p: does it store something in home at runtime?00:53
Romanticnacc: graphics-drivers/ppa it looks like00:53
naccbe-p: we can't really debug non-ubuntu packages00:53
be-pprobably but if I run locate and find+grep searching for thingsboard i should find everything, where is this shit hiding?00:53
naccbe-p: if it stores runtime state, that won't be in the package list00:54
naccbe-p: just like firefox, e.g.00:54
be-psuggest me where to search or a way to find it?00:54
be-pplease <3 eheh00:54
naccbe-p: we can't know00:57
naccbe-p: please ask the owner/maintainer of the software00:58
SpotInTheSkyHi, I recently upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. I seem to have lost my vpn settings. Is it possible the config is saved somewhere?00:59
bratchleyIs there a way to run the "stress" command from the install DVD?01:02
bratchleyI'm booted into the "Try Ubuntu Without Installing" option01:02
Bashing-ombratchley: Install " stress " and run it .. I would think .01:03
snkcldfor pulseaudio, now that audio.conf is gone, where do i put Disable=Headset?01:04
bratchleyI did a "apt-get update" which partially failed01:04
bratchleytried "apt-get install -y stress" anyways but it said there was no install candidate01:04
vinzusamaHi everyone, I've noticed something in gnome tweak tool, in the wm/keybindings, there's two parameters called "move-to-workspace" and "switch-to-workspace". I tried both and didn't notice any difference, anyone knows ?01:04
Bashing-ombratchley: Bet it is in the universe repo . that will need to be enabled in the live world .01:05
TJ-!info stress | bratchley01:05
ubottubratchley: stress (source: stress): tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-2 (artful), package size 17 kB, installed size 48 kB01:05
Bashing-om!info stress xenial01:05
ubottustress (source: stress): tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 74 kB01:05
bratchleyBashing-om: ty enabling universe did it01:10
Bashing-ombratchley: :)01:11
snkcldanyone know where audio.conf config settings would go in newer version of bluez?01:21
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sylarioI have a system disk that fails to boot with : 'Failed to early mount API filesystems, freezing.' I have unmounted it and put it on another system. Mounted i cannot fsck it, once unmounted, FSCK tells mr it's ok, but the disk still does not boot01:42
sylarioWHat tools can I use to check it?01:42
sylarioEverything is in a VPS environnement01:43
SteristI'm in the process of converting my movie collection to h.265 and given how slow the process is... is there any kind of CPU overhead or polling that can be shut down in a temporary manner that won't persist across reboots? if I can eliminate 1% overhead  it should save up to 15 minutes per movie01:45
matzy_question for anyone who has swapped caps lock and control - how do you do that in ubuntu 16.04?01:48
matzy_all the guides online say to do it in gnome-tweak-tool and i did that, but it's not having any affect.  i've restarted multiple times, checked back to make sure the option was set, nothing01:49
matzy_gnome-tweak-tool > typing > ctrl key position > swap ctrl and caps lock01:50
codepython777I am reading GPS time from USB and would like to sync my ubuntu clock to this time ? How can I do this? How can I watch the accuracy of this sync over time?01:52
dollarsigndougHello world.02:00
bratchleysylario: I can't really follow you to completion on this but it sounds like a configuration thing or something important was deleted02:02
bratchleyusually there are more errors in the boot than just that02:02
bratchleyearlier I mean02:02
TJ-codepython777: you can do that with gpsd and ntpd02:05
codepython777TJ-: I do not have gpsd running. I get my time data in this format: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25971507/02:06
TJ-codepython777: you'd need to write a wedge to provide the data in a format ntpd accepts then. That looks like weird output for a GPS unit02:07
matzy_trying to run 'gnome-tweak-tool' in the term reults in a 'shell not installed or running' error02:12
matzy_nvm i think i'm on my way to figuring it out. for anyone else wondering, i think swapping keys pertains to the wm you02:20
matzy_you're using, and since i'm using i3, i need to set it with xmodmap instead of gnome-tweak-tool.  havent confirmed, but highly suspect02:21
exoroUbuntu 17.10 is amazing.02:26
_28Kbhangs on install in my case02:26
=== doug1 is now known as dollarsigndoug
_28Kbtest to you too, bro02:28
dollarsigndougSorry. I'm an IRC noob. :P02:28
_28Kbis's ok...02:29
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...02:29
_28Kbyou need to know if it's working02:29
dollarsigndougCurrently using Weechat, the terminal-based IRC client. What's everyone else using?02:30
_28Kbmany other clients02:30
=== dollarsigndoug is now known as exoro
matzy_erc in emacs :)02:35
slimetrapi just installed ubuntu 16/LTS on my intel nuc and sometimes video will choke on youtube, like the image freezes at random but audio keeps plaing happens in both chrome and firefox02:35
slimetrapi haven't tested any other video sources02:36
rh10which the most advanced keyboard trainer? i tried nlkt but seems like too simple. i can't select text for train, so on02:36
fluvvellis anyone familiar with fixing the top menu bar (16.04) on a dual screen? I cant find the right utility. My left bar underlaps the right screen02:39
fluvvellI've tried ccsm and I can't find it there02:39
fluvvellif only it right clicked and came up with settings or properties :-(02:40
mecotriI'm running Ubuntu server 17.10 on a machine with two static public ipv6 addresses configured using netplan. One IP is for normal services webserver, outgoing mail, and the other IP is strictly for backend services like ssh. The backend IP is restricted to just ssh traffic to anther IP. The problem is the system is prefering that IP for stuff like apt-get forcing everything to hang. How do I make all traffic use a specific IP?02:44
CueballHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a laptop dual booting Windows. But grub is failing to install. I'm installing from net install 17.10 and grub install fails with just a generic error. So I tried chroot to the installed system and ran grub-install /dev/sdb from there. I then get the error cannot find a device for /boot/grub is /dev mounted?02:47
CueballAlso /dev/sdb is my HDD. /dev/sda is the usb boot.02:48
naccmecotri: you need to change the default route02:49
mecotrinacc: How would I do that? I tried /sbin/ip -6 route add default via fe80::1 src 2600:3c02::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx but get the error RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument02:52
bratchleymecotri: if you want different default routes for different types of traffic that's usually policy-based routing that you're talking about02:59
bratchleynot sure how to implement that for ipv6 though since I've only ever done with in ifcfg-* scripts for IPv403:00
bratchleybut PBR lets you use alternate routing tables for different kinds of traffic03:01
bratchleyman page: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ip-rule.8.html03:01
mecotribratchley: I'm fine with changing the default route to always chose one IP over the other I just can't figure out how to make that happen. https://pastebin.com/YpFVLG7j03:08
zeeblefritzhey all having some trouble with my damn ubuntu system. attempted to install radeon pro driver for r9 290 on 16.04 and best I can get is a loop on the login.03:29
zeeblefritzand most of the time I get mode not supported by my monitor/tv03:29
slimetrapnetflix plays flawlessly in HD but youtube will do this thing where video frame randomly "sticks" (video freezes, audio keeps playing flawlessly)03:30
slimetrapthis is for both chromium and firefox03:31
zeeblefritzi've attempted to reinstall xorg but still nothing03:31
cfhowlettslimetrap, HD youtube sticks?03:31
slimetrapyes hd youtube sticks and even 720p sticks. by "stick" i mean the video's audio is flawless, the picture quality is great, but there are random moments where the image will freeze and the audio keeps going normally and then it'll unstick that frame at some random point03:33
slimetrapvideo playing (audio always perfect, never stutters): image will ocassionally freeze03:34
slimetrapfor between like 1-10 seconds03:34
slimetrapmaybe more like 1-503:34
cfhowlettslimetrap, if this is ONLY on the YT site, I'd suggest something strange on their end.  Test playback on the HTML5 option.  also, update your system: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade       will get you the latest goodies for you currently installed ubuntu version03:36
slimetrapisn't html5 the default now and has been for some time?03:36
slimetrapi'll try vimeo too03:37
cfhowlettit is, but I don't know your settings03:37
cfhowlettgood idea to test vimeo03:37
slimetrapagain, netflix works flawlessly03:37
slimetraptrying vimeo and will also run update commands03:37
slimetrapi don't even have flash installed so...03:38
Cueballslimetrap:  try h264ify extension in chrome03:38
slimetrapwait i'm lying i do have flash installed03:38
slimetraphow do i tell if it's html5 on youtube XD03:39
slimetraplol the video for vimeo is supposed to scale but it doesn't03:40
slimetrapit doesn't fill the screen when it fulls creens03:40
slimetrapmaybe that's because of a seeting i tweaked...03:40
slimetrapah yeah now it scaled03:41
slimetrapi'm just watching a video on vimeo and will let you know as soon as it stutters or if the video completes XD03:41
slimetraphmm it's playing flawlessly on vimeo as well03:42
slimetrapi can't tell what resolution it's playing at but it looks very hd03:42
slimetrapso it's only youtube apparently? :o :o03:43
gogetaslimetrap, youtube kill it03:43
slimetrapa less powerful device in my home running ubuntu does not have this problem03:43
cfhowlettstrange indeed03:43
slimetrapgogeta, youtube kill it?03:43
gogetaslimetrap, kill it with fire03:44
slimetrapi'll try going back to a youtube 1080p video... maybe something was like... idk...03:44
gogetaslimetrap, sounds like a gpu acell issue03:44
bilb_onowhat does it mean when I got to www.canyouseeme.org and check port 22 and it says error I could not see your service on port 2203:45
slimetrapgogeta, sounds complicated03:45
bilb_onoI did sudo systemctl restart sshd03:45
bilb_onoor I guess how do I get it to be able to see me03:45
gogetaslimetrap, what driver you running03:45
gogetablinky42, sudo ufw allow 2203:46
slimetrapgogeta, i-i don't know :o03:46
gogetabilb_ono, sudo ufw allow 2203:46
slimetrapyeah i'm watching video on youtube right now and it's choppy af03:46
gogetaslimetrap, what kinda gpu03:46
slimetrapgogeta, one sec i will link you to the newegg page i bought it from03:47
cfhowlettnormally I'd agree that gpu and/or ram would be the cause, but as vimeo and netflix don't choke ...03:47
zeeblefritzwoot got my desktop back. does anyone know a way to get amd apu and r9 290 to work on same ubuntu system?03:47
slimetrapvimeo and netflix streamed video better than i've ever seen anything on my tv03:47
slimetrap^^^^ that's what i am running ubuntu LTS on03:47
bilb_onogogeta: that did not help03:48
bilb_onothough it did say Rules updated03:48
slimetrapIntel Celeron N3050 processor03:48
cfhowlettceleron?  what kind of ram?03:49
gogetaslimetrap, ah a nuc ubuntu uses relly dated mesa drivers thats probly it03:49
slimetrapthis ram: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682023170403:49
slimetrapgogeta, oooohh....03:49
gogetaslimetrap, i assume your running lts ubuntu03:50
slimetrapgogeta, yuppers03:50
gogetaslimetrap, there is a work around03:50
slimetrapgogeta, ToT thank you wise one i'm all ears03:50
quartersis anyone here familiar with using rmlint?03:50
gogetaslimetrap, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/mesa-17-1-ubuntu-ppa03:51
gogetaslimetrap, that should inprove its 3d preformance03:51
slimetrapwow thank you so much u r a gentleman and a scholar03:51
slimetrapi will see if this works03:52
gogetaslimetrap, yea the oss 3d stack in lts was pretty poor03:53
gogetaslimetrap, oh i found something else03:54
gogetaslimetrap, seems 16.04 did not ship with vadpu03:54
slimetrapi'm using the nuc as both a backup and a media server (probably will do roms/steam too!!) and i decided to use LTS, maybe should've used 17 heh i've been very happy with 17 on my work laptop03:54
slimetrapi only kind of know what some of those things are heheh gogeta03:55
gogetaslimetrap, you need that for hardware video03:55
slimetrapoooh does that need to be installed or something03:55
slimetrapwow gogeta can i give you a tip$$03:56
gogetaslimetrap, you need the libva package for intel03:57
slimetrapgogeta, i'll google that03:58
slimetrapso i just sudo apt-get install libva-intel-vaapi-driver?03:58
gogetaslimetrap, i think its vaapi on ubuntu03:58
gogetaslimetrap, should be in your store03:59
gogetaslimetrap, https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/libva-intel-vaapi-driver/03:59
slimetrapnothing in the store04:00
gogetaslimetrap, that should give you hardware decoding04:00
slimetraphm keeps saying can't locate this04:01
slimetrapoh this must be renamed in 16 im guessing04:01
gogetaslimetrap, ah it says to install the microcode package04:04
gogetaslimetrap, intel-microcode04:05
gogetaslimetrap, you should be able to from the 3rd party driver settings04:05
Cueballslimetrap: did you try h264ify extension?04:05
slimetrapoh thank you gogeta04:05
slimetrapCueball, no I haven't04:05
slimetrapI will give that a try next; what does it do?04:06
CueballForces YouTube to play h264 instead of vp904:06
slimetrapgogeta, "intel-microcode is already the newest version"04:06
slimetrapCueball, interesting i'll try that04:06
gogetaslimetrap, yea then your cpu must not like vp904:07
gogetaslimetrap, it is older04:07
slimetraph264ify available for firefox?04:07
CueballNot sure but probably is in some form or other.04:07
slimetraptrying now with the extension04:08
gogetaslimetrap, being netflicks uses h264 why your seeing better preformance04:08
slimetrapy'all so smart04:08
slimetrapok video is loading04:08
slimetrapoh dear this totally fixes it04:09
slimetrapthis is great omg thank you so much i love you04:09
gogetaslimetrap, :)04:09
slimetrapcan i give you two money04:09
gogetaslimetrap, its all free advice hear04:09
bilb_onocan anyone help me forward port 1022? On this site http://www.canyouseeme.org It says: Error: I could not see your service on <my home ip> on port (22)04:11
gogetaslimetrap, i didnt think older cpu lack of vp9 hardware at least yet im shure the drivers will get patched for it04:11
slimetrapbilb_ono, yes04:11
oerheks!cookie | gogeta04:11
ubottugogeta: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:11
slimetrap!cooke | gogeta04:11
slimetrap!cookie | gogeta04:11
oerheksdon' t overfeed our volunteers, thanks04:12
gogetablinky42, you said 22 if its 1022 ufw alloq 102204:12
bilb_onoI added Port 1022 to my /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:12
bilb_onoand I forwarded it in my router04:12
gogetabilb_ono, sudo ufw allow 102204:12
bilb_onogogeta:I get the same error with port 102204:13
gogetabilb_ono, ubuntu has a firewall you have to open the port04:14
bilb_onogogeta: how do I open the port?04:14
gogetabilb_ono, i gave you the command04:14
bilb_onogogeta: I ran that command (sudo ufw allow 1022)04:14
bilb_onoand it says “Rules updated”04:14
bilb_onohowever, the same error on that website04:14
gogetabilb_ono, restart the service04:15
gogetabilb_ono, you should go visable04:15
slimetrapimma go enjoy hd youtube04:15
bilb_onogogeta: with sudo systemctl restard sshd ?04:15
gogetabilb_ono, yea04:16
bilb_onogogeta: the same error occurs on canyouseeme.org04:16
gogetabilb_ono, if not you still have a roughter issue04:16
vijaikumarsudo ufw disable && sudo ufw enable04:16
gogetavijaikumar, i set the port to fully open thats not doing it04:16
vijaikumarwhat is the output of "sudo ufw status numbered" ?04:17
Cueball<oerheks> don' t overfeed our volunteers, thanks ---- haha love it.04:17
=== bilb_ono_ is now known as bilb_ono
gogetabilb_ono, good way to test is see if you can connected over the local network04:21
gogetabilb_ono, if you can then you know the os in configued your roughter is not04:21
bilb_onogogeta: sorry Im not sure if I disconnected04:22
bilb_onobut its working04:22
gogetabilb_ono, oh good :)04:22
bilb_onoI had to update the ip in the router forwarding settings04:22
bilb_onothanks for your help04:22
bilb_onogogeta: do I have to rerun sudo ufw allow 1022 every time I start the computer then?04:22
gogetabilb_ono, no its open unless you run ufw deny 102204:23
bilb_onogogeta: does that save it in a file somewhere then?04:23
gogetabilb_ono, yea firewall rules04:23
gogetabilb_ono, you can even be way more complex with it04:24
gogetabilb_ono, like only certen ips etc04:24
bilb_onoI should probably set a static network ip then too huh04:24
bilb_onoso I dont have to update the router forward ever time I reboot my comp04:25
gogetabilb_ono, is this only for a local network04:26
gogetabilb_ono, there is a better rule for that04:26
bilb_ono_gogeta: I want to connect from my home comp04:28
bilb_ono_from like a cofee shop04:28
gogetabilb_ono_, oh then leave it as is04:28
=== bilb_ono_ is now known as bilb_ono
bilb_onogogeta: but the ip resets then right?04:29
bilb_onoon restart?04:29
gogetabilb_ono, it can yes04:29
gogetabilb_ono, the only way to really avoid that is with a dns server then write a script to update cfw when it sees your ip changed04:30
bilb_onogogeta: astatic ip doesn’t change that?04:31
bilb_onothat sounds complicated04:31
gogetabilb_ono, static works as well04:31
bilb_onodoes that look right for static?04:31
bilb_onowhy don’t I see that in the ifconfig on top04:32
gogetabilb_ono, i would set my dns o my isp04:32
bilb_onogogeta: what does that mean?04:32
bilb_onosetup dns on the router?04:33
gogetabilb_ono, you probly dont need it like that04:33
gogetabilb_ono, im thinking a diffrent type on config04:33
gogetabilb_ono, you should be fine04:33
bilb_onoI just wont restart my comp04:34
gogetabilb_ono, static never changes on restart04:34
bilb_onogogeta: it seemed to change from what I originally was forwarding in the router settings....04:35
MrPocketsbest audio player in ubuntu?05:00
gogetaMrPockets, youtube?05:00
oerheksthere is no single best05:01
MrPocketsbeen, forever since I ran ubuntu as a fullon daily OS05:01
MrPocketsfeels good05:01
MrPocketsAmarok sounds familiar.05:02
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
oerheksClementine is my favorite, can handle large music collections and has got an equaliser05:03
lotuspsychjeand has nice ipod sync05:03
aaaphey guys05:15
aaapmay i know anyone used streamlink together with vlc?05:15
MrPocketsoerheks, if I use a NAS as a media location, and the network is disconnected, will clementine want to re-index every time it reconnects?05:16
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
ToastyHello there, I wanted to get a list of available WLANs with mac addresses05:35
Toastynmcli -t dev wifi gets me close05:35
ToastyAny ideas how to get the rest?05:36
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t0no6aToasty : #iwlist scan05:41
Toastyt0no6a, yeah -- wasn't working for me originally, sudo iwlist wlp3s0 scan works fine now05:43
alazyworkaholicI've found some zsh themes produce garbled prompts within a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+F1, etc.) Is there a setting that might improve virtual terminal support for odd fonts & characters?05:57
=== thurstylark is now known as thursdaylark
Rhombixhi. i recently purchased a HUION graphics tablet. i thought it would work out of the box on ubuntu but i am now having a hard time getting hardware support for this model. what would i need to do to make this work, other than getting a refund?06:08
lotuspsychjeRhombix: wich ubuntu version did you try?06:09
Rhombix16.04 i think06:09
hateballRhombix: a google gives https://askubuntu.com/questions/500141/huion-h610-tablet maybe that is relevant for you as well06:10
hateballIt seems to rely on X, which is fine for 16.04, but 17.10 and onwards default to Wayland... might be worth thinking about06:10
hateballNo idea if/how well the support is for such tablets on wayland06:11
lotuspsychjemornin alkisg06:19
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all :)06:19
alkisgHi, when I have ipv6 method = ignore in a network-manager connection, but my router has dhcp enabled for ipv6, I get a "inet6 fe80::76d4:35ff:fee9:5f81/64 scope link" address, which is causing me issues. Is this normal? How can I tell network-manager to not assign an ipv6 address at all? (in nm specifically, not via sysctl...)06:25
Rhombixlotuspsychje: i've already done a lot of googling, and i've tried installing those drivers. they have literally had no effect06:25
tewardalkisg: that's a link-local address and not being assigned by network-manager.06:25
tewardalkisg: that's not really an IPv6 address that should be messing with things, what makes you think it's interfering with things?06:26
alkisgteward: if I disable dhcp for ipv6 on the router, then nm doesn't assign it06:26
tewardalkisg: that wasn't my question06:26
alkisgteward: due to a global misconfiguration of the routers in my ...let's say company, they use link-local ipv6 addresses for DNS queries etc, when we can't receive ipv6 replies06:27
lotuspsychjeRhombix: hateball sended you the link06:27
alkisgteward: so the workaround is to disable ipv6, and I wanted to do it from network-manager, so that I don't have to tell people how to use sysctl etc06:27
lotuspsychjeRhombix: some devices can be a pain to make work on ubuntu06:27
Rhombixlotuspsychje: is it *actually* possible to make this tablet work on ubuntu?06:28
Rhombixi've tried several different drivers like the one above and they make no difference06:29
lotuspsychjeRhombix: well in your case it might be smart to deeper investigate and maybe a new !bug06:30
Rhombixbut people in the help results i'm finding claim to have found a solution and been able to use it06:30
lotuspsychjeRhombix: first check your syslog & dmesg when plugging in your device for specific errors06:30
lotuspsychjeRhombix: then create a !bug with all your details, ubuntu version & kernel06:30
Rhombixi struggle to get the device to show up on lsusb06:31
Rhombixalso, there is not going to be a !bug06:31
hateballRhombix: You've not told us what model number of tablet you're using either, so it's kind of hard to try and help you find information06:32
Rhombixhuion 610 pro06:32
sirru5hHello Everyone06:48
alkisgteward: I guess what I want is to disable "router advertisements", similar to systemd-networkd's "IPv6AcceptRA=no" option, as described in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IPv6#systemd-networkd_2. But I don't see any option for that in network-manager, so I guess I'll need to use sysctl anyway...07:00
GegenRungTo disable IPv6 in NetworkManager, right click the network status icon, and select Edit Connections > Wired > Network name > Edit > IPv6 Settings > Method > Ignore/Disabled07:11
GegenRungalkisg ^^07:11
alkisgGegenRung: that's what I already have, but it still receives router ipv6 advertisement and it assigns a link local ipv6 address, which breaks things07:12
Ben64thats not how link local works07:12
alkisgBen64: misconfigured routers can forward link-local traffic... :/07:13
Ben64whats the actual issue07:13
alkisgBen64: we're a network of schools with misconfigured routers and our own dns servers, and the routers send the queries to our dns servers preferring the ipv6 addresses, while we can't receive a reply, so it times out after 10 secs07:14
alkisgSo I'm trying to completely disable ipv6 from network-manager, instead of using an /etc/sysctl.d/50-disable-ipv6 file, which will be a bit longer to document07:15
Ben64ah, the good ol' XY problem07:16
alkisgOf course I've reported the issue to the network admins, but in the meantime, I want to work around it on schools that use ubuntu07:16
=== krashekspress_ is now known as krashekspress
alkisgEh. Actually I just tried with sysctl, and it's impossible to disable ipv6 unless you specify the interface name, which varies... even with ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1, accept_ra=0, autoconf=0, and the same for ipv6.conf.default, I do get an ipv6 link-local address07:31
alkisgThe only way I found to disable it is in the kernel cmdline (grub.cfg), which then causes prompts on package upgrades as it's a conffile...07:32
* alkisg tries to blacklist the ipv6 module...07:34
alkisgNope, it's compiled in...07:36
kode54alkisg: /etc/default/grub ?07:40
alkisgkode54: yeah that's a conffile and it'll give prompts to users on upgrades07:40
alkisg"a new version was shipped, but you locally modified that file, do you want to keep changes " etc etc07:40
kode54clearly, you shouldn't be using Ubuntu on these computers, if you're shipping them to users who are allowed to perform their own upgrades, but are not smart enough to understand what that means07:41
alkisgkode54: generalization like that isn't helpful to either advanced nor new users07:42
alkisgPlease avoid it :)07:42
alkisgTrying to find a way to disable ipv6 that doesn't prompt the users on upgrades, isn't too much to ask, it shouldn't be treated as illogical07:42
strivealkisg: Trying to disable ipv6 when running apt update / upgrade?07:46
alkisgstrive: how do you mean?07:46
alkisg(i'm trying to disable ipv6 completely,not just on apt usage...)07:47
striveI  think there's a line in..07:47
EriC^^isn't there some sysctl thing?07:47
alkisgEriC^^: I couldn't get it to work for network-manager controlled interfaces07:48
alkisgIt gets disabled for all, lo, default etc, but not for "enp0s3" that network-manager manages, it still gets an ipv6 link-local address07:48
alkisgstrive: can I disable ipv6 from /etc/gai.conf?07:49
striveYes, I did this in the past.07:49
striveWelp, I'm off. G'night.07:50
OERIASHas anyone here experienced weird Unity issue like improper display and blackening out of some elements like the launcher?07:50
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: ubuntu version and graphics card chipset?07:51
alkisgstrive: thanks, and good night; I think that changes the precedence though, it doesn't disable ipv6...07:51
OERIASlotuspsychje: it is an Intel Integrated Chipset07:56
OERIASUbuntu 17.1007:56
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: did you test the xorg session to compare?07:56
OERIASno I did not07:56
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: did you install unity yourself cause by default 17.10 is gnome right07:57
EriC^^alkisg: you could always get hacky about it, add a script to grub.d that does sed -i on the grub.cfg to add the ipv6 stuff07:57
OERIASGNOME seems to work fine, but I really hate gnome right now and I want to use Unity instead07:57
OERIASI went ahead and removed Unity and resinstalled it07:57
OERIASgive me 5 minutes to check07:57
EriC^^alkisg: or something like that, it would probably need a sleep and check for grub.cfg and backgrounded07:57
alkisgEriC^^: I actually thought about that 1 minute ago and felt too ditry to go ahead and do it :D07:57
EriC^^alkisg: got to do what you got to do :D07:58
alkisgEriC^^: another dirty workaround would be an initramfs script that would mount --bind /proc/cmdline so that it temporarily shows ipv6.disable there, and unmounts it later on :D07:58
OERIASlotuspsychje: I will post what I am seeing on here08:01
OERIASlotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/a/xgc2d08:02
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: seems like you will need a deeper investigate in your dmesg08:06
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: have you tried a lightdm restart?08:06
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: checked sudo lshw -C video for intel drivers?08:06
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: change themes as a test also?08:11
nollangood morning,using udev-rules, I've tried to used the %P ($parent) substitution, however it is empty. Do I need IMPORT{parent} somehow?08:11
sazawalI am using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. My firefox has stopped showing text on some websites since some days. It includes Youtube (Only video titles are visible), Google Groups (Nothing is visible), Gmail login page (Nothing is visible), Google Maps (Only the text on the map is visible). It could be due to installation of some fonts for Octave. I have tried safe-mode but the problem persists. Help!!08:12
sazawalHere are the screenshots https://imgur.com/a/tpwQP08:13
oerhekssazawal, update, new firefox 57 might help08:13
capella"preferences" has a checkbox to allow pages to override08:13
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sazawaloerheks: I just checked and there is indeed an update for firefox in the package manager. Let's see08:14
capellaalso text encoding for legacy content ... I think thats uu8 vs 16 or somesuch .... they did a big internal string reorg back a bit08:14
qswzhttps://i.imgur.com/3k8O19q.png guys, chrome on the left, firefox on the right. How to make ff's header less tall?08:17
qswzcouldn't find in preferences08:17
qswzyou can see it has 20% more height08:17
Ben64ask #firefox probably08:18
sazawaloerheks: I updated it, but the text is still missing08:18
oerhekssazawal, i think it is that fonts that you installed/updated/whatever, but then again FF in safe mode should be clean.08:19
oerheksno clue what to do08:19
sazawaloerheks: I didnt specifically installed fonts. It came with the octave-forge package. Anyway, I will ask in #firefox08:20
capellaerm :p I contributed to Moz for 5 years and never knew they had a channel on this server XD08:22
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jwtiyarafter apt-update , i cant update packages just shows that i have two or packages not upgraded09:48
jwtiyareven apt upgrade not updating09:48
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.09:50
jwtiyari know this , but before when i do apt update will update appplication if there is un update09:52
jwtiyarthis one for distribution upgrade09:52
jwtiyarbut why apt update not updating them as usual?09:54
auronandaceupdate refreshes the repository information, upgrade actually updates the packages and dist-upgrade updates all packages that requires changes in dependencies09:54
jwtiyaryes , ok if firefox updated which will update it?09:55
auronandacejwtiyar: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:55
jwtiyarauronandace, so apt update will not update dependencies?09:56
vimartapt update then apt --all upgrade09:56
auronandacejwtiyar: update refreshes the repository information09:57
andyworkhey I upgraded to 17.10 on my xps13 a moment ago, and the new desktop feels pretty sluggish. Could this be because gnome is generally much slower in comparison to unity?09:57
auronandacejwtiyar: upgrade updates the packages09:57
auronandacejwtiyar: dist-upgrade upgrades packages that will pull in new dependancies09:58
jwtiyarauronandace, vimart , thank you , its been a year or more left ubuntu so things got forgotten :)09:58
causativeshouldn't unity be much slower?09:58
jwtiyarauronandace, i thought apt update do everything09:58
causativeI mean ok it makes no sense to say unity is slower than gnome, unity is used with gnome09:58
andyworkreally? Its a fresh install with intel drivers present, and resizing windows is choppy09:59
jwtiyarauronandace, and disy-upgrade do distribution upgrade09:59
auronandacejwtiyar: no it does not09:59
causativebut unity is slow afaik09:59
jwtiyarauronandace, thanks09:59
alexassuddenly can't connect to any network, in Unity the pictogram just show endless connection symbol, on all interface, ubuntu 17.1010:02
sylarioI have a ubuntu server VPS not booting, when I check the log (connected the sys disk to another VPS) it fails on a graphical component10:32
sylarioHow do I repair the disk so it can boot on a server ?10:33
Triffid_Huntersylario: that log looks like part of normal shutdown procedure on a system that's freaked out earlier10:34
sylarioTriffid_Hunter: What should I do?10:35
Triffid_Huntersylario: pastebin more of the log including where it decides to shut down?10:36
alexashow to flush all network settings in ubuntu 17.10?10:37
sylarioMore syslog : https://pastebin.com/peFNn4DE10:38
sylarioemergency console logs10:39
Triffid_Huntersylario: this seems suspicious: EXT3-fs: xvda1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240).10:41
sylarioTriffid_Hunter: and what should I do?10:42
sylarioI should also say that it stopped booting while I was doing major upgrade with apt-get upgrade10:42
Triffid_Huntersylario: looks like a bunch of your services crap themselves over readonly root, systemd starts, then decides to shut down 20s later. might want to find out why your kernel's ext driver has suddenly shed some features, and maybe have a play with tune2fs to change them10:42
sylarioI am not sure what it all means10:43
sylarioand I cannot boot the system in any way10:44
Triffid_Huntersylario: restore your backup then10:44
Triffid_Hunterthen play with it in a VM or something and find a safe upgrade pathj10:45
sylarioI only backed up the data disk :/10:45
Triffid_Huntersylario: I suppose you'll just have to rebuild it then, and learn a valuable lesson about doing major upgrades on production systems10:48
sylarioIt's not the production, it's the staging server10:48
Triffid_Huntersylario: oh great, so not a major disaster?10:48
sylariobut still, i think i'll snapshot it10:48
sylariojust a casual disaster10:49
sylarioTriffid_Hunter: thanks for your help10:51
Triffid_Huntersylario: welcome, and good luck!10:51
sonu_nkis there any ubuntu software which can provide me gui of centos server ? i am using ubuntu on my desktop and on my server centos installed.. so i am looking for any software like cpanel which will install on ubuntu and i can connect my centos with it ? we can say a desktop local cpanel10:56
auronandacesonu_nk: would it not make more sense to install something to your centos server and connect to that through the browser on your ubuntu desktop?10:57
sonu_nki know that Centos cpanel10:58
sonu_nkbut wonder i got any local desktop application which is cpanel for desktop :P10:58
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
Steristcan anyone recommend a GUI program that can split and merge videos?11:44
EriC^^!info openshot | Sterist11:45
ubottuSterist: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.2 (artful), package size 17088 kB, installed size 55704 kB11:45
auronandaceSterist: i like openshot as a video editor11:45
Steristrighto. thanks!11:45
Steristain't ubottu a godsend lol11:46
hateballSterist: Kdenlive is another alternative, fwiw11:46
SteristI installed that one but couldn't find the split/merge feature, and it started crashing today after every reboot11:47
Steristthanks for reminding me, uninstalling it now11:47
hateballheh :D11:47
DarkStar1Hi guys, I need an idea of how to achieve the following, I want to extract a string pattern from a log file that generates a lot of output12:30
DarkStar1but only from tail as i want to act on the pattern as it is generated12:30
Triffid_HunterDarkStar1: so tail -F logfile | grep --line-buffered somepattern ?12:31
DarkStar1or rather when a new string of said pattern match is detected in the file12:31
DarkStar1Triffid_Hunter: thx. I'll try that12:34
BluesKajHiyas all12:37
laceylaneyHey everyone ^^ Need a new laptop and thinking about buying a thinkpad. It's been 10+ years since I last bought a laptop so I don't really know what to got for. Is a thinkpad a good choice ?? Which one should I go for. Help and suggestions will be very much appreciated ^^12:46
auronandacelaceylaney: i'm very happy with my thinkpad. Haven't run into any issues installing ubuntu on it. T450s12:48
auronandacelaceylaney: one thing I would suggest is to stay away from any hybrid graphics systems12:49
laceylaney@auronandace Thanks for the heads up ^^12:49
auronandacelaceylaney: what in particular do you plan to do with your laptop? since you are asking in this channel you obviously intend to install ubuntu on it12:50
laceylaneyI want to run ubuntu, maybe ubuntu mate. Manily I will be writing code for websites, designing graphics & playing Team Fortress 2 / Half Life 212:51
TJ-laceylaney: Dell do a range of Ubuntu based laptops, e.g. http://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptop-and-2-in-1-pcs/xps-13/spd/xps-13-9360-laptop12:52
hateballlaceylaney: you could ask ##hardware as well12:52
laceylaneyThanks for the heads up guys ^^ I'm pretty clueless since it's been so long so appreciate the help ^^12:53
hateballlaceylaney: regardless what you look at (as long as it isnt sold directly with linux on it like some dells or from system76) always google "computer model + ubuntu" to see if there's any top issues...12:53
laceylaney@hateball That's a really good idea ^^ Will probably go do that now haha12:54
netsrotHi, how do I install wine staging 2.19 in ubuntu artful? I updated to 2.20 and now 3d doesn't work with radeonsi driver. tested with hearthstone.12:57
hateball!wine| netsrot12:58
ubottunetsrot: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:58
hateballnetsrot: that said, https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu12:58
auronandacenetsrot: it would be easier to install playonlinux and then use that to manage any version of wine you like12:58
Ben64also, wine doesn't care about drivers12:58
Ben64seems more likely that your driver just isn't working12:58
jmft2Hi, does anyone have any more ideas about this? I'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu 17.10. sudo works fine when I start up, but then stops working after I disconnect from a wifi network.13:01
jmft2'sudo' by itself freezes. 'strace sudo' doesn't freeze but exits.13:02
jmft2I gather it has something to do with name resolution (https://serverfault.com/questions/65370/every-single-time-i-use-sudo-it-hangs-before-completing) but my hostname, 'hussar', is where it should be in /etc/hosts:13:03
jmft2' localhost hussar', and '::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback hussar'13:03
TJ-jmft2: I think I suggested yesterday it could be due to an nsswitch resolver-ordering issue13:05
jmft2TJ-, can you elaborate?13:05
brainwashnetsrot: you can install older versions by specifying the exact version string13:06
TJ-jmft2: did you check /etc/nsswitch.conf and it's "hosts" line?13:06
jmft2hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname13:06
brainwashnetsrot: sudo apt install wine=2.19ubuntu113:06
jmft2(sorry, I must have been afk last night when you replied)13:06
TJ-jmft2: nsswitch controls the order that the system's libc (standard library) does name resolution, so if 'dns' were listed before 'files' that could cause the timeout13:07
brainwashnetsrot: this version string is just an example and most likely not a valid one13:07
TJ-jmft2: I'd expect to see something like "hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns"13:07
brainwashnetsrot: you may have to do that for all wine packages also13:07
TJ-jmft2: "files" means read /etc/hosts etc first and only if not found there, use the other methods13:08
netsrotbrainwash: thanks a lot.13:08
jmft2TJ-, on the machine that I'm currently using, I have 'hosts: files myhostname dns'13:09
jmft2so myhostname comes before dns.13:09
TJ-jmft2: "myhostname" ? is that the name of the host or literally the string "myhostname" ?13:09
jmft2literally that string.13:10
TJ-jmft2: What Ubuntu release is this?13:10
jmft2on the broken one. Not sure about the one I'm using at the moment (it's a work machine)13:10
TJ-jmft2: was that system provisioned using some kind of orchestration software/seeding, or from a regular ISO installer ?13:10
jmft2regular ISO.13:11
TJ-jmft2: I've never seen "myhostname" as a method for hosts: in nsswitch before and I can't find it listed in the man-page (on 16.04). Please check on that system if it is mentioned with "man 5 nsswitch.conf" and then search for it with /myhostname <enter>13:12
DarkStar1Hey, can someone help me with grep-ing  with regex please I tried as described here: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/9RB1~rh7ky6uMv8Sx8BZwQ13:12
DarkStar1but I get nothing13:12
jmft2TJ-, no, 'myhostname' isn't mentioned in the man page.13:15
TJ-jmft2: ahhh, apparently it's an optional libnss module13:16
TJ-jmft2: OK, false alarm... but we're on the trail. First thing is to figure out why /etc/hosts entry isn't being used by 'files' - can you pastebin the /etc/hosts ?13:16
TJ-jmft2: also, what does this report? "getent ahosts $(hostname)"13:18
neuronhi! i'm using 17.10 and cant start gparted. using ui it just don't open. using command: `sudo gparted` it says: "(gpartedbin:14328): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0". How can I start gparted?13:19
TJ-jmft2: OK, can you remove the /etc/hosts comment # from "# hussar" then re-run the "getent..." command?13:20
jmft2Should I also remove 'hussar' from
TJ-jmft2: for now only make 1 change at a time13:21
TJ-jmft2: let's see if we can detect which change fixes/helps13:21
jmft2TJ-, after uncommenting I get https://pastebin.com/wkRM2ejY13:22
neuronI found the answer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/967536/gparted-wont-start-under-ubuntu-17-1013:22
DarkStar1can anyone help me pls?13:23
TJ-jmft2: what country/language/locale is that system set to?13:23
TJ-jmft2: I'm wondering if the separator characters in the /etc/hosts are not regular ASCII 0x20 space characters13:23
TJ-jmft2: also, I think I see a clue. That system is resolving on IPv6 first13:25
TJ-jmft2: so, what does "hostname" report?13:27
jmft2TJ-, English and GB keyboard. However, the separator between the '' and 'localhost' is actually a tab.13:27
TJ-jmft2: check also the raw value with "cat /etc/hostname"13:27
TJ-jmft2: tab should be OK... tab/spaces. I was wondering if there were some UTF characters in their13:28
jmft2"hostname" reports "hussar", and /etc/hostname is 'hussar', with a trailing 0x0A.13:28
TJ-jmft2: it looks like "hostname" is returning "localhost" rather than the name "hussar"13:28
TJ-jmft2: this is weird! everything where it could go wrong seems to check out :)13:29
jmft2TJ-, how could we resolve IPv4 first?13:31
TJ-jmft2: I'm trying to reprduce it in a 17.10 container here; give me a mo13:31
ahq I don't know if this is the correct place to ask.. I have a problem with Synaptic on Kubuntu 14.04 and hope that you guys can give a hint... Synaptic cannot display png icons due to something missing (gtk-ish?)  https://pasteboard.co/GTUzwWB.png and https://pasteboard.co/GTUzMgx.png13:32
ahqi think i am missing a lib but dont know which13:32
ioriaDarkStar1,   try  : tail -f    file  | grep --line-buffered alfresco | mawk -Winteractive '{print $2}'13:33
DarkStar1ioria: I need to grep lines h13:34
DarkStar1that include the UUID13:34
DarkStar1else I'd receive way too many lines13:34
DarkStar1the idea is to test it before putting it into a bash script13:34
TJ-jmft2: good news! I've managed to reproduce it in a container so far. "getent ..." fails in the same way13:34
jmft2TJ-, fails, as in resolves the IPv6 first?13:36
TJ-jmft2: no, as in, doesn't report the hussar name. I've also noticed that /etc/hosts has Windows line-endings (/r/n) so I've sed-ed them out but so far it hasn't helped. Looking more closely now13:37
TJ-jmft2: OK, a fix for IPv6 which should solve your immediate sudo issue too: add a separate line to /etc/hosts for IPv6: "::1     hussar" and remove 'hussar' from the other ::1 line13:40
fallenourAnyone ever seen a cloud.init error for ubuntu before? Im not able to reach a 169.254.XXX.XXX address for cloud.init. Ideas?13:40
TJ-jmft2: this looks like a bug; if you do "getent ahostsv4 $(hostname)" to force use of IPv4 it works, so when IPv6 is available and first it doesn't report the IPv4 hostname even though it reports the IP addressesww13:42
DarkStar1I've tried my regexp in 3 different online regex builders set to PCRE and used the -P switch with grep... Still no joy13:46
ahqwhat could be missing in my kubuntu 14.04 if Synaptic fails to show status icons ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25974309/13:48
ahqamong other programs13:48
jmft2TJ-, thanks -- will give a go. What should I do with the IPv6 addresses in /etc/hosts?13:48
jmft2127.0.1.1 or
jinkDarkStar1: grep -E --color '\[/alfresco/s/wopi/files/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\]'13:50
TJ-DarkStar1: "grep -o '\[/.*\]'  "13:50
TJ-jmft2: let me pastebin the /etc/hosts I've got here for you...13:51
TJ-jmft2: ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/25974349/13:52
DarkStar1Thanks jink... I can finally make progress :)13:52
jmft2TJ-, rebooted with new /etc/hosts file, no good. things like sudo and getent still freeze after disconnecting from a network13:56
TJ-jmft2: really!?13:57
TJ-jmft2: hmmm, let me see if I can take the container offline and cause that13:57
jmft2TJ-, I have to head off now but will be back in a few hours, sorry13:57
TJ-jmft2: OK :)13:59
transhuman_Hi! I have a big favor to ask from a compiling expert (trying to get  a small library to compile on Ubuntu it uses a build script and cmake I cant get it to compile, its for an important project of mine...anyone able to help?14:13
leftyfbtranshuman_: you might want to try /join #<language of choice>14:21
transhuman_ok lefty thanks I think its written in c so I will try #c14:22
xflackoi had an eth0 connection working fine on my machine, rebooted and suddenly eth0 is no longer there14:25
TJ-xflacko: "ip link show" will list all the I/F names14:26
xflackoTJ- i see enp0s31f6: (NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP) mtu 1500 qdisk pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100014:30
TJ-xflacko: did the system get a recent release-upgrade ?14:32
xflackoits on the latest version14:32
xflackowhat happened was, i shut down, upgraded ram and booted up14:32
dupondjeWtf, I did pip install cloudmonkey, but then 'cloudmonkey: command not found'14:32
TJ-xflacko: the default interface naming scheme changed to predictable naming (e.g. enp0s31f6) instead of kernel naming (eth0) so it looks as if the system switched from the latter to the former14:33
xflackoTJ- what do u suggest i do to fix it? add auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp to /etc/network/interface ?14:33
TJ-xflacko: how is/was the eth0 interface configured? via the Desktop's Network Manager applet?14:34
xflackonope, it was auto14:35
TJ-xflacko: 17.10 doesn't use that (the package ifupdown); it uses either systemd-networkd or Network Manager14:35
xflackoim using Lubuntu 16.0414:35
TJ-xflacko: that's not the latest; 17.10 is14:35
TJ-xflacko: is it a desktop install?14:35
xflackohowever i disabled the graphical interface start at boot14:36
TJ-xflacko: OK, so from a command-line terminal do "nmtui" to start the NM connection-editor, then select the wired connection and edit it's setting so it uses the enp0s31f6 device, not eth0, save, and bring the connection up with "nmcli con up "<wired connection name>"14:38
bryanfrommacauI'm doing a network installation of ubuntu, and it's failing at "select and install software"14:39
bryanfrommacauWhat kind of software is this?  Is it important?14:39
TJ-bryanfrommacau: it's the option to install packages during OS installation; often we do it later from the command-line using "apt-get" or the desktop using Software Centre14:40
xflackoTJ- Could not activate connection: Connection 'Wired Connection 1' is not available on the device enp0s31f6 at this time14:42
bryanfrommacauOk, I was just wondering if they were things like office suites, or something more vital14:43
TJ-xflacko: is the cable connected to a switch or router?14:44
TJ-xflacko: your earlier "ip link" output showed there was "NO-CARRIER" meaning the link isn't detected14:44
xflackoyeah it is14:45
TJ-xflacko: well, something is wrong there. it should show "<BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>"14:45
xflackoi dont mind trying a reinstall since the os was empty14:45
TJ-xflacko: try messing with the cable, even try a different one14:46
xflackoTJ- it worked on a fresh install14:51
bryanfrommacauI key getting fatal errors on my network installation14:54
TJ-xflacko: check for errors during boot; there may be some clue in the kernel log at /var/log/kern.log, or use the 'dmesg | less' command14:54
xflackoTJ- thank you <315:03
xflackoill check it out15:03
xflackoi think it was fiddling with the cable that fixed it15:03
jayjocan I configure logrotate to only rotate my nginx access.log by file size instead of "daily" which is how it is set by default?15:05
puxavidajayjo, search -> configure logroate by file size15:09
bryanfrommacauOk i installed ubuntu using the net install15:11
bryanfrommacauI have a blinking line on the to left of the monitor and nothing else15:12
bryanfrommacauI do get the ubuntu logo prior to that15:13
bryanfrommacauI'll try reinstalling again then :/15:20
oerheksbryanfrommacau, might be your GPU causing the issue, see nomodeset to see if that works15:21
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:21
ioriaDarkStar1,  have you solved your issue ?  sy, afw15:26
puxavidabryanfrommacau, which netboot version?  16.04 has 4.4 ga kernel to start and there is HWE version - not sure it that would have a kernel that works for you15:27
bryanfrommacauMaybe I need an older version15:33
ioriabryanfrommacau, why ?15:34
bryanfrommacauHi, reconnected15:36
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designbybeckAfter the new install of FFQ, My fonts don't show up in Youtube. In other sites it does. I've cleared all cache/data and history and removed .mozilla Anyone else having this issue?15:42
xflackohow do i force a static ip for my linux machine?15:44
kostkondesignbybeck, ffmpeg?15:44
kostkondesignbybeck, oh, firefox quantum15:45
designbybeckno as in no fonts/text at all on the page anywhere kostkon15:45
designbybeckyeah quantum15:45
kostkondesignbybeck, have you tried logging out and back in15:48
designbybeckyes kostkon full restart15:48
kostkondesignbybeck, i mean on youtube15:49
designbybeckhmmm... let me try15:49
DarkStar1ioria: Yes thanks you. The issue was with my RegExp for the UUID pattern15:49
designbybeckkostkon, oh yeah I am completely logged out of everything, because I clearned and deleted everything15:49
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ioriaDarkStar1,  ok15:50
kostkondesignbybeck, is the correct language/region selected on your Youtube profile15:51
designbybeckthat hadn't changed kostkon but I'll check again15:51
designbybeckkostkon, this is what it looks like without being logged in on a new install of FFQ in Ubuntu 16.04: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=12042615:53
designbybecknot being logged into youtube15:53
designbybeckbut other pages show text kostkon15:53
designbybeckkostkon, like if I go to just google . com and type puppies...I see text/fonts as normal15:54
designbybeckthis wasn't happeneding before I upgraded to FFQ from Ubuntu Repo kostkon15:54
kostkondesignbybeck, any extensions that you have installed and you believe might be the cause of this, like any noscript, video downloaders, etc. extensions?15:55
zarzarhow do i set the ssh keep alive in ubuntu?15:55
designbybeckFFQ disabled them all kostkon15:55
designbybeckthe only thing I added/turned on again was lastpass kostkon15:55
kostkondesignbybeck, type about:support in your address bar and then select the option to restart in safe mode, see if that is still the case15:56
designbybeckkostkon, "Restart with Add-ons Disabled" ?15:57
kostkondesignbybeck, yep15:57
designbybeckkostkon, same thing, no font/text15:58
designbybeckon youtube pages15:58
designbybeckits like a CSS issue or something15:58
kostkondesignbybeck, funny thing firefox now has a brand new rust based css engine15:59
designbybeckthat's what  Iwas thiking kostkon ....so I would have thought it would have played nicer overall. I don't think I'm using any crazy theme/addons forUnity or anything15:59
kostkondesignbybeck, nonetheless, you could try creating a new profile see if the problem persists. Just type  about:profiles if i remember correctly15:59
designbybeckok I'll keep playing with it. Thanks for your help  kostkon16:00
kostkondesignbybeck, you don't necessarily have to delete your current one16:00
pdefreitasyeassss finally firefox 57 is in artful repos16:02
tilerenderingppl, I have an existing iptables/ufw setup that I dont want to change, except I want to add _one_ additional rule: deny all incoming connections to all ports for _all_ ips except 2 that I specify. for these 2 ips, that are still allowed to connect, the rules are as it is specified now for all ips. can you tell me what to do with ufw so that I get this working? I unfortunately dont have the time to look hours into manuals, I already wasted so much16:03
tilerenderingtime today configuring java-to-mailserver and mailserver-to-world connectivity...16:03
mecotriI have two public IPv6 addresses on one interface and need to change which one is the default for outgoing traffic. How can I do that? I've tried all sorts of ip route commands with no success.16:07
designbybeckkostkon, creating a new profile still didn't fix the font issue. it's odd. I'll keep digging though16:08
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
designbybeckkostkon, fixed it.... had to install fonts-texgyre : https://askubuntu.com/questions/976985/firefox-websites-with-custom-fonts-not-displaying16:13
designbybeckSo if anyone elses fonts aren't working on GitHub or the New FF, you might try that16:13
TJ-tilerendering: sounds like you want to set a default INPUT policy of DENY, and then a couple of ACCEPT rules for the IPs16:14
TJ-designbybeck: have you tried starting Firefox from a terminal, with debug enabled, to see if there are clues there?16:14
kostkondesignbybeck, interesing that you had to do that16:14
designbybeckTJ-, I hadn't, but it is working now16:14
TJ-designbybeck: i hate those silent bugs!16:15
designbybeckoh, interesting... I was still in safe mode when I did that kostkon and youtube refreshed with the right fonts....then I tried to restart FF and now it will not sure again16:16
designbybeckme too TJ-16:16
kostkondesignbybeck, did you set the new profile as the default and then restart firefox?16:19
designbybeckI just deleted it when it didn't work kostkon16:20
designbybecklet me try that kostkon16:20
designbybeckkostkon, no, that didn't work either. In a CLI I did the sudo apt install fonts-texgyre16:22
designbybeckand then refreshed the youtube page and the fonts showed up. Then I tried not in safe mode and the fonts went away16:22
tilerenderingTJ-: yep, but .. that sounds like a few hours of try & error, that’s why I ask, I guess it’s not so uncommon my usecase…16:23
kostkondesignbybeck, browsers download fonts on demand nowadays, they don't need to exist on the system16:24
mutantesomehow sounds like it could be abused for exploits16:25
TJ-tilerendering: I don't use UFW, but I've just found out how to do it within literally 5 seconds with "man ufw" and I see immediately: "ufw [--dry-run] default allow|deny|reject [incoming|outgoing|routed]" which suggests "ufw default deny incoming" to set the default DENY policy. Then you just add your allow rules if they aren't already there16:29
designbybeckkostkon, ok NOW I got it...had to install: fonts-roboto as well16:30
designbybeckthe other was forGitHub fonts....the latter was for Google/Youtube16:31
TJ-designbybeck: surely the sites, if using custom fonts, should be supplying them via CSS fonts statement16:31
designbybecknot clue TJ- I would have thought it would have rolled back to some other default font16:32
TJ-designbybeck: my point is, on sites where a font is specified that isn't widely available, that font is specified for download from the site itself16:33
designbybeckyeah, but this was GitHub and YouTube....not sure why FFQ didn't serve it up16:33
TJ-designbybeck: otherwise fallbacks to an *installed* font; it doesn't fail to fallback because some system font isn't present16:33
kostkondesignbybeck, you shouldn't have to installl those fonts to make those sites work the point being that something is still wrong with your firefox setup16:34
TJ-designbybeck: I've not seen anything like that and I've been using nightly (v58) for ages.16:34
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designbybeckTJ-, this is what  I used https://askubuntu.com/questions/976985/firefox-websites-with-custom-fonts-not-displaying16:35
designbybeckI'll keep an eye on it, to see if this messed anything else up. FFQ is running fast and smooth16:36
kostkondesignbybeck, did you get it from the repos?  apt policy firefox16:37
designbybeckyep kostkon16:38
designbybecksudo apt upgrade16:38
TJ-designbybeck: use the developer tools console, check if the fonts are being loaded from the site but not displayed. I can see several bugs like that in the Mozilla bug tracker16:38
kostkondesignbybeck, jc16:38
designbybeckkostkon, but I did try to download and run it locally yesterday (without installing) and I got the same issue in YouTube with the missing fonts16:39
designbybeckbut today I installed from repo when I saw it was there16:39
designbybeckbut it is working now, so I'm going to run with it16:39
kostkondesignbybeck, quite a perplexing issue16:39
designbybeckwell i'm glad some other folks had the issue and it wasn't just me16:40
tilerenderingTJ-: I did that already, but I wonder whether my current “ALLOW” rules will fit in to fit my above described needs. but hey thanks, I ll figure out by myself.16:40
kostkondesignbybeck, as TJ- said it could be a firefox bug that manifests under certain conditions16:41
TJ-tilerendering: sounds like you've sorted it already then - if the default policy for incoming is DENY then unless you add exceptions for allowing something in, nothing will be accepted16:41
TJ-designbybeck: can you give me a URL on github that fails so I can test it?16:42
tilerenderingTJ-: no I havent sorted it really, I wanted to avoid reentering all existing rules but I ll check for myself, I ve been wandering around for 1 hour now in order to find out, and I figure that - as sad as it is - by investing 2 hours of my own time I ll be happier16:42
designbybeckTJ-, It wasn't me that was trying GitHub, I just saw that was happened there as well to some users16:43
TJ-designbybeck: Oh, well give me a URL that fails for you now16:43
designbybeckTJ-, in that link I sent, their screen shot showed the icons in GitHub but not font/text16:43
designbybeckit was Youtube.com16:43
TJ-designbybeck: the front page?16:43
designbybeckactaully even google.com16:43
tilerenderingTJ-:  btw. the default deny policy hasnt blocked my ssh attempt right now when I tried to connect.. so much for self-evidency16:44
designbybeckTJ-, this was starting up youtube clean in FFQ for the first time without logging in: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=12042816:44
designbybeckTJ-, Images/Icons, but not fonts/text16:44
TJ-designbybeck: that fetches 2 fonts from fonts.gstatic.com16:44
TJ-tilerendering: how are you testing? from a remote host?16:45
TJ-designbybeck: enable the web developer > web console then look at the Network tab when the page is loaded. You can filter resources to just CCS/Fonts by clicking on those headings in the tool bar16:47
designbybeckTJ-, http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=12042916:49
TJ-designbybeck: enable "Fonts" too :)16:50
designbybeckok looks like the same thing though TJ-16:50
TJ-designbybeck: with Fonts enabled refresh the page16:51
TJ-designbybeck: for https://youtube.com/ you should see 2 CSS and 2 Fonts16:51
designbybeckTJ-, ^16:52
tilerenderingTJ-: yep16:52
kostkondesignbybeck, no fonts in sight16:52
designbybeckwell that is good to know. I didn't konw you could filter like that16:52
TJ-designbybeck: notice on the right it shows "cached" ? you need to clear the cache. Try Ctrl+F5 to do a forced refresh16:53
designbybeckTJ-, I have done that....everything is working now16:53
TJ-designbybeck: you should see a Transfer size in bytes/KB16:53
TJ-designbybeck: fonts OK? so it was a local cache issue then?16:54
designbybeckwell don't know when it started working...I don't think it was a cache thing... from what I realized it was when I installed both of those fonts16:54
designbybeckbut yes TJ- it is working on YouTube now as expected16:54
tilerenderingTJ-:  when doing ufw status numbered I see that the “allow 22 from anywhere” is at first place, then a number of other allows, then the denies follow. kind of strange, after explicitly enabling the input policy to deny by default16:55
designbybeckThank you TJ- for your help as well16:55
kostkondesignbybeck, well you could try remove the font packages you installed16:55
TJ-tilerendering: as I don't use UFW I'm not sure what to expect when there's a default DENY policy, but I would expect the default policy to be listed too16:56
TJ-tilerendering: and if the default is DENY then any deny rules in that chain are unnecesary since if an ACCEPT (allow) doesn't match packets will be denied. I'm not sure how UFW managed if you've got multiple interfaces either; whether behind-the-scenes it creates separate chains for each interface16:58
tilerenderingTJ-: yeah, .. see - this is why I was quite specific in my requirements and wanted a very specific advice actually. because if it comes down to understand ufws internals, I mean all of them, and acting upon it, then we re down to several hours of try%error which, for me, as a developer, marketer, tester, infrastructure provider, cloud manager, devops, and database administrator is time that I would really have loved to avoid to invest.16:58
TJ-tilerendering: I looked at UFW about a decade ago when it was introduced, found it wanting, and stuck with using iptables directly so I *know* what is set!16:59
tilerenderingneedless to say this is knowledge that will be forgotten by the next time I have to use ufw16:59
tilerenderingyeah but same with iptables, even more time to invest, for just blocking all ips except a set of a few.16:59
tilerenderingneedless to say that for somebody with a pile of tasks already, this is time he would really like to have condensed down to just one little helpful advice.17:00
TJ-tilerendering: well, pastebin the output of "ufw status" lets see if we can figure it out17:01
tilerenderingTJ-: I m really thankful for your help, I mean it, really. But I think that because youre not really using ufw yourself...17:02
TJ-tilerendering: the one thing I would wonder is if there's another firewall program fighting with UFW over the rules :)17:02
tilerenderingnope, I would figure that out. ufw is using iptables under the hood so I understood17:02
TJ-tilerendering: OK, I'll leave it to you then17:02
tilerenderingthanks anyhow17:03
tilerenderingand: very sad that I cant get any useful hint for just this very simple usecase since about 1,5 hours. sigh… the linux world hasnt changed much since.17:03
TJ-tilerendering: is the host using containers/docker/virtual-machines ? I know that there are issues with docker and ufw17:13
RonaldsMazitismicrosoft just released new skype for linux 8.10.something , and logins from older versions are disallowed17:21
RonaldsMazitisproblem is, my relative says, You cannot remote desktop on this newest version17:21
RonaldsMazitisis it true?17:21
deependis there a way to make newly created files in a directory be executable by default?17:22
archhereticApparently there is a script running on a server that makes the server reboot every 5 min, where should I try to look so I can disable this script?17:22
kostkonRonaldsMazitis, share your desktop? I think you can17:22
RonaldsMazitisI personally don't use skype17:22
archhereticits probably a script that run at startup17:23
RonaldsMazitisso I don't know where to find this button17:23
leftyfbarchheretic: cron17:24
TJ-leftyfb: archheretic it could also be systemd timer17:24
kostkonRonaldsMazitis, if i remember correctly it the option to share appears in the call window, i.e. when you make a call17:24
archhereticanyway to list all cron jobs and list all systemd timers ?17:25
brainwasharchheretic: systemctl list-timers17:26
TJ-archheretic: "systemctl -t timer"17:26
archhereticroot@3269beab513c:/# crontab -e17:26
archhereticno crontab for root - using an empty one17:26
leftyfbarchheretic: sudo egrep "reboot|shutdown" /etc/cron* /var/spool/cron/crontabs/17:27
archhereticdoesnt seem to be a systemd time, these run at too long intervalls https://pastebin.com/kLAz3Tru17:28
archhereticthis is the output of that egrep https://pastebin.com/AyWDB8Fd17:30
TJ-archheretic: you might find a clue in /var/log/auth.log around the time of the reboots17:31
leftyfbarchheretic: sudo egrep -R "reboot|shutdown" /etc/cron* /var/spool/cron/crontabs/17:31
archhereticleftyfb: No results =/17:32
archhereticTJ-: https://pastebin.com/Q1JNf1j217:33
archhereticpowerkey pressed, powering off17:34
archhereticthis sounds fishy, but can I alias the poweroff command or something into something else so it doesnt power off?17:35
TJ-archheretic: which ubuntu version is it?17:35
archhereticUbuntu 17.4   Linux ubuntu 4.10.0-28-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 30 05:32:18 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:36
TJ-archheretic: see https://superuser.com/questions/1071800/explanation-of-systemd-logind-in-auth-log17:36
leftyfbarchheretic: where did you get "14.4" from?17:36
leftyfbsorry, "17.4"17:37
archhereticfrom the splash welcome screen17:41
archhereticin the terminal17:41
archheretic# udevadm trigger -v -n -g power-switch17:44
TJ-archheretic: what make/model is it?17:44
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-archheretic: disable logind handling it: "echo 'HandlePowerKey=ignore' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/powerbutton-inhibit.conf" then after a reboot it *should* be prevented. Doesn't explain what's causing it though17:47
archhereticbash: echo 'HandlePowerKey=ignore' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/powerbutton-inhibit.conf: No such file or directory17:50
TJ-archheretic: ah! don't type the surrounding double-quotes; I use them to separate my commentary from the command to run17:51
archhereticyeh I tried both :p17:51
archhereticwithout it does seem expect some extra input17:52
archhereticroot@f80ef3405b2b:/# echo 'HandlePowerKey=ignore' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/powerbutton-inhibit.conf17:52
mbeierlTrying to do a 16.04.3 install on DHCP enabled network, but the installer keeps saying configuration failed.  I see DHCP request, DHCP offer of an IP, and then installer immediately returns DHCP decline.  Don't see any ARP between the offer and the decline.  Any ideas?17:53
archhereticwith # i guess I dont need the sudo17:53
archhereticI know using root is bad business, but this isnt an important server17:53
ioriaarchheretic,  do you have a logind.conf.d direcyory ?17:53
noah1Eclipse CDT Oxygen or Netbeans 8.2 on Ubuntu?17:54
archhereticcd: /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d: No such file or directory17:55
mixxitcan anyone help i just did a fresh install of ubuntu but the software centre seems to be broken18:00
mixxit"Unable to install Discord Failed to read from snapd: Error receiving data: Connection reset by peer"18:00
gluonmixxit: try this on the command line:18:02
gluonsudo snap install gnome-3-26-160418:02
gluonsudo snap install discord18:02
mixxitok that seemed to say discord is already installed18:03
mixxitbut in software center it says install18:03
gluondoes it run?18:03
mixxitand doesnt show it under installed18:04
mixxityes it runs18:04
naccmixxit: what version of ubunntu?18:04
naccmixxit: and when you say 'software centre', do you mean gnome software (it's just called 'software' iirc)18:05
mixxitits like an amazon icon18:05
mixxitan orange bag thing18:05
naccmixxit: (you can check by running the thing you want and then checking `ps aux | grep gnome-software`)18:05
gluonit's branded ubuntu software in 17.1018:05
naccmixxit: you're using old, defunct software18:05
naccmixxit: i belileve18:06
naccthe ubuntu software centre is deprecated18:06
mixxitthis is a fresh install18:06
naccmixxit: can you check the 'ps aux' output?18:06
naccmixxit: i don't have a stock ubuntu 17.10 in front of me18:06
mixxitso many processes18:07
naccmixxit: ... with grep?18:07
mixxit./usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service18:08
mixxitis it this?18:08
naccmixxit: possibly ... is that leading '.' in your `ps aux` output?18:08
naccmixxit: oh ok, then yes that is it18:09
naccmixxit: is your system fully up to date otherwise?18:09
mixxityeah i did an update and it asked me to restart18:09
naccmixxit: and did you?18:09
mixxitand then i tried to install discord and it gave me the error18:09
mixxiti did reboot yeah18:10
naccmixxit: ok18:10
naccmixxit: you can file a bug on it, if you want18:10
mixxitthe command he gave me fixed the one18:10
mixxiti did snap remove after and then reinstalled using the ubuntu software window and it now it kinda knows its installed18:10
mixxitbut im not sure what gnome-3-26-1604 did18:10
gluonmixxit: that's sort of a dependency that discord needs18:11
gluonand many other snaps18:11
mixxitoh right18:11
gluonit isn't handled automatically by snappy though18:11
mixxitok is it easy for me to log a bug report18:11
ioriamixxit, similar : https://github.com/phw/peek/issues/21018:11
gluonmixxit: i was about to suggest you to reinstall discord, but you figured it out on your own too18:12
nacc!bug | mixxit: i'd check first, it seems like something possibly known18:12
ubottumixxit: i'd check first, it seems like something possibly known: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:12
mixxitthanks yes this is the first time ive ever used snap18:12
naccmixxit: or ask in #snappy maybe18:12
mixxitoh i tried that but i couldnt figure out what hte name was18:12
gluonit's not a bug, it's the way snappy works right now18:12
gluonit doesn't automatically install that gnome dep18:13
naccgluon: it's *definitely* a bug that the software center cannot install something, IMO18:13
gluonand then gnome software fails18:13
naccgluon: it's a bug in gnome software -- they can choose not to fix it, but it's still a bug :)18:13
gluonnacc: yeah, fair enough, but it's related to snappy18:13
naccgluon: yeah, i imagine it is :)18:13
naccgluon: i'd just rather it get documented, if it's nont already18:13
gluonit's definitely unexpected beahaviour at least18:13
nacc(bug = documentation, in this case)18:13
naccmixxit: i think you'd file it against gnome-software or ubuntu-software18:14
mixxitok thanks18:15
gluonperhaps gnome-software on ubuntu should be aware of this and pull the gnome dep using snap, before installing any snaps that depend on it18:15
gluonor maybe snappy should do it automatically18:16
naccgluon: this is just that snapd can't resolve the interfaces needed by a snap?18:16
naccgluon: resolve = install them as deps18:16
naccgluon: ok, yeah, i remember reading about that a while back18:16
gluonnot even on the command line18:16
gluoni'm not sure that's by design or still a lacking feature18:17
gluonbut i shall investigate18:17
DatzHi, I'm trying to get wake on lan to be active at boot. I get "Wake-on: d" through ethtool, but have added "up ethtool -s eth0 wol g" to /etc/network/interfaces under my static configuration. Any ideas?18:17
gluonmixxit: i've started using snaps recently too and had a similar issue on other snap that also needed that gnome runtime18:18
gluonbut otherwise, it's great18:18
gluonquite handy to install sandboxed apps that you don't fully trust, for instance18:19
gluonor that aren't available otherwise18:19
TJ-Datz: the system is using ifupdown (rather than network-manager or systemd-networkd) ?18:21
DatzTJ-: I made the assumtion that it was, as my static IP address gets set18:21
mixxitok i reported it18:21
mixxitthanks guys18:21
TJ-Datz: OK, just that it'd be the obvious reason :)18:21
DatzTJ-: I'm looking into adding an option to /etc/rc.local18:21
gluonmixxit: np18:22
DatzTJ-: ok. Well I'll try and verify that18:22
Jordan_UDatz: Please pastebin the output of "sudo ethtool eth0". What version of Ubuntu are you running?18:22
DatzI think I'm on 16.0418:22
TJ-Datz: why not put the command into a shell script that also writes a log entry to a file when called, then call the script with the "up"? Then you know it is being executed and debug better18:22
DatzTJ-: If I can't do it another way, that sounds good18:23
BluesKajDatz, set your dns in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf18:23
TJ-Datz: i often use script that log to figure out such issues18:23
DatzJordan_U: https://hastebin.com/ukehanigoq.sql18:23
DatzTJ-: I see18:24
Datzapparently ethtool should be trying to enable wol by default.18:24
DatzAccording to what I'm reading18:24
Jordan_UDatz: "enp4s0", note that's not eth0.18:25
ioriagluon, nacc     found this:  https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/10/24/latest-and-greatest-versions-of-gnome-apps-on-your-desktop/18:25
naccioria: makes sense18:26
DatzJordan_U: I don't understand the significance18:26
naccioria: i know there is ongoing work in a lot of these directions, base snaps (which are a different dependency matrix altogether) and then nstuff like this, where you want a gnome app, which means you ened a gnome runtime the app can see18:26
iorianacc, yep18:26
naccioria: the one advantage of snaps in this case is that sinnce snapd gets SRUd currently, all releases will hopefully benefit as they change the model :)18:27
Jordan_UDatz: You said you added "up ethtool -s eth0 wol g" to /etc/network/interfaces. The interface "eth0" doesn't exist, so that can't possibly enable wol on it. The rest of your /etc/network/interfaces entry should also use enp4s0 instead of eth0.18:27
iorianacc, it's a great work, in my opinion18:28
DatzJordan_U: ah, my bad, I was just copying that from the web. I substituted that for enp4s018:28
romanticHello, what is the latest kernel for ubuntu 16.04 LTS? is it -97 or -98?18:33
ioriaromantic, depends ... on the hwe18:33
ioriaromantic, but let's say -9818:33
romanticok, I have -98 installed but I am not reboooting into it correctly, I constantly land in -9718:33
romanticwhen I reboot, uname -r says (4.4.0-97-generic)18:34
ioriaromantic, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade18:34
romanticioria - that’s the nuke?18:35
ioriaromantic, nope18:35
naccromantic: did you at some point change the entry you booted in grub (from the topmost one)?18:35
romanticI wouldn’t know how to do that, but I’ll check what it is18:36
romantic(you have to tell me where)18:36
naccromantic: when you start your computer, you might see a grub menu18:36
naccromantic: depends on your configuration18:36
DrPancakeahaha realising you began to compress 50 gigs of files :( this is going to take a while -.-18:36
romanticnacc I do not18:36
romanticnacc: boots right into lightdm18:36
naccromantic: ok, follow ioria's advice first18:37
romanticioria: small update: 18 packages only18:38
ioriaromantic, ans maybe paste sudo update-grub18:38
TJ-romantic: what does this report? "  grep -- 'menuentry .*' /boot/grub/grub.cfg " - it should show all the bootable kernel versions18:39
romanticioria: you want paste in irc of outpu?18:42
ioriaromantic, on paste.uubntu.com or use pastebinit18:42
ioriaromantic, on paste.ubuntu.com18:42
romanticioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25975904/18:43
ioriaromantic, are you sure -98 is installed ? dpkg -l|grep linux-image-[0-9]|grep ^ii|awk '{print $2}'18:44
romanticioria: yup, that’s why I’m here18:45
TJ-romantic: check if -98 is installed with "ls /boot/{vmlinuz,initrd.img}*" - make sure there are both vmlinuz- and initrd.img- with the -98 version number. If the initrd.img- for -98 is missing then build it with "sudo update-initramfs -c -k 4.4.0-98-generic" then if no errors  "sudo update-grub"18:45
romanticioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25975920/18:45
romanticTJ-: vmlinuz is not there18:46
TJ-romantic: could be the /boot/ file-system ran out of space and the initrd wasn't created, so won't be in the GRUB menu18:46
TJ-romantic: then -98 isn't installed18:46
romanticbut I have parts of it, and it’s confusing the nvidia driver18:46
TJ-romantic: show us "pastebinit <( df -h )"18:47
romanticTJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25975930/18:47
ioriaromantic,  something wrong, there is no -96  but it shows up in update-grub ; paste also    ls /boot18:47
romanticTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25975934/18:48
romanticioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25975937/18:48
TJ-romantic: that looks OK; /boot/ has 275MB free18:49
romanticpatebinit is very nice, just saying'18:49
TJ-romantic: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-4.4.0-98-generic"18:49
TJ-romantic: if you get errors, pastebin them, if not, it should be sorted18:50
romanticok, this worked, I see 98 in grub18:50
romanticand the 98 vmlinuz18:51
romanticlet’s go for a reboot18:51
TJ-romantic: not yet!!18:51
romanticwhat next?18:52
romanticit’s rebooting ;/18:52
TJ-romantic: now ensure the headers are installed with "sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic"18:52
ioriaromantic,  check the headers for -98 ....18:52
ioriaromantic,  you can get them the linux-generic pkg18:52
TJ-romantic: OK, well it should at least boot, -headers is needed for out-of-tree drivers like nvidia to be built correctly18:52
romanticheaders installed18:53
romanticit did boot in 9818:53
TJ-romantic: seems to be sorted then18:53
romanticI’ll rebuild the nvidia driver and see18:53
romanticthe boot is really small at  500gb18:54
romantic500 Mb18:54
TJ-romantic: no, that's about right if you make sure to use "apt-get autoremove" to clear out older kernels. Also ensure DKMS doesn't leave old initrd.img files in there when it backs them up - they use up a LOT of space18:55
romantichow can I enforce both ?18:55
nullbyte_bootlogd package is removed from ubuntu18:55
naccnullbyte_: is that a question?18:56
TJ-romantic: apt generally reminds you when there are packages that can be removed18:56
kostkon!info bootlogd artful18:56
ubottuPackage bootlogd does not exist in artful18:56
genii!info bootlogd18:56
genii!info bootlogd bionic18:56
romanticTJ-: nvm, I’ve installed autoremove, does it have a man page?18:57
TJ-romantic: for DKMS check with "ls /boot/*dkms*"18:57
ubottuPackage bootlogd does not exist in bionic18:57
naccgenii: kostkon: yes, it does not exist. I am tryign to get nullbyte_ to explain what they wat18:57
=== lingkhang_ is now known as lingkhang
jmft2TJ-: Hello again. Do you have any further ideas about the DNS resolution?18:58
nacciirc, it's because bootlogd does nothing under systemd18:58
TJ-jmft2: No. I did some reading up and wondered if there's something extra you've added to PAM since /etc/pam.d/sudo is used too18:59
romanticTJ-: documentation on apt-get autoremove?19:00
TJ-jmft2: I did read where a user had nss failing due to corruption in /etc/nsswitch.conf - we saw Windows line-endings in /etc/hosts; wondering if they're in /etc/nsswitch.conf too and breaking the parsing of that file19:00
TJ-romantic: "man apt-get"19:00
romanticTJ-: ok, I have to cron.d it?19:01
romanticlast thing I want is to run out of space there…19:01
TJ-nacc: >jmft2< has weird issue on 17.10. When network is down, 'sudo ...' is freezing due to being unable to resolve hostname. We've exhaustively checked /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts and /etc/nsswitch.conf and got "hosts:    files myhostname ..." but it fails. also, "getent ahost $(hostname)" fails likewise, which does suggest an NSS issue. Any ideas?19:03
romanticnacc: TJ-: All is good - system is back Thank you so much.19:04
DatzI think my system may not support WOL19:04
naccromantic: np19:05
naccTJ-: hold on, i think i have a bug reference on that lookup19:06
TJ-nacc: I did search in glibc but didn't find anything nss related19:06
naccTJ-: yeah, it's two bugs, i think19:07
naccTJ-: one is the nss issue itself19:07
naccTJ-: but sudo shouldn't have this weird dependency19:07
TJ-sudo is calling the libc resolver for gethostbyname() I assume; pretty standard for any program19:08
naccTJ-: right, but i think systemd-resolved isn't timing out properly19:08
naccTJ-: still waiting on the bug #, sorry19:08
naccTJ-: ok, so not exactly, but LP: #173074419:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1730744 in systemd (Ubuntu) "sudo is slow (10 seconds) when hostname is not resolvable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173074419:08
TJ-nacc: it shouldn't reach the resolver; nsswitch.conf ordering says 1: files, 2: myhostname19:08
naccso is it possible it's not freezing, just slow?19:08
naccTJ-: systemd :)19:09
naccwhich i think is before the nsswitch is parsed? not sure19:09
TJ-nacc: no, the other way around19:10
naccTJ-: ah19:10
naccTJ-: one workaroud for the above was to put a static line in /etc/hosts19:10
TJ-nacc: 'dns' is one of the options, and it's last in the ordering19:10
naccTJ-: hrm19:10
TJ-nacc: already there, that's the problem.19:10
naccTJ-: ad libnss-myhostname is installed?19:10
TJ-jmft2: how long does sudo freeze when the network is offline? forever, or many minutes, or something else?19:11
TJ-nacc: yes19:11
naccTJ-: i also had hacked mine to do "hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname" apparently :)19:11
jmft2TJ-: A few minutes, I haven't timed it. I can say that 'strace sudo' doesn't hang, but exits.19:11
TJ-nacc: I did some testing here in a 1710 container but couldn't reproduce entirely; initially there were some issues with incomplete /etc/hosts but we fixed those.19:12
naccTJ-: ok19:12
TJ-jmft2: can you show use "grep 'hosts:' /etc/nsswitch.conf" ?19:12
naccTJ-: i sadly don't know much about this -- other than it is terrible when it doens't work19:13
TJ-nacc: the one 'clue' I wondered about was in jmft2 system it's using IPv6 first19:13
naccah interesting19:13
jmft2TJ-: nacc: 'hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname'19:14
TJ-nacc: but "getent ahosts $(hostname)" was returning a record for the hostname, and "getent ahostsv4 $(hostname)" works for IPv4 too19:14
TJ-jmft2: nacc thanks - that "files" should read /etc/hosts first, then try multicast-DNS, then dns (systemd-resolvd), then libnss-myhostname19:14
TJ-jmft2: try moving "myhostname" to first in the list, before files19:15
Jordan_UDatz: What is the output, if any, of "sudo ethtool -s enp4s0 wol g"?19:16
TJ-jmft2: also, use "hexdump -C /etc/nsswitch.conf" or similar to ensure no 'bad' ASCII codes (such as 0x0D) in the file19:16
DatzJordan_U: well, I tried magic packet, but the system didn't want to go up19:17
DatzJordan_U: and it is remote, so it's going to be a bit until i get manualy restart it.19:17
jmft2TJ-: nacc: So what does libnss-myhostname do?19:18
DatzJordan_U: I'll have a look through bios again, there's no wol defined, but some other wake events, that should be the same thing or so I've read19:18
naccjmft2: i believe it helps ensure local hostame is resolveable19:19
TJ-jmft2: ^^^^19:19
TJ-jmft2: you're setting the order that the C standard library tries to resolve names for calls to gethostbyname()19:20
naccjmft2: without it, you have to make sure the right value(s) are in /etc/hosts at all times, or you are likely to get ... brokenness19:20
jmft2TJ-: nacc: Tried moving 'myhostname' to the first in /etc/nsswitch.conf, and no 0x0d. Rebooted. Same behaviour, 'getent ahosts hussar' works before disconnecting and then stops working.19:23
TJ-jmft2: I was trying to find an option/env-var to get nss debugging, but not found one so far.19:23
akikwhy is there a [NOTFOUND=return] in nsswitch.conf? it stops the name resolution if the host is not found from files or mdns4_minimal19:26
TJ-jmft2: anything in the logs? "journalctl -u systemd-resolved.service"19:27
smoserto the person that is seeing this problem. are you using resolvconf on the host ?19:27
smoseri'm curious because that was the only place that we saw it, and switching out of resolvconf "fixed" the problem.19:28
smoser(ie, just writing 'nameserver' into /etc/resolv.conf )19:28
naccsmoser: jmft2 is the one seeing it, and TJ- is trying to help resolve it19:29
TJ-smoser: thanks for dropping in :) the more brains the better !19:29
smoserTJ-: i just filed the original bug and worked around it with public dns entries.19:30
TJ-smoser: only happens when the system is offline; I think your bug was a delay even when online?19:30
smoseri'm not sure you want my help :)19:30
smoserTJ-: yes, we saw when online.19:30
smoserand there easily reprodicible script there.19:30
TJ-smoser: it 'feels' like the typical nsswitch.conf problem when /etc/hosts didn't contain /etc/hostname entry, but we've triple-checked all that19:31
fluvvellis anyone familiar with fixing the top menu bar (16.04) on a dual screen? I cant find the right utility. My left bar underlaps the right screen19:31
fluvvellI've tried ccsm and I can't find it there19:31
fluvvellif only it right clicked and came up with settings or properties :-(19:31
TJ-smoser: to me it feels like nsswitch.conf is being ignored, and as that is part of glibc can't see how that'd happen *unless* the file had some hidden corruption/parsing fail19:32
PazoozaWhy is the details windows in update just a single black line that can't be expanded? 17.1019:32
nicomachusPazooza: if you want full output you can just update from a terminal.19:32
nicomachus`sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`19:33
fluvvellnicomachus: apt-get19:33
* TJ- has to eat dinner; be back soonish19:33
PazoozaThere is supposed to be a terminal windows in there, must be broken?19:33
jmft2TJ-: https://pastebin.com/1wrd2AC0 is the output of journalctl. I don't think there's anything special there.19:34
nicomachusfluvvell: no, I meant apt.19:35
PazoozaOr a wayland glitch.19:36
jmft2smoser: Putting wouldn't help: my problem only occurs when I disconnect from a network.19:36
fluvvellnicomachus, apt-get update19:36
fluvvellthere is no apt19:36
nicomachus!info apt | fluvvell19:36
fluvvellyou may mean aptitude19:36
ubottufluvvell: apt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.5.1 (artful), package size 1123 kB, installed size 3666 kB19:36
fluvvellomg I'm living in the dark ages why don't i read more19:37
smoseris resolvconf involved ?19:37
nicomachusfluvvell: apt is the new apt-get19:37
fluvvelllol, I should get on here more often19:37
lordcirth_workThat's one of the reasons I lurk here :P19:38
fluvvellthats what you get for starting with ubuntu 5.0819:38
lordcirth_workYou never know what you'll learn19:38
nicomachusfluvvell: there is no 5.0819:38
nicomachusthere's 5.04 and 5.10, no 5.0819:39
fluvvellits clearly altzheimers because I remember things from long ago lol!!19:41
nicomachus...that's for the program "files"19:43
fluvvellmeanwhile I was probably thinking of 6.0619:44
fluvvellthe release that *was* out of the 4-10 release cycle19:45
fluvvellif only someone could help with my actual problem of top menu bar-itis19:45
lordcirth_workfluvvell, it's a hard issue to reproduce19:47
lordcirth_workfluvvell, are your monitors different resolutions?19:47
fluvvelllordcirth_work, true. Yes they are. 4k and  1600x1050. I've got the scaling close enough19:48
Lavinhogood night19:48
lordcirth_workfluvvell, and what exactly do you mean by "My left bar underlaps the right screen"?19:48
fluvvellin fact I had it working until for some stupid reason we disconnected the 4k to test on another machine19:48
Lavinhohow to install ubuntu acer es1-13219:48
lordcirth_workLike, part of it is off screen?19:49
lordcirth_workLavinho, are you encountering a problem installing?19:49
fluvvellthen reconnected it and poof.  Yes, I've got top menu bars on both screens (or did have) and the overall virtual size is....19:49
Lavinhoso no bootable device19:50
lordcirth_workfluvvell, have you rebooted after plugging it back in?19:50
Lavinhoafter installation19:50
fluvvelllordcirth_work, multiple times19:50
fluvvelllordcirth_work, and the change to where xorg.conf files are saved has me scratching my head, and clearly nvidia have no clue because they default to /etc/X1119:51
Lavinholodrich_work help me19:51
fluvvellbut the res annd layout are different issues to the menu bar19:52
fluvvellQ: is the menu bar part of Unity  ?19:52
fluvvellor compiz ?19:52
lordcirth_workLavinho, this, and the other thread it links to, seems relevant: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/483647/acer-aspire-es1-132-c685-ubuntu-installation-dual-boot-single-os-fails-help19:52
lordcirth_workfluvvell, Unity I think19:53
fluvvellmaybe I had better look more closely at unity tweaks19:53
Lavinhono understand19:54
fluvvellyep, nope19:56
jfcaronIf I don't have sudo or root access to a machine, is it still possible to use apt or some other package manager to install software for my user only, instead of system-wide?19:57
hggdhjfcaron: no, you cannot.19:57
jfcaronSo my only option is compiling all these programs myself, or begging the sysadmins to install system-wide?19:58
hggdhjfcaron: you could probably use snaps though (if what you want has been already snappyfied)19:58
* jmft2 thanks TJ- and nacc for their time again, but decides to install 16.04 instead.19:59
ioriajfcaron, you can use apt-get source PACKAGE and ./configure --prefix=$HOME/program, but 1) not advisable 2) you need to resolve dependencies20:00
daxand 3) that's still "compiling all these programs myself"20:00
ioriadax right, i missed that20:00
naccjfcaron: what kind of programs do you need?20:01
sigilbaramHow can I disable unattended-upgr? I'm getting really tired if it always preventing me from doing updates?20:01
jfcaronMostly science/CLI utility programs: root-system, gnuplot, tree, rdiff-backup. Q_Q20:01
naccjfcaron: if it's just cli stuff, you could use a LXD (where you'd have 'root')20:01
naccjfcaron: if you need more, spin up a VM where you'd also have root20:01
jfcaronUgh.  The admins said it would be *easier* if I got them to install Ubuntu.20:02
naccjfcaron: using all those tools would be easier in ubuntu, i imagine, if you mean rlative to say ... windows20:03
naccjfcaron: but we don't know what you mean currenntly20:03
jfcaronI will just reinstall with my own DVD and be the owner, then the only hassle is getting on the network (and there's a readme for that).20:03
naccjfcaron: if you're allowed to do that, then why can't you just be given sudo?20:03
jfcaronI will beg a bit harder for sudo.20:04
naccjfcaron: just seems odd. if you have physical access, you basically have root20:04
jfcaronI think their install is customized so the users are also institutional user accounts and have shared directories and such.20:04
daxif you can boot from live media, you can add yourself to sudo with a text editor and about five minutes, assuming no crypto20:04
daxso yeah, it's a bit odd20:05
naccjfcaron: yeah, i'd just talk to the admins. Perhaps it was just oversight20:05
jfcaronLike the login I use is the same one for the institutional webmail and intranet page.20:05
naccjfcaron: sure, that's the authenticatio part, probably20:05
naccjfcaron: but that is distinct from what you are authorized to do on the system20:05
jfcaronYeah, sudo on the box doesn't mean I get admin access to the network.20:06
naccjfcaron: right, so you could also just do what dax said, boot inot a live, edit the fileystem's cotnents to give your user sudo and be done with it.20:06
naccjfcaron: it's not something the admins can control, if they let you have physical access, afaict20:06
jfcaronOk, I will google how to do that.  The admins don't seem to be around this afternoon.20:07
dax(also assuming local booting and not netboot or something odd like that)20:07
akiknacc: it not so straight forward. there are policies in every company what you can and can't do20:07
ioriajfcaron, chroot20:07
amflirI have a program foo which crashes after some time. I want it to run again after crashing every time it crashes. If I add a crontab entry to run it every x minutes, in case it does not crash, multiple instances of the program will be running. What can I do?20:09
naccakik: yes, that's a policy. I'm sayinng that based upon what's described, the admis are not preventing jfcaron from having root.20:09
naccakik: they might have it written down in some doc, but that was not expressed (and is not being technically enforced)20:10
naccjfcaron: i'm not suggestign violating the rules, if there are any. I'm suggesting you tell the admin that you can get sudo already, but would prefer they administer it, I guess.20:10
naccor somethign along those lines20:10
EriC^^amflir: you could check if it's already running20:11
jfcaronI'm in the USA, where it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.20:11
amflirEriC^^, how?20:11
naccamflir: 1) fix the crash; 2) write a wrapper script that just spawns in a loop?; 3) add a check in the crontab20:11
jfcaronAnd this way I learn something. =p20:11
EriC^^amflir: if ! pgrep <program>; then /path/to/program; fi20:12
ioriajfcaron, just edit the /etc/group  sudo line   :þ20:12
akikamflir: here's one silly example: while [ true ]; do firefox; done20:12
EriC^^amflir: might want to add some switches to pgrep to make it more robust and dead-on see "man pgrep"20:13
hggdhwell, they can always install Ubuntu setting root with a password - which means no recovery boot (but would still possibly allow for a USB boot/mount root/play20:15
amflirEriC^^, my process is listed as "bash /path/to/foo" when I do "ps aux". When I "pgrep foo" it outputs nothing. When I "pgrep bash", it outputs multiple things which one of them is foo. what to do?20:26
EriC^^amflir: try pgrep -xf "bash /path/to/foo"20:27
EriC^^amflir: how are you running it from crontab btw? by default it uses sh i think20:31
EriC^^so you'll want bash /path/to/foo in the crontab line20:31
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jadesoturiHi. im trying to install phpmyadmin on an ubuntu vm but im not getting promted for the root password to mysql and thus installation fails.. how can i make the install package promt from root password ?20:40
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jadesoturiessentially getting this: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)20:41
jadesoturino problem logging in using -u root -p20:41
jadesoturiand providing a password.20:41
jadesoturianyone ?20:42
MehrzadDoes ubuntu 17.10 ship with a swap file instead of a swap partition?20:46
naccMehrzad: on fresh installs, yes (iirc)20:46
Mehrzadnacc: I want to upgrade from 16.04 LTS and replace the swap partition with a swap file altogether20:47
akikjadesoturi: is that mysql 5.7?20:47
MehrzadI know that it requires an upgrade to 17.04 and then 17.10, but i don't know when to do the swap alternation thing20:48
energizerIs it a bad idea to disable swap? My computer freezes whenever I try to do something too big for it, id rather it just cancel the job.20:48
jadesoturiakik:  Server version: 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.120:49
jadesoturiand mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.26-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.220:50
jadesoturiso 5.2 i guess..20:50
akikjadesoturi: ok there was some authentication change that came with mysql 5.720:50
akikjadesoturi: https://dzone.com/articles/change-user-password-in-mysql-57-with-plugin-auth20:50
naccjadesoturi: wait, you're getting a failed auth for localhost, so are you istnalling on the debian or the ubuntu?20:50
naccjadesoturi: also, 10.1.26 is not in any supported version nof ubuntu20:51
naccjadesoturi: (for mariadb)20:51
jadesoturiyeah. looks like i got this on a debian vm (proxmox machines)20:52
jadesoturibut the problem is not what you are refering to20:52
jadesoturiits that durring the install/configuration of phpmyadmin im supposted to be promted for the root password for the local mysql right? but that never happens, so when the installation tries to write phpmyadmin stuff to the database, it failes, with the above error20:53
naccjadesoturi: are you even using ubuntu's phpymadmin?20:53
naccjadesoturi: so fare you've shown two non-ubuntu package versions20:53
naccjadesoturi: if you are ont using ubuntu, this is not the suppoort channel you are looking for20:54
jadesoturinacc as i said: this seems to be a debian VM, mixed up with another VM i have20:54
jadesoturiso yeah. ill check debian..20:54
naccjadesoturi: right, so we can't help fix your debian issue here20:54
mutanteadding the GUI to mysql always adds new problems.. like this one.. and in the end people type the identical SELECT queries they would type on console, only they paste them into a web form, but somehow that feels "easier".. i dont fully understand why20:54
jadesoturinacc kinda already got that..20:55
shazbotmcnastyHey I'm having some trouble with Ruby20:55
shazbotmcnastyi'm not really sure what the exact issue is.20:55
naccmutante: nor do i -- and there are many security reasons not to use it as well20:55
mutantenacc: ack20:56
naccshazbotmcnasty: probably need more details than that20:56
naccshazbotmcnasty: if it's specific to ruby, you may want to ask in a ruby channel20:56
shazbotmcnastynacc: sorry i was pasting lol - https://pastebin.com/kGWHR45220:57
shazbotmcnastyI'm not really sure20:57
shazbotmcnastyI'll hop in there though and ask20:57
naccshazbotmcnasty: it would appear (i know thinng about ruby) that you are requiring smoethig that is not installed21:00
shazbotmcnastynacc: they said that i don't have a bundler installed - do you know how to get one?21:00
nacc!info ruby-bundler | shazbotmcnasty21:01
ubottushazbotmcnasty: ruby-bundler (source: bundler): Manage Ruby application dependencies (runtime). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.15.1-1 (artful), package size 208 kB, installed size 998 kB21:01
naccshazbotmcnasty: i assume it's taht21:01
shazbotmcnastyneato thanks21:02
shazbotmcnastynacc: so uhmm, now i'm getting "Your ruby version is 2.3.1, but your gemfile specified 2.4.1"21:12
shazbotmcnastythe ruby guys spat off a bunch of stuff but I have no freakin clue what they're trying to say21:13
naccshazbotmcnasty: i don't really use ruby, i don't know -- does your gemfile specif 2.4.1?21:14
shazbotmcnastyi...don't know what a gemfile is man21:14
shazbotmcnastyor woman21:14
naccshazbotmcnasty: why are you usig ruby21:14
naccshazbotmcnasty: i feel like you're missing somethinng rather obvious21:14
naccshazbotmcnasty: http://bundler.io/v1.5/gemfile.html21:15
shazbotmcnastyI'm attempting to use prconfigured stuff, just have to be able to run these scripts21:15
naccshazbotmcnasty: how did you install rails?21:15
shazbotmcnastyapt-get install ruby-full21:15
shazbotmcnastythen they told me to use 'gem install bundler' for the bundler21:16
kranI have a latitude 6410 and the video is choppy over DisplayPort/HDMI.21:16
naccshazbotmcnasty: ah21:16
kranUsing latest Ubuntu 17.10 version21:16
naccshazbotmcnasty: you istalled a bundler as a gem and isntalled the ubuntu versionn?21:16
naccshazbotmcnasty: just like most other languages don't mix and match21:16
naccshazbotmcnasty: esp. if you don't know how to debug it :)21:16
shazbotmcnastyok so i'm going to attempt and remove the bundler and install the one you said to21:17
shazbotmcnastymuahahahahaha this sucks21:17
kranActually it's choppy even just on the laptop21:18
kranI am running video from a MyPassport external drive over USB 2.021:19
kranCopying video to the internal SSD makes it run fine21:19
kranSo I thought it was a USB issue21:19
kranHowever, running the file on my PC via USB 2.0 works fine.21:19
kranLikewise, the external drive performs without issue with a WD TV MEDIA PLAYER, also over USB 2.0.21:20
kranSo I can't pin down the issue, except Ubuntu21:20
shazbotmcnastynacc: lol i uninstalled the bundler installed wuith gem and installed the other one ruby-bundler21:21
shazbotmcnastysame error21:21
shazbotmcnastywhere's the gemfile21:21
naccshazbotmcnasty: i don't konw, sorry21:23
kranJust tried it on an identical Latitude 6410 with Mint 18. Works fine over USB21:25
kranI guess Ubuntu sucks and I need to install Mint 1821:25
tonytlol mint is ubuntu21:26
nacctonyt: it's technically a fork, not really the same21:28
nacctonyt: they have their own repositories21:28
tonytHow do we get to that date? Linux Mint 18.2 was released in June 2017, four months after the release of Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (on which it’s based).21:31
tonytaccording to that my previous statement is correct nacc21:32
nacctonyt: mint is not supported here21:32
nacc!mint | tonyt21:32
ubottutonyt: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:32
tonytnacc no shit21:32
tonytim not looking for support21:32
nacctonyt: mint is not ubuntu, you can think what you want.21:32
tonytthats nice nacc. time to move on21:35
leftyfbtonyt: saying mint is ubuntu is saying ubuntu is debian21:36
onomatopieaWhere is my firefox in aptitude repos? :x21:39
onomatopieaWHy is the new version not there yet?21:39
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leftyfbonomatopiea: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:39
nacc!info firefox xenial21:40
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 (xenial), package size 44608 kB, installed size 170740 kB21:40
leftyfbonomatopiea: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install firefox21:40
nacconomatopiea: 57.0 is in the repositories.21:40
onomatopieaIs it nacc ? It's not upgrading21:40
leftyfbI installed it last night21:40
onomatopieasudo apt-get update21:40
nacconomatopiea: might depend on your mirrors21:40
onomatopieasudo apt-get upgrade <-- gives me nothing on the default repos21:40
nacconomatopiea: do you have security and/or updates enabled?21:40
leftyfbonomatopiea: please run: sudo apt-cache policy firefox21:40
naccleftyfb: donn't need sudo21:40
leftyfbhabit :)21:41
onomatopieaWhat will this do then?21:41
leftyfbonomatopiea: help us troubleshoot21:41
nacconomatopiea: pastebin the output, it will tell us what firefox you have and what versions the ubuntu archives are offering to you21:41
onomatopieaOk... I've got it already apparently!21:41
onomatopieaWhen did that happen...21:42
nacconomatopiea: ok ... so why do you think you don't 57.0?21:42
nacc*don't have21:42
Bashing-omonomatopiea: Maybe your mirror has not caught up yet .. my mirror had FF57 Yesternight . ' apt list firefox ' >> firefox/xenial-security,xenial-updates,now 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 amd .21:42
onomatopieaI have it! I wonder when it upgraded though21:42
leftyfbBashing-om: they have it already21:42
leftyfbonomatopiea: did you even bother opening it to check?21:42
onomatopieaYes I did earlier today21:43
Bashing-omleftyfb: :) Haste makes waste .21:43
onomatopieaHow is it so far though? a quick go makes it feel FAST21:43
leftyfbonomatopiea: grep " installed firefox:amd64" /var/log/dpkg.log21:44
leftyfbthat should tell you what day/time it was installed21:44
naccalso, once it upgrades, it won't restart firefox on its own21:44
onomatopieaI never use firefox21:45
nacconomatopiea: you just said you opened it earlier today21:45
nacconomatopiea: i have no way of knonwing your firefox usage habits...21:45
kostkononomatopiea, give sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade another go21:45
leftyfbalso, why the strong complaint if you never use it?21:45
leftyfbkostkon: it's already installed21:46
onomatopieaThanks.. I think I'm just being a dolt21:46
onomatopieaI stopped using firefox for chrome back in 2009 or so21:46
onomatopieaThis new version, when I tried it on windows, seemed much better than chrome21:46
leftyfbthen why did you care so strongly that it wasn't installed?21:46
onomatopieaBecaue I am moving to it :x21:46
* DaemonFC notices that Ubuntu still allows several WebkitGTK releases to back up before pushing an update.21:56
DaemonFCAccording to upstream, at one point it was worse. There were (iirc) 188 open CVEs on it before an update was pushed.21:57
DaemonFCThis time there were only 13.21:57
naccDaemonFC: it's in universe22:05
naccDaemonFC: there is no security support for it, basically22:05
naccbecause they have 100s of CVEs, I'd assume :)22:06
DaemonFCThat's not measurably worse than any other "modern web" browser if you don't update it for like two years. :)22:06
naccDaemonFC: i meant, that's a lot of security review needed22:09
naccDaemonFC: only so many people, only so much time22:09
naccDaemonFC: nothing in main depends on it, so it gets demoted22:09
Paddy_NIHey guys I am just trying to figure something out.  In Ubuntu 17.10 (gnome) what is the purpose of the "screen sharing" option in settings > sharing?22:10
DaemonFCYeah, hoping we get WebkitGTK+ 2.20 in before 18.04 though.22:10
DaemonFCSome good features in there such as using less CPU/battery.22:10
Paddy_NIIt's for VNC... right?22:10
DaemonFCnacc, Well, it's not that difficult to build stable releases once you're on the current branch.22:11
DaemonFCAll the stable releases get are small patches to correct issues.22:11
naccDaemonFC: hrm? what doe sthat have to do with security support22:11
DaemonFCnacc, I'd like to see Ubuntu move towards making it+Web and Evolution the default browser and email eventually.22:12
DaemonFCIt needs some more cleanup and feature work though.22:12
naccDaemonFC: i doubt that would happen for 18.04 anyways22:13
DaemonFCFirefox and Thunderbird are one of those jacks of all trades and master of none. The user interface and GNOME integration you get with GNOME software just isn't there.22:13
DaemonFCIf you do something in your Thunderbird calendar, for instance, it doesn't end up in the GNOME shell.22:13
naccDaemonFC: ok -- I don't particularly know much about the desktop development side, but also we've veered offtopic at this point :)22:14
DaemonFCDistributions have basically taken GNOME back to the 1.x days where nothing fit in and there was this ridiculous pile of software, none of it worked with each other.22:14
Paddy_NIJust looking for a heads up, is the "screen sharing" toggle found in "Settings > Sharing" purely for effect?22:18
naccPaddy_NI: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/sharing-desktop.html.en ?22:23
Paddy_NInacc, Oh hi. Yeah I have read that.22:25
Paddy_NISo far as I can tell it makes the toggle change to "on" :-/22:25
Paddy_NIActually using it is another matter22:26
naccPaddy_NI: which toggle do you mean?22:26
naccPaddy_NI: there is a toplevel Sharing toggle, which enables or disalbes sharig22:26
Paddy_NIThe screen sharing toggle mentioned in that doc22:26
Paddy_NInacc, Yep22:26
naccPaddy_NI: and then there are subtoggles (on my system) for file sharing and remote login22:26
Paddy_NII have that on22:26
Paddy_NIAnd those22:26
naccI don't have a screen sharing option22:26
naccPaddy_NI: but mine is an upgrade, not a fresh istnall22:27
Paddy_NIIt would be nice if when a user switches it on - it would then present with even a minor amount of detail about connecting to it22:27
naccPaddy_NI: i believe it starts a vino (vnc server) session22:28
naccbut not sure22:28
naccPaddy_NI: should be easy enough to check22:28
Paddy_NIYou would think22:28
Paddy_NIThat's more or less why I think it's there for effect22:28
Paddy_NILike a "placebo button" lol22:29
naccPaddy_NI: did you see if a vnc server starts/22:29
SimonNLif not set you won't be able to remote desktop22:30
Paddy_NInacc, I have not resorted to the command line option yet for that, I am going through the out of the box offering to see how easy it would be for a client of mine to use22:30
Paddy_NIA lady with 3 PCs that she would like to see and control22:31
Paddy_NII was just trying it before I resorted to teamviewer22:31
naccPaddy_NI: i meann, i don't understand why you wouldn't *check* if vnc has started22:32
Paddy_NII personally don't use it as it's always been a mess22:32
naccbefore installing some non-ubuntu thing22:32
naccbut your support choice is yours :)22:32
Paddy_NInacc, Turning it on would give one the impression that it's on... no?22:32
naccPaddy_NI: yes, and I asked, did you check if it's on and your response was ... you won't check?22:32
naccPaddy_NI: "I have not resorted to the command line option yet"22:33
Paddy_NII mean I could check to see if the service/daemon is running. But that is not much good to a novice is it?22:33
Paddy_NInacc, I did not say once that I wont check22:33
naccPaddy_NI: if it's connected to the toggle, then it's fine22:33
Paddy_NII said "I have not resorted to the command line option yet for that, I am going through the out of the box offering to see how easy it would be for a client of mine to use"22:33
naccPaddy_NI: then you konw the toggle starts vnc, and you just have to use vnc22:33
Paddy_NINo disrespect, I am just stating things simply. I really do appreciate your help22:34
naccPaddy_NI: ah i'm on wayland, which does not support screen sharing :)22:34
naccPaddy_NI: i think i misunderstood you before, sorry22:34
naccPaddy_NI: i'm sayig, yes, do out of the box22:34
naccPaddy_NI: but i expect an admin/innstaller to know what things do :)22:34
Paddy_NInacc, I have it set for X11 as video playback on wayland is pretty bad for me22:34
naccPaddy_NI: so see if it does what we thinnk :)22:34
naccPaddy_NI: and then there are lots of vnc options22:34
Paddy_NInacc, I prefer to not sell dependency22:35
naccPaddy_NI: what dependency??22:35
naccPaddy_NI: i don't follow how knowing what the toggle does makes anyone dependent on you22:35
Paddy_NIDependence on me to set up things for her22:35
naccPaddy_NI: set what up?22:35
naccPaddy_NI: she toggles the button22:35
Paddy_NIScreen sharing22:35
naccPaddy_NI: she then connects to the vnc server with a vnc client22:35
Paddy_NInacc, Oh I see the misunderstanding. My fault22:36
Paddy_NINone of the vnc clients that I have tried so far connect to the machine with screen sharing enabled22:36
naccPaddy_NI: ah i see22:36
akikPaddy_NI: did you say that it's nowhere shown that it's vnc protocol when you enable it? i think that's what the problem was22:36
naccPaddy_NI: is there actually a vnc server running?22:36
Paddy_NInacc, I'll quickly check, I have ssh access22:37
naccPaddy_NI: it seem slike gnome defaults to vino, but i'm not 100% on that22:37
Paddy_NIThat does ring a bell, checking to see if it is running now22:38
naccPaddy_NI: might be easiest to look at netstat output, to see what servers are lisetening22:38
Paddy_NInacc, Oh so "netstat -l" has quite a list - however no mention of vnc or vino22:41
Paddy_NII think you hit the nail on the head the first time22:41
naccPaddy_NI: just to be sure, vino is installed, right?22:42
akikPaddy_NI: did you say that it's nowhere shown that it's vnc protocol when you enable it?22:42
Paddy_NII am wondering if perhaps it does not start the service until a reboot has been performed - once the user has clicked the toggle.22:42
Paddy_NInacc, vino is already installed22:43
naccPaddy_NI: akik's question is a good one (sicne i can't see the toggle myself). I'm also seeign some interestinng older articles that imply the scree sharig might be encrypted by default, which some clients don't support22:43
Paddy_NIIt seems it's part of the standard install22:43
naccLP: #36918122:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369181 in vino (Ubuntu) "upgrade removes "encryption required" but doesn't update config" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36918122:44
Paddy_NIakik, It actually only says "vnc://den.local"22:44
naccah that does imply vnc at least :)22:44
Paddy_NInacc, Interesting22:45
naccPaddy_NI: i believe you can get some verbose debugging from teh vnc client, to see if it simply doesn't see the server, or if it gets an error22:45
naccPaddy_NI: the workaround there was to use vinagre or remmina22:45
naccPaddy_NI: which client did you try?22:45
Paddy_NIBoth of those22:45
naccPaddy_NI: ok :)22:45
naccPaddy_NI: i'm out of ideas right now22:46
Paddy_NINo worries, thank you so much for your time :-)22:46
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Paddy_NII might set her up with teamviewer for now, until this VNC problem that plagues ubuntu gets fixed22:47
Paddy_NII think I personally only had it working for one release.  15.10 or 15.04 perhaps22:48
Paddy_NIActually 15.04 as it was broken after that, I remember now.22:48
akikPaddy_NI: my mnemonic for netstat is "sudo netstat -tulpan", -p shows the program that has opened the socket22:49
Paddy_NIakik, Oh cool, I will take note of that. :-)22:49
Paddy_NICheers akik22:49
Paprikachuhow can i set a route with netplan? i'm getting "Error in network definition //etc/netplan/10-lxc.yaml line 1 column 2: unknown key routes"22:57
gorgiohey :)22:57
gorgiois this the main place for ubuntu support?22:58
geniigorgio: Yes22:58
geniigorgio: Best to just state your issue to the channel and see if any takers22:59
geniiThat's how we roll here22:59
gorgiocool, so I have created live USB from both pc (with rufus) and mac (with etcher). i have a macbook and i want to boot only ubuntu from this macbook, so the drives have been cleared on it. booting to the usbs show the option to 'Try ubuntu...' which lets me use the usb live version, or install.  neither option works from both usbs23:04
gorgioi am given 3 error lines, 'couldnt get size', 'couldnt get UEFI db list', 'couldnt get size'23:05
gorgioi should emphasize there is no macOS installed on this machine23:05
gorgioand i do not need to dual boot23:05
gorgiohave at it ladies23:06
gorgiooh and the usb works in live mode on my windows machine so i assumed it created the ubuntu copy correctly23:07
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naccgorgio: is your windows machine in efi mode?23:11
naccgorgio: how old is your macbook?23:11
gorgiomacbook is early 201123:11
gorgiomacbook pro23:12
gorgiowhen booting to the usb on windows i held F12, im not sure if its in EFI mode23:12
nacc!tab | gorgio: no extra characters needed23:13
ubottugorgio: no extra characters needed: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:13
naccgorgio: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237718123:13
gorgionacc: thanks!23:13
naccgorgio: which version of ubuntu did you try?23:13
kk4ewtgorgio,  hold the option key as you boot does that show you ubuntu23:13
gorgiooh, 17.1023:13
naccgorgio: try 16.04 :)23:13
naccgorgio: per that forum post, at least23:14
gorgiounfortunately i wanted the GNOME version. anyway if that seems to be the only workaround i shall try it :) thanks.23:17
naccgorgio: ubuntu gnome 16.0423:19
naccgorgio: then :)23:19
naccgorgio: it will be a relatively stock gnome experience (i ran it then, and just upgrade through each release so far)23:19
naccgorgio: you can always try it for not and see23:25
naccgorgio: or wait til 18.04 :)23:25
gorgionacc: ye ill defintely try it. looking to have a linux workspace23:26
gorgioand will upgrade when 18.04 comes out. does upgrading usually mean reinstalling all my packages or can you generally just copy /usr over?23:27
gorgiohi :023:27
gorgionacc: thanks for the help23:27
MehrzadI have a serius problem regarding ubuntu 17.04. After upgrading my laptop from ubuntu 16.04, it doesn't anymore detect my keyboard and touchpad in the login screen23:28
multifractalI usually use FL studio on Win to play/record live instruments, VST instruments and effects. Is there some way I can play VSTs with MIDI keyboard on Ubuntu? And/or record in audio from a USB interface? Like a VST host on WINE with something Audacity to record tracks? Or a full blown Ubuntu DAW?23:28
naccgorgio: upgrade sould be just that (esp if going from lts to lts)23:29
naccgorgio: you can also reinstall if you want, it depends on wha tyou need to keep23:29
gorgionacc: what about going from ubuntu GNOME 16.04 to vanilla 18.04?23:30
MehrzadAny ideas?23:32
StumpDumbgreetings: can someone tell me how to Disable the shutdown confirmation (Ubuntu 17.10)23:50
mutanteStumpDumb: you want to shutdown manually as fast as possible?23:52
mutanteyou could type "shutdown -h now" in terminal23:53
naccStumpDumb: probably need to use dconf23:55
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
StumpDumbdconf Don't Work23:55
puxavidaStumpDumb, maybe create an icon that points to a script with shutdown -h now23:56
puxavidabut shutdown might need sudo23:57
StumpDumbi'll try this shutdown -h now. thx I'm odda here23:59

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