
TheBitDHi All, does anyone know if I can use the Ubuntu Core 16.04 in a CubieBoard? It's similar to a Raspberry 2 but with more RAM02:20
rome_having a hard time getting wireless card to work11:07
JohnDoe71rusyou don't need wireless. Use the Force, Luke...11:28
aparcero_hi, I'm having a problem running the Android emulator from Android Studio. The emulator window seems to disappear after minimizing and maximizing for the first time. This also happens when switching to another virtual desktop (a workspace) a switching back. Could this be a problem with openbox or xorg?16:26
=== muresanvlad is now known as Mury
hammer_pawIts been a while since I have worked with any distro of linux. I want to install Lubuntu on a portable usb hard drive I have, but dont want to delete the existing data on it. I think I need to partition it out first to be able to do what I'm wanting to do, I am correct, any help please.18:41
hammer_pawtypo Am I correct?18:42
dokeHey I set my OS to auto login and its doing so on i3 window manager19:41
dokebut I cant find anything online on how to get to the lubuntu login screen and "log out" of i3 wm19:41
dokeI just want to change the desktop enviorment19:41
Segawaquick question, lubuntu can i install it using a USB? (laptop has no DVD-ROM)23:42
wxlyep Segawa23:44
wxlSegawa: don't forget to check your hashes!!!23:46

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