didrocks | good morning | 07:05 |
jibel | salut didrocks | 07:10 |
oSoMoN | good morning desktoppers | 07:19 |
seb128 | lut oSoMoN | 07:28 |
seb128 | good morning desktopers | 07:28 |
Laney | moop | 09:02 |
Laney | happy friday! | 09:02 |
Laney | Trevinho: one called Tridactyl, but it's nowhere near as good | 09:03 |
didrocks | happy friday Laney! | 09:04 |
Laney | and to you didrocks! | 09:12 |
Laney | frosty start today | 09:12 |
Laney | must be nearly christmas | 09:12 |
oSoMoN | happy Friday folks | 09:24 |
* oSoMoN can almost hear the Christmas carols already | 09:24 | |
Laney | hey oSoMoN | 09:26 |
Laney | pitti: hey, I'm getting weird emails about https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/s390x/s/systemd-upstream/20171117_085431_1c1b9@/log.gz (git request ending up in autopkgtest-artful) | 09:27 |
Laney | did you mean to drop the semaphore ppa? | 09:27 |
Trevinho | hi guys | 09:31 |
Trevinho | Laney: hey... since you're here :) | 09:32 |
Laney | late night Trevinho | 09:32 |
Trevinho | Laney: when you've a sec can you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity-control-center/grouped-compiz-gsettings-support-x/+merge/326789 and publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 | 09:32 |
Trevinho | yeah, i was about to go to bed in fact... | 09:33 |
Trevinho | Laney: my main issue is that some keybindings can't work in pages with no extensions enabled :( | 09:33 |
didrocks | Trevinho: ahah, go to bed dude! :-) | 09:33 |
didrocks | I wasn't expecting you to reply to the hub MP, and I was like "what, still awake? :p" | 09:33 |
Trevinho | Laney: saka is quite nice, but saka key has its flaws... but I guess with chrome is the same | 09:33 |
Trevinho | ahah | 09:34 |
Trevinho | eh, I was about to finish a patch, and you know... | 09:34 |
Trevinho | and waiting a build | 09:34 |
didrocks | btw, it's annoying that the hub is sending you an email with noreply@ | 09:34 |
didrocks | on MPs | 09:34 |
Trevinho | I thought it was earlier to be fair :o | 09:34 |
didrocks | I first answered directly | 09:34 |
didrocks | and no email sent back to tell you "you are WRONG" ;) | 09:34 |
Trevinho | didrocks: yeah, i pointed this to will some days ago, he told he would redirect to popey | 09:35 |
* popey ears prick up | 09:35 | |
didrocks | heh | 09:35 |
Trevinho | in the emails I don't like much the so long tagged titles too... | 09:35 |
didrocks | I think if noreply@ubuntu.com was telling you "bad destination", that would be enough | 09:35 |
popey | didrocks: wanna file an RT? | 09:36 |
popey | (for the noreply issue) | 09:37 |
* Trevinho thinks it's the very right moment to go to sleep :D | 09:37 | |
Trevinho | see you later gentlemen! | 09:37 |
pitti | Laney: argh; I dropped it because we don't really need backports any more, but I now remember that we need a PPA to attribute the results somewhere in swift | 09:38 |
Laney | Trevinho: alright, I'll look later on | 09:38 |
Laney | pitti: right | 09:38 |
didrocks | popey: sure! | 09:39 |
didrocks | Trevinho: see you! | 09:39 |
pitti | Laney: I put it back in the webhook now | 09:39 |
Laney | merci! | 09:39 |
pitti | merci à toi ! | 09:40 |
Laney | does it have a Packages file for artful? | 09:40 |
didrocks | <3 | 09:40 |
Laney | otherwise the test will be sad | 09:40 |
pitti | Laney: yes, I did that yesterday | 09:40 |
pitti | copied a package, let it publish, removed it again (i. e. empty, but present) | 09:40 |
Laney | okey dokey | 09:40 |
Laney | I should kill the pending requests off I guess | 09:40 |
pitti | yes please; let me know, then I'll requeue them | 09:40 |
Laney | huh, interesting, why's this only on s390x? | 09:41 |
pitti | Laney: each arch has a separate webhook, and I managed to only screw up that one | 09:41 |
Laney | ah | 09:41 |
pitti | i. e. all "Queued tests for upstream artful s390x"? | 09:42 |
Laney | that's the one | 09:42 |
Laney | https://paste.debian.net/996202/ | 09:42 |
pitti | the one for 7373 is right, but just mass-flush them, that's easier | 09:42 |
Laney | oh yeah it did hit 7373, must have raced in | 09:43 |
* Laney tries to move the bad ones manually | 09:43 | |
pitti | Laney: as I said, just mass-flush it | 09:44 |
pitti | I'm preparing a command to requeue them with PPA | 09:44 |
Laney | pitti: sorry, I meant the swift bits with the last comment | 09:44 |
pitti | ah, did they actually succeed? | 09:45 |
pitti | I suppose the workers shoudl just reject build-git ones without a PPA | 09:45 |
seb128 | hey Laney Trevinho pitti, happy friday | 09:46 |
seb128 | Trevinho, what are you doing up at this time? :) | 09:46 |
pitti | seb128: bon vendredi à toi aussi, comment vas-tu ? | 09:46 |
seb128 | pitti, très bien merci ! | 09:47 |
Laney | yeah, https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/?format=plain&prefix=artful/s390x/s/systemd-upstream/ | 09:47 |
Laney | hey seb128! | 09:47 |
seb128 | Trevinho, oh, I see you went to bed, night :) | 09:47 |
pitti | Laney: requeued them: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#queue-upstream-artful-s390x | 09:47 |
Laney | nice | 09:47 |
Laney | now I've got to go and look at the acid rain in the s390x cloud | 09:48 |
pitti | Laney: btw, impressive queue size on arm64 -- you are running the entire artful plus bionic goodness there? | 09:48 |
Laney | Steve queued every package with a test | 09:48 |
Laney | to get a baseline | 09:48 |
Laney | you can see on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/statistics :-) | 09:49 |
pitti | Laney: wow, even on xenial | 09:51 |
Laney | it's even not the worst arch in terms of pass rate | 09:53 |
Laney | swift fixed up, hopefully I'll stop getting moaning emails now | 09:54 |
* Laney goes to hassle IS | 09:54 | |
Laney | pitti: just deployed a change to require a PPA for git requests, let me know if you run into any trouble | 10:44 |
pitti | Laney: cool, thank you! this has always been the intent anyway, and I even documented it in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/AutopkgtestInfrastructure#Web_hook_setup | 10:46 |
Laney | nod | 10:47 |
* Laney stares into the livecd-rootfs void | 12:18 | |
Laney | * livecd-rootfs stares back | 12:18 |
jibel | didrocks, can you have a look at bug 1730406 when you have a minute, the OP says it is not fixed in bionic | 13:11 |
ubot5 | bug 1730406 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu Artful) "icon are too small with some tray icons such as Telegram" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1730406 | 13:11 |
didrocks | jibel: oh, interesting, that was the backport of the upstream fix, I'm going to answer to check upstream | 13:51 |
jibel | didrocks, it is fixed with the version in artful-proposed. I'll check on bionic | 13:51 |
jibel | ... if I can have indicators on my machine running bionic of course ... | 13:52 |
didrocks | jibel: oh, interesting, that was the backport of the upstream fix, I'm going to answer to check his upstream report | 13:52 |
didrocks | jibel: it's only "some" indicators | 13:52 |
jibel | i tried with telegram | 13:52 |
didrocks | like clementine doesn't hae that issue | 13:52 |
didrocks | it's telegram desktop, never used it | 13:53 |
jibel | which is the indicator mentioned in the bug report | 13:53 |
jibel | yes, it's the app I tried | 13:53 |
didrocks | jibel: the upstream fix is trivial, they just add 2 so the icon size | 13:53 |
didrocks | to* | 13:53 |
jibel | didrocks, I attached a screenshot and you can clearly see the difference with artful proposed | 13:53 |
didrocks | jibel: he reporter filed the bug upstream telling to rebase and backport that commit | 13:53 |
didrocks | ah | 13:54 |
jibel | didrocks, I'll pass the verification and see what's happening on bionic | 13:54 |
didrocks | you meant, artful-proposed work? | 13:54 |
didrocks | not bionic | 13:54 |
didrocks | oh | 13:54 |
didrocks | let me check | 13:54 |
didrocks | maybe the rebasing didn't go as well as expected | 13:54 |
jibel | yes, but I have not confirmed whether bionic works or not | 13:54 |
jibel | i'll do that now but need to switch to wayland | 13:54 |
didrocks | jibel: let me first do a quick check before you bother | 13:55 |
didrocks | * commit 87db22dccf3a762c3c1ad86ca5e87bda39fbd731 (tag: v22, tag: v21) | 13:55 |
didrocks | the commit is in the bionic branch… | 13:55 |
didrocks | let me look at the source tarball | 13:55 |
didrocks | this._iconBox = new AppIndicator.IconActor(indicator, Panel.PANEL_ICON_SIZE + 2); | 13:56 |
didrocks | yeah, the bionic tarball has that line ^ | 13:56 |
jibel | i need to switch to wayland anyway. biab | 13:57 |
jibel | didrocks, which version in bionic does not have the fix | 14:00 |
jibel | ? | 14:00 |
jibel | in order to downgrade and compare | 14:00 |
jibel | 17.10.2 | 14:02 |
didrocks | jibel: yeah, 17.10.2 doesn't, 18.04 is the rebase from latest master | 14:03 |
didrocks | (which has the fix) | 14:03 |
jibel | didrocks, I confirm that it is fixed in bionic too | 14:08 |
didrocks | ah, great! | 14:08 |
jibel | I'll attach a screenshot to the bug report. | 14:08 |
didrocks | I would have been surprised | 14:08 |
didrocks | I bet the reporter did install, but didn't restart his session | 14:08 |
didrocks | thanks jibel :) | 14:08 |
jibel | didrocks, with the counter displayed over the telegram indicator the difference is not obvious | 14:08 |
didrocks | indeed | 14:09 |
jibel | if only the translators could use characters that exists on a French keyboard for french translations ... | 14:10 |
seb128 | ok, enough for this week | 16:52 |
seb128 | have a nice w.e desktopers! | 16:52 |
didrocks | see you seb128! | 16:52 |
seb128 | didrocks, enjoy the w.e! :) | 16:53 |
oSoMoN | have a good one seb128 | 16:56 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, thanks, you too | 16:56 |
Laney | BYE SEB! | 16:56 |
didrocks | you too! /me goes as well | 16:57 |
* oSoMoN EOW too | 17:34 | |
oSoMoN | have a great week-end everyone | 17:34 |
Laney | my turn, see you | 18:06 |
Trevinho | hello gnome-shell 4 :) | 22:18 |
Trevinho | https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/GnomeShell/GnomeShell4 | 22:18 |
Trevinho | [still just a wiki page, but...] | 22:18 |
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