
Unit193juliank: Downside to Ubuntu's command-not-found is that it doesn't have update-command-not-found. :/01:57
tewardrbasak: infinity: did we ever figure out the issue?  (Yesterday was a crazy hellish day, I apparently was not straight-thinking on a regular basis...)05:11
cpaelzerniedbalski: see question by bdmurray above - and if possible ack in the bug so the SRU Team sees it08:00
rbasakteward: I think LocutusOfBorg pointed out what to cherry-pick from a different package to you or something?08:38
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LocutusOfBorgon the bug report, I uploaded the patch in my ppa08:39
LocutusOfBorgbtw completely not a luajit fault08:40
LocutusOfBorgand please don't force me to look at that hell again08:40
didrockscpaelzer: rbasak: hey! I have a small question for you: how do we request some packages to get autoimported in your git machinery? and how long will it take to get the first import done? I have 3 potential packages which can help us on our new community theme effort (only autoimport, we won't push to them yet as we discussed during the Rally)08:52
cpaelzerdidrocks: https://git.launchpad.net/usd-importer/tree/gitubuntu/source-package-whitelist.txt09:11
cpaelzerdidrocks: this should mostly be it for the sense of auto-importing09:12
didrockscpaelzer: excellent, let me do a MP against it09:12
cpaelzerdidrocks: but nacc / rbasak work on getting everything imported so a lot of things might (have) change09:12
cpaelzerfor now that should be it AFAIK09:12
cpaelzeryeah worst case it is a simple MP and you'll get told in the review of it09:13
didrockshow long is the first import taking approx, once this is merged? (so that I can give some timeline for the community)09:13
cpaelzerdidrocks: would a single manual import help you?09:13
didrocksdoing immediately :)09:13
didrocksjust to get them started09:13
cpaelzerlet me take a look then at a manual import09:13
didrocksah, excellent :)09:13
cpaelzerdidrocks: list of packages?09:13
didrockscpaelzer: gnome-shell, gtk+3.0, gnome-themes-standard09:14
cpaelzerdidrocks: all three imports are running - no commit ment on duration or success chance09:17
cpaelzerdidrocks: will let you know09:17
didrockscpaelzer: haha, no worry, thanks a lot! :)09:17
cpaelzerdidrocks: gz to your spotlight btw!09:22
didrockscpaelzer: thanks ;)09:25
cpaelzerdidrocks: sorry - had to abort for a shrotage on storage, but looked good so far - rerun after some cleanup09:46
didrockscpaelzer: thx for keeping me posted (and good luck!)09:47
rbasakcpaelzer: thanks :)09:48
rbasakdidrocks: please note that we expect to rebase the world still.09:49
didrocksrbasak: yeah, not a biggie, I just need a way for the community to git clone and get easily the current content from ubuntu, they won't branch from it09:50
rbasakOK great. The whitelist should be sufficient for that I think.09:56
juliankUnit193: Well, if we merge it would have both the static db and update-command-not-found :D10:33
juliankI'm not sure if the local one should take precedent or if they should be merged somehow10:35
julianku-c-n-f is far less effective than the ones shipped in the package.10:35
julianklike, no alternatives10:36
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dokoginggs: the autopkg test are far by complete, but could you have a look at the ones triggered by gdal?10:50
dokocpaelzer, rbasak: rdma-core now builds libibverbs*, which wants to promote to main. server team was subcribed to it. please can you file a MIR for that?11:00
cpaelzerI was following rdma-core for dpdk reasons11:03
cpaelzeryes I can file the MIR11:03
cpaelzerdid id now complete in Debian?11:04
rbasakrdma-core is in universe though?11:04
cpaelzerIIRC on wednesday it wasn't11:04
cpaelzerrbasak: it is meant to replace  libibverbs1 (and many more)11:04
cpaelzerwhich is in main11:04
cpaelzertransition from many (MANY++) sources to one source11:04
cpaelzerwhich means many source pkg -> rdma-core11:05
rbasakI see11:05
cpaelzerdoko: let me just infishe the debdiff here and then I'll file one11:05
ginggsdoko: i will look11:06
rbasakLooks like it's pulled in by libvirt, ceph and boost.11:07
rbasakAlso tgt11:08
cpaelzerdoko: rbasak: filed 173289211:26
cpaelzerdoko: it is a bit of a special case as it is a reorg of the source packages - so for all in main before this is kind of clear but as the source now contains more ...11:26
cpaelzere.g. the security POV on the case might be different now11:26
cpaelzeranyway the bug to process it now exists - thanks for the ping doko11:26
cpaelzerdidrocks: gnome-themes-standard complete (https://code.launchpad.net/~usd-import-team/ubuntu/+source/gnome-themes-standard/+git/gnome-themes-standard), others still running11:28
dokorbasak: one more thing ... who could look at the postgresql-10 triggered autopkg test failures?12:34
dokocitus, postgresql-plproxy, psqlodbc12:35
xnoxdoko, some of these were due to out-of-date postgresql-common and just need retry with like all-proposed. let me double check things.12:37
xnoxdoko, the thing to grep is "supported-versions: WARNING: Unknown Ubuntu release: 18.04"12:38
Laneyyou can trigger with just pg-common from proposed if it's that12:38
xnoxcitrus pg-repack postgresql-plproxy psqlodbc look retriable12:39
xnoxpglogical looks like a perl/postgresql regression?12:40
xnoxLaney, hmmmm imho pglogical/armhf should be bad tested.... it is always failed everywhere else.12:43
cpaelzerdidrocks: gnome-shell complete as well, one more to go ...12:43
ginggsdoko: these look good now http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/pdal/bionic/armhf http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/o/otb/bionic/armhf13:42
dokoginggs: nice, thanks13:55
abeatosil2100, hey, I've noticed that ubuntu-image is pulled when installing livecd-rootfs now, why is that? It clobbers ubuntu-image from the snap13:55
nacccpaelzer: which version of the snap did you use to import (thi sis important)15:37
didrockscpaelzer: seems gtk+3.0 is taking a lot more time (just checked and not here yet), thanks a lot for the 2 others! I will use that opportunity to get familiar with the repo layout as well15:42
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nacccpaelzer: did you a skip-applied import?17:08
nacccpaelzer: also, i guess i didn't tell you this before, but please update the whitelist ifyou manually import packages17:08
nacccpaelzer: otherwiset the repo will immediately fall out of date17:08
BlessJahis AWS image naming convention ducumented anywhere?17:41
FauxThere's https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/1458825 (opened by me, over two years ago).17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1458825 in cloud-images "Please explain "root store" terms (hvm-io1, hvm, ...)" [Undecided,New]17:54
naccBlessJah: Faux: wrong channel?17:58
naccprobably want #ubuntu-server17:58
FauxI was replying to BlessJah.17:59
FauxOh my, you saw that.17:59
* Faux -> coffee.17:59
naccFaux: :)17:59
Unit193juliank: But if someone adds an external repo with working contents, Debian gets them whereas Ubuntu won't.18:07
BlessJahnacc: you're right, thanks18:14
juliankUnit193: Yes, that's why I'd want to merge that stuff18:15
BlessJahFaux: I'll try to get answer on #ubuntu-server18:16
Unit193Thanks for that.18:18
mitya57mardy: Hi, do you know if cordova-ubuntu is still a living thing, or can be removed from archive? The latest commit in https://github.com/apache/cordova-ubuntu was >1 year ago.18:43
mitya57I am asking because it is the only reverse dependency of qtsystems-opensource-src, which I would like to remove.18:43
mardymitya57: there are repos in github, let me check if they have seen some activity lately...18:44
mardymitya57: yep, last commit is from 1 year ago there too, so my guess is that you can remove them; I didn't contribute much to them so I'm not 100% sure whether anyone is still using them, but given that they are unmaintained...18:47
mitya57mardy: thanks for confirmation! You were the only one of last committers whom I found on IRC ;)18:49
mardymitya57: yep. BTW, any plans for QtPim? I recently updated it to the latest git, the patch delta is considerably smaller now: https://github.com/ubports/qtpim-opensource-src-packaging/pull/1/commits/c41708bcde351ebbdd7d3e4fedbc4d48c399d24b18:50
mitya57mardy: its rdeps are cordova-ubuntu-3.4 and messaging-framework. If the former is removed and the latter is compatible with the new version, then it makes sense to update it to Ubuntu.18:56
mardymitya57: kde is not using it?18:56
mardythey are probably using some stuff of their own18:56
mitya57According to reverse-depends, they are not using it.18:57
mitya57mardy: Let's wait for the current Qt transition to migrate, then I'll maybe take your packaging and upload it.18:57
BlessJahFaux: could you join #ubuntu-server to discuss you bug report?19:48
nacccyphermox: doko: i'm about to be out on vacatio, and am a bit hesitant anyways to process a MIR I filed; LP: #1687454. Is it possible one of you can look so we can get that in this cycle? I think based upon c#2, it should be approved since we have the security ack?20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1687454 in nghttp2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] nghttp2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168745420:04
naccdpb1: --^ if you could help keep track of that20:05
cyphermoxnacc: yes I'll review it20:06
nacccyphermox: thanks!20:07
dpb1nacc: will do.20:11
naccdpb1: thanks20:11
naccdpb1: anyone on the squad should be able to cherry-pick the necessary change from the history (as I uploaded a version with the depenency changed during the last cycle) and upload it (or request it be sponsored)20:12
naccdpb1: necessary change = build mod_http2 for apache2, if MIR is approved20:13
nacccpaelzer: fwiw, i would really rather folks not use skip-applied except when testing the importer (purely for speed of import). If you are pushing to the repo, no special options should be passed (unless there is a very good reason, e.g. patches-applied fails)20:15
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niedbalskicpaelzer, bdmurray I think you can proceed with the SRU.21:13
bdmurrayniedbalski: which one was that again?21:14
bdmurrayniedbalski: And how much confidence do you have in "I think"21:15
niedbalskibdmurray, cpaelzer I am seeing a problem on the upgrade with virtlogd not being properly started after upgrade, but the problem isn't reproducible with exception of this particular environment.21:15
niedbalskiso I can't hold this because of a single case.21:15
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