
inetprogoie more oom Kilos07:28
inetprowelkom terug07:29
inetprooh and hi to everyone else also07:29
Kilosdankie boetie, net is baie sleg, was nou net op die foon met hulle07:29
Kiloscannot even get a speedtest, it times out and says check your internet haha07:30
Kilosmorning everyone else as well 07:30
Kilos11 months of s with themtruggling07:30
Kiloseish stupid touchpad07:31
inetprogo to settings and "disable touchpad when typing"08:04
inetproSystem Settings | Input Devices | Touchpad | Enable/Disable Touchpad | Disable touchpad when typing08:05
inetprothat's what I have on my KDE / Kubuntu 16.0408:06
pavlushkapaddatrapper: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-community-appreciation-day-nov-20th/1762/4 :p, I am a new user, so my form factor is 2 for everything :(09:09

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