
tsimonq2cjwatson: So I've been working on bug 439470 some more, I'm struggling about how I should actually implement the API function (CveSet.new)22:36
mupBug #439470: Cannot attach currently-unknown CVEs via linkCVE() <api> <lp-bugs> <platform-want> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by tsimonq2> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/439470>22:36
tsimonq2cjwatson: I think I have the function that should be put in there, but I don't know where to put it.22:38
tsimonq2cjwatson: At the bottom of lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/cve.py *seems* right, but it's not working well/22:38
tsimonq2cjwatson: Here's my diff, maybe you can see something that I'm not:22:46
tsimonq2$ bzr diff | pastebinit22:46

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