
Pedro_Bonjour je voudrais installer lubuntu mais j édité entre la version 16.04lts et 17.10 que me conseillez vous02:31
krytarik!fr | Pedro_02:33
ubottuPedro_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:33
oldpci need a operating system for my old pc and i got told that lubuntu was a ligth operating system and i checked it but i did not like the UI with the system.07:54
oldpcis there a way to customize the system?07:54
Tig3rzharkI have an asus eee 1005 hab netbook.  I just upgraded lubuntu to 17.10.  When I started up my computer, only part of the screen showed up and the rest of the other side was garbled.  Does anyone know how to solve this problem?  Or is this a bug that we have to wait for an update for?13:58
demophobiaTig3rzhark, have you tried askubuntu.com ?14:10
Tig3rzharkI haven't tried it yet.14:10
Tig3rzharkI just tried it, and no response has been given to another person that's had a similar problem.14:14
Tig3rzharkI've had to restart my computer and hit Esc and go into advance settings to startup the operating system properly.14:15
demophobiaperhaps try using 16.04 a bit longer14:31
=== e is now known as demiurge
=== Guest74632 is now known as rt1
rt1Hi everyone. I'm new to lubuntu and want to downgrade the kernel cause on my even newer old machine mint xfce worked way better with kernel 4.4 . How do I do this on lubuntu? strangely I didn't find a result on ddg...16:57
rt1so nobody?17:20
rt1uhh thanks LioneLL.17:32
HecticZANoob trying to install LuBuntu 17.10 alternate version on low spec and old laptop.(compaq nx7010 with 512MB ram. Error message: warning: PAE disabled. ...eventually say u17:57
HecticZAunable to boot. Please use a kernel appropiate for your cpu.17:58
ubottuUbuntu provides only PAE-enabled kernels for 32-bit systems now. Some older CPUs may have issues with it. For more info and troubleshooting, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE18:00
HecticZAThank you.18:00
=== rt is now known as Guest89213
=== Guest89213 is now known as rt1
rt1hi again19:15
rt1so still trying to downgrade the kernel. on synaptic it says I'd need to force the version on the kernel package but that option isn't available. What am I doing wrong?19:16
tsimonq2rt1: Hey there19:20
tsimonq2Which Lubuntu release is this, and why do you need to downgrade the kernel?19:21
rt1hey tsimonq2. It's the 17.10 release and I figure this ancient p4 pc will work better with a 4.4 kernel cause my other 2 years younger p4 also runs more smoothly on said version under mint xfce. Right now I'm installing the lowlatency packages, but still, got a hint on how to achieve my goal?19:23
tsimonq2rt1: How do you figure it's the kernel? :)19:23
mrchuckderpIf I install Lubuntu 17.10 to a 32GB usb flash drive, (like I am currently doing), would it be good to use 20GB on / and the remaining 12GB on /home?19:24
mrchuckderpand if I do should I install the actual "boot loader" to the usb drive in general or to a specific partition?19:24
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: With a drive that small, I'd keep it all in one partition19:25
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: And the boot loader goes on the actual drive itseldf19:25
mrchuckderpok thanks19:26
tsimonq2Yw :)19:26
mrchuckderpI'm planning on having a second 16GB drive also for extra storage or swap19:26
mrchuckderpcuz I'm planning on using Blender quite a bit and that uses a bit of ram19:26
rt1tsimong2: As I said, it's my experience that older machines run work better with older kernels. my notebook also works better (no black screen after shutting the lid, most the time) with 4.8 instead of 4.10. I can't speak as to why, just my user experience.19:27
mrchuckderpSo you're saying just put all 32 on /19:27
tsimonq2rt1: mrchuckderp yeah19:28
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: yeah19:28
mrchuckderpalright let's see how this goes :D19:28
mrchuckderploving 17.10 so far btw19:29
tsimonq2rt1: Try getting the kernel sources from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel for Xenial and building them19:29
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Glad to hear :D19:29
tsimonq2rt1: If you need help at all along the way, let me know19:29
tsimonq2(but there's no already complied packages for you to grab)19:29
rt1tsimong2 hmm thats not gonna work for me then right now. I thought that lubuntu was aimed at low ressourced eg. old pcs? How then would one expect that no downgrades be necessary to fix regressions in newer kernels?19:32
tsimonq2rt1: We don19:32
tsimonq2We don't do kernel stuff ourself.19:32
tsimonq2And yes, it's aimed at low resource PCs, but downgrading kernels is not something we support, rt1.19:33
tsimonq2(Although you can do it, and I linked you to the instructions for it.)19:33
tsimonq2rt1: One other thing you could do is add xenial-updates to your sources.list and do Apt pinning: https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences#Pinning19:34
tsimonq2rt1: But this could break something due to the different toolchains used to build the package.19:34
tsimonq2(which is why I linked you to what I did earlier, so you can build the older kernel against the new toolchain, therefore reducing any problems caused by that)19:35
mrchuckderpI doubt anyone here has any idea about what to do with this, but I have an old PC from maybe 12 years ago and it recently quit working. I unplugged the hard drives and booted up from lubuntu to see what would happen, and it worked. and then a few months ago it just stopped working. it'll turn on but it seems the bios just broke or something. just throwing that there in case anyone knows what I could possibly do lol19:35
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: What do you mean by "the bios just broke or something"?19:36
tsimonq2Like, what does it do?19:36
rt1thank you tsmimong2 I just looked at the first link and it seems doable at first glance so I saved the link and will go back to it when I have the brainspace available ;)19:37
tsimonq2Ok cool, let me know how it goes19:37
tsimonq2rt1: p.s., you can use Tab in IRC to autocomplete highlighting of nicks ;)19:38
mrchuckderpbut yeah I plan on mainly using the new lubuntu installation for 3d modeling and web browsing. maybe other things like moving music files and pictures around but that's it.19:38
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: cool cool :)19:39
rt1just hitting tab? doenst do anything visible right now19:39
tsimonq2rt1: like tsi<Tab> should autocomplete to tsimonq219:39
rt1mrchuckderp, did the whole pc just stop working? then I'd check to see if the elkos (missing english word for it) on the mainboard may have burst19:40
mrchuckderpI push the power button and the motherboard lights up like it usually does but there are no beeps like there are usually and nothing shows up on the monitor, like a boot screen19:42
mrchuckderpelkos appears to be the capacitor19:44
mrchuckderpDarn it once again19:46
mrchuckderpI was installing again and for the 4th time (first for 17.10) it says "The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into / taget/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot"19:47
mrchuckderpAnd when I push OK to the box the installer crashes19:47
tsimonq2wxl: ^^^19:48
mrchuckderpI just wanted lubuntu xD19:53
mrchuckderpwell now what? got any suggestions for getting a boot loader on the installation?19:55
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Grub is the last step fwiw19:55
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair19:55
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Doing that should fix it.19:55
mrchuckderpShould I do recommended repair?19:57
mrchuckderpand now the terminal won't let me input a command20:02
mrchuckderpcomputers hate me lol20:03
tsimonq2Recommended repair, yeah20:03
tsimonq2O_o ... why won't it let you input text? :P20:04
mrchuckderpI have no idea20:04
mrchuckderpI did recommended repair and it started20:04
tsimonq2Ok cool20:04
mrchuckderpthen it says to open a terminal and copy and paste the commands20:04
tsimonq2Maybe it's a clipboard problem20:05
mrchuckderpbut I tried to open a terminal and it won't let me input text. and the previous terminal that is used for the boot repair is just frozen20:05
tsimonq2Try typing it in manually20:05
mrchuckderpno it won't even let me input a single character20:05
tsimonq2Oh :/20:05
mrchuckderpsudo chroot "/target" dpkg --configure -a20:06
mrchuckderpthat's the first one and it won't let me type it in20:06
tsimonq2Try restarting your computer and trying again20:06
mrchuckderpI can type stuff into the one the bootrepair is using but when I push enter it just goes down again20:06
mrchuckderpyeah I will20:06
mrchuckderpbye for now then20:06
mrchuckderpis there a way I can copy the bootloader from this usb drive to the new one20:08
mrchuckderpor is that for the installer specifically20:08
tsimonq2That's just for the installer.20:08
mrchuckderpbye then20:08
rt1have you guys ever considered adding pale moon instead of firefox as default browser for lubuntu? I always get an incredible performance boost after having finally installed it :)20:18
tsimonq2Lubuntu LXDE is sort of in a maintenance mode at the moment. We won't really be swapping things out for newer things, but in Lubuntu Next, we will be.20:19
tsimonq2(KDE Falkon comes with Lubuntu Next)20:19
rt1oh alright20:22
rt1gotta reboot. bye for now20:22
LargePrimehi.  i wanna report a bug in default icons  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79006220:23
ubottuGnome bug 790062 in nm-applet "When connected to VPN icon shows as if there was no connection" [Normal,Needinfo]20:23
tsimonq2LargePrime: Hey there20:23
tsimonq2LargePrime: So this happens in Lubuntu? Which version?20:23
LargePrimeall the details are in the report, but 17.10.  didnt happen earlier20:24
tsimonq2Thanks for the bug report LargePrime, I'll ping the artwork guy :)20:24
LargePrimekk.  the icons worked in 17.0420:25
LargePrimenot sure how this bug would happen tsimonq220:26
tsimonq2Hm. Interesting.20:26
tsimonq2LargePrime: One thing that you could try...20:27
tsimonq2LargePrime: Try downloading the lubuntu-icon-theme package from 17.04: https://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/all/lubuntu-icon-theme/download20:28
tsimonq2And then you should be able to use Synaptic or similar20:29
mrchuckderptsimonq2 it said boot repaired! :D just letting you know I'm not dead. Thanks for the help20:33
LargePrimeare not the icon theme packages already in synaptic?20:33
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: You're welcome, let me know if you have anything else you need help with ;)20:33
mrchuckderpSure will!20:34
tsimonq2LargePrime: Sure, but installing the one from 17.04 lets us know if it's a problem with the icon theme or not20:34
LargePrimetsimonq2, i used the default theme in zesty and had no issue20:39
tsimonq2LargePrime: Meaning you installed this package or are you just restating what you said before? :)20:39
LargePrimetsimonq2, i was restating.  the download will not install as a newer version is already installed20:43
tsimonq2LargePrime: In a terminal, cd to where you downloaded it, and then run `sudo apt install -y --allow-downgrades ./lubuntu-icon-theme_0.66_all.deb`20:44
tsimonq2LargePrime: That should do it.20:44
LargePrimethen reset the icons to default?  tsimonq220:47
mrchuckderpI used the boot-repair20:51
mrchuckderpit worked and the lubuntu 17.10 now boots up on the usb drive20:51
mrchuckderpbut now the windows 7 that was installed on the actual hard drive has grub and won't boot20:51
mrchuckderphow do I fix it this is an issue20:51
mrchuckderpI wanted a lubuntu that would not do anything to the original PC and I think the boot-repair messed up the original windows 7 boot20:52
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Did you install GRUB on the USB drive or the hard drive?20:53
tsimonq2Have you tried rebooting without the USB drive in?20:54
tsimonq2What does it show?20:54
mrchuckderpit has a few lines I can't remember then it says starting grub (something)20:54
mrchuckderpthen has a line where I can type20:55
LargePrimedont have to restart, right?  just apply the icons?  ya, none of the lubuntu icon set have a lock on vpn. all of the other icon themes all work.20:55
tsimonq2LargePrime: Hm. Thanks.20:55
tsimonq2LargePrime: (next time you update your system, the 17.10 icon theme should come back)20:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:55
tsimonq2Might help mrchuckderp ^^^^20:55
mrchuckderpexcept it's the opposite of that20:56
tsimonq2Hm. I'm a bit stuck here, but the people in #ubuntu might be able to help you better with this.20:58
tsimonq2(Because it's not a Lubuntu-specific issue.)20:58
=== unix is now known as Guest5841
Guest5841Hello everyone my md5sum is different as displayed here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/17.10/release/MD5SUMS20:58
Guest5841What should I do please?20:58
tsimonq2Guest5841: Which OS are you on?20:59
Guest5841I'm downloading lubuntu from Linux Mint os.20:59
Guest5841md5sum  lubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso  return 48703ddd81aab8dce53264cb8a8c520220:59
Guest5841It's same.21:00
Guest5841Have a good day21:01
tsimonq2All good. :)21:01
tsimonq2Guest5841: You too.21:01
mrchuckderpNobody in Ubuntu responded so I'm talking to someone at microsoft currently.21:14
krytarikmrchuckderp: You haven't actually asked in #ubuntu though, but in #ubuntu-unregged where nobody but ops can read you.21:18
mrchuckderphow do I go to not unregged21:19
mrchuckderpOh I see21:20
mrchuckderpWell after 45 minutes all they did was tell me to recheck the product key again and again but the one on my pc is apparently invalid21:48
mrchuckderpso I'm trying to figure out what I can do without a windows 7 key or installation cd21:49
mrchuckderpapparently nothing21:49
tsimonq2Wait a minute... when installing Lubuntu, you made sure to install it on the USB drive right?21:49
tsimonq2What was your install media?21:50
mrchuckderpinstall media21:50
tsimonq2(what's the thing you put the ISO on?)21:50
mrchuckderpI used unetbootin to move it to a usb drive21:50
mrchuckderpI booted from the usb drive21:50
tsimonq2You wanted to install to that same USB drive or a different one?21:51
mrchuckderpI installed to the second usb drive with only a / partition21:51
mrchuckderpthen it wouldn't boot21:51
mrchuckderpI asked you and you said to use the program boot-repair21:51
mrchuckderpI ran it21:51
tsimonq2wxl: You around?21:51
mrchuckderpI set it to use on the second usb drive21:51
mrchuckderpbut I guess maybe somewhere in there it installed to not only the usb drive and got it working, but it now broke the bootloader of windows21:52
mrchuckderpso both usb drives work but now the original hard drive won't boot21:52
mrchuckderpeven when I unplug them21:52
tsimonq2So you can boot into the installed Lubuntu?21:52
mrchuckderpI 'boot' from the original 500GB hard drive and it pulls up a grub2 menu21:52
tsimonq2Ok, so boot into the installed Lubuntu21:53
mrchuckderpOh yeah21:53
mrchuckderpthe installed lubuntu21:53
mrchuckderpit will connect to the internet but nothing will show up21:53
mrchuckderpI might have needed to just restart but I haven't tried that21:53
mrchuckderplike it would see all the wifi21:54
mrchuckderpbut when I tried to load a page it would just say "no connection" on firefox21:54
tsimonq2Did you try pinging in the terminal to see if it was a DNS problem?21:54
mrchuckderpno I didn't21:54
mrchuckderpWhen I boot in then what should I do21:54
tsimonq2So connect to WiFi, like you said before, run `ping` in the terminal21:55
mrchuckderpI wish I could just go back a day to undo everything21:55
mrchuckderpok see ya later21:55
mrchuckderpwell just letting you know I ran around the house looking for a windows 7 cd but couldn't find one22:15
mrchuckderpnow I feel bad because my sister has been waiting on me the entire time and now it won't boot.22:16
tsimonq2mrchuckderp: Did the ping work?22:17
tsimonq2I don't know what to say, sorry.22:17
krytarikJust making the Grub installed on the hard drive recognize and boot the Windows on there might be an option.22:19
mrchuckderpthat's ok22:23
mrchuckderpI just need a cd so I'll wait for my parents to get back because I'm pretty sure there's one here somewhere22:23
mrchuckderpI just don't know where22:23
mrchuckderpthanks for all the help22:24
mrchuckderpbye people22:24
Dirk__Hello, I am very new to using Lubuntu and an issue I can't seem to resolve is that bluetooth is not able to find any devices, any ideas?23:37
tsimonq2Dirk__: Try #ubuntu23:45

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