
clivejoanyone having trouble gunzip in bionic?02:16
clivejogzip: buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.kf5-messagelib_4:17.11.80+p18.04+git20171117.1745-0_BUILDING.txt.gz: not in gzip format02:17
=== NCommander is now known as KD2JRT_LAPTOP
dokoginggs, tumbleweed, jtaylor: there's definitely something wrong with numpy/scipy on i386. see the python-cdo build just hanging in the tests14:51
=== santa is now known as Guest56134
ginggsdoko: where do you see that? i'm only seeing what look like more precision errors in the blas and atlas tests16:17
dokoginggs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cdo/1.3.5-217:35
ginggsdoko: ah, ok. let's see what the latest numpy upload does18:41
gsilvaptAnyone experience any issues in Launchpad?18:47
gsilvaptWell, running all comands with pip3 and sudo worked18:49
gsilvaptOops, sorry, wrong channel18:49
dokoginggs: hangs again19:57
=== santa is now known as Guest32053
fantoroHey, I'm new to Ubuntu/Debian packaging and I want to become a ppa maintainer for an open source port of a game, right now I'm trying to make the .deb package but when I add debian/install file I get an error.22:09
fantoroWait, I just found out that the content of my install file are somehow wrong22:10
fantorobtw these are my contents of the install file: https://pastebin.com/raw/eWdHZkaA22:12

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