
TJ-Oh I need to swear!! with the overlay on /usr "sudo vi /path/to/file" gives "sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?"00:06
TJ-Why always me!?!?00:06
TJ-and of course now I cannot remount or unmount it!00:07
TJ-better! "You need at least 8.3GB disk space..." "This computer has only 3.2GB" ... "Continue" button :)00:15
Bashing-omTJ-: ^^ Because you go where no other has gone before ??00:15
TJ-Well, if you include the Gnome Shell issue where the taskbar sound icon brings up a dialog with a volume slier and a pause button at the bottom, which when pressed, shuts the PC down without warning!!00:16
Ben64ok so i made a key, gave it to ubuntu, they emailed me a message encrypted, but now i can't decrypt because gpg can't find the secret key??00:16
TJ-Ben64: you need to tell gpg2 where the private key is00:17
Ben64oh, gpg200:17
Ben64the instructions say gpg00:17
TJ-gpg is the older version; they're mostly the same but gpg2 puts secret keys in a different sub-dir under ~/.gnupg/ I think00:20
Ben64heh, now backportpackage gives me the same error, it's using gpg instead of gpg200:20
TJ-should be fine. how did you create the key originally?00:21
TJ-with gpg, or gpg2 ?00:21
Ben64with the "passwords and encryption" application that launchpad told me to00:21
TJ-which is SeaHorse I think; and should be using gpg2 I'd have thought. Check it's config options it might indicate which secret keyring it's using00:22
Ben64not a whole lot of option here00:23
TJ-darn! stuck on this 17.10 liveISO desktop digital clock again! anyone know which key press(es) are supposed to send it away!?00:24
Ben64TJ-: haven't seen that on my 17.10 vm00:24
TJ-it keeps coming up in the 'Try Ubuntu' session if I leave it about 5 minutes or os00:24
TJ-earlier I hit keys at random and it went away but I've no idea which key did it :D00:25
TJ-mouse doesn't help, but the taskbar is still interactive at top of screen00:25
TJ-aha, 3 hits in Esc did it this time00:25
TJ-so intuitive - not!00:25
TJ-I do not believe it - 10 years on - and still the installer does not support creating LVM when doing manual partitioning!!00:28
TJ-Oh and now it tells me it's Debian, not Ubuntu :D00:29
TJ-I let it do an automatic LVM install, and it came up with a "Force UEFI installation" dialog question - not sure why, it booted in UEFI mode! Part of the long message says "... If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, it might be difficutl to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode ..."00:30
TJ-hmm, and it's used 512MB for the EFI SP!! it needs no more than 64MB and that's pushing it00:32
Ben64TJ-: oh i had that problem00:33
Ben64it wouldn't let me press anything00:34
Ben64Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on00:34
Ben64/dev/nvme0n1p1  240M   512  240M   1% /boot/efi00:34
Ben64dunno why mine did 24000:34
TJ-that's more like it! I've just checked and the automatic partitioner hasn't created an EFI SP at all, well not by GUID anyhow, it's a regular Windows '0700'00:36
TJ-Ben64: "gpg --import a" -- the option you use is 'unused' according to the man-page00:39
Ben64outdated guides00:41
Ben64gpg: skipped "ben64 <ben64@ben64>": secret key not available00:42
Ben64well, what the hell00:42
Ben64gpg can use the key now, but still fails when doing backportpackage00:43
TJ-typical, I think you've caught my bug :D everything-goes-wrong-itus00:44
TJ-OK, so got past that, got the country map prompt, move on, and get a dialog error "ERROR!!" "Invalid argument during seek for write on /dev/mapper/ubuntu-vg-home"00:51
Ben64have to put DEBSIGN_KEYID=<id> into ~/.devscripts00:52
TJ-oh, yes! Mine's been there so long I forgot!00:52
Ben64one of these days i'll start updating old docs on ubuntu wiki00:52
daftykinsmight as well make it a new year's resolution ;D00:53
Ben64heh maybe00:54
Ben64might be flying to china january, airports seem like a good place to do that stuff00:54
daftykinsooh, holiday?00:58
naccBen64: yeah devscript is a set-it-and-forget-it for most :/00:59
TJ-I've never hit so many errors in my life! well, maybe! This is why I always install new releases using deboostrap... takes 10 minutes!01:05
Ben64thats why i hate upgrading01:15
Ben64there's always something01:15
TJ-I've never had problems with upgrades; I almost always get issues with installers though01:15
Ben64still have some tweaks to the theme to do01:15
Ben64right now there's only 1px on the border to resize windows01:16
TJ-I've given up on it, wasted a day just trying to get a VM installed from the ISO to work on the nsswitch/mdns offline name resolving bug01:16
Ben64what that bug?01:16
TJ-that I really hated when they introduced it - I had an argument with the designer responsible originally over it01:17
TJ-On hidpi screens even with a hi-res mouse it's hard to grab the edge; with a laptop touchpad it's impossible01:17
TJ-bug #1295229   still affects 17.10; we had a user in yesterday with it01:18
ubot5bug 1295229 in nss-mdns (Ubuntu) "With 'hosts: mdns4' in nsswitch.conf, getaddrinfo() returns -5 (EAI_NODATA) when network interface is down" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129522901:18
TJ-causing "sudo xxxx" commands to hang for several minutes because localhost name resolving fails01:18
Ben64oh, not the problem i had last night01:19
Ben64everything was resolving to for a bit01:19
TJ-is that your subnet?01:19
Ben64my local network is
Ben64made no sense01:19
TJ-so you use upstream DNS servers from your ISP?01:19
Ben64i use
Ben64those still worked, dnsmasq was doing something weird01:20
TJ-weird; I've seen misconfigured upstream resolvers return the same IP for all lookups once01:20
Ben64i don't know enough (anything) about dnsmasq to diagnose it, just threw into /etc/resolv.conf and said good enough01:21
Ben64i think i had the same problem on my laptop last year too01:22
Ben64must be something with xenial01:22
Ben64Launchpad PPA no_reply@launchpad.net via canonical.com01:24
Ben64Rejected: Unable to identify 'ben64':<ben64@ben64> in launchpad01:24
Ben64yep, definitely got everything-goes-wrong-itus01:25
TJ-the email address doesn't match your ubuntu id01:25
TJ-(used on launchpad)01:25
Ben64i used the same address on both01:25
Ben64oh i need DEBEMAIL set : /01:26
TJ-hehehe... baptism of fire01:30
Ben64Launchpad PPA no_reply@launchpad.net via canonical.com02:06
Ben646:04 PM (1 minute ago) to me  Accepted: OK: qemu_2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa1.dsc02:06
Ben64everything's coming up milhouse02:06
TJ-23:56:21        Ben64 | ooh, backportpackage seems fun02:07
daftykinsthat could be misinterpreted!02:07
TJ-so ... a little over 2 hours :)02:07
TJ-and now you have to wait for it to build02:07
Ben64dunno where it plans on getting the dependencies02:09
TJ-if it's backport it should fetch them from the later release02:14
TJ-i think that's the entire point of it02:14
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:34
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^06:12
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje06:12
EriC^^whats up?06:12
lotuspsychjeand coffee :p06:14
lotuspsychjevisiting friends later06:14
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what your upto?06:17
EriC^^just woke up06:17
EriC^^morning ducasse o/06:28
ducassegood morning :)06:28
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:29
ducassemorning, lotus06:30
lotuspsychje30min early to sync with my gf lol06:30
lotuspsychjethats new06:30
lotuspsychjeyou always wakeup same time as my gf ducasse06:42
lotuspsychjebut not today06:43
ducasseoh, i've been up for an hour or so - my cat wants her breakfast served around 7 in the morning and wakes me up :)06:45
lotuspsychjemorning Nokaji06:52
Nokajilotuspsychje: I completely agree :)06:55
lotuspsychjehave a nice1 guys07:27
EriC^^does anyone know if i can leave pancake paste over night in the refridgerator and use it the next day?07:45
EriC^^(it's actually crepe, so it has like 3 eggs)07:45
EriC^^seems ok on google, thanks anyways07:46
Bashing-om'Nuff - a pause for that cause - Good Nite \o08:51
pauljwHi everyone14:33
BluesKajhi pauljw, ducasse, immu15:48
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)15:48
ducasse\o BluesKaj15:49
immuhey BluesKaj pauljw ducasse whats up16:13
pauljwhi immu, not much going on here.  how are you today?16:14
immui am stressed because of my crazy neighbor, who keeps compailing about any nose we make outside our apartment16:15
pauljwheheh, this is why i live in the country.  closest neighbor is about 1/4 mile away.16:18
immushe called the cops and also complained to our real estate agency16:18
daftykinshmm well are you making a noise outside?16:19
immudaftykins, by noise means normal walking, talking and closing door, that crazy lady leave all alone, and plays tv whole day, you see her in person of how uncultured she is and a total douche bag16:53
daftykinsEriC^^: \o17:01
EriC^^hey daftykins o/17:01
immushe wants pin drop silence, how can you achieve that?17:04
EriC^^hey pauljw :)17:04
pauljwhi EriC^^ :)17:04
daftykinsTV headphones :D17:04
Nokajican someone remind me the IRC command to query a channel, I'm trying to see nickserv? type info for when this channel was created etc17:12
EriC^^/chanserv info #channel17:13
NokajiAh, EriC^^ to the rescue again :)17:14
NokajiI'm guessing it must be server specific because I didn't spot 'CHANSERV' when doing a general "/help" command - not a biggie anyway, was just thinking this is a new channel17:17
NokajiI've finally had the sense to google "chanserv commands"17:48
Nokajithat stuff works in other roomsbut not so much here17:48
Nokajiobviously some protection racket going on17:49
Nokajior some black majicke afoot17:50
EriC^^it works here17:50
EriC^^says created 5 years ago17:50
Nokajiinteresting ... I tried 2/3 other rooms .. maybe finger trouble then17:51
EriC^^maybe it's your client17:52
Nokajimy client is a little odd, it doesn't always show me all the rooms other people are in unless I'm in the same rooms as them17:53
EriC^^mine does the same, i think it's a freenode thing17:54
EriC^^btw it might be that /chanserv doesnt work but /msg chanserv works17:54
NokajiI tried a few permutations, no joy in this room whatsoever but no problems elsewhere17:55
daftykinsNokaji: that's not the client, it's likely a user mode for privacy17:58
Nokajidaftykins: perhaps ... . and I use it too rarely to see ... but different clients have produced very differnet results from memory17:59
BluesKajkonversation client whois shows which chat's a nick is using18:00
BluesKajdon't think it's freenode18:00
BluesKajerr chats18:01
daftykinsyou might not see private chans too18:06
Nokajiusing Hexchat here, formally pigeon & others18:10
Nokajiformerly *18:10
immuanother hexchat user here18:13
immuwhy did everyone go silent,? all oke18:33
daftykinsjust been gaming18:33
daftykinsfinally ticked that one off :>18:34
pauljwgaming...  you do the weirdest things with your computer... :D18:41
daftykinshaha, that's the xbox one there18:43
daftykinsthese days they let you upload screenshots and recordings direct, brave times18:43
immucool game daftykins? are you on Windows?18:49
daftykinsi am, but i only use onedrive to get those videos from my xbox18:49
immuahaa tell me more about it daftykins ?18:50
immuWindows ----- Onedrive ----Xbox?18:50
daftykinserr well you have an xbox account, which is now known as a 'microsoft account' providing possibly 5GB free storage on their cloud service OneDrive, when you want to share screenshots or videos like the above, that's the service you upload them to so you can look at them on the PC or share them18:52
immuso you use xbox to record games video and upload them directly from the game to the onedrive cloud? and then use onedrive to share those videos here18:53
daftykinsi could have also streamed my game live on twitch.tv18:53
immui am not satisfied until i have a answer best to my understanding18:53
immuits a itch thing18:53
daftykinsthere are definitely a lot of services out there nowadays so it's easy to get buried under them all18:55
immubut Microsoft provides complete integration to do such stuff18:58
daftykinsyeah, but they're not always the sensible choice18:59
Nokajicurioisty - it is what keeps us young18:59
Nokajicomplacency killed the cat18:59
pauljwthat's pretty cool daftykins, i didn't know that about xbox.19:05
pauljwmy daughter wants a PlayStation, which she can have as soon as she gets a paying job and saves up for...19:06
daftykinsoh dear, you'll quickly discover that they'll eat through your data then given the modern console wants to be online and updated, then games can be 50GB+ these days19:07
daftykinsbuying on disc isn't even of huge benefit as most of the time it installs and wants to download half that again in updates :)19:07
immugood reminder19:08
pauljwoh boy19:08
NokajiI've found something incredibly off-topic20:23
Nokajiread the subtitles to see why this man was arrested (toggle 'c' on my computer) - https://youtu.be/kv5HN7V62hA?t=205620:24
Nokaji34m 24s ... read for 3 seconds20:24
=== pauljw1604 is now known as pauljw

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