
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:21
zmoylan-samj3morning mammals09:31
brobostigonmorning gelatenous cubes.09:37
zmoylan-samj3and non cubes, diversity..09:49
zmoylan-samj3a dm had a nice mini he like to use on us. it opened to contain those teappwd inaide it10:17
zmoylan-samj3*trapped inside it10:17
zmoylan-samj3my suggestion i use a harpoon and rope to pull our team mates out didn't go down well10:18
zmoylan-samj3i had heal!10:18
brobostigonlolz, :)10:28
=== e is now known as demiurge

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