
heywoodif i've accidentally clobbered a file several steps down into a CVS checkout from the root directory, is there a simple way to pull *just* that one file from the CVS repo?00:15
dsc_how do I stop X server on ubuntu 17.1000:28
dsc_`sudo service lightdm stop` in tty4 doesnt work00:29
gogetadsc_, systemctl disabl lightdm.service00:30
gogetadsc_, wrong one00:30
gogetadsc_, systemctl stop lightdm.service00:30
dsc_gogeta: 'unit lightdm.service not loaded'00:31
gogetadsc_, so its not running ?00:32
dsc_gogeta: looks pretty graphical to me :P?00:32
dsc_ill try 'gdm'00:33
gogetadsc_, if your usinf 17.x its gdm gnome now00:33
dsc_gogeta: 17.1000:33
Bashing-omdsc_: Yeah .. 17.10 runs under gdm .00:33
gogetadsc_, yea it will be gnome absed00:33
dsc_ill just boot in recovery mode. this is not working00:33
WoLfHello, I'm trying to prevent a service from writing their logs to the syslog file.. Could anyone help steer me in the right direction? I tried to add an entry in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf but I can't seem to get it right.00:39
jeffrey_fHP Pavilion g7 Notebook WIRED network and bluetooth not found by system.  Help01:07
digcloudAfter install on Acer Aspire S7 I get the error "No bootable device"01:13
jeffrey_fHP Pavilion g7 Notebook WIRED network and bluetooth not found by system.  Help  Worked under Windows 1001:13
digcloudMy laptop has two drives presented as RAID and UEFI.01:13
DaemonFCdigcloud, In the BIOS, did you try setting the controller to AHCI instead of RAID before installing?01:14
digcloudDaemonFC: no, I haven't tried that.01:16
digcloudI'll give that a try.01:16
Bashing-omdigcloud: Also . Acer "used" to require setting "trust" in bios .01:17
DaemonFCdigcloud, Be warned that if you plan to use Windows too, that if you switch modes, Windows can start BSOD-ing.01:18
DaemonFCThe "RAID" mode is there to stop Windows from addressing the drive using its generic storage driver.01:18
DaemonFCIt has to go looking for a new driver, and gets the Intel RST driver, and its power management policy instead.01:19
Bashing-omdigcloud: see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2333630 <- oldfred : Ubuntu on Acer Aspire new Laptop .01:19
DaemonFCBashing-om, Acer is not known for making good products. I accidentally bricked one of their motherboards one time because they told me to install a BIOS update. Followed the directions to the letter and brickety brick brick.01:21
DaemonFCI generally advise people to leave the BIOS alone and if they want to correct CPU errata, to just make sure that the intel-microcode package is installed.01:22
DaemonFC(I have no idea why it isn't by default in Ubuntu.)01:22
TJ-jeffrey_f: sounds like the typical ACPI OSI issue. See https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html01:23
DaemonFCTJ-, "The owner of iam.tj has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."01:23
TJ-DaemonFC: because it's proprietary licensed so dealt with the same as nvidia drivers, etc01:23
TJ-jeffrey_f: sounds like the typical ACPI OSI issue. See http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html01:23
TJ-DaemonFC: It's moving over to another host so I've not bothered replacing the cert on there; http is fine; I just get so used to typing https :)01:24
DaemonFCTJ-, "Fortunately this issue was recognised by the Linux developers early on and they provided an option, acpi_osi=, that allows Linux to report itself as some other operating system in order to have the DSDT code enable the same functionality as it does for Microsoft Windows."01:25
DaemonFCThat's not correct.01:25
DaemonFCLinux has not responded Linux to that since kernel
TJ-DaemonFC: incorrect; it still does. It even reports "OSI(Linux) ignored" or some such01:26
DaemonFCTJ-, https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/29954.html?thread=110617801:28
DaemonFC"(Linux, which claimed to be "Linux" regardless of version until we turned that off)."01:28
TJ-Read the source. drivers/acpi/osi.c01:28
DaemonFC"Why Linux claims to be Windows"01:29
DaemonFCIt claims to be every version of Windows and not Linux.01:30
DaemonFCSome BIOSes probed for Linux as recently as 2009.01:31
DaemonFCSome might still do it if you're using a legacy boot payload, but I haven't checked.01:31
DaemonFCAlthough I don't see why they would, the people who write BIOS code are insane.01:32
TJ-Lot's of server firmware still does01:32
DaemonFCuEFI made them even more dangerous.01:32
capellain a good way01:32
TJ-acpi_osi solves about 90% of the issues we see with platform/builtin devices and power/suspend issues.01:33
TJ-we had one 2 weeks ago that wasn't activating the external HDMI port until the correct "Windows xxxx" was used01:33
DaemonFCWell if it does, it shouldn't.01:34
DaemonFCMaybe nudge Matthew Garrett and ask what's going on.01:34
TJ-I've been working on ACPI longer than he has :)01:34
DaemonFCHe says the correct behavior to those probes is to return nothing.01:34
DaemonFCI had a system that was checking for that and then tried giving Linux the DSDT set aside for Windows 2000(!!!!), but it never happened because Linux ignored it.01:35
DaemonFCAt some point, someone maintaining the AMI BIOS boilerplate probably decided it was a good idea to start toying around with Linux, and then stopped, but never took the entry out.01:36
DaemonFCTJ-, Besides, you still have yet to explain why Fedor doesn't have the problems that Ubuntu does.01:36
DaemonFCIf it's kernel behavior in general, it would happen in Fedora as well.01:36
TJ-Huh? what? the issue is network and bluetooth not found on Linux, but is on Windows01:37
DaemonFCYou told me earlier that it's related to my shutdown/reboot problems in Ubuntu.01:38
DaemonFCI'm asking, if that's the case, then why doesn't it happen under other distributions.01:39
DaemonFCNone of them are using any special stuff on the kernel command line.01:39
DaemonFCMy opinion is that Ubuntu has probably done something weird along the way and god only knows what.01:41
TJ-I said it might be, and this is such an easy fix, it's always worth trying first01:41
DaemonFCThe delay in shutdown *after* GNOME exits was "a stop job is running" and the Ubuntu default is to timeout after 90 seconds.01:42
DaemonFCSo some service is hung and systemd is perfectly happy to stand there for a minute and a half by default before it gives up.01:43
Ben64yeah i get that sometimes01:43
DaemonFCI got a complaint about failing to remove a key and wifi or something.01:43
TJ-A couple years ago we'd probably spend several hours trying to diagnose these weird issues, then a theme started to emerge, and ACPI OSI has proved to be a very quick and often succesful fix for all manner of issues01:44
DaemonFCHad that complaint in Fedora too, but I suspect the timeout in Fedora is like 5 seconds, so just never noticed.01:44
DaemonFC90 seconds is nuts.01:44
TJ-the 'key' could be kernel Keyring I guess01:44
DaemonFCTJ-, So it's a voodoo stick now.01:44
DaemonFCIf it's doing this and that does solve issues, then why not submit a patch to make it the default?01:45
DaemonFCCertainly seems easier than to tell 10 million people one at a time to add a command to a kernel line and update GRUB.01:45
TJ-No, it's proving almost vital to the point we're investigating applying the setting by default to avoid bad user experiences and reduce support load01:45
Ben6490 seconds does seem a bit excessive01:46
TJ-that sounds like a typical systemd timeout - you see that with mount jobs at startup too01:46
DaemonFCBen64, My thinking is 5 seconds should be the timeout because if a service can't shutdown by then it should just be shot at that point.01:46
Ben64i kept getting dropped to a shell because one of my drives had a problem, really strange01:47
Ben64wasn't / or /home, was just a random other drive01:47
Ben64if i was a normal user i wouldn't have been able to get back into ubuntu01:47
DaemonFCBen64, LVM setup?01:48
Ben64it couldn't mount /mnt/empire so it decided to die01:48
DaemonFCI personally think that LVM is overkill for a single drive desktop system *and* especially if you're going to use an LTS distro.01:49
DaemonFCI can see why Fedora uses it though.01:49
Ben64i have 7 drives in my computer :)01:49
TJ-Ben64: yes, I had a similar issue where systemd generator was creating a mount job for a UUID declared in fstab that wasn't mounted at boot-time (noauto). From the root shell I was trying to find a way to disable the job, but although you can list 'mount' type jobs there's no way to stop/disable them01:49
DaemonFCTJ-, I don't trust systemd in general.01:50
Ben64it doesn't care about 'nobootwait' either01:50
DaemonFCBut it's there and there isn't much to do about it.01:50
DaemonFCLittle things like this.01:51
TJ-LVM is great for my use-case; add/remove/extend/shrink snapshot/thinpool etc at will for testing. makes the job extremely flexible01:51
DaemonFCTJ-, tar/untar works01:51
shazbotmcnastyhey there - I'm getting 502 bad gateway on a site that I have01:52
DaemonFCIn fact, that's why XFS has never supported shrinking a volume.01:52
shazbotmcnastyis it most likely caused by the page conf, or by nginx itself?01:52
shazbotmcnastynothing has changed on either of them since it was working. not sure what happened.01:52
TJ-shazbotmcnasty: as always... read the log files!01:53
TJ-shazbotmcnasty: increase log verbosity if needed01:53
DaemonFCWell, at least that's some insanity that Ubuntu seems not to have been taken in by yet.01:53
DaemonFCOr "How I learned to stop worrying and love binary logs with core dumps injected into them.".01:54
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
=== dougie is now known as cryptoHoarder
DaemonFCHeh, Bluetooth. Cursed thing that it is.02:25
DaemonFCSo reliable that I gave up a long time ago and bought a really long 3.5mm cable.02:26
t0no6aDaemonFC : poor's man tip : grab an old smatphone,connect via usb to pc/laptop;enable bluethooth;transfer archives TADAAAAAA02:30
andeni was running the crc32 command to calculate the checksum for a file, when it's done it gives me a message saying "BAD", i was wondering, bad compared to what? i'm not verifying the file, i'm computing it for the first time to know the checksum02:48
Seveasanden: what's the full command you ran and its output?03:41
andenSeveas: the command is $ crc32 23498724.bin03:45
andenoutput is: 0374ae4bBAD 0374ae4b != 1029718103:45
andenuhm, my irc client truncated a tab character, but it's supposed to be one just before "BAD"03:46
andenSeveas: my guess is this crc32 command actually reads the stored checksum that the file system uses (which in this case is wrong for some reason) and compares to the value it calculates03:48
andenthe file is on a FAT32 filesystem and i think FAT32 uses crc32 to check file integrity03:49
Dummbatzi just installed ubuntu on an old lenovo t60 laptop (network install), but gdm's login screen looks distorted, i wonder if i could switch to another display manager ?03:50
Dummbatzah wait, lightdm seems to work out of the box03:55
DaemonFCLightDM is kind of a bad idea with GNOME.03:57
Dummbatzhm, what would you suggest ?03:57
DaemonFCI mean, it will probably log you in, but it won't behave consistently with things like your GNOME power policy.03:57
DaemonFCFiguring out what went wrong with GDM? *shrug*03:58
coffeeguyhi is there a package for FF Quantum for 16.04.304:02
andencoffeeguy: i think so, my firefox updated to quantum automatically04:03
coffeeguyhmm i think Quantum is ver 55 and i'm stuck on 5404:03
andenno, quantum is 5704:03
coffeeguyaah weird04:03
leftyfbcoffeeguy: quantum is 57 and you will get it if you just do normal updates04:03
* coffeeguy sudo apt updates :) ty04:03
leftyfbcoffeeguy: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install firefox04:04
andeni'm also on 16.04.3 and i got it just doing a regular sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:04
coffeeguyaah ok that would make a difference thanks fellas :)04:04
andencoffeeguy: later, you can verify it by going to the help > about screen in firefox and it should say firefox quantum 57.004:05
DaemonFCcoffeeguy, Quantum is 57+04:05
coffeeguygreat there it is :D04:06
coffeeguy2 x faster and 30% less memory. i'm down with that04:06
bratchleyanden: that utility is a perl script it looks like04:09
andenyes, that's what i found too04:09
bratchleyI'm guessing you're running into that if statement04:09
bratchleywith the regex around [:xdigit:]04:09
andeni think it's behaving like it should, because when i wrote the same file to that file system again it didn't produce that error04:10
bratchleydid it have the same name?04:10
andenit only does it for the first file on there04:10
andenno, but if i copy the file, the copy gives me the same error04:11
bratchleyI really don't think this could possibly be how they intended it to run04:24
bratchleyand it's probably not super common to want to computer crc's on the command line so it's not like it would be immediately noticed if there were an issue04:24
andeni think the issue lies within the the file system itself04:25
andenwhen the original file was produced, the wrong checksum was written04:25
bratchleyno it's definitely not that04:26
andenwhat makes you think that?04:26
andenlike i said, when i write the same file to that filesystem again, i get the same checksum minus the error04:27
andendiffing the files also prove that they're identical04:27
andenif there is a low level utility that lets me read the checksum fat32 stores, i could verify my theory04:29
bratchleyit's definitely not that04:30
bratchleyyou can open the script in vi04:30
bratchleyit's like 15-20 lines04:30
bratchleynothing about filesystems04:30
andenokay, thanks, ill take a look04:31
MrPocketskind of surprised there aren't more people in #compiz04:36
MrPocketsAnyone know if you can / how to configure rotate desktop cube on dual mouse click in 16.04?04:36
andendual mouse click just anywhere?04:37
andenlike, pressing both left and right mouse at the same time?04:37
MrPocketsused to be that way when I ran ubuntu way back04:37
MrPocketslike 10.0404:37
andenreally? wasn't it only when you clicked the desktop?04:38
andenfrom what i can find in the configurator you can only select one button04:39
lotuspsychjeanden: try compizconfig-settings-manager for all combinations04:39
andeni have a laptop still running 10.04 with compiz somewhere though04:39
andenthat's what i'm in04:39
lotuspsychjeanden: we dont support 10.04 anymore :p04:39
andeni know, and that's fine, i just thought i could boot it up for this guy to check how it actually behaved to confirm their memory04:40
MrPocketsNo sweat04:40
MrPocketsthanks anyway!04:40
GizmoRomickdoes anyone know why filesystem would report 196Gb used when only about 16 Gb is actually there?04:40
lotuspsychjeGizmoRomick: can you hastebin us your df -h ?04:41
dedzeHi, I can see that a new user was added in my auth.log, how can I investigate it?04:41
andenGizmoRomick: maybe run k4dirstat and let it find where all the data is, it sums up everything very nicely04:43
lotuspsychjeGizmoRomick: wich partition are you talking about?04:43
lotuspsychjededze: read your auth log?04:44
GizmoRomicklotuspsychje: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-root  212G  193G  8.0G  97% /04:44
lotuspsychjededze: are you admin of your computer?04:44
GizmoRomickthis is the result of the du command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25985716/04:45
dedzelotuspsychje: Yes, but I'm a new user to ubuntu and still learning. Can installing a software add a user?04:45
GizmoRomickwhen I sum it all up, there is no way I am using that kind of space04:45
andendedze: many services add their own user that they use when they run04:45
lotuspsychjeGizmoRomick: https://askubuntu.com/questions/296172/dev-mapper-full04:46
dedzeanden: Oh I see, so that is probably what happened when i installed redshift!04:46
andenit is done for security reasons04:46
GizmoRomickanden: I'm taking a look at k4dirstat, but I'm not exactly sure how to read it04:46
lotuspsychjecholby: welcome04:46
andenGizmoRomick: if you run it on the partition you had issues with it should put the biggest folder on top04:46
andenGizmoRomick: maybe you can send me a screenshot of that and i could help04:47
lotuspsychjeGizmoRomick: i always clean system with bleachbit04:47
GizmoRomickanden: my k4dirstat https://photos.app.goo.gl/RYeLYuxFpjb0y2nE204:50
andenGizmoRomick: now you're just selecting where to run it on. take it to / and press ok and it should start running04:50
GizmoRomicklotuspsychje: I tried following the advice in the askubuntu link to use the command sudo du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 10 to see the largest 10 files, but all of those files are in my home directory.04:50
leftyfbGizmoRomick: cd ; du -sch .[!.]* * |sort -hr04:52
leftyfbGizmoRomick: your home directory is taking 259G04:53
GizmoRomickanden: this is my result from the scan: https://photos.app.goo.gl/IzekxnlkZo5hqIHm104:53
GizmoRomickleftyfb: sorry if I didn't make it clearer earlier, my home directory is on a seperate drive04:53
lotuspsychjeGizmoRomick: if df -h says its full, its full..clean up :p04:53
GizmoRomicklotuspsychje: I would need to know where the space is being used up04:53
leftyfbGizmoRomick: df -h /home04:54
GizmoRomickanden: I couldn't run k4dirstat with sudo, so I don't know if it is scanning everything04:54
leftyfbactually, nm, looks like /home is bigger than your root04:54
andenGizmoRomick: well, something is weird for sure. k4dirstat also implies that you aren't using much more than 16GB like you said04:55
leftyfbGizmoRomick: df -h /04:55
GizmoRomickanden: if I run it is root, is it likely it would find more?  whenever I try, it gives me the error "Coiuld not connect to display :0".  I'm running plasma 5.04:56
andenGizmoRomick: yes, that could work. did you run "sudo k4dirstat /" ?04:56
leftyfbGizmoRomick: what does df -h /    tell you?04:57
GizmoRomickleftyfb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25985765/04:57
andenit shouldn't be able to see usage in the /root directory for example, since it's not allowed to read it04:57
GizmoRomickanden: this is what happens when I try to run it as sudo http://paste.ubuntu.com/25985768/04:57
leftyfbGizmoRomick: sudo du -sch .[!.]* / |sort -hr04:57
GizmoRomickanden: I could switch user and log into the root account, I just would lose the chat window with you guys04:58
leftyfbGizmoRomick: there's really no need to be doing this with the GUI, it'll only slow you down04:58
GizmoRomickleftyfb: No matches for wildcard “.[!.]*”.04:58
andenGizmoRomick: yeah, try the command leftyfb suggest first at least04:58
GizmoRomickleftyfb: i'm using fish if that matters.  I could switch term if I need to04:59
andenjust type bash and press enter04:59
andenthen run the command again there04:59
leftyfbGizmoRomick: sudo du -sch /* |sort -hr04:59
GizmoRomickanded: didn't know that, thank you04:59
andenyou're welcome04:59
GizmoRomickleftyfb: this is from the first one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25985784/05:00
leftyfbfirst is kinda pointless, sorry05:01
GizmoRomickleftyfb: this is the second: paste.ubuntu.com/25985791/05:01
GizmoRomickwhat is up with the first 5 lines I always see with du05:02
leftyfbGizmoRomick: sudo du -schx /* |sort -hr05:02
leftyfbthat's normal05:02
GizmoRomickleftyfb: got an error: "GizmoRomick:: command not found"....just kidding05:02
leftyfboh wait05:02
andenGizmoRomick: if i'm reading it correctly, you have a folder called .steam in your root that is 37G? still not all of the data but more than 16G at least05:02
leftyfbwell first, you pasted in your name05:03
leftyfbbut I'm pretty sure I know the answer05:03
GizmoRomickanden: the directory .steam is actually ~/.steam05:03
GizmoRomickleftyfb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25985797/05:03
andenright, it was the * that got expanded to all the files in your home folder :P a good reason to put * within quotes05:04
GizmoRomickI wonder if running SpinRite might help.  Do you think it may be something to do with the drive?05:04
leftyfbGizmoRomick: I would log out of your user and either login as root on the console or with a live cd, unmount /home ... I bet the original /home directory on that root drive still has files in it that you're not seeing because the other drive is mounted over it05:04
GizmoRomickleftyfb: I'll give that a shot05:05
andenoh yeah that is probably it05:05
andenanother /home05:05
andengood thinking05:06
GizmoRomickI need to go running if I am going to do it at all tonight, but I will try it later tonight and will get back with you if you're still in the channel.  Thank you,05:06
leftyfbI will be AFK05:06
andeni might be here, but i think you'l find the answer using a live environment05:07
GizmoRomickI hope so05:11
GizmoRomickIts what I get for making things more complicated than my capacity to troubleshoot05:11
miebsterI've stumbled into a problem and my google-foo is failing.  I'm trying to run pcm which calls the perf tool.  I've tried installing perf by using apt-get linux-tools-generic, but when I run perf I see "05:29
miebster"you may need to install 'linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic'".  When when I run apt-get install linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic i get "E: Unable to locate package linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic"05:29
miebsterIt appears this package should exist https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic, but apt-get says it doesn't.  I'm using a fresh install of 16.0405:30
Ronjoeso, I've got a buddy experiencing Xorg issues05:35
Ronjoewhile waiting for them to register with nickserv, I'll give you a little info05:35
Ronjoethe user is technobaboo05:35
Ronjoethey're experiencing an X "no screens found" error on startup05:36
Ronjoethis X environment *did* work previously, but has stopped working for unknown reasons05:36
RonjoeI directed user to try rebooting, then removing Xorg.conf, which didn't exist05:37
Ronjoeno avail05:37
lotuspsychje!details | Ronjoe all in 1 line plz05:38
ubottuRonjoe all in 1 line plz: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.05:38
RonjoeJust direct that same question toward technobaboo when they join. Apologies, I'm a stranger to this channel, and wasn't aware of a one-line policy05:39
miebsterSo the latest 16.04 ships with kernel 4.10.0-38 but the only linux-tools in the package repos are, this seems like a big problem right?05:40
miebsterCan anyone verify that perf can actually be installed on 16.04?  Because from what I can tell, it can't be.05:41
Ben64!info linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic xenial05:41
ubottulinux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic (source: linux-hwe): Linux kernel version specific tools for version 4.10.0-38. In component main, is optional. Version 4.10.0-38.42~16.04.1 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 246 kB05:41
Ben64btw, kernel 4.13 is in xenial too05:42
miebsterBen64, sudo apt-get install linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic >>>> E: Unable to locate package linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic05:43
Ben64you'd probably want linux-tools-generic-hwe-16.0405:44
miebsterUnable to locate package linux-tools-generic-hwe-16.0405:45
Ben64are you on 16.0405:45
miebsterLinux broadsim-ex 4.10.0-38-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 10 16:32:20 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:46
miebsterI think something is broken, and not on my end05:46
Ben64no it is on your end05:46
Ben64pastebin the output of "sudo apt update"05:46
Ben64you're missing a few repos05:47
miebsterthis is a fresh install of 16.04.  So if I am missing repos, it's a bug in 16.0405:48
lotuspsychjemiebster: can you recall wich iso you installed, .2 or .3?05:49
miebsterlotuspsychje I'm pretty sure .305:52
lotuspsychjemiebster: did you update system during setup?05:53
miebsterno we did not05:53
Ben64whats the sha1sum of the iso05:53
miebsterI have the usb but not the iso that made the usb05:56
miebsterthat would be on my coworkers laptop when he made the usb, can I get the shasum from it?05:56
lotuspsychje!md5 | miebster05:56
ubottumiebster: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:56
Ben64just installed 16.04.3 on a vm05:57
Ben64yep, has all the normal repos05:57
miebsterwhat repos am I missing?05:59
Ben64security updates backports05:59
Ben64and you have added the chrome repo, so you did obviously change something with that already06:00
miebsterthat was probably done automatically when we installed chrome06:00
Ronjoethat happens automatically06:00
tatertotzRonjoe: looks like your buddy never showed up06:01
Ronjoethey're here, just not speaking for whatever reason06:01
tatertotzgun shy maybe06:01
RonjoeI think they're busy with some mod drama in another community06:01
tatertotzwow mod drama...who knew06:02
RonjoeI'm asking them to pastebin the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log just for starters06:02
miebstershould these missing repos be in /etc/apt/sources.list06:02
Ben64miebster: you should  be able to enable them from Software Sources06:02
tatertotzRonjoe: the drama is obviously more important....you should be asking them for the play by play of the mod drama...06:04
miebsterUnder Software & Updates > Updates, the check boxes that say Important security updates, recommended updates, and unsupported updates are all unchecked.06:05
Ben64yeah you should check them, also main, universe, multiverse, restricted06:06
miebsterokay now linux-tools-4.10.0-38-generic is found06:07
Ben64you'd probably want linux-tools-generic-hwe-16.04 still06:08
miebsterokay I think im past this issue, but pcm still doesn't work, but I don't think this channel can solve that06:10
Ronjoewell, they gave me a blow-by-blow of the drama, and it's pretty ugly06:17
Ronjoethis might be a while06:17
Ronjoewell damn06:18
Ronjoelooks like they're shutting down emotionally, so there's nothing more that can be done here. Sorry for the annoyance. Good night, and thanks for the patience.06:19
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Sean-DerI am using Ubuntu Xenial in Azure and getting a SIGILL `0x00007f3429b4cedc _xend (libpthread.so.0)` I can confirm that SO has two instances of that instruction and https://github.com/andikleen/tsx-tools confirms that my CPU doesn't support it07:00
Sean-DerDoes anyone have an idea about what to do in this case07:00
mr_louSo my Blu-ray burner can't be detected by my burner apps anymore. Has been worked fine for years, so some update has apparently screwed it up. Put it in the girlfriends Windoze machine instead where it works fine. We need to have one each anyway, so I'm gonna buy another. Are there any special brands or models that works better with Ubuntu than other brands and models?07:04
mr_louThe current one is from Asus. Considering buying an LG for myself now.07:05
crc32Can't install ubuntu17.10 from ISO. During the installation it claims it can't download lxd as it depends on libgolang but it is not insallable. This is a first07:10
crc32any one know why a bootable ISO of ubuntu17.10 can't install lxd nor does it give me a choice about installing it.07:11
ItsMeLennyso i installed the mate desktop environment on top of ubuntu 17.10 and i can no longer use gnome-control-center it just pops up blank, so i have no way to get to the wacom settings, is there another way to access wacom settings or is there another GUI settings program out there?07:11
ducasseItsMeLenny: for the gnome settings to work, i think you need some gnome daemon running07:19
ItsMeLennyducasse, not related to the goa-daemon is it?07:23
ducassethat's probably 'gnome online accounts', so i wouldn't think so07:24
ItsMeLennyoh, whys that running, dont need that07:25
ItsMeLennyknow how to start the gnome daemon?07:26
ducasseno idea which one you need - gnome-settings-daemon, maybe?07:27
alexasi see this in syslog wlp3s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with f0:79:59:23:5b:c7 [GTK=CCMP]07:30
alexasdoes it a standart procedure or me fell wictim of this recent key exchange hack =)07:30
alexasi also get this quite often07:31
alexas gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed07:31
crc32yea the most recent ubuntu 17.10 can't be installed from the bootable iso. Says lxd can't be installed due to a dependency on libgo07:32
crc32how did something like this break out of the box guys07:33
crc32I'm refering to ubuntu 17.10 server amd6407:34
mboardright so, I have a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 2 in 1 laptop.  Is there anyway I can check this laptop for compatibility with Ubuntu Desktop?  Especially for the touch screen and tablet mode?07:34
amosbirdhow can I simulate a key press event using gd?07:35
amosbirdum, i mean in gdk code07:37
ItsMeLennyducasse, cant find a gnome settings daemon07:39
ItsMeLennyjust a keyring one07:40
gp5sthello. netcat seems to only read from a single udp client (`nc -k -l -u -p 7890` for the server) I've tried both the openbsd and traditional nc packages07:40
gp5stsome people say that -w works, but it doesn't seem to?07:40
Ben64crc32: lxd is already installed07:45
tatertotzgp5st: what specifically are you attempting to accomplish?07:47
gp5sttatertotz, I have a little app sending out udp traffic to a specific port and I just want to listen for it. however, when the app restarts nc doesn't show anything from the new session07:48
BlakJakmboard: boot the liveimage and see what works?07:48
crc32it happens during the instll software portion of the install. I  choose ssh-server then poof it tels me lxd can't be install because it depends on go. This is according to syslog which I can acces by useing Ctrl+Alt + F207:48
ducasseamosbird: programming is not supported here07:49
tatertotzgp5st: do you have complete control over when the "little app" sends and or listens?...do you know what numerical value for a port number it sends on?07:50
gp5sttatertotz, yes and yes07:50
gp5stthe issue seems to be nc doesn't listen for anything beyond the first sender07:50
tatertotzgp5st: and you know the "name" of the "little app" also?07:51
gp5sttatertotz, name? it's a little python script i'm writing07:51
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