
elachecheHello from #ubuntu-tn and SFD Tunisia09:54
elachecheHey wxl! I'm wearing the Ubuntu-tn hat right now, our membership as approved LoCo will expire in 10 days (the LC already extended it before).. I was wonreding if the new LC will be able to review our application if we ask for it to be before Nov 30, if not, can the LC extend the membership again? 18:41
wxlelacheche: yes to both :)18:41
elachechex) So I can send a mail asking for a meeting? :D18:44
wxlelacheche: i assume you have the application ready?18:45
wxlwell get that done!18:47
wxlthen i'd add yourself to the agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda18:47
wxland then, since they're new, i'd email them to remind them18:48

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