
TJ-Dirk__: is the bluetooth radio combined in a WiFi chipset? sometimes it needs a bt_coexist setting enabling else they interfere00:00
mhrcTJ-: no event reported00:00
TJ-Dirk__: the other thing to ask is... are you 100% sure the BT radio has an antenna attached?00:00
TJ-mhrc: OK, but as I said, neither was there for me yet it worked :D00:00
TJ-mhrc: I'm not sure what to suggest.00:00
mhrcThese keys worked perfectly in other ubuntu installations00:00
mhrcTJ-: but thank you for your support00:01
Dirk__im not sure on either, this is a laptop that was laying around used to be used at a church to play music and im repurposing it00:01
mhrcI will try to code a script to fix this manually00:01
TJ-mhrc: there's one thing you could try, we've been seeing a lot of platform issues with 17.10 due to ACPI bugs in the motherboard/PC00:01
TJ-mhrc: try this workaround first: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html00:01
TJ-Dirk__: We've had users in here in the past with BT issues and turned out there was no BT radio built in :) At least you know that PC does have one :)00:02
TJ-Dirk__: find out what the BT chipset is. It could be a USB module (use "lsusb") or it might be part of a Wifi radio (use "lspci -nnk")00:03
mhrcTJ-: I will try the window acpi osi, just  a moment..00:07
luxioDoes Artful support dual monitors?00:07
TJ-luxio: it should, although if it's using Wayland it's unclear how robust the support is. Xorg should be fine00:08
Olgierdhi, i want to run some application from an ubuntu chroot on my X11 server running on arch (by setting DISPLAY=localhost:0). How can I achieve this, because programs try to open /tmp/mir_socket, which I don't even have00:08
Dirk__do i not have a bluetooth device?00:08
Olgierdand using GTK_BACKEND=x11 does not work… is x11 backend actually compiled into libgtk?00:10
TJ-Dirk__: we need to do some more digging: show us "pastebinit <( readlink -e /sys/class/bluetooth/hci0/device )"00:10
mhrcTJ-: doesn't work hahaha00:11
TJ-mhrc: that's a pain!00:12
TJ-mhrc: I suspect it's to do with using Wayland rather than Xorg. Have you tried using the "Ubuntu on Xorg" session from the login greeter ?00:12
TJ-Dirk__: OK, it's a USb device00:13
mhrcTJ-: I'm using xorg00:13
TJ-mhrc: OK, so not that then00:14
Olgierdok, it was GDK_BACKEND (not GDK). it does not connect to Xorg anyway, but at least it doesn't try to do Mir.00:14
mhrcTJ-: thank you for your help and patience, I will code a script to solve this and forget this hahaa00:16
TJ-Dirk__: so the BT device is the "Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0930:0222 Toshiba Corp."00:16
TJ-Dirk__: with the symptoms I'm going to guess at some point the laptop was opened up and the antenna attached to the BT device was accidentally left disconnected.00:17
Olgierdand it's because my main system has X11 listening on an unix socket, not a port. you are a wonderful rubber duck, #ubuntu!00:17
TJ-Dirk__: the BT device is usually somewhere under the the keyboard area. Not sure if you want to try hunting for it :)00:17
Dirk__ill check when i have more time00:18
Dirk__thanks so muich for your help00:18
TJ-Dirk__: good luck with it00:18
Dirk__rly cool that you guys take your time to help out00:18
Dirk__have a good one!00:18
bratchleyHow dare you try to tell us what kind of day to have00:20
TJ-I don't think that has to be a 'day' :p00:21
WheatThinsWindows update broke my grub, so I tried boot-repair and now my linux installs show up with unknown filetype in gparted. Any way I can mount a filesystem that is marked read only with unknown fs?00:30
WheatThinsI haven't tried fsck or anything yet00:30
blkadderYou can try one of the various rescue disk tools.00:31
WheatThinsSuch as?00:31
WheatThinsI tried the boot-repair-disk00:32
JFox762hi, I'm having trouble with my Laptop. Lately, I've noticed that it has been freezing.... cursor and everything.00:32
JFox762Is it likely a hardware problem? Or an issue with Ubuntu?00:33
blkadderWheatThins, boot-repair is saying that you have an unknown filetype?00:34
WheatThinsI'm using restore from superblock but dunno which superblock to use00:34
blkadderIt didn't recommend a repair action?00:34
WheatThinsblkadder, gparted is saying00:34
WheatThinsI was using boot-repair to fix grub/windows bootloader which both broke after windows updated00:34
JFox762I did earlier encounter an issue where it wasn't able to boot... as it couldn't read the SSD. So I unseated and reseated the SSD... and it was able to boot again. But it just froze again, forcing me to restart. I am currently "restoring" a prior backup... not sure if that will "fix" anything tht may have broken over the past few days?00:34
blkadderI've never used that particular tool, but I have had issues with various rescue tools in the past where I've need to try multiple ones before finding one that could identify and repair the problem.00:35
blkadderSo boot-repair gave you a recommended repair which you had it do and it made things worse, correct?00:36
WheatThinsblkadder, yes00:38
blkadderGood times.00:38
blkadderSo when you boot now, what happens?00:38
WheatThinsno bootloader found, as before.00:38
WheatThinsBut previously I could at least boot a live usb and look at my partitions00:39
WheatThinsI can only look at my windows partition now00:39
TJ-JFox762: possible overheating?00:39
JFox762how do i check my heat?00:40
TJ-WheatThins: is it UEFI or BIOS boot style?00:40
JFox762or monitor temps that is?00:40
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.00:40
JFox762My laptop doesn't have a dedicated GPU00:40
JFox762It just has an "Intel HD Graphics 4000"00:41
JFox762which, I think is basically just on-chip graphics00:41
blkadderYeah, you may need to fiddle with boot type.00:43
WheatThinsTJ-, uefi00:43
blkadderYou might try changing that.00:44
TJ-WheatThins: OK, so if Windows update broke that, it should be relatively easy to fix up00:45
TJ-WheatThins: can you use the manual boot option to start an ubuntu LiveISO in UEFI mode?00:46
TJ-WheatThins: if so, that's enough to from the "Try Ubuntu" option to fix up the Linux side to begin with00:46
WheatThinsTJ-, I'm in a live ubuntu, but from gparted it's telling me my /dev/sda7 isn't mountable00:47
WheatThinsCause the fs is unknown and something about a bad magic number00:47
TJ-WheatThins: OK, can you open a terminal?00:47
WheatThinsTJ-, yup00:47
TJ-WheatThins: You're chatting from the Live environment?00:48
WheatThinsNo I'm chatting from my desktop00:48
WheatThinsTJ-, my live environment has wifi though00:48
TJ-WheatThins: ok ... does the Live env have network?00:48
TJ-WheatThins: good... firstly "sudo apt install pastebinit"00:48
TJ-WheatThins: may already be installed but we need to be sure00:48
WheatThinsTJ-, done00:48
TJ-WheatThins: "pastebinit <( sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda )"00:49
WheatThinsTJ-, ^ sorry forgot to hilight you00:50
JFox762is it normal for only one CPU thread to be running at 100%!?00:51
TJ-WheatThins: no matter; I run a 'follow' script here that copies all your messages to a separate window00:51
WheatThinsOh, dope.00:51
JFox762it seems like every few seconds, a different core will take on the 100% load.. leaving the rest with about only 20% or so00:51
TJ-WheatThins: OK; let's net started: "pastebinit <( cat /proc/mounts; mkdir /target )"00:52
TJ-JFox762: is that what's causing the 'freeze' then?00:52
JFox762i doubt it00:52
JFox762im still trying to get the system monitor to work00:52
TJ-JFox762: from terminal "top" is pretty good for monitoring which processes are being busy00:53
JFox762it seems like my CPU has been running at the highest 87c00:53
JFox762Is that too hot?00:53
TJ-JFox762: yes00:53
TJ-JFox762: I'd want to see it around 50C or lower00:54
JFox762oh ....00:54
JFox762so that is probably what is causing the Laptop to freeze?00:54
WheatThinsTJ-, real quick I remembered I had my live environment booted legacy00:54
TJ-JFox762: although when the CPU is so busy it might rise some but 87C is high00:54
WheatThinsI rebooted to UEFI and this was the output from the first pastebinit command00:54
WheatThinsSo I should probably continue in legacy?00:54
TJ-WheatThins: OK... well done for spotting it :) stay in UEFI mode, it's vital to fix it00:55
JFox762it is currently at 81 or so00:55
JFox762but it was 87 at the highest00:55
WheatThinsCompare the output, though00:55
TJ-WheatThins: you got it wrong this time though, you did sda7 not sda :) don't worry, that won't change00:55
JFox762its back down to 7500:55
TJ-WheatThins: show us: "pastebinit <( cat /proc/mounts; mkdir /target )"00:55
WheatThinsYup you were right, I've fixed it and the output is the same. Now pasting new command00:56
WheatThinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25992763/ had to sudo the mkdir00:57
TJ-WheatThins: oh, of course, sorry!00:57
JFox762That is my "Sensors" outpout00:57
WheatThinsI'm half aware of what I'm doing, I just got in over my head somewhere lol00:57
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
JFox762does "High" mean... that is the all time high?00:58
TJ-WheatThins: now let's find out what's on all those partitions so we can ensure we have the correct rootfs "pastebinit <( sudo blkid /dev/sda* )"00:58
TJ-WheatThins: I'm guessing - going by size - either sda7 or sda8 are the Linux rootfs00:59
WheatThinsYup sda700:59
WheatThinsSda8 is swap00:59
WheatThinsIt's an SSD if that matters00:59
TJ-WheatThins: you missed out the * on the last command can you rerun it should be /dev/sda*  <<----01:00
ShugzCan someone help me figure out how to i3-gaps to work on ubuntu please?01:00
ShugzI currently have i3 installed and it works fine. Can't get the gaps to work.01:00
WheatThinsI manually tried to fix ext4 on sda6 since that was where grub is01:01
WheatThinsIt now shows only lost+found in my file manager01:01
TJ-WheatThins: hmmm, not great. it doesn't show the file-system type inside those which indicates they may be damaged quite severely01:01
WheatThins I don't even need it to be bootable01:01
WheatThinsI just want a handful a .txt and .mp3s01:01
WheatThinsI'm happy to nuke and pave literally the entire hdd if I get my radio logs off here01:02
TJ-WheatThins: blkid isn't see file-system meta-data for sda7 or sda801:02
TJ-WheatThins: was LVM in use ?01:02
WheatThinsI think so01:03
TJ-We should be seeing that noted by blkid, the fact we don't means the metadata (headers) may have been damaged which will make using recovery tools more difficult01:04
WheatThinsboot-repair was supposed to output logs to pastebin, but I didn't have network access01:05
WheatThinsI think it saved something somewhere but not sure where01:05
TJ-WheatThins: lets try "pastebinit <( sudo file /dev/sda7; sudo file /dev/sda8 )"01:05
WheatThinshttps://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/ this was promising seeming but restoring from superblocks wasnt working01:07
TJ-arrgh! got it wrong again I did! do this: "pastebinit <( sudo file -s /dev/sda{7,8} )"01:07
JFox762is there a way to check the health of an SSD ?01:09
TJ-WheatThins: OK, and also "pastebinit <( sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda7 )"01:10
WheatThinsI got a local error that prevented the log from giving much01:11
WheatThinsdumpe2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda701:11
TJ-WheatThins: this is what I'd have expected "file -s" to show: "Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=6a718a43-2187-49f4-99fd-3f696cb36c4c, volume name "16.04_rootfs" (needs journal recovery) (extents) (large files) (huge files)"01:11
TJ-WheatThins: and let's figure out where those superblocks should be: "pastebinit <( sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sda7 )"01:13
WheatThinsI've tried about 5 of those at random01:14
TJ-WheatThins: I'll give you a single command that'll test them all. give me a moment to form it :)01:14
JFox762just crashed again01:15
JFox762i got an error message from Ubuntu though...01:15
JFox762says Gnome-shell crashed with signal 5 in meta_xwayland_start()01:16
TJ-WheatThins: I hope you're using ssh from your desktop to this PC for issuing these commands rather than trying to type them!! if not, on the target do "sudo apt install openssh-server" first and then from your Desktop start an ssh session to it. Then you can copy/paste:  "pastebinit <( for sb in 32768 98304 163840 229376 294912 819200 884736 1605632 2654208 4096000 7962624 11239424 20480000 23887872; do sudo01:18
TJ-dumpe2fs -o superblock=$sb -h /dev/sda7 2>&1 ; done )"01:18
JFox762I noticed, I must have been running in Wayland mode01:22
TJ-WheatThins: bad news; looks like the entire file-system has been corrupted01:22
JFox762I'm wondering if Wayland is what was causing the system to crash.01:22
WheatThinsTJ-, is there any way to just look through it w/ some file recovery program and lift a few .txts?01:22
JFox762If Wayland crashes... would it cause your cursor, and everything else, to freeze and become unresponsive?01:22
WheatThinsI mostly just want my radio show tracklists and maybe an mp3 or two off there01:23
TJ-WheatThins: "sudo apt install testdisk" then run "sudo photorec /dev/sda7" - might want to do "man photorec" first to get an idea how it works01:24
WheatThinsI browsed to the device and it has a directory with documents downloads etc01:25
WheatThinsBut they're all empty01:25
WheatThinsJust show . and ..01:25
WheatThinsOh wait this is /home/ubuntu01:25
WheatThinsAs in the livedisk01:26
TJ-you can't mount sda7/8 so you can't look at them as a file-system. photorec is the best organised to do what you want01:26
WheatThinsI'm not sure what I'm not doing right with photorec then, cause I'm using it to look through /dev/sda7 but when I select the unknown partition it browses the livedisk01:27
TJ-you selected the sda7 'image' on the 1st menu ?01:29
WheatThinsyup, it was the only choice when ran with sudo photorec /dev/sda7 /log01:29
TJ-WheatThins: good, so on the next menu did it offer you an ext4 partition or just 'unknown' ?01:30
TJ-WheatThins: and you chose that?01:30
WheatThinsIt then prompts me to choose ext2/ext3 or other01:31
TJ-WheatThins: and then when it asked you told it ext2/ext3 was the file-system type01:31
WheatThinsEither one results in my browswing the live cd01:31
WheatThinsWhich I tested by touching files01:31
TJ-WheatThins: I'm not sure how it manages that!01:32
TJ-WheatThins: i've used photorec for years; never had it skip to another block device01:32
WheatThinsDid you see the log above01:33
TJ-WheatThins: ohhh... no... you've misunderstood. On that screen it IS showing you the live file-system - look at the top, it is asking "Please select a destination to save the recovered files." ... and that starts from the active rootfs01:34
WheatThinsoh lol01:34
TJ-WheatThins: it needs a 'good' FS to write the recovered files into.01:34
TJ-WheatThins: for testing I'd select the /tmp/ just to see if it can find anything01:34
WheatThinsgonna reboot my live environment first, it's being fucky and keeps crashing firefox01:35
WheatThinsAnd not launching system monitor01:35
TJ-WheatThins: if you see it recovering significantly, then I'd probably plug in a USB device with lots of free space and write to that. Might not be a good idea to allow writing to anywhere on /dev/sda right now01:35
JFox762I just noticed, I checked my sensors now that I am running under Xorg... and it is 20 degrees cooler!01:36
TJ-JFox762: so, a Wayland issue then?01:36
JFox762Before it would "freeze"01:37
JFox762I would notice the system start to get "stuttery"01:37
JFox762especially while doing things like... typing in the Dash to search for an application01:37
JFox762or even after checking an apt policy01:37
JFox762it froze while trying to install Sensors, which I already had installed01:38
WheatThinsgot 33gb free on this flashdrive then01:38
WheatThinsrebooted my live environment and installed pastebinint01:38
WheatThinsgonna install photorec and try01:38
TJ-WheatThins: OK. I don't think you need me anymore. From the lack of superblocks I'm going to guess the entire file-system has been nuked somehow01:39
TJ-WheatThins: same thing may be why Windows can't boot... there may be corruption across the entire disk even if the metadata of some partitions is fine01:40
WheatThinswindows boots I just have to select its bootloader from a flashdrive01:40
WheatThinsIve had this happen on my dualboots dozens of times01:41
WheatThinsnever corrupted my linux install later by trying to repair grub01:41
WheatThinswindows service pack upgrades, and major windows 10 upgrades like to fuck with dual boot01:41
bazhangWheatThins, no cursing here01:41
WheatThinsbazhang, I'm sorry.01:41
JFox762Isn't it odd, that Wayland seems to cause my CPU to heat up more than Xorg? I thought Wayland is supposed to be an improvement...01:41
WheatThinsTJ-, how much space am I gonna need?01:45
WheatThinsIt's not gonna try to dump that entire partition is it01:45
tatertotzJFox762: YMMV01:46
JFox762Im just worried that someday, they are going to force Wayland down everyone's throats01:46
TJ-WheatThins: no idea! it depends what photorec can find. very often it'll recover random junk, or lots of partial bits of larger files, and you'll probably not be able to figure out how to put them back together.01:47
JFox762Xorg will be abandoned... and these issues won't be resolved... which will screw over people whom Xorg works, but Wayland screws stuff up01:47
tatertotzJFox762: an LTS release is good for 5 years......so if you insist on worrying....do it in the year 202101:47
JFox762Are tey going to include Xorg support for 18.04LTS?01:48
WheatThinsfirst pass found no files, looks like it's gonna keep going01:50
WheatThinsMay as well put it off to my side then01:50
tatertotzJFox762: an LTS release is good for 5 years.01:53
JFox762I know... but I dont have an LTS on this machine. I have 17.10. I intend to upgrade to 18.04LTS01:54
WheatThinsTJ-, recovery completed, 0 files.01:55
TJ-WheatThins: you must have zeroed that entire partition!01:56
WheatThinsLol literally how though01:56
WheatThinsWouldn't that have taken a really long time01:56
WheatThinsOr at least longer than boot-repair's like 12 second runtime01:56
TJ-WheatThins: you tell us! photorec can always find something even if it's random data. the fact it didn't tells me the partition is zeroed01:56
tatertotzJFox762: are you chatting from the computer right now?01:59
JFox762yes tatertotz02:01
tatertotzJFox762: can you open terminal?02:01
JFox762whats up02:01
tatertotzJFox762: in terminal>    ubuntu-support-status &> ~/nip.pir02:02
tatertotzJFox762: let me know when done..you may or may not see anything02:03
JFox762did it02:03
tatertotzJFox762: in terminal>    cat ~/nip.pir|nc termbin.com 999902:04
tatertotzJFox762: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link...say so02:04
JFox762COOL TRICK!02:05
tatertotzJFox762: in terminal>    ls -ld /var/log/installer|nc termbin.com 999902:07
tatertotzJFox762: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link...say so02:07
tatertotzJFox762: did someone else install ubuntu for you, or did you install it yourself?02:12
JFox762i installed it02:13
tatertotzJFox762: just curious if you knew when you went about selecting which ubuntu you would install on your computer, that if you made the choice that you have made that as we approach the future (supported until July 2018 (9m)) you'd be somewhat in a situation where you might be pressed to install a "supported" operating system on your computer.02:15
tatertotzJFox762: but i'm sure you went into that being fully aware of the circumstances.02:16
JFox762i intended to upgrade to 18.04LTS02:16
tatertotzcool...well looks like you got about 9 months to get'r done02:17
JFox762but will 18.04LTS still have xorg as an option?02:17
tatertotzenjoy the next nine months...take care02:17
Aww18.04 comes with emojis02:20
Awwwhich means its life02:20
tatertotzwho will win the world series in the year 2030?02:20
tatertotzany psychics in the house?02:20
tatertotzsweet...i'll place my bet02:21
JFox762like i said tatertotz, I upgraded to 17.10 because I wanted to try the newer features, and Gnome DE. Then just upgrade to te 18.04LTS when it comes out for the long term support02:22
tatertotzJFox762: thats cool...i use 16.04 LTS..because i have a busy life and don't have time to stop my life in July 2018 to tinker with my pc02:24
tatertotzJFox762: i've chosen to delay the "inevitable" to 202102:25
JFox762This isn't my main PC... so I kind of use this laptop to "tinker" with anyway. I backup all my important files.02:25
ZeroLuxhaving trouble with stability on an x99 board w/ u16.04... anyone have any experience there?02:36
ZeroLuxlet me rephrase that a bit02:36
ZeroLuxnot instability... it just wont boot.02:37
ZeroLuxall bios configs to default, no overclocking02:37
JFox762What kind of drive are you trying to boot off of?02:38
ZeroLuxdvd at the moment, tried usb earlier with the same result02:38
JFox762have you tried your boot override and manually picking a boot drive?02:39
JFox762What is the result?02:39
ZeroLuxi get to the ubuntu logo with the dots underneath, then it hangs02:39
cfhowlett!nomodeset | ZeroLux02:39
ubottuZeroLux: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:39
ZeroLuxtried various video cards also... but hey worth a shot02:40
JFox762What video cards?02:40
ZeroLuxnvidia and ati/amd02:41
ZeroLuxa quadro, a 9400gt, an old 5770, a few others02:41
JFox762In my experience, when I had issues iwth the nomodeset, It would actually show a black screen... in fact my monitor would even shut itself off, IIRC02:42
ZeroLux_thanks, internet :/02:42
ZeroLux_what'd i miss?02:42
azizLIGHThow do i downgrade firefox from 56 to 5502:45
ZeroLux_nomodeset made it boot cycle after the logo02:46
=== ZeroLux_ is now known as ZeroLux
GizmoRomickhas anyone here experienced the blue splotch graphics in Civ VI on Intel graphics?02:49
seaseahello. how does one use signify or signify-openbsd packages in Ubuntu 16.04 to verify openbsd downloads?03:00
cfhowlettsignify is not an ubuntu option.  would that be a bsd command?03:00
seaseasudo apt-cache search signify shows 3 possible packages. I listed two.03:01
cfhowlettah, not installed by default then.  I only did "man signify" in the terminal.03:01
seaseacfhowlett: yeah, had to install it.03:02
cfhowletttoday I learned you can (apparently) use BSD packages in linux.03:03
seaseaThe openbsd instructions are here: https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#Download. But I want to know how to use it on Ubuntu to verify the openbsd download03:03
seaseacfhowlett: hm. OpenSSH is a BSD package :)03:03
seaseaIguess you'd have to define "package"03:03
seaseaTechnically, BSD (or at least OpenBSD) uses "ports" I believe03:04
seaseaHEres the man page for signify-openbsd from the Ubuntu man page: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/signify-openbsd.1.html03:05
seaseaBut I don't know how to use it03:05
seaseaHaving trouble finding the correct pubkey for OpenBSD03:05
seaseaMaybe i'll try the openbsd channel03:07
lucas-argcant run steam games!! this error happens https://paste.ubuntu.com/25993702/03:50
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:50
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all :)07:35
oerhekshi alkisg07:37
ducasse\o alkisg07:37
DaemonFCWhere would be the right place to file a bug report about GNOME Web making an empty window entry on the dock for each video it comes across on the page? The title is "OpenGL Renderer".08:00
ducasse!bug | DaemonFC file it here, you'll be told if it should be filed upstream instead08:04
ubottuDaemonFC file it here, you'll be told if it should be filed upstream instead: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:04
oerheksdepends what openGl version, i guess08:05
antimistHelp, needed with theming of the Qt5 applications08:20
antimistAfter my update to 17.10, all the Qt5 themes are broken08:20
antimistand don't use the GTK theme anymore08:20
antimistI also keep getting the following error: "QGtkStyle could not resolve GTK. Make sure you have installed the proper libraries"08:21
antimistAny help?08:23
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
Lavinhoes1-132 no bottable device09:20
Lavinhohow to solved09:20
Lavinhohelp me please09:38
=== To_Aru_Shiroi_Ne is now known as ToAruShiroiNeko
gregor3000why cant linux see WD My passport external drive. it is GPT formated NTFS and non encrypted.10:55
TJ-gregor3000: how is it connected to the PC, USB?10:58
oerheks*if* the ntfs is unmounted dirty/with file corruptions, ubuntu refuses to mount, use ntfxfix to recover that10:58
gregor3000its brand new disk10:59
ducassegregor3000: can lsblk see it?10:59
gregor3000i have to try it. does it need to be MBR partitioned?11:00
gregor3000lsblk doesn't see it11:05
gregor3000i guess i made a mistake taking the WD drive. never again.11:05
ducassei've got one of them, works just fine11:05
lotuspsychjegregor3000: can we see a tail -f /var/log/syslog when you connect it usb?11:07
gregor3000hold on let me reboot to linux....11:11
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:25
psiquoHi everyone, I bought a new pc (a Lenovo yoga 520) and I'm trying to install Ubuntu 17.10, the problem is that when I boot the live usb after some time the usb key is ejected and the system crashes. This problem persists even if I try to install instead of trying Ubuntu. I already checked the usb on my desktop and on that pc everything works swiftly and another usb I just plugged in windows doesn't show this problem. Can s11:41
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TJ-psiquo: 'ejected'? you mean it pops out of the socket!? or that the file-system is unmounted ?11:47
tssxhello everyone, anyone has Ubuntu 17.10 virtual machine and knows about bash/debootsreap why .iso wont be completed? https://pastebin.com/YWbWMJQ212:26
tssxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch it is based on that from long time ago but that page is quite ancient12:27
ThyriaenHow can i get Qt 5.7 installed on Ubuntu 16.04 ?12:31
BluesKajThyriaen,  http://gamblisfx.com/how-to-install-qt-5-7-on-ubuntu-16-04/12:55
oerheksxormorBrecaBatM, yeah, but please don'tspam here, thanks13:01
ThyriaenBluesKaj, are those the libraries though ? i need libqt5widgets5 libqt5network5 libqt5svg513:02
BluesKajoerheks, another LOTRO imititator13:04
xormorBrecaBatMoerheks, ok13:05
xormorBrecaBatMany of you play UnReal World? I got bored of Omega. I still log on to BatMUD. All of those games can be played on Ubuntu as well as my Debian stable and also on Windows and I think in Mac OS too.13:05
BluesKajoops imitator even13:05
xormorBrecaBatMis there a reason for me to switch to Ubuntu from Debian stable "stretch" 9?13:06
BluesKajThyriaen, doesn't that tut have the correct commands to draw down the proper dependencies? If not, sorry for the inconveniemce.13:07
ThyriaenBluesKaj, i don't think i know what i am doing but it is installing the qt5.7 open source now - ill just hope it works magically :p13:11
BluesKajThyriaen, hope so too "-)13:15
pineappleloverhello is there a way to stream both sound and desktop to tv?13:33
pineappleloverI am using chromecast13:34
pineappleloverbut when I use google chrome to cast desktop I get no sound...13:34
pineappleloverand when I use mkchromecast and pavucontrol to cast sound the desktop cast stops13:35
wyseguymorning all13:35
pineappleloverthey seem to be excluding13:35
pineappleloverhow would I cast both sound and audio from ubuntu desktop to tv?13:36
wyseguypineapplelover, looking into this for you13:39
wyseguypineapplelover, looks like people have got it to work with  a google chrome extension called videostream for google chromecast 2.16.1222.013:41
wyseguypineapplelover, you are trying to get audio and video together right?13:42
pineappleloverI dont know the extension name but I am already using an extension on google chrome13:42
pineapplelovernot exactly13:42
pineappleloverI am trying to cast desktop with sound13:42
wyseguysorry, came into the convo late, please explain13:42
wyseguyokay for like spotify purposes...13:43
pineappleloverany program13:43
pineappleloverand second life13:43
wyseguyoh, so you want that to stream  onto your tv right? like the audio and video13:43
pineappleloverboth are editors13:43
wyseguyor just sometimes audio and sometimes just video...13:43
pineappleloverand can manage both sound and video13:43
pineappleloverjust stream all13:44
pineappleloverat the same time13:44
wyseguyand you  have mkchromecast installed?13:45
pineappleloverand it works13:45
pineappleloverbut it kills desktop cast13:45
wyseguyokay but what part of it does not work13:45
wyseguywait, explain what you mean by it kills desktop cast13:45
pineapplelovererror pipe13:46
pineappleloverand stops13:46
pineappleloverthans anyway13:46
pineappleloverI have to go now13:46
wyseguyi think his issue might be that he needs pulseaudio-utils installed13:47
Lavinhogood afternoon13:55
Lavinhohelp me please13:55
wyseguysup sup13:55
Lavinhohow to boot uuuntu 17.10 on acer es1-13213:56
wyseguylet me take a gander at the googles, brb13:56
wyseguyyup, 1 sec13:56
Lavinhobut not understand13:56
wyseguylooking up how to do what you asked :)13:57
wyseguyLavinho, what operating system are you on now?13:57
Lavinhoi install ubuntu 17.1013:57
Lavinhobut not bootable device13:57
wyseguyoh, just a live cd and not actually installed?13:57
Lavinhoafter reboot13:57
Lavinholive cd actually13:58
wyseguydid you choose to install it? or it just booted?13:58
Lavinhoinstalled vut no boot13:58
wyseguymaybe you actually installed it but your usb stick is still in the computer and its set to boot to the usb stick first13:58
Lavinhobut primary disk no  bootable13:59
Lavinhomessage no bootable device13:59
wyseguyand your harddrive is set first?14:00
EriC^^Lavinho: boot a live usb and come back here for troubleshooting14:00
wyseguyare you dual booting?14:00
Lavinhosingle boot ubuntu14:00
wyseguyare you on the machine now that you are chatting on or a separate one?14:01
wyseguysorry, i mean the machine you are on now, is it the one with the issue?14:01
wyseguyLavinho, did you turn off  "secure boot" in the bios?14:02
Lavinhono bootable device14:02
Lavinhosecure boot off14:02
TJ-The Acer's, even with Secure Boot off, have this thing where they refuse to load a boot-loader that isn't set a TRUSTed in their SECURITY firmware settings. That needs Secure Boot enabled to set the trust.14:03
Lavinhohelp me please14:03
Lavinhono trust14:03
wyseguyhis EFi file is probably not trusted14:03
Lavinhono trust on bios14:03
Lavinhoupgrade the last bios14:04
Lavinhoand no option trusted file14:04
Lavinhohelp me14:04
wyseguygo in yoru bios and go to the security tab, then your hdd, then efi I think, then ubuntu, then choose shimx64.efi, then choose yes on the popup14:04
wyseguyLavinho, quit asking to help you... we are14:05
Lavinhono appear option14:05
wyseguysave then try a restart14:05
wyseguywhat do you mean appear option?14:05
wyseguywhat do you mean no appear option?14:06
Lavinhothe chose efi file no appear14:06
wyseguywait, i thought you were chatting on the computer with the issue...14:06
wyseguyhow can you be in the bios?14:06
Lavinhonow I'm not but I know14:07
wyseguyso you are in security and what do you see14:08
wyseguyyou see hdd0?14:08
Lavinhono understand14:09
TJ-Lavinho: see comment #8 in this forum post that describes a workaround https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2348269&p=13594926#post1359492614:09
wyseguyi lightly feel trolled haha14:09
Lavinhono open14:10
EriC^^Lavinho: boot a live usb and come back here for troubleshooting14:10
EriC^^otherwise we're just taking stabs in the dark here14:11
TJ-EriC^^: the problem is on that model the firmware is hard-coded to only load the windows bootloader. The workaround is to rename "refind_x86.efi" in place of Windows "bootmgfw.efi" - that might work with the GRUB shim too14:12
EriC^^TJ-: we don't even know if he has a sane partition setup or what, or if he's even using uefi14:13
kennylogginshow do I install pepper-flash - or is that outdated now ?14:14
TJ-EriC^^: there's no Legacy CSM option in the firmware of that model. It's tied to Windows 10.14:14
wyseguykennyloggins, never heard of it, looking14:14
BluesKajkennyloggins, which browser14:15
EriC^^TJ-: i still want to see that "parted -l" output :)14:15
BluesKajuse chrome , it has it's own flash version installed by default, kennyloggins14:15
kennylogginsright - doesnt work then - even with uBlock origin turned off.14:16
kennylogginsdoes this work for you ?14:16
BluesKajit'll sync all our bookmarks and settings from chromiun14:16
BluesKajke yup14:17
kennylogginske ?14:17
kennylogginsoh I see,.14:17
BluesKajforgor to hit the tab key to autocomplete your nick14:18
BluesKajkennyloggins, yes that classical stn works here14:19
BluesKajon chrome14:19
wyseguyubuntu 17.10 3 monitors notice clipping on app windows when not active on that monitor, but if i click on that monitor it goes away. gtx 1060 and drivers installed. ideas?14:20
wyseguyidentical monitors 21" 108014:20
TJ-wyseguy: clipping? explain some more? do you mean windows cropped, losing their frame decoration, or something else?14:21
kennylogginsBluesKaj: seem to remember you from kde - stil not getting the player goin' : https://spee.ch/0/rte-player.png14:22
spicaGuys. I want to do a 17.10 net install. I'm basically looking to get a vanilla gnome setupd without any bloatware. What issues should I expect? How well supported are net installs? Yhanks14:24
wyseguyTJ-, if im chatting on monitor one and i open a menu of sorts on that active monitor and mouse down the options, as i go from option to option with the mouse in t that menu, the browser window or any window open on the second monitor starts to shift like .5 inches to the left then to the right, and so on, its affected by the mouse as i mouse over menu options like file edit settings help and such. if i click on monitor 2 it stops14:24
EriC^^spica: for one i think uefi isn't supported out of the box by the net installer14:24
TJ-wyseguy: haha that IS weird! is the menu widening/collapsing and effectively shifting the app windows sideways?14:24
wyseguyits hard to describe haha, um14:25
TJ-wyseguy: is it flipping between the 2 positions fast, sort of like flickering, or more slowly?14:26
wyseguyit also does this, if i drag a app window from monitor 1 to 2 its fine, then went going to monitor 3, part of the app gets stuck on monitor 2 but just a picture of it, the app on the 3rd monitor looks fine, and when i let go of the mouse button the frozen part goes away on monitor 214:26
wyseguythe flickering is as fast and as slow as i mouse over different menu options14:27
TJ-wyseguy: is this with Wayland?14:27
wyseguyTJ-, yes i believe so, thats default right?14:27
wyseguyive seen a lot of posts saying to go back to xorg14:28
TJ-wyseguy: it's worth testing it with the "Ubuntu on Xorg" session to isolate it.14:29
wyseguyokay let me look up how to do that, 1 sec14:29
wyseguyah easy, looks like a cog should appear below my password on my login, brb14:30
TJ-wyseguy: yes14:31
kennylogginshow do I start screenshot ? I have lost accessories in the menu, now.14:31
wyseguyoh wait14:31
EriC^^kennyloggins: try "prntscrn" on the keyboard14:32
wyseguyblake@blake-ubuntu:/opt/Simplify3D-4.0.0$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE    x1114:32
wyseguyhm, looks like im on xorg hm14:32
kennylogginsbut I dont want to copy my whole screen && I cannot clip images on ubuntu.14:32
wyseguythat's 2 hm's haha14:32
EriC^^kennyloggins: try "shift+prntscrn" and select an area14:32
kennylogginsk got it thanks.14:33
TJ-wyseguy: hehehe... check /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:33
wyseguyEriC^^, took that advice too :) just like my macs14:33
kennylogginswait - that doesnt work at all shift+Prtscreen does sod all.14:34
Lavinhohow to rebname files ?14:35
wyseguyTJ-, https://pastebin.com/jyZRYVXe14:35
EriC^^Lavinho: mv file newname14:35
EriC^^Lavinho: if you want to rename multiple ones, look into "man rename"14:35
Lavinhowhat the files ?14:36
wyseguyTJ-, it seems to not have issues atm, but did notice it when running simplify3d, and on a youtube video, half of the video was frozen, then it fixed itself... wonder if its a videocard driver issue of sorts14:37
EriC^^Lavinho: it'd be a good idea to share a paste of your partitions, open a terminal and type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here14:37
wyseguyEriC^^, cool trick to termbin :)14:38
wyseguywas always a ctrl c ctrl v into pastebin14:38
EriC^^Lavinho: try sudo parted -ls14:40
EriC^^Lavinho: paste the whole thing14:40
spicaguys, is there any difference between the skinned gnome in 17.10 and the vanilla gnone, aside from the skins?14:41
TJ-wyseguy: it does sound like a driver issue14:41
wyseguyTJ-, let me take a look at what i have going on with the drivers14:41
EriC^^Lavinho: is that a hybrid pc/tablet ?14:42
Lavinhoacer es1-13214:42
wyseguyTJ-, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2017-11-19_06-42-18-jGyx9liN.png14:43
LavinhoEriC^^: renamed files ?14:44
TJ-wyseguy: so the nvidia drivers. I wonder if there's a bug with multi-monitor support on your GPU14:44
Lavinhopas link another14:44
TJ-wyseguy: could it be due to the resolution of all 3? there are sometimes issues on that because of the amount of video RAM required14:44
wyseguyTJ-, well i figure a gtx 1060 is more than enough :p14:45
wyseguyi can try a reboot14:45
wyseguyif in doubt, reboot14:45
EriC^^Lavinho: try sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt14:46
wyseguyEriC^^, so if i was to nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log to look at that file, what would be the correct command to netcat it to termbin? I tried to echo it but it only pasted the command I wrote, not the file14:47
TJ-wyseguy: "cat" not "echo" but I'd use "less" to page through it14:47
EriC^^wyseguy: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 would upload the whole file14:48
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wyseguyah cat, thanks :p14:48
wyseguyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQpvCiYVvOc good song that came on :)14:49
EriC^^some-command |& nc termbin.com 9999 to send errors too (when using bash)14:49
wyseguyEriC^^, ah, so the & will include errors of the command you are running if any?14:50
EriC^^wyseguy: yup14:51
wyseguylearn something new everyday14:51
wyseguyim trying to keep myself planted on one OS, been across windows, osx and linux for many years and have had no consistency lol, trying with linux as it can be installed on anything and osx feels horrible as a hackinsosh, and mac is just mac... would install ubuntu on it if everything would work on it but havent looked into it yet14:53
wyseguyi like the feeling of a metal laptop, strong, can type the fastest without many errors on the old mac keyboard and battery life is good, main reasons i got it. anyone know about linux on it and issues? will flex my google foo shortly14:55
FurretUberOn Xubuntu 17.10 amd64 the virtual machines made with virt-manager are crashing and being corrupted with default configuration. To avoid this corruption I have to change the storage settings from hypervisor default to writethrough and IO mode to threads14:58
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wyseguyEriC^^, helping someone in ##linux ch with that termbin command with the |& trick you showed me but they are getting this error " -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&' "15:01
EriC^^wyseguy: it has to be next to eachother without a space |&15:03
wyseguycommand |& termbin blah blah15:03
wyseguysomeone said its suppose to be &|15:03
EriC^^command |& nc termbin.com 999915:04
wyseguy" -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&' "15:04
wyseguyhe was doing it wrong15:05
gartralhello all, yesterday I was here to try and get my xorg/lightdm up and running and I finally managed to get /somewhere/ with it by removing the proprietory nvidia drivers and revert to nouevu, but now no matter what I do my desktop resolution is stuck at 640x400, any ideas on forcing it to native 1920x1080?15:11
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gartralif I do the usual trick of using cvt and andding that as a newmode to xrandr I get xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default15:15
wyseguysaw that online, thought id share15:15
wyseguygonna turn on timemachine before i go down this rabbit hole15:18
wyseguygetting the tunes rollin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xYQHoGC9es15:19
AnticomHi all. Is there an utility to quickly convert (precompiled) files (from github etc.) to an apt package so i can remove it via dpkg again?15:22
wyseguyAnticom, no idea but curious myself :)15:22
AnticomIt would be cool if i only had to write a small manifest that specifies which files go where and where config files would live15:23
AnticomI'm looking for such a tool for quite some time now15:23
Anticomi mean i could abuse cmake for that but meh15:23
wyseguymeh yup15:24
wyseguygez, never loved any hardware as much as my synology nas :)15:25
wyseguyneed more coffee, brb15:28
TJ-Anticom: that's what the debian/ packaging system does. in most cases you only need a few files: debian/{changelog,control,rules,install}15:29
AnticomTJ-: don't get me wrong but IMHO that's still too much effort for most people. Moreover i'm looking for something portable15:30
TJ-Anticom: what you want isn't trivial; that's the point15:31
TJ-Anticom: what do you mean by 'portable'? Have you considered creating a 'snap' for it?15:32
AnticomTJ-: by portable i mean that it would be awesome if there was a package-manager-agnostic tool15:32
Anticomsimilar to what cmake-package does but with more auto-discovery. Oh and I'd prefer having a declarative manifest instead of a script15:33
TJ-Anticom: have you tried openbuildservice?15:34
wyseguyabove me but it all sounds good15:34
AnticomTJ-: never heard of it before, let me check it out15:34
wyseguyoff topic but looking to switch from pandora to spotify. I have a lot of thumb'ed up songs and wanna export / import them. there are sites out there that can pull your thumbs but can only do so many (2-300 or so) anyone have ideas for getting 3k+ songs out and into spotify? thinking maybe posting it on freelancer or something15:37
AnticomTJ-: this is going the right direction however i think the tool i'm actually looking for just doesn't exist (yet)15:37
TJ-Anticom: rkt, docker, lxd15:38
wyseguyspeaking about docker... i think docker hosting is gonna be huge15:42
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diverdudehi, why can i not do this? sudo apt-get install npm nodejs-legacy15:50
diverdudeim on 16.0415:50
brainwas1open a terminal window and you can do it15:51
diverdudeworks now15:51
diverdudehad to run update15:51
Akuwhi i want to install a software for bitcoin miner, is there any good?15:53
diverdudeAkuw: dont do it. Just buy instead15:53
Akuwdiverdude ?15:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:54
brainwas1better ask in the bitcoin channel15:54
diverdudeAkuw: unless you have a huge cluster available and extremely low cost power15:57
diverdudeAkuw: then you will never be able to mine a bit coin15:57
skinuxHow do I set Synaptic as the default graphical package manager? All of the other ones lag pretty hard for me.15:58
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wyseguyskinux, point your finger and say look, it's about time you pick up the pace around here k16:00
wyseguythings might start happening16:00
wyseguybeen awhile since ive heard some good dnb16:05
wyseguybrings me back a few years :p16:05
BluesKajskinux, I just got rid of the other gui package managers and my fav became default, but i don't use the gui much except for referencing apps. Apt in the console works best IMO16:06
wyseguyBluesKaj, I agree16:06
wyseguymost of the time its easier to keep your hands on the kb rather than moving the mouse around16:07
BluesKajwyseguy, I'm somewhat addicted to the shell :-)16:09
wyseguyBluesKaj, ya, i agree, it does a lot and does it well16:09
pizzaburgerHello all! I've changed my user password through "user settings" (typed in the old one and new one 2 times). After facing issues authenticating admin privelages while running certain services, I rebooted. Can't login anymore. Any suggestions? Thanks!16:19
TJ-pizzaburger: is that from GUI greeter AND the text console?16:21
pizzaburgerTJ-: You mean how did I change my passowrd?16:24
TJ-pizzaburger: no, did you try logging in from a text console as well as GUI greeter? (Alt+Ctrl+F2 for example)16:25
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pizzaburgerTJ-: the text concolse asks me for: a1 login, and then the passowrd. Two different inputs, which one should be the actual passowrd?16:29
BluesKajlogin prompt needs your username , password needs your user password16:33
TJ-pizzaburger: a1 is the hostname ? login: wants your username16:33
pizzaburgerTJ-: a1 is my user and pc name. The text console gives me: "a1 login:" in plain text, then "password" as hidden characters16:35
TJ-pizzaburger: so type "a1" at the login prompt, then Enter, then your password  then Enter16:36
pizzaburgerTJ-: neither my new or old passwords work16:45
TJ-pizzaburger: you'll need to reboot and at the boot menu choose "Advanced" sub-menu and the the "Recovery" option so you can get a root shell to fix it16:45
TheteAnyone here have a Dell XPS 13 Dev edition by chance?16:53
wyseguyThete, nope, almost got one but never pulled the trigger. whats up16:54
pizzaburgerTJ-: alright, I am in console as root@a1:~#17:01
Thetessd died tryin to reinstall os but my service tag is only showing win 10 home17:02
TheteI don't know if dell's image is custom17:02
TJ-pizzaburger: you can set the password using "passwd a1" (if 'a1' is the username)17:03
pizzaburgerTJ-: "usage: passwd [options] [LOGIN]", and there doesn't seem to be a change pasword option17:07
TJ-pizzaburger: are you SURE the username is "a1"? what does "getent passwd a1" report ?17:08
dhanaHi Guys, When I try to update the repo, I am getting this error17:09
dhanaE: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease  Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)17:09
dhanaplease guide me how to fix this17:09
pizzaburgerTJ-: pretty sure. "a1:x:1000:1000:a1,,,:/home/a1:/bin/bash"17:10
TJ-pizzaburger: so "passwd a1" will prompt you to set the password for user "a1"17:11
pizzaburgerTJ-: "authentication token manipulation error", "password unchanged"17:12
AaaaandHi, I just upgraded to the new version of firefox and I have issues showing text on some websites. i'm using ubuntu 16.04. This is on firefox https://i.imgur.com/9qN538R.png, this on chrome https://i.imgur.com/ddizHlb.jpg17:14
Aaaaandalready asked on #firefox but they think it's a ubuntu issue17:15
Aaaaandsomething related fonts maybe17:15
Aaaaandon some websites I have text, on others I don't17:15
AaaaandWith some subreddits, I don't see text, and when I then remove subreddit style, I do have text (it's basically another css file)17:17
TJ-pizzaburger: is the system using an LDAP server, or Kerberos, or something ?17:18
TJ-Aaaaand: we had something similar a few days ago. it's a local FF cache issue. Clear the browser's cache17:18
Aaaaandok I'll try thanks17:19
pizzaburgerTJ-: ooff, I really don't know.17:20
AaaaandTJ-: I cleared the cache and it's still same result17:20
TJ-pizzaburger: oh!!! the rootfs is read-only! Try this first "mount -o remount,rw /" then "passwd a1"17:21
AaaaandHere both on firefox https://i.imgur.com/oYvGCC7.png, and without subreddit style https://i.imgur.com/pwZ11S1.png17:21
TJ-Aaaaand: the user that reported this the other day saw it on the front page of youtube.com and google.com (both specify custom CSS fonts), and we saw in the web-dev console it was using cached files not fetching. once the cache was cleared it worked fine17:22
AaaaandI cleared the cache in about:preferences and it's still the same17:22
TJ-Aaaaand: open FF's web-dev console, choose the network tab, highlight the "CSS" and "Font" buttons, then reload the page. See if the CCS/Fonts say "cached" or show the number of bytes downloaded17:23
Aaaaandit says transferred 72kB17:25
Aaaaandand another file 32kB17:25
TJ-Aaaaand: that sounds promising, it rules out the issue I've been referring to17:25
transhumananyone know with npm if I need to setup a path for the npm "executables" that I have installed?17:25
transhumantrying to run a local web server17:25
t0no6aif I can't play any major game title on Linux , is there any REAL future for linux gaming? Or it's just a pose, a pipe dream like linux distros dominating the desktop or 100% linux phones?17:26
pizzaburgerTJ-: passowrd change succesfull. But now when trying to login the new password gets accepted, the screen normally blinks to transition into the actual desktop, but the login prompt pops out again as if nothing happened17:26
TJ-Aaaaand: now you've cleared cache, try restarting FF 'just in case' ... if it's still happening  maybe create a new FF profile and test in that flean profile. if it doesn't happen there you know it's a profile issue at least17:27
alkisgt0no6a: this channel is for ubuntu support, while for general chat you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic17:27
TJ-pizzaburger: did you reboot to regular GUI mode?17:27
AaaaandTJ-: already tried with a clean profile and it's the same issue17:27
pizzaburgerTJ-: yes17:27
TJ-Aaaaand: right; not sure what's going on then. You've done all the obvious things17:28
alkisgAaaaand: does it happen with the guest user? I.e. is it a system issue, or an issue with your account?17:28
AaaaandI haven't tried with guest user yet17:29
TJ-pizzaburger: OK, Ctrl+Alt+F2 and try logging in. if that works check the ownership - it should be YOUR user a1, not root: "ls -l ~/.Xauthority"17:29
AaaaandI'll try but I have to logout then17:29
alkisgAaaaand: sure. you can also switch user instead of logout. You can also `ssh -X anotheruser@localhost` if you have ssh and another user17:29
t0no6aalksig : so, you banned me, OK ,that it's call censure, and linux is notabout liberty,freedon etc? pfff17:29
alkisgt0no6a: Ican't ban17:30
alkisgI'm no op17:30
alkisgI just explained to you what people here are talking about17:30
ChilestuffGreetings denizens17:30
Aaaaandalkisg: you're right, I switched to guest session and it's the same : (17:31
MehrzadDoes anyone confirm this? the system gets locked after a while in ubuntu 17.10 even when a video is playing17:31
alkisgAaaaand: ok, so you're searching for some global issue, either with firefox or with fonts etc. Try downgrading firefox, and if it gets fixed... then you narrow it down...17:31
pizzaburgerTJ-: "ls: cannot access '/home/a1/.Xauthority': no such file or directory"17:31
ChilestuffCan anyone who plays FreeOrion advise on how to adjust display settings to show starlanes?17:32
ioriaAaaaand, similar issue here (albeit with kde ):  https://askubuntu.com/questions/976548/firefox-57-0-font-is-weird-compared-to-google-chrome-font-in-ubuntu-14-0417:32
geirhaChilestuff: try #freeorion17:33
ChilestuffNah, it's an Ubuntu issue17:33
ChilestuffI'm a newb and don't know how to adjust contrast etc17:33
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ChilestuffI adjusted all the ingame settings to no effect17:34
ioriapizzaburger, is your home encrypted ?17:34
ChilestuffI was told to adjust contrast but don't know how17:35
pizzaburgerioria: yes, the whole disk too17:35
* gde33 thinks those nice popup messages are not very nice on small/tiny screens17:35
ioriapizzaburger, might explain a bit17:36
TJ-pizzaburger: OK, so when you changed the password it didn't update the ecryptfs password!17:36
geirhaChilestuff: If it's a laptop, there's usually some key-combo, like Fn+Up/Down to adjust contrast. Though typically completely differnt keys on every make and model17:36
ChilestuffI'll check it out thanks17:37
ioriapizzaburger, you need the orl (original) one17:38
douxUh... No audio after installing vmpk (which is a virtual midi keyboard). I purged it, and I tried purgin jackd2 and qjackctl (which I believe were insalled with vmpk). I See some volume levels fluctuating in the Sound program, but I can't hear anything..17:38
TJ-pizzaburger: you'll need to use ' ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase' to change the passphrase (from your old password to the new password)17:39
pizzaburgerTJ-: in the text console or recovery?17:40
TJ-pizzaburger: see "man  ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase"... e.g. "printf "%s\n%s" "<old password>" "<new password>" | ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase -"17:40
TJ-pizzaburger: in user's text console17:40
douxI hope I don't have to re-install my whole OS because of this audio problem...17:41
ioriathe man page written by Dustin Kirkland himself17:42
TJ-ioria: yeah... explains why it's so cryptic :p17:42
ioriaTJ-,  yeah17:42
cesdoMy friend tried to install Linux. He changes BIOS preferenses and got this: https://imgur.com/a/tVD5F Please help)17:45
cesdoMaybe he deleted the loader?17:45
psiquoHi everyone, I bought a new pc (a Lenovo yoga 520) and I'm trying to install Ubuntu 17.10, the problem is that when I boot the live usb after some time the usb key is ejected and the system crashes. This problem persists even if I try to install instead of trying Ubuntu. I already checked the usb on my desktop and on that pc everything works swiftly and another usb I just plugged in windows doesn't show this problem.17:45
psiquoCan someone help me solving this?17:46
TJ-cesdo: change the BIOS config back to how it was maybe?17:46
pizzaburgerTJ-: "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" no command found.   "man  ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" no manual entry for  ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase17:46
TJ-pizzaburger: are you sure you have encrypted home directory? try "ls -l /home/.ecryptfs"17:47
cesdoTJ-: great idea17:47
pizzaburgerTJ-: "no such file or directory"17:48
TJ-cesdo: if your friend intends booting from the "JetFlashTranscend USB" then maybe the USB device needs setting as the primary boot device17:48
TJ-pizzaburger: so there is no encrypted home directory17:48
TJ-pizzaburger: what do you see with "ls -latr $HOME/"17:48
ioriapizzaburger, ls -la /home/.ecryptfs   (needs  'a' is hiden)17:49
TJ-ioria: haha good point, thanks17:50
iorianot really :[17:50
TJ-ioria: but the missing tools means the toolsetup for making the encrypted home is missing17:50
ioriaTJ-, the command is in ecryptfs-utils ...17:50
TJ-ioria: right, and it seems pizzaburger's PC doesn't have that package installed17:51
pizzaburgerTJ-: "ls -latr $HOME/" gives me a few lines of stuff, don't know whats the best way to copy them here without typing them out17:51
ioriaTJ-, don't remember if it get installed automatically when you choose encryption17:51
pizzaburgerioria: "ls -la /home/.ecryptfs" no such file or directory17:52
TJ-ioria: it has to! it's used to create the encrypted home17:52
ioriaTJ-,  wrong turn, then17:52
TJ-pizzaburger: if the PC has network access you can do "pastebinit <( ls -al $HOME/ )"17:52
ioriapizzaburger, btw, what about  the ' yes, the whole disk too' ?17:53
mike_papaHello. I'm working with microsoft-mssql container based on Ubuntu, but heavily stripped of everything. I have a problem with running services like cron. systemctl shows it is enabled, but it doesn't start after reboot. Any ideas how to fix that?17:54
pizzaburgerTJ-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25998515/17:54
mike_papaManual starting with "service cron start" works fine. But "systemctl start cron.service" returns: Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory17:55
TJ-pizzaburger: that says you DO have encrypted home. show us "pastebinit <( find /home/.ecryptfs -maxdepth 2 -type d )"17:55
pizzaburgerioria: I chose the disk encryption option when installing. Propmpts to input a passphrase to unlock the drive before booting the os17:55
ioriapizzaburger, we see that17:56
pizzaburgerTJ-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25998541/17:57
sylarioOk, strange question but I have the following error while installing some script : /usr/bin/env: ‘get’: No such file or directory  Is there some common package that include a get command?17:57
TJ-pizzaburger: Right, so that confirms there's an encrypted home. Now let's figure out how you lost the tools! "sudo apt install ecryptfs-utils"17:58
akikmike_papa: what kind of container is it? if docker, you might use supervisord to handle services in it17:59
TJ-sylario: don't know what 'get' is - cannot find a file ending "bin/get" in the archives.18:00
sylarioTJ-: ok, thx18:01
mike_papaakik: it is docker. supervisord? I'm so unfamiliar with docker :(18:01
smclt30pAnyone here has a ThinkPad with a Dock willing to test some software? :)18:01
ioriasylario, can you paste the script shebang ?18:05
akikmike_papa: what you encountered was that there is no process handling services inside the container and it only starts up that mssql service (i guess)18:05
akikmike_papa: you might get more help at #docker but they will tell you to only use one service per container18:06
akikmike_papa: here's the supervisord doc https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/multi-service_container/18:06
mike_papaakik, you're most probably right. I'll read about it. Thanks.18:07
sylario@ioria it was not a script18:07
JoshuaDI am using the mouse theme "Adwita". the default is "Breeze". I have a qt-based program launch at startup (qbittorrent). When it launches at startup, it uses the breeze theme for the mouse pointer instead of the one I have selected. If I close and reopen the program (or launch it any other time than as a startup program) it uses the correct pointer. Any idea how to address that? On XFCE / 16.1018:09
TJ-JoshuaD: wrap startup in a script that imposes a few seconds delay maybe?18:10
JoshuaDcool. Yea that seems like it should work. Any idea why that's happening?18:13
TJ-JoshuaD: I can only imagine the autostart stuff is done before the theme is applied18:13
pizzaburgerTJ-, ioria: okay, so don't beat me too hard but I've just noticed that I misstyped "ecryptfs" with "encryptfs"18:16
TJ-pizzaburger:  :D18:16
TJ-pizzaburger: do you want the command to change the passphrase once more?18:16
sylarioIs it normal on a 16.04 Ubuntu server, for ~.bashrc to have no export PATH= or PATH= ?18:16
sylarioIt is the only user which is also sudoer18:17
sylarioar at least the only one created during install18:17
pizzaburgerTJ-: [17:40] <TJ-> pizzaburger: see "man  ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase"... e.g. "printf "%s\n%s" "<old password>" "<new password>" | ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase -"18:18
TJ-pizzaburger: that's the one :)18:18
pizzaburgerTJ-: what do I type instead of "%s\n%s"?18:19
TJ-pizzaburger: use the command after the "e.g." and you should be able to solve it18:19
TJ-pizzaburger: you type it EXACTLY but replace <old password> and <new password>18:19
JoshuaD@TJ-, that worked. Thnx18:20
TJ-JoshuaD: weird bug that is18:22
pizzaburgerTJ-: "error: unwrapping passphrase failed [-5]"18:24
TJ-pizzaburger: are you sure you've got the <old password> correct?18:25
pizzaburgerTJ-: the old password is the one I used for logging in BEFORE I changed it in user settings and startet having these issues?18:25
TJ-pizzaburger: also, just in case, you know when you originally changed the password (in the GUI), is the new password now the same as the one you changed to then?18:26
TJ-pizzaburger: if the password NOW is different to the one you changed to in the GUI, then <old password> might need to be the GUI-changed password18:26
TJ-pizzaburger: obviously something went wrong and the user password and encryption passphrase are out of sync, so you've got to bring them back into sync.18:27
ioriapizzaburger, if you changed it in the gui , should be fine ...18:29
pizzaburgerTJ-: yes, the new pass I chose in the user settings GUI is the same as the <new passowrd>.18:29
TJ-pizzaburger: Hmmm, then you could have problems.18:29
pizzaburgerioria: well the whole issue is that I changed it in the GUI and after rebooting could not log in18:29
TJ-pizzaburger: in theory the passphrase should be either the old user password or the new one.18:30
TJ-pizzaburger: the only thing I can think of is if the keyboard mapping has changed and it contains non ASCII characters that are being mis-interpreted18:30
ioriapizzaburger, have you tried to restore the old password  ?18:31
pizzaburgerTJ-: only non standard character between the old and new pass is "@"18:31
pizzaburgerioria: you mean using printfs command?18:31
ioriapizzaburger, nope, from recovery, passwd cmd18:32
TJ-pizzaburger: ioria can do that from the user session with just "passwd"18:34
TJ-I recall seeing this bug alot around 14.04 but not seen it in a while18:35
TJ-pizzaburger: you could try using "ecryptfs-mount-private" with both passwords see if one works - that command just tries to unlock and mount, rather than change the existing passphrase18:37
pizzaburgerioria, TJ-: ok, in recovery, "root@a1:~# passwd", type in a password twice, but still get "authentication token manipulation error"18:38
ioriapizzaburger, have you remounted rw the fs ?18:38
TJ-pizzaburger: if you're 'root' then to change a1's password you MUST do "passwd a1"18:39
ioriapizzaburger, mount -o remount,rw /18:39
TJ-pizzaburger: as well as remounting read-write with "mount -o remount,rw /"18:39
* TJ- is off to dinner - pizzaburger has made me hungry18:39
ioriapizzaburger, for 'old' i mean the passwd you used in the installation process  ; and use   passwd a1     not passwd alone18:41
pizzaburgerioria: changed the password back to the one I chose during installation. Login prompt accepts it, screen flashes, then the login propmt comes back up18:46
ioriapizzaburger, and if you login in console and run 'ls'  you see nothing , i guess18:48
pizzaburgerioria: ls gives "access-your-private-data.desktop REDME.txt"18:50
TJ-pizzaburger: at this point you need to use the actual ecryptfs passphrase you were told to record when you created the user account18:50
pizzaburgerTJ-: you mean when I installed the OS? is there a way to check installation date?18:52
TJ-pizzaburger: Yes, when the encrypted home is created and you first log-in there's a dialog box tells you to record the actual passphrase and provides it to you18:53
TJ-pizzaburger: you see, that actual passphrase is used for encryption. To make it secure it is then encrypted itself using your login password. So if you change your login password the underlying tools need to rewrap the actual passphrase using your new password. In your case that has failed and you've not been able to use any password to unwrap it, so you need to use the actual passphrase.18:55
pizzaburgerTJ-: is it a passphrase or a sequence of symbols?18:56
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TJ-pizzaburger: it is output as a printable/writeable sequence19:00
TJ-pizzaburger: if i recall correctly the prompt suggest you write it down on paper and keep it somewhere safe19:01
pizzaburgerTJ-: ok, I think I have it, 32 symbol sequence19:01
TJ-pizzaburger: this is what you'd have seen: https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/650x460ximage138.png.pagespeed.gp+jp+jw+pj+js+rj+rp+rw+ri+cp+md.ic.DW75BAAGau.png19:03
TJ-pizzaburger: Yes, 32 hex digits (0-9a-f)19:04
shade34321I'm plugging in an FPGA dev board into my box via USB and inside dmesg it states it can't enable and maybe the USB cable is bad. I swapped out the cable to one that I know is working, was using it to connect my keyboard, and I still get it. LSUSB shows the board as listed though when I try and upload to it it doesn't work. Any ideas?19:05
pizzaburgerTJ-: oksay, so "ecrypt-unwrap-passphrase" ?19:09
TJ-pizzaburger: no, because you don't know the password. Let me explain, because the terminology used is very confusing...19:10
TJ-pizzaburger: a randomly generated 'key' is created when home directory is encrypted, and presented as those 32 hex digits, and is called the 'passphrase' HOWEVER, they also call the password/passphrase used to encrypt that key a passphrase too!19:11
pizzaburgerTJ-: hmmm, so what are my next steps?19:12
TJ-pizzaburger: we need to take measured steps. Firstly, backup the existing wrapped-passphrase file somewhere safe, then create a new one using the 32 hex-digit passphrase AND your ncurrent user password19:12
TJ-pizzaburger: so backup first: "sudo mv $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase /root/" (saves it the root user's home directory)19:13
pizzaburgerTJ-: is there a way to make sure the 32 hex digits I have are correct before going further? If they're not, then game over i guess19:14
TJ-pizzaburger: then generate the replacement with: "  printf "%s\n%s" "<32-hex-digits>" "<current-user-password>" |  ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase - "19:15
TJ-pizzaburger: you're not destroying the original, just moving it, so if this newly generated wrapper doesn't work we just return the original19:16
* TJ- is really off to dinner now ... once you've done that try logging in from the GUI again19:17
TJ-pizzaburger: how's progress?19:30
lisamuelleruser@server:~$ sudo snap install docker docker 17.06.1-ce from 'docker-inc' installed user@server:~$ docker The program 'docker' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt install docker.io user@server:~$19:36
lisamuellerWhy does this not work19:36
JoshuaDdid you try typing sudo apt install docker.io like it suggests?19:38
wolfcommwhy are there no links for downloading 17.04 server. there something wrong with it? pushing for 17.10 instead?19:40
tomreynwolfcomm: why would you prefer 17.04?19:41
tomreynit's not19:41
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.19:41
wolfcommoh ok, i thought all lts are *.0419:42
tomreynso far, all LTS releases are *.04, but not the other way around19:42
wolfcommk thx19:43
BluesKajon even numbered yrs19:44
lisamuellerWhy does this not work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25999374/19:46
pizzaburgerTJ-: same result, login accepts password, flashes, then the password prompt comes back up20:00
TJ-pizzaburger: right, but has the home directory been unlocked so you can get to your files?20:01
TJ-pizzaburger: what language is your keyboard/locale set to?20:02
pizzaburgerTJ-: en_US, how do I chekc wether my home folder is unlocked?20:02
TJ-pizzaburger: use the text console log-in, then do "ls -al $HOME/" and see if the directories and files you expect are there20:03
TJ-pizzaburger: if you see those few files with ecryptfs in the name then it hasn't unlocked20:03
pizzaburgerTJ-: few files with encryptfs20:05
pizzaburgerTJ-: I'ma go see what my dog is barking at, will get back in ~0.5h if youre still up and not completely agonized by my problems20:08
TJ-pizzaburger: so there is still something wrong, this isn't good. Do you have backups of any files you need from your home directory?20:08
TJ-pizzaburger: OK.20:08
brymhi all. fresh install of 16.04 keeps dropping to emergency mode at boot.20:09
TJ-pizzaburger: next step is to prove the password you just used to wrap the passphrase actually unwraps it to with "printf "%s" "<password>" | ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase -"  ... you should see the same 32 digit hex value as your recorded passphrase20:10
skinuxI've two questions. First, I have a Windows account setup on a remote computer. I want to be able to view the share on that other computer from my Ubuntu?20:12
brymskinux: how are you connecting to the remote computer?20:13
skinuxUmm, that's what I need to know..how to do it.20:13
brymfair enough lol20:13
StumpDumbim having problems burning an audio cd. using ubuntu 17.10 n Brasero20:14
StumpDumbwen I run brasero from terminal I get: (brasero:15029): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_load_from_file: assertion 'file != NULL' failed20:15
StumpDumbAnd ** (brasero:15029): WARNING **: Could not establish a connection to Tracker: Failed to load SPARQL backend: Key file does not have group “DomainOntology”20:16
StumpDumbWood one of these issues prevent an audio cd Burn?20:16
brainwashat which point do these messages appear, and at which point does burning a cd fail?20:17
StumpDumbthese two messages come up when I start Brasero20:18
brainwashand the burning process?20:19
brainwashlike, does it stop doing its job the moment you hit the "burn audio cd" button?20:20
StumpDumbwhen I start a Burn, it hangs when it starts to burn, now a message pops up "Brasero has stopped responding do you wish to wait or Force Quite"20:23
brainwashso, the application crashes20:23
StumpDumbit is not immediately, it locks up after maybe 30 sec20:24
brainwashan older bug report bug 165333820:24
ubottubug 1653338 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Brasero crash when burning start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165333820:24
TJ-check /var/log/kern.log for DVD/CD-writer I/O errors when it's trying to write20:24
StumpDumbyes Crashes20:24
brymskinux: make a new folder and mount your remote share to it:20:24
brymskinux: sudo mkdir /mnt/winshare20:25
StumpDumbI ran it from terminal this time to see wud up20:26
brainwashgnome wiki says to run it like this:20:26
brainwashbrasero -g --brasero-media-debug > log 2>&120:26
brainwashthis will write debug output to the file "log"20:26
TJ-I/O errors in that bug you linked in the log shows "31 10:44:28 username-G43M01 kernel: brasero: sending ioctl 2285 to a partition!"20:26
brymmount -t cifs //remote-ip/sharepath -o username=myUser,password=myPassword /mnt/winshare20:27
lisamuellerWhy does this not work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25999374/ ? I really need your help20:27
StumpDumbhere are some more info from term....20:27
StumpDumb(brasero:15029): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: attempting to add an interface (EggTreeMultiDragSource) to class (GtkFileSystemModel) after class_init20:28
StumpDumb(brasero:15029): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: attempting to add an interface (EggTreeMultiDragSource) to class (GtkFileSystemModel) after class_init20:28
brainwashthat's just a warning20:28
StumpDumb(brasero:15029): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: attempting to add an interface (EggTreeMultiDragSource) to class (GtkFileSystemModel) after class_init20:28
StumpDumb(brasero:15029): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 4604 was not found when attempting to remove it20:28
StumpDumbGtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.20:28
StumpDumbGtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.20:28
StumpDumbokay thats all of 'em20:29
brainwashobtain a debug output, and like TJ- said, check /var/log/kern.log also20:29
StumpDumbokie dokie...one moment plz20:30
brymso, after a fresh 16.04 install, the box keeps dropping into emergency mode. any suggestions?20:40
ioriabrym, bad install20:41
brymthat's what i thought. but this is the 3rd attempt with a fresh iso installed onto different usb devices each time.20:42
brympotential hdd issue on the box?20:43
ioriabrym, how did you do the usb ?20:43
brymstartup disk creator20:43
ioriabrym, use dd20:43
EriC^^did you md5 the iso?20:43
StumpDumbokay here's the log file: https://pastebin.com/Skmst62q20:44
TJ-brym: dropping to emergency mode doesn't help us; what warning/error messages were logged? the console says use "journalctl -xb" to inspect the log when that happens20:44
brymdidn't. but they were freshly downloaded from ubuntu.com each time just in case the downloads corrupted20:44
TJ-StumpDumb: there's not much in that log-file; only shows the early part of boot, not when the error happened20:45
TJ-StumpDumb: try "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/kern.log )"20:46
skinuxWhich directories would I need to backup to have software, software settings, and docs?20:47
JoshuaD16.10: after running apt install wine-stable, it appears like wine installs normally. Then I type "which wine" and get "wine not found". Any idea what's going on there?20:50
pizzaburgerTJ-: [20:10] <TJ-> pizzaburger: next step is to prove the password you just used to wrap the passphrase actually unwraps it to with "printf "%s" "<password>" | ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase -"  ... you should see the same 32 digit hex value as your recorded passphrase               gave me the same 32 hex digits20:52
TJ-pizzaburger: OK!!! result at last. So, that proves your password is correctly wrapping it. Which means there's something wrong with the GUI login.20:54
pizzaburgerTJ-: same ones I typed in "  printf "%s\n%s" "<32-hex-digits>" "<current-user-password>" |  ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase $HOME/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase - "20:54
TJ-pizzaburger: so, now let's see if you can manually unlock home with "ecryptfs-mount-private"20:54
StumpDumbso this is the log file to the end of the file....https://pastebin.com/FwwUWPkJ20:55
TJ-pizzaburger: if that seems to have worked with no errors reported, do "cd /; cd $HOME; ls -al" and see if your files have appeared20:55
TJ-StumpDumb: "14:32:38 owner-AO722 kernel: [ 2248.814340] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] tag#0 Sense Key : Hardware Error [current]"20:56
pizzaburgerTJ-: "inserted auth tok with sig *some symbols* into the user session keyring. Signature not found in user keyring. Perhaps try the interactive 'ecryptfs-mount-private'"20:58
StumpDumbplz elaborate.....20:58
pizzaburgerTJ-: it suggest using the same command I just used20:58
TJ-pizzaburger: ohh... there's a fix for that hang on, I have it on my scripts20:59
TJ-pizzaburger: do this "sudo keyctl link @u @s" and then redo "ecryptfs-mount-private"21:02
pizzaburgerTJ-: same output21:04
TJ-pizzaburger: Grrrr!21:05
StumpDumbso how do I proceed from here?21:06
TJ-pizzaburger: try "sudo keyctl link @u @us" and then redo "ecryptfs-mount-private"21:06
TJ-StumpDumb: fix the hardware error... cables possibly, or else the write head is dirty21:06
TJ-StumpDumb: it seems like it might not even be sensing the CD but I forgot how to read those error codes now21:07
pizzaburgerTJ-: getting the same message with signature not found in user keyring21:09
StumpDumbI just burnt a data disc, I will try that.21:09
TJ-pizzaburger: hmmm, maybe it's not wanting 'sudo' in this instance. I use that fix for doing stuff as root. Try just "keyctl @u @s" then redo the mount command21:09
pizzaburgerTJ-: no change21:11
heyyais the baremetal solution MAAS completely opensource?  I was uncelar abou that.  All features are available?21:13
TJ-pizzaburger: sheesh! you sure know how to make a good bug!21:13
StumpDumbI did Not touch the cables or clean the head and it burnt the data CD without issue...this is Definitely a Software issue21:13
TJ-pizzaburger: can you pastebin "tail -n 100 /var/log/kern.log"21:13
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TJ-StumpDumb: not according to that error. The drive itself is telling the OS there's a hardware fault21:14
StumpDumbwhy does it burn data cd's fine, same hardware is being used?21:15
TJ-StumpDumb: possibly some incompatibility when doing CDDA21:15
TJ-StumpDumb: it could be the drive isn't reacting correctly to some ATA command being sent to it21:15
StumpDumbb rite back21:16
pizzaburgerTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26000174/21:16
TJ-StumpDumb: it's a USB device? There are lots of issues with USB<>ATA bridges where they don't correctly support the ATAPI command set21:17
TJ-pizzaburger: that's weird; I don't see any kernel errors about the kernel keyring.21:18
TJ-pizzaburger: OK, let me summarise the situation. You've now set the correct password to wrap the passphrase. The problem now is another one entirely. The kernel has several different keyrings @u = user, @s = session, @us = user-session) and the ecryptfs drivers but the actual decryption key into one of the kernel keyrings - the problem is there is a bug in ecryptfs where it can end up putting the key into the21:20
TJ-wrong keyring, and then you get "Signature not found in user keyring"21:20
TJ-pizzaburger: those "keyctl link  ... " commands are supposed to link one keyring into another, so the actual key can be found.21:21
StumpDumbyes two USB cables to external drive21:21
TJ-pizzaburger: the problem is, we don't seem to be getting the correct linkage set!21:21
pizzaburgerTJ-: so I messed up big time by trying to change my password through User Settings?21:22
TJ-pizzaburger: no you didn't, you hit an obscure but nasty bug. You did it the correct way21:25
TJ-pizzaburger: I can't explain how it broke although I have some ideas; I've hit this but a very long time ago (14.04 Trusty)21:26
TJ-pizzaburger: if I can only remember how to fix this keyctl issue you'll have your $HOME back :)21:26
TJ-pizzaburger: one permutation we didn't try: "keyctl link @us @s" ... then try ...mount.. again :)21:28
StumpDumbis there a way I can verify if the drive works w the ATAPI commnd set?21:28
TJ-pizzaburger: failing that i'll need to grab some info from you21:28
pizzaburgerTJ-: alright. What info do you need?21:29
TJ-pizzaburger: ... "pastebinit <( keyctl show;  ecryptfs-mount-private 2>&1 ; keyctl show )"21:30
TJ-pizzaburger: sorry it's so long winded over IRC - it'd be 100 times faster if it were in front of me :)21:30
TJ-StumpDumb: can you *play* a CDDA from that device on the PC (not burn one) ?21:33
pizzaburgerTJ-:  should it give the output instantly? I'm getting an empty line21:33
StumpDumblet me dig one up, one momnt21:33
TJ-pizzaburger: did I mistype?  oh I know! press Ctrl+C to kill it I think the redirect made it fail21:33
TJ-pizzaburger: once back at the shell prompt do  "pastebinit <( keyctl show;  ecryptfs-mount-private ; keyctl show )"21:34
pizzaburgerTJ-: same empty line21:35
TJ-pizzaburger: that is weird! I can't see I've missed anything. OK lets do it another way!!21:36
pizzaburgerTJ-:  and you don't have to apologise for anything. I'm extremely grateful that you are spending your time helping a complete stranger21:36
TJ-pizzaburger: we'll capture the output into a file then paste that. "script /tmp/keyctl.log"  then at the prompt do, in turn, "keyctl show"  then "ecryptfs-mount-private" then "keyctl show"   then "exit" then "pastebinit /tmp/keyctl.log"21:37
StumpDumbAudio CD plays great in drive21:40
pizzaburgerTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26000358/21:40
TJ-StumpDumb: hmmm... so something to do with the 'write' command then most likely. Not sure what to suggest21:41
TJ-pizzaburger: I'll take you through what we're seeing there. ecryptfs-mount-private says it adds te key 769688550d78ced9 to the "user session" keyring... then next it says it can't find the signature in the "user" keyring. Looking at the output of "keyctl show" you can see that 769688550d78ced9 exists both under  _uid_ses.1000 (user-session) and _uid.1000 (user)21:43
StumpDumbwhile diggin around came across brasero log file in said file came across /usr/bin/wodim: OPC failed.21:45
TJ-pizzaburger: there may be a workaround for this: do "ecryptfs-manager" and select option 4 "Exit" then do "ecryptfs-mount-private"21:46
TJ-StumpDumb: yes, that's in your kernel log too21:46
pizzaburgerTJ-: same "sig not found in user keyring" gospel21:47
TJ-pizzaburger: !!21:48
StumpDumbis it a different command to burn data verses audio?21:52
klemaxafter upgrading to 17.10, DNS Lookups fail randomly.21:54
klemaxI could not find out this issue.21:54
StickyNipplesLibreOffice should adopt the photonUI from firefox quantum21:54
StickyNipplesthat'd be neat21:54
TJ-pizzaburger: I'm looking at bug reports, and at my keyctl config on 16.04 compared to yours since there are differences in the order the keyrings are linked21:55
pizzaburgerTJ-: does it make a difference that I'm running xubuntu?21:57
TJ-pizzaburger: none at all21:59
TJ-pizzaburger: the clue is in the message "Signature not found in user keyring" but by 'user' does it mean your 'a1' or the 'root' user. The workaround I talked of earlier has to have it in the root user's  due to calling the 'mount' command which requires root22:01
pizzaburgerTJ-: quite a pickle to be in22:05
TJ-pizzaburger: an idea! since we know the password unwraps the passphrase now, how about a clean reboot and hope?22:05
TJ-pizzaburger: we may have got the system confused with all we've been doing22:05
pizzaburgerTJ-: fingers crossed22:06
TJ-pizzaburger: stand over it with a sledgehammer and look threatening :)22:07
pizzaburgerTJ-: it's used to it by now, 7+ years and still going22:08
TJ-pizzaburger: :D22:08
pizzaburgerTJ-: should i just try to login through GUI ?22:08
TJ-pizzaburger: Yes22:08
pizzaburgerTJ-: no cigar22:09
TJ-pizzaburger: well grrr. Alt+Ctrl+F2 and try there22:09
TJ-pizzaburger: once logged in "ls -al" and see if your file have been decrypted22:09
pizzaburgerTJ-: few private and ecryptfs files22:10
TJ-pizzaburger: OK: "pastebinit <( keyctl show )"22:10
pizzaburgerTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26000564/22:11
TJ-pizzaburger: you notice the keys HAVE been added to the user keyring!22:11
TJ-pizzaburger: so this isn't a failure to unwrap any more, it's a failure to read the key from the keyring it was inserted in22:12
pizzaburgerTJ-: it seems that this rabbit hole keeps getting deeper22:13
TJ-pizzaburger: are you working as the root user? I'm confused that the session is owned by user id 0 (root) - the first two lines. a1's user id will be 100022:13
pizzaburgerTJ-: does this still fall under a "bug" or just me being uneducated in linux?22:13
TJ-pizzaburger: this is a major bug22:13
pizzaburgerTJ-: I'm working as a a1@a122:14
TJ-pizzaburger: right, so... I *think* the problem here is the top-level session keyring for your user is owned by UID 0 (root). It should be owned by your user's ID which is 1000.22:15
TJ-pizzaburger: I'm going to ask some other users on 17.10 to check what their keyring looks like, give me a few minutes22:17
TJ-pizzaburger: typical; no-ones home!22:22
TJ-pizzaburger: and I only have 17.10 in containers not bare-metal or VMs22:25
TJ-pizzaburger: i want to discover if your 'keyctl show' output is correct for 17.10 with UID 0 owning the session22:25
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pizzaburgerTJ-: Ima go walk my dog, please tell me if you happen to discover anything detrimental, thank you!22:53
TJ-pizzaburger: I will; not had a reply from anyone... all out enjoying themselves Sunday evening!22:55
TJ-pizzaburger: I might be gone to bed shortly so we may have to resume tomorrow (I'm on UK)22:55
pizzaburgerTJ-: should I just abandon ship and reinstall?22:58
pizzaburgerTJ-: are you gonna be here tomorrow?22:58
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vivusHow do I find the same files in 2 folders where the structures look like so: folder/somefile.txt folder/subfolder1/somefile.txt folder/subfolder2/some2file.txt ?23:00
savollahello everyone!23:04
TJ-pizzaburger: I'll be around tomorrow. If you don't have vital data to recover a reinstall may well be quicker, although it'd be good to resolve the problem since it's so serious23:06
lordcirthvivus, do you mean searching for files with identical contents?  The tool 'fdupes' is excellent23:09
vivuslordcirth: yes, I have around 10 files that I copied into a folder and I want to see from which folders I copied those files from23:09
lordcirthvivus, sudo apt install fdupes; man fdupes23:10
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zerothiswithin a minute of starting ubuntu, it becomes unstable. apps fail to run (segfault). other run but crash if I try to scroll or right-click (for examples). Some just seem to crash randomely. The system also hangs sometimes23:39
dedzeHi, is there a IRC channel where I can ask about windows phones security? I tried googling and can't find a place to ask my question and here is the only chat that I thought of to ask this question23:40
zerothiswithin a minute of starting ubuntu it becomes unstable. apps segfault befor starting or when doing things like scrolling ot right clicking. lxpanel hands or vanishes. The system sometimes hangs. Some apps are fine or crash randomly23:41
TJ-zerothis: sounds like overheating issues23:42
zerothiswhy would my brand new laptop overheat? and why now rather than a month ago when i got it?23:43
TJ-zerothis: no idea - fluff in the radiator? check the logs, check sensors, don't guess23:43
zerothisI'm at 42°C right now, and the instability is already starting. Some apps will run for hours, some don't crash or hang at all23:45
TJ-zerothis: any clues from "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" or "dmesg -w" (they're 2 ways to monitor the same log!) ?23:45
TJ-zerothis: the other possibility is a failing RAM module23:46
TJ-zerothis: or corruption on-disk causing the exectuables to misbehave23:46
FurretUberzerothis: which version of Ubuntu?23:49
zerothis35° error 4 in libapt-pkg...,error 4 in python2.6,rror 4 in libc-2.26...,error 4 in libgtk-3... i just installed ircii to chat here23:49
zerothislxterminal fails to lanch sometimes, xterm always works, virtual console sometimes works23:49
FurretUberI have artful in my notebook. It's 1 year old, but was latest technology at the time, and it had problems similar to this due to a bug in Artful's kernel on wireless23:51
zerothisworkarround? or do i downgrade?23:51
FurretUberI had to install the kernel 4.14 mainline to solve. If this is the same problem, you will be able to see with dmesg23:52
FurretUberIt started with something like:23:53
FurretUber[  242.517621] INFO: task kworker/u8:4:176 blocked for more than 120 seconds.23:53
TJ-zerothis: which version of Ubuntu is it? and has the kernel been upgraded just before this started to happen?23:54
FurretUberThe dmesg message on my case was: https://pastebin.com/7FA69dme23:55

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