
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
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smoserblackboxsw: i found the artful issue.16:54
smosersmoser error16:54
smoseri had made one fix to yours, and i think i must have accidently/ignorantly un-done the merge commit16:55
blackboxswsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33405116:55
smoserwhen i added 1a252d46cc6739bc501fc06bde0b5e25e803266b16:56
blackboxswahh oops16:56
blackboxswfirst rule of cloud-init-club is: "smoser doesn't make errors"16:56
blackboxswwait that's 2nd rule. First rule is "there is no cloud-init-club"16:57
blackboxswsmoser: by "undone the merge commit" you mean like a rebase -i HEAD~2   and a 'fixup' which squashed the merge-commit or something?16:58
smosereithe rthat ir o thik i might have just reset --hard HEA^17:03
smoseri'im not sure.17:03
smoserupstream now has ubuntu/17.1-27-geb292c18-0ubuntu1_17.10.1 correctly17:03
smoserand merge-base shows the same for artful and xenial and zesty17:03
smoserblackboxsw: you did not strip the bug numbers from the changelog17:04
smoseri guess we have 2 options.17:04
smosera.) megabug route17:05
smoserb.) individual bugs17:05
blackboxswoops quick touch one min17:05
blackboxswlet's do megabug, I like one bug to point people at17:05
smosereither way, we were dropping the non-ubuntu bugs (sles ones are in there)17:05
blackboxswI'll create a bug17:05
smoserand gentoo17:05
yeazelmI need a little help with the CI for my PR17:06
yeazelmhttps://code.launchpad.net/~yeazelm/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/331897 - I'm not sure what to do about  FAILED: Ubuntu LTS: Integration17:07
blackboxswhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1733653 filed17:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1733653 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "sru cloud-init (17.1-27-geb292c18) update to (17.1-42-gbbe91cdc)" [Undecided,New]17:09
blackboxswyeazelm: looking17:10
blackboxswlooks like may have had a slave failure installing the testable deb http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26013415/17:12
blackboxswI'll re-run your tests yeazelm17:12
blackboxswif that's not it I'll look locally at the prob17:12
yeazelmawesome thanks!17:17
blackboxswnp yeazelm thank you17:19
blackboxswsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334063 for you17:19
blackboxswxenial with just the SRU bug and debian packaging bug17:20
blackboxswsmoser, and I pulled in mccabe's  should I leave that out17:20
smoserblackboxsw:  you can just leave it out17:26
blackboxswsmoser: will leave it out to match bionic17:27
smosernew-upstream-snapshot HEAD^17:27
smoseryou get the point17:27
smoseryoucan give it anything just give it the commit that went into bionic. then easier.17:27
blackboxswsmoser: good deal. repushed zesty https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33406517:31
blackboxswusing SRU megabug17:31
blackboxswand fixing names, dropping bugs17:31
blackboxswxenial up https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33406617:37
blackboxswI thought I saw a CI failure fly by on zesty.17:37
blackboxswtox locally wfm17:37
smoserblackboxsw: i was wrong about not collecting consoel logs17:39
smoserwe do get them17:39
smoseri think that i saw them fail in -proposed, which is missing my cleanup commit that added those.17:40
smoserblackboxsw: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/530/console17:53
smoseroh shoot.17:53
blackboxswsmoser: so cherry-pick needed me to touch it?17:54
blackboxswto avoid patch fuzz?17:54
blackboxsw        Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Skipping patch.17:54
smoserso ... what happened here.17:55
blackboxswahh oops17:55
smoseryou used 'git cherry-pick 1110f30ee9b4703a3c66fc678c0df3f0862cc7eb' ?17:55
blackboxsw./debian/cherry-pick 1110f30ee9b4703a3c66fc678c0df3f0862cc7eb17:55
smoseror './debian/cherry-pick'17:55
smoseryeah, you want he former17:55
smoserit is confusing. sorry.17:55
blackboxswok recreating17:56
smoser./debian/cherry-pick takes an upstream commit and applies it via patches/debian/cpick-XXX-XXX to an ubuntu branch17:56
blackboxswmy bad17:56
smoserbut we manage the ubuntu branches directly with git17:56
smoserthat difference make sense ?17:56
smoserand when you do 'cherry-pick 1110f30ee9b4' use '-x'17:57
smoser(which i just nwo learned about). so we have a record in the commit, even though its probably obvious17:57
blackboxswsmoser: so why do we want cpick files then?17:59
blackboxswonly when we don't manage the branches directly?17:59
blackboxswsmoser: also when I git cherry-pick, it doesn't add anything to the changelog.18:00
blackboxswso I should add that back in right?18:00
smoserblackboxsw: ...writing something, and then i'll update https://gist.github.com/smoser/6391b854e6a80475aac473bba4ef0310#file-ubuntu-release-process-md18:00
blackboxswsmoser I'm working on adding test/skip references for trello for this SRU18:12
* smoser feels like he should hit the 'buy us coffee' button for hackio.md18:17
blackboxswyeah I was thinking the same thing. $5 latte here you come (Thanksgiving and all)18:20
blackboxsw✔thanks hackmd18:22
smoserblackboxsw: ^ is updated now. should hopefully make some sense.18:34
smoserugh. going to figure out why https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/531/console18:39
blackboxswthx smoser18:40
powersjI have a hunch it is because the version in the container is newer than the package you are trying to install18:55
blackboxswthanks for the gist update smoser18:57
shewlesshello there. does anyone know if I can use the phone_home module to call multiple urls?18:58
blackboxswxenial, zesty and artful sru review pushed https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334072, https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334071 and https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33407018:59
smoserblackboxsw: grabbing19:01
blackboxswshewless: doesn't look like the module supports it.  I wonder if you could either provide multiple mime type /cloud-config text/cloud-config parts. per http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/format.html?highlight=include19:01
blackboxswbut I'm thinking the merge of all those cloud-init parts would actually just give you whatever cc_phone_home section was defined last..19:02
shewlessblackboxsw: thanks for confirming19:03
shewlessmaybe you can help a different way19:04
blackboxswhmm shewless shortly we'll have the ability to run "cloud-init status --wait" in scripts and your script your provide could do whatever you want19:04
shewlessI want to run a command, like in "runcmd" but I want to do it in the cloud_final_modules stage.. any hints?19:04
blackboxswshewless: per https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/333513 (the status subcommand I referenced)19:04
shewlessblackboxsw: looks cool.. I think I was trying to do too much in the phone_home module perhaps19:05
blackboxswshewless: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/boot.html?highlight=stages19:06
blackboxswruncmd is run during final cloud-init stage19:06
blackboxswif that helps. it's when every other module has run19:06
blackboxsw*has finished running  rather19:06
blackboxswsame with any provided user-scripts you provide19:07
blackboxswit's run during final cloud-init stage19:07
shewlessblackboxsw: thanks!19:08
blackboxswnp (and another link to continue spamming you :) ) http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/format.html#user-data-script19:09
shewlessblackboxsw: thank link confused me. The user-data can be code?19:10
blackboxswshewless: yeah you can actually provide any script to cloud init that starts with #!19:14
blackboxswand cloud-init writes that script to a file that is run in final stages19:14
blackboxswwrite_files: is another alternative that lets you be more explicit about where you want your script written (and how you want to call it using runcmd:)19:15
blackboxswI'm probably providing too many alternatives. sorry to confuse19:15
shewlessblackboxsw: mind explodes.. but thanks I'm good for now19:17
blackboxswhehe, turkey will help if you are US based19:19
shewlessnope.. had my thanksgiving in Oct19:26
shewlessmaybe a good black friday deal will help :P19:26
smosershewless: feel free to buy me things too. i like stuff.19:29
shewlessdon't we all19:31
smoserblackboxsw or powersj https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33407419:36
powersjsmoser: thx +1'ed19:39
smoserok. i'll wait on ci to happy on nit and then pull19:41
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334065 . in your changelog, i think i'd drop the 'cherry-pick 1110f30:'19:45
smosersince its not an upstream change that we're cherry-picking.19:45
smoseri can fix that here.19:45
blackboxswsmoser: ahh ok gotcha smoser19:48
blackboxswsmoser: tests/cloud_tests/setup_image.py:63:9: E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line19:49
blackboxswon your test branch19:49
smoserah. thanks.19:50
smoserblackboxsw: uploaded20:13
smoserwe  need a sru template for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/172818620:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1728186 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "AliYun datasource has wrong case in config" [Medium,In progress]20:13
smoserand update to the megabug bug 173365320:13
ubot5bug 1733653 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "sru cloud-init (17.1-27-geb292c18) update to (17.1-42-gbbe91cdc)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173365320:13
smoserthat really sucks20:23
smoserso the hold and apt-get install works if the package is older than the one available20:23
smoserbut if it is newer, then it fails like in https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/536/console20:23
blackboxswSmoser will do20:27
blackboxswAlso I'm thinking we need to automatically add nominations for the Ubuntu related bugs for the xenial,zesty and artful20:29
smoserblackboxsw: well, we can do that, yes. that ws the extra tracking that we've talked aobut.20:31
blackboxswyeah I'll just take care of it later (when the SRU lands)20:43
blackboxswas an accounting step20:43
smoserblackboxsw: unless you object shortly...21:26
smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33407421:26
smosergonna pull that.21:26
blackboxswnice smoser was that a recommendation from ubuntu-devel?21:50
blackboxswtesting the cmdline now21:50
blackboxswthough already merged21:50
blackboxswsmoser: sru template written https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful/+source/cloud-init/+bug/173365322:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1733653 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "sru cloud-init (17.1-27-geb292c18) update to (17.1-42-gbbe91cdc)" [Medium,In progress]22:04

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