
R_P_Sbut I'm guessing it's not supposed to go through the kubeapi-load-balancer... which means I need something else that has a public IP (AWS ELB, proxy instance in public subnet, some other juju charm?)00:02
R_P_Sholy crap, EOD... I'll need to pick this up in the morning and I'll check logs when I get in :\00:02
[Kid]yeah, i know what you mean00:05
bdxR_P_S, [Kid]: using conjure-up, there is the 'deis' post install option I think01:18
bdxthat deis install should also bring with it a load-balancer for your apllication level ingress01:18
bdxmight be an easy option for you01:19
bdxI know doing ingress correctly can be a battle01:19
bdxand there are different way of doing it depending on what framework/workflow/architecture your targeting01:20
bdxto tell you the truth I'm not sure how the deis deploy works outside of the aws provider01:20
admcleod_if i have a charm which doesnt support say, artful, how can i force that deployment in a bundle?04:12
tingweiHi there! My juju is running on lxd, it hanged after fill up the lxd space. The lxd space was expanded which is zfs. But juju is still not responding. Is there any way to get it back?07:59
tingwei*The lxd space was expanded using zfs at backend.08:00
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tingweiIt works after rebooting the container.08:26
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R_P_S bdx: I'm unsure how to invoke conjure-up now that all my infrastructure is already online.  it wants to create a new controller.  If I try specifying my controller + model, it complains that my "controller name" is not a spell16:23
bdxahh, yeah, so16:23
R_P_Sdeis does not appear to be a spell either16:23
R_P_Soh hey, while you're here... is deis and helm the same thing?16:24
bdxR_P_S: deis is an "addon"16:24
bdxR_P_S: I took about 2 weeks and became very familiar with all of the tooling surrounding k8s16:24
bdxwhen I was first diving in16:24
bdxI highly suggest you do the same16:24
bdxit will enable you to be proactive in your k8s dev instead of always wondering wtf16:25
bdxyou need to go down a few rabbit holes my friend16:25
R_P_Sas indicated earlier, I do not have that time... my manager has already asked me why it's taking so long :(16:25
bdxoh man16:25
bdxwell if your only interface to this thing is to get it standing, and not to understand it16:26
bdxthen you shouldn't need to concern your self with the tooling16:26
R_P_Swell, I have a kubernetes cluster online, but I did a demo app and it tried to create a load balancer which got stuck in pending forever16:27
bdxI see16:27
bdxfollow the instructions here https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes/16:28
bdxand deploy the microbot example16:28
bdxthen cut the cord16:28
bdxthats your best bet16:28
bdxunless you plan on learning some thing16:28
R_P_Sthe diagram at the top of the page is essentially what I have now16:29
bdxand you boss will need to understand that its going to take you 1 month of k8s academia to start being able to understand how it works and deploy apps and what not16:29
bdxso just follow the instructions there16:30
bdxhad you not seen those yet?16:30
R_P_Sno, I'16:30
R_P_SI've never seen anything related to squid config16:30
R_P_Soh, the squid is for egress... don't think that's an issue at this time16:31
R_P_SI can't get any ingress except for the kubeapi-load-balancer16:31
bdxtry ^ example16:32
bdxif it doesn't work16:32
bdxcreate a bug16:32
bdxthere is a link to "submit a bug" on ^ page16:32
bdx^ is more productive/proactive way of getting to the bottom of what ever you are having trouble with16:33
R_P_Sso I don't understand why I'm asked to select deis or helm in conjure-up.  I tried googling the difference, and the first link was16:35
bdxR_P_S: helm is used to install deis16:36
bdx`helm repo add deis https://charts.deis.com/workflow`16:36
R_P_Sis helm is required for deis, why can I install deis without helm?16:36
bdx`helm install deis/workflow --namespace deis`16:36
bdxthe conjure-up deis addon takes care of that for you16:36
bdxso you can just get a platform bootstrapped with the deis workflow, and you can start deploying apps with a single command16:37
bdxand you can just know how to use deis16:37
bdxyou don't need to understand how anything works underneath16:37
R_P_Sthat is not clear at all in the conjure-up screen that asks between deis or helm :\16:37
stokachuif you pick deis everything is setup for you including helm16:38
stokachuif you pick helm then you just get helm16:38
bdxwell if you understand what deis is it would make sense16:38
R_P_Sthat feels like chicken and egg lol16:38
stokachuhow so16:39
R_P_S"here's an explanation of 2 tools in conjure-up, but if you don't understand the tools, this explanation will make no sense"16:39
R_P_Sso either you already know what they do and need no explanation, or you don't know what they do and the explanations might as well be written in another language16:39
bdxwell if I told you openstack would serve you better then a public cloud, it wouldn't make sense unless you understood what openstack was16:40
bdxor a car over a bike16:40
bdxyou would have to know what a bike is16:41
bdxto understand16:41
bdxand a car16:41
bdxcorrect me if I'm wrong here, but its not conjure-up, or juju's responsibility to provide education on 3rd party software16:43
bdxconjure-up/juju, provide the thing16:44
bdxits up to you to know how to use it16:44
R_P_Sthis conversation is devolving :(  I do hope you understand I'm trying my best here16:47
stokachuR_P_S: what more would you want in the screen listing the addons?16:48
stokachuurls to their websites?16:48
R_P_Sthis line here actually explains a ton: <stokachu> if you pick deis everything is setup for you including helm16:50
stokachunot really as you stated you don't know what deis or helm actually is16:51
R_P_SI am presented with 2 options.  Except you stated that option 1 includes option 2.  That alone makes decisions much easier going forward16:52
stokachuhmm ok16:53
R_P_Sactually, I'm presented with 3 options... I can go with neither16:53
R_P_Sand when selecting deis or helm, it doesn't become clear why the options are limtied to aws afterwards, since googling "deis on azure" yields ocs from deis own website16:54
stokachuavaialble clouds are enabled according to the spell, we just actually fixed it to show all clouds but give you a reason as to why some are enabled and not others16:56
R_P_Sthat's a nice feature16:57
NavinHi guys17:17
NavinI am fairly new to juju17:17
NavinHoping for some help from you guys17:17
NavinI have been trying to bootstrap juju to openstack, that is hosted in one of the VM's I have spun up on a bare-metal17:18
NavinBut, this is following error I have been receiving:17:18
Navin11:36:59 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:496 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run instance: No valid host was found.17:18
NavinAny inputs on this would be highly appreciated, thanks17:19
Navinor if there's any other info required for troubleshooting, I would be more than happy to provide with the same..thanks so mcuh17:19
rick_hNavin: try with --debug on the command and see if there's more details. It should show you what kind of instance it's looking for17:22
NavinThank rick for your reponse17:23
NavinI did use the --debug command17:23
Navin11:36:41 DEBUG goose <autogenerated>:22 discovered API versions: [{Version:{major:2 minor:0} Links:[{Href: Rel:self}] Status:CURRENT}] 11:36:41 DEBUG juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1022 using network id "5227f5c1-3857-4295-be56-2b1acb3af717" 11:36:46 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1146 trying to build instance in availability zone "nova" 11:36:59 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1117:24
Navin11:36:59 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:1126 Instance "bce33e58-51dd-4eef-aaf8-4a67298ce90e" in ERROR state with fault "No valid host was found. "17:24
NavinI can see it's pointing to a specific instance "bce33e58-51dd-4eef-aaf8-4a67298ce90e" in ERROR state but I am not sure how to fix this17:26
NavinAny advise on this Nick?17:26
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
R_P_Sthe deis addon failed to install as part of conjure-up/canonical-kubernetes.  It looks like it created all the infrastructure (juju status shows everything operational)18:57
R_P_Sso there's a charm for kubeapi-load-balancer, which is meant to be a public facing instance for the masters (auto config etc)20:12
R_P_Sis there a juju charm for load-balancing the workers?  From what I can tell, I can either expose the workers by putting them in a public subnet, which is less than ideal, or by having a load balancer charm that is in a public subnet on it's own with a relationship to the workers20:13
bdxcory_fu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26014595/20:14
R_P_Swhen searching nginx, I only came across one option - "nginx dh" which states it requires a whole pile of other charms including psql, "devicehive", zookeeper and kafka...20:15
bdxis there something else that needs to change, other then using endpoint_from_name('endpoint-name')20:15
bdxR_P_S: deploy vanilla k8s using conjure up with no private subnets20:18
bdxand the load balancing ingress and deis work20:19
bdxyou *should* end up with an elb endpoint that will proxy to your workers20:19
cory_fubdx: No, that looks like my mistake.  I’ll take a quick look20:19
bdxcory_fu: thank_u20:21
R_P_Sbdx: I tried a vanilla install of k8s with deis and it bailed at the deis addon part... Exception: Failure in step /home/R_P_S/.cache/conjure-up/canonical-kubernetes/addons/deis/steps/step-01_install-workflow20:22
R_P_Sso I've got full infrastructure running without deis20:23
bdxI see20:23
bdxR_P_S: to get that fixed, so it will work for you, please file a bug with conjure-up20:23
cory_fubdx: Oh, sorry.  There was one thing that has to change.  The flag pattern is now “endpoint.{endpoint_name}.foo” to be consistent20:36
bdxahh, in my interface layers, gotcha20:38
bdxcory_fu: looking through the Endpoints class, I don't see self.relations or self.endpoints, do those come from RelationFactory ?20:44
bdxcory_fu: might you be kind enough to point me in the direction of where that code lives?20:45
bdxcory_fu: or possibly there is only self.endpoints now, because we are ditching the relation metaphor ?20:45
bdxEndpoint* class^20:47
cory_fubdx: The terminology is that “endpoints” are the named connection point which form either end of a relation, with the “relation” being the active connection.  So, the name is associated with the endpoint, and the Endpoint instance has a list of established relations20:47
bdxthanks for that20:48
cory_fubdx: The relations property is defined here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/charms.reactive/blob/feature/new-relations/charms/reactive/endpoints.py#L12720:48
bdxexcellent, thank you20:48
bdxso self.relations is still a thing20:49
bdxsweet, tracking20:49
cory_fuI know it’s a terminology change, but I’m hopeful that it is more precise and avoids some confusion, even though it is more to grok at first.20:50
cory_fuI thought we had a write-up of the terminology somewhere, but I’m having trouble finding it20:51
bdxit totally does20:51
bdxcory_fu: did context go away too?21:16
cory_fubdx: It did.  I thought I mentioned that to you the other day?21:17
cory_fuUnfortunately, it doesn’t work with old-style interfaces, so we can’t really support it.21:17
bdxcory_fu: how do I access the api provided by the interface layer?21:19
bdxI must have missed that part my bad21:19
cory_fubdx: Instead of “endpoint = context.endpoints.name”, you would use “endpoint = endpoint_from_name(“name”)"21:21
cory_fuThen it should otherwise be the same21:21
bdxso http://paste.ubuntu.com/26015030/21:24
bdxwould not work21:24
bdxbecause I need to index into "endpoint = endpoint_from_name(“name”)" to pull out to relation data ?21:24
cory_fubdx: Sorry, I’m actually on the road and lost connection21:50
R_P_Scory_fu bsx left #juju21:50
cory_fuOh, shoot21:52
R_P_Sso I've got a default conjure-up k8s cluster running with helm, I went to install nginx-ingress with helm, and it's trying to create a load balancer indefinitely pending23:07

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