
MrQueebahaving an issue with ubuntu mate 17.10. the welcome screen and software boutique dont work, as they both show a blank white screen. looked up and found some forum threads, tried suggestions to no avail. what to do?01:54
Astro7467I haven't researched it but did find that they will break with some package installs - assume to be related to PHP, for example to Phoronix Test Suite will break Welcome & SB from my experience01:56
MrQueebathis is with a fresh mate install, no additional packages installed02:01
AndrzejLguys - how to set up Mate Dock so that it does not group icons?02:10
Astro7467I'm only using 17.10 from upgrades and not seen the issue - I typically use 16.04 LTS so currently unable to provide any good ideas or experiement02:10
AndrzejLMrQueeba: Did you verified the iso / install media? Also - tried the same install on another hardware? What graphics do you have? I have install 2017.10 on Macbook pro 2011 maybe 3 days ago - all is peachy.02:13
MrQueebaAndrzejL: iso is good, issue isnt there in a virtual machine. graphics is pretty old (thinkpad t42), uses an ati radeon mobility 7500. not that supported now, although it does seem to work with the ati radeon drivers02:21
MrQueebaits probably because i have one hell of a weak gpu, just want to know if theres some way that i can actually make it work02:22
MrQueebaprob some issues rendering it02:23
AndrzejLMrQueeba: interesting... I love old thinkpads02:24
AndrzejLDid you added the guest addition for the virtual machine?02:24
AndrzejLMrQueeba: what virtual machine are you using?02:29
MrQueebavmware workstation player02:29
AndrzejLok - I actually did not used this one I used esxi from vmware and virtualbox, bit of quemu however I remeber that in vbox and esxi you have additions for the guest operating system. Its like a set of drivers for the guest operating system.02:31
MrQueebayea, should have the guest drivers02:32
AndrzejLwhen booting up in vm in grub interrupt the automatic boot process, choose the instance you want to boot (even default one) press e and then add nomodeset at the end of the kernel line, press F10 (i think - you will find instructions at the bottom of the screen in grub edit window) to continue booting. See if that issue persists. If it does - try the same thing but instead of nomodeset try ...02:36
AndrzejL... using vesa.02:36
AndrzejLalso when booted try running journalctl -b -l -x --no-pager -p 3 as root and check the content of the /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:38
AndrzejLOk... 2:38 AM... time to go to bed. Waking up in 4 hours for work...02:39
AndrzejLNite all.02:39
MrQueebasee ya02:39
AndrzejLFor testing - see if issue persists in VirtualBox? :)02:40
MrQueebaby the way02:40
MrQueebawhats the kernel line02:40
MrQueebathe line with "linux"?02:40
AndrzejLnoooo ;) one sec02:40
AndrzejLwell... yes02:41
AndrzejLlinux/boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-16-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=e44d8142-fac9-4fb8-b990-29a6d93eee8f ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff02:41
AndrzejLit should look something like this02:42
AndrzejLits the line that passes the kernel parameters02:42
AndrzejLtry removing quiet and splash from yours :)02:42
AndrzejLit will give you a lot of info during boot time02:42
AndrzejLyou can always put it back in02:42
MrQueebaalready booting with "nomodeset"02:42
AndrzejLif you want to make changes permanent edit /etc/default/grub02:43
AndrzejLand then run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:43
MrQueebait works with nomodeset02:43
MrQueebathe pc is really slow tho02:44
MrQueebaat least at first02:44
AndrzejLso as I assumed its a graphics card issue02:44
AndrzejLthat gives you something to look after / google02:44
AndrzejLas in not graphics per se - module for graphics02:44
AndrzejLgoogle "ubuntu vmware guest graphics"02:45
AndrzejLsee if you can come up with something02:45
MrQueebai believe its using the xorg radeon driver02:45
MrQueebaalso im doing this on the thinkpad, not the vm02:45
AndrzejLreboot with no nomodeset and run    lsmod | grep -i radeon02:45
MrQueebaalso a thing i noticed too - theres some graphical glitches when shutting off the pc, the mate splash screen will have the colors all glitched - e.g. the black can turn to a red color02:46
AndrzejLif it spits any output than you might be right but from what I know vmachines usually take your host GPU and "transform" it to something else. As in - just because you have ati gpu in your laptop does not mean that your virtual machine runs using ati gpu. It uses some sort of a virtual device.02:47
MrQueebathis doesnt happen with nomodeset02:47
MrQueebamy vmware vm uses a driver called "open-vm-tools"02:47
MrQueebawhich is the vmware drivers for linux02:48
MrQueebaand yep, i got output with that grep cmd02:49
AndrzejLtry watching this -02:49
MrQueebayeah. my vm is working fine02:50
AndrzejLwith nomodeset? :)02:50
MrQueebaand without02:51
AndrzejLtry watching / reading that article - its about ubuntu as guest in vmware02:51
AndrzejLoh - cool02:51
AndrzejLwhat did you do?02:51
MrQueebathis is with the vm02:51
MrQueebathe issue is with my thinkpad itself02:51
MrQueebawhich isnt running a vm02:51
MrQueebamy main pc is running the vm02:51
AndrzejLoh :) confused the crap outta me :)02:52
AndrzejLso its not the vm that has the glitches02:52
AndrzejLits the thinkpad02:52
AndrzejLwhich was it? t42?02:53
MrQueebaas i said, fails to load welcome screen or the market02:53
MrQueebatheres different models, mine uses a mobility 7500. some may run a 9600 (which is more advanced), etc02:53
AndrzejLso this card should be using the free / open radeon driver02:55
AndrzejLtry reading stuff here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI02:57
AndrzejLand I really need to hit the sack02:57
AndrzejLnite all02:57
MrQueebanight, it's running the radeon driver02:57
MrQueebathe xorg radeon02:58
MrQueebagotta hit the bed as well, ill prob get on later tomorrow02:59
musyalguem escreve em portugues05:38
nemohttp://www.lofibucket.com/articles/dwm_latency.html  I never bothered turning on compositing in Mate13:50
nemoI don't need it13:51
alkisgnemo: compositing is on by default on ubuntu-mate15:05
alkisgYou can disable it if you want :)15:06
* alkisg maintains thousands of pentium 4 pcs, so he has an override that disables it globally...15:06
nemoalkisg: I do disable it yes ☺15:07
nemoor rather, I should say.15:07
nemoI disabled it many years ago15:07
nemoalkisg: the only thing I used to use compiz compositing for was for fixing blinding white windows15:09
nemoalkisg: and unfortunately the ability to load ARB shaders was lost in latest compiz and never replaced with any other form of arbitrary shader loader15:10
nemoso now I just put up w/ it as best I can15:10
nemoand fix apps where it is possible15:10
nemoalkisg: https://m8y.org/tmp/inverted-lightness.txt  https://m8y.org/tmp/biased-inverted-lightness.txt  my old ARB shaders and https://m8y.org/tmp/lightness1.jpeg https://m8y.org/tmp/lightness2.jpeg https://m8y.org/tmp/lightness3.jpeg15:11
nemothe result in firefox windows15:11
nemowas sooo much easier on the eyes15:11
diogenes_nemo, you can use dark themes15:16
nemodiogenes_: yeah. but they don't apply everywhere15:17
nemodiogenes_: the shader transformed an entire window15:17
nemowas awesome15:17
nemodiogenes_: note in that screenshot the dark theme for the window chrome, while the window contents which were all light, are now nice and dark15:18
nemodiogenes_: I had the shader bound to a simple keystroke so I could toggle it on and select a window or deselect as needed15:18
nemodiogenes_: it's also better for the disabled since you can create a shader that fixes colourblindness more precisely15:18
nemoor enhances readability for someone w/ failing eyesight without inverting everything15:19
nemobuuut all gone now *sniff*15:19
diogenes_nemo, there are themes that apply to almost every single pixel on your system and if you want dark gapes also there are extensions like dark mode and you have your desktop completely dark15:19
nemodiogenes_: there's extensions besides the colour inverter?15:20
nemodiogenes_: can you link me?15:20
nemodiogenes_: 'cause negative mode really screws up pages15:20
nemodiogenes_: that shader there just inverts lightness. note the mozilla fox is still the right colour15:21
diogenes_nemo, I don't like inverted15:21
nemoyeah. it's awful15:21
diogenes_there's a cool one15:21
nemodiogenes_: also. I'm skeptical they would work on web pages15:21
nemothe old compiz shaders could work on any window15:21
nemodiogenes_: for now I use Dark Backgroudns and Light Text to semi-fix firefox15:21
diogenes_they work perfectly and besides it has a right clic option to disable on this specific paghe15:21
nemothere's also a lightness inverting firefox addon.15:21
nemobut doesn't perform as well15:21
nemodiogenes_: linky!15:22
nemofor that I'll reenable compositing! ♥15:22
diogenes_you want for firefox?15:22
nemodiogenes_: for any window on system plz15:22
nemodiogenes_: compiz extension15:22
diogenes_what I was saying is that there are different approaches to acieve your goal15:23
diogenes_if you want for the system there is one approach15:23
diogenes_if you want fror the web pages15:23
diogenes_there is a different15:23
diogenes_if you want to combine thm, there is not limit in what you can do15:24
diogenes_now I'll provide you with the firefox extension that will make all the content dark15:24
nemodiogenes_: I already have one of those thanks15:24
nemodiogenes_: as noted above15:24
nemodiogenes_: it's not NEARLY as elegant as the old approach15:24
diogenes_what is it called?15:24
nemowhich also worked on, oh, Oracle SQL Developer which as a java app has its own themeing15:25
nemodiogenes_: Dark Backgroudns and Light Text - I use it on desktop and mobile15:25
nemohave text set to green15:25
diogenes_not that one15:25
nemoeh. I like this one. it's fine ☺15:25
diogenes_that one is weak and has no features15:25
nemodiogenes_: what I miss is the old compiz shading of arbitrary windows - I want that back 😝15:25
nemodiogenes_: it has a fair # of features, but I never change it from default15:25
diogenes_this is the one I was talking about, it has tons of features: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-mode-webextension/15:26
nemodiogenes_: yeah. I foudn that one a while ago15:27
diogenes_here is another one I like: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/15:27
nemoI use stylish too15:27
nemoI use stylish mostly to fix sites that force javascript for silly things15:27
nemolike to unhide comment sections or the SMBC after comic ☺15:27
nemodiogenes_: I'll try darkmode again.  last time it seemed to perform badly on mobile which was why I ditched it15:28
nemodiogenes_: also forced me to be more dependent on the site theme - dark background and light text resulted in less noise15:30
nemobuuuut eh. let's see15:30
diogenes_so it's for mobile?15:33
nemodiogenes_: it's for both?15:33
nemowell. assuming you use firefox on mobile, which I do15:33
nemonew webextension update really pissing me off tho15:33
diogenes_not sure about mobile but on the pc side, you could try qupzilla, it has a very cool feature that let's you add your custom css that is being loaded with every webside15:34
diogenes_the only thing you need in this case is imagination and creativity15:34
diogenes_if you want I can provide you my css that I use with qupzilla15:36
diogenes_pay attention if you wanna use it on ubuntu don't install it from the repository15:37
diogenes_there's an ancient version and you gonna be disappointed, dowload from the official website and use the newest version15:37
nemodiogenes_: yeah, I know, there's a lot of fixes... and I've been using a bunch of 'em15:38
nemoI just miss the sheer simple elegance of doing it at the low shader level15:38
diogenes_well maybe you could request it on the compiz channel15:38
nemoI did ☺15:38
nemomany times over the years15:38
nemoit's a quiet channel and no interest anyway15:40
nemohttps://askubuntu.com/questions/211617/how-can-i-recover-the-compiz-color-filter-plugin-in-ubuntu-12-10  I'm not the only one missing it15:40
nemoloved that plugin ☹15:40
diogenes_hehe maybe if beside the request you'd have thrown a few dollars as a support, they would have concentrate on it15:41
diogenes_honestly I love compiz also, it provides the absolutely unique and super useful features and I use compiz exclusively on every distro that I tun15:42
diogenes_whenever I want to try a distro I never gets a change to stay on my machine if it doesn't have a way to install compiz15:42
diogenes_and I really don't understand why distros don't adopt it as a base concept for a wm15:43
nemowell. on most of my machines no compiz just performs better15:50
nemoand I have nothing I really enjoy using compiz for enough to enable it15:50
nemono compiz, no compositing I mean15:50
nemowell. ever since they removed the colour filter15:50
nemomost of the other stuff was fun, but not that important15:50
diogenes_in my case it provides such vital feature as enhanced screen magnifier, which is my must have feature, besides, there is other important like windows rules and windows placement where you can specify what window what size should have and where it should be placed when it's opened, others are hot corners where you can check all the opened windows within less than a second and many many other super useful for productivity15:56
diogenes_features that none of the DEs provide, some DEs provide some of the features, others other features but none of them provide all those features in one place and at very good quality as compiz does.15:56
nemoah. yeh. I kinda liked things like the magnifier, but didn't really use them that much16:00
nemothe rare instances I needed to examine pixels it was usually for a dev project where I was better off using gimp anyway16:00
andreasi am luckz16:28
andreasto have mate16:28
nemoMATE forever!16:28
andreash.264 is a very fine coding /webm is a problem.16:28
andreashi nemo16:29
andreasi hope, less crashes as on raspian16:30
andreas1080p is forced action on pi3. it works only per mp4 /m4v16:32
nemoandreas: I'm thinking you are confusing products maybe?16:33
nemoandreas: soudns like you are looking for video support?16:34
andreasthe codecs license dont help16:34
andreasnemo. in deed. i have some troubles.16:34
nemoomxplayer and xbmc are raspbian video players..16:34
nemoand. anything having to do w/ GPU on raspbian is a pain16:35
andreasi reading at first start, omx is onbord16:35
nemoyou might want to try #raspberrypi16:35
nemohas 638 people in it according to alis16:36
andreasalis... whats that please16:37
nemo /msg alis list *raspberry*16:37
nemoI wasn't sure what the official channel was16:37
nemoalis is a bot16:37
andreasthank you.16:38
andreasbetter i change to german talks. with right asciii smile16:38
nemoandreas: FWIW I expect UTF-8 is basically standard on freenode if you're referring to chat encodings16:39
andreasi choose it on first setup. started without network. sudo reboot and its fine16:41
andreascommunity....fine evening!16:43
nemodiogenes_: Dark Mode performs far better than the other one. thanks for poking me about it again.  not sure why the previous one fails so hard as a web extension17:32
nemodiogenes_: and. the config prefs are quite customisable17:32
diogenes_told ya :)17:33
nemodiogenes_: yeh. I'd tried it a while ago, and, dunno... just wasn't impressed at the time17:33
nemobut now beforced to actually play w/ it for past 30 minutes, it's grown on me17:33
nemodiogenes_: wish there was a native green text theme but apart from that...17:34
diogenes_it evolved17:34
nemothe domain filtering in the other one is a bit nicer 'cause you could quickly toggle it per domain17:35
nemobut, eh, Dark Mode seems to be in general friendlier on defaults so17:35
nemoalso has a builtin custom domain list17:35
diogenes_btw i think i came across your compiz plugin on a different distro17:35
nemoare they still on the old compiz then?17:35
diogenes_what is the name of your plugin?17:36
nemoand the magic part was "Adding filters"17:36
nemoit only supported the more primitive ARB at the time.  It would be nice if more modern shaders were an option. could do pretty fancy things then17:36
nemohttp://evanw.github.io/webgl-filter/  for example this is basically all shaders17:37
diogenes_not sure because it was like few months ago but I'll check tomorrow17:37
nemowell. in theory can do almost same things in ARB just a lot more tedious17:37
MrQueebaim still having issues with my thinkpad t42, in that the welcome screen and software boutique are both just blank white windows. tried all kinds of solutions and nothing has worked, thinking its because of my ati radeon mobility 7500 being a bit of a pain20:23
diogenes_MrQueeba, that is quite possible, amd dropped support for a lot of old cards20:37
MrQueebaits an old ATI card20:38
MrQueebasources point to the gpu being released in 200220:38
diogenes_nemo, I've found these plugins that are being maintained on a distro: color filter, color management and color opacity, these plugins you cannot find in ubuntu's compiz20:56
nemodiogenes_: for what version of compiz?20:58
nemothey need to get it upstream, if 220:58
diogenes_compiz version 0.8.1421:00
nemoaw ☹21:03
nemoyeah. that's the prob21:03
nemono longer maintained21:04
lgaultheya, ubuntu mate newbie. can anyone help me increase the size of screen inside the VM?22:32
y0shlgault: you want to make the desktop bigger in the vm22:39
sam2000i just got this for my vm22:40

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