[00:01] hello [00:17] z [00:17] uktfkiu [00:17] gk, [00:21] My description sucked, so I typed it up on askubuntu. linking here if anyone has any suggestions: https://askubuntu.com/questions/978592/i-resized-a-lvm-and-an-ext4-partition-inside-the-lvm-and-now-my-datas-gone-ca [00:40] how do I list a name of a ppa that ppa-purge would recognize? [00:42] !ppapurge [00:42] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [00:43] yes, but how do I list the ppa's/external repos that I have installed in a manner that ppa-purge recognize? [00:44] salamanderrake: just check which ones are in use by the system, based on that information, you can cherry pick. [00:45] salamanderrake: shall we assist in doing that? [00:45] salamanderrake, give us one example (of a PPA you have added) [00:46] salamanderrake: inxi makes being informed easy [00:47] salamanderrake: you might think about sudo apt install inxi pastebinit [00:47] salamanderrake: it would behoove you [00:48] salamanderrake: but then again, i'm sure you can manage such a basic simple task on your own [00:48] deb http://package.perforce.com/apt/ubuntu/ zesty release is in my perforce.list file [00:50] salamanderrake, that is not a PPA so ppapurge will not be able to purge it, you'd have to do it manually for that repo [00:50] ok [00:50] thanks [00:51] salamanderrake, try removing the packages you got from that repo, then run apt autoremove and then remove it from your software sources [00:51] yeah, thats what I will end up having to do. [01:11] Hi All, I am running a samba DC and I am following the nfs4 kerberos howto and am having problems adding the nfs principal, it seems admin/admin doesnt exist and I have no idea what principa I should be using with kinit to get it to work [01:11] Administrator@ doesnt work [01:11] Any ideas? [01:12] I get kadmin: Database error! Required KADM5 principal missing while initializing kadmin interface when using Administrator [01:29] isn't there a bot here that tells about stuff [01:29] bmatt: ubottu? [01:30] blah. not as informative as i'd like about installing wine [01:32] I don't understand why it's telling me I have to install irssi and other things to install Wine. That's ridiculous. [01:32] err, uninstall* [01:34] ChaiTRex: any ideas? [01:47] Anyone know why installing Wine through Synaptic requires that I -uninstall- qbittorrent and irssi (among other things) ? [01:50] bmatt: use "apt-get --dry-run ..." to check what it is doing without actually installing/removing anything [01:52] sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified [01:52] eh [01:52] bmatt: ssh? [01:53] TJ-: what? [01:53] bmatt: was that report whilst connected over SSH? [01:55] Negatige [01:55] Negative* [01:55] bmatt: that's usually where we see that "no tty" message [01:56] TJ-: http://codepad.org/dC0HV29A [01:56] bmatt: "you have held broken packages" ... that usually means needing to do "sudo apt-get -f install" to fix things [01:57] God, I'm fat. [01:58] So...apt-get -f install wine-stable, TJ-? [01:58] bmatt: no package name; just the command I showed you [01:58] bmatt: it's a fix-up command when things get messed up, to try and restore sanity [01:59] Hmm [01:59] TJ-: seems to be no problems. 0, 0, 0 [02:02] I just don't understand why it would uninstall irssi. [02:03] bmatt: It *may* be if you don't have the i386 foreign architecture set [02:03] bmatt: check with "dpkg --print-architecture; dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" [02:04] TJ-: amd64 i386 [02:04] bmatt: OK, so not that either! [02:05] I'm frightened like a tiny child. Hold on, I'll give you a screenshot [02:05] bmatt: removal of irssi would be because irssi depends on some package/library that wine's dependencies would replace with another [02:06] TJ-: does that necessarily mean I won't be able to use irssi? Or that i'll just have to reinstall? [02:08] bmatt: your pastebin shows versions from Bionic, not Artful [02:08] bmatt: I assume you've got a PPA for wine? [02:09] TJ-: I don't think so. [02:10] !info wine-stable artful | bmatt: "Depends: wine-stable-i386 (= 2.0.3~artful)" ... but [02:10] bmatt: "Depends: wine-stable-i386 (= 2.0.3~artful)" ... but: wine-stable (source: wine): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 49 kB, installed size 181 kB [02:11] bmatt: "wine-stable-i386" doesn't exist in the Ubuntu archive; it must be in some other repository [02:11] In "Software & Updates" -- under "Other Software" -- I have entries like https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ artful man [02:11] main, even [02:11] bmatt: try "apt-cache policy wine-stable-i386" [02:12] bmatt: there you go, it's the winehq repo. Must depend on things that would break irssi in the main repo [02:12] anyhow, I must be gone, it's far too late! [02:14] I'm gonna shed tears about it. [02:47] any npm experts here? [02:48] transhuman: It's best if you just ask for help with an actual problem. Preferably with detailed information, errors, version numbers, etc [02:50] sorry Its just that I wasn't sure this was the right forum for such a question [02:51] https://libraries.io/npm/dxf-parsing << I am wondering in the section where it shows USAGE, where do I put this code? Is it a one time conversion with an output or is it made to put in .js code? [02:52] leftyfb, if there is a better place to ask then let me know [03:04] I got rid of the white dot grid on the login screen, but it still shows up on the lock screen [03:04] 16.05 [03:04] 04* [03:23] i'm on 17.10 and i can't get ipv6 privacy extensions to work with systemd-networkd --- has anyone gotten this working successfully? [03:23] it always resets the use_tempaddr sysctl to 0 [03:43] i have a combo mic jack (microphone and headphone jack in one) and i can't seem to figure out using it as a mic [03:45] hey, is there argument for "ssh" to chose interface used? Tried from --help but no luck. Like wlan0 for example [03:46] I manage to ping my device with setting correct interface but ssh fails, I'm suspecting it is because wrong iface is used [03:49] omenius - what ubuntu you're using 17 or 16 ? [03:51] omenius - can you do [03:52] cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep inet6 [03:53] I actually managed to get it working, I guess my ip space was colliding or something since it worked with second time using different ip [03:53] omenius - n1 :) [03:53] Most of the issues with ipv6 is bad/not proper addressing [03:53] but I have new question: I use minimal version of ubuntu and my cli cursor is completely invisible and this really gets to me [03:53] hahahahahha [03:54] im also using xenial server minimal instalation [03:54] but not cursor, shell only :D [03:54] kek, I guess I can live with this [03:58] omenius - can you upload screenshot or camera shot from phone of invisible cursor ? [03:58] :) [03:58] are you using Gnome ? [04:01] I have noi GUI, just shell [04:01] so you can imagine how fun is it to go without the text cursor [04:01] 16.04 I think [04:05] uh, my usb0 interface drops the assigned IP address every time I use it once [04:06] super weird, let's see if configuring it into /etc/network/interfaces helps anything [04:08] im just using the ifconfig usb0 ip.ip.ip.ip, and when I do ssh, ping or anything I've tried, it works once and next time I try, it fails and ifconfig does not show any ip for usb0 iface [04:12] . [04:15] no, this ip dropping seems to happen randomly, eh [04:15] omenius: check your journals and make any corrective actions needed [04:26] what's preferred apps to handle copy paste list of command? [04:27] fishcooker, did you mean pastebinit [04:56] ubuntu [04:57] sername ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program [04:57] it will work? [04:57] *u [04:57] in visudo [05:05] nope like qlipper bazhang [05:30] sername ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program [05:30] it will work? [05:47] Hi, so I was watching a youtube video and it paused, a left click or space bar pressed happened, I saw the animation when you click or the space bar is pressed and it paused the video. My hands were off my keyboard and touchpad, it can't have been me. Could it have been anything else than a hacking? [05:56] yes about a zillion other "plausible" explanations....as you were [05:58] Hi tatertotz [06:01] dedze: ubuntu version? [06:01] lotuspsychje: 16.04 LTS [06:02] dedze: up to date to .3? [06:02] dedze: lsb_release -a to check [06:02] lotuspsychje: I did the security updates today [06:03] lotuspsychje: escription: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS [06:03] dedze: ok good, do you use any remote control program? [06:04] lotuspsychje: Nop I never used any in my life, desktop sharing isn't installed either if that's relevant, it's the only update I didnt do [06:04] lotuspsychje: Also, this is a fresh install from november 16th [06:05] dedze: then i doubt your got hacked [06:05] lotuspsychje: Can you take a look at my auth logs please? I have seen a few things that I couldnt explain even after googling it [06:06] dedze: hastebin.com them to us, lets have a look [06:06] dedze: do you use ssh? [06:07] lotuspsychje: Thanks, it's already ready hehe : https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010300/ [06:07] lotuspsychje: I have never heard of ssh before [06:08] lotuspsychje: The only softwares that I installed are skype and Redshift [06:08] dedze: are you admin of your system, aka sudo rights? [06:08] lotuspsychje: I can use sudo yep [06:08] dedze: anyone else knows your password? [06:09] lotuspsychje: Nop it's a new one, and not a guessable one [06:09] lotuspsychje: Maybe not long enough? What is the minimum lenght advised? [06:09] dedze: then its really doubtfull your system has been compromized [06:10] dedze: your ubuntu setup has already advised you if its strong or not [06:10] morning alkis [06:10] lotuspsychje: Ah oki, I think it said strong hehe [06:10] lotuspsychje: BTW in the logs, I dont get this line : pkexec: pam_unix(polkit-1:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000) [06:11] Doesnt it mean something is executing a programe as me? [06:12] dedze: your auth log doesnt seem weird [06:12] dedze: if you really have doubts, try rkhunter and clamav [06:12] lotuspsychje: Oki, what could have generated the click? It's not the first time it happened [06:12] lotuspsychje: It happened in this install and in the one before [06:13] dedze: well never say never ofcourse, do you press ads alot on websites? [06:13] lotuspsychje: I have ublock origin and noscript so I really dont see many ads [06:14] dedze: perhaps a hardware fault in your mouse? [06:14] lotuspsychje: But started today, very strangely, I saw a few ads on youtube?? It's the first time it happened in 6 months of using ubuntu [06:14] lotuspsychje: I'm using a touchpad currently, hopefuly it's just this [06:16] dedze: i doubt its about security in your case [06:17] lotuspsychje: Thank you very much hehe, the youtube ads were probably some misconfiguration since I installed the new version of noscript today [06:18] Anyone use a tiling window manager on top of xubuntu? If so, which one? [06:19] dedze: just make sure you dont click random stuff on the web [06:19] lotuspsychje: Haha yeah :p [06:22] GhostwalkGames: apt-cache search tiling [06:24] Good morning lotuspsychje, hi all :) [06:26] Okay thanks will search apt [06:35] hi alkisg [06:39] lotuspsychje: I'm going, see you! [06:44] I'm trying to install xubuntu on an inspiron E1505 for a friend. However, when I install the Nvidia driver 304.135, I am limited to a resolution of 1024 x 768. The laptop should have a native resolution of 1680x1050. Anyone have an idea of where I should start looking for a solution? [06:44] that's a rather ancient driver [06:45] hateball: it's an old laptop. That is the driver that appeared in the additional driver utility. Should I go to the Nvidia website and download the latest? [06:45] no [06:45] what version of ubuntu is it, what card(s) are in the laptop [06:46] Ben64: I just realized I'm looking at the specs for the Radeon version of the laptop. That can't be right. Give me a sec [06:47] use the laptop itself to find the information [06:48] Ben64: I mean, if you want to do it the easy way. NVIDIA G72M [Quatro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] [06:49] ooh [06:49] I used inxi -Fxz, it says on the line below it at the end Failed: nvidia, nouveau [06:51] well 304 should work for it [06:51] is it loaded? 'lsmod' [06:53] Ben64: It doesn't appear to be [06:55] try loading it then, sudo modprobe nvidia [06:56] modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304': Input/output error [06:56] hi [06:56] hmm, that's a weird error [06:57] can you pastebin 'dmesg | tail -n50' [06:57] Ben64: working [06:57] i started my notebook mouse doesnt move and my hexchat looks like window 98 im on hexchat [06:58] lotuspsychje: I'm back!!! I did a netstat -a with all my programs closed and it detected 2 connections!!! [06:59] nvm [07:00] dedze: what kind of connections [07:01] lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010499/ [07:02] Ben64: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010501 [07:02] dedze: aww, we weren't sequential. Fail [07:03] GizmoRomick: What do you mean? I don't understand [07:04] GizmoRomick: looks like problems [07:04] dedze: you're link ended in 499, mine ended in 501 [07:05] GizmoRomick: Oh someone cheated us :o haha [07:05] Ben64: I'm currently loading Processor microcode firmware, so some of that could be it. Maybe I should try again after I restart [07:06] Running Lubuntu. I have a CD-R that (I think) was burned on a Mac running some variation of OS X. I have hfsutils installed. The CD doesn't mount. It shows up in Disks, which can identify how much space is used on the CD, but there's no option to mount. I've got 2 copies of the same CD, and they behave identically. I hear the drives spin up reading them, and it doesn't make any unusual or concerning noises. Any suggestions how to read th [07:07] CD's wouldn't use hfs [07:07] I'd expect iso9660 or udf on a CD regardless of which OS burned it [07:08] lotuspsychje: It's suspicious, isnt it? [07:08] Disks just shows "Unknown" === thorre_se is now known as thorre [07:08] boblamont: perhaps it's simply a bad burn? [07:08] Is it a music disk or a disk with files on it? [07:09] it's files. I thought bad burn, but the duplicate copy seems unlikely. [07:09] dedze: yeah might be [07:09] boblamont: eject, wait a bit, put it back, then look in dmesg for some clues [07:09] lotuspsychje: How can I investigate it further? [07:10] ok [07:11] dedze: you might wanna reboot & check again [07:11] Oki, I'm doing this just now [07:11] lotuspsychje: Oki I'm going this just now [07:11] dedze: lsof may help. btw: TIME_WAIT is recently closed connections, the kernel keeps them around so it doesn't accidentally make a new connection with the same ports and assign slow packets from the old connection to the new one. they persist for 2x RTT then vanish after being closed [07:11] dedze: run both rkhunter and clamav scan also [07:11] I ejected, waited, put it back, ran dmesg and there's nothing about it in there [07:12] boblamont: sudo file -s /dev/sr0, to see how it is reported [07:12] Triffid_Hunter: Oh maybe I will try again to close everything, wait a bit more than a few sec and netstat it then [07:12] dedze: lsof -i -n will tell you which processes own each socket [07:12] data [07:13] boblamont: nothing that linux knows about then :) You can try dd, to create a file out of it, and then maybe open it in some VM... [07:13] Triffid_Hunter: It only shows for firefox now [07:13] dedze: sudo lsof if you want to see sockets owned by other users' programs eg system services [07:15] boblamont: sudo hexdump /dev/sr0 -C -n 512 ==> that might give you some string to see what's it about [07:15] Triffid_Hunter: What is the command for netstat to show only the active internet connection and not all? === passOe is now known as aOssed [07:16] dedze: no idea, haven't used netstat in years.. lsof is my friend :P [07:16] ok, what am I looking for there? [07:18] boblamont: any strings, e.g. the program that created it or its file system etc. You can put the output to paste.ubuntu.com as well. [07:19] Triffid_Hunter: lotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010554/ [07:20] dedze: looks fine.. firefox has a couple active connections, cups, dnsmasq and dhclient are listening for stuff [07:21] Triffid_Hunter: Thanks, my reason to come here initially was that sometimes, some random left clicks happend and once a right click. It persisted after doing a fresh ubuntu install [07:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/26010565/ found ER, which could mean ERROR? I have both copies in, and they appear identical [07:21] Triffid_Hunter: It happen once per day max and not every day, but maybe sometimes the clicks happen where I cannot notice them and I only notice them when they by luck click on something? lol [07:22] boblamont: that "3" line with the "*" there means "same content", i.e. it's full of zeroes at that point [07:22] boblamont: that doesn't really seem like a header of a proper file system [07:23] boblamont: if you want, you can increase the 512 size in the command line to more, e.g. 5000, and if you still see zeroes... throw away the CDs [07:23] dedze: what do mouse clicks have to do with stuff? modern clients will hold connections open to servers in case you click on something, and also many webpages have various websockets or asynchronous javascript stuff happening which will maintain open connections simply from the page being visible.. you may even get connections from firefox's update checker [07:25] When i increased it (to 5120), I got some useful ASCII: Apple Partition map, Toast 5.2, HFS+ Builder Apple_HFS [07:25] boblamont: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures [07:25] toast Roxio Toast disc image file, also some .dmg-files begin with same bytes 0 ER.... ãER.... 45 52 02 00 00 00 [07:26] So that's what you're looking to mount [07:26] so, might be a dmg or weird apple partition table with HFS+ inside or something? [07:27] Triffid_Hunter: Click on random thing in a game, click on random video when browsing, pausing a video(today), right click on the chat box of skype while I was typing [07:28] Triffid_Hunter: The game is on firefox too BTW [07:29] Triffid_Hunter: Actually all the left clicks happened on firefox, and the right click, I'm not 100% that it wasnt my wrist on the mouse because my keyboard and mouse are akwardly close [07:31] Triffid_Hunter: Oh I misread your question hehe. I was wondering if I'm being hacked because of the clicks, it's my great paranoia after I opened a spam email on my phone [07:31] boblamont: http://filext.com/file-extension/TOAST => "the program 7-Zip can open a .TOAST file on a PC as well" ==> try `sudo file-roller /dev/sr0` or dd it to a file first [07:34] lotuspsychje: How do I install rkhunter and clamav? sudo apt-get install rkhunter? [07:35] dedze: yeah, sudo apt-get install rkhunter clamav [07:38] Ben64: I finished installing the microcode firmware. Should I try installing nouveau again and re-install nvidia-304? [07:38] EriC^^: It did something weird and opened a grey/purple box in the terminal about selecting a mail server, clicking on ok didn't close the box [07:38] file-roller didn't work ("archive type not supported" [07:38] Is it normal? [07:39] dedze: you have to use the arrows and space and enter buttons to navigate an select [07:40] Lol I know that DzAirmaX dude [07:44] EriC^^: So basically I should pick locally right? Or can it be send to a regular gmail adress? [07:45] dedze: i'd choose locally [07:45] for a home pc like mine [07:45] GizmoRomick: nouveau and nvidia don't work together [07:46] Ben64: I meant loading one and then loading the other [07:46] yeah, they don't work together [07:46] Ben64: alternatively, not at the same time [07:47] doesn't really make sense [07:48] Ben64: I also wanted to see what resolution nouveau detected, 1280 x 800. I am switching back to Nvidia-304 now. [07:50] EriC^^: Woah firefox crashed that was weird hahaha [07:51] :O [07:51] EriC^^: It created 2 new users on my laptop === aOssed is now known as passOe [07:52] BTW do you have any idea why this is happening so often in my auth.log : Nov 21 04:17:01 Mugiwara-Crew CRON[29829]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Nov 21 04:17:01 Mugiwara-Crew CRON[29829]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root [07:52] Sometimes, nothing is happening in the log for a few hours except this one 5 times [07:55] Who was it again that told me to download rkhunter? I got disconnected and lost your name, it's installed now, how do I start a scan? [07:57] dedze: Was it EriC^^ ? [07:58] strive: nop haha [07:59] dedze: i think it was lotuspsychje ? [07:59] Oh right! [07:59] lotuspsychje: rkhunter gave me a warning here : /usr/bin/lwp-request [ Warning ] [08:00] Has anyone experienced problems setting up a local serial console on Ubuntu 17.10? [08:00] dd'ed it to an iso, mounted it and there everything is! takes a bit longer than it just working, but it's better than nothing. thanks alkisg! [08:00] np :) [08:02] when I edit /etc/default/grub to enable serial console (as I have done with 17.04 and below) and reboot, my keyboard/mouse stop working at boot [08:02] very strange. [08:07] Can someone help me with the result of my Rkhunter scan please? [08:07] dedze: did you have rookits found on the result? [08:08] lotuspsychje: Nop not rootkit but other issues! [08:08] dedze: pastebin? [08:09] dedze: some of the rkhunter are false positive, so dont worry too fast [08:09] lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010753/ [08:09] Oki :p hopefully they are all false positive [08:10] lotuspsychje: Also if it's relevant, I uninstalled avahi because some things I read on a forum scared me haha [08:10] A few days ago [08:12] dedze: looks pretty neat result to me [08:13] lotuspsychje: Oh oki thanks!! Also this one line I'm troubled about : [09:02:06] Warning: User 'postfix' has been added to the passwd file. [08:13] I dont know the user postfix [08:13] And I monitor my auth log a lot, I didn't see it in it [08:14] dedze: postfix is an email daemon [08:14] dedze: same does clamav has been added [08:15] Ah yes guys It's my bad I checked and it was added after installing rkhunter and clamav [08:15] I'm going to man clamav and try to launch its scan [08:16] dedze: healty paranoia is good, but after investigation sleep on both ears again [08:16] (10:10:31 πμ) dedze: lotuspsychje: Also if it's relevant, I uninstalled avahi because some things I read on a forum scared me haha ==> be careful when removing packages because e.g. ubuntu-desktop depends on them and will be removed too [08:16] lotuspsychje: Hahaha it's my problem you nailed it [08:17] apt purge avahi-daemon => The following packages will be REMOVED: avahi-daemon* avahi-discover* avahi-dnsconfd* avahi-utils* libnss-mdns* ubuntu-mate-core* ubuntu-mate-desktop* [08:17] dedze: yeah like alkisg says, better start/stop a service then removing one [08:18] lotuspsychje: alkisg Arg I see, I didnt use purge though, for sure. Could it have reduced my security? Should I do a new ubuntu fresh install without uninstalling avahi? [08:19] dedze: purge is the same as remove === passOe is now known as aOssed [08:19] Both remove packages that depend on the removed package [08:19] lotuspsychje: alkisg I used this one :apt-get remove avahi-daemon [08:19] dedze: purge removes config files as well, remove doesn't [08:20] do you guys prefer the LTS distributions or the newer ones for your personal machines? [08:20] JoshuaD: really depends you personal flavor [08:20] ducasse: Oh I see, thanks for teaching [08:20] dedze: which flavor do you use, e.g. ubuntu? dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop will tell you if you still have it, so you're ok [08:20] JoshuaD: would you like stable or latest? [08:20] both :-X [08:21] JoshuaD: well if installing latest, it doesnt mean it would be unstable [08:21] I don't mind tinkering with applications and having there be bugs in them. I'd be sad wrestling with driver problems. [08:21] are you willing to upgrade every 9months JoshuaD ? [08:21] JoshuaD: but in most cases LTS will perform better/longer [08:21] alkisg: I dont understand the result of it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010817/ [08:22] @EriC^^, probably not. This laptop I just accidentally nuked was still on 16.10 [08:22] dedze: you still have it installed, so you're ok [08:22] JoshuaD: lts is the one you want ;) [08:22] dedze: ubuntu-desktop probably just recommends avahi, while mate depends on it [08:22] alkisg: Oki thx! [08:22] JoshuaD: LTS releases also get access to the newer releases kernel and xorg [08:23] JoshuaD: by 'stable', lotus means well-tested software that is supported for 5 years. the other releases won't necessarily crash, but they're only supported for 9 months. if you need to ask, we usually recommend lts. [08:23] who is the target audience for the non-LTS releases? [08:23] JoshuaD: alot of bug testers are on non-lts helping the community [08:23] alkisg: I keep having these things in my auth.log, I tried to google but I cant find an explanation for it : https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010824/ [08:23] JoshuaD: but also alot of other users testing latest bling [08:24] dedze: cron is a service that runs things for your system in regular intervals. It auths to execute things. [08:24] JoshuaD: its fun to see whats comming up in the future [08:25] JoshuaD: good scenario would be 2 machines, daily driver LTS and testmachine/virtualbox non-LTS [08:25] alkisg: Ohh I see, BTW and what about this one? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26010840/ [08:26] alkisg: I don't enter anything in terminal for it to happen, it's happening by itself, often! [08:27] dedze: update-notifier is a program that tries to show you a dialog that "updates are available", and in this case it fails because you or the automatic updates are already running apt [08:27] dedze: that's checking for package updates, it looks like [08:27] @lotuspsychje, Thanks. I think I'll try 16.04 and see how that feels. Both my machines were on 16.10, so if I'm missing something it'll stand out to me. Hopefully I won't. [08:28] dedze: is that on 17.10? [08:28] JoshuaD: the danger we see most with user on non-LTS versions, they come here with EOL when its too late [08:28] ducasse: Ah oki I was wondering because sometimes it happen 2 times in 10 minutes then 0 time in few hours [08:28] alkisg: 16.04 (with the latest updates from a few hours ago) [08:28] ok [08:29] Awesome. Glad i asked. I was inclined to go the other way. [08:29] Thanks again [08:29] JoshuaD: enjoy! [08:33] alkisg: ducasse lotuspsychje EriC^^ : Guys thanks a lot for your help, I'm less scared hahaha and I learnt quite a bit thanks to you! Take care!! [08:33] np [08:42] where to put commad that will run script as boot as quick as it can? now i have in rc.local [08:44] petzup: what it does and how it does it will determain where to put it in the new world order of init systems [08:44] i have orangepi which have LCD1602 display and on start screen is just blue offcourse i would like to output text alredy on start [08:45] petzup: so what is required for the screen to be active [08:45] psython [08:45] python* [08:46] there must be more than python needed to use the screen [08:46] eg: is it starting X, is it running a virtual terminal [08:48] so where to put script than? [08:48] it tooks about 30secs before it's loaded it's a little bit too much === aOssed is now known as passOe [08:54] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/369254/execute-a-script-shell-automatically-on-startup-in-ubuntu [09:07] petzup: what does the script depend on to use the monirot [09:07] monitor === passOe is now known as aOssed [09:42] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47409834/linux-python-get-list-of-devices-on-ports [09:43] petzup: you paste links but you don't answer questions. We can't help you that way. [09:43] Hello. I have an interesting case. My laptop shuts down when training neural network. When I turn it on, fan is working very hard and then cools down. where should I search for the root of the problem? [09:44] alkisg i'm asking on this forum [09:44] don't know what's answer [09:44] petzup: so now you don't want to ask about the display, but about ssh? [09:44] i fixed display [09:45] this is my new problem [09:45] :) [09:45] cerkauskas: possibly clean up the cpu + ventilation. Is it amd? [09:46] alkisg: no, nvidia geforce. I cannot do anything with hardware since warranty is still there. [09:47] cerkauskas: you train it with cpu (e.g. intel) or with the gpu (e.g. nvidia)? [09:47] if it has valid warranty, sure you can, send it back :) [09:47] E.g. my laptop's nvidia got burned, unfortunately 1 month after the warranty expired [09:47] alkisg: GPU, cpu is used only for data preparation [09:48] alkisg: what is the max temperature gpu should reach? [09:48] cerkauskas: use some temperature monitoring utility for the gpu/cpu. The max is defined by the manufacturer [09:49] http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2752/~/nvidia-gpu-maximum-operating-temperature-and-overheating => "but is generally in the 105C range " [09:49] Mine was damaged at 104-105. [09:50] alkisg: thanks. Thats what I thought so. [09:50] manufacturer says its 97, so I'll check how high it becomes [09:50] Nvidia then withdrew a lot of laptop series, from hp etc, but not from my acer :/ [09:59] hi === DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC [10:17] is it good server response time 0.92 seconds, when I turned off plugins it is 0.45 [10:18] should be no more than 0.2 [10:19] it's this site http://kselax.ru [10:19] was made by me :) [10:20] 27kb and so long response, it's impossible, it means there something wrong inside code [10:20] or broken ubuntu [11:15] Is this somehting ubuntu can fix or do we need a bios update in this case? https://www.wired.com/story/intel-management-engine-vulnerabilities-pcs-servers-iot/ [11:18] I don't think Ubuntu can touch it. [11:19] adac: there are stand-along Intel executable patchers that you can boot with (OS independent stand-alone ISOs) but last I read you need to build the ISO yourself [11:19] adac: Linux does have a UEFI firmware capsule update function, but then you'd need the Capsule from the manufacturer [11:21] TJ-, thanks for the explanation! [11:23] It would be funny if you could patch the vulnerability through the vulnerability itself. === gsilvapt_ is now known as gsilva === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [12:02] Neo2: we don't debug your code for you, that's something you need to do yourself [12:02] I do [12:03] later === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [12:28] is it just me [12:28] or has ubuntu been wrecked by the latest update [12:28] 17.10 [12:28] new ui quite inconsistent [12:28] menus show up weird places [12:28] warrshrike: perhaps it would be better to state your issue to receive help [12:28] libinput trackpad is very strange [12:29] it has weird acceleration/deceleration issues [12:29] as in, if you try clicking the small red cross to close a window the pointer will overshoot a little [12:29] so its annoying to focus it by fine grained movement [12:30] auronandace: thats the main issue^ [12:30] its an hp spectre x360 kaby lake with synaptics touchpad === 7ITABUPZE is now known as trobotham [12:30] warrshrike, what you describe sounds like input lag === jelly-home is now known as jelly [12:31] warrshrike, which GPU you have? does your system end up using software rendering? [12:31] libinput seems highly regressive. [12:32] neure: it doesn't SEEM like input lag but I could be wrong. the cursor seems to react near instantly. how can i check? its intel hd630 [12:32] And it seems like even Xorg uses libinput now, so there's no workaround. :| [12:32] Maxpm: its terrible. downright atrocious [12:32] warrshrike, so if you cursor is responsive and not laggy? then it is something else i guess [12:33] neure: yes seems like weird movement profile or something [12:34] I've set mouse speed to very slow for now. its a lot dragging but at least easier to focus on an item [12:34] Hi, I'm on Kubuntu 16.04. mysql constantly consumes 15-20% CPU. [12:34] The only solution I've found is $ akonadictl stop [12:35] Is there a way to fix the high CPU consumption? My computer runs very slow otherwise. [12:35] any idea? Also in general everything seems to have taken a nosedive qualitatively since 17.04 [12:35] Agreed. [12:36] the touchscreen causes on screen keyboard to pop up (fixed that with a little js) etc. [12:36] I suspect it has something to do with libinput's philosophy that there are no input configuration files, and the desktop environment is responsible for configuring it. [12:37] So now the onus is on the desktop environment devs to re-implement things. [12:37] Which is causing regressions. [12:37] Maxpm: are any desktop envs implementing things correctly? i wouldnt mind switching de [12:37] I'm not sure. [12:38] But I kind of expect plain old Ubuntu to be the most stable because it has the most exposure. [12:38] Maxpm: are you still using 17.10 as daily driver? [12:38] And if things are this bad for us... [12:38] I am, but I'm seriously considering switching to something else. [12:39] Maxpm: yeah same. Been looking at Fedora with KDE etc. [12:39] the great thing about the Ubuntu of old was that it was Rock Solid [12:39] I could guarantee that it will just work well and reliably [12:40] with KDE etc. you always had to configure stuff...alas [12:40] Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed. I use Ubuntu, out of all the distros available, because I don't have the patience for dealing with these bugs and regressions. [12:40] I expect things to just work. [12:40] warrshrike, how old is that Ubuntu of old [12:41] Maxpm: exactly. sure tinkering and all that is fun when you're younger/have more time, but usually you need work done [12:41] kostkon: not old at all. I'm talking 17.04 here :) [12:41] warrshrike, ok [12:42] Like, if the Ubuntu leadership wants to migrate to a new compositor and desktop environment, fine. But they're pushing that too aggressively. They're pulling the rug out from under us, leaving us nothing but the new stuff before the new stuff is really ready. [12:42] Seems canonical really messed up with this whole convergence unity 8 bs. I hope they can fix stuff for the next LTS release at least [12:42] I don't want to be a guinea pig. [12:42] Maxpm, nice rant, use the LTS version then [12:43] Same same brother Same same [12:43] oerheks: not really. Now that you the that Unity is doomed, I expect using LTS will just cause future issues with updating [12:43] why would I set everything up the way I like and have it disrupted in April? [12:43] you "expect"... oh boy [12:44] Hi folks [12:44] You don't have to get defensive, oerheks. LTS or not, Ubuntu has a very broad user base. Regressions are pretty unacceptable for a distro with a turnkey reputation. [12:44] oerheks: it certainly caused issues from 17.04 to 17.10 [12:44] We can do better. [12:45] Agreed [12:48] warrshrike: the point of the non-LTS releases is to introduce new features and shake out the bugs for the next LTS [12:52] warrshrike: is it Bug #1586686 [12:52] bug 1586686 in Ubuntu GNOME "Cursor is over excited and jittering all the time" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586686 [12:52] I would buy that if there were a swift effort to respond to reported bugs. But I've had a bug open for nearly a month without even any acknowledgment. Maybe that's unusual. [12:53] Maxpm: there are only so many developers, and millions of Ubuntu users. More bug-squad members would help if you'd like to reduce the delays [12:53] Sure. I get it. Bugs happen and it's a lot to deal with. [12:54] But someone higher-up seems to have put the Ubuntu ecosystem into a position where these bugs are really regressions. [12:55] These aren't new features that have bugs, they're things that have been working that don't work anymore. Why? Just so we can move to a nicer codebase? [12:56] Maxpm: there is no 'higher up' - release development is a coordinated group of package maintainers. Each release first syncs with upstream Debian for most packages, or from upstream where Debian and Ubuntu diverge [12:59] Presumably, someone or some group made the decision to migrate to Wayland over Xorg, and someone or some group made the decision to use libinput even on the Xorg fallback. [13:01] Maxpm: libinput has been in use for quite a while; Xorg has been moving over to it. Wayland developers are largely the same as Xorg devs, creating a clean replacement rather than trying to hack Xorg to do things it's not designed for [13:02] I'm not talking about the act of developing these things, I'm talking about the decision to use them now, on Ubuntu, exposed to regular users. [13:03] Maxpm: because Gnome is going that way and Ubuntu is trying to follow upstream as close as possible [13:05] TJ-: I understand that. But 1- I've always used non LTS and they've been rock solid, this being a mess implies a dip in quality and 2- things like the OSK on touch bug have been present for months and 3- Ordinarily your advice to use lts make sense but that is now know to be a deprecated product. Why would people spend time learning the ins and outs of unity, customizing it to their liking to finally have it washed away and replac [13:06] to just get on with the change now? [13:06] Ofc, I understand that manpower is limited and IS a free product after all [13:06] so I don't want to blame the devs [13:09] What's this channel used for? [13:09] warrshrike: at some point the change has got to be made; so doing it as early as possible gives longest time to iron out the problems. If users don't want to wait until it is more stable then they've got to accept regressions are going to happen. [13:10] Mpc9: support for Ubuntu related issues or advice [13:10] Maybe our standards for regular Ubuntu releases are just too high. That's a shame. [13:11] Anyhow, this isn't support anymore. Use #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss it further [13:12] What's the usual practice for extraction location when adding new programs from tars? [13:13] new programs from tars ? [13:13] Mpc9: it's personal, you put it where you wnat [13:13] want [13:13] yeah like if i install someone where should i put the directory [13:13] anywhere you want [13:13] Mpc9: generally a sub-dir under /opt/ [13:13] Mpc9: I put them under /usr/local. [13:13] Maxpm: there's a config file for libinput at /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf [13:14] ah i see thanks [13:14] I usually put them somewhere under "$HOME" [13:14] generally use /usr/local/ for locally-built packages where it's "./configure prefix=/usr/local " [13:14] I also use Stow. [13:14] and will I run into issues if i use directories with spaces? [13:14] don't use them [13:14] ok [13:15] It should be okay. [13:15] Mpc9: depends on the programs; most should know how to handle paths with spaces in [13:15] If you can't install something to a path with spaces, that's a pretty major bug for the package. [13:15] If it's anything enterprise, you can be sure it will fail catastrophically on pathnames with whitespace [13:17] Heh. [13:17] I just installed the arduino IDE and i put it in a folder with white space and when i try to run it from the desktop shortcut it gives me an error but i can launch it from the directory so i'm trying to figure out if the whitespace is to blame [13:17] I only have blackspace in my paths :) [13:17] Mpc9: did you surround the path with quote marks? [13:17] Mpc9: the desktop shortcut probably expects the executable to either be in PATH, or in a specific location [13:18] i didn't set up a path so i'm assuming it was automatic? [13:18] Mpc9: bad assumption [13:18] Mpc9: check the .desktop file, it probably assumes there won't be a space in the path [13:18] why would it put a desktop shortcut without a path [13:18] ah ok [13:19] just double quote the path component with the space in it, move on with your life =] [13:19] Notably, I don't think /usr/local/bin is in $PATH by default. [13:19] But as spaces are argument separators it is eay to break te intention of the command line [13:19] Maxpm: it should be [13:20] I think i will just never use spaces again [13:20] Haha. [13:20] Maxpm: it is [13:20] I stand corrected. [13:21] even $HOME/bin should be there if that directory has been created [13:30] So if i want to add something to path i want to modify bashrc? [13:31] That's one way, yeah. [13:32] Is that the recommended way? [13:32] for interactive shells, yes === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [14:01] My camera doesn't seem to work. [14:07] Got it. [14:11] hey there :-) I bought an Intel NUC system and cloned my old Xubuntu 14.04 onto it. Unfortunately, I cannot establish a network connection. The NIC is recognized, but either via DHCP or with static addresses, I cannot ping or reach anything. The problem also persists with a gparted live system. Any idea, what I could try? [14:14] hi,I add wrong path for [14:15] hi, I add wrong path to $PATH and export it how can I fix this [14:16] massprog: just export a correct one [14:23] jimini, the NIC/ethernet name may be different on the nuc than the previous pc, therefore it's not recognized, run " ip link ls " to find the new ethernet name [14:25] cloning from one brand pc to anoher is also bad idea [14:26] a bad idea [14:28] BluesKaj, thank you for that suggestion. Since the problem also occurs when using a live system, I assume, that the existing Xubuntu installation should not be the cause for that problem, or am I wrong? With "ethernet name", do you mean the MAC address? [14:32] no jimini , it's look something like enp0s4 or some such , and trying to adapt a anOS with drivers for differnt hardware is not a good idea, best to do a freh ubuntu install [14:33] fresh ubuntu install [14:33] jimini, what NUC is this? what gives lspci about that networkport? [14:40] oerheks, it's a NUC6CAYH. lspci shows a Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCIe Gb Ethernet Controller [14:41] Someone know when is the fix out for the two wifi icons in the bar [14:41] ? [14:46] jimini, i see lots of issues with it, this is your answer, connect wireless, and install dkms https://askubuntu.com/questions/770368/realtek-ethernet-driver-error-ubuntu-16-04 [14:46] this builds the driver correctly against the kernel [14:46] jimini: you might want to go to the dash and choose additional drivers and see what's there [14:47] oerheks, I updated the BIOS. that fixed it :-) [14:47] thanks everyone for your help! [14:47] update bios.. good find [14:54] jimini> oerheks, I updated the BIOS. that fixed it :-) --> any way to update the bios from Ubuntu? [14:55] Hello, when i try to upgrade mysql to 5.6, so i added mysql's repo, but i get the error: " mysql-server : Depends: mysql-community-server (= 5.6.38-1debian8) but it is not going to be installed" so i try to install mysql-community-server by hand, but then i get "Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.9) but 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3 is to be installed" [14:55] i also tried, apt-get clean, update etc with no success [14:56] pavlushka, there is a project to do that, but i would never use such thing, bios updates should go through a tool in the bios itself, from sd/usb or network [14:56] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate [14:56] oerheks: yeah I guess that has the change of crapping the machine [14:57] *chance [14:57] Lauxley, did you run dist-upgrade [14:57] Note: this unbuntu is in vagrant so it's probably old and i don't really want to dist-upgrade [14:58] well [14:58] update the box then dist-upgrade [14:58] Lauxley, indeed, vagrant has its downside [14:59] vagrant boxes are updated pretty frequently [14:59] oerheks: i have nothing against vagrant, problem is i didn't set it up and it's hard to understand what is going on when not starting from scratch and without any documentation [15:00] would 5.7 work or do you need 5.6 [15:01] hmm thought nucs used UEFI/GPT not BIOS...perhaps updated his UEFI hardware settings [15:02] jrp93: it depends on the number of changes, the code base is not really well tested so i'm afraid of regressions [15:02] Lauxley, oh, not a clean box and no docs.. this maybe a help, for 5.7 but you can change that to 5.6 easily https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38663716/vagrant-box-install-mysql-5-7-using-apt [15:03] else see the #vagrant channel here on #freenode [15:03] oerheks: ok thx i'll check it out [15:20] I'm running into an issue on Ubuntu 16.04, hoping you can point me in the right direction. the 'df -h' command completely freezes and won't show any info about disks. I ran an strace on the command and it hangs on: stat("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc"), [15:20] I'm not sure what this is or what might be going wrong [15:22] what about lsblk? [15:23] ChrisR,^ [15:23] ChrisR: bare-metal, virtual-machine, or container? [15:24] TJ-: AWS EC2 (Virtual Machine), running Docker [15:24] this is on the host though [15:24] ChrisR: OK; can you list that directory and it's contents manually? [15:24] hi, firefox updated to 57 on my unbutu 14.04. how can i roll back to 56 or ESR ? [15:25] BluesKaj: lsblk works [15:25] ah, no, I can't list that directory contents manually TJ- [15:29] Is there a way to do unattended updates for PPA's? [15:30] cron [15:30] blip-, no roll back, remove firefox and use their ppa for ESR https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial [15:31] DarkPsydeLord: That was going to be my next step. Was hoping there might be a hack to have them included with the normal unattended upgrades process. [15:32] well maybe i just gave you the easy answer since im not aware of an unattended upgrade [15:32] The system doesn't make a distinction between sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and PPAs in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/whatevername [15:33] If unattended upgrades are on it it for both [15:34] ChrisR, try doing 'stat /proc' and then keep adding one more level, see where it breaks [15:35] lordcirth_work: it breaks at /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc, everything before that is fine [15:36] ChrisR: any BUGS in the kernel log ? [15:37] oerheks, thanks [15:37] TJ-: I assume it would actually say 'BUG' somewhere in the log? [15:39] ChrisR: possibly; but I'd simply run a "dmesg -w" then in another shell try to do "ls -al /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/" and see if that invokes any messages === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [15:43] TJ-: no messages unfortunately [15:44] https://github.com/coreos/bugs/issues/1630 possible workarounds at the end of the page [15:45] genii: actually, unattended upgrades are only on for the -security and -updates repos by default, but you can edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades and insert the right parameters for the ppas there [15:45] ChrisR, if you run 'df -h /', does it still hang? [15:46] lordcirth_work: nope, doesn't hang, that works [15:46] ChrisR, ok. Are you on 16.04? Up to date kernel? [15:46] Oh you said you were on 16.04 [15:47] 16.04, we're using 4.12.0-041200-generic [15:48] HWE on AWS/EC2 ? === leviyatan1 is now known as leviyatan [15:49] Output of cat /proc/mounts ? [15:49] ChrisR, how did you get 4.12, latest kernel on 16.04.3 is 4.10 [15:50] ChrisR: 4.12.0-041200-generic is an unsupported mainline kernel [15:50] kostkon: we installed it manually to get around a docker bug [15:51] it's probably not the best but it kept Docker from crashing on us [15:51] ChrisR: any LSMs loaded (SELiunx, Apparmor) ? [15:52] alkisg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26013000/ [15:53] TJ-: apparmor, no selinux [15:53] ChrisR: also, you can use Ubuntu's 4.13 kernel with 16.04 -e.g. linux-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge [15:55] ChrisR: does "mount -t binfmt_misc" show that FS mounted? [15:55] ahh, interesting TJ- . What's lowlatency? [15:55] it does. [15:55] root@ip-172-31-20-151:/home/ubuntu# mount -t binfmt_misc [15:55] binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,relatime) [15:55] ChrisR: and can you list the directory node with "ls -ld /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc" ? [15:56] nope, that hangs [15:56] ChrisR: Can you "ls -al /proc/sys/fs/" [15:56] that freezes too [15:56] ChrisR: OK, now we're getting somewhere [15:57] ChrisR: are there any NFS shares mounted? [15:59] ChrisR, you really should have mentioned you were using a custom kernel when you encountered a kernel problem... [15:59] TJ-: we have AWS EBS volumes mounted, and our Docker containers mount NFS volumes from inside them. The host machine doesn't mount anything [16:00] ChrisR: are any docker instances running whilst this is happening? [16:00] ChrisR: right, but they are on the host really, since they all share the same kernel [16:00] lordcirth_work: I didn't even remember we were doing that, haha, sorry...just one of those weeks [16:00] TJ-: yeah they are, but we've seen them either starting more slowly or not starting at all [16:00] ChrisR: there's a known issue with systemd and containers where pathnames are too long; not sure if that may be relevant [16:01] specifically ones with NFS [16:01] so that seems rather...related [16:03] ChrisR: it's a misconfig of the docker containers; if they (one of them) is trying to mount the host's root, then the systemd unit file also needs "Requires: proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount" [16:03] lordcirth_work: I didn't know about the linux-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge package though, that definitely seems the better path [16:04] ChrisR: you can also test it (in containers) with "systemctl mask --now proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount" if they don't need access to binfmt_misc [16:05] ChrisR: systemd bug: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/5916 [16:10] ahh, thanks TJ-. Here's what I got from that command in the container [16:10] root@a8d7b6b553dc:/var/# systemctl mask --now proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount [16:10] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount, pointing to /dev/null. [16:10] Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory [16:11] ChrisR: so it's not installed in that container? [16:12] No - we don't do anything explicit with proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount [16:12] not sure if I'm answering correctly [16:13] we don't do anything with binfmt_misc, I'm not sure where that even comes from [16:15] ChrisR: the issue is when multiple processes try to mount over /proc/sys/fs - those processes might be in containers or on the host, but the result is the kernel is seeing multiple mounts on the same mountpoint and they get confused. [16:15] ahh, okay [16:16] TJ-: we're using a systemd version on both host/container that is before that fix was implemented you referenced above [16:18] ChrisR: I suspected as much; If you can, I'd test the theory but rebooting the host and NOT allowing any containers to start. Check the host can access /proc/sys/fs/ correctly... then start a single container... test again... and so on... at some point I'm guessing you'll hit the issue (unless it's timing related and multiple containers are blocking due to a race condition) [16:18] s/but rebooting/by rebooting/ [16:19] TJ-: so is the "fix" to upgrade systemd? [16:19] ChrisR: if you can prove that's the cause, yes :) Don't try to upgrade until you've proved it is the cause === SimonNL is now known as SImonNL_Afk [16:24] Hello everyone [16:24] TJ-: rebooted the host, it's fine, df -h works great. Started a container, it's hosed. [16:24] I have a weird situation here. I just upgraded my RAM from 8 to 16, but my system monitor keeps showing me 8. Do I have to do anything to get those new ram slots detected? [16:25] ChrisR: there you go then :) [16:25] Dbugger: you shouldn't. Check 'dmesg' see what the kernel is detecting [16:26] Dbugger: Are you sure the motherboard/firmware version support the RAM modules/capacities? [16:27] TJ-: awesome, thanks for your help! [16:28] TJ-, i checked it all, it should be compatible [16:28] ChrisR: let us know how you workaround or solve it eventually [16:28] Dbugger: well, if the kernel says it's there you're fine :) [16:28] Dbugger: did the firmware setup show it installed ? [16:29] TJ-, the firmware setup? what is that? [16:29] Dbugger: The firmware on the motherboard that brings the system up, Generally pressing F2 or Del gets into it at power-on [16:29] dmesg is not showing it :/ [16:30] should I restart and look in the BIOS? [16:30] Dbugger: the firmware has to 'know' about the RAM modules in order to configure the timing. Firmware setup may have options (often under "Advanced") to check/configure timings, although most should be automatically read from the module [16:30] Dbugger: yes [16:31] all one needs to do after adding ram, is going into the bios and save.. often fixes this missing ram. [16:31] Well, I bought this one: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B008CP5Q7M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [16:32] And this are the specs of my motherboard: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P7H55M_PRO/specifications/ [16:32] I think they are compatible, no? [16:34] TJ-, or did I mess up buying those for my motherboard? [16:37] I will reboot and be right back, after looking in the BIOS [16:37] "Some hyper DIMMs only support one DIMM per channel" maybe this is your issue [16:37] oh? [16:38] so 1 bank can be used, per colour [16:38] meaning that even though I have 4 slots, the half are useless? [16:39] yes, you added 2 x 4 gb? [16:39] I had 2 x 4GB [16:39] I bought 2 more [16:39] see if they work together in 1 colour [16:40] Dbugger: those should be fine, but note that the Kingston memory checker does NOT list that Asus motherboard as compatible - but then again it doesn't list that Motherboard at ALL ! [16:40] you mean that I should put the old ones in WHITE and the new ones in BLUE? [16:40] oerheks, is that what you say? [16:41] TJ-, great... [16:41] Hello! On a server I’m managing, the /boot partition is full and I can’t run apt to remove old kernels. It asks me to run “apt-get -f install” which will try to resolve everything but will fail because the partition is full. How can I fix it? [16:41] Dbugger: reboot; check what the firmware tells you [16:42] koichirose: identify kernel versions you want to remove then "rm /boot/initrd.img-" first to clear some space. [16:42] koichirose: initrd-img files are generated; not part of the packages [16:42] ok [16:43] TJ-: thank you, that was enough to fix it [16:45] good afternoon [16:45] TJ, ok, be right back [16:45] how to install refind on esp partition acer es1-132 ? [16:46] error [16:46] how to solved it ? [16:47] maybe the acer forum has the answer .. https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/483647/acer-aspire-es1-132-c685-ubuntu-installation-dual-boot-single-os-fails-help [16:47] https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/476726/es1-132-cannot-install-other-os-than-windows-10-bios-options-missing/p2 [16:47] azureus: Haven't we been through this before over the last few days? [16:47] maybe you need to update the bios first. [16:47] yeah [16:48] yes, i update the last bios [16:49] azureus: You're bought a device that is locked to Windows to the extend it will only boot from a file with the Windows boot-manager name bootmgrfw.efi or whatever. There are articles showing that renaming other bootloaders to that name works. If that isn't solving your issue you need to take it up with Acer. [16:49] but no bootable device after installation ubuntu~ [16:49] grrr, my typing is terrible today! [16:49] i installed only ubuntu [16:49] no windows [16:49] no dual boot [16:50] only boot linux [16:50] azureus: So? the EFI bootloader HAS TO BE NAMED the same as the Windows bootloader [16:50] no [16:50] efibootmgr.efi ? [16:52] no understand [16:52] explained please [16:56] azureus: read this Acer forum post, and in particular the comment on March 19th by spektro37: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/476726/es1-132-cannot-install-other-os-than-windows-10-bios-options-missing [17:01] TJ-, im back [17:01] oerheks, tried different configurations [17:01] no understand [17:01] explained easy mode [17:02] So, this is what happens.... [17:02] im easy man on linux [17:02] I have 4 memory slots: BLUE, BLACK, BLUE, BLACK [17:03] mount esp partition on live usb [17:03] if I put a RAM chip in the first BLUE one... it will only detect the second RAM if I put it in the first BLACK one [17:03] and ? [17:03] no installation refind [17:03] error [17:03] usually want matching dimms in either blue or black pairs [17:03] download deb file [17:04] but error [17:04] TJ-, I thought that with only 2 modules, they were supposed to be installed in the same color [17:04] only boot stick usb [17:04] but i want installed on emmc [17:05] but.. you don't need refind, afaik [17:05] I built poppler from source to update poppler-utils in xenial, now I'm trying pdfsig and I see [17:05] /usr/local/bin/pdfsig: error while loading shared libraries: libpoppler.so.72: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [17:06] anddam, i helped you yesterday, please go to @elementaryos .. [17:06] <_28kb> i'm about to change unsupported AMD graphics card with NVIDIA one... Should I just switch them and boot or there's something else i must do? [17:06] for a plain ubuntu issue? [17:06] so ? [17:06] it is likely an elementary issue, not ubuntu [17:07] oerheks: I mean this has nothing to do with the elementary changes, I fetched the source and used checkinstall to let the package manager know about the install [17:07] oerheks: ah ok [17:07] _28kb, if you have a propritary driver installed, switch back to the ubuntu driver [17:08] <_28kb> dont have... i did install some oibaf stuff [17:08] Dbugger: You'd have to check the motherboard manual for how the modules are paired [17:08] help me please [17:08] no understand [17:10] oerheks: I thought it was a linker issue, so not related to the DE [17:11] anddam: people have tried, over and over. you have been given links to read, just read them and follow their advice. [17:11] azureus: ^^ [17:11] sorry, anddam [17:11] anddam: pdfsig expects libpoppler.so.72... which version did you build/install? [17:12] ducasse: explained please [17:12] TJ-: poppler 0.61.1 that provided libpoppler.so.72.0.0 [17:13] I built GNOME's evince on top of that and it works [17:13] azureus: read the links TJ- gave you [17:13] or so it seems [17:13] anddam: run "ldd /path/to/pdfsig" check the dependencies [17:14] TJ-: it's not finding the shared object, as the error says https://gist.github.com/adab4d/686ecca23237d5f170ab2a96435920de [17:14] anddam: right, so install the correct library SONAME [17:15] TJ-: at build time? [17:15] anddam: at install time [17:16] it all went auto-magically with checkinstall, not sure where to tweak the library soname [17:17] TJ-: wait, install time? [17:17] yes [17:17] TJ-, I posted it here: https://superuser.com/questions/1270527/motherboard-wont-detect-2-ram-modules-in-dual-channel [17:22] Dbugger: did you read on page 2.4.2 "This motherboard does not support DIMMs made up of 512Mb (64MB) chips or less" [17:22] 6 [17:22] Dbugger: your memory is "4GB 1Rx8 512M x 64-Bit" [17:22] Dbugger: that's from https://www.kingston.com/dataSheets/KVR13N9S8_4.pdf [17:23] TJ-: I may be missing the "install time" notion there [17:24] anddam: where, on your system, is "libpoppler.so.72" found? [17:24] anddam: so far you've only said you installed "libpoppler.so.72.0.0" [17:25] anddam: at install-time, it's usually the case that the install logic will create a symlink from the MAJOR version to the MAJOR.MINOR.SUB version [17:28] Pantheon desktop ..not sure why it would be so different [17:28] TJ-, that means that the slots I bought do not work on my motherboard? [17:29] Dbugger: the modules - yes [17:29] TJ-: my bad, I thought I had updated the output of the file command already. Please update the gist [17:29] TJ-, well... right now, I took the old ones and I am running just on the new ones... and it is working. I got 8GB of RAM [17:30] TJ-: I actually tried creating libpoppler.so.72 as a symlink for the actually installed file, to no avail [17:30] TJ-, so that does not make much sense. Where did you read my new modules are 512Mb? [17:30] Dbugger: I just provided the link! [17:31] oerheks: I'm sorry, I figure the Pantheon line was for me but I don't get it [17:31] TJ-, oh, sorry, I missed that. let me see [17:31] TJ-, but even so... then why are they working now?? [17:32] Dbugger: the chips on the RAM module are 512Mb, which that motherboard says it does not support [17:32] TJ-, yeah, but right now they are working o_O [17:33] Dbugger: That suggests there's been a BIOS upgrade that added support since that manual was published [17:33] TJ-, even so, isnt it weirder that they are only working, if they are on different colors? [17:34] TJ-, should I maybe do a factory reset of the BIOS? [17:34] Dbugger: so then it's an incompatiblity between modules? Have you compared the module timings (CAS) - they should be the same [17:34] TJ-, how can they be incompatible, when they are the same? (I am talking when I have only 2) [17:34] Dbugger: colour has nothing to do with it; the pairing is by A1+B1, A2+B2 [17:34] TJ-, that is what I am saying. Those pairings are not working [17:35] Dbugger: I don't know; but that's usually the reason modules won't work with other modules, and that's also what the motherboard manual says [17:35] TJ-, they are the same modules [17:35] anyway [17:35] maybe ill try reseting the configuration of the motherboard [17:35] maybe that will do something [17:35] Dbugger: is the Mobo set to overclock in any way? that can sometimes mess things up [17:35] TJ-, no overclock [17:35] Dbugger: that's always a good test [17:36] TJ-, which one? [17:36] Dbugger: why not take this to ##hardware, as it's unlikely it's an ubuntu issue? [17:37] Dbugger: check manual section 3.5.8 also [17:37] ducasse, you have a point, thanks [17:38] TJ-, I have no idea what that means... could you please translate it to "human" to me? :( [17:39] maybe in private, if we are annoying people with this hardware issue... [17:39] Dbugger: I mean, read the mobo manual for the sections I've mentioned [17:42] TJ-, i am reading them, but I do not really get what it says... [17:42] Dbugger: they're options affecting RAM... so might influence the issue === SImonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [17:49] In /dev/snd, which device is the microphone? [17:49] TJ-, well, I do not really get what they are saying, but I will try to look into it [17:49] TJ-, thanks [18:06] anybody with experience on creating snaps? My SDL2 app fails to launch [18:06] I'm looking for some help for a new Ubuntu 18.10 installation with an encrypted root and LVM. I'd like to boot using rEFInd if possible and I need to know which kernel parameters to pass. So far I have tried booting with GRUB and an encryption passphrase prompt did not appear, probably because the GRUB configuration contained no crypto-related kernel parameters [18:07] jollydutchman: 18.10? [18:07] Sorry. 17.10 [18:08] The recent one lol [18:08] I'm used to Arch and I turn up my nose at your silly version numbers [18:08] how did you install ubuntu? encrypt+lvm in the installer or "something else" menu ? [18:08] I have looke donline and my laptop meets minimum requirements... but wanted to ask people that actually use it. It is an HP ProBook 4510s. It is a dualcore processor, 2.1Ghz each, 4Gb RAM, and 160Gb HDD, 1Gbit Ethernet, etc. [18:09] So I wanted everything to be as vanilla as possible not having used Ubuntu much recently, but of course the custom partitioner doesn't appear to have an LVM on top of LUKS option [18:09] Ascavasaion: it does [18:09] Oh, minimum requirements for Ubuntu 16 LTS with the new Gnome GUI [18:09] EriC^^: It will run okay? [18:10] Ascavasaion: i guess so, the ram is ok, not 100% sure about the graphics though [18:10] EriC^^: In my experience minimum requirements usually means it will run, but very slow. [18:10] I first carried out the installation with an encrypted root formatted with btrfs so that root encryption would be done with the defaults for however Ubuntu's installer does it. Then I opened a terminal and used vgcreate and lvcreate on the encrypted mapped device, wiping the btrfs [18:10] Ascavasaion: make a live usb and try it out and see how it performs then install if it's all good [18:10] Then I went back in the installer a second time and at the custom partitioner selected the two logical volumes I had created with for my root and swap [18:11] EriC^^: Aaah, of course... if it runs on Live, then install always runs better. Good idea. [18:11] yup [18:11] I have my /boot on a separate partition with no encryption, currently ext4 [18:12] jollydutchman: legacy not uefi? [18:12] No, it's UEFI. [18:12] jollydutchman: did you create an efi partition? [18:12] Already had one. macOS High Sierra is already installed [18:13] Part 1: ESP. Part 2: APFS for macOS. Part 3: /boot. Part 4: Crypt containing LVM. [18:14] Another question, if I upgrade from Ubuntu 14.x.x to 16... will it automatically run Gnome instead of Unity? [18:14] GRUB installed to EFI system partition properly during the installation, but I deleted it since I plan to use rEFInd. I just need to know the kernel parameters to pass in my boot stanza [18:15] In Arch, this would be something like cryptdevice=UUID=:mappedname to get the passphrase prompt during boot [18:16] did you try that one? [18:17] Goin to run it and see... if it does not work then clean install of something else. [18:17] thanks EriC^^ [18:17] Ascavasaion: gl ;) [18:17] Not yet. No reason really, other than that I wanted to get an Ubuntu-specific answer before I just took a shot in the dark [18:17] Ascavasaion: gnome is 17.10 - such that 16.04 (u)buntu is unity as the Desktop . [18:17] Searching around I couldn't turn anything up on this specific kind of setup [18:18] TJ-: Hello! How's progress? [18:18] jollydutchman: it doesn't need any, as long as you've got "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.13.0-16-lowlatency root=/dev/mapper/VG_OS-ubuntu_16.04_rootfs" the initrd.img will take care of the LUKS side via cryptsetup tooling [18:18] PizzaBurger: I sent you some messages last night via memoserv; did you read them? [18:19] TJ-: I didn't get a passphrase prompt the first time it booted up with GRUB though. What gives? [18:20] Anyway, I'm firing up the live media right now to try to put together a rEFInd boot stanza using the options in the current GRUB configuration and I'll see what it does [18:20] jollydutchman: /boot/ is not encrypted in your case, so GRUB won't ask for a passphrase. It loads vmlinuz+initrd.img... initrd.img is responsible for asking for the passphrase, using cryptsetup + plymouth. When the initrd.img is generated using "update-initramfs -u" the cryptsetup hooks will be installed *If* there's an entry in /etc/crypttab for the rootfs [18:21] TJ-: So it's possible that my crypttab is not correct? [18:21] jollydutchman: so check you've a correct entry in /etc/crypttab, and then (via a chroot) use "update-initramfs -vu -k " to get a verbose output and check cryptsetup is installing [18:22] jollydutchman: could be... as I say ^^^ use "-v" option to check what it being put in the initrd.img [18:22] This is a little bit of a hack the way I did it. Basically I ran the installer once just to let it encrypt the block device its own way, wiped the installation (but not the encryption container), created LVM in terminal, and then used the logical volumes in the custom partitioner and let the installer run a second time [18:23] So the installer may not have even been aware there was an encryption layer it needed to take care of [18:23] jollydutchman: I've done that too on occassion; that shouldn't affect things. [18:23] TJ-: The custom partitioner didn't have a virtual device for the encryption layer the second time through the installer like it did the first time [18:23] Just for LVM [18:24] jollydutchman: lvm2, cryptsetup, mdadm ... they all install 'hooks' into the initramfs-tools logic that will add config and binaries/SOs required for initrd.img to mount the rootfs [18:24] jollydutchman: assuming the installed image does have the package "cryptsetup" - check that! [18:25] I guess I'll find out soon enough since the live media is booted now [18:25] jollydutchman: "dpkg -l cryptsetup" should show "ii cryptsetup ..." where "ii" means installed and config-installed [18:27] I'm very frustrated with a sudden problem with 16.04 LTS that I can't find any hints from anywhere so far... in short, the mouse events do not switch to the new window often / a lot of the time - keyboard does. meaning for example that if I switch to another window, the previously active window keeps on getting the actions. there's no way to fix it (sometimes switching and launching apps helps to switch the [18:27] "focus" once). it even happens if I do metacity --replace to switch from compiz/unity to another window manager! I also tried with and without HWE enablement. [18:28] Do I need to do anything to make sure I can chroot properly? Arch has its own arch-chroot script that takes care of everything, but this is the procedure I'm used to following for openSUSE: https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/single-html/book.opensuse.startup/index.html#sec.trouble.data.recover.rescue.access [18:28] (Make sure proc, sys and dev are mounted properly in the chroot, basically) [18:28] and I even did a reinstallation of /. running on kaby lake system with intel graphics, but I really can't think of anything right now. memtest passed ok, I was wondering about random memory corruption or such but doesn't seem to be the case. [18:29] can't pinpoint anything in recent updates, but it might be something in there [18:29] I'll be on the channel if anyone else experiencing the same or any tips [18:29] jollydutchman: generally: "sudo mkdir /target; sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg-rootfs /target; for n in proc sys dev dev/pts run; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/%n; done; sudo chroot /target; mount -a" (that last mounts inside the chroot based on it's fstab) [18:30] jollydutchman: typo... /target/%n should be /target/$n [18:30] with xev I can see what happens seems what I described - when the mouse events are "stuck" with xev window, it keeps on getting all the clicks and movements even when I'm in some other window (that doesn't have functional mouse, keyboard works fine) [18:31] Mirv: I recall seeing that once or twice... an application window seems to have 'captured' the mouse [18:31] Mirv: generally happened when I'd misclicked with a right-mouse or a drag operation [18:32] TJ-: right, that has happened sometimes, but this is of whole different scale - all apps, almost all the time, any user account (including guest) [18:32] TJ-: It appears that the installer didn't set @ (root subvolume) as the default btrfs subvolume. Should I do that? [18:33] the normal "try to rule out things" isn't working very well since prety much everything has been ruled out.. [18:34] I'm especially baffled that switching to Metacity doesn't change a thing. it sounds like X.org level / driver thing, and I'd suspect a such regression but I've also tried different kernels and as said falling back to 16.04.0/.1 original hw stack (non-hwe-16.04) [18:34] Mirv: could it be the device itself misbehaving? does unplug/reconnect help? [18:34] jollydutchman: I'm not familar with btrfs so you're on your own there :) [18:34] TJ-: different mouse, different USB port, tried that too. I'm pretty good at this bug hunting, but I may have met my match :) [18:35] Mirv: nah, you've just giving it chance to go away before you get the sledgehammer :) [18:35] Mirv: I'd check on what applications/processes are starting up in the user profile. Does this happen in a Guest profile, or a new clean user profile? [18:36] TJ-: in Guest too, as said above [18:36] Mirv: sorry; I missed that [18:36] np [18:36] Mirv: have you searched the Launchpad bug tracker for similar reports? [18:38] TJ-: It appears I have no crypttab. [18:39] TJ-: yes, with all my might [18:40] Should I create one or is there a script I can use to generate one or something? [18:40] but now I've got some new... it really does happen on 16.04.3 live USB freshly booted. it can't be Ubuntu, this worked a few days ago still, it must be hardware level... [18:40] jollydutchman: is cryptsetup installed? [18:40] I'm glad I'm good at bisecting things but how on earth is this really happening :D [18:41] TJ-: Yes. [18:43] I'm not sure how to read this dpkg output though. Here: https://pastebin.com/aaSZHd22 [18:43] Is this some kind of error? [18:43] jollydutchman: you'll need to write your own entry: something like: "LUKS_OS UUID=f7175e39-2594-4cb9-b842-de2e1c208f61 /path/to/keyfile luks,discard" if you were using a keyfile, for example, else use "none" there [18:44] is what you're talking about related to enabling luks afterwards? [18:45] I just did that when I tried my fresh / install, inserted the luks setup manually from a live session to grub, crypttab etc [18:45] jollydutchman: that output is good - the ASCII art top-left is lines joning the first 3 columns to the description of what the letters in the columns mean. First "i" means Desired state=installed, Second "i" means Status=installed [18:46] Mirv: Not sure if you're talking to me. The root installation is in LVM on top of LUKS, but I have no crypttab apparently, which means initramfs generation did not pull in the relevant crypto hooks, and I get no passphrase prompt when I boot [18:46] jollydutchman, maybe hit an old bug : check #15 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1168115 [18:46] Launchpad bug 1168115 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "crypttab not generated in /etc/" [Undecided,Confirmed] [18:47] Mirv: are you using any keyboard+mouse combination gestures or similar? Obviously an application is grabbing focus and not releasing it. As I said earlier, mostly I saw that when I was drag-selecting and moved outside the application's window - it retained the grab [18:47] jollydutchman: yes. right, that's my cup of tea too since I do non-encrypted installation on encrypted hard disk :) crypttab is needed, but I've usually gone through some extra hoops before getting cryptsetup really on initramfs and grub properly setup. [18:49] TJ-: sorry, I didn't yet update you on my last minutes' findings. thank you for listening, I often tend to find the last critical bit of info when I first complain publicly. so once I found out it happens on USB live session too, I figured out it must be hw. and then I realized that even though I tried different mouse, I tried it at the same time as the other one was plugged. so until I say "aaaargh, it [18:49] happened again" it currently seems the mouse / USB plug got broken and started sending some stuck events or whatever that caused this event stuckness in specific window. [18:50] Mirv: so you've got a workaround now? [18:51] Mirv: I'd just clean the mouse with IPA ... amazing what that can do once it's switches and optical sensor is clean [18:51] TJ-: yes, the real solution is to find that sledgehammer and get rid of that faulty mouse + USB receiver for good so that no-one ever needs to go through what I did [18:51] TJ-: it's actually a trackball mouse [18:51] Mirv: USB Receiver??? batteries? replace them/recharge them! [18:52] Mirv: I have a BT mouse, with 2 AA sized batteries. Every few days I have to remove the batteries and polish the terminals and replace them because it loses the connection! For ages I thought they were going flat until I discovered this! [18:52] that said, I tested that my backups are pretty solid so that I can reinstall / and untar "system-backup-files.tar", apt install $(cat installed-important-packages.txt) and I've pretty solid experience with no critical lost system config [18:53] TJ-: yeah, I'll try a few things with the problematic mouse/receiver when I have time, for now I'm happy that it's a simple problem [18:53] Mirv: cables/wireless > power > hardware > software -- that's the order I always consider :) [18:54] sounds very wise :) [18:55] Which GRUB packages are installed by default when the installer runs? I've regenerated my initramfs so I should be ready to update my rEFInd configuration and I need to uninstall all the GRUB stuff [18:58] Sorry for asking a question with an obvious solution, but it's going to take me a while to get as familiar with apt as with pacman [18:59] sudo apt remove grub2 gave me the response: Package 'grub2' is not installed, so not removed [18:59] But I definitely had Ubuntu GRUB installed to my EFI system partition when I completed the installation === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [19:04] jollydutchman: it should be grub-efi as the meta-package, which'll depend on several others that contain the actual 'stuff' - do "apt list --installed '*grub*' " [19:05] Yeah, I think I figured it out. Now when I list grub packages it says I've got some residual config files [19:05] Is there an apt command to remove config files when uninstalling? How can I get rid of these? [19:05] jollydutchman: and if you're not aware of it - Debian/Ubuntu are HOT on ensuring every tool as a man-page so the goto for getting your head around the tooling, e.g. "man apt", "man dpkg" etc [19:05] jollydutchman: "purge" [19:06] Well obviously reading the manpage for apt is on the agenda lol [19:06] I'd like to have a bootable system first [19:08] jollydutchman: "apt purge " [19:08] jollydutchman: apt deals with dependencies between packages; dpkg is for individual packages - apt calls on dpkg to do the heavy lifting of install/remove/etc [19:08] Yeah, dpkg is alright. The absolute abundance of packages is appreciated [19:09] I always miss the dead simple syntax of pacman whenever I use anything else though [19:09] jollydutchman: some other useful commands: "apt-cache policy " to figure out where it comes from and what versions of a package are available. "apt-cache search " to discover packages. "apt-cache search -n " for searching only on names [19:09] jollydutchman: sorry I need to go, but in random order tips that might or might not be useful for your LUKS stuff... a) update-initramfs -v makes it easy to grep if cryptsetup is now included on your initramfs after your latest changes or not b) in case you go desperate with initramfs cryptsetup inclusion not happening, try adding modules to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (cryptroot, cryptsetup, askpass, [19:09] dm_crypt) and CRYPTSETUP=y to /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf - those are probably not needed though when doing it "right", but I've kept them. c) for similar desparate situations with not functional booting even if cryptsetup is there, my /etc/default/grub has http://paste.ubuntu.com/26014199/ (also, needed multiple attempts before discard really worked with luks for me) [19:10] "when in doubt, panic and try everything" is my motto [19:10] Mirv: I have an HDD, so trim support is irrelevant for me. But good tips [19:10] jollydutchman: finding out what other packages will be pulled in via Depends: or Recommends: "apt-cache depends " [19:10] right, the discard bits are not needed thus [19:10] And 5400rpm no less. I was stunned to find Apple puts crap like that in iMacs [19:11] It's not the most recent model, but it's fairly new. Fortunately it's a work computer [19:11] 5400rpm is all the craze in mass producted products, I guess it's worth the $1 saved for them. also things like game consoles keep on using those. [19:12] No way. My Xbox has a 5400 rpm HDD in it? [19:12] You would think at least for the more recent HD games that would be a bottleneck for high res texture files [19:14] Depends on the internal cache and usage pattern. small random files will induce latency, but large continguous files won't [19:14] I guess they trust that enough software engineering for streaming data into RAM from slow media works around issues enough [19:15] and I'm sure MS and Sony have spent a lot of time into thinking how games are packaged/ordered in both Blu-Ray media and the actual HDD installations to minimize random seeks [19:15] I think that's why HDDs advertised for "digital video recorders" are a way of getting rid of 5400 rpm drives [19:15] jollydutchman: hows your cryptsetup/initrd coming along? [19:17] i installed the nvidia proprietary drivers and its working perfectly fine. whats the easiest way for me to, at boot, select whether i want those used or not? fwiw adding "blacklist nvidia" does not prevent the module from installing [19:18] where can I go to ask a question about gedit? particularly how to get plugins for it nowadays? I have gnome-ubuntu installed right now. [19:18] TJ-: Still working on my rEFInd configuration [19:18] My initrd is probably fine. It looks like crypto files were installed in the image as they should be [19:19] rasputin880, see the gedit plugin package, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit-plugins [19:19] But I probably shouldn't have purged those GRUB packages just now because I was relying on grub.cfg to make sure I got my kernel command line right [19:19] !info gedit-plugins [19:19] gedit-plugins (source: gedit-plugins): set of plugins for gedit. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.22.0-2 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 21 kB [19:20] jollydutchman: did you lose /boot/grub/grub.cfg then? :D [19:20] TJ-: Well I purged everything GRUB. So yes [19:20] I'm smart [19:20] Alright, moment of truth [19:20] I've done this part. There is no way seen to enable them from within gedit now. [19:22] i can download and compile gedit and then add the plugins but I'd think there was some way this shouldn't be necessary [19:24] gedit> edit > preferences> [tab] plugins .. no need to build, just install gedit-plugins [19:27] ok im just so not use to this setup i guess [19:27] i thought it'd be like you said [19:27] TJ-: Stuck at rescue shell [19:28] but yea i had to click on the bar above separate from the actual app (don't know the proper name of this) [19:30] If I had to guess, I've somehow specified the root device wrong [19:30] Here's my boot stanza: https://pastebin.com/fGuNY2iV [19:31] OH [19:31] Just remembering that the top level of the btrfs is set as the default [19:31] That's probably it [19:31] good night [19:32] please paste link simple to install and coonfiguration refind [19:32] azureus, we've done that twice already. I recommend you find someone who speaks your native language. [19:33] help me please [19:34] azureus: I use rEFInd. What's your question? [19:34] tutorial installation and configuration refind on ubuntu [19:34] apt-get install refind should get you started? [19:34] no understand website [19:35] http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/installing.html [19:35] Is this the website you're referring to? [19:35] no understand [19:35] explain please [19:35] azureus, what is your native language? [19:35] portuguese [19:36] !br [19:36] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [19:39] !pt [19:39] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [19:39] oh [19:41] good morning === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [19:42] oerheks: it seems #ubuntu-br is the general support channel in pt_*, while #ubuntu-pt is just a local (social) channel [19:42] hi [19:43] 16.04LTS, firefox 57.0, installing FlashGot it says "you have version 10.0, need at least 14.0" - what's this? === beaver is now known as evilnewbie [19:44] Is FlashGot even FF57 compatible? Most of the old addons don't work any more. [19:46] exit [19:56] I'm still not getting past initramfs. [19:56] Here's my boot stanza currently: https://pastebin.com/MZAQtLBb [20:00] apt-get update is yielding this error, is it common? [20:00] https://pastebin.com/FV27ptJY [20:02] gluon, this happens sometimes, part of the error log: Mirror sync in progress? [20:02] try again in a few minutes [20:02] yeah, i suppose it's what it says [20:03] i downloaded that file manually and indeed the checksum is wrong [20:03] a sync is indeed in progress probably [20:10] TJ-: hey, so I've just read the messages you sent me. You noted that I shouldn't use it until you tell me to [20:12] Hey guys. How I'm running ubuntu with i3wm and I'm trying to move it to my ssd (with my windows) so it boots up faster. How do I do that? [20:16] shugz: gparted has a copy/paste partition function [20:16] alkisg: I have windows running on the SSD aswell. I'll look up what gpart is. [20:17] I have a 512 SSD + 3 tb HDD. I have windows on ssd and ubuntu with 40gb on the HDD. I want to move it over to SSD so it boots faster. [20:18] shugz: you can also use dd if the target partition is at least same size, or larger [20:20] alkisg: What does that mean? My windows definitly has more partition space. [20:21] alkisg: Also I can't get gparted to run. Needs root permission. I tried pkexec gparted, but it says this: Authentication is required to run the GParted Partition Editor [20:21] Authenticating as: Ash,,, (shugu) [20:21] Password: [20:21] polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie [20:21] ==== AUTHENTICATION FAILED === [20:21] Error executing command as another user: Not authorized [20:21] It's probably going to be more complicated than a simple dd. [20:22] You'll likely need to update /etc/fstab, for instance. [20:22] And reconfigure the bootloader. [20:23] shugz: use the menu, gparted is in the menu [20:23] i have i3wm. Don't have a menu lol [20:24] sudo gparted then [20:24] shugz, you have dmenu [20:24] shugz, super + d [20:26] yeah. What should I type? I already tried gparted [20:26] okay [20:26] it worked. I used sudo [20:28] it says I have 454 GB under /dev/sda2 [20:30] /dev/sda1 ntsf Sys Reserved 500 MB. /dev/sda2 ntfs 464 GB, /dev/sda3 btfs 800 MB [20:32] How do I move it to the ssd? I have sda: 465 GB and sdb 2.73 TB (HDD) [20:41] shugz: Create a new partition on the SSD at least as big as your Ubuntu HDD partition. Then, copy the HDD partition contents to the SSD partition. Then, fix up /etc/fstab and maybe the bootloader. And maybe the initramfs? [20:44] Maxpm: Okay. Let me try that. Thank you! [20:46] dd clones the partition, creating the same uuid, thus no changes are needed in fstab. The boot loader used is efi, which means it doesn't require installation since it'll use the same uuid. The initramfs isn't related. [20:47] Ah, I didn't realize dd copied UUID. [20:48] You'll probably need to change the UUID of the old partition then, so you don't have two partitions with the same UUID, right? [20:52] UUID of file-systems only needs changing if this is a copy, not a *move* [20:52] and a 'local copy' at that - copying to a separate system will work fine [20:57] help me please, to use clonezilla I have to boot from external (perhaps live) system, because the disk that should be cloned have to be unmounted, right? [21:00] alexas: http://clonezilla.org/downloads/download.php?branch=stable [21:00] alexas: then http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live-doc.php [21:01] leftyfb: aha, didn't know it exist, thank you sir [21:05] anyone have ideas why my ubuntu server and the local network is getting 100mb download, and connected directly to the modem im getting 200mb down, is ubuntu throttling this speed somehow? [21:07] rich_: so you're running ubuntu and when you plug your ubuntu machine into your network(switch?) you're getting 100mb but when you plug your ubuntu machine into the modem directly you're getting 200mb [21:07] ? [21:07] rich_: could be all sorts of stuff, router doesn't support gbit, switch doesn't support gbit, cable doesn't support gbit, nic doesn't support gbit [21:08] rich_: if you answer yes to my question above, the issue has absolutely nothing to do with ubuntu [21:09] all nic's are 10/1000 i have ubuntu acting as my router with a static IP address i can speed test from the ubuntu and get 220 down, but my LAN is only getting 100mb [21:09] the lan side seems throttled === tuxiano_ is now known as tuxiano [21:10] maybe nic card drivers? [21:10] you can use ethtool to check your link speed and if you have multiple computers you can stress test it with iperf [21:11] ok will try ethtool [21:14] how can i paste my ethtool results for someone to look at? [21:14] paste.ubuntu.com [21:15] can someone look at https://paste.ubuntu.com/26014972/ for me please [21:16] Speed: 100Mb/s [21:16] aye... Any help setting this? [21:16] Whatever you're connected to and/or the cable you are using is only capable of 100 megabit [21:16] ohhhh [21:16] ty [21:16] np ; gl [21:17] You only need 4 conductors to make a 100 megabit link, it is possible for a gigabit capable cable to be assembled incorrectly and work at 100 megabit but not 1000 megabit [21:19] why if I change the dns in /etc/resolv.conf - my system got it reset to the defaults? [21:19] ubuntu 17.10 [21:19] alexas: because it tells you in the file itself it will be overwritten. [21:20] was cable thanks a ton [21:20] alexas: did you see that while you were "changing dns in resolve.conf"????????? [21:21] rich_: ok glad it was an easy fix [21:21] rich_: there is auto-negotiation between your cable modem and your rj45 ... if they are capable of 1Gbps, they will [21:21] alexas: or did you totally choose to ignore that even though it was in ALL CAPS [21:21] ? [21:21] tatertotz: sorry i don't understand your point, can you maybe rephrase it pls. [21:23] alexas: if you look in the comment section of /etc/resolv.conf you will see that it gets overwritten programatically, it has been that way for some time [21:23] alexas: never mind..carry on [21:23] alexas: /etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf which is managed by - surprise, surprise - the resolvconf tooling :) [21:25] ee it, sorry for being so lame [21:25] /s/ee/see [21:25] s/* [21:25] where are routes being loaded from when i reboot my machine? there a config file someplace i keep having to issue sudo route del dev enp4s0 after restart [21:26] maybe someone will be kind and help me understand how to fix dnscrypt settings under ubuntu 17, my config is running under but if I set this in my network manager as default dns it apparently did not work [21:27] and there is also 2 default gatewas i have to remove one: sudo route del default dev enp4s0 [21:27] when i restart [21:27] set DHCP to manual too [21:28] rich_: does the system have multiple NICs which all use DHCP? [21:28] only the local nic card is running dhcp [21:29] i mean by saying, i am running dhcp for my lan machines [21:29] rich_: that's a DHCP *server* for other clients? I'm on about a DHCP *client* on the problem system [21:29] never mind [21:29] oh no thi sis my ubuntu server [21:30] the server after restarts seems to add a couple routes i am not desiring :) [21:30] u [21:33] rich_: routes are set by the interface IP/CIDR, then default routes come from either the DHCP lease or a 'gateway' configuration [21:33] rich_: look at your /etc/network/interfaces [21:38] will loook now ty [21:39] nothing in the interfaces file looks like a default file [21:43] rich_: is the system using ifupdown (/etc/network/interfaces) for configuring it's network? [21:46] i do not believe so is there a way to check? this is the default ubuntu desktop install [21:46] rich_: which ubuntu release? [21:46] rich_: desktop generally uses Network Manager. check the Connection Editor for the configured interfaces. [21:50] hey , did you get firefox 57 from apt update? [21:51] !info firefox [21:51] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.17.10.5 (artful), package size 45043 kB, installed size 171518 kB [21:51] yep [21:51] Ben64, but i didnt [21:51] ok [21:51] i dont know why [21:51] what version of ubuntu? did you 'apt update' ? [21:51] Ben64, 17.10 , yes i did [21:52] then pick a different mirror [21:52] jwtiyar, apt policy firefox ? [21:52] Ben64, but i think there problem with source.list [21:52] TJ: Can you look at this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26015196/ [21:53] kostkon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26015198/ [21:53] hi [21:54] I have added a @daily cronjob but it doesn't run ever [21:54] jwtiyar, please run sudo apt update and then apt policy again. paste both outputs [21:54] in /etc/syslog there are only /etc/cron.hourly mentions and /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest - is there anything I need to do to enable daily cronjobs for the root crontab (crontab -e for root)? [21:54] since it seems like cron didn't even attempt to run it [21:54] hmm how to get the global menu or sth working on 17.10 [21:55] my kde programs don't seem to show menu *at all* now [21:55] rich_: not this one again! You've got TWO interfaces connected to the modem? [21:55] rich_: so each one sets a default route [21:55] (in "unity" gnome3) [21:55] i only have 1 nic card plugged into modem [21:55] and the other to my lan switch [21:56] kostkon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26015212/ , http://paste.ubuntu.com/26015217/ [21:56] anyone? it shouldn't be that hard just to get a daily cronjob running.. [21:56] the help you gave me the other day has worked great it just seems to me something is adding thoes unnessary routes and slowing things down [21:57] jwtiyar, cat /etc/apt/sources.list [22:01] hi guys I installed Ubuntu on a 2 in 1 with accellerometere but iio-sensor isnt' working, i found a workaround by running "watch -n 0.1 cat '/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device'*/*raw*" and I would like to have this command running on startup in order to have the rotation workin without doing anything else. [22:02] rich_: and I bet your LAN switch is also connected to the modem [22:02] The problem is that I do not know how to do it properly since cromtab -e and the stratup application instrument didn't work, can you help me [22:03] rich_: lines 5 and 6 show you have 2 interfaces each with the same upstream gateway. Either you've configured that manually (so change it) or else it's coming via DHCP which implies both interfaces are reaching the modem [22:04] why would a crontab -e (as root) @daily cronjob not run? there is no /etc/cron.allow, but in /var/log/syslog the only mentions of cron are CRON[28548]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) and CRON[10748]: (root) CMD ( test -x /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest && /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest --crond) [22:04] which looks to me like it only runs hourly cron but not actually the daily script. I can run the script directly just fine, but it doesn't seem to run inside cron ever [22:04] Where would this config be at? I may have configured it manually and dont remember what file :) I know I know... this is all new to me so I get lost sometimes! [22:05] rich_: well I'm not Clairvoyant! If you don't know! I told you, check the Network Manager Connection Editor [22:05] im betting while trying to set things up I may have configured that is some file somewhere [22:05] :) ok [22:06] can I have NO gateway in the connection editor for the lan side? Ow or better yet what should that interface have as a gateway [22:09] rich_: do you have DHCP on your network [22:10] rich_: of course, it doesn't need a gateway [22:10] sorry kostkon my internet disconnected [22:10] rich_: a gateway host is only required if this system needs to send traffic to a network outside it's own - you've already got that on the Internet NIC [22:11] this is the out put http://paste.ubuntu.com/26015276/ [22:12] kostkon, source.list is ok? [22:12] I've tried out 17.10 but the keyboard input is very screwy. When I go into console, the symbols "^@" are repeated over and over. I tried google and didn't find any solutions. Does anyone here know what causes this or is it simply a bug in 17.10 that makes the release incompatible with my system? [22:13] have you got a stuck meta key maybe [22:13] (a.k.a. super key, "windows key") [22:13] DrManhattan: that was meant for you, sorry [22:14] MrJones: can you pastebin the script you use in cron.daily ... I assume it is chmod +x [22:14] rich_: i scrolled up and found your pastebin - why are you connecting two interfaces to the same network anyway? [22:14] there are no stuck keys. I tried it with a different keyboard and got the same result [22:15] MrJones: the script usually does not have an extension like .sh [22:15] jwtiyar, you could try the following: open your software and updates and select a different server/mirror [22:15] also 16.04 works fine [22:15] kostkon, source.list is ok? [22:16] jwtiyar, looks fine as far as i can see [22:16] my dns down, where to look to fix that? in network manager it is set to default and systemd-resolver and systemd-resolved.service is both running [22:16] MrJones in crontab I set the @reboot parameter instead of @daily one and even after rebooting it didn't work [22:16] ubuntu 17.10 [22:16] kostkon, ok was main server i changed to united states [22:16] kostkon, same [22:16] jwtiyar, press refresh and/or then open your updater and check for updates [22:17] I think perhaps I'm just not going to use 17.10 - that bug is horrid and makes the entire release useless to me [22:18] DrManhattan: does "the console" refer to the TTY or the terminal emulator in the applications menu [22:19] jerichowasahoax TTY, not terminal app [22:19] kostkon, unitedstates same result now changed to romania and still the same [22:19] DrManhattan: ^@ means the NUL character... [22:19] no new updates [22:19] that indeed sounds very very very wrong [22:19] Yeah and 16.04 works perfectly [22:19] it's not a hardware flaw [22:20] jwtiyar, you could try recreating your sources list manually with this generator https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ [22:20] kostkon, but istill think the problem is source.list becuase i remember i edited and removed some things [22:20] kostkon, ok [22:21] kostkon, iam from iraq the server for iraq not working , can i choose germany ? [22:21] its faster than iraq [22:21] DrManhattan: i have 17.10 open in qemu at the moment and don't have this problem, so it's not inherent to 17.10 [22:22] jwtiyar, i gues [22:22] s [22:23] jerichowasahoax obviously not on all hardware, but definitely on this. I've put 17.10 on an intel based HP workstation and it worked fine too. I fear there's a compatibility issue with my hardware - something I haven't seen in linux in quite some time [22:24] DrManhattan: if you haven't blown away the 17.10 install on the affected system yet, you might try updating it [22:24] ssh in if you have to [22:25] kostkon, i cant install curl its not finding it from apt install curl :( [22:25] with any luck, it's a regression, and kernel devs have already noticed it and been yelled at by linus about it :V [22:25] kostkon, will try gedit [22:26] but seriously no one is talking about the menu?! [22:26] no one of you have any problems with application menus in 17.10? [22:27] I did, nothing I did made any difference whatsoever [22:27] I HATE bothering people in IRC for answers, it's my last resort :) [22:28] it's only really a bother if you're being a jerkwad about it [22:28] which you're not [22:31] argh I looked at my logs. [22:32] there was one guy, who did join the channel last month. Asked about menus not being visible in kde apps, waited for hours, then left, never to be seen again. [22:32] ztane: what [22:32] s your actual question [22:32] 23:55·04 < ztane> my kde programs don't seem to show menu *at all* now [22:32] after upgrading to 17.10. [22:32] meaning "they only show in kde"? [22:33] I don't have kde. [22:33] I had 17.04. [22:33] ztane, in unity or gnome shell? [22:33] they worked in unity. [22:34] now it seems they're somewhat in limbo, thinking they should have the global menu or something :F [22:34] are you certain the shortcuts didn't have some sort of "only show in unity" option turned on [22:34] do they exist in /usr/share/applications/ [22:35] jerichowasahoax: the applications do not have the menubar in them... [22:35] in the windows... [22:35] window(s) [22:36] oh, that's what's happening [22:36] the "File Edit Window Help" [22:36] i have even less of an idea [22:36] that happened for firefox and chromium too, and Slack client and whatnot :F [22:37] hmm also nautilus, which is not a kde program, hmhmh. [22:38] it's not as silly as "did you try hovering over the titlebar", is it [22:39] it seems like you're past that step but i'd like to at least have it on record [22:44] ztane, gnome shell apps have client side decorations in place of menus [22:46] kostkon: hmm, yeah. [22:47] jerichowasahoax: yeah, tried hovering, everything [23:22] hi baby....can we check why i can't login into x? === kk4ewt is now known as VileGent [23:28] rek, read /var/log/Xorg.0.log, to start with [23:39] hey. I want to have a script inside a cron and I have something in cron file like /script.sh > logs/log-$(date "+%m%d%Y").log [23:40] but when I check syslog I noticed the job was executed like /script.sh > logs/log-$(date "").log [23:41] is date formatting overlapping something related to crontab? [23:53] Hey everyone, is there a way we can setup a separate DNS system, in case the Net Neutrality thing goes south on December 14? [23:56] fizk: not only is that not an ubuntu support topic, it's not going to solve much [23:57] leftyfb: yeah, i have no idea which tech channel to ask in