
=== marcos is now known as marcosrz
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Guest54936I was trying to understnad why my language keyboard layout indicator suddenly dissapears. I fugred out how it happens. On kubuntu 16.04 after a short why on the kde desktop, kdeinit5 crashes when it crashes teh keyboard layout indicator dissapears and I cannot toggle between keyboard layouts anymore. Is it possible to restart kdeinit 5 without relogging in?05:36
Guest54936*after a short while05:36
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aienacan someone help me solve this kdeinit5 crashing problem on kubuntu 16? I am using AMD hardware.05:39
aienaIs anyone else experiencing kdeinit5 crashing on kubuntu 1605:44
lordievaderGood morning07:10
OOPManHey, so yesterday I came in here and asked if anyone had noticed upgrading from Kubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 caused their KDE start-up time to increase dramatically. Someone suggested I test using a new user account to see if this was a system-wide problem or just specific to my user. It seems the problem is user-specific.08:07
OOPManSo, is there a way I can reset my KDE profile?08:07
OOPManWhat do I need to delete/move?08:07
lordievaderOOPMan: A whole bunch of stuff in ~/.config/08:35
=== bogdomania is now known as Guest7814
random1234567890hi all. is flash installed by default in kubuntu? I never actively installed flash but keep seeing updates09:40
hateballlike I said in #kde you likely ticked the box to install third party stuff09:41
hateballduring install09:41
hateballif you don't want it then simply remove it using Muon or apt09:42
random1234567890how'd I do that? muon looks quite confusing: https://imgur.com/a/Z4DEF09:47
hateballrandom1234567890: search for adobe instead09:52
random1234567890hateball: that did the trick. found and removed. thanks a lot!09:53
hateballrandom1234567890: :)09:54
random1234567890a wait...09:54
random1234567890few things: https://imgur.com/a/NfBqQ status "installed" "requested" remove". what does that mean?09:54
random1234567890ok, so I have to "apply changes"?09:55
hateballand that will ask for your sudo password09:55
random1234567890ok done. the last screenshot is a problem for color blind people. red and green text on background. not sure if this should be filed as ux bug.09:56
random1234567890*on blue background09:56
random1234567890ok thanks for your patience with a noob... next time I know where to look.09:56
hateballno worries09:57
hateball!bug | random123456789009:57
ubotturandom1234567890: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.09:57
hateballtho it'd be more a RFE than a bug09:57
hateballwell accessibility bug... but I have no experience with the accessibility stuff really09:57
hateballRequest For Enhancement09:57
* random1234567890 feels a lot cleaner with flash gone.09:57
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ubsafderany information how can i recpompile firefox ?10:29
lordievaderubsafder: Why do you want to do that? You can simply download a tar from Mozilla and run that.10:31
lordievaderCompiling Firefox is a pain.10:31
ubsafderbecause i want to check if freedom matter to ubuntu10:33
lordievaderIn that case download the source and compile, I suppose.10:35
ubsafderi have been a windows developper  i wante to check the if ubuntu were really publishing the source so i am downloading major packages and recompiling . firefox published source are a fake it's not compiling10:39
ubsafderi will continue the quest another few hours before i give up10:40
ubsafderthe real reason firefox destroyed the extention i wrote for my own need i like to change that beheavior on my machine11:03
BluesKajHowdy all11:42
TomTomubsafder: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Linux_Prerequisites12:17
TomTomshould be a good start12:17
ubsafder‎‎TomTom: does that mean that unlike debian kubuntu desn't compiled on it's own it self  ? ‎12:42
TomTomwhat? what do you want? you wrote you want to check if/how firefox compiles, this is the way to go12:44
ubsafderwell now i know debian is better thanks12:46
BluesKajno need to compile, just use the ppa upgrade https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security12:48
ubsafdercomparing system windows debian ubuntu . on my scale debian comes first windows and ubuntu are at same number of hops to get freedom12:48
ubsafderi know user are lock down for their own good . that's getting my toes wet  i checked before jumping in the boat and fully rely on a new boat12:51
lordievaderubsafder: Ubuntu compiles stuff themselves, for as far as I know. Else they get their stuff from Debian.12:52
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ubsafderi am now looking for an alternate browser to firefox what's available with sources ?13:24
ubsafderany browser with ./configure make ; make install would qualify in my eyes13:28
lordievaderThough, about any open-source browser qualifies your needs.13:35
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Mike|1965Hello everyone, not newbe to Linux but newbe to Kubuntu 17.10.14:44
BluesKajhi Mike|1965 , what's your issue?14:47
Mike|1965I am having trouble getting my sound to work out of the box. It comes from the built-in ASUS Maximus VII MB14:51
BluesKajMike|1965, run aplay -l and pastebin it14:52
BluesKajMike|1965, also check alsamixer in the terminal and make sure automute is disabled14:56
Mike|1965I going to logon on my Kubuntu machine, I'll be back...15:03
Mike|1965-1I did not know I could not login with same name used a a few seconds ago...15:05
Mike|1965-1Here is aplay -l from unprived account:15:05
Mike|1965-1alsamixer shows MM on "Line"15:10
Mike|1965-1I changed the "Line" in alsamixer to 100%... and still nothing 8^(15:15
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BluesKajremove  MM with the M key in any outputs that you need and turn up the volume15:19
BluesKajmm even ;-)15:19
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Mike|1965-1Sorry, back again... pls don't ask. I did the MM think and quit----> No dice.15:41
BluesKajwhat about automute and your system settings>multimedia>device prefernce/music settings, then the audio harware setup tab15:49
BluesKajautomute in alsamixer15:50
BluesKajaudio on linux is a mess, takes some mucking about to get things right15:51
Mike|1965-1ok BluesKaj...15:52
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BluesKajMike|1965-1, we have keep trying until it works15:53
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Mike|1965-1I went to system settings>multimedia>   | All I have for selections are "Audio CDs | Audio Volume | Audio and Video" - Remember 17.1016:01
BluesKajMike|1965-1, I have to ask again, have you disabled automute in alsamixer, because it's setting is global16:06
Mike|1965-1Under Audio and Video>Audio Playback>Music it has my Video Card in subdued test. Does this mean it is selected?16:07
Mike|1965-1Yes, but I will check again...16:08
BluesKajplease read the post above first before we go any further16:08
BluesKajMike|1965-1, we'll set that up the default audio card next16:10
BluesKajin the16:10
BluesKajafter disabling automte in alsamixer , hit the esc button and do,  sudo alsactl store16:12
Mike|1965-1ok, there are not a one that has MM below or seen, for that matter, in alsamixer. After I EXIT with Esc is ther anything else I need to do?16:18
Mike|1965-1Just read it!16:18
BluesKajMike|1965-1, i need to know the audio chip so we can make sure you have the correct driver, run,  lspci | grep -i audio16:20
BluesKajthat will tell us the hardware audio chip16:22
BluesKajjust a few more steps to go16:23
Mike|1965-1lspci | grep -i audio16:24
Mike|1965-100:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller16:24
Mike|1965-101:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Device aaf016:24
Mike|1965-1lspci | grep -i audio16:24
Mike|1965-100:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller16:24
Mike|1965-101:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Device aaf016:24
Mike|1965-1Sorry for the extra garbage, my ignorance.16:26
BluesKajMike|1965-1, ok, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, if that driver loads properly there won't be any output from the command16:26
Mike|1965-1Should I test it out now?16:28
BluesKajnow we need to add a line with root permissions to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf16:30
BluesKajthe line is: options snd-hda-intel index=016:33
Mike|1965-1at the end of the file?16:33
BluesKajthen save and exit16:33
BluesKajonce done, reboot16:34
Mike|1965-1Lots of options in the file. I will see you in a minute or so 8^))16:36
Mike|1965-1NOW we test?16:40
Mike|1965-1I tried using VLC and a .ogg file.... No dice 8(16:42
BluesKajok , need to look at alsamixer , can you do a screenshot and post it at https://postimages.org/16:43
BluesKajand paste the resulting url  here16:44
Mike|1965-1I will try. Oh, OK.16:45
BluesKajvlc also has audio settings which have to be set to use the correct audo output device16:52
BluesKajvlc>tools>prefernces>audio, choose alsa audio output or pulseaudio, which ever works16:55
BluesKajok, gotta go for about 20 mins ...bbl16:55
Mike|1965-1OK, Finally! BluesKaj:  https://postimg.org/image/ebjy7ceq9/17:31
BluesKajMike|1965-1, ok , crank your master up to 100%17:33
BluesKajthrn read my posts about vlc settings17:34
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Mike|1965-1I did and changed them as you directed... No dice.17:46
Mike|1965-1I tried "Volume Control" and it only shows the ATI HDMI outputs, are these my Video Card?17:48
BluesKajok install pavucontrol , it helps to solidify your audio outs17:49
Mike|1965-1It shows my ATI Video Card as my Main Output device and NO other option to change it.17:55
BluesKajpavucontrol what shows that?18:00
BluesKajerr drop the "what"18:02
Mike|1965-1I went into Configuration and turned OFF my ATI Vid and the other defaulted to Built in Audio and I chose "Analog Stero Output"18:02
BluesKajyou have an AMD graphics card, correct ? if so the hdmi audio portion carries the audio signal thru the card to hdmi connected device, tv/audio receiver , amp etc18:04
Mike|1965-1When I close it, it said the .config file was in a BAD State18:05
BluesKajwhich config file ?18:05
Mike|1965-1the ~/root/pavucontrol.config18:06
BluesKajthe only thing I can suggest is to enable the audio codec in the UEFI/BIOS which should switch thew default card to the intel as it should be.18:18
user|95417where can 8 get a live version19:15
caton101The official ISO can be booted live. Here is the download page: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/19:16
user|95417i meed a live version19:17
caton101Once it is booted, you click "Try Kubuntu". It will boot as a live disk.19:18
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johnmilo2884sombody, knowed how to install wallets bitcoin POS in linux23:01
johnmilo2884im ask because the documentation is limited23:04
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* genii keeps searching anyways for some point-of-sale software with bitcoin23:12
keithzgHmm, how does one actually change teh Xorg arguments used by SDDM? Setting in /etc/sddm.conf doesn't seem to do anything.23:43
geniikeithzg:  /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup ?23:52
keithzggenii: Surely that's for disto-shipped configs and can be overridden in a config file somewhere? But thanks, shall try :)23:53
geniikeithzg: I'm using lightdm because I was having too many issues with sddm over multiple monitors before23:55
keithzggenii: Funny enough, my coworker who is using SDDM nowadays was having problems with his monitors *until* the update that switched him to SDDM, heh (haven't had any problems myself other than the placement problem)23:59
geniiI had a dead laptop screen and it kept wanting to use that as the primary23:59

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