[01:52] hello, can anyone see me? [01:53] hello [01:53] @atinypoy [01:53] we can see you [01:53] Astro7467, Sweet, thanks [01:54] Astro, I wanna know how to open the welcome box after I close it [01:55] It's in the menu - under system I think if using the default layout [01:56] System tools? I don't see it [01:59] try ALT-F2 and run 'ubuntu-mate-welcome' [02:00] if you have briskmenu or advanced menu turned on yo can also just search for welcome - should show by the time you get to the 'l' [02:00] I can't find it on alt-f2 [02:01] Derp, fond it under system [02:01] alt-f2 and type; [02:01] ubuntu-mate-welcome [02:01] 👍 [02:01] Thanks for your help, I just swiched from regular Ubuntu [02:33] G'day all [02:37] is there a way to send a pdf to astril and print it from the command line? [02:38] atril* [02:40] don't think atril has a command line option to print [02:40] but I tthink lp directly supports pdf [02:40] damn, thanks Astro [02:40] can try lp .pdf to send to your defualt printer [02:42] long story short, I have pdf's with comments on them from adobe reader. Trying to automate some of the printing, some pages are a3 and don't print nicely with the lp command [02:42] I just tried it and using the lp command seems to work without issue [02:42] ahh [02:42] only a section of the page gets printed and the comment does get printed [02:43] if I add the "-o fit-to-page" option, the comment does not get printed for some reason? [02:44] many (many) years ago I use to use ghostscript to do lots of manipulation, creation and print of pdf files - maybe worth looking into if you are looking for a permanent solution [02:45] other thought is to pre-split the pdf as part of a script and send each page individually so page size variation etc doesn't screw things up [02:46] ahh nice [02:47] so somehow query if it is not a4, then make an a4 pdf of it [02:49] looking at the man page for lp you can probably force every page to scale to a4 (guessing u are from down under given the original g'day and a4 paper ;-) ) [02:49] yep from the upside down land :) [02:50] do you know how I can force every page to a4? [02:50] I'm from down under down under :) [02:50] down under down under?? [02:50] Tasmania? [02:51] could try lp -o media=a4 [02:51] Tasmania it is [02:51] nice [02:52] check out lpoptions -l also [02:54] have you got a link to the manpage you're reading? [02:55] i am just using 'man lp' on commandline [02:55] cheers [02:58] how would I use the lpoptions -l command? [02:58] helps by listing the options/values the device supports [02:59] there is an asterix next to PaperAize/Media Size: *A4 [02:59] default value [03:00] but it doesn't fit to page? [03:01] look at the print in the GUI side - for exampel my HP and Epson printers under job options have a scale to fit toggle/switch [03:05] scale to fit enabled in the GUI [03:05] gonna test it out now [03:06] ohh no luck [03:09] try adding -o fit-to-page [03:10] if lp doesn't work, then lpr may - there is also a scaling option - ie -o scaling=100 that may help [03:16] that's where I get stuck, when I add the -o fit-to-page option. It does scale the page correctly but the comments that are on the pdf don't get printed? [03:23] Just been googling - both evince and okular seem to have a print command line option - but from the manpage descriptions it seems it will only bring up the print dialog, not actually process the file - guessing the cups pdf parser isn't supporting the comments properly [03:25] Thanks. If it wasn't for these comments it would be great [03:25] if you have a an advance enough printer it may be possoble to to just stream the pdf directly to the printer using cp if it has a /dev file - or if you know the ip/port using curl or similiar [03:27] interesting [03:29] other tools to that may help - especially if splitting the file helps - is the PDF Toolkit (PDFtk) - is in std ubuntu universe repos [03:38] the pdf's are already single files ready to print [03:38] I don't need to split them up [03:39] it's a weird one [03:40] If I use the standard document viewer in Ubuntu MATE it scales fine and the comments are printed :| [03:40] just can't find a way to do it through the command line [04:02] @Nathan - just trying comeing that may get what you want - I can convert pdf to tif with comments preserved using imagemagick - [04:06] Thanks a lot for all your help Astro7467! [04:12] @Nathan imagemagick seems the way to go - though I had problem print tiff file, though jpg works fine - some fine tuning neded tho as the white background is going to black in the producted file - comment though is preserved (per the example provided previously) [04:13] I had the same issue, unable to print file I think it said for the tif [04:13] so you would enter: convert "file.pdf" output.jpg [04:14] yep - i also added '-background white -fill white' too tho no luck [04:18] solution found [04:18] convert 'old.pdf' 'fixed.pdf' [04:19] prints the comment properly :) [04:21] what? really? [04:22] yep - new pdf is about half the size of the original but the comments must get transformed some how - would not be suprised to find convert maked the orignal pdf a tif inside the pdf [04:23] thanks mate! I'll give that a shot [04:23] 👍 [06:29] that worked pretty good @Astro7467 [06:31] that print quality degraded a little bit, but it's a step in the right direction [07:51] ru 3 "lang. system" https://screenshots.firefox.com/ssloHa5TwdYLsp50/null https://screenshots.firefox.com/AkRRGE9xCcVNLxSO/null [07:51] 17.10 64 === asa_ is now known as Guest60652 [10:53] Hello. I am running ubuntu mate 16.04 on a rpi 3. I have a 3.5" tft lcd screen. 90% of the applications on the OS go off the screen and I am unable to work with them to configure the device to my liking. I am running a special image just for the touch screen to work, so when I try to connect an HDMI cable I can not get it to display anything other than errors. Suggestions? Advice? [11:14] what is that package called that installs the ability to bring up a terminal from the top of the screen like quake game style when you press F11 or whatever? [13:13] guake TaZeR [13:14] https://github.com/Guake/guake [14:15] @TaZeR the default in MATE is Tilda [14:16] I switched to it from Guake after I found it when I installed 17.04 [18:03] thanks thats what i was looking for :) [18:44] i changed the hotkey to ~ so its just like in quake :D [19:51] Evening ;) [19:57] hey my dads name is Andrzej! [19:57] is that you dad? [19:58] TaZeR: Sorry but no ;) [19:58] Unless one of my ex's from my past has a surprise for me... [19:58] Evening [19:59] tehehe are you looking to adopt a 31 year old boy perhaps? [19:59] Evening :) [19:59] i havnt seen my father in many years [19:59] TaZeR: I would have to be very mature at the age of 3 ;D [19:59] oh wait ... 4 [20:00] I just turned 36 [20:00] To makes things worse my dad's name is Andrzej too ;) [20:00] haha big happy Andrzej family [20:01] thats my name too! [20:01] jk lol [20:01] ;D [20:02] I was going to name my kid Andrzej too but then I've decided that having a kid in today's world is a cruelty and got a vasectomy instead [20:04] @AndrzejL If that's the true I am sorry for you! [20:05] Its true. World is a weird and crazy place. I dont know where I will be a year from now, never mind 20... Bringing child into this world full of uncertainty would be just wrong - at least in our (my wife's and mine) case [20:07] Well I admid that in a few cases your maybe right but I never want to miss my wife and my son. [20:10] I am glad for you. Honestly. In my case there is a matter of not the greatest genes riddled with some nasty genetic surprises. Trust me. Its better for my genes to not to reproduce. [20:12] exit [20:12] :) /