
capellaYou want to route faster than the networks will allow you for the hardware implementation they've also provided?00:31
capellaOr just jump channel up for free?00:31
arooniwhere do i control how long the display is on before it goes off00:32
VileGentpowe management or screensaver00:33
aroonicool; i think it was blank screen after 15 min00:33
aroonithat i changed to never00:33
VileGentnow check your power saving as well00:35
Sven_vBa shell script shall that I'll use on most of my computers shall guess how long to expect my text editor to load. my desktop PCs and notebooks are fast, my netbooks take a little longer. is there a good *and* easy way to guess whether it's running on a netbook, that's more future proof than hostnames or vendor/model?00:46
Sven_vBaka can I give my future self a better chance of not having to adapt it to the next netbook?00:47
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blkaddertl;dr Reason #983473 why it is a really, really bad idea to store credentials in plaintext in Github: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-21/uber-concealed-cyberattack-that-exposed-57-million-people-s-data00:53
blkadderSorry wrong channel :-)00:53
JoshuaDWhat's the easiest/best way to do graphical file sharing over local network with thunar?01:55
t0no6aJoshuaD : I use smthg like this https://bipedu.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/add-right-click-samba-share-in-thunarxfce-file-manager/01:58
JoshuaDsweet i'll try it out. thanks02:00
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rosawhat would i need to do to make systemd-nspawn think that cgroups hierarchy is not used03:02
tharkunWhat is the best way to have a dynamic dns service recognize what ip I have for an ubuntu seerver? What package on the repos should I install?03:22
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bilb_onowhats the thing you have to use for port forwarding? like ssh allow?04:25
bilb_onoI have it forwarding port 1022 on my router to my machines local ip04:25
bilb_onomy home computer is refusing connections on port 1022 even though they are being forwarded by my router basically04:26
bilb_onoI did install openssh-server04:28
jrp93bilb_ono, you want to use 1022 to ssh?04:31
jrp93jrp93, you have to manually change it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:32
jrp93bilb_ono *04:32
bilb_onojrp93: ah I see04:32
jrp9322 by default04:32
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rosaDoes ANYONE here know about systemd-nspawn? -_-04:41
mutanterosa: probably, but people never say "yes" to respond to "does anyone know about X" questions, never seen it a single time04:42
mutanterosa: try with the more detailed question right away04:42
rosa i get Failed to determine whether the unified cgroups hierarchy is used: No medium found04:43
gamertrishhey guys, im on 1.7.10 and im not getting sound on more then 1 program at a time. is there anyone that can help me figure this out? im awfully new to linux05:08
ToadisattvaI'm getting an error "error: C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90" when trying to run a make command after a successful ./configure05:21
Toadisattvaany idea how to fix that?05:21
Toadisattvalubuntu 16.0405:23
capellacomment #6 sounds helpful https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119152305:33
Steristcan someone please walk me through setting up LAN file transfer? 2 Ubuntu pc's on A.A. one amd other i38605:49
Steristdisregard, turns out I don't have much time. will ask again some time in the next week05:51
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lotuspsychjemorning alkisg06:12
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all! :)06:12
alkisgI just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1733776. I wonder, is it just me or is that really annoying? :)06:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1733776 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Request to display the package name along with the synopsis" [Undecided,New]06:13
aienaI am on kubuntu 16.04. But the issue I am experiencing is a more generic issue. My xapian databases are not being generate properly causing a kdeinit5 crash. As a result synaptic also crashes. Running update-apt-xapian-index06:14
aienacrashes with a 'ValueError: could not convert string to int' from python how I resolve this?06:14
aienaerr I mean synaptic also crashes because of the xapian database06:14
aienais there a way to cleany regenerate all xapian databases fresh06:15
aienanot sure how this actually works.06:15
alkisgaiena: what's using xapian in kde? It's not preinstalled in ubuntu/ubuntu-mate anymore06:15
alkisgSoftware center was using it in 14.04, but it's not preinstalled in 16.04 as they switched to gnome-software06:16
aienaalkisg: I dont know maybe installing synaptic install xapian06:16
alkisgI have synaptic without xapian06:16
alkisgTry to remove it and see; cancel it of course06:16
lotuspsychjealkisg: a screenshot would be nice to that bug06:16
aienaI dont know what is using it06:16
alkisglotuspsychje: good idea06:16
aienaalkisg: how do I restrict search to installed packages only06:17
alkisgaiena: apt purge --dry-run --auto-remove apt-xapian-index06:17
aienaalkisg: ah it is plasma-muon the kubuntu package manager which is not part of KDE by default06:18
aienaand some plasma-discover too06:18
alkisgOK, so you do need it06:18
aienaone minute let me pastebin06:19
alkisgNah I was just wondering if you can completely remove it06:19
alkisgIf you want to use plasma-muon, you can't...06:19
aienaalkisg: http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/69b6fb5306:21
aienaI dont want plasma-muon I use the terminal for all package management needs06:21
aienaI wonder why libopencv would use it06:21
alkisgaiena: there are other things there like software-properties-kde etc, so don't remove it06:22
aienaand libgles1-mesa06:22
alkisgWhat's the exact output of `sudo update-apt-xapian-index` ?06:22
alkisglibgles etc are just installed in your system without a dependency, and autoremove prompts to remove them06:22
aienaalkisg: is it bad to run this with sudo -i?06:23
alkisgI.e. apt purge --dry-run --auto-remove will also show them06:23
alkisgNo, it's fine if you run sudo -i <enter> update-apt-xapian-index06:23
aienaalkisg: http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/01bb411606:24
aienaI ran this command because it was suggested as a fix for synaptic crashing with xapian database error. On further investigation I noticed that kdeinit5 was crashing and it had the xapian lib in the stack trace so I though they are related.06:25
alkisgaiena: try the suggestions in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+bug/102147406:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1021474 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index crashes with Unpickling Error in init() invalid load key" [Undecided,Expired]06:26
alkisgI.e. deleting a corrupted file there06:26
aienaalkisg: this isz the kdeinit5 stacktrace http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/32f117d406:26
alkisgaiena: or this: sudo update-apt-xapian-index --force06:26
aienano -force also gives valueError06:27
alkisgOr this: sudo update-apt-xapian-index --verbose --force --batch-mode (and if it still crashes paste the output)06:27
alkisgI meant after the first suggestion which you didn't read :D " Try deleting the file and then running update-apt-xapian-index again: $ sudo rm /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/cataloged_times.p"06:27
aienayes it is not crashing anymore it is doing some work06:28
aienaand it seemed to rebuild the index06:29
aienathank you06:29
alkisgIf that fixes it, the next question is, "why was that file corrupted? do you have more corrupted things in your installation? "06:29
alkisgE.g. disk/file system failures...06:29
aienahmm no06:29
aienanot that I know of06:29
aienahow do I check06:30
alkisgTry sudo apt install debsums; sudo debsums -s06:30
alkisgThis will at least check things under /usr06:30
luxioDoes anyone have any recommendations for ebook readers on Ubuntu?06:30
aienaalkisg: ok debsums -s is running it is not giving any output I'll tell you when it completes06:32
alkisgaiena: if it doesn't produce anything, it's a good sign06:33
aienaok so far no output still. Let it complete.06:33
lotuspsychje!info calibre | luxio06:34
ubottuluxio: calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.7.0+dfsg-2 (artful), package size 22662 kB, installed size 49714 kB06:34
aiena!info sigil06:37
ubottusigil (source: sigil): multi-platform ebook editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8+dfsg-2build2 (artful), package size 1847 kB, installed size 5638 kB06:37
aienaalkisg: bad news debsums gave some output06:46
aienaalkisg: http://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/bb3ca0ba06:47
aienabut these are compiled pyc files06:48
aienaI dont think a package should countain them06:48
alkisgaiena: no problem there, just bad packaging06:48
aienaalkisg: thanks06:48
aienaalkisg: guess something else corrupted the database like a system freeze06:55
aienaanyway going to relogin and see if kdeinit5 crashes after few seconds06:55
aiena2thank you alkisg rebuilding the xapian databases appears to have solved the problem.07:02
lotuspsychjewould about:config settings be used on a firefox update, or be resetted?07:06
aiena2I think it would be reused07:06
aiena2I think it resides in the home dir and not in the root07:07
aiena2so it would be reused07:07
alkisglotuspsychje: reused. They are stored in ~/.mozilla.07:08
lotuspsychjeok tnx07:08
cluelesspersonhey guys, how do I set a host and ip permanently?07:10
ducassecluelessperson: please rephrase, what are you trying to achieve?07:13
cluelesspersonducasse:   When I type "hostname" into the browser, I want it set by like my resolv.conf07:14
cluelesspersonbut permanent07:14
ducasseyou can add it to /etc/hosts07:15
BlackDalekI need help trying to enable WiFi on Acer Aspire L3600. rfkilll list tells me it's hard blocked: yes. There is NO switch for wifi on this type of machine. WiFi card is a Qualcomm Atheros AR9485. Where do I start?07:15
BlackDalekThis is not a laptop.07:16
BlackDalekbit quiet today... is the weekend already?07:21
BlackDalekis it*07:21
ducassestill morning here, it's normally quiet for another hour or two07:22
BlackDalekIf this stupid Acer computer insists on making ALL WiFi cards I install hard blocked, then will using an external USB WiFi dongle get around the problem or will that just get hard blocked too?07:33
hateballBlackDalek: it shouldnt be blocked, no07:35
BlackDalekDo USB Wifi dongles work in Ubuntu?07:36
xcom169hello all!07:36
xcom169Can you run Wine normally on 17 10 ubuntu ( w. wayland ) ?07:38
hateballBlackDalek: Provided the chipset is supported, the kernel doesnt really care if it is USB or PCI or whatever07:38
hateballxcom169: afaik it should start xwayland07:39
xcom169hateball: for me it won't work07:39
xcom169wine just crashes07:39
hateballI suppose you could ask in ##winehq07:40
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:40
hateball#winehq it is, since it is official...07:40
hateballPersonally I use nvidia+plasma so no wayland for me, cant help you test...07:40
xcom169hateball: Maybe I could07:41
hateballxcom169: if anything it is more likely to have regular users of wine :)07:42
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Neo1what does message mean dns servercould not be found?07:58
Neo1I created subdomen on my VPS http://kselax.kselax.ru and can't reach it using ordinary browsers. When I use TOR browser I get site07:59
Neo1What is the problem?08:00
Neo1it's in chrome http://prntscr.com/hdnh6b08:01
Neo1it is in TOR browser http://prntscr.com/hdnhb508:01
indistyloI want to install the spotify-client, I added the repo to source list and now having some dependency issues --> https://paste.debian.net/996984/ , How to resolve this?08:07
JFox762Hi guys, is there a way to change my "desktop switcher" to the quadrant style ?08:09
JFox762I prefer the Quadrant style to the, listed version that exists.08:09
gluonJFox762: maybe with some gnome extension, did you search there?08:10
gluonassuming you're using gnome08:10
JFox762Im on 17.10 Ubuntu08:12
gluonokay, gnome 3 then08:12
indistyloany equivalent of hotspot shield?08:12
gluonJFox762: search for switcher here: https://extensions.gnome.org/08:14
gluonand see if there's any extension that does what you want08:14
Erwynhello there08:30
ErwynI have ubuntu 17.10 and since a few days my internet is not working anymore08:30
ErwynI found what it is it's a dns issue08:30
Erwynin my resolv.conf I have nameserver
Erwynif I replace with nameserver everything is fine08:31
ErwynI've read it's a dnsmasq thing but got lost there08:31
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anddamohhh, apropos my yesterday issue about pdfsig built from poppler source on Xenial not finding its libpoppler.so.72, a logout did the trick08:47
anddamthere's a db of libraries ldd need to refresh08:47
anddamah ldconfig(8)08:52
lesshastewhat does "set to manually installed mean" in texlive-binaries is already the newest version (2015.20160222.37495-1).09:07
lesshastetexlive-binaries set to manually installed.09:07
alkisglesshaste: you install package a which depends on package b, i.e. b gets automatically installed09:09
alkisgThen if you run `apt purge --auto-remove a`, b will automatically get uninstalled09:10
alkisgNow suppose you realize that you want b to remain even if you remove a. Then you mark it as manually installed.09:10
alkisg(by doing apt install b; even if it's already installed, this will mark that you need it unrelated to a)09:11
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binaryhermitwould b get removed if you also had package c which depends on b?09:21
binaryhermitin the scenario above09:21
binaryhermiterr, c was installed09:21
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justablokeevery now and then I check back for ubuntu touch OS... a google search is not always favourable, could anyone point it out if this is still an ongoing project? some article says canonical stopped it?09:34
venommdtI need to install a monitor alert system on ubuntu that can show me data from queries to the mysql db and send me alerts when the system detect any error from the queries, anyone know any system for this?09:36
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JFox762I'm having trouble with my LibreOffice on Ubuntu 17.10. Buttons are not appearing correctly. Refer to linked image here:  https://pasteboard.co/GUNVq2s.png09:44
JFox762Ahhhhh!!! Nevermind. You have to turn off "Global Dark Theme" in tweaks.09:51
venommdtHi, I need to install a monitor alert system on ubuntu that can show me data from queries to the mysql db and send me alerts when the system detect any error from the queries, anyone know any system for this?09:52
hateballvenommdt: anything is possible with for instance nagios or icinga09:54
Erwynhello back. So after some checks apparently the dnsmasq that network-manager starts is listening on instead of any idea why? I have nothing in /etc/NetworkManager that specifies it. For that matter I don't have anything in the dnsmasq.d and dnsmasq-shared.d folders in /etc/NetworkManager10:22
akikErwyn: it changed in some ubuntu release from to
Erwynbut NetworkManager is still putting in resolv.conf10:24
Erwynat least on my machine10:24
alkisgErwyn: is this a clean install, or an upgrade?10:24
Erwynclean install10:25
Erwynfrom 3 weeks ago I think10:25
alkisgWhat is the output of: dpkg -l '*dnsmasq*' | grep ^ii10:25
Erwynalkisg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26018797/10:26
alkisgErwyn: did you manually install dnsmasq?10:26
alkisgIt's not preinstalled in my 17.10 VM10:27
Erwynalkisg: yes in an attempt to fix things, but problem was there before10:27
alkisgErwyn: remove it, reboot and let's see again10:27
alkisgpurge, not just remove10:27
Erwynapt remove --purge dnsmasq?10:27
ErwynSee you10:28
akik17.10 removed dnsmasq?10:29
alkisgakik: yes, it's using the systemd method for resolving10:29
alkisgThe dnsmasq use was a very bad hack10:29
* alkisg is very glad to see it removed10:29
akikthe only constant thing is change10:30
Erwynalkisg: same issue10:30
akikdnsmasq is nice software. it has many uses10:31
alkisgErwyn: ok, let's analyze it. ls -l /etc/resolv.conf10:31
alkisgcat /etc/resolv.conf10:31
alkisgResult of those?10:31
Erwyn-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 85 nov.  22 11:29 /etc/resolv.conf10:31
alkisgakik: of course it is, and I was very disappointed when network manager actually blocked its use as a dns server because they were abusing it as a dns resolver10:31
alkisgErwyn: sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf; sudo ln -rs /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf10:32
Erwyn(I added the first line to be able to connect here10:32
alkisgErwyn: sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf; sudo ln -rs /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf10:32
alkisgThat one10:32
alkisgResolv conf is supposed to be a symlink10:32
alkisgYour editor broke it and saved it locally10:32
alkisgSo systemd refused to update it anymore10:33
Erwynoh god10:33
Erwynmaybe I now where this come from then10:33
ErwynI have a script to start registrator and consul for docker10:33
alkisgMake sure it understands symlinks ;)10:33
Erwynand this scripts inserts something into /etc/resolv.conf10:33
Erwynyep that's it10:35
Erwynalkisg: okay thanks, I'll have to change this, thank you very much for the help10:35
alkisgMost tools have the ability to edit the symlink contents instead of replacing it with a file, consult their man pages10:35
Erwynok will do10:37
Neo1I've got host digitalocean and there ubunut10:50
Neo1and seems only ssh available, Who know how customize server?10:51
Neo1only use shall and nothing else?10:51
Neo1this site offer VPS for 5$ and impossible there install any site https://www.digitalocean.com10:52
Neo1I want change server, on my current VPS the server response is very slow with default set up wordpress from box, it's 0.4 - 0.5 seconds, should have been no more 0.2 s10:54
Neo1from what depends response speed? I think it's my server is broken, want install to degitalocean test naked wp site and compare the server response.10:55
ZSkyOn a 14.04 LTS, when doing cat /etc/debian_version10:56
ZSkyI get: jessie/sid10:56
ZSkyHow is this possible? Jessie was released in April 2015, how can a 14.04 be based on jessie?10:57
ne2kany suggestions on the nicest/cleanest way to add gretap tunnels and bridge them to a bridge on ubuntu, i.e. ifupdown /etc/network/interfaces10:59
alkisgZSky: https://askubuntu.com/questions/151698/which-version-of-debian-are-ubuntu-lts-releases-based-on11:00
alkisgZSky: short explanation, "lts releases are based on debian testing"11:00
alkisgNot on debian stable.11:00
tomreyn'sid' would be debian unstable, however11:01
alkisgtomreyn: the next answer there, "This appears to have changed recently per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS: "Starting with the 14.04 LTS development cycle, automatic full package import is performed from Debian unstable""11:01
tomreynoh, i didnt read that page, sorry11:01
ZSkyalkisg: so 14.04 is based on jessie testing?11:02
alkisgZSky: actually, on jessie unstable...11:02
tomreynjessie / sid, so jessie unstable11:03
ZSkyalkisg: then 14.04 *should* feature systemd, right?11:03
ZSkybut it doesn't11:03
ZSkyit still uses sysvinit11:03
alkisgZSky: not all package imports are automatic. Big packages like kernel, xorg, systemd versions are decided by the ubuntu team11:03
alkisgIt depends on their level of stability at the time of the lts release11:04
alkisgOr, at the expected efforts for 5 year maintenance11:04
ZSkyalkisg: so at the time of 14.04 LTS, they decided not to include systemd?11:04
alkisgIf it doesn't have systemd, yes. I haven't checked 14.04 recently.11:05
tomreynalso i'm not sure whether systemd was the default init system at merge time when jessie was still unstable.11:05
alexastrying to format partition (usb flash drive) got the following error 'error formatting volume' This partition cannot be modified because it contains a partition table; please reitialize layout of the whole device. (udiskserror-quark, 11)11:06
alexaswhat does it mean reinitialize layout of the whole device?11:06
tomreynalexas: i'm not sure why this (unknown?) application provides this message, but the message probably means to suggest that you should consider creating a new aprtition table on the target device11:07
tomreynproviding more context may help you get a better response11:08
alexastomreyn: right, thank you.11:08
alexastomreyn: well i need to flash drive to install clonezilla on it, i need it in fat32, it is ubuntu live usb drive11:09
tomreynjust download a clonezilla live iso and write it to the usb storage (if you don't mind removing all the data stored there)11:10
alexastomreyn: without formating it, you mean?11:10
alexastomreyn: I downloaded a .zip package for usb drive already11:11
tomreynyou're doing this on ubuntu, right?11:12
alexastomreyn: yes11:14
tomreynalexas: so i guess you're apparently following method "GNU/Linux Method B: Manual" here http://clonezilla.org/liveusb.php11:15
tomreynalexas: this also suggests to create a new partition table unless you already have a suiotable FAT or NTFS partition on your thumb drive.11:16
yuiii got this error11:16
tomreyn!root | yuii11:16
ubottuyuii: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:16
yuiihttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26019138/ during zabbix agent installation11:16
yuiihow to fix it ?11:16
tatertotzif the system is configured with a non US/english local, is there a way to have stout be in US/english?11:16
tomreynyuii: sorry, please ignore ubottu fo rnow.11:17
tomreyn!rootirc | yuii11:18
ubottuyuii: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:18
tomreynyuii: ^ stop ignoring ubottu now ;)11:18
alexasyes tomreyn  i was trying to follow that manual but i am unable to format my drive due to the error i posted earlier11:19
tomreynyuii: you seem to ask a debian related question on #ubuntu11:19
tomreynalexas: what's the application reporting this error message?11:20
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alexasdisks app on ubuntu 17.1011:20
tomreynalexas: have you tried this (i know there is no more dash but you'll find your way to the 'disks' app, i guess)? https://askubuntu.com/questions/769079/cant-format-ubuntu-installation-stick11:22
alexasah i forget about gparted app, right right11:24
alexasbut it gives an error as well..11:24
tomreynalexas: okay, let's do it on a temrinal. look at the output of 'lsblk -o +model' and identify your USB thump drives' device name (first table column)11:25
tomreynit will be sdX where X is in {a..z}11:27
alexastomreyn: ok i rebooted machine and did the same operation successfully, thanks11:28
tomreynalexas: so you'Re all set?11:28
rawruwwhy isn't su working?11:28
tomreynrawruw: what makes you think it doesn't work?11:29
tomreyn(and how do you expect ti to work)11:29
alexastomreyn: yes I think so, I use UNetbootin to install it into the flash drive now11:30
tomreynalexas: okay, that's an entirely different approach, but can also work.11:30
alexastomreyn: thanks for ytr your assistance, my goal was to format the drive11:35
madghosthello all11:38
grandfsoHello everyone, what is the default desktop in 17.04 ? I did hear this was going to be gnome, but looks like unity ?11:38
tomreynalexas: on a side note, 'formatting' is really a process which refers to flexible and not so flexible 5.25 and 1.44 inch floppy disks. nowadays, what you do is more adequately described as creating a file system on a block device (which can be a raw disk, a partition, a logical volume, a mapped block device etc.)11:39
tomreyn(also 8 and 3.5 in)11:39
tomreyngrandfso: it's gonme looking like unity11:40
madghostUbuntu 14.04.4 ping is working, ping ya.ru and so on, but I can't connect any other services, ftp, ssh and so on. What I can see or do that fix it ?11:40
madghostthere is other computer in this network, and I'm having Internet, but ubuntu can't connect instead of PING :(11:41
ChaiTRexmadghost: Are you connected to IRC using that Ubuntu 14.04 machine?11:41
madghostno, windows, from this network11:42
ChaiTRexmadghost: Can the 14.04 machine connect to other machines than ya.ru?11:42
BluesKajHowdy all11:42
grandfsotomreyn: thanks :) It seemed speedier than unity :)11:42
tomreynmadghost: try setting upa TCP connection to one of these other services, e.g. echo -e "^D" | nc -vv archive.ubuntu.com 2111:42
madghostChaiTRex: yes11:42
madghostping google.com and other sites are working11:43
madghostapt-get update doesn't work, I can't install anything11:43
ChaiTRexmadghost: Does web browsing work?11:44
tomreynmadghost: ping is an ICMP protocols. if, for example, you're on a wireless LAN with a captive portal, you may not be eble to do much other than that.11:44
madghostChaiTRex: this is server only with console, without GUI11:44
madghosttomreyn: not through captive portal, clear Internet thru ZyXEL router11:45
madghostwith cable connect to router11:45
ChaiTRexmadghost: You can use `telnet google.com 80`, then type `GET / HTTP/1.0` and press Enter twice. See if you get HTML back.11:45
madghostecho -e "^D" | nc -vv archive.ubuntu.com 21 is silent :(11:46
* tomreyn has seen people getting instantly hit by flashes when mentioning 'telnet'11:46
ChaiTRexWell, you wouldn't want to use SSH :)11:46
madghostChaiTRex: just: Trying
madghostbut ping is: 64 bytes from lg-in-f101.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=39.4 ms11:47
tomreynChaiTRex: so you can resolve hostnames (DNS / nameserver works) and you can ping hosts, but you cannot setup TCP connections to FTP ports.11:47
ChaiTRexmadghost: Have you configured iptables or ufw recently?11:48
tomreynChaiTRex: sounds like you're behind a restrictive firewall then11:48
madghostand I can't reboot my computer :((((((11:48
ChaiTRextomreyn: It's madghost with the issues :)11:48
tomreynChaiTRex: oops sorry11:48
tomreynmadghost: is the power button greyed out?11:48
aiena2Try "ctrl + alt + f1" login with your usename and password and then go to a root terminal and run 'shutdown -r now"11:49
madghostmaybe yes11:49
ChaiTRexmadghost: Yes to what?11:49
aiena2madghost: Is IRC working from the ubuntu 14?11:50
madghostyes ))))))))11:50
madghostmy god :) yes, thank you!!!!!!!!11:50
madghostI forget about it :)11:50
tomreynmadghost: so far we have established that you can resolve hostnames (DNS / nameserver works) and you can ping hosts, but you cannot setup TCP connections to FTP ports. and that "I can't reboot my computer :(((((("11:50
madghosttelnet google.com working )11:50
ChaiTRextomreyn: Also, they tried to connect to google.com via HTTP.11:50
aiena2madghost:  so it was iptavles>11:50
madghostapte-get update is working :-) WOW I'm happy, thanks a lot!!!!11:51
madghostaiena2: yes )11:51
aiena2ok cool :)11:51
ChaiTRexmadghost: If it just fixed on its own, it's probably a modem or ISP hiccup.11:51
tomreynChaiTRex: right, i missed that11:51
madghostI had rule which go all packets to corporate network11:52
ChaiTRexmadghost: Ahh :)11:52
madghostit's my fault :((((11:52
madghostold man, old brain :(11:52
tomreynyou can always invest into a co-processor. 80387 anyone?11:56
lieferI have a computer with a dedicated GPU and an intel CPU with iGPU. Everything works when i have my monitor connected to the dedicated GPU, but when i connect it to iGPU i only see the startup terminal messages - the login screen never shows. How do i fix this?11:58
lieferunder "Software and updates" -> "additional drivers" its detected and set to use "using processor microcode firmware"11:59
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tatertotzliefer: open terminal12:53
liefertatertotz, hmm?13:06
liefertatertotz, and then? :P13:19
fishcookeranyone here using copy paste clipboard list apps like clipman or like klipper on kde, bazhang13:29
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posMost efficient way of preventing ubuntu from autoloading/importing zfs pools at boot?13:46
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brymafternoon all14:11
brymjust upgraded my netbook to 17.10. but selected lightdm during the upgrade (from 16.04.3). any way to try the new gdm display manager?14:12
srulihow do i connect with virt-manager using specified ssh-key? "virt-manager -c qemu+ssh://root@mydomain:port/system" where and how can i specify the /path/to/key14:13
ducassebrym: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'14:17
brymducasse: aha, many thanks. i was trying to reconfigure gdm from lightdm.14:20
lieferAnyone care to take a look at why i cannot boot 17.10 using the iGPU of 8700k? https://askubuntu.com/questions/979162/17-10-intel-uhd-630-8700k-unable-to-boot14:21
oerheksliefer, use 'nomodeset' > https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45227045/ubuntu-14-04-with-kaby-lake-intel-hd-63014:23
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:23
oerheksbut this might limit the use of multi monitors14:23
oerheksafter install, install intel-microcode from the driver menu14:24
lieferintel-microcode should be installed14:24
lieferbut as i write the device is listed as UNKNOWN which i find kind of odd.... maybe its ok14:24
lieferill try nomodeset hang on14:25
tomreynpossibly related? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10333114:27
ubottuFreedesktop bug 103331 in DRM/Intel "No signal output when connected with HDMI Monitor (asus PA238Q)" [Major,New]14:27
akiknomodeset and intel graphics didn't work for me14:27
akikxorg wasn't able to use it14:28
tomreynbased on https://ark.intel.com/products/126684/Intel-Core-i7-8700K-Processor-12M-Cache-up-to-4_70-GHz the GPU should be device id 8086:3e92, can you verify this?14:28
tomreynliefer: ^14:28
liefertomreyn, sec, i pasted info from xorg.log in my askubuntu question14:29
lieferill check14:29
tomreynalso run this: sudo update-pciids14:29
tomreyn(might help with the 'UNKNOWN')14:29
lieferhow can i see the device id? It doesnt seem to appear in 'lspci'14:30
tomreynlspci -nn | grep VGA14:30
lieferyeah its 8086:3e9214:31
tomreynso run: sudo update-pciids; lspci -nn | grep VGA    # and see whether the lspci output changed14:31
lieferaah i ran the update-pciids before checking the device id :S14:32
liefercant tell if it changed14:32
tomreynwhat does 'ubuntu-drivers devices' output now?14:33
lieferit has 5 lines for the nvidia card (modalias, vendor, model, driver, driver) and 1 for the igpu: == cpu-microcode.py == driver : intel-mimcrocode - distro non-free14:35
tomreynokay, so i guess it's no longer unknown14:35
tomreynmaybe try the i915.alpha_support=1 boot param, too14:36
tomreynactually post dmesg + Xorg.*.log  from a non-modified (no extra boot params) boot first of all.14:37
liefergotcha, saved both14:38
lieferwill try the nomodeset and post them afterwards14:38
lieferim pretty sure i tried the alpha_support earlier with no luck, but ill give it another go14:39
Dishonoredhello, guys i recently installed a font, and opened leafpad(text editor) and tried changing a text to that font using font warp, its shows correctly in the preview but doesn't work in the actual text. i also tried the font on gimp it doesn't work.14:39
tomreynwith a 4.14.0 kernel i suspect the alpha option would have no effect with this hardware.14:40
lieferoh shit X started \o/14:40
lieferwith terrible resolution though lol14:40
Dishonoredand the problem is only when i paste the text and not while typing.14:41
lieferhmm the device still shows up as UNKNOWN and i dont have any other resolutions to chose from under "display" :S14:41
lieferokay.... removed nomodeset and it still starts X14:43
lieferwith proper resolution14:43
tomreynliefer: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=coffee-uhd-graphics states "When booting the Ubuntu 17.10 stock kernel with i915.alpha_support=1, 4K was working, OpenGL acceleration present, and Vulkan also working"14:44
lieferyeah i saw that one, which is where i got the i915.alpha boot option from14:44
tomreynso what's different between starting without nomodeset now and previous boots?14:45
tomreynprobably just the updated pciids14:46
akikliefer: it uses the vesa driver now14:46
oerheksmaybe intel-microcode dit the thing?14:46
lieferupdated pciids and the alpha boot param yeah14:46
lieferill try without the alpha boot14:47
tomreynoh you used the alpha booot param now, i wasnt aware14:47
lieferakik, hmm?14:47
akikliefer: when you use nomodeset with intel graphics, it'll use the vesa driver. look into /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:48
liefertomreyn, still works without the alpha boot param14:48
lieferakik, ah right, gotcha14:48
lieferbut im not using nomodeset anymore14:48
lieferseems like updating the pciids did the trick14:48
lieferat least on kernel 4.14.114:49
tomreynmy understanding was that the ucode was already installed and the system had been rebooted before we started looking into this, so if that assumption is correct (can you confirm, liefer?) that leaves us with just the the update-pciids as an explanation14:49
lieferintel-microcode was already installed yeah14:49
tomreynand you had rebooted after installing it?14:50
lieferim pretty sure it was actually installed during installation of ubuntu14:50
tomreynyes, probably. thanks. i suggest to update the askubuntu.com post then with what we learnt.14:51
lieferim tempted to do a re-install, staying on the stock kernel and updating pciids14:51
liefernot entirely sure i understand the consequences of running 4.14.1 that was manually installed14:51
tomreynyou can downgrade the kernel14:51
tomreynin fact you probably still have the stock kernel installed and just need to remove the manually installed one14:52
lieferhow? :) when i update grub it looks like i still have the old kernel14:52
tomreynhow did you install the newer kernel?14:52
liefergot the deb files from the ubuntu repository14:53
lieferyeah, from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/14:53
lieferguess i can just uninstall them14:54
tomreynso identify the relevant packages using "dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep ^i' and sudo dpkg --purge them14:54
tomreynor better "sudo apt purge <package1> <package2 <...>"14:55
tomreynwhenever i run into this http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ url i get annpyed by the misnomer that "kernel-ppa" is, since this is not a PPA.14:58
lieferok so the stock kernel is no good with updated pciids and no boot params14:59
tomreynliefer: try trhat witht he alpha option14:59
lieferworking on it :)14:59
lieferthat works \o/15:04
lieferso i guess i was only missing the updated pciids earlier15:04
liefervery cool, thank you so much15:04
lieferill update my askubuntu question15:05
jaime_miroHello everyone, anyone using 17.10?15:08
leftyfbjaime_miro: think about that question for a minute15:10
Inspiralj #apache15:10
Inspiralerr that should have had a /15:10
jaime_miroEnlighten me more!15:11
pavlosjaime_miro: many use 17.1015:12
jaime_miroDo you guys like that partial Gnome desktop environment?15:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:13
oerheksjaime_miro, wrong channel for polling, this is ubuntu technical support15:13
leftyfbjiaming: do you have a support question?15:13
GizmoRomickI'm trying to get Nvidia-304 to work on an inspiron E1505, can anybody help me?15:16
leftyfbGizmoRomick: what version of ubuntu what have you tried? what issue/errors are you getting?15:17
oerheksinspiron E1505, comes with Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 ??15:18
GizmoRomickleftyfb: its in Xubuntu 16.04.  I tried installing the drivers using the additional drivers tool.  When I lsmod, I don't see the nvidia drivers running, and when I modprobe nvidia it says: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304':Input/Output error15:19
GizmoRomickI want the computer to run as fast as possible when I give it back to my friend.   However, I am beggining to wonder if it would just be better running nouveau.15:22
pavlosGizmoRomick: sudo lshw -c display should list the nvidia card and the driver15:23
donofrioanyone here gotten successful sharepoint 2013 login ablity on ubuntu using chromium/firefox?15:24
pavlosGizmoRomick: also dpkg -l | grep nvidia should list the nvidia packages installed15:25
GizmoRomickpavlos: paste.ubuntu.com/26020786/15:26
GizmoRomickpavlos: I guess I should clarify that my problem is I can't select a resolution high enough to match the monitor's native resolution15:27
ioriaGizmoRomick, 304 + 361 ?15:27
GizmoRomickioria: I'm not sure about that, but isn't that just the nvidia-settings?15:28
pavlosGizmoRomick: the dpkg shows i386 but you should be running 64bits (amd64)15:29
ioriaGizmoRomick, i'd purge it all and start over ...  and  have you installed ubuntu 32 bit ?15:30
ioriaGizmoRomick, uname -a15:30
GizmoRomickioria: paste.ubuntu.com/26020805/15:31
ioriaGizmoRomick,  why ?15:31
GizmoRomickioria: I can check, but I am sure this is a i386 only processor15:31
ioriaGizmoRomick,  cat /proc/cpuinfo15:31
GizmoRomickioria: paste.ubuntu.com/2602080915:32
ioriaGizmoRomick,  yes 32 ....  uname -p   what gives you ?15:36
pavlosGizmoRomick: also, "getconf LONG_BIT" will give 32 or 64 depending on arch15:38
ioriaCore Duo  should be 32 and Core 2 Duo  6415:39
Neo3I've installed ubuntu alongside windows15:41
GizmoRomickioria: sorry, went away there for a sec15:41
ioriaGizmoRomick,    uname -p15:41
GizmoRomickioria: i68615:42
ioriaGizmoRomick,    getconf LONG_BIT15:42
Neo3want customize it as real server that will accessible over internet, What form is getting start?15:42
GizmoRomickioria: 3215:42
ioriaGizmoRomick,    ok, you're 32 bit15:42
ioriaGizmoRomick,    what was wrong with nouveau ? (before you installed nvidia)15:43
Neo3it's cool, two OS, but I want reinstall it, Who have two OS on computer?15:43
GizmoRomickioria: I was trying to get the best performance I can from such an old computer.  I understand that nouveau has a fraction of the performance of nvidia.  However, I am starting to wonder if the proprietary drivers are worth it.  What do you think?15:44
Neo3I don't know how there install app, Ubuntu has storage for app, there isn't as in windows load apps from internet15:44
ioriaGizmoRomick,    try this:   sudo apt purge nvidia*      (note the *) and reboot15:44
Neo3I checked localhost and this is unavailable15:45
ioriaGizmoRomick,   and sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:45
brymNeo3: if i understand you correctly, you want to know what applications are available for ubuntu, and where you can find them?15:46
Neo3brym: in ubuntu storage, but it's not work correctly now15:46
allureguys, filebeat... how can I exclude .tgz files from a filebeat prospector? :)15:47
Neo3brym: I want reinstall ubuntu, I used unetbootin for create boot flash, and on flash were other files15:47
allureI want to add /var/log/*/* but not .tgz files from logrotate15:47
allureany ideas? :D15:47
Neo3brym: do you use ubuntu as desktop?15:48
brymNeo3: yes15:48
Neo3brym: here not exist nessasary application, I need app for make screenshots, sublime text 3, chrome, WEB server15:48
Neo3brym: ok, I try now set there irc chat and app for screenshot15:49
brymNeo3: you can install all of those.15:49
Neo3I'll try to join from ubuntu now, wait15:49
pavlosallure: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/configuration-filebeat-options.html15:52
pizzaburgerHey! How do I properly edit NetworkManager.conf? I tried running "gksudo xed etc/NetworkManager.conf", it opens with elevated privileges but empty. Thanks!15:58
GizmoRomickioria: sorry, channel decided my nick was already used.  Couldn't I just use additional drivers to enable nouveau again?15:58
ioriaGizmoRomick,   if you want...15:59
alkisgpizzaburger: wrong path, it's /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf16:03
GizmoRomickioria: ok, I'll try it after work.  If nouveau will provide enough performance for them to do what they want, I'll just stick with that16:04
pizzaburgeralkisg: Yes, sorry, typed it wrong in the chat. "gksudo xed etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" and it gives me a blank document16:05
alkisgpizzaburger: again, wrong path, you forget the initial /16:07
alkisgpizzaburger: use tab to autocomplete file names in the console16:07
NoCodeAnyone know how I can get librtaudio to support JACK in Ubuntu 16.0416:09
pizzaburgeralkisg: Thank you!16:09
TJ-pizzaburger: Hiya. Did you manage to unlock the encrypted $HOME ?16:11
pizzaburgerTJ-: Hi! No, I haven't touched anything since you mentioned not to without your supervision in one of the memos16:13
ioriaGizmoRomick, ok16:13
ioriaGizmoRomick, i'd also consider a lighter version than unity16:14
tharkunWhat is the best way to have a dynamic dns service recognize what ip I have for an ubuntu seerver? What package on the repos should I install?16:22
akiktharkun: most of those services have an http api which you can use to update your ip from a cron job for example16:24
leftyfbtharkun: in 11 hours you couldn't find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS ?16:24
tharkunleftyfb: I've been offline for that amount of time and I ran out of data on my cell phone. But thanks for the time lapse reproach.16:26
pavlostharkun: curl ipinfo.io/ip16:26
TJ-pizzaburger: OK... well I'm about ready; probably best if I take you through a practice run with another user account so you are familiar with what is going on before you use the script on your real user's encrypted home16:26
tharkunpavlos: Thanks handy oneliner.16:28
ThedarkbThe Irish repo is down.16:32
ThedarkbCame back up a minute ago.16:33
ThedarkbWell, somethings up.16:41
ThedarkbI'm trying to install GParted but it hangs at...16:42
ThedarkbLooks like that's back up too.16:42
IloF_hi I need to install the package libgmp3c2 in ubuntu 14.04 but I don't find it. Is there any way to locate it?16:51
IloF_I don't know where else to look16:52
ioria!info  libgmp3c2 precise16:53
ubottulibgmp3c2 (source: gmp4): Multiprecision arithmetic library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:4.3.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 311 kB, installed size 688 kB16:53
ioriaIloF_, old lib ...16:53
ioriaIloF_,  maybe you can get the source from the precise old-release  repo and build16:55
zambacan someone please for the love of god provide a way to actually perform automatic security updates and at the same time have a separate /boot partition?17:11
zambai'm tired of having to clean up from a filled /boot17:11
zambathis happens all too often17:11
oerheksas of 17.04, ubuntu uses 1 partition for all, including swap file instead of partition, so your boot never runs out of space, unless the total space is limited17:12
zambayeah, but i'm not on 17.0417:13
zambaas that is not LTS17:13
zambathis happens on ALL my systems17:14
oerheksperform autoremove more often?17:14
auronandacezamba: any reason you really need a separate /boot?17:14
zambaauronandace: LVM17:14
zambaoerheks: i thought unattended-upgrades was supposed to fix this?17:15
oerhekszamba, nope, but you can run a script after apt https://askubuntu.com/questions/203256/set-a-script-to-run-automatically-after-apt-get-dist-upgrade-install-remove-an17:16
oerhekshmmm i find this too17:19
oerheksUnattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";17:19
zambaoerheks: but the problem is that it only removes the older kernels before the one you're currently running17:21
zambaoerheks: automatic security updates will install lots of new kernels, but you generally won't boot into them17:21
oerhekszamba, so? you need the new + previous one, to boot in recovery17:21
oerheksautoremove removes but 2 kernels17:22
oerheksLVM got place for 5 kernels AFAIK17:22
TJ- zamba LVM doesn't infer needing a separate /boot/ - GRUB has an LVM module17:28
DarkonHi all, my Situation: installed ubuntu-server 16.04 setup xserver and i3wm using startx, now i installed or wanna install nvidia-38x. First question: how can i get the driver without lightdm or better what is that huge dep-list for? any resources are welcome. Second Question(probably wrong channel): after installing the full nvidia-38x my system freezes after lightdm login or (lightdm disabled) startx drops back to shell (xorg17:43
Darkoncrash). any advice?17:43
oerhekssudo service lightdm start/stop/restart, startx is depreciated17:44
Mathisenstartx depreciated ? no more xorg-xinit ?17:46
pizzaBurgerTJ-: alright, I'm ready whenever you are!17:47
Darkoneven if depreciated, as i said i can start and stop lightdm but why the hell is it and dependency of my graphics driver and still there is the problem with the freeze17:49
TJ-pizzaBurger: let me grab a coffee!17:51
akikwhat does deprecating startx mean anyway? it still works17:53
Mathisenyeah i want to know that also17:53
Darkonworks absolutly fine for me just not after installing nvidia drivers17:53
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TJ-pizzaBurger: start off by fetching the latest script; "wget http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/ecryptfs-regenerate-wrapper_signatures_mount_test"17:56
TJ-pizzaBurger: probably best to use a separate channel for this else we'll get confused by other threads of conversation. do /join #ecryptfs-fixup17:57
zambaTJ-: that's kind of besides the point here17:58
mopolrehi, is there a way to open nano from the CLI in a NEW window please ?18:00
akikmopolre: it's usually "terminal -e nano" (replace with your terminal)18:01
mopolre@akik thank you akik. Seems like mine is xfce4-terminal18:04
mopolre(I'm a total beginner; so I ask this kind of things)18:05
mopolreI type this : xfce4-terminal -e nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf18:06
mopolreAnd I got this error : xfce4-terminal: Unknown option "/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf"18:07
mopolreit worked with this  xfce4-terminal -e "nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.com.conf"18:08
mopolrethanks anyway18:08
oerheksgood find18:08
mopolrebad tendency to ask before trying :/18:09
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PCatineanI managed to use this to return a list of directories spaced by a space instead of newline find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'18:31
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PCatineanIf I have a environment variable that has a string with multiple directories that should be excludede from the search, how do I pass that?18:31
tharkundepreciated != deprecated18:33
Darkon@tharkun true thanks18:35
akiktharkun: so is there some council who depreciate applications?18:44
alexaswas trying to clone ubuntu with clonezilla but got some error during verification process, now can't find where the log is stored, anyone can help me with finding it to debug the issue?18:53
alexasi also have some [error] flashing during Ubuntu boot but it's too fast that I can't see what is there, I would like to know it seems that it is related to my SSD, where it is stored in the system?18:58
kostkonalexas, you system logs reside in /var/log18:58
alexaswhich one too look at?18:59
alexaswhat specifically should iI search there for?19:01
Darkonthe error tag19:03
Bashing-omalexas: systemd ? ' journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot .19:03
kostkonalexas, you can also query the systemd journal with journalctl.  man journalctl for more info19:03
EriC^^sudo grep -iC4  error /var/log/syslog19:03
alexasapparently that particular message is not there...19:06
alexasalthough there are many errors..19:07
EriC^^alexas: try /var/log/boot.log19:07
EriC^^alexas: try Bashing-om 's command19:07
alexaswhat is Bashing-om?19:11
EriC^^i think he's a human19:11
Bashing-omEriC^^: Lately I am questioning that posit :)19:11
EriC^^j/k, he gave you a command earlier scroll up and try it19:12
alexasah sorry missed it19:12
alexasno disrepect Bashing-om19:13
Bashing-omalexas: :) - do what I can to help .19:13
alexasBashing-om: your command is either return a prompt for new line or if I end it with ' bash says Excess arguments, can you help me by telling me how to execute it, please?19:14
Bashing-omalexas: Show us what the relese is ' uname -r ' . systemd/upstart makes a difference ,19:15
alexasBashing-om: 4.14.0-041400rc8-generic19:16
EriC^^alexas: run it without any quotes, just journal.....19:17
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial | alexas19:19
alexasEriC^^: can you remind me please how can I redirect the output of that to something like pastebin again?19:19
ubottualexas: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB19:19
EriC^^alexas: command | nc termbin.com 999919:20
Bashing-omalexas: ^^ what results when you boot  a mainline kernel ?19:20
alexasBashing-om: EriC^^ here's journal http://termbin.com/hzsn19:21
alexasplease let me know if you see any anomalities there19:21
Bashing-omalexas: K -19:21
alexasBashing-om: sorry what?19:22
leftyfb!package python-openssl19:25
leftyfb!version python-openssl19:25
Bashing-omalexas: The "k" is an acknowledgement that I seen what you wrote . // " ACPI: EC: interrupt blockedACPI: EC: interrupt blocked" hold this thought .19:25
alexasBashing-om: that what I thought you said but just want to clarify, thanks =)19:26
Bashing-omalexas: "  Used as boot DSDT EC to handle transactions" .. is this a laptop ? and which one if it is a laptop machine ?19:27
EriC^^!info python-openssl | leftyfb19:27
ubottuleftyfb: python-openssl (source: pyopenssl): Python 2 wrapper around the OpenSSL library. In component main, is optional. Version 16.2.0-1 (artful), package size 36 kB, installed size 198 kB19:27
leftyfbthough for some reason I'm not able to backport it19:28
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leftyfboh wait, think I got it19:29
leftyfbbackportpackage: Error: The source package 'python-openssl' does not exist in the Ubuntu primary archive in artful, artful-security, artful-updates or artful-proposed19:29
edisonbulbdoes the unix write command only work on the local machine?19:39
alexasBashing-om: anything besides the ACPI error that you has been able to find there? I did not see the error that flashes over the boot.19:45
alkisgedisonbulb: afaik yes, but people don't use real terminals nowadays anyway :)19:47
edisonbulbalkisg: thx, i think this command was way more popular back in the days of tons of people having dumb terminals connected to a centralized computer :)19:48
alkisgedisonbulb: indeed, what are you trying to solve that some messenger doesn't do?19:49
edisonbulbalkisg: oh i was just curious, not trying to solve any problems. i noticed that write can't message ptys either19:50
edisonbulbi use SMS for instant messaging purposes anyway19:50
alexasaha found whazt the error is20:10
alexassupposedly this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/767272/apparmor-init-failed-exit-code-123#76768620:11
alexasso now I wonder what was the problem with clonezilla then...20:11
alexassince i loaded it from a flash drive i suppose there was/is no logs on the system now20:11
Bashing-omalexas: Got interrupted . still reading the boot log . and you have not answered my questions IRT laptop .20:12
alexasBashing-om: sorry missed it, it is a laptop Thinkpad L52020:14
Bashing-omalexas: Have a read : http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html . See if it applies in your use case .20:22
alexasBashing-om: will do, thanks!20:23
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Bashing-omalexas: And ... AppArmor is sure unhappy " usr.lib.mediascanner-2.0..........." .20:32
alexasBashing-om: sorry I didn't understand, can you explain what you mean by that please?20:33
alexasBashing-om: installed a script from the link, now rebooting machine20:33
alexasok apparmor errorr is gone, which is good I suppose, should try the clonezilla again20:35
alexasI stil got the error while system loaded and I have no idea why yet20:42
Bashing-omalexas: Can you show that error ? I am not too good at guessing .20:44
donofrioWhy am I seeing these??? "ath: phy0: chip reset failed"20:45
oerheksdonofrio, nobody can answer that, without proper info20:46
donofriooerheks, looks like https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2205970 but it's 17.04 and has all the updates.....and was working but now it's weird like firmware issue but shouldn't be...20:47
alexasBashing-om: am aftaid I only got the gui window with a message 'system problem detected' and an option to 'report the problem' but it pops pretty regularly20:49
alexasevery boot I would say20:49
Bashing-omalexas: Biggest thing I see this far is no dkms for that rc kernel . what shows ' sudo dkms status ' ?20:50
donofriowhats's the pastebin commandline20:52
alexasBashing-om: sudo: dkms: command not found20:57
donofriohardware is https://apaste.info/v1ee20:58
Bashing-omalexas: You have 61 errors in that last boot log . Boot up a conventionnal kerenl that is supported and see what the difference is .20:59
alexasBashing-om: will do, thanks. it is not affecting the workflow at the moment, so I suppose I will live with it for some time.21:00
alexasBashing-om: there are many misconfiguration stuff, but am looking only for something that can cause me a serious trouble - for example I was unable to create a backup through clonezilla lately and I supposed it was related, but probably noy21:01
donofriodmesg @ https://apaste.info/D8Q921:01
oerheksi see no line at all in that dmesg: ath: phy0: chip reset failed21:04
Bashing-omalexas: Another biggy " Error getting hardware address for "bnep0": No such device " You do need to find out what "bnep0" is ( or in this case is not ) .21:04
oerheksbut that single core Intel Atom N455 Integrated GMA 3150 .. nice doorstopper, not youtube capable i think21:06
energizerI just upgraded to 17.10, I used to use compiz, am I supposed to use compiz still?21:06
donofrioI'll paste the last log one moment21:06
energizerIn particular, I want a keyboard shortcut to move windows to the next and previous display.21:07
energizerI used to do that with ccsm. What do I use now?21:07
oerheksinstall gnome-tweak-tool http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/gnome-tweak-tool-move-window-buttons21:09
alexasBashing-om: am using android phone at the moment trhough many interfaces, wired as wifi hotspot and bluetooth (very energy effective) am supose it is one of them21:09
donofrioits in the syslog @ https://apaste.info/GLEt21:10
energizeroerheks: "There was an error loading the preferences dialog for Multi Monitors Add-On:" https://dpaste.de/gS6e21:11
Bashing-omalexas: ' ip link ls ' verify and get rid of that interface .. must be 20 errors on it .21:12
TricatiI need some advice on a remote server box with 16.04 installed - anyone familiar with with using them? - Having issues running some basic commands.. not sure if a GUI can be ran either.. new to the whole remote server thing21:12
donofriooerheks, you can just click stop it on that page then refresh and you'll see the messages21:14
energizerCan't say I was banking on getting a javascript syntax error when I tried this!21:14
energizerIs there somewhere I can report this?21:15
energizeror can I just use compiz instead?21:15
brymTricati: what commands are you having problems with?21:17
energizerlooks like i cant use compiz21:17
oerheksdonofrio, no clue why wireless and other repeating messages appear, that single core atom is really on the edge of usable21:18
oerheksmaybe the wifi chip is bad, eol21:19
leftyfbIf I'm backporting a package in a PPA and it requires dependencies, how do I go about resolving those deps? Adding the dep package to the ppa doesn't seem to work21:22
energizeroerheks: Got that menu working, but it doesn't seem to have an option for a keyboard shortcut to move windows.21:31
energizeroh got it. its in Keyboard shortcuts21:32
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donofriooerheks, works fine in windows 10 fall creators update no wifi issues (just way to big of a footprint for the OS install even with "compact /CompactOS:always" still took 13gb after wsl and ubuntu 17.04 installed, only leaving 1.6gb free....so I nativly installed ubuntu and now I get these wifi issues ;(21:43
awerim trying to output to a file and the screen at the same time. I only have access to execute command via the webbrowser but can run command execution and the www-data user.21:43
awerim trying to execute the following "cmd=/bin/nc -v -z 1-100 2>&1 |& /usr/bin/tee -a /var/www/test/test.txt"21:44
aweri have confirmed that nc and tee are installed and these are the directories given using the "which" command21:44
aweri get no output to the screen nor to the file using this method21:45
TJ-awer: "cmd=" means you're assigning to a variable? I assume you're in the shell?21:45
awerTJ-: thats the vulnerable variable on the webapp21:46
awerTJ-: full URL would be "|&%20/usr/bin/tee%20-a%20/var/www/test/test.txt"21:46
awersorry for URL encoding21:46
TJ-awer: I only just came in but I'm a little lost! you're trying to pass a command via a HTTP GET that the *server* will execute itself?21:47
alkisgawer, is the webapp using shell to run the command, or exec? Try sh -c '/bin/nc ... ...' instead21:47
alkisgexec doesn't know about pipes etc21:47
awerthe output of " nc"  - the output displayed to the webbrowser would be "/usr/bin/tee"21:48
aweri can creaate files in the same manner21:48
awerchmod chown etc..21:48
awerTJ-:  correct!21:48
TJ-awer: well that's not really an Ubuntu support issue; that's specific to the web-application/server you're working with21:48
aweralkisg:  no joy21:48
alkisgawer: does this show the date? date | cat -21:49
awerTJ-: im trying to understand ways i can output a command to a file21:49
aweralkisg:  Yes it does . Output is "Wed Nov 22 13:49:36 PST 2017"21:49
TJ-awer: you need to check how the PHP is sending the command to the system? I'd expect it is NOT calling a shell - it will be forking and calling an exec() function21:50
awermy goal would be to create a reverse nc shellback to my system..21:50
TJ-awer: in other words, you need to call the shell yourself "sh -c 'cmd=/bin/nc -v -z 1-100 2>&1 |& /usr/bin/tee -a /var/www/test/test.txt'  "21:50
TJ-awer: oops, sorry, that's wrong21:50
awerTJ i cannot do sh -c beefore the cmd= part though21:51
TJ-awer: in other words, you need to call the shell yourself "cmd=sh -c 'cmd=/bin/nc -v -z 1-100 2>&1 |& /usr/bin/tee -a /var/www/test/test.txt'  "21:51
TJ-awer: then URL-encode the spaces etc21:51
awerwhats the absolute path of sh21:51
aweroutput of uname -a is "Linux ubuntu 3.11.0-15-generic #25~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 30 17:42:40 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux "21:52
TJ-awer: usually21:52
alkisgawer: is this about gaining access to another person's system?21:52
awerTJ-: that didnt work either :-(21:53
aweralkisg: yes. its legal, its a capture the flag exercise on a demo box from within my home LAN21:54
TJ-awer: check on the server; look at the logs, see what the report is. Ideally, see which function the PHP is using to execute the command since that probably parses the command to prevent shell escapes just like this21:54
alkisgHrmmm ok. I guess the problem is that the browser doesn't uurlencode &, and you need to encode it manually.21:54
aweri think the firewall is bloacking aprticular outbound connections so i want to use nc to do a local port scan to see what port where open.21:54
awerlooking for a trick that might solve the problem. be doing my head in for a few hours...21:55
someone235Hi, I'm installing Ubuntu, but I can't detect my hard drive. Someone knows what can be done?21:55
aweri can do cmd=echo "some text" >> /var/www/test/test.txt and i see the text21:55
alkisgawer, see my remark about &21:56
aweralkisg: apologies i cant see a remark abotu using &?21:56
TJ-awer: ^^^^ as alkisg says, you'll need to URL-encode the "&" because it is used in the GET schema21:57
alkisg(11:54:39 μμ) alkisg: Hrmmm ok. I guess the problem is that the browser doesn't uurlencode &, and you need to encode it manually.21:57
alkisgawer, for example, type echo "&" >> /var/www/test/test.txt, can you see & then?21:57
aweralkisg: good shout on the logs maybe something in apache21:58
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mederwhy is php7.0-intl not available in ubuntu 16.04 lts aptitude?22:25
Ben64meder: it is in 16.0422:26
leftyfbmeder: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26023037/22:27
epacanyone here has experience with opensc/smartcards (specifically yubikey's PIV tokens), network-manager (and as an added bonus openconnect?)22:31
donofriooerheks, it's doing it again ;(22:34
tatertotzepac: and if someone did?22:34
donofrioseems to happen after an hour of being online then phy0 hrip reset failed "unable to reset channel, reset status -22"22:34
tatertotzepac: it goes smoother if you just state the problem you are having. They make mens pants in different sizes because mens waist size varies. So looking for someone else blindly to hope to be able to try "their" pants is a less than ideal strategy.22:35
laplous3Hi. I have a bluetooth headset that's paired and connected22:41
laplous3 I'm trying to route the audio through it, but cannot find a way to do so.22:41
laplous3am using xmonad, so no little applet thingy22:41
awer  22:42
Ben64laplous3: unity-control-center sound22:43
laplous3Ben64: xmonad, not unity ^^^22:43
Ben64doesn't mean you don't have that program22:43
laplous3lemme see22:43
laplous3oh hey22:44
laplous3didn't know i could still access this22:44
laplous3awesome haha22:44
Ben64can access anything from anything22:44
laplous3my god, I have done a lot of things the hard way :/22:44
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laplous3tbh my reasoning for not attempting it is nonsensical so22:45
trdillon1I have an issue where MAAS cannot commision nodes22:45
trdillon1I get an empty file under 00-maas-01-lshw22:46
lateniteHi folks, I installed firefox but I can not use firebug because it sais: 'Nicht kompatibel mit Firefox Quantum'22:51
latenitehow can I install firebug on Ubuntu?22:51
Portable_CheeseI did a software update with sudo apt upgrade22:52
mentalitait has nothing to do with ubuntu it has to do with firefox quantum22:52
Portable_CheeseAnd now the GUI is frozen except for my mouse22:52
Portable_CheeseAnd has been for a half hour22:52
latenitementalita, but quantum is default for ubuntu?!22:53
mentalitalatenite: quantum is just the latest version, did you try downgrading and installing it?22:53
latenitementalita, or is quantum some weird spin off?22:53
latenitementalita, no how do I do that?22:53
geniilatenite: File a bug with the developer of Firebug to update it.22:54
Portable_CheeseLast line before it got stuck was update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-87-generic22:54
mentalitalatenite: https://askubuntu.com/questions/977138/how-do-i-downgrade-firefox-v-57-to-v-5622:54
Portable_CheeseI can move the mouse around but everything else is locked up22:54
Portable_CheeseI can also get into tty122:55
leftyfbPortable_Cheese: reboot22:55
leftyfbwhat is firebug?22:55
leftyfbI don't see it as a package name or even a binary in any of the official packages22:56
geniiIt's an addon for Firefox22:57
geniilatenite: From https://github.com/firebug/firebug/ in part, .. "On November 14, with the launch of Firefox Quantum (AKA 57), support for old school extensions will stop in Firefox. That means Firebug will no longer work for many developers. However, the work continues in the great Firefox devtools. You can try Firefox devtools by updating your release browser or downloading Developer Edition."22:57
geniilatenite: Which they give links to.22:58
latenitegenii, are Firefox devtools the same as firebug?22:59
geniiI'm guessing Yes22:59
Bashing-omPortable_Cheese: Check that a package manager is not still running ' ps -efly | egrep '(dpkg|apt) ' .23:00
genii( or the equivalent )23:00
Portable_CheeseOh... a little late....23:02
latenitegenii, cool thank you :D23:02
geniilatenite: Glad to assist23:02
Bashing-omPortable_Cheese: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' all run clean ?23:03
epactatertotz: fair enough. I have a yubikey with PIV mode enabled, p11tool shows the various URLs for all the objects on the token. I cannot for the life of me however use those URLs for 802-1x.client-cert property for a network connection. I get a 'no such file or directory'.23:04
epacp11tool and pkcs11-tool both work (using slightly different parameters).23:04
epaci can confirm that the certificate in the slot i'm interested in (Certificate for Card Authentication) is there, and doesn't require a pin to access.23:05
epacso i believe i've setup opensc/pcsd properly.23:05
Portable_Cheese@Bashing-om Yes, other then asking if I want to remove old headers and images23:05
kostkonlatenite, there;s also firefox developer edition https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/developer/23:06
Bashing-omPortable_Cheese: :) . all good then .23:06
kevinfishhow can I make a command line program available to use as an application I can open a file with from the file manager?23:46
voltykubuntu 14.04 here, after last updates I got mess with locales. Any hint / guides to fix it?23:55
yao_ziyuanin license files i frequently see "Files: debian/*" but actually can't find such a directory. so what does "debian/*" mean?23:59

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