
iceeSo, I'm usin' ubuntu.  on 16.04 cloud images i could do -smbios "type=1,serial=ds=nocloud-net;s=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlyle/mlyle/master/cloud-metadata/linuxtst/05:34
iceeto kvm and have all the magic happen05:34
iceebut it seems name resolution/resolv.conf is broken on aardvark at the point of cloud init05:34
iceeis there anything i can do?05:34
iceemanually starting /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved in single user makes DNS work05:53
iceeadjusting the image to have /etc/resolv.conf of nameserver    initially makes it all work too06:25
iceei am starting to think there is not a way to have working dns in nocloud-net with the stock images06:26

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