
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== mup_ is now known as mup
BarDwellerI got round to putting my kube-in-a-box project on github, brings up Kubernetes with RBAC/Istio/Docker-Registry and port forwarding on a bridged network interface all inside a Vagrant VM =) Would not have been possible without the help from here =)14:27
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
R_P_Swith conjure-up canonical-kubernetes how do I specify a VPC?19:37
R_P_SI tried doing the headless on that page to specify my own controller which I manually created in the VPC, but it would just error out with the strangest of errors19:48
R_P_S2017-11-23 19:36:44,469 [ERROR] conjure-up/canonical-kubernetes - juju.py:894 - Traceback (most recent call last):19:48
R_P_S2017-11-23 19:36:44,469 [ERROR] conjure-up/canonical-kubernetes - juju.py:894 - Traceback (most recent call last):19:48
R_P_S  File "/snap/conjure-up/842/bin/juju-wait", line 7, in <module>19:48
R_P_S    from juju_wait import wait_cmd19:49
R_P_SModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'juju_wait'19:49
bdxR_P_S: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues could you create a bug here about that pls20:16
R_P_Shum... for reference, I didn't end up writing the last bug.  Upgrading with snap --edge resolved the previous one... but this time I'm using edge for both juju and conjure-up20:17
R_P_Sa regular non-headless conjure-up is in progres... although strange it seems to have hung.  All the instances are listed as active with a green checkmark, but the conjure-up installer has stalled at creating a relation?20:19
bdxR_P_S: cool ... yea, I would like to follow the progress on that ^^ though too20:19
bdxthe bug20:19
R_P_Sis there a way to just specify a VPC with conjure up though?  I thought I recalled something from days ago, but it's scrolled off chat history20:20
R_P_Sand the only reference I could find was that headless option, which doesn't look like what I recalled mentioned the other day.  But that might have been with respect to creating a controller in a VPC as opposed to an entire spell20:20
bdxyou can set a default vpc to use20:20
bdxat the controller level I think20:21
bdxnot so sure though20:21
R_P_Swell, conjure-up makes controller and env, so I don't have any chance to change anything on the controller before the environment is spun up20:21
bdxahhh, I think conjure-up will let you choose an existing controller though20:22
stokachuPlease file a bug to get that added20:22
R_P_Syeah, that's when I encountered that juju_wait error... the options for selecting a controller required also doing a headless install for some reason20:23
R_P_Sdamn, this vanilla "conjure-up canonical-kubernetes" has definitely hung... but I need to kill it to repro the headless errors20:28
R_P_Sthat's cool... now I've not used github for submitting bugs, should I be adding a +1 comment to that FR?20:46
bdxR_P_S: yes, you can click the "Watch" button to be notified of activity and progress on the issues20:48
bdxand yes, add your 2 cents to things you care about20:49
bdxto a reasonable degree ;)20:49
R_P_Sok, I'm going through a complete repro of that juju_wait issue right now... rebuilding a new instance now20:50
R_P_Snever used sosreport before... it just said "no valid plugins were enabled" after giving out the version (3.4)21:21
R_P_Sis that expected?21:21
R_P_Sthe wording on this page is a bit confusing. in the section customizing deployment phases21:37
R_P_Sit initially talks about "controller or model" but then when it actually refers to the parameters, it calls them "datacenter" and "deployment".  is datacenter=controller and model=deployment?  This was the base assumption I made when I tried to run with an existing controller21:38
stokachuIt's sudo sosreport21:46
R_P_Sbut those docs seem to indicate that issue 1241 technically has a solution already (even if just headless), if I could just get past the bug I wrote up.  Where I can create my own controller, possibly even model (with basic VPC configs for services)21:47
R_P_Sthat doesn't quite deal with spaces though, cause I'd still need some way to associate spaces with the apps defined inside the spell21:47
R_P_Soh ffs lol sudo sosreport21:47
R_P_SI've already downed the machine... is sosreport critical?  Or should I repro again?21:47
stokachuNah you got the logs attached21:49
R_P_SI just reproduced that bug I wrote up with a vanilla $ conjure-up canonical-kubernetes  (options: deis selected, aws credentials are full admin in IAM, set masters to 3)22:25
bdxR_P_S: from the looks of it, you found a legit bug22:51
R_P_S"found" :P22:51
bdxR_P_S: you should be excited that you helped make the software better for future use and for others by creating an issue and getting it fixed22:53
bdxthat can be your holiday gift22:53
R_P_Shehe... I'm glad to help... I just have no reason to take credit for stumbling across such a basic use case22:54
bdxits what you do about it that matters22:55
R_P_Sto be fair, if it wasn't for the support I've received on this channel for juju, I would have abandoned it long ago and tried another option since there are so many out there22:57
bdxreally? If you dont mind me asking, why so?22:58
bdxand ... becareful what you say22:59
bdxthere is nothing like juju out there22:59
blahdeblahbdx: "Please tell me honestly, but don't be totally honest"?22:59
R_P_Sfrom what I can tell, I've yet to actually get a fully operational cluster online.  working with my coworker yesterday, I took what I thought was a fully working cluster and found out it hadn't properly integrated with aws to create ELBs23:00
R_P_Sit's become so black box that when something goes wrong, you aren't even sure what has gone wrong exactly23:00
R_P_SI've had multiple clusters complete setup without error, and yet when it comes time to do something inside kubernetes, something just didn't work23:01
bdxahh, so yeah, I would say that you may have jumped in the deep end a bit fast23:01
R_P_Sthere's a very large gap between "quickstart" and "what I actually need"23:02
bdxwell deploying clouds and cloud software is no simple task23:03
R_P_Sand the fact that I have to technically abandon conjure-up itself to eventually make what I need (aka create my own controller, model, config model, create bundle and juju deploy)23:03
R_P_Sand then still not know if I'm missing something that conjure-up silently put in that I don't even know about23:03
bdxright right23:03
bdxR_P_S: I feel you on all of that23:04
R_P_Sright now, I'm fairly certain there are "steps" that need to be done post juju deploy bundle.yaml.  But I don't know exactly how their called.  I'm fairly certain one of those steps is AWS CNI.  I have a hunch that was the missing piece for why all the demos always got stuck at "create load balancer with indefinite pending"23:04
R_P_Sto be honest, I went with juju because it was made by ubuntu, which meant hopefully there was more than a couple guys working out of their basement.23:05
bdxR_P_S: thats a good reason, but there are many others that mihght make you appreciate it more if you were wise to them23:06
bdxbut thats just the name of the game23:06
R_P_SI see kubernetes.io -> install guide -> choose one of these 75 tools.  The fact alone that there's 75 tools tells me that not one of them really stands out enough to deprecate the others.23:06
bdxthis is super cutting edge stuff, and sometime you just gotta make it work23:06
bdxwhich comes down to creating a bug and getting something fixed23:06
bdxI know it seems like masssive roadblock when someone is giving you a timeline23:07
bdxbut to be fair, what you've been asked to do, with what little prerequisite knowledge you have is entirely unreasonable in the first place23:07
bdxwhich leads us to juju23:07
R_P_Swell, this can start getting philosophical on the concept of MVP, Agile and and cutting edge.  Cutting edge always means "replaced before it ever reaches maturity", a self fulfilling prophecy23:07
bdxthat exists for ^ purpose kinda23:08
blahdeblahhaha - 75 tools; nice23:08
R_P_Swhich is the reason so far that I haven't abadoned juju... cause the grass is just as... brown? over there as it is over here.  although maybe the grass over there was just seeded like over here23:09
R_P_Sblahdeblah: 75 is a bit of an exxageration.  but the table at the bottom of this "very-early" page is massive: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/pick-right-solution/23:10
R_P_Sand that doesn't even cover all the random solutions you'll find on github where some guy wrote it solo23:10
R_P_Sthe truth is, is that kubernetes is extremely powerful, and I don't honestly trust any of these solutions to really "get it right"23:11
bdxIts all about the operator23:11
bdxthe solution is just a tool23:11
R_P_Splease tell that to my manager23:11
R_P_Sprior to me joining this company, they didn't have any devops, and dev just pushed whatever they could get out.  is it up?  good, push it to prod.  oh, it fell over?  weird.23:12
bdxI'll kindly write him a nice letter telling him how ignorant he is23:12
R_P_Sthat will go over real well23:12
bdxjp :p23:13
bdxbut really23:13
bdxits my biggest pet-peeve when people of that nature make it into positions of power in the technology sector23:14
bdxit hurts everyone23:14
R_P_Swell, overall he's a decent guy.  He's actually fairly good at treating people like humans23:14
bdxthey usually are23:14
R_P_Sbut when it comes to the marketing, he just doesn't know, and has always had people around him who haven't questioned things hard enough23:15
R_P_Smarketing: multicloud!  what it means.  most setups can be done in the cloud you're currently using.  what they think: fuck yeah, we can have a cluster that spans azure, aws, inhouse baremetal and godaddy23:17
bdxif I was in your  situation, I would start scheduling weekly educational meetings on infrastructure lifecycle23:17
bdxthe only way is to educate them23:17
R_P_SI've been doing that for most of the year now.  I've had full on training sessions about barebones infrastructure best practices, flows and pitfalls23:17
R_P_Sthey still have no idea what good actually looks like though23:18
R_P_Sbut at the end of the day, they've created a new feature, and it needs prod infrastructure yesterday cause sales is doing a demo 2 days ago to customers who have already paid for it23:19
R_P_Seven my direct manager understands that there needs to be an entire culture shift from top to bottom to give us time to work out some of these underlying issues23:20
bdxyeah, your dead on there23:20
bdxIm out for t-day23:20
R_P_Sroger, thanks23:20
bdxIm sure your conjure-up issue will be solved fairly quick, looks like an easy fix23:21
bdxthen you can get your way23:21
R_P_Sas in, I should be able to refresh --edge soon?23:21
bdxwell, the bug you created will get status updated as the fix is released23:21
R_P_Sof course, I'll watch that23:21
bdxI wouldnt expect anything before monday, but im sure sometime next week it will get sorted23:22
stokachuYes we move pretty fast .. but you know it's Thanksgiving and all23:32
R_P_Sheh, I sent a video to a cubemate today.  an espn announcer saying.  No Games in the NHL cause it's thanksgiving, or as we call it in canada, thursday23:34
R_P_Sit's from years ago, but still good for a chuckle23:35

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