
ShellcatZeroIf one wants to rebuild the live cd for their own specific use cases, what is the recommended workflow?  I've been using the Live CD Customization guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization), but I was hoping there would be an easier way of just booting into the live environment, customizing the GUI, then saving it to an installable ISO.09:16
ShellcatZeroI'm curious to know how the Lubuntu dev team is doing this.09:17
hateballShellcatZero: you might want to ask in #lubuntu-devel then :)09:17
ShellcatZeroHmm, ok09:17
hateballI'm assuming that's where devs lurk, according to /topic09:19
ShellcatZeroCool, I assumed there would be devs here as well to help answer user questions, I assumed the dev channel was strictly for Lubuntu devs to discuss development.09:21
hateballShellcatZero: oh there could be devs here as well, but this channel tends to be *really* idle09:55
LandLubbercan anyone point me in the direction of a good install guide for dell laptops?  i have a mini 1012 that was running ubuntu great now it freezes upon boot with newer versions, same thing with lubuntu after first boot13:57
bobsmith83good morning turkeys17:24
bobsmith83I've got some problems created by "sloppy" partitioning.  anyone want to help me try clean it up?17:25
bobsmith83I started the system with trisquel install, then added lubuntu.  Now, it appears my /home in lubuntu is residing in root!  yikes! how to fix?17:26
GuyFawkesis there anyone around who can help me with a software updater issue?17:43
wxlbobsmith83: you mean /root/home/bobsmith?17:44
wxlgo for it GuyFawkes17:44
GuyFawkesSoftware Update gets triggered somehow, but when I click on Install Now, it starts but fails17:45
wxlwhat's the fail?17:45
GuyFawkesit doesn't complete the download and install...Software Update crashes?17:45
wxland there's no error or anything? that seems unlikely17:46
GuyFawkesnope, no error17:46
wxlno crash dialog? nothing? you just click it and everything disappears?17:46
GuyFawkescorrect, that's what happens.  I get a bit of a progress bar, and then poof17:47
GuyFawkesis there a sudo apt-get I can do from terminal?17:48
wxli've never seen such a thing before. every unclean exit should produce a crash dialog17:48
wxlhowever, you can just `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`17:48
GuyFawkesor apt-get update I suppose17:48
GuyFawkesthanks...thats the full command?  I'm not really Terminal smart.  lacking in command line fu17:49
wxlyep, just need to give it your password, assuming you're in sudoers17:49
GuyFawkesI am.  I'mma give it a whack right now...17:50
GuyFawkes44% progress and climbing.  thank you @wxl17:52
wxlGuyFawkes: also check /var/crash for crash reports17:52
bobsmith83my /home/bobsmith appears to be on /dev/sda7 mounted at '/', a partition that is just 7.8gb17:53
wxlah that's a mount issue. edit /etc/fstab appropriately17:54
bobsmith83cool! that doesnt seem too hard?17:54
GuyFawkesls /var/crash ?17:55
GuyFawkesls /var/crash <enter> and all I get is a command prompt17:56
wxlwhat does `grep problem_types /etc/apport/crashdb.conf` return?17:56
wxlor more importantly is there a # in front of it?17:57
GuyFawkesand now I see a software update window...17:57
bobsmith83where to start? terminal-17:59
wxlbobsmith83: have you picked an editor yet?17:59
GuyFawkes'Bug', 'Package'17:59
bobsmith83leafpad for now17:59
wxlGuyFawkes: but is there a # at the beginning?18:00
wxlbobsmith83: have you picked a TERMINAL editor?18:00
wxlGuyFawkes: ok, now give me the number when you `grep enabled /etc/default/apport`18:01
bobsmith83hmmm, i guess not. suggest?18:01
wxlbobsmith83: easy: nano. best: well, everyone's going to have their own opinions but usually either vi or emacs. both will require some reading to know how to use them, but once you do they're very efficient.18:01
bobsmith83I used vi back in college days.  acient history...18:02
wxlGuyFawkes: now what do you get from `service apport status | grep Active`18:03
GuyFawkesActive: active (exited) since Thu 2017-11-23 11:34:15 EST; 1h 29min ago18:04
wxlok so that says the crash reporter is working18:04
wxlGuyFawkes: are you done updating software yet?18:05
GuyFawkessoftware updater says I should reboot18:05
GuyFawkesgonna be here a few minutes?  I'll go and do that18:05
wxlit's not necessary18:06
wxlas long as the process is done you're good18:06
wxljust means you have a new kernel :)18:06
wxlanyways, run `update-manager` in terminal and let me know if it behaves as you expect18:07
bobsmith83how do I get into editor? just type vi? or do i need to apt-get install first?18:09
wxlyou should already have it18:09
GuyFawkesso I'm back...where do we go from here, or are we done?18:11
bobsmith83hit vi- what now? it up on start screen.  bringing but bad memories working in campus computer lab debugging c+ programs...18:11
wxloh hahahahaha18:12
wxli'm not giving you a vi class buddy :)18:12
wxlbut i'll give you a really quick one:18:12
wxli will go to INSERT mode18:12
wxlescape will get you to normal mode18:12
wxlto write and quit in normal mode, ZZ18:12
bobsmith83crap- maybe i should go to nano instead?!18:13
wxlyou can also :q! to get out without saving18:13
wxl`sudo vi /etc/fstab`18:13
bobsmith83wow, people still use vi? omg, its too painful18:15
bobsmith83I cant even q!18:15
wxlGuyFawkes: >:<q!18:15
wxloops sorry18:16
wxlmeant that for bobsmith8318:16
wxlGuyFawkes: for you, run `update-manager` in the terminal and see if it behaves like normal18:16
bobsmith83i should wait my turn, sorry guy18:16
GuyFawkesuhhh....sudo update-manager?18:17
wxlno you shouldn't need sudo18:18
GuyFawkes"the software on this computer is up-to-date"18:19
GuyFawkesthank you!18:19
wxlGuyFawkes: no problem18:19
bobsmith83vi scared me for life.  I swore at it more than anything! and I swore I'd never touch it again after that class! its back to haunt me.  all these repressed memories bubbling up now!  insane!18:20
wxlGuyFawkes: if you have problems again, use `ubuntu-bug update-manager`18:20
wxlbobsmith83: oh just use `nano` you big baby XD18:20
GuyFawkesnoted.  again, thanks, and happy turkey day if you're in that jurisdiction18:21
wxlno problem GuyFawkes have a good day18:21
bobsmith83ok, i'll try it...18:21
bobsmith83believe me, I hate to ask to have my hand held, but...18:23
wxlsudo vi nano /etc/fstab18:24
wxlmake sure that sda7 points to /home18:24
wxland make sure you have a root in there!18:25
wxlsudo fdisk -l should help you figure out the right one (it's bootable)18:25
bobsmith83i did sudo vi nano /etc/fstab, now I'm in vi, and it says "nano" new file18:27
wxlmy problem is i don't ever use nano. i'm just too used to using vi :)18:28
bobsmith83you totally did that on purpose!18:28
wxl`sudo nano /etc/fstab`18:28
wxljust hit ESC : q ! ENTER in that order18:28
bobsmith83i just closed that window18:30
bobsmith83so you use vi, huh?18:30
wxloh yeah18:31
wxladditional benefit: super easy to use on mobile18:31
bobsmith83well, I'm sure if you use it often, its great18:31
bobsmith83I'm in nano18:31
wxlsee here for examples https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab18:32
wxltl;dr you should have:18:33
wxlsome-way-of-identifying-the-partition mount-location file-type options 0 fsck-order18:33
bobsmith83there's not much in here really.  first line is UUID= blahblahblah18:34
wxlfor fsck order, you probably want / to be 1 and /home 218:34
bobsmith83second line is /swapfile   none18:34
wxlthe UUIDs are a way of refering to the partition18:34
wxlwhat's the mount point of that one? / i'm assuming?18:34
bobsmith83options = "errors=remount-ro"18:35
bobsmith83that seems strange18:35
wxlrun `sudo blkid` in a separate window/tab/whatever18:35
wxlbtw `tmux` is a "window manager" for terminal18:35
bobsmith83ok, I've also got gparted up for help, and a file manager window.  but they dont tell me everything18:37
wxli didn't say gparted, did i? :)18:37
bobsmith83I dont mind cheating alittle18:38
wxlnot if it doesn't help...18:38
bobsmith83maybe i should study that page you sent me and ask questions later?  maybe you can give me a high level of how /etc/fstab should be set up? considering the problem i have where the /home seems to be mounted to / instead of a /home partiton?18:42
wxlget the UUID of the / partition and then replace the UUID of the /dev/sda7 partition (which should be what's in there) with it18:42
wxlyou also have a separate home partition?18:43
bobsmith83here's my current partitions:18:44
wxlyou can just use "defaults" for the options18:44
wxldon't paste it here!18:44
bobsmith83no? I was not going to paste, just explain18:45
wxlwell you can use pastebin18:45
wxlin fact:18:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:45
bobsmith83sounds cool, but not now...18:46
wxlcuz with things like this having the EXACT info is usually more helpful18:46
wxlit's also a lot quicker for you18:46
bobsmith83I'm also chatting on a different machine18:47
bobsmith83but I could go chat on the other one i guess18:48
bobsmith84ok, chatting from the t60 now.18:53
bobsmith84wxl: from what you said before: the /dev/sda7 is the root partiton.  There's a note in the /etc/fstab that says / was on /dev/sda7 during install19:00
wxlwhat does the UUID that was there correspond to?19:13
bobsmith84i think its just /dev/sda7, the root partition19:14
wxldat what i do :)19:14
wxloops wrong chan19:14
wxlso what makes you think that that your home is in root?19:15
bobsmith84when I right click on for example /home/downloads, it shows properties same size volume as the root volume19:16
bobsmith84and, last night, I was downloading GB of data and it filled up root19:16
wxlis that computer connected to the internet?19:17
bobsmith84it is now.  i switched over to it19:17
wxlsudo apt install pastebinit; (sudo blkid; cat /etc/fstab; mount) | pastebinit19:18
wxland then give me the resulting url19:18
wxlok and do you have a /home under /19:23
bobsmith84I think so.  whatever lubuntu built on install, i didnt modify the partitions at all19:24
bobsmith84pastebinit pretty cool!19:24
wxltold ya so :)19:24
wxlif you do have a /home you most likely have a traditional set up WITHOUT a separate home19:26
wxlso you should go through the process of setting oen up and moving your home over there19:26
bobsmith84yes.  good thought19:26
wxli'm going to have some tea so good luck :)19:27
bobsmith84woohoo!  i do that, and check back with ya later then.  cheers!19:27
opancadohello... help me for upgrade lubuntu 15.10 to 17.1022:20
opancadohelp me for upgrade lubuntu 15.10 to 17.10 for terminal22:22
opancadoplease help me22:24
opancadohelp me for upgrade lubuntu 15.10 to 17.1022:24
wxlopancado: you realize this is a holiday in the US, right?22:24
wxl`sudo do-release-upgrade`22:24
opancadoAn upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool.  message for tgerminal22:25
wxlwas worried about that. you can grab a new iso and use it to upgrade22:25
opancadodon't upgrade this version?22:27
opancadosudo do-release-upgrade -d [sudo] password for rocha:  Verificando por uma nova versão do Ubuntu Nenhuma nova versão encontrada rocha@rocha-C14CR21:~$ !eolupgrade bash: !eolupgrade: event not found rocha@rocha-C14CR21:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade Verificando por uma nova versão do Ubuntu Não há mais suporte para a sua versão do Ubuntu. Para informações sobre atualização, visite: http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife  Obte22:28
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