didrocks | good morning | 06:36 |
oSoMoN | good morning desktoppers | 07:08 |
didrocks | salut oSoMoN | 07:16 |
oSoMoN | salut didrocks! Martin va mieux? | 07:21 |
didrocks | oSoMoN: bof, 39.8°C cette nuit, mais au moins, ça descend avec le doliprane. 38.4 ce matin | 07:28 |
didrocks | et réveillé très tôt | 07:28 |
pitti | didrocks: bonojour ! uh, bon rétablissement pour le petit Martin ! | 07:52 |
didrocks | bonjour pitti, merci ! :) | 08:18 |
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willcooke | morning | 08:53 |
didrocks | hey willcooke | 08:56 |
oSoMoN | good morning willcooke | 08:57 |
Laney | ello | 09:03 |
seb128 | good morning desktopers | 09:05 |
seb128 | hey willcooke oSoMoN Laney | 09:05 |
seb128 | re didrocks | 09:05 |
willcooke | o/ | 09:06 |
seb128 | how is everyone today? | 09:06 |
willcooke | giving thanks | 09:06 |
* Laney waits for the thanks | 09:06 | |
seb128 | oh, right, that day | 09:06 |
Laney | hey seb128!!! | 09:06 |
willcooke | "The day before black Friday Day" | 09:06 |
seb128 | don't expect the frenchs to buy into english-speaking-people traditions :p | 09:07 |
willcooke | :)) | 09:07 |
* Laney has been to the physio this morning | 09:07 | |
Laney | LAME | 09:07 |
seb128 | your shoulder still? | 09:07 |
Laney | problems reoccured | 09:08 |
didrocks | :/ | 09:09 |
Laney | getting a surgical opinion! | 09:10 |
Laney | https://giphy.com/gifs/turk-t5WU6eFWmwwla | 09:10 |
willcooke | good luck Laney | 09:13 |
Laney | thx | 09:13 |
oSoMoN | salut seb128 | 09:14 |
Laney | they might not be able to offer anything, but worth seeing I guess | 09:14 |
Laney | :'( hope I can still climb :'( | 09:14 |
Laney | anyway | 09:14 |
Laney | how's it going for everybody else? | 09:14 |
pitti | bonjour seb128 et Laney ! | 09:14 |
pitti | between broken RHEL infra and sucking Chrome debug protocol, pretty well actually :) basketball was fun last night, the good kind of sore muscles today :) | 09:15 |
seb128 | salut pitti, comment ça va ? | 09:15 |
pitti | Laney: ouch, shoulder sounds awful; sports? or the lack thereof? | 09:15 |
pitti | seb128: ça va bien, merci ! et toi ? | 09:16 |
oSoMoN | not too bad here. The black Friday thing is getting big around here too, collective consumer craziness… | 09:17 |
Laney | hey pitti | 09:17 |
Laney | still doing chrome stuff? | 09:17 |
Laney | pitti: yeah I dislocated it a couple of times while climbing :( | 09:18 |
pitti | Laney: yeah, still trying to ditch PhantomJS | 09:18 |
pitti | https://fedorapeople.org/groups/cockpit/logs/pull-8069-20171122-232121-f56c5a77-verify-fedora-27/backup.U76MqO/log.html#152 | 09:18 |
seb128 | pitti, I think I'm starting to get the babyflu but good otherwise! | 09:18 |
pitti | 153 down, 12 to go! | 09:18 |
seb128 | I don't get that black friday thing | 09:19 |
seb128 | are the special offers on that day so much better than regular discounts and such you can find during the year? | 09:20 |
Laney | was hearing on the radio that they're often fake discounts | 09:20 |
Laney | like raise the price earlier in November compared to before | 09:20 |
Laney | then you can claim a bigger % discount | 09:20 |
Laney | the guy's advice was to wait until late in December to buy stuff | 09:21 |
willcooke | uk.camelcamelcamel.com is your friend (for Amazon stuff anyway) | 09:21 |
willcooke | But yeah, the "special" prices are very ordinary when you look at the history over the year | 09:22 |
Laney | ya that's a good one | 09:22 |
* didrocks might buy a ps4 | 09:23 | |
* willcooke too | 09:23 | |
willcooke | I want the VR headset | 09:23 |
willcooke | but $$$$$$ | 09:23 |
seb128 | didrocks, one for 30€? ;) | 09:24 |
didrocks | seb128: ahah, I wish I was quick enough, and I wish they would honored the command despite their mistake :p | 09:25 |
seb128 | :p | 09:25 |
didrocks | which it seems they won't :p | 09:25 |
didrocks | scandalous! | 09:25 |
seb128 | right | 09:25 |
seb128 | they said they would give a 10€ voucher | 09:25 |
seb128 | lame! | 09:25 |
didrocks | after raising the PS4 pro price by 10€ ;) | 09:25 |
jamesh | willcooke: there's a new version of the PSVR coming out shortly, which is why there's lots of deals for the current version | 09:26 |
didrocks | willcooke: still waiting for a killer VR game, not convinced yet | 09:26 |
didrocks | but I have the whole PS4 game catalog backlog to play first ;) | 09:26 |
willcooke | jamesh, oooooh!!! Nice tip, thanks | 09:26 |
seb128 | pitti, since you are around I'm going to try my chance and ask if you know about systemd-resolved issues under captive portal (bug #1727237), one of the comment state that the captive portal dns doesn't get added, unsure if that's true/the issue/is a n-m pb... just asking in case you have an idea of know if it's a known issue | 09:27 |
ubot5 | bug 1727237 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved is not finding a domain" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727237 | 09:27 |
willcooke | Could it be related to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624320 as well? | 09:27 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed] | 09:27 |
tjaalton | i have a similar bug on xenial.. wife can't connect to her outlook account because of dns issues | 09:28 |
seb128 | xenial doesn't use systemd-resolved though | 09:28 |
tjaalton | ok, something fishy still | 09:29 |
seb128 | yeah, I guess it needs debugging, difficult to say like that | 09:30 |
oSoMoN | seb128, I've prepared a new libreoffice upload, need your sponsoring: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-5.4.3/ | 09:34 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, how is that ppu application going? :p | 09:35 |
seb128 | just kidding, let me have a look and do it now so I don't get busy on other things and delay as I did a couple of times | 09:36 |
seb128 | nice to see that the previous one migrated, it means they sort out some of the transitions! | 09:37 |
Laney | yeah the migration of hell went in | 09:39 |
seb128 | well done to those involved! | 09:39 |
oSoMoN | seb128, thanks! let me get a few more sponsored uploads under my belt before I start thinking of PPU ;) | 09:41 |
oSoMoN | jamesh, would you mind commenting on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-libreoffice-5-4-3/2935/2 ? should snaps see fonts in ~/.fonts ? | 09:44 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, uploads done :) | 09:44 |
jamesh | oSoMoN: sure. | 09:50 |
seb128 | hey jamesh! how are you? | 09:50 |
oSoMoN | seb128, jamesh: thanks! | 09:50 |
seb128 | oSoMoN, np | 09:50 |
jamesh | oSoMoN: as an initial guess, the sandbox can probably read the fonts but doesn't see them due to $HOME being changed | 09:51 |
jamesh | seb128: good. Learning how to put together some spread tests for some of the snapd PRs I've been working on | 09:52 |
jamesh | seb128: and looking forward to the charity bike ride on Sunday | 09:53 |
seb128 | jamesh, what are the snaps/desktop improvement coming? I liked to read about this in your summary in the meeting but you missed a few ones recently I think | 09:54 |
seb128 | I saw you updated the user mounts one, is that the main thing atm? | 09:55 |
jamesh | seb128: yeah. The user-mounts one is infrastructure to support xdg-document-portal | 09:55 |
jamesh | seb128: once I've got that sorted, I plan to add portal access to the desktop interface. Combined with a patched xdg-desktop-portal, we should be able to support functional desktop apps without access to the user's full home dir | 09:57 |
seb128 | nice | 09:58 |
jamesh | oSoMoN: I think the fonts thing can be fixed in the snapcraft-desktop-helpers part | 10:06 |
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alexarnaud | Hello all :) ! | 13:52 |
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz | ||
alexarnaud | Trevinho: I'm in the process to translate Compiz a11y modules into French. How can I give new the updated translation ? | 13:54 |
alexarnaud | There is this bug about translation : https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1722732 | 13:55 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1722732 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Modules not translatable" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:55 |
alexarnaud | Do you want a code merge request until the Lauchpad translation module works ? | 13:55 |
Saviq | hey all, any idea why I wouldn't be able to switch to vt3..vt9? vt1 is gdm, vt2 is my session, and trying to switch to any other with Ctrl+Alt+F3..F9 just results in input being gone, but I can still see my vt2 session... | 14:26 |
willcooke | Saviq, humm, I think we saw that somewhere else... | 15:36 |
willcooke | didrocks, do you remember hearing about that one? ^ (vts not switching properly) | 15:36 |
didrocks | didn't hear about that one, normally systemd is spawing them on demand | 15:37 |
seb128 | cyphermox, hey, how are you? | 16:07 |
seb128 | cyphermox, is there a chance you could have a look to | 16:08 |
seb128 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1727237 . | 16:08 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1727237 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved is not finding a domain" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:08 |
seb128 | ? | 16:08 |
cyphermox | sure, I'll have a look | 16:13 |
Saviq | didrocks: doesn't seem like that's the problem http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029015/ | 16:52 |
Saviq | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029017/ | 16:52 |
didrocks | waow, interesting… that the services are spawn… | 16:52 |
Saviq | didrocks: maybe I was going through Ctrl+Alt+F* and that triggered them? | 16:53 |
* Saviq reboots | 16:53 | |
didrocks | Saviq: yes, that triggers them AFAIK, but it should as well create the logind session | 16:56 |
Saviq | didrocks: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029054/ | 16:57 |
didrocks | are you kidding? | 16:59 |
didrocks | you edited it | 16:59 |
didrocks | no? ;) | 16:59 |
* didrocks is puzzled | 16:59 | |
didrocks | I don't know enough of gdm, I think robert_ancell looked more into it | 17:00 |
Saviq | didrocks: nopes | 17:00 |
didrocks | but it's weird that your previous login didn't get that | 17:00 |
didrocks | you really expect gdm to spawn the first session on tty2 | 17:01 |
didrocks | then tty3, and so on… | 17:01 |
didrocks | do you have anything lightdm related still installed on your system? | 17:01 |
didrocks | I wonder if there a service listening to account-manager events and stepping up | 17:01 |
Saviq | didrocks: this is from fresh boot http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029101/ | 17:07 |
Saviq | I do have lightdm installed still | 17:08 |
Saviq | but it's not running | 17:08 |
didrocks | ok, you have agetty running, this is all fine on my side but I didn't touch this systemd part for 3 years at least, I think this is something that xnox_ would follow more than I do as he's touching systemd quite a lot | 17:08 |
Saviq | sure, you're the victim is all since you replied ;) | 17:09 |
Saviq | I'll wait for some others you pung to weigh in a bit | 17:09 |
didrocks | why did I do that while I'm having in-depth conversation on #gnome-design? ;) | 17:09 |
didrocks | good luck! | 17:09 |
xnox | didrocks, i was not in the channel in my irc client, but i got a push notification. | 17:10 |
xnox | didrocks, somehow. | 17:10 |
xnox | didrocks, i have no idea what the context is, something something systemd something something? | 17:10 |
didrocks | why have you enabled such things? :) | 17:11 |
didrocks | Saviq: ^ | 17:11 |
xnox | didrocks, to stalk people. | 17:11 |
didrocks | xnox: context is: //pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029101/ | 17:11 |
didrocks | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26029101/ | 17:11 |
xnox | didrocks, znc-push plugin in the znc bouncer | 17:11 |
didrocks | crazy ;) | 17:11 |
xnox | Saviq, ok, what is your emergency? | 17:12 |
xnox | Saviq, the pastebin looks fine; gdm on tty1, logged in user on tty2, first regular getty console available is tty3. Welcome to the new world order, where login manager is not on tty7 | 17:13 |
xnox | Saviq, thus you need ctrl-alt-f3 to get a getty terminal.... | 17:13 |
didrocks | xnox: you missed the "====== Ctrl+Alt+F3, input lost, then Ctrl+Alt+F2, back to the session ====== | 17:13 |
xnox | instead of like ctrl-alt-f1 | 17:13 |
didrocks | " | 17:13 |
didrocks | no input | 17:13 |
Saviq | xnox: yeah, ctrl+alt+f1 just moves input to vt3 | 17:13 |
didrocks | or logging prompt | 17:13 |
xnox | ah | 17:13 |
Saviq | but not graphics | 17:13 |
xnox | halarious | 17:13 |
Saviq | I still see my vt2 session | 17:13 |
xnox | that would be session management bullshit | 17:14 |
xnox | i hate that my hangouts audio is killed when moving to like tty3 and back. | 17:14 |
xnox | Saviq, can you do $ ubuntu-bug systemd -> and go from there? | 17:14 |
Saviq | sure | 17:14 |
xnox | Saviq, i'm not sure how session stuff works, but it does smell broken. | 17:14 |
xnox | Saviq, also comment things like if you are using wayland or x in session; in gdm; if you have rebooted since upgrading your system; etc. | 17:15 |
xnox | Saviq, if there is something funky about the laptop.... | 17:15 |
xnox | possibly need a dump from loginctl / udevadm to see if the devices are tagged with the right active seat and "move" appropriately with ctl-alt-f toggles.... | 17:16 |
Saviq | xnox: bug #1734160 | 17:20 |
ubot5 | bug 1734160 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Ctrl+Alt+F* not switching to a text prompt, only between graphical sessions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1734160 | 17:21 |
Saviq | I could run `apport-collect` over ssh after Ctrl+Alt+F3 if that may shed a light | 17:21 |
cyphermox | seb128: so, nothing jumps out in the DNS bug; and I'm not anywhere close to a captive portal to do some more digging (which is what I think will be the only way to figure it out); it will have to wait until tomorrow or next week | 18:01 |
Laney | got to dash for a gig | 18:04 |
Laney | laters! | 18:04 |
yetoo | Does Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic currently use the new gnome layout or is it regular? | 19:21 |
yetoo | Because I'm finding that I'm still seeing regular gnome even though my gnome-session package is gone. | 19:21 |
seb128 | cyphermox, k, well you took the time to have a look so thanks for that! | 20:49 |
seb128 | yetoo, hey, what do you call "new gnome layout"? | 20:49 |
jbicha | robert_ancell: hi, snapd-glib is now in Debian and synced to Ubuntu. https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/snapd-glib | 23:52 |
jbicha | are you interested in becoming a Debian Maintainer? | 23:53 |
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