
MooDoohowdy all05:58
SuperMattmorning all08:01
MooDoomorning SuperMatt are you well?08:01
SuperMattI am unwell, but otherwise I am well08:06
MooDooSuperMatt: got this cold?08:06
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:12
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:15
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:17
SuperMattMooDoo: yeah, I have a cold which I got from the mother in law09:54
bigcalmHumm, life11:13
SuperMattLife. Don't talk to me about life.11:13
MooDoo42 mate11:17
zmoylan-pistill have pain in diodes down left side?11:17
MooDoono one loves me, even my body is against me11:17
* zmoylan-pi hands MooDoo an electronic sausage...11:18
TwistedLucidityCareful, this is a family channel11:18
zmoylan-piit's an electronic sausage with parental controls switched on...11:19
zmoylan-piyou could tie it to a stick with a bit of sting and go all bofh but that is a sysadmin thing11:21
TwistedLucidityAh the new "Rudd-approved" e-Sausage.11:21
zmoylan-piwe will have them on the beaches, we will have them on the fields... pretty much anywere a bbq is happening...11:25
NET||abusehey guys, i'm trying to stup a vm in kvm using gnome-boxes, just basic centos7 test vm, i want to ssh onto it, but i can't seem to reach the vm.11:27
NET||abusei'm trying to run it in both gnome-boxes and in virtmanager, the defautl setup is using NAT'd networking11:28
NET||abuseit's ip is but it seems i can't ssh to that.11:28
TwistedLucidityNAT you say?11:29
NET||abusethere doesn't seem to be any network controls defined to alter networking in gnome-boxes.11:29
TwistedLucidityHave you set-up a port-forward to the VM?11:29
NET||abusewhere would i do that in gnome-boxes? :)11:29
* TwistedLucidity has never used gnome-boxes11:29
NET||abuseyeh, i was hoping ti would simplify the experience, but it's not diong that very well for me.11:30
TwistedLucidityFor basic desktoppy stuff, VirtualBox is hard to beat11:30
TwistedLucidityBut that doesn't help you right now11:30
NET||abusehmm, seems the default iptables -l output has a mount of stuff in it..11:31
NET||abusewhy centos?? why11:31
TwistedLucidityIt's really just QEMU at the end of the day, isn't it?11:32
TwistedLucidityMaybe hack the config by hand?11:32
NET||abusei can't copy paste out of the vm right now since it's only through the tty spice viewer thingy gnome-boxes uses.11:32
TwistedLucidityI have a link, just giving it a quick glance to see if it helps....11:32
NET||abusesure thanks.11:32
NET||abusejust gonna do sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service :)11:33
TwistedLucidityIt's not a lot of help - http://xkahn.zoned.net/blog/2013/11/26/networking-and-gnome-boxes/11:33
NET||abusenah,, ssh just hangs still    "debug1: Connecting to [] port 22."11:34
NET||abusehmm, i wonder how applicable this is since i'm on gnome 3.2611:34
NET||abuse"Note: This article applies to GNOME 3.10 in Fedora 20. You no longer need these steps in GNOME 3.14 in Fedora 21"11:34
NET||abusei'm on ubuntu 17.1011:35
TwistedLucidityquemu port redirection might be the ticket11:35
TwistedLuciditySo, redirect host 2222 (or whatever) -> guest 2211:36
TwistedLucidityAnd then "ssh -p 2222 guest-user@vm-host"11:36
TwistedLucidityMust admit, I usually have my VMs bridged (mostly cuz I is lazy)11:37
NET||abusesecondary host only nic would also be useful.13:46
TwistedLucidityThat should be easy enough14:00
TwistedLucidityBut I don't have a scooby how to do it in gnome-boxes14:00
diploAny ansible users here ?14:05
* TwistedLucidity misread that as "sensible"14:09
diploheh, defo none of those here, we're on IRC :)14:14
NET||abuseok, repeat from earlier, I have a gnome-boxes (qemu/kvm user sessino) vm running ceentos7, i want to ssh to it, but i can't figure out how the networking is being done16:45
NET||abuseIf i go into the kvm connection (QEMU/KVM User session) and try to create a Virtual Network in virt-manager... i get an error:16:46
NET||abuseError creating virtual network: error creating bridge interface virbr1: Operation not permitted16:46
NET||abusewhen i look in VirtualNetworks on the User session, there is none,16:47
NET||abusewhen i look at the virt-manager default connection (QEMU/KVM) there is a default networkk16:47
NET||abuseCreating a new network in that connection works fine.16:48
NET||abusei've created an isolated network so i can try ssh'ing to a vm there, but how come i can't do the same in the User session connection?16:48
diddledanwhen you're under a ddos attack, who you gonna call? I mean 999 doesn't sound like it would be appropriate17:42
diddledanwhen you want the police to investigate I mean17:42
Laneyaction fraud17:43
zmoylan-pimaybe dial 255?17:45
diddledansurely you mean
zmoylan-pigood luck dialing .17:46
diddledanwell you could try 4294967296 instead17:47
* diddledan wanders over the road to get some sweeties17:49
daftykinswhat's over the road!?18:00
daftykinsugh at popping in a replacement HDMI cable to a clients TV setup today and getting even LESS success18:01
zmoylan-pia chicken giving sweets to vulnerable kids...18:01
daftykinsi was looking for the cat for ages tonight, sheesh - https://i.imgur.com/QdpFD2x.jpg18:57
daftykinsexcuse the mess, still got building works on, i'm not a monster :)18:57
diddledanshe in the basket?18:58
daftykinsja :D the little spot of white18:58
diddledangood camo18:58
daftykinsbut i only noticed when i sat down and she moved, i'd gone outside to call her and everything - as she hides from the builders at the moment18:59
zmoylan-piwhat you need a collar with bt and it responds to getting within 3 feet of you by emitting the star trek transporter sound... :-)19:07
diddledannah make it beep really loud every 30 minutes to scare the kitty witless :-p19:08
zmoylan-pioh yeah, antagonise the kitty... it's not like they haven't already plotted your demise...19:09
diddledanit's getting our own back19:09
daftykinsthey're totally not weaponised or know where you sleep19:09
diddledanwhat is it with films having a post-credit sequence these days20:00
zmoylan-pinot new, ferris bueller had one20:00
diddledandeadpool does the ferris beuler post-credits justice :-p20:01
daftykinsit makes me nervous about leaving20:02
zmoylan-piyou don't hang around till they play the national anthem?20:02
diddledanthey still do that?20:03
zmoylan-pidoubt it, haven't been to cinema since watchmen...20:03
daftykinsthat's at the start, in Guernsey20:03
diddledanguernsey has a national anthem?20:03
zmoylan-pijersey just uses abba's money, money, money... :-P20:04
zmoylan-piright, 40gb of media copied to phone... that should last next time i'm in hospital... :-P20:32
daftykinslet's hope it doesn't happen!20:34
zmoylan-pihave updated my hospital checklist to add a crappy laptop... 3 phones kept me going but a proper laptop would have helped with boredom20:35
daftykinsplease no netbooks20:36
* zmoylan-pi whistles nonchantly... 20:36
zmoylan-pii did hear a podcast on raspian x86 which i intend to try on my ancient hp to see if adds a little pep as xubuntu on it struggles...20:37
daftykinsperhaps you could pass the time with some LFS goodness20:37
daftykinslinux from scratch20:38
zmoylan-piminix is all the go now, ask intel... :-P20:38
zmoylan-piit is the year of minix in your desktop... :-)20:38
daftykinsthat's true, perhaps we could all be in the minority by running Minix beside Minix20:39
zmoylan-piminix all the way down...20:39
daftykinsa veritable pyramid :D20:40
zmoylan-pibut built on solid foundations...20:44

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