yao_ziyuan | for example, in /usr/share/doc/gnome-illustrious-icon-theme/copyright, there is "Files: *" and "Files: debian/*". | 00:00 |
mutante | yao_ziyuan: probably refers to the structure of files _inside_ the actual .deb package | 00:01 |
mutante | you could unpack it with ar and tar | 00:01 |
yao_ziyuan | mutante: even inside the actual deb file, there is no directory named 'debian'. | 00:01 |
yao_ziyuan | mutante: install the package 'gnome-illustrious-icon-theme' and check /usr/share/doc/gnome-illustrious-icon-theme/copyright | 00:02 |
mutante | " | 00:03 |
mutante | The 'control' file gets copied into a directory called 'DEBIAN' inside the other 'debian' directory. | 00:03 |
mutante | from http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/#AEN48 | 00:03 |
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mutante | see the "Hands On" section 4 on that. looks like that "mkdir debian" right | 00:04 |
yao_ziyuan | mutante: i found an answer too: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ | 00:05 |
yao_ziyuan | "Files: debian/*" means "All the Debian packaging files are copyright by the packager". | 00:05 |
mutante | yao_ziyuan: aha! thanks | 00:08 |
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michael2 | Hi all , i was wondering if anyone here uses aptitude over apt-get - can anyone recommend wheter to use one or the other? | 02:16 |
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Langley | Hello, I have set Ubuntu 16.04 to check for updates weekly, but still get the update popup almost daily... how come? | 03:43 |
Bashing-om | Langley: What us set in the updates tab for | 03:56 |
Bashing-om | "When there are security updates " ' When there are ither updates " ? | 03:56 |
Langley | Bashing-om, immediately and every two weeks | 04:11 |
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Bashing-om | Langley: :) .. So when the package manager is aware of a security update .. it notifys you . | 04:16 |
Langley | But how does it get aware, if it only checks weekly | 04:17 |
Bashing-om | Langley: unattended-upgrades (?) . See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343732 <- setting up unattended-upgrades . | 04:19 |
Langley | wut...? I dont want unattended, I just dont want it to pop up every day | 04:20 |
Bashing-om | Langley: A cron job- /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat - runs to check for updates .. ^^ to instruct in how to check for that condition and how to disable it - he types of updates you can do automatically are set by /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades . | 04:25 |
Langley | Why is it using cron.daily if I set it to weekly? | 04:31 |
Bashing-om | Langley: Regrets, I do not know the GUI well enough to answer that . | 04:32 |
wyseguy | hey all | 04:47 |
wyseguy | having a bunch of odd end issues with 17.10, is this to be expected? Looking for a dependable office pc, should i go to 16.04? | 04:48 |
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Langley | wyseguy, in my opinion you should stick to LTS | 04:53 |
wyseguy | Langley, ya, i just installed the latest and ran with it for 2 weeks.. looks like im exporting my terminal history, backing up and starting over :) | 04:54 |
wyseguy | 1 thing i really miss is the older look and feel of gnome, there should be an easy way to accomplish this in 16.04.3 no? | 04:55 |
Langley | Do you mean Gnome 2...? | 04:56 |
wyseguy | um | 04:56 |
wyseguy | let me google this, 1 sec | 04:56 |
wyseguy | Langley, this layout https://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Ubuntu_10.04_LTS-625x352.jpg | 04:58 |
wyseguy | just seemed cleaner and easier to use | 04:59 |
Langley | Looks like MATE... You can download Ubuntu MATE. Xubuntu is also very much like that | 04:59 |
wyseguy | ive been out of the linux game for some time... came up on slack back in the day and then was on mandrake for a bit, then ubuntu | 04:59 |
Langley | Lubuntu too. All old school | 04:59 |
wyseguy | ya, i was gonna ask about all these forks of ubuntu... mint, mate, xubuntu and so on... are they all pretty much the same? i know mint is a bit different | 05:00 |
wyseguy | its a pc in my home office and just want someone solid that i can depend on | 05:00 |
Langley | Mint is independent and adds their own stuff too, and changes things... the others is mostly just different DEs I guess | 05:00 |
wyseguy | x99 extreme 4, i7 5820k, 32gb ram, gtx 1060, 500ssd | 05:01 |
wyseguy | something* solid haha | 05:01 |
wyseguy | figured ubuntu has one of the biggest (followings of sorts) so figured there would be more engineering behind it and would be a solid OS | 05:01 |
wyseguy | ya tried mint, had quite a few quirks that i got through but the little things that would constantly happen just got under my skin and it didnt feel like i could depend on it | 05:02 |
Langley | There's quirks in everything... no perfect distro | 05:03 |
wyseguy | ya true, just looking for something solid then build from there | 05:04 |
wyseguy | but guess it was not the right move to go non lts | 05:04 |
wyseguy | xubuntu 9 looks like i want it to haha, the new one looks like a mac :p | 05:05 |
wyseguy | guess ill go 16.04.3 and see what i can do to use gnome instead of unity | 05:05 |
wyseguy | oh, looks like there is an ubuntu gnome :) | 05:06 |
Langley | But that's Gnome 3, very different. | 05:06 |
wyseguy | ah | 05:07 |
wyseguy | hm | 05:07 |
wyseguy | is ubuntu mate the same thing as ubuntu? | 05:09 |
wyseguy | just a different DE? | 05:10 |
Langley | Except for the DE, I think so | 05:10 |
Langley | I was really happy with it, except it froze when playing Binding of Isaac. Otherwise I'd still be running it | 05:11 |
wyseguy | ah | 05:11 |
wyseguy | you gave into unity? | 05:11 |
Langley | Nah, running Ubuntu Gnome and Manjaro now | 05:11 |
wyseguy | ive heard a lot of talk about manjaro | 05:12 |
wyseguy | thoughts? | 05:12 |
Langley | Probably a case of arch-like "perfect until it shits itself" | 05:12 |
wyseguy | haha | 05:13 |
wyseguy | someone said in a post that on 16.04.3 that you can just run gnome classic that is built into the Gnome DE. Just under where you enter your pw is a small gear icon, you can choose it there... | 05:14 |
wyseguy | is this true? | 05:14 |
wyseguy | oh, i see what they are doing, looks like MATE is kept up to date where as gnome classic is not | 05:15 |
alkisg | wyseguy: by "gnome classic" they probably mean gnome-flashback, which isn't preinstalled but you can install it, and yes, mate is more maintained | 05:28 |
wyseguy | ya | 05:29 |
wyseguy | so if i install 16.04.3 and then install gnome is that the same exact thing as just installing ubuntu gnome? | 05:30 |
alkisg | wyseguy: "install 16.04.3" you mean if you install unity? | 05:31 |
alkisg | No, it's not the same, you now have 2 desktop environments instead of 1 | 05:32 |
alkisg | In theory they would be completely isolated, but in practice, some services of one de may be running in the other de, wasting ram, slowing things etc | 05:32 |
wyseguy | ah i see okay | 05:33 |
dedze | Hey guys, if my home network or another device on my network was compromised, would my ubuntu system be vulnerable? If yes, how would it make it vulnerable? | 05:35 |
wyseguy | dedze, did this happen or just for instance? | 05:36 |
wyseguy | and if it happened, how do you know it happened? | 05:36 |
dedze | wyseguy: My phone acting weird, for a while now, like skype cant access my front camera anymore, screen not going to sleep for an hour when it should have in 5min, randomly slow, overheating, phone turning off and when I turn it on again I realize that it still has battery | 05:38 |
cfhowlett | phone? you have ubuntu on a phone?? | 05:38 |
wyseguy | are you a high level target in the public eye? lol | 05:38 |
dedze | wyseguy: And also, random clicks happening on my ubuntu, 2 days ago, a youtube video I was watching paused by itself and I was not touching my touchpad or keyboard. | 05:38 |
dedze | cfhowlett: No, my phone is a lumia 550 (windows phone) | 05:39 |
alkisg | dedze: there are viruses that spread via usb sticks, e.g. get into one pc over the net, then get written on a stick, then go to another pc over the stick, then again over the net etc etc. There's no way to be sure you aren't hacked in the software world. That said, windows viruses rarely affect ubuntu. | 05:39 |
wyseguy | maybe you have a ghost and that person use to be into linux... | 05:39 |
dedze | More like a cyber stalker you know | 05:39 |
cfhowlett | dedze, windows fails are not ubuntu fails. but you might want to https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/best-practices-for-hardening-new-sever-in-2017 | 05:39 |
dedze | And the guy I suspect, he didn't message me for years | 05:40 |
dedze | And 10 days after I removed windows on my laptop and install ubuntu, he sent me 'where have you been' | 05:40 |
cfhowlett | so ... nothing to do with ubuntu. | 05:40 |
dedze | cfhowlett: My question, is could a hacker get into my ubuntu system if my network or/and phone or windows computer of my father are infected? | 05:42 |
cfhowlett | highly unlikely. | 05:42 |
dedze | Thank you =) | 05:42 |
Langley | Unlikely, but possible... | 05:42 |
dedze | Like how would it be possible? | 05:42 |
dedze | Like, some exploit? | 05:43 |
Langley | Sure | 05:43 |
Langley | If it's a computer, it can be exploted | 05:43 |
dedze | Also, do you guys know where I can find good information on securing my ubuntu system if I suspect my network is compromised? | 05:45 |
cfhowlett | did I NOT send you link for that exact topic above?? | 05:45 |
dedze | cfhowlett: Well I don't have a server | 05:45 |
wyseguy | cfhowlett, let me check for you | 05:45 |
wyseguy | yup. | 05:46 |
cfhowlett | dedze, same steps to secure | 05:46 |
dedze | Oki thank you =) | 05:46 |
rosvi | I want to create two different shortcuts (.desktop files) for Steam, each logging automatically into different accounts (two people use this pc) | 05:47 |
rosvi | The way to do that, though, is to launch `steam -login username password' | 05:47 |
rosvi | What could I do to avoid as much as possible storing the password in plaintext? | 05:48 |
Volund | what the heck? | 05:48 |
Volund | Failed to reload daemon: Refusing to reload, not enough space available on /run/systemd | 05:48 |
cfhowlett | !steam | might want to ask the other channel rosvi | 05:48 |
ubottu | might want to ask the other channel rosvi: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 05:48 |
Volund | what is /run/systemd? it appears to be a RAM drive... | 05:48 |
rosvi | cfhowlett: thanks a lot! | 05:49 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 05:49 |
dedze | cfhowlett: Also, I have a lot of warnings in my syslog, is it something I should investigate and try to fix or is it normal? | 05:50 |
cfhowlett | without knowing exactly what you're looking at ... | 05:51 |
dedze | cfhowlett: I have this one all the time, I can't find how to fix it : org.gnome.zeitgeist.SimpleIndexer[1804]: ** (zeitgeist-fts:2526): WARNING **: Unable to get info on application://nautilus-autostart.desktop | 05:52 |
alkisg | Volund: all /run is a "ram drive" | 05:52 |
cfhowlett | if you have it all the time, sounds like a non-issue | 05:53 |
cfhowlett | and it's a warning only, not a fault message | 05:53 |
michael2 | looks like a launcher | 05:53 |
wyseguy | if i go with 16.04.3 when april rolls around unity will be gone for LTS, so would it be better to roll with ubuntu gnome instead... or still install 16.04.3 and then install gnome on it, then when 18 rolls around use the default DE? | 05:53 |
Volund | well it appears to not have enough space... not sure how to improve that or clear unnecessary things out of it. >_< | 05:53 |
cfhowlett | wyseguy, unity is not going to vanish in 16.04.3! | 05:54 |
rosvi | I would argue politely, though, that this is not an issue with steam itself but rather about password security when you need to give plaintext credentials to some software | 05:54 |
wyseguy | cfhowlett, no i know that, but if i update to 18 it will | 05:54 |
alkisg | Volund: why, df -h | grep run ==> what's the output of that, 100% used? | 05:54 |
cfhowlett | wyseguy, and you love you some unity :) | 05:54 |
wyseguy | haha | 05:54 |
wyseguy | i love gnome, dont really like unity | 05:54 |
cfhowlett | wyseguy, you can still install it but understand that it is no longer officially supported to ... you break it, you fix it | 05:55 |
Volund | 98%. 97M used. seems to be about 100M | 05:55 |
cfhowlett | wyseguy, and as of 18.4, gnome will be default so ... we happy? | 05:55 |
wyseguy | cfhowlett, if i install gnome on top of 16.04.3? | 05:55 |
alkisg | Volund: what's the output of `free` ? | 05:55 |
cfhowlett | your box, your choice, wyseguy | 05:55 |
xangua | wyseguy: then install Ubuntu gnome, or the new Ubuntu version | 05:55 |
wyseguy | cfhowlett, yes, i just didnt wannt start getting use to unity then have it disappear, would rather be on gnome now then when 18.04 rolls out stay on gnome | 05:56 |
Volund | I have 11M RAM free and a mighty, hardly touched swap file | 05:56 |
Volund | err | 05:56 |
Volund | 112M | 05:56 |
wyseguy | thinking i would just install gnome on top of 16.4 then when 18 is out, upgrade and things would be the same for me | 05:56 |
alkisg | Volund: use pastebin for results | 05:56 |
cfhowlett | wyseguy, you might be a good user case for installing gnome. doable. | 05:56 |
alkisg | 11 MB RAM free is too little, so that's the issue | 05:56 |
alkisg | !paste | Volund | 05:56 |
ubottu | Volund: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:56 |
wyseguy | k | 05:56 |
wyseguy | thanks | 05:56 |
Volund | https://paste.ubuntu.com/26025528/ | 05:57 |
alkisg | Volund: and the output of df -h | grep run ? | 05:57 |
alkisg | Volund: is that a VM with only 1 GB allocated? | 05:58 |
michael2 | Volund: 11M free? are you running a raspberry pi? | 05:58 |
Volund | 112M | 05:58 |
Volund | https://paste.ubuntu.com/26025539/ | 05:58 |
Volund | This is a VPS with 512MB of RAM. I'm starting to think that maybe that's not enough for a modern install of Ubuntu. | 05:59 |
michael2 | I would read your paste as 346M available | 05:59 |
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alkisg | Volund: the recommended ram for ubuntu is 2 GB nowadays, I believe | 06:00 |
alkisg | What's the output of `sudo du -sh /run/*` ? | 06:00 |
alkisg | Is systemd using most of it? | 06:00 |
dedze | 30 minutes are missing in my syslog, isn't that very suspicious? | 06:00 |
michael2 | Volund: I use a VPS with 512M RAM - I run 32bit ubuntu 16.04 ok | 06:01 |
alkisg | Well, total says 990M, not 500 MB :) | 06:02 |
Volund | looks like /run/udev/data is using 87 of that 100M | 06:02 |
michael2 | alkisg: I think Volund is running a server (I could be wrong) there is no GUI so you dont need that much ram | 06:02 |
Volund | it's a server yes | 06:02 |
michael2 | alkisg: [total]990 good spotting | 06:03 |
alkisg | michael2, Volund, there's #ubuntu-server for that, here it's mostly for desktops | 06:03 |
alkisg | Volund: mine is using 0.5 MB there, so check what it does with those 87 MB... | 06:03 |
michael2 | alkisg: ah thanks - good to know | 06:03 |
alkisg | Also, server => it depends on the use... it might even need more ram than a desktop | 06:04 |
alkisg | Since he's using swap, his ram isn't really enough | 06:04 |
Volund | looks like a crapload of +cgroup:<stuff> files. | 06:05 |
dedze | Is it possible for syslog to mess up the timeline by itself or is it a sign that it was manipulated? Check line 27, I didn't modify this for sure. https://paste.ubuntu.com/26025569/ | 06:06 |
alkisg | Volund: try sudo udevadm info --cleanup-db | 06:06 |
michael2 | Volund: what is consuming most of your RAM is it websites running on the server? | 06:06 |
michael2 | or are you running a GUI desktoop on the box also? | 06:07 |
Volund | gaaaah finally | 06:08 |
Volund | sorry had a phone call. nah, no GUI. :D and that cleaned it out, woo | 06:08 |
Volund | what the heck is that stuff alkisg ? | 06:08 |
alkisg | !cgroups | 06:09 |
alkisg | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cgroups | 06:10 |
Volund | gah no matter how much I kill it, it refuses to die. DIE darnit, nginx >_< | 06:12 |
Volund | ooooooh, neat. I need to figure out these cgroups things | 06:12 |
Volund | FINALLY | 06:13 |
Volund | Thank you guys | 06:13 |
Volund | I was having a hell of a time figuring out what was wrong there! | 06:13 |
alkisg | np | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | morning alkisg | 06:19 |
lotuspsychje | hey there cfhowlett | 06:19 |
alkisg | Good morning lotuspsychje, hi all! :) | 06:19 |
dedze | hi lotuspsychje | 06:19 |
cfhowlett | yowza^3 lotuspsychje | 06:19 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: are you helping with 18.04 theme contest? | 06:31 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, not this time around :) | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | kk | 06:32 |
dorao | I have a question about a bug in 17.10 which is marked as 'Fix Released': https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1724955 | 06:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1724955 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "unable to drag monitors in Display Arrangement" [High,In progress] | 06:39 |
dorao | is there a release schedule when will it actually show up as an update in artful? | 06:40 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu+1 | dorao might ask the other channel | 06:41 |
ubottu | dorao might ask the other channel: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 06:41 |
alkisg | !sru | 06:42 |
ubottu | Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 06:42 |
alkisg | dorao: updates come to stable releases via this ^ process, so some user would need to do it | 06:42 |
dorao | thanks! | 06:43 |
GizmoRomick | I keep having plasma UI crashes and restarts. I don't know where to really start looking for the problem, and the plasma irc channel is silent. Can anyone help me? | 07:14 |
lotuspsychje | GizmoRomick: how about the #kubuntu channel might know? | 07:34 |
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ducasse | GizmoRomick: which release are you on? | 07:37 |
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rosvi | I really want CSD on Firefox, but apparently only Fedora's and the flatpak version have it available. I'm on a very very underpowered computer (2gb single-core netbook from almost 10 yeas ago) | 08:10 |
rosvi | Will using the flatpak version be more resource-intensive? | 08:10 |
rosvi | I would assume so, but who knows... | 08:11 |
auronandace | what is csd? | 08:11 |
rosvi | auronandace: client side decorations | 08:12 |
rosvi | since firefox is FINALLY gtk3 | 08:12 |
rosvi | If this is a question better suited for the flatpak people please just point me the way to them | 08:13 |
ducasse | maybe #flatpak? | 08:14 |
rosvi | ducasse: huh, should've tried that from the start. Somehow I thought they wouldn't be on freenode | 08:17 |
ducasse | amazing what alis can tell you :) | 08:18 |
ducasse | !alis | 08:18 |
ubottu | Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 08:18 |
venommdt | hi everybody, i need help to find the better monitor app | 08:21 |
venommdt | i need a monitor app that i can send info like errors, exceptions, etc. | 08:21 |
venommdt | this monitor app must be have a section to display this exceptions or errors because i have another systems built in PHP and i need send this data to monitor all systems | 08:21 |
venommdt | somebody know any monitor app for this? | 08:22 |
strive | venommdt: Nagios? | 08:24 |
venommdt | i dont know, i didnt use nagios | 08:25 |
venommdt | with nagios you can send exceptions from PHP and save in nagios and then send an alert to me? | 08:26 |
strive | I don't know. | 08:26 |
strive | Nagios does all sorts of monitoring. | 08:26 |
strive | I haven't messed with it yet. | 08:26 |
venommdt | ok, that is why i asking you | 08:26 |
venommdt | because, i dont know too | 08:26 |
venommdt | is icinga2 and nagios use to monitor only services? | 08:27 |
venommdt | is icinga2 and nagios used to monitor only services? | 08:27 |
venommdt | for example, with nagios, can you read a table from database in mysql and display the data and monitor this table for new changes? | 08:29 |
hateball | venommdt: you can do anything you want really | 08:29 |
hateball | with plugins | 08:30 |
ducasse | venommdt: you can write your own plugins | 08:30 |
hateball | if one doesnt exist, you can write your own | 08:30 |
ipgd | Hi there | 08:30 |
venommdt | ok, do you know a URL to build my own plugins or search plugins? | 08:30 |
hateball | venommdt: nagios exchange is a nice start | 08:31 |
venommdt | ok | 08:31 |
venommdt | thanks | 08:31 |
dorao | I have another newbie question: will artful typically have newer packages than bionic? | 08:38 |
dorao | (given bionic is LTS) | 08:39 |
hateball | dorao: no | 08:41 |
dorao | hateball: Thanks! | 08:42 |
ducasse | dorao: an ubuntu release normally doesn't receive new package versions after it has been released | 08:43 |
chrstphrchvz | I'm trying to use a very old ieee1394/firewire to IDE/ATA bridge. I discovered that it needs the FIX_CAPACITY workaround parameter for firewire_sbp2, but it also seems to have an issue where syncing fails due to I/O error at sector 0 (similar symptoms to lp bug 1366538). Any other quirk parameters to try or other channels I might ask? | 09:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1366538 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Synchronisation/close /dev/sdX: i/o error on target host" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1366538 | 09:10 |
ducasse | chrstphrchvz: i'd try ##linux | 09:18 |
aLeSD | hi all. If I want a user to have permission to access serial port do I have to add it to dialout group ? | 09:19 |
chrstphrchvz | aLeSD, I think that's correct, as long as the serial port device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0) belongs to dialout group | 09:27 |
ShellcatZero | If one wants to customize the live cd, what is the recommended workflow? I've been using the customization guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization) but I was hoping there would be an easier to way to just boot the live cd (perhaps in persistent mode), customize the GUI, then save to an installable iso file. | 09:29 |
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theparadoxer02 | can some help https://dpaste.de/nzNs | 09:44 |
ddoobb | I'm getting a message in firefox that firefox is critically out of date. But if I update from terminal it doesn't update. I'm on version 54.0, latest is 57.0. Ubuntu version 16.10. | 09:54 |
hateball | ddoobb: 16.10 is EOL | 09:54 |
hateball | !eolupgrade | ddoobb | 09:54 |
ubottu | ddoobb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 09:54 |
ddoobb | I thought ubuntu was better for security but my Windows machine automatically updated to the latest version | 09:55 |
ddoobb | I don't want Ubuntu updates I just want Firefox to update | 09:56 |
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ddoobb | Why can't I update Firefox. | 10:00 |
auronandace | ddoobb: you are running a release of ubuntu that is no longer supported so the software repos are no longer operating for that realease. nothing will update on it and you are vulnerable | 10:04 |
ddoobb | Is there a mozilla official PPA that can give me the latest version? | 10:06 |
hateball | ddoobb: Not for 16.10 there isnt | 10:07 |
hateball | Note the topic for supported releases | 10:08 |
ddoobb | What if I download it from Mozilla's website | 10:10 |
ddoobb | That's where the notification redirected me and there is a .tar download it wants me to do | 10:11 |
=== krashekspress_ is now known as krashekspress | ||
geirha | If you don't want to upgrade ubuntu every six months, I suggest you stick to LTS releases instead | 10:23 |
ddoobb | No I just want to update firefox | 10:25 |
geirha | Then you're on your own | 10:26 |
ddoobb | Better to go back to Windows. | 10:28 |
ddoobb | They keep it simple | 10:28 |
hateball | No one is stopping you, but don't use this channel as a blog for doing so | 10:28 |
ddoobb | Are LTS users stuck with a two year old browser? | 10:31 |
auronandace | ddoobb: no, firefox gets updated on lts releases | 10:33 |
geirha | My Ubuntu 16.04 install here has firefox 57.0 | 10:34 |
ddoobb | They should tell new users that non-LTS versions are not for regular people | 10:35 |
geirha | !info firefox zesty | 10:38 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.17.04.5 (zesty), package size 44903 kB, installed size 171052 kB | 10:38 |
geirha | if you upgrade to the next supported release (17.04), you also get 57.0 ^ | 10:38 |
ddoobb | I will wait for next LTS | 10:39 |
ddoobb | Will I lose installed programs if I go from 16.10 to 17.04? | 10:40 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 10:44 |
hypercore | is ubuntu a good distro for running a webserver on? | 10:51 |
hypercore | also, is there a significant difference between desktop and server versions? | 10:51 |
general_ghest | hello all | 10:56 |
Haris | hello all | 11:00 |
Haris | what version of nodejs does the pkg 0.10.25~dfsg2-2ubuntu1 provide on 14.04.3 ? | 11:00 |
Haris | Its confusing | 11:01 |
Haris | apt-cache showpkg nodejs doesn't give a specific version no | 11:01 |
Haris | does the nodejs pkg provide the server/binary as well ? | 11:03 |
bastadur | Hello everyone. | 11:05 |
bastadur | Is there anyone using Firefox Nightly on Ubuntu? | 11:05 |
geirha | Haris: node.js 0.10.25 | 11:05 |
Haris | does that pkg version actually mean 0.10.. or 10.0.. ? | 11:05 |
geirha | 0.10 | 11:06 |
Haris | on centos, when I install, it says nodejs-6.10.3-1.el7.x86_64 | 11:06 |
Haris | this pkg gives the binary for dev server also | 11:06 |
Haris | is 0.10.25 far away from 6.10.3 ? | 11:06 |
geirha | Ubuntu 14.04 will have whatever was the latest stable version when 14.04 went into package freeze. Sometime in early 2014 | 11:06 |
Haris | I'm confused between version numbers for concern about compatibility | 11:06 |
Haris | but 14.04 is still getting update(s) ? so, it'd have some updated version now ? | 11:07 |
geirha | Haris: only security updates and bug fixes, it won't get any upgraded version | 11:07 |
Haris | is 0.10.25 far away from 6.10.3 or somewhere close ? | 11:08 |
geirha | node.js used a different versioning scheme before the io.js split | 11:08 |
Haris | ah, their room is invite only | 11:09 |
Haris | how far is it in version ? | 11:09 |
geirha | 0.12.x was the last version before the split, and when they merged back together, they started on 4.0.x, using semver | 11:09 |
geirha | Haris: Hm? #node.js is not invite only | 11:09 |
geirha | Haris: anyway, again, The node.js version in Ubuntu 14.04 is what was the stable node.js version in early 2014 | 11:12 |
Haris | how about npm | 11:19 |
geirha | same, whichever npm version was stable at the same time | 11:20 |
Haris | Node.js 0.10.3 2013-04-03 1.2.17 0x000B | 11:20 |
Haris | 2013! ? | 11:21 |
Haris | Is there a way to get a more later version on 14.04.3 ? | 11:21 |
Haris | to get around 6.10.3 version, which supports 3.x npm | 11:22 |
geirha | you can always grab a precompiled tarball of nodejs 6.x, extract that somewhere, and specifically use that for the application in question | 11:24 |
PCatinean | hey guys | 11:24 |
Haris | I could ? | 11:25 |
Haris | there's prebuilt ones ? | 11:25 |
geirha | Haris: https://nodejs.org/dist/ | 11:25 |
PCatinean | I entered my wireless card in monitor mode but I do not seem to get any data about surrounding AP's can anyone advice? | 11:25 |
Haris | https://nodejs.org/download/release/v6.10.3/ ? | 11:25 |
geirha | sure | 11:26 |
Haris | which file would be for ubuntu ? | 11:26 |
Haris | most actually seem to be code, rather than pre-built binaries | 11:27 |
geirha | the *-linux-x64.tar.xz or *-linux-x32.tar.xz, depending on whether you run 64-bit or 32-bit ubuntu | 11:27 |
Haris | so http://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v6.x/node-v6.12.0-linux-x64.tar.gz | 11:36 |
Haris | what's the latest version in 14.04 ? | 11:47 |
Haris | is it .05 or something more than it ? | 11:47 |
Haris | Is it possible to upgrade the current install to that version ? | 11:47 |
rexwin_ | I installed ubuntu in my vmplayer but unable to search my computer for terminal and it says sorry nothing matches your search | 11:51 |
Haris | nodejs I'v managed. after that, when I install npm, it gives error about held pkgs stopping it | 12:00 |
indistylo | followed this link given to install golang https://github.com/linkedin/Burrow && http://www.idata.co.il/2017/01/monitoring-kafka-consumer-lag-with-burrow/ --> this path setting is having some issue. Kindly help me suggest and resolve this path env issue --> https://pastebin.com/7FCiPt4g | 12:08 |
rek | hi i installed vnc4server then if i connect to it with remmina i don't see my stuff open... why? | 12:12 |
venommdt_ | Hi, everybody, somebody know how to create a custom plugin for nagios? | 12:20 |
venommdt_ | I need to display data like ‘errors=10’| execptions... | 12:21 |
venommdt_ | I need a plugin to see customs errors from php, count the errors and display the entire exceptions | 12:23 |
hateball | venommdt: suggest you try #nagios for that | 12:24 |
venommdt_ | Yes, I asking for this | 12:25 |
PCatinean | hi, can anyone help me determine why i cannot receive packets with airmon-ng? | 12:25 |
venommdt_ | I’m using nagios | 12:25 |
venommdt_ | But I don’t know how to display total errors and data exceptions | 12:25 |
Neo2 | Hi! | 12:37 |
Neo2 | I've installed ubuntu on desktop and notebul 20Gb allocated memory | 12:37 |
hateball | venommdt: I am directing you to the #nagios channel where they are more likely to know how to configure nagios | 12:37 |
Neo2 | it's not bad, ubuntu has access to all disks I saw it | 12:37 |
Neo2 | I recalled how I was using it a 3 years back, Didn't forgot, really cool | 12:38 |
Neo2 | better use two OS ubuntu and windows, I've made dual boot | 12:39 |
Neo2 | Now I want set up there my server and set up a few free control panels, watched video on youbute how to do it | 12:40 |
Neo2 | Who might suggest some panels? I mean such as IPSmanager and Cpanel | 12:41 |
Neo2 | I want install LAMP, node.js and a few contrall panels for a while, and to try wine, I recall last time when I installed it I run WOW and it's was freeze, because CPU was weak, Now here is good CPU. | 12:43 |
Neo2 | it's good in ubuntu each apps easy install using command, And interesting how them delete | 12:43 |
pavlushka | my gnome-mplayer is only playing sound of videos, no visual, ran strace on it, https://bin.snyman.info/mmcfmy4a, I am on Ubuntu 16.04.3 | 12:45 |
adac | Is it possible to import a .conf/ovpn file with the networkmanager in 16.04? | 12:47 |
uusr | After installing s3fs, mounting with command `s3fs <bucket> /mnt/<mount-dir> -o passwd_file=/home/<user>/.passwd-s3fs -f` | 12:49 |
uusr | I get `s3fs: specified passwd_file is not readable.` | 12:49 |
uusr | But I am sure the passwd file is 600 | 12:49 |
uusr | with chmod setting its permission. | 12:49 |
uusr | what goes wrong? | 12:49 |
uusr | ubunut version is 16.04 LTS | 12:49 |
Doc-Saintly | I'm trying to do the upgrade to 17.10 and I'm getting E:Sub-process mirror received a segmentation fault | 12:55 |
Doc-Saintly | I tried to clear the sources file and it's still giving the same issue | 12:55 |
ioria | Doc-Saintly, probably an issue with sources.list or with libapt-pkg5.0 | 13:04 |
=== user3 is now known as hypercore | ||
Doc-Saintly | ioria: is there an easy way to downgrade? | 13:07 |
ioria | Doc-Saintly, can you paste apt-cache policy libapt-pkg5.0 ? | 13:08 |
indistylo | for installing some utility I have to install golang, I followed this link given to install golang https://github.com/linkedin/Burrow && followed this for path environment setting export GOPATH >> http://www.idata.co.il/2017/01/monitoring-kafka-consumer-lag-with-burrow/ --> this path setting is having some issue. Kindly help me suggest and resolve this path env issue --> https://pastebin.com/7FCiPt4g | 13:16 |
Doc-Saintly | ioria: thanks, actually started something else and it seems to be going better. | 13:16 |
Doc-Saintly | ioria: the computer moved between CN and US, and I just noticed that when I removed the sources.list the one being regenerated was still for China | 13:16 |
ioria | Doc-Saintly, ah, ok | 13:17 |
Doc-Saintly | so, if it goes well, it just goes to show how China like to take up domain names and IPs that don't belong to them and it breaks things outside of China XD | 13:17 |
arunpyasi | Hi guys, I have an issue, I get 530 login auth failed, where do I see error log for pure-ftpd ? | 13:20 |
edney | Hello there, im having problems on ubuntu with mate, installed compiz and nvidia driver, having tearing, cant fix, any tips? | 13:21 |
edney | runing ubuntu lts 16.04 | 13:22 |
hateball | edney: what driver version? | 13:24 |
hateball | edney: you can try running this in a terminal if you have a driver later than 340: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="$(xrandr | sed -nr '/(\S+) connected (primary )?[0-9]+x[0-9]+(\+\S+).*/{ s//\1: nvidia-auto-select \3 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }, /; H }; ${ g; s/\n//g; s/, $//; p }')" | 13:25 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
edney | clevo laptop w650sj with nvidia optimus 850m and intel i7 4810mq..driver is 384.90 | 13:26 |
edney | i already set vsync on compiz and all its stuff, will try your terminal tip, let me see if it works | 13:26 |
edney | Hatebal, i did it, nothing changed | 13:27 |
edney | im seying on nvidia website that | 13:30 |
edney | seeing | 13:30 |
edney | on nvidia website that there is a new driver that " fixes vsync and opengl problems | 13:30 |
edney | http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/126577/en-us | 13:30 |
edney | How do i update to it? | 13:31 |
Allanis | Ughm. | 13:34 |
Allanis | Sorry. | 13:34 |
Allanis | Though I'm sure you guys wanted to know that too. :P | 13:35 |
leftyfb | arunpyasi: https://download.pureftpd.org/pub/pure-ftpd/doc/FAQ | 13:35 |
edney | found the nvidia ppa will upate the driver to see if it works better | 13:37 |
zamba | i want support for blowfish-encrypted passwords in /etc/shadow on my ubuntu 16.04 system | 13:46 |
zamba | i have installed the package libpam-unix2 | 13:46 |
zamba | what do i need to do from there to get it working? | 13:46 |
edney | going to restart to see if the new nvidia driver works better! | 13:46 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
edney | Nah this is still not workinggggg | 13:56 |
edney | help! | 13:56 |
edney | =( | 13:56 |
edney | i see lots of people with the same problem on ubuntu mate, this makes me think that this system is broken | 13:58 |
edney | wich is sad because i do love mate and ive been able to use it on opensuse, fedora and mageia without tearing using compiz | 13:59 |
edney | going to uninstall this mess | 13:59 |
edney | hope developers do fix it soon | 14:00 |
akik | edney: did you test switching to the compton gpu compositor? i think that fixes the tearing issues | 14:05 |
PCatinean | can someone please help with vsftpd ? | 14:05 |
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks | ||
edney | YEs i tried | 14:09 |
edney | not working | 14:09 |
edney | i tried everything | 14:09 |
akik | edney: what do you mean not working? | 14:09 |
edney | i mean that tearing still goes on with it | 14:09 |
edney | using compiz, compton, marco, all the same | 14:09 |
akik | edney: it's not all the same. on my box compton gpu compositor solved it | 14:10 |
edney | On all other distros i tried, compiz solved it too | 14:10 |
edney | but ubuntu mate is bugged dont know why | 14:10 |
edney | and i saw on google that im not alone with this bug | 14:10 |
akik | edney: you installed mate-tweak to change the compositor? | 14:10 |
edney | its installed by default | 14:11 |
edney | the problem is for sure the distro. | 14:11 |
akik | :) | 14:11 |
edney | i will install kubuntu | 14:12 |
edney | i was on opensuse with 0 problems | 14:12 |
edney | but i do want to use deb packages so i came to ubuntu mate | 14:12 |
edney | bad decision ever, maybe kubuntu works better. | 14:13 |
edney | does 17.10 works stable? | 14:13 |
edney | or should i keep the 16.04? | 14:13 |
akik | edney: if you want long time support, go for 16.04 | 14:14 |
edney | if i do install the 17.10 will i need to uninstall it later or it does updates to the latest always? | 14:14 |
oerheks | if one needs to ask, stay on LTS | 14:14 |
edney | All right | 14:14 |
akik | edney: you need to install 18.04 when 17.10 goes end-of-life | 14:14 |
edney | hum ok so lts is the way to go | 14:15 |
edney | downloading, i will be back here when its done to say if kubuntu works without tearing using compiz hehehe | 14:15 |
oerheks | on top of LTS, there is HWE too.. | 14:15 |
oerheks | !HWE | 14:15 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 14:15 |
edney | hummmmmmm hwe looks good | 14:15 |
edney | -*-* love to know it | 14:16 |
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2 | ||
akik | edney: as you saw, there's no one way/one fix to fix all the problems | 14:16 |
Haris | thank you all | 14:16 |
edney | tnks for the tips, will be back soon with the kubuntu | 14:16 |
akik | edney: i'm running kubuntu 16.04 no a 2011 acer with intel graphics. working good | 14:17 |
edney | Yeah akik, but hm the crazy thing is that mate works great on fedora and opensuse, when i do install it there i also have tearing but it's gone after compiz enable, but here it doesnt works hehe i do love kde plasma actually is my favorite DE, installing and coming back soon | 14:17 |
edney | see you soon! | 14:17 |
oerheks | have fun! | 14:17 |
qswz | pardon my noobness, I have some folder with permission 755, instead of 644, after aving moved it on a usb key, I know it because git shows it for all files, annoying | 14:22 |
qswz | I did sudo chmod -R 644 thatfolder | 14:23 |
qswz | but after tht I can't even cd in it | 14:23 |
akik | qswz: for you to access the folder, you need the x bit which means 4 changes into 5 | 14:23 |
akik | and by folder i mean directory | 14:24 |
qswz | yea | 14:24 |
qswz | 654 then maybe | 14:25 |
qswz | I think the first digit, shouln't be 7, since it's sensible | 14:26 |
akik | qswz: the first digit is for your user's permissions | 14:27 |
qswz | ok thanks | 14:28 |
akik | !permissions | 14:28 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 14:28 |
adac | When I poirt my ovpn file in ubuntu then all the traffic goes trough the VPN. But I only want to have access to the other vpn hosts. How can I achieve that? | 14:31 |
adac | It works when I run the ovpn file in command line | 14:31 |
adac | then all traffic is still routed trough normal internet and I can access it | 14:31 |
adac | *I can access the vpn hosts | 14:32 |
BluesKaj | does nautilus services offer "root actions" option which gives users temporary permission as a user to red/write root owned folders ? | 14:33 |
BluesKaj | read/write | 14:35 |
oerheks | BluesKaj, sure, install nautilus-actions nautilus-admin and you have open as root in the context menu | 14:37 |
oerheks | maybe nautilus-admin is enough, not sure | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | oerheks, good, I was justrcurious if ubuntu has that option , it's very handy on kubuntu :-) | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | adac, what are you trying to do ? run an a client thru the vpn , but no other networking clients ? | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | an a=a | 14:40 |
adac | BluesKaj, I want to be connected to a VPN for to be able to access my servers that are behind the same vpn | 14:41 |
adac | but the internet itself on the client should not be routed trough the VPN | 14:42 |
BluesKaj | adac, so you don't want your internet connection routed thru the vpn, then use a proxy server like a socks5 that your vpn client provides, most vpn services have that option | 14:47 |
adac | BluesKaj, Ok I see thanks that would be a solution. BUt there must be a way as well so that the internet is routed locally with the local wlan/lan connection | 14:48 |
adac | I mean that one works already on command line | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | ssh tunnel ? | 14:50 |
adac | BluesKaj, in the ovpn config when there is no "redirect-gateway " then it should use the local internet connection. This is respected with the command line client of openvpn | 14:51 |
adac | but it does not seem to work with the network manager when I simply import the config /ovpn file | 14:51 |
adac | this did the trick: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1668165 | 14:53 |
adac | but it should work automatically | 14:53 |
adac | it should respect the ovpn setttings | 14:54 |
scorch | using 17.10 with unity login (because new gnome just crashed): how can I disabled clicking with the touchpad? | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | adac, sorry, i don't use NM at all, I use static IP with network/interfaces and resolved.conf dns settings | 14:55 |
adac | np | 14:55 |
nephewtom | Hi | 14:55 |
TJ- | adac: there are a few issues with network-manager-openvpn along those lines. Import isn't perfect | 14:55 |
nephewtom | Is it possible to install Cinnamon 3.x on Ubuntu 14.04? | 14:55 |
nephewtom | Currently I have Cinnamon 2.8.8 | 14:56 |
adac | TJ-, yes I see One issue also was that the settings below the certificates were not respected | 14:56 |
adac | *not added | 14:56 |
adac | one needs to define them before | 14:56 |
oerheks | nephewtom, no ppa with 3.x for your version .. https://launchpad.net/~embrosyn/+archive/ubuntu/cinnamon?field.series_filter=trusty | 14:57 |
nephewtom | So, I guess it is not possible... or neither a good idea... | 14:57 |
oerheks | nephewtom, not possible, or build it yourself, i would upgrade to 16.04 | 14:58 |
nephewtom | yeah, I thought on building it myself... but that could be too much. | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | adac, do your .ovpn files reside in NM or /etc/openvpn? | 14:58 |
oerheks | xnial gives 3.6.. https://launchpad.net/~embrosyn/+archive/ubuntu/cinnamon?field.series_filter=xenial | 14:58 |
oerheks | pretty fresh | 14:58 |
adac | BluesKaj, when importing them via netwok manager they (the single parts) are in your home directory yes | 14:59 |
Bombo | hi | 15:03 |
BluesKaj | adac, I keep a copy in ~/home | 15:07 |
Bombo | how does dpkg decide what locales to install? i did 'dpkg -i audacity-data*deb' but it didn't install /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/audacity.mo i had to extract that manually with -x | 15:09 |
Durgeoble | hi | 15:14 |
empedokles78 | Ich habe über das Software-Center ein network-scan-linux-glibc2-x86_64.deb installiert. Wo sollte der Scanner erscheinen? Muss ich evtl. neu starten? | 15:14 |
BluesKaj | !de | empedokles78 | 15:15 |
ubottu | empedokles78: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 15:15 |
Durgeoble | im, configuring ubuntu server for nas and printer, can connet to folders by ip, but cant see the printer and cannot ping to server by name | 15:15 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
regdude | Hi! I have a network and I want to test out multicast traffic. I have a bunch of RaspberryPi that has the debian based Linux, which is basically ubuntu. Anyone has any tips how could I setup a very simple IPTV Server and client? | 15:33 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
BluesKaj | regdude, install kodi | 15:43 |
regdude | BluesKaj: does it really support creating a multicast stream? It seems that it can only play them | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | it has steaming capability options | 15:47 |
regdude | BluesKaj: ok thanks, will try it out! | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | regdude, http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:IPTV_Simple_Client | 15:49 |
regdude | seems that only a client is implemented, so cannot create multicast streams | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | regdude, think there are addons available that can serve streams and download them | 15:53 |
Richard_Cavell | Hello everyone. In the parted documentation, it suggests using /dev/hda as an argument. I don't seem to have /dev/hda on Ubuntu 16.04. Is /dev/sda the same thing? | 15:53 |
BluesKaj | yes | 15:54 |
BluesKaj | that documentataion is probly old, Richard_Cavell | 15:54 |
Richard_Cavell | yeah I think it is. But I don't have anything newer | 15:56 |
=== aOssed is now known as passOe | ||
adac | TJ-, is the networkmanager able to connect to multiple VPN networks? | 16:04 |
adac | *at once | 16:06 |
ducasse | Richard_Cavell: also, make doubly sure /dev/sda is actually the disk you want to partition | 16:09 |
Richard_Cavell | Yes, of course | 16:09 |
Richard_Cavell | I'm just reading it, not writing to it | 16:09 |
ducasse | Richard_Cavell: just mentioning it, it might not be as obvious to everyone who comes here :) | 16:13 |
nbusrone | Having a similar problem , one of my partition automatically unmount.How to I check the log the reason of it ? | 16:20 |
nbusrone | is it a bug ? | 16:21 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, you can read /var/log/syslog or the output of 'dmesg' | 16:27 |
azureus | good afternoon | 16:28 |
azureus | i installed refind on esp partition dualboot windows ubuntu | 16:28 |
azureus | i can't install refind on ubuntu only | 16:29 |
azureus | help me please | 16:29 |
azureus | output errors | 16:29 |
lordcirth_work | azureus, were you not able to get help on #ubuntu-pt or #ubuntu-br? | 16:30 |
azureus | J #ubuntu-pt | 16:30 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work: https://pastebin.com/akcX2n3R can help me havea look of the log ? I don't know how I should read the error. | 16:31 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, /dev/sdc is probably failing. Could also be a loose connection. Install the package 'smartmontools' and run 'sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc' | 16:33 |
azureus | lordcirth_work: help me please | 16:36 |
lordcirth_work | azureus, did you ask on those channels? | 16:36 |
azureus | yes | 16:36 |
azureus | no reponds | 16:36 |
azureus | responds | 16:36 |
azureus | do not respond | 16:37 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : where is /dev/sdc ? I didn't see any sdc on fdisk -l | 16:37 |
lordcirth_work | azureus, how long did you wait? | 16:37 |
azureus | yes~ | 16:37 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, well, I don't know your hardware, but the logs clearly show a sdc having critical IO errors | 16:38 |
oerheks | azureus, we all wanted to help you, but you seems to like to read here, and not a manual. besides, we advise to install grub, not refind | 16:38 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, how many drives do you have? | 16:38 |
azureus | no boot grub | 16:38 |
TJ- | lordcirth_work: I was there; I asked someone to translate the instrucitons; no-one helped or talked. | 16:38 |
azureus | show no device bootable | 16:38 |
lordcirth_work | TJ-, ok thanks | 16:38 |
azureus | uefi only | 16:38 |
azureus | secure booot on or off | 16:39 |
azureus | only in the bios | 16:39 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, or, what drive is this partition supposed to be on? | 16:39 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : how do I check which HD are attached ? I dont see any sdc on my fdisk -l and I install Gsmartcontrol but I can't find any sdc. | 16:39 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, lsblk -f | 16:40 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : 2nd WD 1tb .It looks weird where thereis ada,sdb , sdd,sde , there is no sdc | 16:41 |
lordcirth_work | Occasionally when a drive fails and then comes online again, it can show up as a different drive, under the next letter | 16:41 |
scorch | using 17.10 with unity login (because new gnome just crashed): how can I disabled clicking with the touchpad? | 16:41 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, what partition is the one that's unmounting? | 16:41 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : right now is sde or sde1 which I just mount back | 16:42 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : weird , it auto change partition ?? sdc to sde ? | 16:42 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, The drive presumably was sdb, but sometimes when it fails, when it reconnects it gets assigned the next letter | 16:43 |
lordcirth_work | anyway, run smartctl (or gsmartcontrol) on the drive it's currently showing up as | 16:44 |
Mpc9 | is 16.04 the last ubuntu desktop to support 32 bit? | 16:44 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : sde on gsmartcontrol | 16:44 |
lordcirth_work | And you probably need to back up everything on there immediately if you haven't already | 16:44 |
TJ- | Mpc9: for installer ISOs you mean? | 16:45 |
lordcirth_work | Mpc9, 17.04 is, I think, but 16.04 will be supported longer | 16:45 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : which test should I do on on gsmartcontrol ? | 16:45 |
Mpc9 | yeah for the ISOs | 16:45 |
lordcirth_work | https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-drops-32-bit-desktop/ | 16:45 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, you probably don't need to run a test, just look at the info | 16:45 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : The smart looks fine to me. | 16:45 |
mr_lou | https://superuser.com/questions/1271193/ubuntu-blu-ray-burner-suddenly-not-detected | 16:46 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : Which should I look for ? | 16:46 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, well, I've heard it said that smart catches 20% of failing drives | 16:46 |
Mpc9 | ah thanks for the link | 16:46 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, uncorrectable errors, things like that. You can open up your PC and check that the cables aren't loose, but other than that, you need a new drive I think | 16:47 |
TJ- | Mpc9: the 32-bit server ISOs are still a thing; and there's a new subiquity server ubiquity installer to bring the GUI-installer experience to server, so it won't be too difficult to install from ubuntu-server-i386.iso and then simply "apt install ubuntu-desktop" | 16:49 |
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lordcirth_work | Mpc9, alternatively, Xubuntu is still shipping 32-bit | 16:50 |
Mpc9 | ah interesting | 16:50 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : 196 , 197, 198, 199 and 200 all with thresold and raw value 0.As 1 Raw read error rate ( 0 ) | 16:50 |
Mpc9 | I will look at both of those options | 16:50 |
yogix | i've been testing ubuntu 16.04 on a yoga laptop and it wouldn't find the mg5520 printer/scanner with simple scan. I installed virtualbox and installed 17.10 and it found the scanner on the network fine. But now after upgrading to 17.10 I still can't see the scanner unless I run 17.10 in virtualbox then simplescan directly after that finds it on baremetal 17.10. Any idea why? | 16:51 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : I check the gsmartcontol (Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operation may be unavailable. The cause might be a amissing software package, The following list of softeware packages is required for ntfs file system support: ntfsprogs/ ntfs-3g) a red icon .Guess I need to fix some error ? | 16:53 |
TJ- | yogix: because you're great at finding bugs! :D ... have you checked the /var/log/kern.log when the device is connected, comparing the bare-metal to the VM logs to see if the differences give you a clue? | 16:54 |
lordcirth_work | nbusrone, well, is the partition formatted ntfs? If so, yeah, you would need those tools. | 17:02 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : It is what shows at gsmartcontrol on a red icon | 17:04 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : I have ntfs-3g install but not ntfsprogs. | 17:06 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : Nevermind i found it change to ntfs-3g after 13.04.Now checking on google what does the error means | 17:08 |
Mpc9 | what's the deal with ubuntu software center? | 17:09 |
Mpc9 | like what is the basis for what gets put on there | 17:09 |
auronandace | Mpc9: you won't find libraries or dependancies on there. this is part of the reason why i prefer synaptic | 17:10 |
Mpc9 | oh i wasn't aware there were other options | 17:11 |
nbusrone | lordcirth_work : Anyway thank you for the help , will check on it later on .Thanks again :) | 17:12 |
Mpc9 | oh yeah synaptic has what i want. Thanks! | 17:15 |
yogix | TJ-, i'm not connecting via usb, but simple scan is grapping it over the wifi, but I'll check the log. I'm wondering if simplescan on 16.04 had some setting left over that if it wasn't there 17.10 would work better. | 17:15 |
yogix | grabbig that is, not grapping... | 17:15 |
yogix | aagghh - grabbing | 17:15 |
Mpc9 | netflix needs to sell some kind of sensor like a fit bit that monitors my breathing and or heartrate so it only turns off when i'm asleep and/or dead | 17:17 |
kgbme | o/ i really tried, all day 2day to get identd to work from this local PC (just for irc, freenode for example) & have been unsuccessful. currently have oident running, if someone has the patience to hold my hand and see what's up please? | 17:17 |
illiquid | where's the liquid?! liquid!? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xlWBacrChVM | 17:17 |
TJ- | yogix: I guess it's using zero-conf, i.e. multicast discovery, there may be something in syslog. Check the avahi service logs too | 17:17 |
Mpc9 | does ubuntu software center have any advantages over synaptic? | 17:18 |
oerheks | Mpc9, no, softwarecenter gives metapackages only | 17:19 |
Mpc9 | metapackages? | 17:19 |
oerheks | yes, and synaptic gives detailed packages, tons more than you find in softwarecenter | 17:20 |
Mpc9 | i'm a little hazy on what you mean by meta packages vs detailed packages | 17:21 |
oerheks | metapackage as in main package, that contains the program itself, and dependencies, but there are often more packages related, like language, plugins or connectors | 17:23 |
oerheks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages | 17:23 |
oerheks | ubuntu-dektop is a bunch of packages, but it does not contain all software available | 17:24 |
illiquid | how can I make ubuntu play the bongos on my ass? | 17:24 |
Mpc9 | Oh I see thanks | 17:27 |
kgbme | can someone pls help what i need to do to get oident from this localhost PC? cable connected to modem https://paste.ubuntu.com/26029249/ | 17:31 |
kgbme | hostname can't be resolved by irc server and i'm clueless :/ | 17:32 |
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kgbme | ^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/26029271/ | 17:35 |
alkisg | kgbme: why do you want to install an ident server, do you think it's required for irc? | 17:36 |
kgbme | alkisg: just would be neater, idk. plus, no problem from running it on a remote host - and i don't get wth i'm (not) doing here, locally | 17:37 |
kgbme | wold be gr8 to be able to figure out where i've gone retarded. :) | 17:38 |
alkisg | kgbme: you can identify by username/password, is there any specific reason you prefer ident? | 17:38 |
kgbme | i'm identified by nickserv@services. certfp using sasl external so that's all good | 17:38 |
alkisg | Most people now connect from their personal PCs, so running an ident server on your own pc offers no additional verification or security, I'm not sure that freenode imposes this in any way... | 17:40 |
kgbme | just *can't* get the grasp why my host seems to be unreachable from the internet (since oident seems to be fine) & i'm not sure what else to do (all day portforwarding and readingdifferent man and pages and stuff) | 17:40 |
alkisg | You have a reverse dns entry? | 17:40 |
m_tadeu | hi...sudenly, my mouse and keyboard are being disabled after a few secs...what is this and how can I fix it? | 17:41 |
kgbme | alkisg: what cmd can i run for that pls? a little braindead | 17:41 |
alkisg | kgbme: go to canyouseeme or something, to see your external ip, and then use `host your-ip` to see its dns name | 17:42 |
kgbme | alkisg: yeah, that's awesome... tnx! | 17:43 |
kgbme | port isn't being forwarded, even though i've set up the router like 1000 times. ty | 17:44 |
kgbme | could be my isp after all... geez | 17:46 |
pavlos | kgbme: your external ip can be found with curl ipinfo.io/ip | 17:50 |
kgbme | pavlos: tyvm, it *is* the same as http://canyouseeme.org/ and everything is cool with the system - just seems like my isp is not allowing low port forward, or some other issue | 17:52 |
kgbme | need to reinstall, i've enabled everything and the kitchen fridge on this quest. tnx guys. :) | 17:53 |
kgbme | sink xD | 17:53 |
jwash | hi everyone i renamed a file on a samba server, but now its showing up weird when i browse locally, file\ a.zip renamed to file_a.zip on the server via ssh now shows up as SO6DOA~H.zip when i browse the samba share from local thunar or pcmanfm | 17:54 |
jwash | is there a way to do the renaming so that these file names aren't changed when browsing over the network, they're fine when from the command line ssh | 17:55 |
jwash | ok, it's a samba problem, i mounted via nfs and file names are ok | 17:57 |
mutante | jwash: do you actually have Windows computers in the network? | 18:00 |
lordcirth_work | jwash, was the file literally named "file\ a.zip" or did you just use that to escape the space/ | 18:01 |
lordcirth_work | ?* Because windows does not like \ in filenames | 18:01 |
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly | ||
Wanderer- | IM trying to send mail from an ubuntu VM on a nonstandard port -> 1025 , and i get -> Deferred: Connection refused by [] , i can telnet to localhost 1025 just fine | 18:02 |
TJ- | jwash: was the file_a.zip name actually longer than 8.3 characters? because "SO6DOA~H" suggests that was the short-name for a long-name file | 18:02 |
Wanderer- | What could be the issue. | 18:02 |
jwash | yes, a couple of windows comps | 18:05 |
TJ- | Wanderer-: see the NAME MANGLING section and mangled_* options at https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html#NAMEMANGLING | 18:05 |
jwash | yes to just escape the space in the file name | 18:05 |
pavlos | Wanderer-: try, "nc localhost 1025" do you get a response? | 18:05 |
Wanderer- | pavlos, i do | 18:05 |
jwash | TJ- yes, it was renamed to a long name for a file | 18:06 |
Wanderer- | Thu, 23 Nov 2017 18:05:50 GMT; (No UCE/UBE) logging access from: localhost(OK)-localhost [] | 18:06 |
TJ- | oops! | 18:06 |
TJ- | jwash: see the NAME MANGLING section and mangled_* options at https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html#NAMEMANGLING | 18:06 |
jwash | yep | 18:06 |
jwash | will do | 18:06 |
jwash | TY | 18:06 |
TJ- | grrr, my tab complete went to random-complete mode | 18:06 |
pavlos | Wanderer-: shouldnt you get the name of the server listening to taht port? when I test with ssh (nc 0 22) I get an ssh server response | 18:07 |
Wanderer- | TJ-, maybe you missed the initial 'j' | 18:07 |
Wanderer- | pavlos, i did, i get the intrnal | 18:07 |
TJ- | Wanderer-: you have the SMTP server inside the VM where you're doing the test from? | 18:07 |
Wanderer- | -185300.internal ESMTP Sendmail 8.15.2/8.15.2/Debian-3; Thu | 18:08 |
TJ- | Wanderer-: what are you using to send the email? | 18:08 |
Wanderer- | im trying to just send a basic email but it wont go through, its on google cloud platform | 18:08 |
Wanderer- | im using sendmail | 18:08 |
Wanderer- | echo "Subject: sendmail test" | sendmail -v myemail@gmail.com | 18:09 |
TJ- | "connection refused" generally means nothing is listening - you need to tell sendmail which port to send to | 18:09 |
Wanderer- | $ echo "Subject: sendmail test" | sendmail -v myemail@gmail.com | 18:09 |
Wanderer- | myemail@gmail.com... Connecting to [] via relay... | 18:09 |
Wanderer- | myemail@gmail.com... Deferred: Connection refused by [] | 18:09 |
pavlos | Wanderer-: gmail uses 2fa, you may need to change some conf file | 18:09 |
Wanderer- | Even to send mail? | 18:10 |
Wanderer- | to | 18:10 |
Wanderer- | I dont think thats the case. Unless if when its being done from a non standard port | 18:11 |
TJ- | you've got an SMTP daemon listening on port 1025? | 18:11 |
Wanderer- | Hmm i thought i did, i did a restart and i dont see it now, but same message | 18:12 |
Wanderer- | root 2057 0.0 0.1 104828 5264 ? Ss 17:31 0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections | 18:13 |
Wanderer- | :-| | 18:14 |
yogix | TJ-, wonder if it is a timing thing or if after running lpstat -s it helps?? will keep testing. Didn't see anything in any of the logs. I looked for Canon in the logs with: sudo find . -name "*.log" -exec grep Canon {} \; -print - but didn't see anything. Maybe it goes by a differnt name when a wifi search is done. | 18:14 |
Wanderer- | Im not sure whats going on here , it should work | 18:14 |
akik | Wanderer-: did you tell sendmail to use the 1025 port? | 18:15 |
jwash | TJ TY I added mangled names=no to smb.conf, all is well again | 18:15 |
Wanderer- | akik, i did | 18:15 |
arktvrvs | is there a way to downgrade packages from -proposed backward after disabling that repo? | 18:15 |
Wanderer- | cat /etc/mail/sendmail.cf | grep 1025 | 18:16 |
Wanderer- | O DaemonPortOptions=Family=inet, Name=MTA-v4, Port=1025, Addr= | 18:16 |
akik | Wanderer-: have you configured submit.cf ? | 18:18 |
arktvrvs | nm think i found something | 18:19 |
Wanderer- | akik, i dont think so | 18:20 |
Wanderer- | akik, what do i need to specify in submit.mc ? | 18:21 |
akik | Wanderer-: i'm just thinking it must be changed in some other place if you get connection refused, and submit.cf comes to my mind | 18:22 |
Wanderer- | netstat -tuplen | grep 1025 | 18:24 |
Wanderer- | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 30947 4082/sendmail: MTA: | 18:24 |
akik | Wanderer-: maybe RELAY_MAILER_ARGS | 18:24 |
donofrio | do we get new microcode today for thankgiving? https://apaste.info/K4cn - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27150 ;( | 18:30 |
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donofrio | even though windows folks say that they do not see this as a microcode update so patch has to come from hardware vendor? | 18:47 |
pavlos | Wanderer-: do you have a non gmail address you can test? | 18:50 |
Wanderer- | pavlos, i got the same error trying a different email address | 19:24 |
pavlos | Wanderer-: I have similar issue; cannot send email w/ sendmail ... | 19:24 |
TJ- | Wanderer-: which package actually provides the sendmail you're using? | 19:36 |
pavlos | TJ-: apt install sendmail, then add yourhost to /etc/hosts after the localhost.localdomain, then run sendmailconfig accept defaults | 19:42 |
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TJ- | pavlos: right, because there are around 12 packages that install a /usr/sbin/sendmail | 19:52 |
TJ- | pavlos: so actually its /usr/lib/sm.bin/sendmail from sendmail-bin then | 19:54 |
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GhostwalkGames | Hi i am linux noob- is it possible to get Microsoft Office working perfectly in Ubuntu 16.04? Like Excel PPt Word latest edition with VBA editor working too | 20:03 |
lavinho | good night | 20:06 |
lavinho | ia have installed refind but message no bootable device | 20:07 |
ioria | GhostwalkGames, what's the problem with LiberOffice ? | 20:07 |
lavinho | help me please | 20:08 |
GhostwalkGames | It has to be excel for work reasons. | 20:08 |
auronandace | GhostwalkGames: you want a perfectly functioning msoffice then run it an a windows vm | 20:09 |
ioria | that ^ | 20:09 |
GhostwalkGames | Okay yeah a windows vm might be good. I have ryzen so VMs aren't too laggy | 20:09 |
GhostwalkGames | Libre office does look nice it's pretty close in functionality | 20:10 |
nyws | hi there | 20:37 |
nyws | anyone using vmware 14pro with ubuntu 17.10 ? | 20:38 |
lavinho | help me please | 20:41 |
omgina | hi | 20:41 |
omgina | https://www.samaa.tv/editor-s-choice/2017/05/student-caught-using-smart-watch-for-cheating/ | 20:41 |
pizzadude | hi | 20:42 |
omgina | my question is | 20:42 |
omgina | https://www.samaa.tv/pakistan/2017/11/police-arrested-murderer-three-years/ | 20:42 |
omgina | I can't watch those samaa.tv videos?? why | 20:42 |
pizzadude | wtf is samaa.tv | 20:42 |
omgina | What do I need to install? I know I am missing somethings. | 20:42 |
omgina | it's a website like many others. but that's not the point | 20:43 |
pizzadude | does it use flash? | 20:43 |
omgina | pizzadude: there are several videos sites | 20:43 |
omgina | pizzadude: don't know | 20:43 |
pizzadude | have you tried spoofing your user agent with an addon? | 20:43 |
pizzadude | what web browser do you use? | 20:43 |
omgina | yes, I did use sppofing agent | 20:45 |
omgina | tor browser uses it by default | 20:45 |
pizzadude | did you enable javascript on the tor website? | 20:46 |
pizzadude | by default tor browser blocks javascript, for security, but that might be blocking the website video code | 20:46 |
_9_aleksandr_9_ | Hello. I am new Ubuntu user. At the first time when I started Ubuntu from usb flash in live mode I had not problems. Installer had not saw any hard drives. He saw only usb flash. But when I tried to turn on my PC again from usb flash for installing Ubuntu installer not started. I have saw it http://qoo.by/312C . | 21:05 |
akik | _9_aleksandr_9_: your link opens some video page | 21:17 |
akik | just a warning. might be fishy | 21:17 |
cesdo | akik: it's just google photo, you lier | 21:19 |
akik | cesdo: i get two youtube videos, you lier | 21:21 |
ikonia | calm down please | 21:22 |
Mathisen | i get google photo also | 21:22 |
Mathisen | _9_aleksandr_9_, the problem seem to be with your computer, check bios settings | 21:22 |
GhostwalkGames | My phone cannot even load the link (stock Note 4) | 21:24 |
Apachez | how do one clear the dns cache in ubuntu 16+ ? | 21:30 |
Mathisen | Ubuntu doesn't cache dns records by default | 21:31 |
akik | Apachez: your web browser might have a cache | 21:32 |
Apachez | systemd-resolve --flush-caches | 21:33 |
Apachez | that retarded lennartos seems to be the magic dns query cache one cannot get rid off | 21:33 |
Apachez | Mathisen: it sure does since 16.x | 21:33 |
Apachez | # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) | 21:34 |
Apachez | # is the systemd-resolved stub resolver. | 21:34 |
Apachez | # run "systemd-resolve --status" to see details about the actual nameservers. | 21:34 |
Apachez | nameserver | 21:34 |
Mathisen | my bad then, did not know | 21:34 |
Apachez | then how come you answered with an incorrect answer? | 21:35 |
akik | systemd brings things to the table nobody needed | 21:35 |
Apachez | yeah | 21:35 |
Apachez | too bad one cannot simply just "apt-get remove systemd --purge" without breaking the whole system | 21:35 |
akik | Apachez: did that command resolve your problem? | 21:36 |
Furai | Hey, why would my ubuntu server 16.04 x64 bit log something like this https://file.furai.pl/2017-11-23-22-12-54.txt whenever I ssh to any user? | 21:36 |
Apachez | akik: yup | 21:37 |
Apachez | systemd-resolve --flush-caches that is =) | 21:38 |
davido_ | I need to know if anyone here has been successful in using Ubuntu 17.10 on a laptop with external monitors, with the laptop screen off/closed. In particular, does the grub menu show up on one of the external monitors, and does the login screen appear. | 21:38 |
akik | unbelievable | 21:38 |
Apachez | davido_: I have had odd problems with dual screens | 21:41 |
Apachez | same model in one case one monitor becomes primary and on other boxes the other output becomes primary | 21:41 |
Apachez | that is which screen displays boot info | 21:41 |
Apachez | once booted the left is 1 and the right is 2 | 21:41 |
davido_ | My particular concern is from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Desktop (known issues, desktop), which points to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1723025 | 21:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1723025 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "no login screen when booting with an external monitor attached" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:42 |
davido_ | I'd like to upgrade my work laptop but my normal mode of operation is three external monitors, laptop lid closed. | 21:42 |
davido_ | Apachez, that sounds like the issue reported in the bug report, and enumerated in "known issues". ...So I'm guessing there's a possibility I would be unhappy with the upgrade -- I'll have to hold off longer until that's addressed. | 21:44 |
Apachez | also some boxes will kill off monitor output if there was no monitor detected on this output during boot | 21:45 |
Apachez | dell boxes was notorious on this | 21:45 |
Apachez | like you have your headless box | 21:45 |
Apachez | and suddently you need to attach a monitor to it to find out why you no longer can remote login | 21:46 |
Apachez | and then nerdrage because it refuse to output anything | 21:46 |
Apachez | but if you reboot when monitor is attached and then unplug the monitor then you can 1 month later replug it and get a screen | 21:46 |
davido_ | I've been sucessfully using Unity versions of Ubuntu on my work laptop in a external-only configuration for several years. But this new issue concerns me, and is preventing me being able to upgrade with confidence. | 21:46 |
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_9_aleksandr_9_ | Hello. I am new Ubuntu user. At the first time when I started Ubuntu from usb flash in live mode I had not problems. Installer had not saw any hard drives. He saw only usb flash. But when I tried to turn on my PC again from usb flash for installing Ubuntu installer not started. I have saw it http://qoo.by/3133 (the link contains also photos of bios). | 21:52 |
cesdo | _9_aleksandr_9_: Hmm... Photos of bios. It's something new! So many! | 21:56 |
juliank | cesdo: did _9_aleksandr_9_ do anything to warrant this sarcasm? | 21:59 |
* juliank just joined | 22:00 | |
_9_aleksandr_9_ | juliank: Hello) | 22:02 |
cesdo | juliank: it's not sarcasm. It's information for another members) Alexander is my friend) | 22:05 |
juliank | hmm, okay, sorry then | 22:06 |
juliank | it sounded like you were making fun of him | 22:06 |
EriC^ | he's being his wingman xD | 22:07 |
juliank | _9_aleksandr_9_: well i dont know what your problem is. you probably want to get to your BIOS boot selection screen and select oyur USB device there | 22:09 |
juliank | davido_: there are some multi-monitor bugs in gnome-shell, I reported quite a lot. It got a lot better, but there's still one item pending I forgot about :/ | 22:10 |
doke | ok can someone help me, I have ubuntu set to auto login and I changed the desktop enviornment to i3wm by logging out and using the login options, i3wm has no way to "log out" or get back to that screen that I can find so I want to know where the auto login option is stored so I can get rid of it | 22:10 |
juliank | well, I was asked to test one patch, it might have been merged already | 22:11 |
davido_ | juliank: The issue I was mentioning is still listed in "known issues", and its bug report is still opened, so I guess not much has happened there. | 22:11 |
davido_ | For all I know it wouldn't be a problem for me, but it's difficult to test without going all in, so I'll just wait. | 22:12 |
juliank | davido_: I think that's the problem | 22:12 |
juliank | https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=788242 | 22:13 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 788242 in general "External monitor not turned on when docked" [Normal,New] | 22:13 |
juliank | boot -> monitor is off -> open lid -> monitor turns on -> close lid -> both off again | 22:13 |
davido_ | yeah, that's no fun. ...and it's exactly how I operate most of the time, so I'll just hold off for now. | 22:14 |
leemox | git checkout vs git checkout --track vs git branch --track. What is the difference? | 22:14 |
leemox | It is the same? | 22:14 |
kaosine | oh man....I'm getting to the point I'm getting ready to wipe a old pc and install ubuntu or something and just happened to get bored and notice something. The disk I have of ubuntu is 7 years old(10.04.1 lts) XD | 22:14 |
doke | If someone could help me I would be emmensely grateful as this is the only computer I have and i3 is having many issues | 22:15 |
doke | I cant use a webbrowser | 22:15 |
juliank | doke: I guess you could logout by running loginctl terminate-user yourusername | 22:16 |
doke | ill give it a try thank you | 22:16 |
kaosine | Definitely not installing straight ubuntu on it, but that was good for a little giggle to see how old it was | 22:17 |
krytarik | leemox: #git might be a better place for this. | 22:17 |
doke | juliank: I dont have that package unfortunetly | 22:18 |
doke | oh wait | 22:18 |
doke | got it, I put an r in loginctrl | 22:18 |
doke | just ctl | 22:18 |
juliank | I hope it works :) | 22:19 |
doke | IT WORKED! | 22:20 |
doke | A million thanks!! | 22:20 |
juliank | yay :) | 22:20 |
kaosine | doke: if I had a nickel for everytime I missed a letter or added one like that though XD | 22:21 |
doke | lmao | 22:22 |
kaosine | doke: still not as funny as my 7 year old ubu cd though...i'm still kinda laughing about this now | 22:23 |
* juliank does not even have a CD drive! | 22:24 | |
kaosine | can't tell if I can go beyond the language select screen but yeah. Forgot the mouse and I suck at keyboard navigation beyond some basic stuff | 22:24 |
kaosine | I like to keep stuff like the cd and headphone jack for as long as I can at this point :P | 22:25 |
kaosine | Just need to figure out when I'm going to end up beefing it up and installing wine... | 22:25 |
leemox | krytarik: Ok, thanks :-) | 22:30 |
kaosine | also stupid question for when I do get the mouse(whether I borrow the grandmother's wireless or get the original from my dad's room) how would I go about making sure all the drivers are installed into ubuntu or whatever flavor I go with? I have no clue what to install and I remember doing something weird when I did my mom's old laptop for my sister to use for school(which I don't think she ever did actually end up using it) | 22:32 |
juliank | I think it should ask you if drivers are missing | 22:32 |
kaosine | the computer is a dell inspiron 3847 with the base config | 22:32 |
kaosine | juliank: ok...just remember having to do something funky last time for some reason | 22:33 |
juliank | possible. | 22:33 |
_9_aleksandr_9_ | EriC^: I have try to use the way proposed of user EriC^ | 22:33 |
juliank | you'll see when you do it if something does not work after install :) | 22:33 |
* juliank is out | 22:33 | |
_9_aleksandr_9_ | EriC^: I have tried to use the way proposed of user EriC^ and have recorded it in video https://photos.app.goo.gl/sELbOMOFToUI3E5w1 | 22:34 |
cesdo | juliank: please stay here for 10 minutes | 22:34 |
kaosine | juliank: yeah just have to figure out what I'm going with. I think I'll be going with kubuntu or lubuntu anyways | 22:34 |
cesdo | juliank: my friend just recorded video about his trouble | 22:35 |
kaosine | which I say that when I think I already downloaded kubuntu | 22:35 |
kaosine | lubuntu geez....I need to keep my stuff straight. If libre isn't in there I'll be installing that then too | 22:37 |
kaosine | This one should be able to handle ku so I may just download that and stick to that one instead once I can get to a point to burn a dvd to do so | 22:38 |
ffd700 | kaosine: May I ask what the issue is? | 22:38 |
_9_aleksandr_9_ | juliank: please watch my video | 22:38 |
kaosine | ffd700: I'm just trying to double make sure of things before I wipe and install some form of ubuntu flavor on this machine XD | 22:39 |
Tecan | if i run xwd -root in bash in mate desktop without putting it to a file it eats up alot of cpu with systemd-resolve | 22:39 |
kaosine | I doubt and double check things way too much tbh | 22:39 |
=== sunrunner20_ is now known as sunrunner20 | ||
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2` | ||
_9_aleksandr_9_ | I reload my video to YouTube https://youtu.be/1VvCFWWt6-s | 22:53 |
oerheks | hold left shift to enter grub menu,.. | 22:59 |
oerheks | if that does not work, try esc ... | 23:00 |
oerheks | !grub | 23:00 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 23:00 |
=== LocaMocha is now known as MochaLoca | ||
kaosine | bah now I wish I had that mouse already so I could just see how out of date 10.04.1 lts really is XD | 23:09 |
PCatinean | hey guys, can anyone help, i'm doing scp -r /big/file user@server.com:/bla and at some point I get No such device or address, what's going on? | 23:34 |
kaosine | huh so keyboard doesn't work in actual live mode of 10.04.1 lts XD | 23:37 |
absurdist | help i'm getting out of letters for my hdd drives https://paste.ee/p/o3W3A | 23:51 |
absurdist | im now at sdw only 3 letters left | 23:52 |
Aaaaand | You're computer will explode if you try to add 4 | 23:52 |
Aaaaand | your* | 23:52 |
Aaaaand | joke | 23:52 |
Aaaaand | wrong channel : | 23:53 |
absurdist | so the drives becoming names like sdaa1 and so on? | 23:53 |
Aaaaand | I think | 23:55 |
Aaaaand | sdab sdac .. | 23:55 |
kaosine | yeah usually....that's the part I'm still unsure of on unix based systems. Not having letters after only having that ever is a little overwhelming for someone switching | 23:56 |
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