robert_ancell | jbicha: not interested in being a DM :) | 03:01 |
yetoo | With the new Ubuntu dock extension, is the "Show Applications" button location going to be configurable so that it can be at another location in the dock? | 05:38 |
jamesh | yetoo: I don't know of any immediate plans to do that. The current layout is a compromise between vanilla GNOME and Unity 7 | 06:36 |
yetoo | What's stopping the activities button being removed and the Show Applications butto nbeing placed at the top? | 06:55 |
yetoo | and the show applications doing the same thing that gnome does but searches applications | 06:56 |
yetoo | when the suer wants | 06:56 |
yetoo | *user | 06:56 |
yetoo | If there is a compromise it would be cool to have settings to work around it as there is a 50/50 way a user is going to go about using the setting and order | 06:58 |
jamesh | yetoo: there is an extensions system for gnome-shell here: -- it might have something that does what you want | 07:00 |
jamesh | yetoo: didrocks wrote a series of articles about how we arrived at the current design on his blog here: | 07:01 |
jamesh | that might answer some of your questions | 07:01 |
oSoMoN | good morning desktoppers | 07:13 |
didrocks | good morning | 07:25 |
oSoMoN | salut didrocks | 07:30 |
didrocks | ça va oSoMoN ? | 07:30 |
jamesh | hi didrocks | 07:33 |
jamesh | didrocks: I put together a PR to speed up desktop-launch a bit: | 07:34 |
jamesh | still need to think a bit more about how to untangle the user fonts issue oSoMoN mentioned yesterday | 07:35 |
seb128 | hey didrocks oSoMoN jamesh | 07:37 |
seb128 | jamesh, just curious did you do some measurement of before/after for those launcher improvements? | 07:37 |
didrocks | jamesh: hey! the changes look mostly good for me and nice that you refactor this a little bit, I would put those in a common/ utility files rather than desktop-exports, personnaly, but as Ken is now way more active on this project than I am, I prefer to defer to it | 07:39 |
didrocks | however, I doubt I can spot where the speedup is, rather cleaning, refactoring… | 07:39 |
didrocks | (also, you might want to run update-mime-database even if the runtime doesn't ship (it shouldn't) ship it anymore | 07:40 |
didrocks | and some snaps won't ship a mime cache | 07:40 |
jamesh | seb128: no hard numbers, but I can hear my hard drive chugging away when it runs update-mime-database | 07:40 |
didrocks | (remember, it's not only for snaps + runtime) | 07:40 |
didrocks | yeah, so the speed up for you is to not run update-mime-database I think | 07:40 |
jamesh | didrocks: I didn't remove the code that generates these caches: just made it conditional on the caches not existing in the read only snap data | 07:40 |
jamesh | didrocks: for gsettings schemas, I checked that it still compiles the app's own schemas | 07:41 |
didrocks | (I would separate that in multiple commits, but again, deferring to Ken) | 07:41 |
jamesh | (assuming the app hasn't bothered compiling its schemas at package build time) | 07:42 |
didrocks | jamesh: yeah, that one is great, even if I guess we can still do more with multiple layers, runtime schemas, precompiled, and app's one | 07:42 |
seb128 | jamesh, right, I'm sure it has a real impact, would be nice to have some numbers though for pr purpose (if the numbers are good), like weekly newsletter | 07:43 |
jamesh | seb128: I'll see what I can do | 07:43 |
seb128 | thanks | 07:43 |
didrocks | I would say, just time the first run manually on 2-3 apps (snap only, snap + runtime…) | 07:44 |
seb128 | right, should be easy | 07:44 |
didrocks | no need to go fancy on automating :) | 07:44 |
seb128 | "time desktop-snap-bin" before/after on newly installed snaps | 07:44 |
seb128 | or remove the datadir in between | 07:44 |
jamesh | well, I can pretty easily time how long it takes to generate the mime database | 07:44 |
jamesh | that's time that simply goes away with this change | 07:45 |
seb128 | well it's easy do a "time bin" test before/after | 07:45 |
seb128 | I might have a look if you don't do that | 07:45 |
didrocks | we can add time instructions and conditionnally enable it in the script as well | 07:46 |
didrocks | like at first instruction and last instructions, make the diff, done | 07:46 |
didrocks | (so that you don't have to do it manually) | 07:46 |
seb128 | I wouldn't add complexity for that I think | 07:46 |
jamesh | didrocks: I had been wondering about how to get app authors to generate some of these caches as part of their package builds | 07:46 |
didrocks | jamesh: yeah, would be great to get that in the snapcraft helper | 07:46 |
didrocks | (the part) | 07:47 |
jamesh | didrocks: the problem is that we probably want to run things after the the user's other parts have staged their files | 07:47 |
jamesh | i.e. it isn't particularly useful having the desktop-gtk3 part compile schemas only for the application to dump another schema in the same directory afterwards | 07:48 |
didrocks | jamesh: it's been a long time and I don't remember, aren't there hooks between staging and priming? | 07:48 |
jamesh | perhaps | 07:48 |
didrocks | or can a part do something for priming? | 07:48 |
didrocks | man, it's like it's been years, I don't remember :) | 07:48 |
jamesh | seb128: so, the approximate speed up for new to old desktop launch is going from around 16 seconds to less than a second | 07:51 |
jamesh | that's on my somewhat old desktop with a traditional hard drive | 07:52 |
didrocks | yeah, update-mime-database was the longest thing running, then, it's gsettings compile schemas IIRC | 07:55 |
seb128 | jamesh, that's great news! | 08:54 |
seb128 | jamesh, I think there was a forum post about the desktop launcher being slow, we should comment there with a status update once the changes are merged | 08:56 |
willcooke | Happy Black Friday consumers | 08:58 |
didrocks | good morning willcooke | 09:00 |
willcooke | found any good ps4 deals didrocks? ;) | 09:00 |
didrocks | willcooke: found one in switzerland last Monday, didn't get a better one, but PS4 pro for (with optimizing coupon code) 240€ | 09:01 |
willcooke | nice | 09:01 |
didrocks | willcooke: need to send my brother at the border to get it though | 09:01 |
didrocks | he is living 15 kms away, should be doable :p | 09:01 |
willcooke | You think the Pro is the one to go for? I figured it was, but then I read some stuff that said nothing really takes advantage of it (which makes sense, you're not going to make a game which only runs on some PS4s) | 09:01 |
* Laney upwards nods to the channel | 09:02 | |
didrocks | willcooke: if the price difference was > 100€, I wouldn't go for the Pro, here, it's only 40€ more approx. In your case, it seems that VR headset is working better with it | 09:02 |
didrocks | but yeah, I don't have a 4K tv | 09:02 |
willcooke | hey Laney | 09:02 |
didrocks | so, if I find a very good PS4 slim deal, why not… | 09:03 |
willcooke | didrocks, I've been looking for a 4k TV for the last week. Waited for today to pull the trigger. Aaaaannnddddd... no difference in price for any of the models I was thinking about | 09:03 |
didrocks | willcooke: yeah, we are not in the US :p | 09:03 |
willcooke | so now I dont feel rushed | 09:03 |
willcooke | jamesh, seb128 - shall we do the desktop snappy sync today> | 09:12 |
jamesh | willcooke: sure | 09:13 |
jamesh | willcooke: I'm just writing up a forum post about some startup performance improvements I've been looking at for desktop snap apps | 09:14 |
willcooke | woot! | 09:14 |
jamesh | this is to improve the first-run startup time for apps using the desktop-launch script | 09:14 |
willcooke | nice | 09:16 |
seb128 | hey willcooke | 09:28 |
seb128 | willcooke, I'm going to try to but still having a baby to handle today so hangout might be a bit difficult if he's not napping yet | 09:29 |
seb128 | (sorry about that) | 09:29 |
seb128 | willcooke, the change from James cut off most of the start delay it looks like, that's nice, he said earlier that it cut like 15 seconds off for him | 09:30 |
willcooke | seb128, no worries, I knew you'd likely be out, dont worry | 09:31 |
willcooke | Thought I'd ask anyway in case you were around | 09:32 |
seb128 | technically I've a vac day today :p | 09:32 |
seb128 | right | 09:32 |
seb128 | I might join if it works out | 09:32 |
seb128 | otherwise I think I've an idea what jamesh is working on anyway, we chatted a bit on the channel yesterday and today | 09:32 |
seb128 | Laney is talking on other channels but didn't even say hi to his fellow desktopers, how rude! | 09:33 |
willcooke | seb128, he totally did | 09:34 |
willcooke | ;P | 09:34 |
seb128 | doh | 09:34 |
seb128 | it was a /me | 09:34 |
willcooke | no no | 09:34 |
seb128 | stupid IRC client :p | 09:34 |
willcooke | I was wrong | 09:34 |
willcooke | wait | 09:34 |
Laney | I didn't technically say "hi" | 09:34 |
Laney | :-) | 09:34 |
seb128 | hey Laney :) | 09:34 |
seb128 | sorry xchat-gnome doesn't put the name on the left column for /me lines and I somehow didn't see it | 09:35 |
* Laney learns how to hack seb128's client | 09:35 | |
seb128 | yeah | 09:35 |
seb128 | you know how to secretely talk without me noticing what you say know | 09:35 |
seb128 | damnit! | 09:35 |
Laney | :D | 09:36 |
Laney | how's it going? | 09:36 |
Laney | I deserved that | 09:45 |
jamesh | seb128, willcooke: here's the post complete with some numbers: | 09:46 |
seb128 | lol | 09:46 |
seb128 | Laney, doing ok, it's good that it's friday, baby was sick this week, I had to look after him on the side a few days, didn't get enough sleep and managed to get his cold for the w.e I think ... oh and it's raining. But otherwise good :) | 09:47 |
seb128 | jamesh, willcooke, great numbers, should resolve one of the top complains with desktop snaps! | 09:48 |
willcooke | jamesh, are your computer names based on Futurama characters as well?! :) | 09:48 |
jamesh | willcooke: yes | 09:48 |
seb128 | lol | 09:48 |
willcooke | will@farnsworth:~$ | 09:48 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson might be one of yours as well :p | 09:49 |
willcooke | jamesh, c_hrisccoulson uses the same convention | 09:49 |
jamesh | my new laptop is lrrr | 09:49 |
willcooke | \o/ | 09:49 |
seb128 | you guys :) | 09:49 |
willcooke | My MythTV backend is hypnotoad | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, my laptop is called futurama | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | I think Jo's is zoidberg | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | and there's a calculon somewhere too | 09:49 |
jamesh | old laptop is morbo | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | errr | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | farnsworth, even | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | yes, my laptop is called farnsworth, not futurama. That would be silly | 09:50 |
chrisccoulson | need more coffee | 09:50 |
willcooke | I had a two node cluster for a while called hubert and cubert | 09:50 |
chrisccoulson | lol | 09:50 |
jamesh | I used to have two almost identical systems called bender and flexo | 09:50 |
willcooke | awesome | 09:50 |
chrisccoulson | heh | 09:50 |
Laney | seb128: bad bad bad bad but still OK! | 09:51 |
Laney | good positivity | 09:51 |
chrisccoulson | I've just brought in my old desktop from the garage that hasn't been powered up for a while. I'm sure that's conrad | 09:51 |
chrisccoulson | I should power it up and find out :) | 09:51 |
willcooke | malfunctioning-eddie, my old x220, is now retired | 09:51 |
willcooke | and my main server is calculon | 09:52 |
willcooke | THIS is how you do Fridays ^ ;) | 09:52 |
chrisccoulson | fridays are the day for discussing futurama themed hostnames and eating bacon and hash browns | 09:55 |
willcooke | I concur | 09:56 |
willcooke | jamesh, since it's just me and you today, let's use the 1:1 hangout | 09:57 |
chrisccoulson | oh, my wifi ssid is "Decapod 10" | 09:57 |
jamesh | okay | 09:57 |
chrisccoulson | I wonder how many of my neighbours will get that | 09:58 |
willcooke | Mine is planet_express ;) | 09:58 |
chrisccoulson | lol | 09:58 |
willcooke | I think we win the nerd competition today | 09:58 |
jamesh | I think they're the same hangout URL anyway | 09:58 |
willcooke | night all, have a good weekend | 17:48 |
Laney | me too | 18:04 |
Laney | quiet times on #ubuntu-desktop :'( | 18:04 |
=== Laney is now known as awayney | ||
ochosi | awayney: hey there! going to fosdem again next year? if so, let me know. this time we will plan our meet-and-greet meticulously so we finally succeed ;) | 21:13 |
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