
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2
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dokocoreycb: swift ftbfs in -proposed08:08
tarzeau_is the swift src pkg available to test?08:24
tarzeau_i supposed that's swiftlang?08:24
cpaelzerrbasak: I slightly remember that there was a discussion about mysql retaining user set permission/ownerhip on paths already09:56
cpaelzerrbasak: I can't find it :-/ but it would be what I need to dup a new bug on09:57
cpaelzerthought it was about ucf or some other infra to usually cover that09:57
joelkraehemannhi all10:01
ubottuDebian bug 882513 in gsequencer "gsequencer: autopkgtest is broken" [Normal,Open]10:02
joelkraehemannwe actually decided to not run the integration tests10:02
cpaelzerxnox: ^^10:02
joelkraehemannso I didn't take care much about the functional-system-tests.mk.am file10:03
joelkraehemannbut the patch provided fixes the issues10:03
joelkraehemannabout the missing line in configure.ac10:04
joelkraehemannwell I would love to know who runs the integration tests :)10:04
joelkraehemannnote the VM should have a soundcard10:06
cpaelzerrather unlikely to have real sound passed through10:07
cpaelzerjoelkraehemann: I highlighted xnox above as he was the one doing the report10:07
cpaelzerjoelkraehemann: thanks for your response and fixes already10:07
cpaelzeras xnox has th context on this it is best if he picks that up once he is around10:08
joelkraehemannyou could modify the config passed to the tests10:09
joelkraehemannand use pulseaudio10:09
joelkraehemannI personally prefer ALSA10:09
joelkraehemannI think there is a null device available in ALSA10:10
joelkraehemannbut this is up to you10:10
joelkraehemannEach test provides its very own config file10:14
joelkraehemannI will provide a patch that makes use of pulse backend10:27
rbasakcpaelzer: I'm not sure what you mean. Can you expand on that and see if it prompts my memory please?11:13
cpaelzerrbasak: it was about something like "I had set custom perm/owner on /varlib/mysl ..." and want to keep that on updates11:14
cpaelzerrbasak: in that was a suggestion how to do so but it was neglected for having more potential trouble than benefit11:15
cpaelzerrbasak: today I had a similar bug, but without the suggestion, so I wanted to dup or link it11:15
cpaelzerall my searches didn't find what my partial memory remembers11:15
cpaelzerrbasak: do not spend too mcuh time on it, I think I triaged it well without11:16
cpaelzerit just would have been a good match11:16
rbasakOK. I don't recall a specific bug, so we can leave it as you've already handled it :)11:23
xnoxjoelkraehemann, thanks a lot!i'll try applying all that, and will check if i can get the tests going. We currently have capacity to run integration tests on amd64, i386, arm64, ppc64el, s390x VMs and containerized armhf.12:05
joelkraehemannxnox: note I just do additional package12:05
joelkraehemanncurrently only enumerated alsa card ids are supported12:06
joelkraehemanngsequencer-1.1.5 shall provide improvements12:06
joelkraehemannxnox: I try to get different isolation level running12:24
coreycbdoko: rebuilding. looks like breakage in python-eventlet that's since been synced.12:43
buxycyphermox: hey, can you point me to the commit or code section that changed in busybox that explains why environment variables with "/" coming from the kernel are no longer accepted?12:47
buxy(moved the question to #debian-boot on OFTC since you are there too)12:48
Odd_BlokeLaney: o/ I noticed you've done some transparency-related uploads of gnome-terminal (relatively) recently, so I thought I'd bring these bugs to your attention: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/1726262 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/173336915:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1726262 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "17.10 - flickering overlay patterns in gnome-terminal" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1733369 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Ghosting with "Use transparency from system theme" enabled on an external monitor" [Undecided,New]15:22
Laneyhi Odd_Bloke, thanks for pinging, I'm away next week so won't be able to look until after that I'm afraid. If it's important to you you can ask Trevinh_o if he has time maybe.16:26
Odd_BlokeLaney: No worries, thanks for letting me know!  If I have a bit of down time, I'll bug them. :)16:29
joelkraehemannxnox: currently I am running https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/gsequencer.git/tree/debian/tests/ags-integration-test16:57
=== Laney is now known as awayney

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