
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua
immuyo amigos05:25
lotuspsychjemorning guys07:01
immulotuspsychje, mornings07:02
immucome lotuspsychje have tea (black tea +milk)07:02
lotuspsychjehey immu07:02
lotuspsychjecoffee n milk n sugar here07:03
lotuspsychjei tested firefox 57 on a fresh w10 intel core2duo and im not really impressed07:05
lotuspsychje561 on speed battle07:06
immulink to me please, i still like google chrome as i have more real estate07:14
lotuspsychjespeed battle.com07:15
immu1207.55 is my score07:17
immugoogle dns or opendns07:18
lotuspsychjethats neat07:20
EriC^morning all o/07:22
lotuspsychjehey hey07:22
ducassegood morning, all07:22
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:22
lotuspsychjegot 3 pc jobs for lotus computers07:23
ducassegood for you, lotus07:23
lotuspsychjew10 install battery order & clevo laptop sold07:23
lotuspsychjedid you guys read read this?07:25
lotuspsychjedoes that mean wayland is unsure for 18.04?07:26
ducassehere's a new direction for mir, canonical: copy all the source to a single drive, delete the originals, and drop the drive in a volcano07:28
lotuspsychjeso if devs are in need of our help, will we get paid lol?07:28
lotuspsychjedrop responsability to volunteers?07:30
immuthey want our feedback07:30
immuits called as salaa mashwaraa,07:31
lotuspsychjefeedback is something else then direction07:31
lotuspsychjeto mee it seems they bit stuck07:31
immugeneral consensus07:32
ducassechromium security update here today07:33
lotuspsychjeyeah also see it ducasse07:33
immuwhat are you referring to?07:37
ubot5As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:38
immuthe devs need our help?07:40
ducassethe developers *always* need help. there's plenty of stuff to do.07:43
immuMir’s next steps - we need your input! <-----i though u meant this07:44
ducasseany of you use steam? humble bundle has a couple of free games for 48 hours, but i dunno if they run under wine or steam on linux...07:47
immuyou can always check compatibility07:48
ducassedon't game any longer, so don't really care :) only reason i subscribe to their newsletter is the book bundles they have07:50
immuwith family and work life you can just keep playing game and expect your wife and kids be amused by it07:52
ducassei've been playing computer games since i was 4, about 10 years back i just got fed up08:00
ducasselotuspsychje: gotten any snow yet?08:02
lotuspsychjenot yet here08:03
lotuspsychjelast years belgium didnt have much snow08:03
lordievaderGood morning08:03
lotuspsychjehey lordievader08:04
ducassewb lordievader, all well?08:05
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje, ducasse08:05
lordievaderDoing good here.08:05
lordievaderGot coffee :)08:05
lordievaderHow are you guys?08:05
ducassequiet morning here, drinking coke and having a morning cigarette to kick the system into gear :)08:07
lotuspsychjelol coke08:09
lordievaderI made a Matrix-Zabbix bot yesterday (or well, to put it more accurately I uploaded it to Github yesterday). 😁08:09
ducasselotuspsychje: not that kind of coke ;)08:12
ducasselordievader: to notify you of alerts?08:15
lordievaderlotuspsychje: You are thinking of the American kind of coke 😋08:15
lotuspsychjecoke, and beef in the morning08:15
lordievaderducasse: Err, a script takes care of that. The idea of this bot is more on demand trigger requests. And ultimately being able to ack them.08:16
ducasseah, right. cool. i don't really use any kind of monitoring except a small mrtg thing called routers208:17
lordievaderWe already had a bot spewing zabbix notifications into a channel. But I wanted the ability of acking certain triggers from the same channel, rather than opening a web page and acking it there.08:22
ducasseof course, i see the point. i'm just not quite awake yet, so couldn't offer a better guess :)08:27
ducassehow do you like zabbix compared to the other options?08:27
lordievaderI've only ever used Nagios before. Compared to Nagios it is much better.08:28
ducasseeasier to work with, or? i tried nagios, but found it a bit unwieldy...08:29
lordievaderZabbix has its own quirks.08:32
lordievaderI find zabbix a whole lot friendlier than Nagios.08:32
lordievaderZabbix also does graphs 😀08:33
ducassenice, good to know. i originally just wanted something to graph a few parameters from here and there when i looked at monitoring tools, but i don't think i tested zabbix.08:36
lordievaderConfiguring Zabbix for the first time may be a daunting task.08:43
immuhey lordievader ducasse lotuspsychje08:47
lordievaderHey immu08:52
lotuspsychjeskype app from windows store failed mehh09:04
lotuspsychjefor a better experience download the skype app from the store..09:05
lotuspsychjetelegram desktop exe for windows failed aswell09:06
lotuspsychjeits my lucky day09:06
lotuspsychjebbl guyes work time09:37
lotuspsychje; )09:37
Ben64that guy is annoying09:43
BluesKajHowdy folks11:00
JustCuriousHello, I am doing some tests with Ubuntu 12.04 (EOL version), I am trying to install the newest kernel (3.4)11:58
JustCuriousI mean, the newest kernel for that version11:58
JustCuriousI've downloaded the kernel .deb on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/11:59
JustCuriousand I've installed them, but when I reboot it freezes11:59
JustCuriousand I have to go back to the kernel 1.13.0-3212:00
JustCurioussorry, 3.13.0-3212:00
JustCuriousany ideas?12:00
daftykinsaww JustCurious left, i wanted to highlight EOL means EOL - and no support channel means no support channel15:51
oerheksi answered him in ubuntu+1, but surely he didn't fix it15:55
oerheksj #EOLubuntu16:01
ducassesome doofus earlier today asked a question, but left after less than a minute and a half without an answer. i think some of these people think irc means instant reply chat :)16:06
immuducasse,  lol16:06
daftykinswell they pay for answers! :)16:06
nicomachusuhhh where's my check16:07
ducasseit's in the mail, nicomachus - promise ;)16:07
nicomachussend me the tracking number or I don't believe you16:07
daftykinsyou may have a cheque ;D16:09
immuPayfor your answers16:24
* oerheks surely is in debt now16:26
oerhekswho said anything about refunds?16:26
pauljwHi everyone16:59

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