
CyberManifestI'm not sure if I'm in the right place, but I was trying to use: "Ubuntu Kernel Update Utility (Ukuu) v17.2.3) to update to the latest Kernel that was released a few hours ago: "4.14.2" and it wasn't present. I was wondering if you guys were aware of the release of 4.14.2 and if it would soon be available in the Ubuntu repositories ?09:06
apwCyberManifest, those are the mainline test builds i assume09:25
CyberManifestapw, mainline stable builds09:26
apwCyberManifest, mainline test builds is what they are ... as i build them :)09:26
CyberManifestapw: https://www.kernel.org/09:26
CyberManifest^ listed as stable09:27
apwthey are stable kernel branch tags yes, but the builds are simply test builds to confirm they are buildablwe09:27
CyberManifestapw: for how long?09:28
apwfor how long what ?09:28
apwCyberManifest, anyhow apparenly the test-build is building at the moment09:31
CyberManifestapw, cool guess that answers my question; I was wondering how long they are in "test-build" before releasing to "stable"09:32
apwCyberManifest, no i think you have gotten wholey the wrong end of the stick09:33
apwCyberManifest, upstream is releasing stable kernels, those are tested before release and released when they deam they are stable09:33
apwCyberManifest, automation here notices those and schedules test-builds of those for ubuntu so we know they are viable to09:33
apwCyberManifest, apply as stable updates and the like, and for use in bisection09:34
apwCyberManifest, from our perspective they are never anything other than test-builds, we never evaluate them for use and bless them09:34
apwCyberManifest, for a start they do not include any ubuntu patches so they are not guarenteed to be compatible with ubuntu userspace even09:35
apwCyberManifest, so that v4.14.2 was tagged at 07:37 UTC and was picked up for building at the 08:30 UTC scan, so things are going pretty snappy09:36
CyberManifestapw, first, I'm a user, coming from a Microsoft world, so I don't know what "upstream" is. Second, you're telling me they aren't ever considered "stable" by Ubuntu's standards? I'm so confused, all I'm really interested in knowing is when will Linux kernel 4.14.2 be available in/on Ubuntu Kernel Update Utility (Ukuu) ?  09:37
apwCyberManifest, you would want to ask the person who writes that (who isn't the Ubuntu kernel team), but assuming it is waiting for the test-build to complete, i'd say another hour09:38
CyberManifestapw, the app Fetches list of kernels from kernel.ubuntu.com09:39
CyberManifestwhen does kernel.ubuntu.com get propagated ?09:40
apwCyberManifest, yes, from the Mainline "Crack" Test Builds repository, not from anywhere officially supported09:40
apwCyberManifest, the current test-build will hit that in about an hour by my estimation of watching the log of it building wizzing by09:40
CyberManifestapw: what does "Mainline "Crack" Test Builds repository" mean? I'm using Linux Mint by the way.09:41
apwCyberManifest, it is pulling them from the repository which has the following as its offical description: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:41
CyberManifestLinux Latitude-E6230 4.14.1-041401-generic #201711210430 SMP Tue Nov 21 09:32:36 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:41
apwCyberManifest, we call them crack builds, from an affectionate term for people wanting the latest every single morning, rather than something that has been validated09:42
apwCyberManifest, they are affectionatly know as the 'crack-of-the-day' builds09:42
CyberManifestapw, does that mean there will be more stable branch releases in the 4.14 series?09:43
CyberManifestperhaps I should revert back to 4.10 ?09:43
apwCyberManifest, there are usulally 5 or 6 in each series minimum, as greg supports those until the 09:45
apwnext mainline kernel comes out v4.15 in this case09:45
apwCyberManifest, i always recommend running official kernels, but then i produce them09:46
apw(where "i" is our team not me)09:46
CyberManifestapw but won't the newer *crack* kernels have better security there have been a lot of exploit activity lately09:47
apwCyberManifest, that is difficult to be sure about, any truly urgent fix will be applied to official kernels first09:52
apwCyberManifest, before they are even published in upstream stable09:52
CyberManifestapw, ok, I think I understand09:53
CyberManifestapw: thank you for the information and help09:53
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