mate|6087 | hi | 03:43 |
mate|6087 | anyone there | 03:43 |
KrUpTiOn | hello... | 05:20 |
KrUpTiOn | anyone here ? | 05:21 |
Astro7467 | @KrUpTiOn yes, ppl here - typically not a 'chatty' channel - though many will step-up if you have any specific questions and are patient. | 05:23 |
KrUpTiOn | I have a easy question.... is there a way to change the splash screen on ubuntu.. I mean the... log in screen? I wanna change from that green backround? | 05:25 |
Astro7467 | in control centre there is the LightDM GTK+ Greeter settings - i.e. login screen config | 05:28 |
KrUpTiOn | oh... ok.. thank you so much! :) | 05:28 |
flow | help | 09:31 |
=== flow is now known as Guest56997 | ||
Guest56997 | cant install things. not with console and not with welcome | 09:32 |
diogenes_ | Guest56997, more details | 09:32 |
Guest56997 | help | 09:32 |
alkisg | Guest56997: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:33 |
alkisg | What's the output of that? Put it to | 09:33 |
Guest56997 | i try to intall gimp but it tells me the package doesn't exist | 09:35 |
alkisg | Guest56997: sudo apt-get install gimp | 09:39 |
alkisg | And paste the specific error that you see | 09:40 |
alkisg | Don't type. Copy/paste in | 09:40 |
alkisg | Guest56997: did you see the `apt-get install gimp` command above? | 09:50 |
mate|6087 | hi anyone there | 11:57 |
mate|6087 | hello i have a problem can you help me | 11:58 |
JustCurious | Hello, I am doing some tests with Ubuntu 12.04 (EOL version), I am trying to install the newest kernel (3.4), this is, the newest kernel for that version. I've downloaded the kernel .deb on and I've installed them (amd64), but when I reboot it freezes, so I have to restart and pick start Ubuntu with the current kernel, 3.13.0-32. :-( Any idea please? | 12:05 |
techeone | hello | 12:18 |
=== dell is now known as Guest3434 | ||
Guest3434 | can someone give me a name of a good antivirus\ | 17:41 |
AndrzejL | Haha | 17:46 |
AndrzejL | Ugly troll ;D | 17:46 |
AndrzejL | Install kaspersky ;D give your data to FSB ;D | 17:46 |
AndrzejL | I am thinking.. Installing Antivirus on any operating system is just introducing another vector of attack on the system... Properly configured firewall is all you need. | 17:48 |
alkisg | AndrzejL: haha, because you think viruses only get transferred via open ports? :D | 18:00 |
alkisg | Firewall would be one of the *least* effective ways to protect a system against viruses... | 18:01 |
alkisg | I might block 10% of them, or less... | 18:02 |
alkisg | *It | 18:02 |
AndrzejL | No comment :) | 18:12 |
sixwheeledbeast | block all outgoing ports, just don't expect anything to work... | 18:13 |
AndrzejL | I never said that the firewall will prevent virus to spread | 18:16 |
AndrzejL | I said that under linux you do not need antivirus | 18:16 |
alkisg | "Installing Antivirus on any operating system is just introducing another vector of attack on the system... Properly configured firewall is all you need." | 18:16 |
AndrzejL | you need properly configured firewall | 18:16 |
alkisg | "on any operating system" == linux? :) | 18:16 |
AndrzejL | Windows now comes with its own av built in | 18:17 |
AndrzejL | Mac and Linux do not need antivirus | 18:17 |
alkisg | Of course they do | 18:17 |
alkisg | Viruses etc are just not as widespread | 18:17 |
alkisg | And software is more up to date, CVE's closed etc | 18:18 |
AndrzejL | Right... Started using Linux in 2001. Not full time but thats when I started. Been messing with different distros since then. Started using Linux full time maybe 12 years ago. Never ran into a virus problem. | 18:19 |
alkisg | That's really not a good way to do statistics | 18:19 |
AndrzejL | Did you got infected by Linux virus? | 18:19 |
alkisg | I only ran into a virus problem in windows 1 time in 17 years, before switching to linux | 18:19 |
alkisg | That's not to say that 1 virus exists | 18:20 |
alkisg | Yes, I've had to manually remove a linux virus from a system (not mine) that wasn't detected by most antiviruses | 18:20 |
alkisg | One detected it but was unable to remove it | 18:20 |
pi__ | DRUSKO | 18:20 |
pi__ | raspberry | 18:21 |
AndrzejL | alkisg: how did it installed itself in the system? :) | 18:34 |
Akuli | <alkisg> Of course they do | 18:39 |
Akuli | the best antivirus is the user's brain | 18:40 |
Akuli | alkisg, sounds interesting, do you have any idea how the virus got on the system? | 18:41 |
sixwheeledbeast | antivirus only detects infected machines and will only find known viruses, ideally you need to stop the infection in the first place. There is no way antivirus would detect zero day for example. | 18:41 |
Akuli | sixwheeledbeast, yes, on windows i like malwarebytes anti-exploit because it's not stupid and it doesn't slow down the system much | 18:41 |
sixwheeledbeast | there are known viruses and malware for linux but the chances of coming across them are very slim | 18:43 |
Akuli | yes, that's why alkisg's thing sounds so interesting | 18:43 |
AndrzejL | Akuli: Agreed! Finally someone said it | 18:43 |
AndrzejL | Users brain is THE best av | 18:43 |
Akuli | + ad blocker ofc :D | 18:44 |
AndrzejL | ;) | 18:44 |
AndrzejL | AV are mostly detecting the most popular virus and on top of that if you add a bit of voodoo and just obscure / encrypt the code most av will fail. Also - recently it was shown that most AV do not even bother to check if signature is valid. AV checked if file had signature - yes it does. Ok file is valid. Signature was taken off of another completely different product AND was expired / revoke. | 18:47 |
Akuli | virustotal is nice when it comes to safety of random files | 18:48 |
Akuli | some antivirus programs are just lol though | 18:48 |
Akuli | here's a report of a totally safe netcat for windows | 18:49 |
Akuli | "Panda Hacktool/NetCat.B" | 18:50 |
AndrzejL | Akuli: I did a bit of experiment one day. Grabbed a known virus which code has leaked. The code itself was detected by 99% of the virus total av. Compiled it after obscuring the code. 1 av detected it. And the virus was a deadly as it was before obscuring the code... | 18:51 |
Akuli | :D | 18:51 |
alkisg | (08:34:38 μμ) AndrzejL: alkisg: how did it installed itself in the system? :) ==> I believe that it went through ssh, username=root, password=1234. It was using 100% CPU at cases, and I think it was doing cryptomining, but that was a few years ago when I haven't yet read about bitcoin etc, so I didn't realize it at the time | 19:02 |
alkisg | I knew that it was spending cpu and I saw a mail in its dissassembly, and i removed it manually, and left it at that | 19:02 |
alkisg | Of course I yelled at the local sysadmin-helper for setting a root password of 1234, and especially on ubuntu, which has no default root pass... | 19:03 |
alkisg | Nevertheless, there are many many ways for a virus to infect a system without a service listening. E.g. all the browser CVEs... | 19:03 |
alkisg | (08:43:48 μμ) AndrzejL: Users brain is THE best av ==> That's true but only up to some extend. In the other, windows case, *I* got infected by a virus, and the problem was that no antivirus detected it. Fortunately I've written my own viruses in assembly in the past (for educational purposes, of course) so I knew how to kick its ass :) | 19:05 |
alkisg | But we can't expect users to be able to manually detect and remove unknown viruses | 19:05 |
alkisg | 3 years later, no antivirus detected it yet. 6 years later, one online system did detect that virus. | 19:06 |
AndrzejL | alkisg: first of all -> root access via ssh should be disabled... and what kind of password is 1234? :D Again - its not fault of the system but id10T error usually occuring between chair and keyboard ;). | 19:08 |
AndrzejL | Ouch viruses in assembly - you're not a freshman then... :D | 19:09 |
alkisg | Naaah, old beard here :D | 19:10 |
AndrzejL | I believe as I said - firewall is all you need. But then - I never thought of leaving ssh root access open and weak password... | 19:11 |
alkisg | AndrzejL: example. You go to a site. And a png takes advantage of a browser vulnerability and gains access to your system | 19:12 |
alkisg | Then, it takes advantage of an OS vulnerability and gains root access | 19:12 |
alkisg | In which of those cases the firewall helped? | 19:12 |
alkisg | None. | 19:12 |
alkisg | If you think this would be rare, check the last 10000 CVEs | 19:13 |
AndrzejL | So thats another thing - keep stuff updated | 19:13 |
AndrzejL | :) | 19:14 |
AndrzejL | which is one of the obvious security advices | 19:14 |
alkisg | AndrzejL: viruses know thousands of vulnerabilities *BEFORE* they become CVEs | 19:14 |
alkisg | You can't protect against that without antivirus logic | 19:14 |
AndrzejL | Firewall would block lets say a trojan horse / rat from reaching to C&C | 19:15 |
alkisg | Nah, after a virus gains root trying to block some outgoing traffic is laughable :D It can just send to port 80 anywhere... or even rewrite iptables | 19:18 |
alkisg | Anyway, /me waves, later... | 19:18 |
AndrzejL | alkisg: twas a pleasent arguement / discussion. I hope to continue this in the future. Maybe a different subject but still :). | 19:19 |
Akuli | i wonder if malwarebytes anti-exploit will be available on linux some day | 19:39 |
Akuli | it would solve this browser CVE issue really nicely | 19:40 |
tian_ | hello | 19:59 |
=== pi_ is now known as TommyHawkster | ||
TommyHawkster | hello all | 20:18 |
mate|27362 | Will ubuntumate sudual monitors? | 20:24 |
mate|27362 | I mean support | 20:24 |
TommyHawkster | i sudont know | 20:26 |
TommyHawkster | anyone here know how to use tilda1 ? | 20:27 |
TommyHawkster | anyone here know how to turn on ssh server in mate? | 20:30 |
TommyHawkster | hi | 20:32 |
mate|27362 | Re post with brain on - Will ubuntu Mate support dual (2) monitors? | 20:32 |
TommyHawkster | running on pc or pi ? | 20:32 |
mate|27362 | pc | 20:33 |
SergioEDuran1 | Hi there | 20:33 |
mate|27362 | Hello | 20:34 |
SergioEDuran1 | friends I need urgent help | 20:34 |
SergioEDuran1 | I am under the claws of Google | 20:34 |
mate|27362 | Microsoft too | 20:35 |
SergioEDuran1 | because Firefox crashes on me, I am in Ubuntu mate for Raspberry pi | 20:35 |
TommyHawkster | have you tried to uninstall and re-install it from the software center ? | 20:36 |
SergioEDuran1 | even purge it | 20:36 |
TommyHawkster | rut roh | 20:36 |
TommyHawkster | can you reload the image ? | 20:36 |
diogenes_ | SergioEDuran1, did it crash before? | 20:36 |
mate|27362 | I am not done setting up. This is all virginary new to me | 20:37 |
SergioEDuran1 | yes, since I updated it from repos it crashed | 20:37 |
SergioEDuran1 | I even tried Quantum | 20:37 |
diogenes_ | SergioEDuran1, try: mv $HOME/.mozilla $HOME/.mozilla.bak | 20:38 |
TommyHawkster | hmm that might work diogenes | 20:38 |
SergioEDuran1 | I removed the folder itself | 20:38 |
TommyHawkster | rut roh | 20:39 |
SergioEDuran1 | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 18426 | 20:39 |
SergioEDuran1 | ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child | 20:39 |
SergioEDuran1 | ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal... | 20:39 |
diogenes_ | SergioEDuran1, from cache as well removed? | 20:39 |
SergioEDuran1 | indeed | 20:40 |
diogenes_ | then I'm afraid you have to file a bug report | 20:41 |
SergioEDuran1 | Ok | 20:41 |
SergioEDuran1 | Yhat is sad | 20:41 |
SergioEDuran1 | but vit needs to be done | 20:42 |
diogenes_ | but you need a working browser for that :P | 20:42 |
SergioEDuran1 | chromium | 20:42 |
SergioEDuran1 | is what I am using | 20:42 |
TommyHawkster | question guys, what is the fastest os on the pi? | 20:43 |
TommyHawkster | freebsd? or ubuntu snappy ? | 20:43 |
diogenes_ | SergioEDuran1, could you check seamonkey, midori, palemoon and see maybe some of them will work | 20:43 |
mate|3037 | hola como esta la comunidad libre | 22:12 |
mate|3037 | holaaaa | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | h | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | o | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | o | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | l | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | l | 22:14 |
mate|3037 | a | 22:14 |
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