-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r534 Tweak sidebar style and optimize rubberband... (by Simon Steinbeiß) | 03:13 | |
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r535 Make marks for GtkScales visible... (by Simon Steinbeiß) | 03:13 | |
knome | slickymasterWork, yeah, well, in a branch to be merged when a decision is done | 12:33 |
slickymasterWork | noticed it | 12:33 |
knome | slickymasterWork, and while i looked at that page, we might want to make it a tad "longer" in the sense of saying more about the stuff we mention | 12:33 |
slickymasterWork | just ack it | 12:33 |
knome | -- or not mention it | 12:33 |
knome | yup | 12:33 |
slickymasterWork | agree knome | 12:33 |
slickymasterWork | will take care of that | 12:34 |
slickymasterWork | regarding the three | 12:34 |
bluesabre | knome: we have the option of shipping overrides for the launchers if we choose to, and working with the MATE folks and whatnot | 12:55 |
knome | bluesabre, sure, but that was not my question or concern... i'm fine with the launcher saying "Atril", but i needed to know if it said that or not to be able to refer to the right menu item in the documentation :P | 12:56 |
bluesabre | Gotcha | 12:56 |
knome | bbl | 13:03 |
subh | Hi. I was looking into the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/+bug/1507983. The timeout configuration is not working at the time of login but it is working from lock screen. I turned on the debugging and checked the /var/log/lightdm/seat0-greeter.log after logging in, it says '** Message: [Configuration] Reading file: /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf' but it's not | 13:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1507983 in lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings (Ubuntu) "Timeout until screen blanks setting does nothing" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:36 |
subh | using the screensaver-timeout config. Any help is appreciated. | 13:36 |
flocculant | subh: first thing - are you using the same version of lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings? Pretty sure that issue's not visible here (using 1.2.1-2) definitely get blank at login if I wander off here | 14:08 |
subh | flocculant: I was using 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 version which is available in 16.04.3 since the bug was last reported for 16.04. | 14:15 |
flocculant | subh: ok - so the next thing you need to find out if it's only seen in that older version. If it is - then the only way that would get back to 16.04.x would be with an SRU - I'm not sure fixing that would be important enough to qualify for SRU. | 14:25 |
flocculant | wouldn't want you to do work and find it was all for no fix landing | 14:25 |
subh | flocculant: makes sense. I will test it on the latest version and update here. | 14:28 |
subh | flocculant: Tested on a fresh install of bionic with lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings version 1.2.1-2. Does not work on login screen. But lock screen works fine. | 15:11 |
flocculant | I'll check again here in a minute - set it whatver random amount I can get it to at the low end | 15:35 |
flocculant | subh: ok - confirm setting that to less than 5 minutes and no screen blank at login screen | 15:43 |
flocculant | booting iso to check that too | 15:43 |
flocculant | I believe that the correct course of action to fix it now would be to fix it for bionic first - someone like bluesabre or Unit193 or ochosi will be able to confirm that | 15:45 |
flocculant | iso logged out - wait and see what happens there | 15:47 |
flocculant | so that fails after almost 50 minutes to blank | 16:29 |
knome | pleia2, so i fought and made a scribus version of the flyer... and i think we're going to use that :P | 19:57 |
ochosi | flocculant, subh: so the timeout doesn't do anything at all? | 20:02 |
ochosi | or does it just blank the screen after "a certain amount of time" but the setting has no effect? | 20:02 |
ochosi | from what i remember the greeter uses the system-wide settings of the x server | 20:03 |
ochosi | so what you configure within your session with "xset s $time" as time to blank is pre-set on a systemwide level | 20:03 |
ochosi | i'll quickly check the source code to see what it actually tries to do there... | 20:05 |
ochosi | ok, so the screensaver is only supposed to run when the greeter is used as a lock screen, not as login screen | 20:09 |
ochosi | simple as that | 20:09 |
ochosi | ok, commented on the bugreport | 20:12 |
ochosi | to clarify this for everyone | 20:12 |
flocculant | ochosi: thanks for looking :) | 20:16 |
ochosi | no problem | 20:18 |
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