[04:45] good morning to all [04:52] whats a black friday lol [06:34] well, we found the problem [06:36] lol [06:37] : / i have no usable scrollbars [07:06] !krack [07:06] KRACK is a group of attacks against the wireless WPA2 protocol and related software. Ubuntu clients are protected against it if they are updated; see https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/ for details. Networking equipment needs updating if using 802.11r, repeater mode, or other AP-as-client configurations, which most are not. See https://www.krackattacks.com/ for technical details. [07:26] good morning! [08:23] have a nice day guys, shopping time ; ) [08:23] hey lotuspsychje , have fun! [08:24] tnx EriC^^ [08:24] ttyl guys [08:24] morning EriC^^ - all good today? [08:25] morning ducasse [08:25] yup thanks, you? [08:26] good so far :) hoping for a quiet, uneventful day - got a few things to do. [08:27] how's it going with your site - is it finished now? [08:32] ducasse: cool, yup it's done, fixed a few bugs yesterday [08:33] i think it won't make any money though, so i think i'll leave it as is and without any ads or anything [08:38] i get like 20 users / day , i think max 100 / day will happen if google actually starts listing the site, they're coming mostly from duckduckgo.com :D [08:39] :) [08:40] anyways as long as few people are getting something out of it i'm pretty happy, i'm sort of excited on xmas to put santa hats and stuff and on other holidays tweak some stuff :) [08:41] see it as a learning experience :) [08:41] yup :) [08:43] what language did you code it in? [08:47] i'm thinking of how bad an idea it is to tell someone to add a dns server to the end of /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head... [08:48] i'll sum up the proper ways to do it, but as a quick fix... [10:19] ducasse: it's in php/javascript and uses some bash scripts [10:36] Good morning [11:13] \o lordievader [11:13] Hey ducasse [11:13] How are you doing? [11:14] ok here, and you? [11:15] Doing good :) [11:16] not too cold today, which is a bonus :) [11:19] True [12:50] hey ducasse lordievader [12:51] Hey immu [12:51] whats up [12:54] Doing good here, working on a bit of code. [12:54] How are you doing? [12:55] lordievader: don't let the code beat you, show it who's boss! ;) [13:04] Hahaha, luckily this is a personal code job :P [13:05] holy crap i hate javascript [13:11] i am good too lordievader [13:12] Ben64: Who doesn't? [13:12] The only good thing about JS is NanananananaBatman! [13:13] i never really used it before [13:13] have to for this one project and it's awful [13:13] For those who don't know what I am talking about: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat [13:18] funny [13:46] Hiyas all [13:49] hey lordievader Ben64 BluesKaj [13:50] hey immu [13:50] Hey EriC^^ [13:51] He EriC^^ , BluesKaj [13:51] Hi lordievader [13:54] hey [13:54] \o BluesKaj :) [13:55] its so late, but i gotta finish this website junk [13:55] Hi ducasse :-) [14:34] Hi everyone [14:38] Hi pauljw [14:38] hey BluesKaj :) [14:54] hey EriC^^ [14:55] hey immu [14:55] hey *.everyone :) [14:55] i was playing with my kids [15:15] hi BluesKaj [15:17] hi immu [15:17] whats up [19:26] good evening to all [19:29] good morning [19:31] hey oerheks :p [19:35] oerheks: main also still waking up so ti seems :p [19:51] hey Bashing-om [19:53] lotuspsychje: :) .. Pleased you are stil here :) . [19:53] main going slowly up as i came in :p [19:54] lotuspsychje: Un-believeable that week end support is so slow ! [19:56] indeed [20:14] hey there pauljw [20:14] hi lotuspsychje, how's it going? :) [20:14] great here mate bout you? [20:14] great, thanks. [20:14] sold few items again [20:15] awesome!! [20:15] laptop & battery and win10 job [20:16] :) win10 will keep you working forever. [20:16] lol after 5min win work ive had it again already [20:17] the waiting time and find what you look for..terrible [20:18] pauljw: but that guy needed it for school, so.. [20:19] :) [20:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_(shopping) [20:20] never heared of this before, now it comes flowing into belgium lol [20:21] all webshops are spamming those [20:21] you'll never be the same... [20:21] lol [20:22] pretty soon you'll be sending emails advertising Black Friday deals yourself. :) [20:22] oh no i dont [20:22] you will... you'll see... [20:22] nop :p [20:22] heheh. [20:23] ill always try to deal fair [20:23] with personal service [20:23] every day is black [20:24] that's noble of you, you'll get over it. mark my words... Black Friday deals at LotusComputers is coming... [20:24] haha [20:24] :D [20:25] i have a secret mission with my biz [20:25] waking up users from the sheeple [20:25] profit i dont really care [20:26] ah, gotcha. then it's a non-profit charity and not a business? [20:27] lol [20:27] pauljw: if i can live from it without loosing its good [20:29] uh huh, but that living from it is profit which is pretty important if you wish to eat. [21:47] nite nite guys === dax is now known as Guest62444