
donofrioI rebooted and again it's waiting five min for network interface?00:01
ReptilianBrainHi I have a weird issue with my ubuntu 17.10 installation. I clicked Reset All in the Keyboard shortcut settings and now my keyboard multimedia key are not working00:14
ReptilianBrainWhen I hit the play/pause button I see an icon appear on screen, it's a circle with a line in it, like it doesn't recognize the key anymore00:16
ReptilianBrainAny info on how I can restore the normal behavior ?00:16
donofriogot to be a way i can stop this 5 min wait on boot00:27
sleehi, i apparently have a crappy wifi card in a laptop, i've tried several distros, all act the same...after so many minutes of inactivity, laptop loses connection...so i'm wanting to write a simple bash to ping router( every 30 secs in the background...so, can 'ping' only do a single ping or does the ping command continue to ping until it's stopped?00:35
kk4ewtping usually does 4 times  man ping00:38
sleeaah, found the paramter, ping -c 1 = 1 ping00:40
sleeso putting this in a loop with a sleep 30 should do the trick00:41
Ben64slee: ping -i30
sleethat will ping every 30 seconds?00:49
AurorasAuraany one know of an alternative to NFS? I have been trying for hours and reading countless tutorials but always get the same "permission denied" error message00:49
sleei'll give it a shot, thanks00:49
sleefile sharing? samba?00:50
AurorasAuraI have 2 ubuntu servers no GUI slee00:50
AurorasAuraIll give that a shot Ben6400:51
AurorasAuraOh before I go any further lol does sshfs have to be installed on both machines? Like a client/server setup?00:52
sleecool, the -i30 will work great, thanks again, Ben6400:53
paul_1515anyone know if gprof 2.28 in 17.04 has a problem where it doesn't work at all? I can't get it to output any call graph data00:55
Ben64AurorasAura: just needs an ssh server and client00:59
AurorasAuraWell it worked with a lot less hassle Ben64 but it only mounts my home directory01:01
Ben64you can choose the directory01:01
AurorasAuraLol....forget I said anything lol hence the home directory "sudo sshfs -o allow_other,defer_permissions root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/ /mnt/droplet01:02
AurorasAuraSorry I have spent hours messing around with this and was about to go psycho! Thank you so much Ben64 this took like 10 min compared to nfs01:03
Ben64no problem01:03
Ben64ssh is great, not the best speed, but it works as long as you already have ssh and an account already01:04
Ben64but it is encrypted and secure01:04
AurorasAuraLast silly question adding the mountpoint to fstab.... sshfs#root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/ /mnt/droplet" How do you add a password01:06
sleeAurorasAura, i haven't messed with fstab/ssh, but i do have a samba drive in fstab with a password01:09
slee/ /home/slee2/mediacenter cifs credentials=/home/slee2/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 001:10
sleepointing to a file with the password: credentials=/home/slee2/.smbcredentials01:10
AurorasAuraAh... thats useful slee Thank you :)01:12
Ben64AurorasAura: i'd just use a ssh key01:16
AurorasAuraI would but am a newbie Ben64  dont really know how01:19
Ben64easy mode -- ssh-copy-id <server>01:22
GhostwalkGamesCan a Ryzen 1300x with 8GB ram handle Kubuntu or should I use Xubuntu?01:26
GhostwalkGamesI prefer KDE but I know it is harder to run01:26
Ben64uh a ryzen 1300x can handle any DE01:28
GhostwalkGamesAh okay, nice01:28
AirstrikeIvanovhas anyone else had cpu spikes leading to freezes, on ubuntu server 17.10? not sure why other OSes dont freeze but ubuntu does all of a sudden. worked fine the first few weeks and it happens on every fresh install I try01:59
yogixI disable dim screen in power options, but when on battery it still dims after about 15 seconds.  How do I really disable this option?02:31
yogixi'm using 17.1002:36
yogixfound this and adjusted idle time out to 300000 and that fixed it: org -> gnome -> settings-daemon -> plugins -> power02:57
JoshuaDI updated to 17.10. Somewhere in the process of changing my dm and updating, ~/.local/bin got removed from my path. I tried adding it in to /etc/environment, but I'm guessing it doesn't resolve the ~. Any idea how it got removed, and how to add it back in?04:21
Ben64normally it's ~/bin/ that's in path04:24
Ben64and you shouldn't be messing with /etc/environment04:25
JoshuaDThis SE question seems to suggest it should be in path in ubuntu: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/316765/which-distributions-have-home-local-bin-in-path.04:26
Ben64well that page tells you where it's defined04:27
Toadisattvacan't you just like reinstall ubuntu-desktop and correct any of the missing core files?04:28
cfhowlettToadisattva, desktop is not core.04:28
Toadisattvaah in that case remove desktop from there04:28
Toadisattvaapt-get ubuntu do it?04:28
Ben64it wouldn't fix something in the home directory that was modified though04:28
Toadisattvaoh I see04:28
cfhowletttrue ^^^04:28
JoshuaDNot sure if this is helpful: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/158856204:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1588562 in bash (Ubuntu) "Please add ~/.local/bin to the default $PATH" [Medium,Triaged]04:28
JoshuaDshould i try apt-get ubuntu?04:29
cfhowlettinvalid operation04:30
ToadisattvaI skip listing sudo but if not root obviously that needs to be there04:30
Toadisattvanot sure that's the best way to correct it though04:30
* Toadisattva pretty linux noob04:31
JoshuaDfeels like a strange fix, hesitant to do it unless you're sure04:31
Toadisattvait's basically a reinstall the core OS move04:32
Toadisattvathere are surely better/simpler route04:33
Toadisattvabut I don't know them04:33
cfhowlettdoing so from a live system sounds highly questionable.  I would think perhaps booting a live USB, chroot to the system then reinstall would be safer.  Ben64 what say ye?04:33
azubietaHello, I making a customice ubuntu release and can make the resolvconf work when it is installed. Any clue ?04:34
JoshuaDanyone on 17.X who can confirm whether ~/.local/bin is in their path? I'm thinking this isn't unique to my system based on that bug report.04:35
Ben64JoshuaD: just edit ~/.profile ...04:49
JoshuaD@Ben: Oh yea? Will that work system wide? I thought that only affected consoles04:53
JoshuaD@Ben: it's already there "PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"04:54
JoshuaDhome appears to be properly set: echo $HOME -- /home/joshua04:54
Ben64what are you running not in a terminal04:55
JoshuaDlittle scripts like "move-monitor-to-other-screen.sh" and "lock-screen.sh" with keyboard hotkeys. I have already changed them to point to the full path, but I dunno, I liked having a bin directory I could mess around in. It has come up a few times04:55
JoshuaDSeeing it change made me feel like I broke something04:56
JoshuaD*move-window-to-other-monitor.sh lol04:56
Ben64scripts would use .profile04:56
JoshuaDonce they're launched, but not when i'm launching them04:56
Ben64yes they would04:56
JoshuaDkeyboard entry used to be "lock-screen.sh" and it worked. If I try that now I get an error saying it can't find it. Now it's "/home/joshua/.local/bin/lock-screen.sh"04:57
JoshuaD"Failed to launch shortcut -- failed to execute child process "lock.sh" (no such file or directory)"04:57
JoshuaDugh, sorry I have to run. Mini emergency at the house. Thanks for chatting04:58
boneliferJoshuaD: why not use /usr/local/sbin, on my no 17.x install it's there and empty04:58
Ben64should use home dir05:03
lotuspsychjedaitianshou: best not join irc as root05:30
lotuspsychjedaitianshou: logout and come back as a user05:30
bmattIf anyone is available and willing to help, can you please point me in the right direction? I'm trying to install Wine, but I'm having hella problems.06:00
lotuspsychjelets c06:00
lotuspsychjebmatt: did you add external ppa's in the past?06:01
bmatti've tried, but kept receiving a 404 error during apt-get update. i haven't had this problem this time06:01
bmatti tried adding a ppa suggested by a website that i read...and then my OS said it was deprecated and gave me some commands to run06:02
lotuspsychjebmatt: wich ubuntu version are you on?06:02
bmattLinux bmat 4.13.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 11 18:35:14 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:02
bmatteh..is that helpful?06:02
lotuspsychjebmatt: lsb_release -a06:02
bmattNo LSB modules are available.06:03
bmattDistributor ID:Ubuntu06:03
bmattDescription:Ubuntu 17.1006:03
lotuspsychjebmatt: ok check your sources list, and see if it shows an external ppa link?06:03
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | bmatt06:03
ubottubmatt: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:03
bmattlotuspsychje: yea but, i need ppa to install wine?06:05
bmattaccording to 138234 articles online06:06
lotuspsychjebmatt: no, but lets c first if you have ppa's added, if thats why you got unmet dependecys06:06
bmatthold on06:06
bmattlotuspsychje: that's my sources.list06:07
lotuspsychjebmatt: did you add a wine ppa or so?06:08
bmattlotuspsychje: i issued this command: sudo apt-add-repository 'https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/'06:08
bmattafter being advised to do so by my OS.06:09
lotuspsychjebmatt: wine is in main repos from ubuntu, so you didnt need to add wine ppa06:09
lotuspsychje!info wine06:09
ubottuPackage wine does not exist in artful06:09
bmattlotuspsychje: there are sixteen trillion wine packages.06:09
Ben64!info wine-stable06:09
ubottuwine-stable (source: wine): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 49 kB, installed size 181 kB06:09
lotuspsychjeah tnx Ben6406:09
bmatti've just been goggling "install wine ubuntu"06:10
bmatti've tried it with the regular repos...no luck06:10
lotuspsychjebmatt: so sudo apt install wine-stable would have done the trick officially06:10
bmattnah man06:10
bmattsame issue. unmet dependenaniciseifsie06:10
bmatti've been at this for hours, lol.06:10
lotuspsychjebmatt: try removeing that ppa first06:10
bmatti did.06:10
bmattbut i'll try again.06:11
lotuspsychjeand sudo apt update06:11
Ben64it's because you have 3rd party stuff going on06:11
bmattnah man06:11
bmatti don't.06:11
lotuspsychjebmatt: a clean ubuntu without ppa's usaually dont give unmet dependecys06:11
bmattlotuspsychje: funny..because i tried installing wine from the repos before ever adding a PPA as soon as i freshly installed Ubuntu06:12
bmattand got the same error.06:12
bmattthe only thing i had installed was irssi and qtorrent06:12
lotuspsychjebmatt: with wich command?06:12
bmattsudo apt-get install wine-stable-amd6406:12
bmattor something similar06:12
lotuspsychjebmatt: you can check history in terminal06:12
bmattit was sixty years ago06:12
Ben64ubuntu didn't exist 60 years ago06:13
bmattit's called a hyperbole, but anyway..06:13
bmattso there are no ppas. updated & upgraded..0, 0, 0, 006:13
bmattstill cannot install wine. same error06:13
Ben64its called making things up, theres no way to help you if you're going to be doing crap like that06:13
lotuspsychjebmatt: remove the ppa from wine, sudo apt update and try again06:13
bmatti just did06:13
bmattBen64: it's called rhetoric.06:14
lotuspsychjebmatt: sudo apt install wine-stable06:14
bmattlotuspsychje: same error.06:14
bmattlotuspsychje: let me verify -- does removing the extra lines from sources.list remove the ppa?06:14
bmattafter updating.06:14
bmattalright let me try that previous suggestion06:14
bmattyea..i'll do that.06:14
bmattlotuspsychje: are there any specific flags or arguments i need to use while issuing that command?06:15
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:16
bmatt...oh. i'm not really sure which repository name it is :x06:16
lotuspsychjebmatt: check the wine site you added it from06:17
lotuspsychjemost sites will give you proper format06:17
bmattsudo apt-add-repository 'https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/'06:17
bmattthat was the command...so?06:17
bmattsigh. this is idiotic.06:18
lotuspsychjebmatt: no read the line, it has to be ppa:repo-name...06:18
bmattwtf is the repo name?06:19
lotuspsychjebmatt: your the owner of your system, we advice not to add external ppa's06:19
bmattfuckin ubuntu SUGGESTED it06:19
bmattwhat are you even talking about06:19
Ben64no it didn't06:19
lotuspsychjebmatt: stay cool plz06:19
Ben64ubuntu doesn't go hey add this random repository06:19
bmattyea but it's not making any sense and i'm frustrated06:19
bmatthold on, i'll show you06:19
lotuspsychjebmatt: ubuntu is your system, not the internet..06:20
bmattlotuspsychje: http://codepad.org/OG5JTOHd06:20
bmattthere you go.06:20
bmatti issued a command from a tutorial i found online. i was advised not to do that once i issued it...so i didn't.06:21
bmattand i issued the commands that were recommended.06:21
Ben64thats a 3rd party repository telling you to use another 3rd party repository ...06:21
bmattwell crap06:21
bmattwell in any case, i issued those three commands06:22
bmattand ..here i am.06:22
Ben64are you even on ubuntu06:22
bmatti'm a slackware guy. this all new to me, and it's for my little brother.06:22
bmatti don't understand these things :x06:23
Ben64sudo ppa-purge https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/06:23
arifuzzamanHi! I use Ubuntu 16.04 along with Windows 10. Last night I went to sleep without shutting down my laptop and the charger was unplugged. In the morning when I tried to turn it on, Ubuntu went to emergency mode showing the following msg: '[42.035400][powerplay] VBIOS did not find boot engine clock value <some symbols>in  dependency table. Using memory DMP 0!' Now I am using Ubuntu from recovery mode > update GRUB > Resume. Any way to fix it w06:23
lotuspsychjebmatt: did you read this part: !!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED !!!06:23
bmattBen64: i tried that :(06:23
bmattlotuspsychje: nah, i missed that part somehow =/06:23
Ben64although if you haven't installed anything from it you could remove it from sources.list06:23
bmattBen64: i did that.06:23
Ben64pastebin 'sudo apt update'06:23
bmattBen64: still same issue when trying to sudo apt-get install wine* (anything)06:23
bmattk hold06:23
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | arifuzzaman06:24
ubottuarifuzzaman: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub06:24
bmattBen64: http://codepad.org/uyTCn6if06:25
Ben64you still have it in there06:26
bmattin sources.list?06:26
Ben64line #806:26
Ben64you're also missing a few repositories06:27
bmattBen64: crap. i missed something06:27
bmattwhat should my sources.list look like?06:27
bmatti try using the GUI thing...but it doesn't make sense to me06:27
bmattthe software updater thing06:27
Ben64what gui thing, what did you change06:28
bmatti didn't change anything06:28
Ben64well, you did, because that's not standard06:28
bmattit seriously shouldn't be this hard to install wine06:28
Ben64it isn't06:29
bmattyes sir06:29
bmattit is06:29
Ben64i just installed 17.10 in a vm, installed wine while we've been talking06:29
Ben64zero problems06:29
bmattso pastebin me your sources.list.06:30
Ben64either you did something to change the repos, or you aren't running ubuntu, or you're using a exploited version of ubuntu06:30
lotuspsychje!sources | bmatt06:32
ubottubmatt: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:32
bmattBen64: are you high on crack cocaine again?06:34
Ben64that's helpful06:34
bmattthis ain't my first rodeo, brother.06:34
bmattanyway screw it06:34
bmatti'm too drunk anyway.06:34
bmatthowever, Ben64 and lotuspsychje, I genuinely do appreciate your attention and your support. have a good evening, lads.06:34
bmattim gonna eat some hotwings and shit my pants06:35
JoshuaD@bonelifer: re: previous conversation. I don't know. I was more worried I broke something. In 16.10 /.local/bin was in path. After messing around a bunch and upgrading to 17.10, it wasn't in path anymore. I could change into some other directory easily, but why did it change, and was it supposed to?06:39
JoshuaD(and if not, can I fix it?)06:39
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: you can add /usr/local/bin back to path if that's your kind of thing06:39
JoshuaD@jerichowasahoax - Sure, how? I don't just want to do it for shell sessions. I'd also like for it to be there for things like application finder06:40
JoshuaDThat'd be great. :)06:41
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: i'm booting up my 17.10 instance right now to poke into that for you06:41
JoshuaD<3 <306:41
Ben64could always cheat maybe... ln -s ~/.local/bin ~/bin06:42
jerichowasahoaxBen64: nah, lets do this right06:42
JoshuaDnot so attached to cheat. If ubuntu has gotten rid of the ~/.local/bin directory then I'll just move to ~/bin06:43
Ben64i don't think ubuntu has ever used ~/.local/bin06:43
JoshuaDBasically trying to figure out if it's a bug that I should work around until it's fixed, or if it's a design decision that I should embrace06:43
Ben64it's not on any of my systems06:43
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: ~/.local/bin isn't actually part of any standard I'm aware of06:43
JoshuaDSystemd apparently specifies it06:44
JoshuaDand it was included on my 16.10 automatically. I think. Not 100% sure. I may have edited it in a year ago, but I don't think so. Especially because I don't remember how to do that now06:44
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: it may be sufficient to include it in ~/.profile06:45
Ben64well it's not in 16.04 or 17.1006:45
jerichowasahoaxexport PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"06:45
jerichowasahoaxif your shell supports it, some sort of script that warns you the file exists in ~/.local/bin would be advized06:45
JoshuaD@jerichowasahoax: that will work for shells, but not for things like applauncher. Really, it's sounding like maybe the thing I want isn't standard, and I have no attachment06:46
JoshuaDI can confirm it's not on 16.04 or 17.10 on either of my machines, so maybe I did something and forgot. If so, i'll just use ~/bin06:46
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: did you log out and log back in before trying it?06:46
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: because if not, then your application launcher would have been using the old profile, so of course it wouldn't work ;-)06:47
JoshuaDI'll give it a shot. What file?06:48
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: ~/.profile06:49
JoshuaDits there already, pretty sure by default.06:50
jerichowasahoaxand have you logged out and logged back in since putting it there06:50
JoshuaDi didn't put it there.06:50
jerichowasahoaxthat is the important part06:50
JoshuaDyea, i hear you. I'll do it again just to be 1000% sure, but I didn't edit this in06:50
ZenseiHey guys!06:51
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: well it's definitely not default, so if you definitely didn't edit it in, I wonder who else may have access to your files...06:52
ZenseiI have a question about advanced startup06:53
ZenseiI notice when I boot it shows the grub menu06:54
JoshuaD@jerichowasahoax: I may have edited in in the past, couldn't say for sure. Maybe that's how this started a year ago.06:54
JoshuaD@jerichowasahoax, logout/login no change06:54
Zenseiand it has two options in advanced startup (regular ubuntu wont boot, just purple screen)06:54
Zenseiand there is ubuntu generic .40 and .2806:54
Zensei.40 wont boot06:54
Zenseibut .28 will?06:54
JoshuaDthink i'll just use ~/bin. Guessing I must've forced this a while back. No reason to force it06:54
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: well i guess your graphical login environment isn't sourcing ~/.profile :V06:55
JoshuaDis it supposed to be?06:56
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: I'm not sure exactly where all the environment settings are in 17.10, I'm mainly an Ubuntu server user (and putting it in .zshrc works for me :V)06:56
JoshuaDLet me try that. I'm also using zsh.06:56
lotuspsychjeZensei: tell us the whole story plz?06:58
lotuspsychjeZensei: ubuntu version? what happened?06:58
xvtzI have xubuntu on my asus laptop. The wifi is autodisconnecting frequently. How do I solve this?06:58
tatertotsxvtz: are you chatting from the computer right now hardwired to the network?06:59
Zenseilotuspsychje: ubuntu 16.04 LTS06:59
lotuspsychjeZensei: up to date to .3?06:59
lotuspsychjexvtz: chipset and driver and xubuntu version?06:59
xvtztatertots, No, right now the wifi is working, but about every five minutes or so, the wifi disconnects and then reconnects again.07:00
jerichowasahoaxJoshuaD: it may be possible to add "$HOME/.local/bin" to the global path in /etc/environment, though I'm not sure if $HOME is defined by the time that file is read07:00
ZenseiI just booted from flash, did some updates, soft reboot, purple screen07:00
Zenseidid hard reboot07:00
Zenseithen grub07:00
Zenseiand then aforementioned shit07:00
jerichowasahoaxoh he disconnected07:00
tatertotsxvtz: probably realtek..open terminal07:00
Zenseinot up to date afaik07:00
tatertotsxvtz: sudo apt install inxi pastebinit07:00
jerichowasahoaxi tried07:00
tatertotsxvtz: let me know when its done07:00
xvtzlotuspsychje, chipset 03:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)07:00
lotuspsychjexvtz: xubuntu version?07:01
xvtzxubutnu 16.04 LTS 32-bit07:01
lotuspsychjexvtz: lsb_release -a07:02
xvtzI was disconnected just now.07:03
lotuspsychjeZensei: try update system via recoverymode?07:04
lotuspsychje!atheros | xvtz07:06
ubottuxvtz: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:06
lotuspsychjexvtz: check if system is up to date lsb_release -a07:06
xvtzlotuspsychje, No LSB modules are available07:06
lotuspsychjexvtz: did you -a07:07
xvtzlotuspsychje, I did -a07:09
xvtzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/26039604/ is my lspci result07:09
nucubunI was upgrading Ubuntu and the updater frozen. I had to restart, now I cannot boot, I get a black screen with a pointer arrow. I canot SSH. :(07:10
nucubunWhat can i do?07:10
Zenseicomputer fixed itself XD07:37
nucubunis it possible to upgrade packages via the “try ubuntu” gui from the loader?07:49
nucubunhad a update failure with all sorts of issues cant get networking etc in safe mode07:50
Zenseiare you trying to access a network via a usb boot of ubuntu?07:55
nucubunI have terminal access again! :)07:59
nucubunaynone around?08:08
JoshuaDI am08:08
Zenseijust doing the casual NEVER USED LINUX BEFORE shine of a new os08:09
Zenseiwindows user08:10
Zenseijust decided go on ubuntu08:10
nucubunJoshua, I had the updater crash when updating to a new version. I repaired with dpkg under safe mode and was able to boot after only getting a black screen with pointer. Will updating packages now be sufficent or should I try to upgrade the entire install?08:10
JoshuaD¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm no expert on ubuntu. If it were me, i'd try working from where you are. Get to a tty, try figuring out where things are breaking, try fixing it there.08:12
JoshuaDdid you try hitting ctrl + alt + f2 / f3 / f4?08:12
JoshuaDafter getting to the blank pointer?08:12
JoshuaD*black screen w/ pointer08:12
ducassenucubun: what were you doing when it crashed - just installing updates or upgrading to a new release?08:12
nucubunI fixed that, i have desktop / ssh now08:13
nucubunupdating to a new release08:13
nucubunand i restarted, subseqnetly got locked out just a black screen and pointer, i went into safe mode and ran dpkg to fix any configuration issues, got ability to log back in, and now updated packages. Says I have the latest distribution to08:13
=== mikesdrivein is now known as hierofant
Theteanyone know how to improve synaptics trackpad in ubuntu?  looks like wayland using libinput09:11
Theterather than synaptics09:11
Thetewould think libinput would work better though09:13
Neo2Hi! I'm going to customize my ubuntu that I've installed recent as second OS09:16
Neo2I've created tasks what I must do at first, this my list http://dpaste.com/3D3MA7C09:18
Neo2How long it take to learn? And I need translator there as well. )09:18
Neo2is it possible learned everything those what I wrote?09:19
ducasseNeo2: is this a vps or a local machine?09:21
Neo2near with windows, I'll now reboot in there09:22
Neo2real local machine09:22
Neo2second OS09:22
ducasseand what do you mean by "customize digitalocean"?09:22
Neo2I didn't thing It take 20Gb and ubuntu able access all other dicks09:22
Neo2ducasse: I bought there VPS for 5$ and couldn't put Wp site for test speed on google09:23
Neo2ducasse: I want estimate response time,on my current server it's not 0.4 seconds, it must be no more 0.209:24
ducasseNeo2: you should probably start by reading this:09:24
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents09:24
Neo2ducasse: I've watched a few video lessons about all of those what I need, I need more and learn SSH too, change password, how to use keys09:24
Neo2ducasse: have you ever try put site on digitalocean? there host without ISPmanager, my current host has it09:25
ducassei have several vps guests there, yes09:26
Neo2oh and what the control panels do  you use?09:26
ducassessh :)09:27
cristian_cI've got issue restoring /boot in ubuntu. When I try to boot 17.10, grub doesn't appear, I get: 'unknown filesystem' in grub rescue09:27
Neo2I watched in video lessons, we get ssh and then install free control panes and then only start customize the server09:27
Neo2ducasse: do all in ssh difficult and take much time, you can install LAMP and then panel09:28
cristian_cI've tried to restore/reinstall grub from a live system, but I didn't solve that issue, I get again to grub rescue and Iconfigfile command doesn't work in grub rescue09:28
cristian_cAny ideas?09:28
TJ-cristian_c: is that on UEFI or BIOS ?09:28
Neo2I want at first train do all of this on local OS and then train on digitaloceans09:29
cristian_cTJ-: efi09:29
TJ-cristian_c: at the GRUB rescue> prompt does "ls" list all the storage devices you'd expect to see?09:29
ducasseNeo2: i suggest you do as i suggested some time back - get a good linux book and start reading. you really need to learn how to do things in a shell.09:29
cristian_cTJ-: I can list also /boot partition in grub rescue09:30
alkisgcristian_c: are you on the live cd now? pastebin the output of sudo parted -l; sudo ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi09:30
cristian_cit inckudes vmlinuz, inutrd and other files and directories09:30
cristian_cand grub directory too09:31
Neo2ducasse: I read one book about linux 3 years ago 1100 pages in russian language, it's old book published 2008 years, there is not ubuntu, but common knowladge I had got09:31
alkisgcristian_c: if you're on the grub rescue now, try this instead: configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg (you might need to omit /boot since it's a separate partition)09:32
Neo2ducasse: better than book read documentation, I've opened this book recent and watch list themes, Very old 2008 year publish and info there up to 2008 even older09:32
cristian_calkisg: not currently, but I can. Btw, I've already looked at /sys/firmware/efi, and it's empty, also entering in chroot09:32
alkisgcristian_c: not empty => efi mode. not existing => bios mode. empty => wut?! :D09:33
cristian_cit's strange /sys/firmware/efi is empty , after using modprobe efivars too09:33
cristian_calkisg: I'm using also windows 10, so I suppose it0s in efi mode09:33
ducasseNeo2: same thing - a book _is_ documentation. learn how to use manual pages and learn how the shell works first. a panel can only do some things.09:34
alkisgcristian_c: you can't fix grub from live usb stick if your usb stick boots in bios mode09:34
cristian_cit's gpt partitioned, but I can also using dmesg grep efi to be sure09:34
alkisgEven if windows boots in efi mode09:34
alkisgI haven't understood if you're in live mode, in grub rescue, or not in your pc09:34
Neo2ducasse: see this video, I'm watching it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBp0Rb-ZJak09:34
alkisgIf you're in live mode, do send the output I asked for...09:34
Neo2ducasse: 7 hourse courses and guy is very good all explain09:34
cristian_calkisg: when I boot live system I get always 'grub-like' menu mode, that appears in efi mode09:35
ducasseNeo2: no thanks, i'll be fine09:35
alkisgcristian_c: can you actually try things now, or are we just chatting?09:35
TJ-cristian_c: does the disk also contain BIOS boot-strap code in sector 0 though?09:35
cristian_cbtw, when I type modprobe efivars, efivsrs is not listed in lsmod output, even if I don't get error messages when I type modprobe09:35
* alkisg gives up until cristian_c is able to actually respond....09:36
cristian_calkisg: ok, I've told some information, but I can type those commands09:36
Neo2on youtube many videos devoid ubuntu and they up do date, you can choose for last year loaded, I watch video lessons on youtube every day for learning some interesting themes and English09:37
cristian_cTJ-: I'm not sure about that, maybe it's he reason of grub rescue, maybe something in boot sector 0 is overwritten, I don't know, I try to type alkisg commands09:37
TJ-cristian_c: efivars is an alias for the module efi-pstore09:37
cristian_cah, ok09:37
ducasseNeo2: at some point you're going to have to read docs, but learn how you like.09:39
brymNeo2: I'd definitely recommend continuing with DigitalOcean. Their knowledgebase is pretty solid.09:41
Neo2brym: yes, there should to do everything self09:41
Neo2there not exists normal support, everything should ask on forum how to do...09:42
cristian_calkisg: I've got 17.04 live system, so I need to use networkmanager.conf  wifi rand mac address trick in order to connect to wireless network09:43
cristian_ccause 17.04 wifi bug09:43
alkisgcristian_c: ok, so now are you in the live cd or in grub rescue?09:43
cristian_clive system (usb)09:44
brymNeo2: or here. But whether you use this channel, the forums, or 3rd party websites, you'll find Ubuntu is very widely supported by it's generally helpful community.09:44
cristian_cbut I need to eetuo network in order to use pastebin09:44
alkisgcristian_c: ok, set it up, and run: sudo parted -l; ls /sys/firmware/efi , and put the result to pastebin09:44
cristian_c(I've ssved the commands in a txt file, on windows partition, but I can access it from live system)09:45
brymNeo2: Tell me, are you still trying to setup a web server? I remember you were asking that the other night. But I didn't see you rejoin the channel after you left.09:45
Neo2brym: about it can ask in any linux channel, doesn't matter ubuntu or not, LAMP is everywhere09:45
brymNeo2: indeed. So, did you get help for that?09:46
Neo2brym: In ubuntu I must create new account, freenod redirect from #ubuntu to #unregistered-ubuntu09:46
Neo2have got many theoretical knowledge, will use all now on practice09:47
brymNeo2: if you haven't already, install something like Pidgin (sudo apt install pidgin), then register for an account in your IRC client.09:49
Neo2brym: ok, will try it,09:50
brymNeo2: the first thing you will see as an unregistered user will be instructions from Freenode on how to register for an account.09:51
Neo2Oh now, not Pidgin, I'll use Hexchat better09:52
Neo2ok, I know how to register account09:52
brymNeo2: Pidgin as an example. Use whatever you're comfortable with :)09:53
cristian_calkisg: first paste: paste.ubuntu.com/26040267/   , second paste: paste.ubuntu.com/2604027209:53
alkisgcristian_c: what is this, a tablet?09:56
cristian_calkisg: yay, yesterday I've found that strange message when I typed parted -l09:57
alkisgcristian_c: well, your partitioning is a mess, you have TWO "boot, esp" partitions09:57
alkisgI assume your /boot is in /dev/mmcblk1 partition19?09:57
cristian_cwhen I restored /boot partition from a backup, in windows by easus partition master, and then I booted to live system, it was not mounted, so I tried a check in gparted, ad then I noticed it had 'diag' flag, so, I removed thst flag and partition was properly mlunted in file manager09:59
cristian_calkisg: two esp partitions is by design, just the second esp is the real esp where grub is instslled09:59
cristian_che second esp is also used by windows boot manager10:00
alkisgmount your /boot, and then put your /boot/grub/grub.cfg to pastebin10:00
cristian_c(it's automaticaly mounted, btw)10:00
alkisgThe live usb automounts /boot? Strange10:01
cristian_calkisg: live system automatically mounts ntfs and ext partitions10:01
cristian_cI've noticed that in last kernels10:02
alkisg /boot isn't ext nor ntfs10:02
cristian_cboot is ext10:02
alkisgAh, partition19, ext, ok10:02
alkisgNormally ext aren't automounted10:02
cristian_cI thought it was a feature since kernel 4.10 and so on10:03
alkisgAutomounting isn't done by the kernel at all10:03
cristian_cok  now I paste grub.cfg in pastrbin10:03
alkisgthe de, udisks, policykit etc are involved in automounting10:03
cristian_calkisg: paste.ubuntu.com/2604033310:06
klemaxHello. 4.13.x kernel is EOL. Ubuntu 17.10 will continue to support it?10:07
ducasseklemax: yes10:07
alkisgcristian_c: and the output of `sudo lsblk --fs`, so that we see the uuids?10:08
klemaxducasse, actually i was using 4.13.16 which is not supported.10:08
ducasseklemax: then you're on your own :)10:08
klemaxducasse, so which version do you recommend me to continue?10:09
cristian_calkisg: ok10:09
ducasse!info linux-image-generic artful10:10
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB10:10
ducasseklemax: ^^10:10
klemaxducasse, I had to use it because of a bug. 4.13.15 fixed it.10:10
alkisgcristian_c: it looks like someone manually edited grub.cfg, and forgot to update the uuid in those lines: search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root  649a4713-0693-489f-a3c5-fb6f84fd333e10:11
klemaxSo I can not use
ducasseklemax: have you reported this bug?10:12
klemaxducasse, i havent but somebody did.10:12
cristian_calkisg: paste.ubuntu.com/26040353/10:13
cristian_calkisg: if so, after that issue was already present10:14
ducasseklemax: then comment on that bug that you are also affected and point to the fix, then maybe the fix can be backported10:14
klemaxducasse, ok.10:14
cristian_calkisg: the first I tried to boot 17.10 after /boot restore, the grub rescue error message was different: something about 'normal' module10:15
klemaxah wait, a guy already had reported that before i read it.10:15
cristian_cbut after attempting to fix the boot, I always saw 'unknown filesystem'10:15
alkisgcristian_c: do you realize that you have 6 partitions with the same uuid, 57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b?10:15
cristian_calkisg: I think you're right10:15
TJ-cristian_c: alkisg AND 9 file-systems mounted on /media/lubuntu/ !?10:16
ducasseklemax: the more people who comment they're affected, the higher the likelihood of a fix10:16
alkisgTJ-: not all the path shows there10:16
TJ-alkisg: really? been cut-off?10:17
cristian_calkisg: I think it's normal, those doesn't affect ubuntu and windows, esp handles just windows parition and /boot10:17
alkisgTJ-: yeah due to his terminal width10:17
alkisgHe didn't use pipes, so COLUMNS is in effect...10:17
TJ-alkisg: oh - thought this was captured via pastebinit10:17
alkisgcristian_c: you need to revise your backup/restore strategy. So anyway your grub is *semi* correct, so try this: boot from the live usb. At grub, type "c" to get a shell.10:17
alkisgAt the shell, type: set root=(hd0,gpt19)10:17
cristian_calkisg: ok10:18
alkisgcristian_c: moment10:18
alkisgDid you manually edit grub.cfg?10:18
cristian_calkisg: I've tried thst command in grub rescue, some hours ago, but I think you want I type thst in grub and not grub rescue10:18
alkisggrub rescue may be missing modules10:18
alkisggrub from live usb should have them10:19
alkisgAnyway, please answer the previous question10:19
cristian_calkisg: mually not, just by update-grub2, update-grub and install --reinstall grub-efi10:19
alkisgIt's strange that it's using 2 uuids there10:19
cristian_cwhen yeasterday I tried to fix in chroot system10:19
klemaxducasse, I will look at 4.4.x to see if it fixes. if yes, I will go on it. it looks LTS.10:19
alkisgcristian_c: ok, anyway, go to grub from live usb10:20
cristian_cbtw, I try to reboot 17.04 live and pressing c to enter grub shell10:20
alkisgset root=(hd0,gpt19); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:20
akikJoshuaD: did you try installing 16.04 ?10:20
alkisg(or, omit /boot...)10:20
klemaxducasse, I can use it on 17.10, right? im going to get it from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline10:20
EriC^^gpt19 ? is that a typo?10:21
alkisgEriC^^: messed up tablet :)10:21
EriC^^ah :)10:21
cristian_cmessed up grub10:23
cristian_calkisg: I found ls lists hd1 in place of hd0, as gpt tsble10:23
ducasseklemax: you can, but it's still not supported on 17.1010:23
klemaxso will be?10:24
TJ-klemax: also, be aware the mainline builds don't contain Ubuntu-specific apparmor patches to support unprivileged LXD containers10:25
cristian_calkisg: I typed that10:25
klemaxTJ-,  I dont use apparmor. Thanks for your information.10:26
TJ-klemax: it's also used by snaps10:26
cristian_cI've also not9ced thst yesterday I typed 'root=' in grub rescue in place of 'set root=', withput errors10:26
klemaxTJ-, ah. so vlc snap would not work?10:26
TJ-klemax: not sure, but if you see errors you know why :)10:26
cristian_calkisg: so, now, have I to type configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:26
klemaxI get it now why it is not working then.10:26
klemaxTJ-, : thanks for your nice pointer.10:27
TJ-klemax: should be errors reported in dmesg/kern.log10:27
klemaxok let me check it.10:27
alkisgcristian_c: yes, use tab to autocomplete, because /boot may not be there, and you'd type configfile /grub/grub.cfg10:29
cristian_cautompletion seems not working well10:31
cristian_cso, I try ls first10:31
cristian_calkisg: have I to use (hdX,gptY) in the command path?10:32
alkisgcristian_c: no, after you set root, you don't need to use that10:32
cristian_cso, just ls requires it, I suppose10:32
alkisgcristian_c: no, ls / ==> should show the root contents without parentheses10:33
cristian_cls says file /boot not found10:34
cristian_cbut if I use parethesis, I get the /boot content10:34
alkisgcristian_c: ls /10:35
alkisgWhat does that say10:35
cristian_cok, ls / works too10:35
cristian_csame /boot content10:35
alkisgcristian_c: ls /grub10:35
alkisgDoes that show things?10:36
cristian_cit lists also gryb.cfg10:36
cristian_cso, I try configfile command10:36
alkisgconfigfile /grub/grub.cfg10:36
cristian_cok, autompletion works too10:37
cristian_calkisg: new screen and some interestigs error lines10:38
alkisgThat should be your normal menu. Select Ubuntu, see if it works.10:39
cristian_cBooting 'ubuntu', error can't find command  ['.     error can't find command ['.    error file /boot/grub/grubenv not found      error can't find command ['.     error can't find command ['.     error can't find ['.       error file /boot/grub/386-efi/xzio.mod  not found.    error can't find command ['.10:44
cristian_cpres any key to continue......10:44
cristian_calkisg: in '[', the first quote sign is a reversed quote (bug I don't own on my keyboard)10:46
cristian_calkisg: great, screen was freezed in that time , it's normal bevause in older live systrm (pre -4.12), maxcstste must be set to 0, in comdline in order to prrvent such freezes10:51
cristian_cbut now , I've rrbooted in livd system, I pressed 'c', I've typed srt root=, and then configfile grub.cfg, and now grub menu appears dirdctly, withput error messages10:52
FreakingOut1987Ubuntu 16.04 LTS defaults to systemd right?10:53
FreakingOut1987for some reason my install is giving me signs sysvinit is the default10:53
cristian_cubuntu, advanced options for ubuntu, windows boot manager and system setup10:53
Ben64FreakingOut1987: what signs10:53
FreakingOut1987pidof /sbin/init && echo "sysvinit" || echo "other" outputs sysvinit10:53
FreakingOut1987as does, pidof /sbin/init && echo "sysvinit" || echo "other"10:54
cristian_calkisg: thank to you, I've regained access to gtub, though by manual mode10:54
FreakingOut1987whoops same script hold on10:54
Ben64FreakingOut1987: uh10:54
FreakingOut1987Ben64, pidof systemd && echo "systemd" || echo "other"10:55
FreakingOut1987outputs other instead of sysemd10:55
Ben64your method is quite weird10:56
cristian_calkisg: uhm, no, I get always erorr messages screen, unfortuntely10:56
cristian_calkisg: unfortuntely, when I choose ubuntu in grub, I always experience the same error lines11:00
cristian_calkisg: apparently, they really seem related to a manual editing of grub.cfg. If the issue is related to /boot, I could creste a new one11:01
cristian_cbut I never genersted a new /boot partition. Yestrrdsy, I' ve run also sudo updste-initramfs -u, but nothing changed11:02
ducasseFreakingOut1987: try 'ls -l /sbin/init'11:12
FreakingOut1987I figured it out ducasse11:13
FreakingOut1987I forgot that I replaced systemd with upstart earlier in a shellscript11:13
pinkisntwellwho is listening on "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" ?11:32
pinkisntwelli have an app which writes to "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", but i don't know who's listening...11:34
tuxianoHi, I try to get plymouth to work with the propitiatory nvidia driver. I added nvidia-drm.modeset=1  to the grub config, ran update-grub and restarted my system, but I still have this broken bootscreen which only shows the dots and has a very low resolution.11:41
hitman1I tried to install nvidia driver by pressing ctrl + alt + f1 and now (after restarting) I am unable to start my lightdm.11:45
hitman1Can anyone please help as I am unable to login.11:45
tuxianohitman1: hi, what you did after pressing ctrl + alt + f1?11:47
hitman1I ran the .run driver file of nvidia.11:47
tuxianoOk, which ubuntu version do you use?11:48
hitman1right now I am purging nvida driver files from console.11:49
tuxianothen you should be able to login again11:50
tuxianowhat nvidia card you have?11:50
hitman1I am having nvida gt 1050 ti edition11:51
tuxianook, after you are able to login again you can install the nvida driver from the ubuntu repositories11:51
tuxianosudo apt install nvidia-38411:51
hitman1Still I am unable to login. The login screeen blinks again and again after typing password.11:51
tuxianodid you restart after uninstalling the manually installed nvidia driver?11:52
tuxianohitman1: ok, can you switch to a console?11:53
hitman1tuxiano: Yes11:53
AurorasAuraI seriously miss the old vi editor11:54
tuxianocan you run: sudo NVIDIA-Linux-*.run --uninstall11:54
hitman1No, command not found. tuxiano11:55
tuxianowhere is the run-File located?11:55
hitman1in downlaods11:55
tuxianook, go to downloads11:55
tuxianowhats the exact name of the nvidia driver file?11:57
hitman1yes I have typed the exact name of it. It is there in Downloads11:57
tuxianosudo *Exact name of the run file* --uninstall11:57
hitman1I get command not found message again.11:58
hitman1yes it is uninstalling.11:59
hitman1I forgot to add ./ in the name. sorry11:59
hitman1Yes I logged-in successfully now.12:00
tuxianonow you open a terminal12:01
tuxianothen you run sudo apt install nvida-38412:01
hitman1Yes I have typed that command.12:01
TJ-The recommended way to install the correct proprietary drivers is "ubuntu-drivers"12:02
tuxianohitman1: after installation finished you can restart your system again12:03
hitman1Ok I got it now. I will install nvidia drivers as you said always.12:03
hitman1tuxiano: Thanks a lot.12:03
tuxianook, nice12:04
hitman1is their any specific way to install cuda or I can install it normally as I did with nvida drivers?12:06
tuxianoI think there is cuda package available in the ubuntu store12:07
tuxianolet me have a look12:07
hitman1Nvidia site is letting me download .deb file first.12:08
tuxianook, I found this sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-dev  nvidia-cuda-toolkit12:09
hitman1tuxiano: So I don't need to download that .deb file ?12:11
tuxianosorry, don't know. I never tried working with cuda12:11
tuxianoMaybe you can ask in the nvidia irc-room12:11
hitman1np tuxiano , Thanks for your help.12:12
TJ-!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit12:12
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in artful12:12
TJ-looks like ubottu is out of date12:14
TJ-see https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/nvidia-cuda-toolkit12:14
tuxianowhat a surprise ...  ;-)12:17
tuxianoAny ideas: "I try to get plymouth to work with the propitiatory nvidia driver. I added nvidia-drm.modeset=1  to the grub config, ran update-grub and restarted my system, but I still have this broken bootscreen which only shows the dots and has a very low resolution."12:18
TJ-tuxiano: check the early logs for clues; If GRUB is in gfx mode that can cause problems when needing to modeswitch for the kernel12:19
TJ-tuxiano: Does it work correct with nouveau driver?12:19
tuxianoTJ-: yes it works with the nouveau driver12:20
TJ-tuxiano: Sounds like another of the nvidia kms issues then; not sure there's a workaround. using nommodeset is going to prevent the driver switching into the native resolution though12:21
tuxianook, my boot.log is empty ... which log file I need to check?12:22
TJ-kern.log collects the dmesg output12:23
TJ-I seem to recall it can be influenced by the gfx mode set by GRUB. I used to set that to the native resolution of the display specifically.12:24
tuxianook, it looks that we need to wait some years more to get plymouth working with the proprietary nvidia drivers12:28
tuxianocan't even remember how long this issue persists12:28
tuxianoI just will set it to text mode12:29
tuxianoWell, we have this issue since 2009 ...12:32
AurorasAuralol add a raid array to mhddfs...12:51
leftyfbtuxiano: plymouth has only been part of Ubuntu since 201012:51
belugHi, I've got something wired this morning, after an update yesterday, I've lost the ubuntu wayland DM. This morning I was sent to cinnamon by default. Anyone got any idea on how to get wayland back? (xwayland and ubuntu-desktop are still installed on the system)12:56
ioriabelug, using open source video driver ?12:59
MJCDhey im having some trouble getting chrome installed12:59
MJCDanyone doneso?12:59
belug@ioria no, I'm using nvidia's drivers12:59
MJCDI added the repo using the syntax mentioned on 2 sites - then updated, but it just says no google-chrome-stable package12:59
belug@MJCD, did you try using the installer from google.com/chrome  ?13:00
ioriabelug, not sure proprietary is already (well) supported on wayland13:00
MJCDbelug, haha oh that's a good idea haha, though I do want to use the repo, I suppose it doesn't matter13:01
MJCDill try13:01
belug@ioria So it's probably a Nvida update that broke my setup?13:01
fbnts_Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right channel or not?  I have been using an ubuntu variant for MythTV for several years but have just upgraded to a new 4k tv.  I'm not too fussed about 4k for MythTV as my content is all HD however ubuntu is insistent on using the highest available resolution, but this doesn't display correctly13:01
ioriabelug,  let's see /var/log/apt/history.log ?13:02
fbnts_Is there a way to "disable" the higher resolutions?13:02
MJCDwow the site worked and Software Install took it from there13:02
MJCDthanks for the heads up13:02
belug@ioria here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/26041141/13:03
belug@ioria, there was an update of ubuntu-desktop, I'll try to roll it back13:04
ioriabelug,  pull over13:05
ioriabelug,  if has been upgraded there is a reason13:06
ioriabelug,  dpkg | grep nvidia13:06
ducassefbnts_: which variant is this?13:07
belug@ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26041169/13:07
ioriabelug,  that's  a dual graphic laptop intel/nvidia ?13:09
fbnts_ducasse: MythBuntu13:09
fbnts_I am now thinking it may be an XFCE specific issue?13:09
belugioria, no it's a nvidia only desktop with no onboard video card13:10
ioriabelug,  in this case, you can try to purge nvidia and test ... you can always reinstall it13:11
benergyHey guys, I'm trying to process images into one pdf via shell script. How can I avoid that it places img10 before img1 in my pdf?13:11
benergyI've been using this command: "convert img**.png out.pdf"13:11
Ben64convert img?.png img??.png img???.png out.pdf13:12
Ben64would maybe work till 99913:12
belug@ioria, I'm starting to think that I always was on ubuntu-xorg, but my default session was changed to cinnamon only.... And I thought I was supposed to be on wayland because it was the default of ubuntu 17.10....13:12
ioriabelug,  wayland is default, yes13:13
benergy#Ben64: Thank you. Can I do that for all files in one folder with 1 command?13:14
belug@ioria, but since I was always on nvidia drivers, I must have been on xorg.13:14
ioriabelug,  i cannot know for sure :þ13:15
benergy#Ben64: Oops, sorry. That's the whole point of this command :D THank you!13:15
belug@Ben64, you could try "convert img{1..999}.png out.pdf"13:16
Ben64belug: it's late my and i'm trying to figure out javascript, my brain is broken13:16
jeremiesDoes samba shares files with computer outside of home network?13:16
Ben64benergy: do what belug said :)13:16
Ben64jeremies: it's possible, but a terrible idea13:17
belug@ioria for now I switched ot ubuntu-xorg, all my settings are back and with your added information the internet tells me that wayland is not supposed to be enable13:17
belug@ioria thanks a lot for your help.13:17
ioriabelug, no problem13:17
jeremiesBen64: but by default someone from outside of my home network cannot enter to my shared files, isn't it?13:18
Ben64jeremies: i wouldn't say that. samba doesn't care where the request comes from13:18
benergy#Ben64, #belug: Thanks, only then I have to specify the number of the files. The other command works fine, only that it somehow copies img0 into my PDF twice. Any idea why? ;)13:19
belugSorry @Ben64 and @benergy, I mixed your user names13:19
jeremiesBen64: But if you have a router?13:19
Ben64jeremies: NAT should stop it13:20
belug@benergy could it be that img0 is present twice in the images?13:21
benergy#belug: Thank, I just solved it. There was an error in the script I ran before that that duplicated my images :D13:21
benergy#belug: Just that :D13:22
jeremiesthanks Ben64!!13:22
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:25
bmattI wonder if it's the same for Lubuntu repos?13:26
ducassebmatt: ubuntu repos are the same for all flavors13:30
bmattducasse: alright. ty sir13:32
someone235Hi, someone knows how to install fglrx on ubuntu? It says "error: Detected X Server version 'XServer _64a' is not supported. Supported versions are X.Org 6.9 or later, up to XServer 1.10 (default:v2:x86_64:lib:XServer _64a:none:4.10.0-40-generic:)"13:34
ducassesomeone235: which ubuntu version is this?13:34
someone235ducasse: 16.0413:34
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
ducassesomeone235: fglrx is only supported up to 14.0413:35
jeremiesufw is disabled by default in ubuntu?13:36
ducassesomeone235: 14.04 without hwe, that is. it's not going to work with later kernels and x stacks.13:36
adrian_1908jeremies: yes13:37
ioriajeremies, do you want to use samba outside your local network ???13:38
lundmarHi. Is there an irc channel where snapcraft issues can be discussed?13:38
jeremiesiorio, no13:38
ioriaah, ok13:39
ducasselundmar: #snappy13:39
lundmarducasse: thanks13:39
bmattwhy does it tell me "5 new packages have been held back" during upgrade?13:41
ioriabmatt, use sudo apt full-upgrade13:41
bmatti'm scared :x13:42
bmattsomething about linux-headers and all that. i hope my repos are correct ^_^13:42
ioriabmatt, it's ok13:42
bmattwill have to restart?13:42
bmattThe following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-signed-generic linux-signed-image-generic13:43
adrian_1908no, things that need a restart will simply take effect the next time you do so.13:43
adrian_1908sudo apt full-upgrade, as ioria said.13:43
bmattthere must've been some updates released recently? i just installed lubuntu like a few weeks ago13:44
adrian_1908yes, updates come in regularly and it's a good idea to check for them (or have it scheduled)13:44
bmattalrighty then. ty much13:45
BluesKajHiyas all13:46
MirabelletteHello everyone13:58
MirabelletteI tried to install ubuntu on a acer swift 3. I had a previous windows with a efi firmware. I delete the windows partition and keep the efi partition. Can I remove efi partition ? Usb disk with ubuntu is not detect if I am in EFI BIOS, car I install it in legacy bios ?13:59
TJ-Mirabellette: it depends on the firmware. Are you saying that the firmware will not start the Ubuntu installer in EFI mode?14:02
TJ-Mirabellette: we've been seeing a LOT of issues with ACER firmware, where you have to access the Firmware Setup > Security menus, and then TRUST the bootloader file on the USB device first14:03
oerheksi read that swift 3 needs an iso with kernel 4.12 https://askubuntu.com/questions/868433/ubuntu-16-10-acer-swift-3-multiple-problems  https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comments/5lu69k/installing_linux_mint_181_on_an_acer_swift_3/14:03
MirabelletteIn fact, it didn't detect my usb key with ubuntu correctly when I am in efi mode. In legacy mode, I see in bios 'disk xxx with ubuntu blabla"14:03
ikoniawin 114:04
TJ-Mirabellette: yes, that's the issue as we see it. You can TRUST the bootloader file as I've described above and then it will appear in the boot menu14:05
MirabelletteEven if I "trust" it, when I boot with efi bios, my usb key with ubuntu installer is not launch (even if it is place before in bios loader)14:06
MirabelletteAre you trying to say that I have to modify the efi file with my ubuntu in legacy bios in order to be able in efi mode with ubuntu key ?14:07
alkisgMirabellette: How did you create the stick? Not all tools support UEFI, e.g. dd and rufus do..14:07
MirabelletteI use dd14:07
Mirabelletteand last ubuntu release, 17.1014:08
oerheksGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash modprobe.blacklist=dw_dmac,dw_dmac_core"14:08
MirabelletteIsn't it simple to go in legacy bios if I don't want to install windows anymore ?14:08
MirabelletteGrub isn't display at all.14:09
MirabelletteCan I install ubuntu 17.10 and remove efi partition if I did it in legacy bios ?14:15
Mirabellette(with any risk)14:15
Mirabellette(if I don't want windows)14:16
oerhekslogically yes, but i have no acer swift 3 to confirm.14:18
MirabelletteAnd i can forget to install debian because kernel is only in 4.9 :(14:20
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
akikMirabellette: what do you mean, forget?14:24
MirabelletteBecause acer swift v3 has problem with kernel 4.9. I think I can try to upgrade the kernel manualy but I don't know how to do that.14:25
oerhekswhy do you come up with debian/kernel 4.9, as you are trying with 17.10 ??14:26
hypercoreis nginx 1.10 an old version of nginx?14:26
hypercoreis it still usable?14:26
MirabelletteI mean, If I install Debian and not ubuntu.14:26
Mirabelletteit workds !!14:27
MirabelletteThank you all for your help14:27
akikMirabellette: there can be many kind of incompatibilities. just saying that model doesn't support 4.9 doesn't tell much14:29
someone235ducasse: what is hrw?14:29
EraserPencilHI all14:31
EraserPencilis this a channel to get technical assistance?14:31
EraserPencilexcellent. I do hope you would be able to aid me14:31
compdocif no one knows, sometimes you have to wait and ask again14:32
EraserPencilI believe I might have accidentally run `rm -rf *` in my home folder14:32
oerheks!hwe > someone23514:32
ubottusomeone235, please see my private message14:32
EraserPencilI thought I could just create a new user via useradd and copy over the folders but the new user created has no home directory folders either14:33
compdocthere are programs that can attempt recovery, and hopefully some here can reccomend some. I use backups14:33
oerhekssomeone235, in short, newer kernel and tools, but not suited for 14.04/fglrx14:34
akikEraserPencil: -m for useradd creates the home directory14:34
compdocyou dont need to recover files?14:34
MehrzadI'm having a problem with ubuntu 17.10 where the screen dims after a while even while playing videos. What's the workaround?14:35
TJ-EraserPencil: you should "adduser" rather than "useradd"14:36
someone235ducasse: ok thx14:38
EraserPencilCompdoc: yea, file recovery is a good idea.14:38
MehrzadIs it a common bug that i've been experiencing?14:39
compdocEraserPencil, if you create a new user, it could overwrite some of your deleted files.14:39
auronandaceMehrzad: looked under the display settings?14:40
someone235oerheks: ok. so if I just downgrade to any 14.04 it should be ok, right?14:40
Mehrzadauronandace: Devices->Displays?14:41
Ben64someone235: you could use the open source amd driver14:41
EraserPencilCompdoc: Honestly, I dont recall the folder containing anything anyway. Do you have a solution to put all the home folder back?14:41
someone235Ben64: which one?14:41
Ben64probably 'radeon'14:42
Ben64depends on the card you have14:42
oerhekssomeone235, yes, but i see no issues with the open radeon driver/16.04 and up, i run 2 screens with 2 movies same time14:42
someone235Ben64: I have rx57014:42
compdocEraserPencil, no, just checking. please procede14:42
Ben64then you'd probably use amdgpu14:42
someone235btw, if it's relevant somehow, the purpose of the computer is to mine ETH14:42
Mehrzadauronandace: There is this 'Dim screen when inactive' under the Power section and it's on14:43
auronandaceMehrzad: that is the setting14:43
auronandaceMehrzad: just change the value14:44
Mehrzadauronandace: Ah okay. 👍14:45
someone235Ben64: I used this: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx14:46
EraserPencilCompdoc: sorry, procede what?14:49
someone235Ben64: But I need to install fglrx in addition, no?14:49
compdoccarry on14:49
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD14:49
EraserPencilCompdoc: theres not much in my home directory folders anyway. I'm not too keen on recovering them, more keen in having them (either by recreating them or by means of recovery)14:57
OrdHhi guys, anyone around at the moment?14:59
pinkisntwellHi again, I'm the guy from yesterday, with the problems in resolving download.docker.com. I also tried on latest ubuntu and I have the same problem. www.docker.com is resolved correctly but download.docker.com gives:    socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known14:59
OrdHId need help with LUKS corrupted super block repair15:00
Ben64pinkisntwell: get a better dns server?15:01
ikoniaOrdH: you'll need to ask the channel and give specific information, the file system doesn't just get damaged on its own, what's happened, what is the problem, what have you tried, what versin of ubuntu etc15:01
pinkisntwellBen64: I don't own any dns server sadly.15:04
ikoniapinkisntwell: you don't need to own one15:04
ikoniathere are many public ones on the internet, eg: google's public DNS servers15:04
pinkisntwellikonia: Yes but this is not the problem. If I do nslookup the hostname is resolved correctly and consistently.15:05
pinkisntwellikonia: The problem has something to do with ubuntu. Other computers on the network resolve it correctly.15:05
Ben64pinkisntwell: the problem is with the dns server though15:05
pinkisntwellBen64: How do you know?15:06
Ben64because dns is what turns names into numbers15:06
pinkisntwellSo how come I've never had a problem with DNS in the 7 years I've been using my current setup?15:07
MJCD2how long you reckon til chrome is default in ubuntu over firefox15:07
MJCD2id put a cool $2 on it15:08
Ben64pinkisntwell: not sure why you're fighting this. just pick a different dns server15:08
pinkisntwellwhen I do gethostbyname('download.docker.com') I can see the dns server returning the correct information15:08
pinkisntwellin tcpdump15:08
pinkisntwellI don't even know how to change the dns server.15:10
ikoniawhat do you mean, you do "getbyhostname" thats not a command15:10
pinkisntwellikonia: it's a system call15:10
pinkisntwellikonia: I call it from python15:11
ikoniapinkisntwell: I know byt you don't "do it"15:11
pinkisntwellikonia: you are extremely smart15:11
pinkisntwellikonia: you just successfully demonstrated it on the internet. Congrats.15:11
ikoniathank you, appreciated15:12
akikpinkisntwell: are you still on 16.10?15:14
pinkisntwellakik: i upgraded to 17.0415:17
pinkisntwellbut it didn't help15:18
akikpinkisntwell: how does your hosts: line in /etc/nsswitch.conf look like now?15:18
pinkisntwellakik: hosts:          files resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns15:19
pinkisntwellas far as i understand this means that "dns" is never tried15:20
akikpinkisntwell: try putting "hosts: files dns" and see if it fixes that. i don't know the syntax that 17.04 uses15:20
pinkisntwellakik: i think this configuration is to enable dnssec, am i correct?15:21
akikpinkisntwell: don't know15:21
pinkisntwelli am reluctant to change it because of security15:22
akikpinkisntwell: this page talks about "resolve" enabling nss-resolve https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/nss-resolve.html15:22
akikpinkisntwell: oh you have a dnssec setup?15:22
pinkisntwellakik: i dont know :-) how do i tell?15:23
akikyou're reluctant to fix your system because of security15:23
pinkisntwellakik: i think there is a reason why it was configured like this15:24
akikpinkisntwell: there are many reasons why things are one way or another15:27
akikpinkisntwell: this bug report is saying that if you have "resolve" before "dns", dnssec wouldn't even work https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/162407115:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624071 in systemd (Ubuntu) "libnss-resolve: Fallback from resolve to dns breaks DNSSEC validation" [Medium,Fix released]15:31
pinkisntwellyes but this was fixed15:31
akikpinkisntwell: don't know if it's fixed, but if you don't know your dns server is using dnssec, try that "hosts: files dns"15:31
pinkisntwelland my system has the fix15:31
pinkisntwellis there a way i canchange the dns that resolve is using?15:32
pinkisntwellI am searching google on how to change dns server and I have found 4-5 different ways15:36
pinkisntwelllinux is changing extremely fast these days and makes googling things very difficult15:36
compdocpinkisntwell, sometimes one must learn to google better15:38
akikpinkisntwell: yes it's really difficult to follow ubuntu's changes regarding that15:38
EraserPencilHI! I have question about /etc/skel. It is the directory that adduser references to create the new user right? In it I have examples.desktop, .bashrc, .bash_logout, .profile.15:38
EraserPencilAm I missing a .config file here?15:38
Joeboy2~ls /etc/skel/ -a15:41
Joeboy.  ..  .bash_logout  .bashrc  examples.desktop  .profile15:41
JoeboyEraserPencil: ^ is what I have15:41
akikJoeboy: it's the correct directory. programs add the needed things under .config when they start15:42
JoeboyI think that's for EraserPencil15:42
JoeboyIs anybody able to recommend a small usb bluetooth adapter that will work well for audio? I have one in my laptop (doesn't work properly), a usb one (doesn't work properly) and a second usb one that basically works, albeit not perfectly. But that one's too big to keep attached to my laptop all the time.15:45
JoeboySo I'm up for buying a fourth one if someone can recommend one that works and doesn't protrude much15:46
TJ-Joeboy: how do they "not work properly" ?15:46
EraserPencilakik: Thanks. New users I create either with useradd -m or with adduser dont have their home directories. Would you know how I could troubleshoot that15:47
JoeboyTJ-: They pair and I get a few seconds of audio, then lots of dropouts and "device hung up" or something like that. I googled it and lots of people seemed to have the problem with no solutions.15:47
akikEraserPencil: sorry i don't know why. i use useradd with -m and it creates the home directory15:48
JoeboyTJ-: It was actually "Audio device got stuck"15:49
akikEraserPencil: sudo useradd -m testuser ? look into /home after that15:49
TJ-Joeboy: That sounds a lot like interference int hr 2.4GHz band, usually from the much more powerful Wifi chips. This is why some Wifi chipsets/drivers have a "bt_coexist" option to help BT not get overwhelmved15:49
ikonia/w/in 715:50
JoeboyTJ-: So maybe I need a more powerful bluetooth adapter?15:50
JoeboyGiven that I can't do much about the amount of 2.4GHz going on around here15:51
EraserPencilakik: yea I dont get Downloads or Desktop or anything15:51
TJ-Joeboy: no; BT has set power limits; what you need is to ensure the Wifi module has a coexist option and that it is enabled15:51
akikEraserPencil: the programs you use will create those directories if needed15:51
EraserPencilakik: could you elaborate?15:52
akikEraserPencil: what is the problem? if you need a Downloads directory or Desktop directory now, you can create them ẃith mkdir15:53
TJ-EraserPencil: /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf controls creation of Desktop/Pictures/Videos etc. It activates xdg-user-dirs-update on GUI user-login which creates those directories iff required15:54
TJ-EraserPencil: once logged in (at a console or GUI terminal) you can run it manually to create the directories; e.g. "xdg-user-dirs-update"15:56
EraserPencilakik: there must be something wrong with my /etc/skel. My home directories disappeared (I must have did something) and I'm trying to troubleshoot it. Relogging in didnt recreate those directories. There arent anything in the home directories so I'm not looking to do data recovery. Is there a way to look at user account history (not bash history) to retrace my steps?15:56
TJ-EraserPencil: does the system have a separate file-system for /home/ --- and is it mounted? If not, check logs in case there are disk or file-system errors reported15:57
AurorasAuraAnyone have a suggestion for a text editor for Ubuntu server 16.04 CLI? I miss the old vi. Now the controls are all weird and I can't do anything without thinking its old style15:57
JoeboyTJ-: cat /sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/bt_coex_active15:57
JoeboyWhich I think means I have that enabled already?15:58
EraserPencilTJ: I was about to post info on my user-dirs.dirs. I cant trace what I did that would have edited the file to have all the the file have XDG_xxx_DIR="$HOME/"15:59
EraserPencilTJ: I was about to post info on my user-dirs.dirs. I cant trace what I did that would have edited the file to have all as xdg_xxx_DIR="$HOME/"15:59
TJ-Joeboy: Yes16:00
TJ-Joeboy: any other powerful wifi emitters close to your BT headset? Phone, Access Point, etc16:01
TJ-Joeboy: or things like video doorbells, baby monitors, TV transmitters, that all use the 2.4GHz frequencies16:01
TJ-Joeboy: if you simply have a lot of strong neighbouring 2.4GHz access points that may be enough to cause trouble.16:02
JoeboyPossibly my phone was somewhere in the general vicinity when I was testing. There's a router at the far end of the next room. Nothing that should reasonably cause a problem, I think.16:02
JoeboyTJ-: I live in a somewhat populous area of a first world capital, so 2.4GHz is very much a thing here.16:03
TJ-Joeboy: indeed... lock yourself in a Faraday cage and then test it again :D16:03
JoeboyTJ-: But if we're blaming interference I'm wondering why one of these bt adaptors seems to work16:04
cariveriHi. When my browser opens a popup window then also the desktop is switched. Why?/How to fix this?16:06
TJ-Joeboy: well, when I've seen it, it's been due to better chipset (CSR) performance. It seems the most likely if you're getting the same symptoms with several different devices. Can you take the laptop/PC to a radio-quieter location for testing?16:06
TJ-Joeboy: it can also be down to the quality or directionality of the antennas16:07
JoeboyTJ-: So maybe spending a few bucks (actually £) on a new adaptor is a reasonable strategy, one way or another. It's just a bit of a crapshoot unless somebody can recommend a good one.16:08
TJ-I've used a lot of different adapters and not seen much difference in performance, relatively. One test you may not have done - pair the headset/speakers with your phone and compare performance?16:10
JoeboyTJ-: I believe that was working at some point, but I'll just go and try again...16:10
TJ-Joeboy: If you're buying, I'd suggest one with a CSR radio chipset (Cambridge Silicon Radio)16:11
JoeboyTJ-: btw I have a friend who complains of what sounds like almost exactly the same issues. He lives somewhere much more rural.16:11
omginahow do i determine wherther package X belongs to which repo?16:11
TJ-Joeboy: I'm on a farm in the middle of nowhere so I'm the only one creating interference but I've had BT devices drop-out due to the same thing - position relatively to a 2.4GHz Wifi source.16:12
akikomgina: you can see it with "apt-cache policy package"16:13
TJ-Joeboy: if the laptop wifi chipset and your access point support it, try moving them to the 802.11a 5.xGHz band16:14
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
JoeboyTJ-: Phone bluetooth works fine, fwiw16:16
TJ-Joeboy: was the headset/phone in the same positions relative to the laptop when you tested?16:17
TJ-Joeboy: the idea of that kind of test is the conditions should be the same so if it is interference it should affect them as well16:17
TJ-Joeboy: which Ubuntu release and kernel version is the PC using?16:18
Joeboyuname -a16:18
JoeboyLinux Joyce 4.13.0-17-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 6 10:04:08 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:18
JoeboyIt's a pretty virginal ubuntu 17.04, albeit with my very old home dir copied into it16:19
Joeboyer, 17.1016:19
JoeboyI'm not being entirely scientific with the positioning, but it seems fairly repeatable that the phone works fine and the laptop doesn't (except mostly with the third usb adaptor)16:20
JoeboyPhone is fine when right next to the laptop16:21
knittlgood evening. I cannot connect to HTTPS sites from java (especially not repo.maven.org). I already tried regenerating the ce-certs, to no avail. has anybody else experienced (and solved) this problem?16:27
knittlwhen running gradle, I get java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty16:27
konradosHi. I entered a remote ssh, logged in, then forgot about it, came back, and... now I can't do anything, when I type, I can't see characters, ctrl+c doesn't work, what should I do?16:28
knittl(ubuntu 17.10, doesn't matter if java 8 or 9 is selected in update-alternitves)16:28
knittl(openjdk-* versions are installed)16:29
Joeboykonrados: Can't you just log in again?16:29
oerheksknittl, what guide do you follow? maven.org is down for some time now, http://repo1.maven.org/ is active16:30
konradosJoeboy, but what about the terminal I have opened, should I force-kill it?16:30
akikkonrados: it might help to set the serveraliveinterval on client side so that ssh doesn't timeout16:30
neo2I'm sitting on ubuntu now16:30
knittloerheks: yes, https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/...16:30
neo2what is good screenshoter for ubuntu? On windows I use lightshot16:31
konradosakik, ok, but what should I do *now*, should I kill the terminal? I can't do anything in a 'nice' way16:31
akikkonrados: no you can't access that connection any more16:31
Joeboykonrados: Probably killing it's fine, unless you know some reason it isn't.16:31
konradosJoeboy, akik - ok, thanks!16:32
Joeboykonrados: You could also do ~. , which might feel a bit less dirty.16:33
konradosJoeboy, but... what is this, I mean, are those keyboard shortcuts or what?16:36
Joeboykonrados: ~. means "hang up the connection". It only works after typing Enter though, which is not great. I never use it, I'm just vaguely aware it exists.16:37
konradosJoeboy, ahh, ok, next time I'll try it, although the thing is I could not enter anything, i.e. when I type in characters, I saw nothing16:38
Joeboykonrados: I think that even if your connection is dead, [Enter]~. will hang it up. The risk is you end up accidentally typing the Enter into a live connection though. Which seems like a bad design choice.16:39
knittlso how do I troubleshoot java cert problems? :]16:40
TJ-Joeboy: about your BT issue... are you always connecting the BT adapter into the same port(s)? I'm wondering if it's a lack-of-power issue? Are you able to test them in a powered USB hub?16:41
JoeboyTJ-: I don't think I have one unfortunately. Thanks for your ideas, btw.16:42
TJ-Joeboy: another PC maybe? Trying to think of ways to isolate the cause :)16:42
JoeboyTJ-: Honestly judging by the number of issues other people report, I'm still somewhat suspecting some kind of software / driver / pulseaudio issue.16:43
knittlI don't even know if this is an ubuntu problem or a java problem16:43
JoeboyTJ-: Looking at the comments on http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/07/ubuntu-automatically-switch-sound-bluetooth , it seems like there's widespread consensus that bt audio isn't really there yet. But maybe it's just that only the people with problems say anything.16:44
neo2I used this guide and install wine with lightshot, and now I press PrntScr and calls ubuntu screen but should be run lightshot??? https://app.prntscr.com/en/wine-lightshot.html16:45
knittlpurged all java packages, reinstalled. still same error :-/16:46
knittlhi. is anybody using java on ubuntu 17.10? I cannot run gradle build, because the connection to https://repo1.maven.org fails with java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty16:47
neo2what means this line? wine ./setup-lightshot.exe16:47
knittlI've already purged all java-packages and reinstalled16:47
neo2I installed it and how run? It should automatically start like in windows16:47
neo2It should have run automatically16:48
TJ-Joeboy: right; I've been using A2DP since around 2010/12 without issue16:50
omginaubuntu goes bad and the fan goes like too much heat..16:52
omginaremove it out, fan is rotating too fast and my heart beat too is increasing16:52
omginahow can i give you the data..16:55
omginaubuntu is consuming too much resources...16:55
ikoniathe fan will normally kick in if the cpu is busy, (thats the most common heat source) what processes are using the cpu ?16:59
knittlhm. setting javax.net.ssl.trustStore seems to work. now what truststore is ubuntu using by default?17:01
knittlif not /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts17:01
Joeboyomgina: can you type `top` into a terminal? Should tell you what's using cpu.17:03
oerhekslmsensors gives a better view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto17:07
omginawhat teh hell is 8.4 us, 3.4 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi17:08
omginaand the top and free says 1.6G but system monitor says 2.2 GiB17:08
TJ-!ram | omgina17:09
ubottuomgina: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/17:09
oerhekstime to do some reading https://linuxconfig.org/learning-linux-commands-top17:09
__mapo__Hi, I've had a dependency problem during the installation of ubuntu server 16.04.03: the following packages have unmet dependencies: apt-transport-https depends on libcurl3-gnutls but is not going to be installed17:09
Joeboyomgina: You should see a list of processes and the amount of CPU they're using, with the biggest cpu hogs at the top.17:09
oerheksfirst check zombie..17:10
__mapo__I've skipped the tasksel step, installed grub and rebooted the machine and now I'm in17:10
tacomasteris there anything in linux that mirrors the functions of ad in windows for linux? The major issues I am trying to solve is single account that is the same across all machines and the ability to attached some shared drives to user accounts but block other users from getting to them.17:10
oerheksbut full running fan can be a warning, or just by design untill the system is booted17:10
__mapo__however tasksel still fails with the error tasksel: apt-get failed (100)17:11
__mapo__how can I narrow down the problem17:11
TJ-__mapo__: is libcurl3_gnutls available according to apt-cache policy17:13
__mapo__yes, available and installed : once logged in I've done apt-get install apt-transport-https17:16
__mapo__and added mirrors by hand apt-get update before that17:16
TJ-__mapo__: the repos are using https?17:18
__mapo__TJ-: I don't know, I've used the mirror: syntax in sources.list17:19
TJ-__mapo__: is ca-certificates installed?17:19
TJ-__mapo__: it's a Recommends: of atp-transport-https, but you may have disabled Recommends17:20
TJ-__mapo__: can you enable debugging capture a log file of the operation?17:21
__mapo__I had this error during the installation, so it was all as the installation procedure setted it up17:21
__mapo__sure... if you tell me how17:21
__mapo__remember that I had to skip the tasksel step during the installation17:22
__mapo__so the installation itself is probably incomplete17:23
TJ- Try a manual install of a package using "apt-get -o  Debug::Acquire::https install <package>" where the HTTPS transport will be used17:23
TJ-arggh, hang on, typo17:23
TJ- Try a manual install of a package using "apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::https=true install <package>" where the HTTPS transport will be used17:23
__mapo__TJ-: done... it worked, although I had no specific https message or any message out of the ordinary17:30
TJ-__mapo__: suggests it didn't use HTTPS then17:31
TJ-what's the current problem then? tasksel not performing?17:31
TJ-__mapo__: is this an upgrade or clean install?17:33
__mapo__clean install17:33
TJ-__mapo__: try "apt-get update --fix-missing"17:33
__mapo__done, nothing was installed17:34
__mapo__just to be sure... I've added this line in sources.list17:34
__mapo__deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt xenial main restricted universe multiverse17:35
TJ-__mapo__: now try "apt-get -f install"17:35
__mapo__is xenial right for 16.04 ?17:35
__mapo__done, nothing was installed17:36
TJ-Yes, xenial is 16.0417:38
TJ-try running tasksel in test mode (-t)17:38
__mapo__can I fake tasksel with something like apt-get install task-server-base, or whatever was the task that was supposed to be installed by tasksel during the installation?17:39
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TJ-__mapo__:  -t should show you a list of commands + packages it would try to install, and show broken dependencies17:40
__mapo__I have the command but no broken dependencies17:40
__mapo__I'll try to execute the vommand without tasksel17:40
__mapo__btw, can I copy-paste in a console?17:41
TJ-in theory; if the mouse is active (I think that requires 'gpm' )17:42
__mapo__ok, in effect I have a broken dependency17:43
__mapo__well, the problem is "package x depends on y but is not going to be installed"... how do I fix this problem?17:45
neo2linux screenshot http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1511631893.png17:45
mr_louSo Skype is completely dead on Ubuntu now?17:45
alkisg__mapo__: in general, apt isn't very good in resolving dependencies. It's the single case where I prefer aptitude. Try `sudo apt install aptitude; sudo aptitude install x` and you'll see exactly why it fails, and it'll give you a few different solutions to it. Put the result to pastebin *before* accepting a solution.17:46
TJ-__mapo__: it 'depends' on the dependency graph! what are the packages?17:46
neo2wine doesn't work, There impossible something run17:47
neo2I'll delete it, will use what is existed17:47
alkisgmr_lou: afaik, skype.com has a .deb package that you can install normally17:47
alkisgSo no, not dead at all.17:47
neo2bad screenshoter, impossible compare with windows http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1511631989.png17:47
TJ-__mapo__: you can use "apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true install <package>" to discover more17:47
neo2I see on linux all app significantly worse than on windows17:48
mr_loualkisg, Yes, been using it for years. But Microsoft announced a while back that they would close connections from this client. And now it seems they have. At least two of us here in the household can't log in anymore.17:48
pinkisntwellok guys, after 1 hour of googling i managed to change the dns servers to google's and now resolving works on my machine yay. I still haven't figured out how to make my changes to /etc/resolv.conf stick. This is a hell of a user experience folks.17:48
alkisgmr_lou: are you using the older version, or the new one that they have? I think they closed the old one, but of course not their new one which is just a month old or so17:49
mr_louI just removed it just now and instead installed skypeforlinux from repository.17:49
mr_louSame deal.17:49
mr_loualkisg, What's the package you're using?17:49
mr_louYea, same here.17:50
mr_loualkisg, I advice you not to log out then. You probably won't be able to log in again.17:50
TJ-pinkisntwell: /etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf, which is AUTOMATICALLY managed by resolvconf. Settings should be via NetworkManager, ifupdown 'interfaces' file, or systemd-networkd, depending on which system is used to manage the network17:50
mr_loualkisg, And I obviously shouldn't have said that, because you're obviously going to try it now, and then hate me for it.....17:51
alkisgmr_lou: they might have tech issues currently, which I guess you should report, and that they'll resolve soonish. Not Ubuntu related, MS service stuff...17:51
pinkisntwellTJ-: This is what I meant. I don't know which is managing the network so I have to find it and then have to find how to change dns servers there. Why does it have to be so frigging complicated to change the dns servers? Someone took a wrong turn here.17:51
mr_loualkisg, In that case it's been going on for 3 weeks.17:51
alkisgmr_lou: nah don't worry I'm not using skype  ... ^ that, I haven't realized it yet :D17:52
alkisgmr_lou: I doubt they released skype for linux a month ago just to block it17:52
mr_loualkisg, mkay. :-)   You wouldn't happen to have any suggestions for replacement? Something that lets my daughter videochat with her grandparents?17:52
__mapo__alkisg: the apt-get command was something like apt-get install server^ however aptitude can't find any packages whosw name or description matches "server^"17:52
TJ-pinkisntwell: is it a Desktop install? then Network Manager. A server? before 17.10 > ifupdown, 17.10 > netplan for systemd-networkd17:52
mr_loualkisg, Something that runs on both Ubuntu and Windoze.17:52
TJ-__mapo__: ubuntu-server^ ?17:53
pinkisntwellTJ-: This is server. So I should try netplan I guess.17:53
pinkisntwellTJ-: This is the first time I hear the term "netplan".17:53
TJ-pinkisntwell: it's the new way of pre-declaring the network settings.17:54
alkisgmr_lou: viber? Btw, have you tried any newer versions from https://repo.skype.com/deb/pool/main/s/skypeforlinux/ ?17:54
pinkisntwellWhy do they keep fixing things that are not broken. They just waste everyone's time.17:54
TJ-pinkisntwell: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration17:54
mr_loualkisg, Actually just found out, when I run Skype, it still runs the old version. I need to run skypeforlinux to see a new version. Actually I remember seeing that. Didn't like it. Requires Microsoft account and other annoying things. I remember now, that's why I didn't want to use it. I'll take a look at Viber. Thanks.17:55
alkisgmr_lou: so, my normal version didn't work, but when I manually installed https://repo.skype.com/deb/pool/main/s/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux_8.11.76.8_amd64.deb, it worked fine17:57
__mapo__TJ-: alkisg: after tasksel -t http://paste.ubuntu.com/26043198/17:57
alkisg__mapo__: yes, there's no "server^" package or task17:57
TJ-__mapo__: what is this server? you mean ubuntu-server^ ?17:58
__mapo__is the task "basic ubuntu server" that I couldn't install during the installation process17:58
cuddylierIs there a block on ports such as 445 being used for SSH?17:59
__mapo__and I'ce copy-pasted it, so there's no typo on my part17:59
TJ-__mapo__: right "server" is a *tasksel* task NOT a meta-package :)17:59
alkisg__mapo__: http://termbin.com/jn6m is the list of tasks17:59
TJ-__mapo__: At this stage I suspect what you need is "apt-get install ubuntu-server"18:00
TJ-__mapo__: that's the one that tasksel cloud-image and server use18:00
alkisgHrm. They did change the interface for task installation...18:01
alkisgNo wonder tasksel isn't preinstalled anymore18:01
TJ-Yes; looks like some bit-rot there18:02
__mapo__why the output of tasksel -t was the apt-get install server^ line then?18:02
alkisg__mapo__: apt supports tasks now, so apt install server^ is normal18:02
__mapo__alkisg: you mean will not be preinstalled on future TLS distos? because as it is today you must use tasksel during the installation process18:03
alkisg__mapo__: there's #ubuntu-server for server-specific questions, but in my 16.04 desktop installation, tasksel wasn't installed as it was in the past18:03
__mapo__ok, so apt-get kinda translates install server^ to install ubuntu-server, right?18:03
alkisgNot exactly, packages have "tasks" as a tag, so apt install server^ searches for all the packages with that tag18:04
TJ-__mapo__: does the system have tasksel-data insalled too?18:04
neo2what is differ between apt and apt-get? apt-get is old and should use apt?18:04
alkisgneo2: pretty much yes18:04
pinkisntwellTJ-: well, that page was not very useful. It just tells me to read "man 5 netplan"18:05
TJ-neo2: 'apt' is the user front-end; apt-get is for scripts to use18:05
TJ-pinkisntwell: that's very helpful! it'll tell you how it's configured :)18:05
pinkisntwellTJ-: which is 5-6 pages of arcane BS18:05
__mapo__TJ-: yes18:05
pinkisntwellit mentions YAML files on certain locations, however no such yaml files exist on my system18:05
pinkisntwellOK it's done, I've spent over 3 hours on IRC and google in order to change my fscking dns servers and was still unsuccessful. Nice work Ubuntu devs!18:07
pinkisntwellPardon the rant everyone. It was deserved.18:07
alkisg__mapo__: I just tried, while having tasksel, tasksel-data, and aptitude installed, and then aptitude install server^ works fine18:07
alkisgWithout tasksel, it complained18:07
Joeboy[obligatory user-blaming/shaming here]18:07
TJ-alkisg: same here with apt-get... now I have open-isci installed, yay :D18:08
alkisgI was quick to ctrl+c it :D18:08
TJ-I tried; it wouldn't let me18:09
neo2I don't understand, in this articles saying about apt and use sudo get-apt apache218:09
konradosThere is no fish shell in Ubuntu 17 repos?18:09
neo2I can use apt apache2 and apt-get apache2?18:09
konradosapt-cache search fish gives me nothing o.O18:10
neo2is it equal:18:10
neo2apt-get apache2 and apt apache2 ???18:10
alkisgTJ-: the downside of you having too fast internet connection; i was still in the downloading phase where ctrl+c works18:10
TJ-!info fish artful | konrados18:10
ubottukonrados: fish (source: fish): friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0-1 (artful), package size 582 kB, installed size 3829 kB18:10
TJ-alkisg: I don't !18:10
alkisgHeh. Maybe you were only missing few packages then, while I needed 2018:11
TJ-alkisg: Ctrl+C wouldn't break into the curses progress dialogs though18:11
TJ-alkisg: probably18:11
konradosTJ-, but... I don't have it o.O18:11
* alkisg used aptitude, so no curses involved there...18:11
TJ-konrados: ^^^ "In component universe" ^^^18:11
konradosTJ-, and what does it mean?18:11
TJ-!universe | konrados18:12
ubottukonrados: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:12
TJ-it's about time apt --edit had an option to automatically enable universe/multiverse/restricted/partner!18:12
konradosTJ-, thanks, reading18:13
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rh10hey! have a nice time everybody :)18:20
rh10how can i upgrade from 17.10 when new version of ubuntu will be released?18:21
rh10is it real?18:21
neo2nano it's  editor for ubuntu18:21
neo2I heart aobut vim18:21
neo2nano and vim is equal , old editors18:22
contumaxhi, anyone with mattermost production docker experience?18:27
neo2got working page http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1511634634.png18:31
konradosI want to set ServerAliveInterval to *something*, according to http://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config I should edit ~/.ssh/config - but I don't have this file, should I create it?18:41
EriC^^konrados: sure why not18:41
konradosok, thanks!18:41
konradosI thought that maybe there is something wrong, i.e. that I should have it.18:42
kk4ewtkonrados,  so why are you following a openbsd site if you are running ubuntu18:43
konradosoooh, I think it is standarized among distros.18:43
konrados*I thought18:43
konradosI meant "I thought" :P18:44
kk4ewtthe ssh_config in most distros is under /etc/sshd18:45
kk4ewtnot under you /home18:45
[n0mad]excepts it's talking about client config18:46
konradosyeah ^18:46
ioria~/.ssh/config   is for single user  , /etc/ssh/ssh_config is system wide18:46
konradosI've read that there is global config in etc/... and per user config for18:47
konradosok, so ~/.ssh/config18:47
konradosnow I simply put ServerAliveInterval 6018:48
konradosand reconnect?18:48
__mapo__ok, now I'm starting to get pissed off... http://paste.ubuntu.com/26043544/18:48
konradosI found "60" in one of tutorials.18:48
__mapo__does someone has an idea of what is the problem and how to solve it?18:49
ioria__mapo__, you have broken packages  that prevent any installation (btw,  run      export LC_ALL=C      and paste again, it will translate in en)18:53
__mapo__ioria: any specific hint? http://paste.ubuntu.com/26043587/18:57
ioria__mapo__,  apt-cache policy vim-common19:00
ioria__mapo__,  no good ... can you paste /etc/apt/sources.list ?19:02
EriC^^konrados: i have 240 in mine, it almost never times out19:03
__mapo__how about the "policykit-1 : Depends: libpam-systemd but it is not going to be installed" ?19:03
EriC^^konrados: Host * then on a newline ServerAliveInterval 24019:03
konradosEriC^^, ok, thanks!19:03
EriC^^no problem19:04
ioria__mapo__,  you may have a 'source' problem19:04
ioria__mapo__,  i'd try to backup sources.list and replace with a new one : https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/SourcesList#Ubuntu_16.04_Xenial_Xerus   (if you are on xenial)19:06
__mapo__in sources.list I have the commented installation cd line and a single mirror line19:07
__mapo__i might have done an update with a non-xenial source in an attempt to solve my problems19:07
ioria__mapo__, so, try the above suggestion (if you don't want to share it)19:07
konradoswow, I could not use ssh until I *removed* rw perms for a group on /home/konrad/.ssh/config - why is that o.O?19:10
konradosuntil I did that, I got "Bad owner or permissions on...."19:10
AnticomHi. I'm on 16.04 and i'd like to install cuda-tookit 8 in order to get going with tensorflow. I've seen that there's a deb provided by nvidia for it ( https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1604 ). Is there any reason to use the runfile over the deb?19:12
konradoshow can I know my settings have been parsed? I mean ServerAliveInterval 60 in my .ssh/config file?19:13
__mapo__ioria: modified, updated&upgraded, now it seems to work :) thank you19:15
ioria__mapo__,  good job19:15
AnticomOh and can someone please tell me, what the difference between deb(local) and deb(network) is supposed to be? I never heard of that distinction.19:17
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tomreynkonrados: i think ssh -vvv should tell.19:44
tomreynAnticom: i assume the 'deb (local)' variant may be for systems which do not have internet connectivity, i.e. my guess is that this variant will not try to get updates online19:46
Anticomtomreyn: the local deb variant just seems to ship the gpg key needed to add the repository contained in both deb packages19:47
tomreynnote the different download size, also19:47
Anticomtomreyn: it's a rather tricky way to ship a custom apt repo. However i don't get why they don't just tell you to add it via apt-add-repository19:48
Anticomhm might also be, that the local one is actually shipping all the packages locally. Who knows. I've used the netowrk one and i like what it does, mainly giving me automatic updates via apt.19:49
tomreynthe local variant is 1.2 GB so it's probably not just the key19:49
Anticomtomreyn: fair enough :)19:49
AnticomMight be offtopic but someone using tensorflow in here?19:50
konradostomreyn, it indeed told it did read the config file, thanks!19:51
jerAnticom, it's a copy and paste thing -- lower support costs having someone install a .deb vs relying on them to copy and paste the whole contents of what you need them to do <-- my theory anyway19:53
Anticomjer: somewhat valid point, however this is how every ppa is usually added so i'd assume ubuntu users are familiar to that process19:57
AnticomBut it seems i'm wrong :D19:57
neo2I've installed this:20:02
neo2- #LAMP Linux, apach, mysql, php and phpmyadmin20:02
neo2but it's work not as I need20:02
jerAnticom, i'm sure many, many are =]20:03
neo2it put site to html directory and I want many sites20:04
neo2I got it and files load from /var/www/html/20:05
neo2I need create domain and sub-domain20:05
neo2at first many domains20:05
neo2stie1.com, site2.com.....20:06
neo2and install control panels20:06
neo2now create new technical task what I must to do20:06
neo2will create*20:07
lotuspsychjeneo2: easy on the enter button mate, try to add your issue all in one line20:07
lotuspsychje!lamp | neo2 did you doublecheck your lamp here?20:07
ubottuneo2 did you doublecheck your lamp here?: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.20:07
neo2oh yes, I forgot remove it20:09
neo2need to learn how all remove and again install20:09
oerheksso you wrote here your personal todo list.20:10
neo2no didn't check, now to try do20:10
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neo2oerheks: I wrote it on google docks, it's little part my todo20:13
lotuspsychjeneo2: is this what you look for? https://daanlenaerts.com/blog/2015/07/05/create-subdomain-with-apache2-on-ubuntu-server/20:13
neo2lotuspsychje: well, probably, added to bookmarks20:14
ioriacan anyone on firefox 57 play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XanVOkqHfLg     ?20:26
lotuspsychjelets c ioria20:26
iorialotuspsychje, can you ru it ?20:27
kostkonioria, nope20:27
lotuspsychjeioria: error20:27
iorialotuspsychje, konrados    tanx20:27
kostkonwhat gives20:27
ioriathat works on chromium20:28
oerheksmaybe FF got a reason .. seen many users here with live streams not working20:28
lotuspsychjeioria: is it any special link or so?20:28
ioriaoerheks, i see20:28
oerheksbut not *all* live streams20:29
iorialotuspsychje, just a live stream about brexit20:29
iorialotuspsychje,  Countdown to Brexit deadline: The time left to reach a deal20:29
oerheks10 days no?20:29
oerheksdrop the pound and stay \0/20:30
lotuspsychjeioria: hmm firefox --debug freezes on me20:31
auronandacesome videos may not play without drm enabled20:31
iorialotuspsychje, i tried --safe-mode ... but not very good at debug20:31
ioriaauronandace, maybe it's the issue20:32
TJ-ioria: Yes, it works for me... but got umatrix and had to allow all XHR for googlevideo.com20:32
ioriaTJ-, great TJ-20:33
TJ-ioria: you have a 3rd party site blocker running too?20:33
ioriaTJ-,  nope20:33
en1gmai have a dual boot setup on an single ssd. ubuntu 16.04 lts x64 desktop and windows 10 64bit. i been in ubuntu for the last weeks almost all the time. something happened where when i select windows boot manager that it restarts me back to the beginning where i pick the os20:33
en1gmai cant boot into windows20:34
TJ-use the web-dev console; see if network requests are going out to googlevideo.com20:34
lotuspsychjeen1gma: perhaps try sudo update-grub ?20:34
ioriaTJ-,  had the same issue all yesterday with  'sky news live'  and suddenly resolved after 9 pm ...20:35
TJ-ioria: is it timing out, showing a spinner, or what?20:36
ioriaTJ-,  nope, 'An error occurred . Please try again later'20:36
en1gmaok ill try that now20:36
TJ-ioria: is your ISP operating a transparent proxy ?20:37
en1gmado i need to do any other commands after 'sudo update-grub'?20:37
ioriaTJ-,  oh my, really don't know20:37
lotuspsychjeen1gma: for test try reboot first, and see20:37
en1gmaok 1 min20:38
ioriaTJ-,  can you play this :   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVHt1_SWTZg20:38
TJ-ioria: Yes20:39
ioriaTJ-,  i see ...20:39
lotuspsychjeen1gma: did it work?20:42
ioriaTJ-,  works on chromium.... definetly a ff issue20:42
TJ-ioria: have you cleared the browser cache? seen a few weird issues for users on FF57 upgrades20:43
ioriaTJ-, aye sir20:43
TJ-should be something in the web-dev console20:43
en1gmalotuspsychje it sure did not20:44
ioriaTJ-, edia resource blob:https://www.youtube.com/eed4b1a7-3271-4942-b770-a5d9cd071251 could not be decoded.20:45
en1gmawhy does linux always mess with my dual boots and i usually lose all my info....20:45
ioriaTJ-,  Error: This error message will be blank when privacy.resistFingerprinting = true.20:45
lotuspsychjeen1gma: when did this start to happen?20:45
en1gmai been on ubuntu pretty much solid for this last week or maybe two. i just today needed to boot into windows and it wont let me. it says "critical process died"20:46
en1gmai tried safe mode and also dont restart on failure20:47
en1gmathats how i got to read the error20:47
auronandaceioria: that sounds like it wants you to disable "do not track"20:47
TJ-ioria: maybe http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&p=1472350920:47
ioriaauronandace, i did ...20:47
ioriaTJ-,  nope :(20:49
TJ-ioria: which version of libavcodec is installed? FF 50. had a release-note saying "blocked versions older than 54.35.1"20:50
auronandaceioria: did you clear the cache after doing that and reload the page?20:50
ioriaauronandace, yes20:50
ioriaTJ-, well, tru i'am on trusty, but i tested also on artful20:51
neo2it's old? http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1511643068.png20:51
TJ-!info libavcodec trusty20:51
ioriai want to think of server side error20:51
ubottuPackage libavcodec does not exist in trusty20:51
neo2default didn't work, I reinstalled and got this20:52
ioria!info libavcodec-extra trusty20:52
ubottulibavcodec-extra (source: libav): Libav codec library (additional codecs meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 6:9.20-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 10 kB, installed size 79 kB20:52
TJ-!info libavcodec-dev xenial20:52
ubottulibavcodec-dev (source: ffmpeg): FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.8.11-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 4302 kB, installed size 14470 kB20:52
alkisgen1gma: after windows begins to load (e.g. when you see blue screen of death, it's already started loading), ubuntu is not to blame, it doesn't affect windows operation20:52
TJ-wonderful - package versions don't reflect the library version!20:53
TJ-It's 56 in xenial20:53
neo2seems this Shutter for screenshot even better than was on windows, not everything is so bad20:53
en1gmaalkisg yea i think your right but how would it get corrupted i havent even been in windows20:54
en1gmaubuntu is handing off the correct partition to load thats for sure20:54
alkisgen1gma: sometimes we reboot and windows doesn't load anymore, e.g. because some update broke it. Now, suppose that you reboot into 2 weeks of ubuntu use just between the good and the failed windows boot20:55
TJ-Trusty-updates has /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.54.35.1  so that looks OK20:55
alkisgen1gma: long story short, try to boot from the windows live cd and select "repair" from there20:55
neo2I wanted to install lightshot, couldn't do it and was disappointed, and installed instead shuttle, and this is very cool app, so many options...20:56
iorialotuspsychje, auronandace TJ-    have to go, thanx for helping20:57
TJ-ioria: in about:config I see media.decoder.doctor.verbose ... might be worth setting that to true20:57
ioriaTJ-, No decoders for some of the requested formats: application/x-mpegURL20:58
TJ-ioria: Ahhh20:59
ioriaTJ-, tells you some ?20:59
TJ-ioria: on 14.04 it seems ffmpeg packages don't have everything required.21:01
ioriaTJ-, well, ffmeg it's not available at all on trusty :þ21:01
ioria!info ffmpeg trusty21:01
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in trusty21:01
TJ-ioria: does the system have chromium-codecs-ffmpeg and chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra installed?21:04
ioriaTJ-,  yes21:04
CountryfiedLinuxThe new Ubuntu dock doesn't play well with "hide top bar" extension. The original dash-to-dock extension does. It's an easy fix for the user, but new users may find it frustrating.21:04
ioriathanks TJ- see you soon21:05
AnticomDoes anyone know where i can get graphviz support?21:05
kostkon!info graphviz21:09
ubottugraphviz (source: graphviz): rich set of graph drawing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 2.38.0-16ubuntu2 (artful), package size 690 kB, installed size 9651 kB21:09
lotuspsychjeAnticom: man graphviz, join the small #graphviz , or ask your specific question in here?21:15
Anticomlotuspsychje: i just checked #graphviz there was no one there. maybe i had a typo in my join cmd21:15
JoshuaD!info xfconf21:18
ubottuxfconf (source: xfconf): utilities for managing settings in Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.12.1-1 (artful), package size 96 kB, installed size 647 kB21:18
gluonany idea when client side decorations will be integrated into firefox?21:28
gluonin fedora 27 i can activate them through about:condfig already21:28
gluonon 5721:28
gluonnot sure that's a patch or some compile time option21:29
Anticomlotuspsychje: This is my dot is telling me and the actual dot file: https://gist.github.com/Anticom/50f55cb537780ee9d53d0de96c9ab0de21:31
AnticomI don't understand what the problem is21:31
konradoshow was this terminal - file manager called?21:46
konradostwo panels21:46
konradosblue background21:46
akikkonrados: mc21:46
konradosah, thank you akik!21:46
jakeunltdLooooooove playing with Gnome on the new 17.1021:56
jakeunltdGot mine looking a lot like ChromeOS atm21:56
tieany idea on how to disable title bar on maximized windows in 17.10 ?22:09
tiealso has anyone figured a better way to search through multiple browser windows by title than "Switcher"? the Scale+type searching before 17.10 was ideal22:10
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obomai need help install ubuntu from usb flash drive or usb prepped sata drive22:31
obomai'm getting different errors depending on which way i try22:31
obomacurrently tried usb flash drive loaded with netinstall_x64 iso using rufus22:33
obomagets me to the install menu then gets stuck on kernel panic22:34
tomreyn!md5 | oboma22:45
ubottuoboma: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:45
oerheksdescribe your hardware ?22:46
noonienhello folks22:47
nooniendoes hiberantion work on ubuntu 17.10 with a swapfile?22:47
tomreyn!md5sums | oboma also this:22:47
ubottuoboma also this:: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.22:47
noonienbecause my system doesn't appear to hibernate properly (screen goes black, then i'm returned to my lock screen)22:48
obomagigabyte p35-ds422:48
obomaquad core22:48
obomasata ssd22:48
konradosam I right that apt-get --dry-run install will tell me what will be done if I run it without 'dry-run'?22:49
konradosam I right that apt-get --dry-run install php will tell me what will be done if I run it without 'dry-run'?22:49
konradosI added 'php' ^22:49
tomreynkonrados: that's correct22:50
konradostomreyn, cool, thanks!22:50
tomreynany of these options works: -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act22:51
tomreynyou mightr want to add one of -y, --yes, --assume-yes to skip any prompts22:51
tomreynand maybe one of -V, --verbose-versions to see the exact package versions22:52
konradostomreyn, - thanks! But no, I actually only wanted to know ensure which version of php will be installed. I think that is the way of doing this?22:55
Ben64konrados: apt-cache policy <package>22:56
konradosBen64, ha, indeed, shorter - thanks!22:57
obomamd5sum.exe -c MD5SUMS ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso: OK23:01
obomamd5sum.exe ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso 0d9fe8e1ea408a5895cbbe3431989295 *ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso23:01
obomalet me put that on the flash drive again and give you the exact error23:02
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
tomreynoboma: also try this after writing it to the bootable media: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck23:04
TJ-You can directly test the hash of the data written to ISO too23:05
SemiNusI've messed up my dependencies a little.  Help, please ^.^23:06
obomarufus asks me to choose between iso mode or dd mode23:06
obomai have to choose dd mode otherwise the computer wont boot from usb23:07
obomaalready tested this23:07
obomajust fyi23:07
obomaTJ-: how ?23:09
TJ-oboma: it assumes you're writing the raw ISO to the USB - from what I read of Rufus, it puts it's own code in between the mobo firmware and the ISO23:10
obomaTJ-: do you know a better way ? i dont have an optical drive23:12
eelstrebori was just looking at this krackattacks-scripts-research zip file from github and when i went to update the repository so that i could use the scripts, a LOT of files were going to be removed along with a LOT of new files to install - i'm not sure that i want to remove/install this stuff - i don't want to break my box - anyone have experience with these scripts?23:12
TJ-oboma: but I do it like this: "dd if=/dev/sdX count=1 bs=$(stat -c %s ~/Downloads/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso) | md5sum -"23:13
akikrufus has a dd write mode which you can get with alt-i23:13
TJ-akik: thanks; that does a raw write does it?23:13
obomaright. i'm stuck on windows 10 atm23:13
TJ-akik: from sector 0 ?23:13
akikTJ-: i'd assume it does when they call it dd mode23:13
eelstreborthe problem appears to be with the python-pycryptodome package23:13
TJ-the way I read it, the images were in partitions and rufus inserts it's own boot-manager23:14
akikTJ-: when you press alt-i rufus says disabling iso support23:14
TJ-akik: OK... with it talking about 'formatting' first, it implies it is doing more than a raw byte copy23:15
akikTJ-: where does it say formatting?23:16
obomai just tried the "check disc for defects" option23:16
obomainitramfs unpacking failed23:16
obomalzma data is corrupt23:16
tomreynSemiNus: i think ondrej's php PPA is supposed to be used via (f)cgi(d), not as an apache module.23:16
obomakernel panic blablablah23:16
obomaso what did i do wrong :(23:17
SemiNustomreyn, yep, also just figured out it's    /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej-ubuntu-php-yakkety.list23:17
buggedouthey.. Anyone know of a good irc client for ubuntu? looking for something that looks good and is functional?23:18
SemiNushow can I purge the whole repo?23:18
konradosbuggedout, I like hexchat23:18
secnicebuggedout: weechat23:18
buggedoutim using weechat now.. looking for something a bit more graphical.23:19
TJ-akik: in the FAQ23:19
buggedoutwill check out hexchat.23:19
tomreynSemiNus: it's a PPa. PPA's can be purged using 'ppa-purge'. The details of this PPa are at https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/23:20
SemiNusthank you tomreyn23:20
SemiNusis it just me, or did IRC become more silent than it was a few years ago?23:20
buggedoutmuch more silent.23:21
konradosnote this is weekend.23:21
konradosI guess23:21
SemiNusoh, you're right, I forgot about the weekend23:22
SemiNushowever, even during the week... I feel like IRC has changed23:22
buggedoutI remember when hacking dishnet / expressvu was popular.. those channels were always loaded with no end to the chat..23:22
SemiNusand there is no replacement,  it's not like people moved over to Slack or so...23:22
SemiNusI feel like people are not chatting and helping each other as much as it was back in the day23:22
SemiNusbuggedout, I must have missed that trend totally, never heard of those23:23
buggedout<---- old23:23
konradosthis is actually something what bothers me as well, where did ppl go? Not fb, not slack, not discord... o.O23:23
SemiNuskonrados, not real life23:24
buggedoutnetflix and chill.. pof.. rofl23:24
SemiNussorry, I must come back to my ppa-purge problem:23:26
SemiNusppa-purge -o ondrej/php23:26
SemiNuswhat am I doing wrong?23:27
tomreyn-o, no sudo23:27
SemiNusI am root23:28
akikTJ-: rufus just starts writing directly in the dd mode23:28
TJ-akik: shame it doesn't have a way to compare the hash of the image too23:28
SemiNusin the usage examples, it says:  sudo ppa-purge [ppa:]ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates23:28
SemiNusso I changed it to:  ppa-purge [ppa:]ondrej/php23:29
SemiNusand it still won't work23:29
tomreynSemiNus: fix your sources.list first of all.23:33
SemiNustomreyn, my sources.list is nice23:33
SemiNusjust the official repos + the ones from trinity desktop23:33
tomreynSemiNus: the error message says othersise23:33
SemiNustomreyn, there are some files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d23:34
tomreynSemiNus: right, either /etc/apt/sources.list is wrong or one of the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/23:35
SemiNustomreyn, sorry for bothering. Please tell me how "wrong" would look like in this context.23:35
SemiNusI am not sure what to look out for.23:35
tomreynSemiNus: rgrep ubuntu-mate-dev /etc/apt/sources.list*23:36
tomreynthe last one is probably wrong then23:36
tomreynyou could try using ppa-purge on it23:36
SemiNuswhat would be wrong about Mate?23:37
tomreynSemiNus: nothing is wrong about mate. something is wrong about using a PPa which is no longer working.23:40
SemiNusI try to purge it23:40
SemiNussorry for bothering, I am really stuck23:42
oerheksppa-purge ppa:ondrej/php23:42
oerheksdon't use brackets, i guess23:42
SemiNusoerheks, the manpage mentioned the brackets23:43
Ben64SemiNus: it doesn't mean them literally23:44
oerheksyes, anotation needs to be filled in ofcourse23:44
SemiNusI tried every option.  Still the same error23:46
tomreynSemiNus: you'r enot bothering, i just lack time right now. try: ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/xenial-mate23:46
SemiNusand I also cannot purge mate23:46
=== jje__ is now known as jje_
tomreynand then: ppa-purge ppa:ondrej/php23:47
buggedouthrrm hexchat is pretty decent.. thanks for the recommendation!23:47
oerheksondrej seems to be gone, mate-dev only23:47
oerheks*if* you are on yakety 16.10 now, i don't wonder that the servers are down ..23:52
SemiNusit's only 1 year old?!23:52
SemiNusI only want PHP running again :(23:52
oerheksyes, but 9 months support23:52
Ben64only supported 9 months23:52
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol, !eolupgrade and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety23:52
SemiNusI see23:53
SemiNusthat's a problem then23:53
Ben64yes it is23:53
kaosinepff not as bad as the disc of 10.14.1 that I have still XD23:53
SemiNusis it safe to upgrade the running machine with the messed up sources?23:54
SemiNusor shall I backup my files and erase everything?23:54
kaosinethat's over 7 years old....but if you want a release that lasts longer I'd get lts just sayin'23:54
SemiNuskaosine, I am still using KDE 323:54
oerheksppa's will automatic be disabled, aFAIK23:55
SemiNus(forked as trinity desktop)23:55
SemiNusokay then I try it23:55
kaosineI'd be on the safe side and back up then reinstall unless there's a way to repair in the installer....23:55
kgbmeo/ do i just install with apt? jobs-admin requires dbus and i can't install it with pip: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26045352/23:55
oerheksback to 16.04 LTS and maybe adding HWE, or 17.1023:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:56
SemiNusI am risking it and upgrade the system now23:58
SemiNusthank you for all your help23:58

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