
Kilosat last my 16.04 is giving hassles14:17
Kiloscan one of you please tell me what to google to look for a cure14:17
Kilosletters missing in many apps etc so i cant read what is available14:18
Kilosi have googled missing icons but they different issues and missing text14:19
Kilosinetpro fix it14:19
Kilosoh btw good afternoon everyone14:19
Kilospaddatrapper you working?14:20
pavlushkaKilos: the app name is showing correctly btw, this is happening in every other app?14:24
pavlushkaKilos: you are on laptop or desktop?14:25
Kilosfor example if i open a movie folder there are 3 or 4 files and one is the .avi or .mkw etc but i cant even read which is which14:25
Kilosonly started yesterday, shockwave flash in browser started giving problems first14:26
pavlushkaKilos: try to open a wallpaper in fullscreen and see if there is anything wrong too.14:27
Kilosthis full screen konversation has no errors , everything is readable14:27
Kilosi dont know where there are wallpapers to play with man14:28
pavlushkatry to see if pictures are displaying correctly14:28
Kilosi can just read mail etc 14:28
pavlushkaKilos: any good picture file will do14:28
Kilosok i know where pics are14:29
pavlushkaKilos: try in fullscreen 14:29
Kiloseverything is perfect14:30
pavlushkaKilos: tried restart?14:31
Kilos10 ntimes14:31
Kilosreinstalled some graphics files and kubuntu-desktop but no change14:32
pavlushkaKilos: lol, yeah checking out the very basic troubleshooting14:32
pavlushkaKilos: aw, you went that much!14:33
Kilosand i need to sleep not sit here and fight my kde14:33
Kilosi have had it before on arlier version but then the ead was still working better14:33
Kilosi run toilet quick14:36
pavlushkaKilos: ping14:39
Kilosi am sure i found the cure with google last time, but cant remember how i worded the query14:40
Kilospavlushka pong14:40
pavlushkaKilos: so you are having problem with fonts in sysnaptic and dolphin file browser only?14:40
Kilosive tried missing icons, letters and characters but they all give me many pages of unrelated stuff14:41
Kilosah maybe it was fonts14:41
Kilosyes mostly when i open stuff with dolphin14:42
Kilosand synaptic14:42
pavlushkaKilos: ok, try for both application, edit-> preference-> colors/view/display, find out fonts options and try to set fonts to "Sans" or "Serif"14:44
pavlushkaand see if it works14:44
Kilosok and i just opened synaptic and reinstalled everything with dolphin, it needs to download 20 meg so there must be many updates etc missing there14:45
pavlushkaKilos: and you better run a "sudo apt update && apt -y full-upgrade" in terminal if possible.14:46
Kilosand my internet is very bad, took 3.1/2 hours to do a 300 meg upgrade yesterday14:47
Kilosty pavlushka , you carry on doing what you were doing ill work on this and give you a call if i dont win14:47
pavlushkaKilos: sure :)14:47
Kilosok ill do that now ty lad14:48
pavlushkaKilos: and that command will not redo what is been done yesterday, if you have upgraded your machine yesterday, then not much suppose to happen this time but it will fix if anything is due14:50
Kiloscool ty14:50
Kilosyes nothing to install or broken14:51
pavlushkaKilos: then try to setup a different font in those applications15:08
* pavlushka hoping it might fix the issue15:09
Kilosit seems to be fixed pavlushka 15:09
Kilosmaybe it was dolphin that wasnt up to date15:10
Kilosty for your help lad15:10
pavlushkaKilos: fixed without doing anything?15:10
Kilosmaybe some patch or something that i missed updating15:10
Kilosi reinstall all the dolphin files that showed as installed and it downloaded 20 meg i told you 15:11
pavlushkaok, may be that 20MB :)15:12
Kilossometimes i dont do upgrades especially when my download speed is in bytes per second not  even kilo bytes15:12
Kilosthanks young man15:12
Kilosis all good there by you15:12
pavlushkaKilos: I just gave you company , lol15:13
Kilosthats what i needed15:13
pavlushkaKilos: yep, almost15:13
Kiloswhen you gonna be a millionaire15:14
pavlushkaKilos: when I'll have a friend named Megas, coz Kilo means thousand :p15:16
paddatrapperKilos-: studying, yeah16:03

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