
axwwallyworld: thanks for changes, looking at your PR again now00:53
axwwallyworld: not for right now, but we'll need to figure out how to incorporate the CAAS hook tool names into "juju help-tool"01:14
axwwallyworld: just about to run QA again, can you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8131 when you're free?02:47
axwwallyworld: I don't see the typo03:28
axwwallyworld: were you thinking s/machine/unit/ ? this helper is used by both TestDestroyMachine... and TestDestroyUnitHostMachine... - it's more about destroying the machine than the unit03:29
wallyworldaxw: i realised i misread the code - i deleted the comment03:30
axwokey dokey03:30
thumperwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/813203:50
wallyworldthumper: looking in a bit03:54
axwwallyworld: when you're free, I'm ready to chat about next steps04:58
wallyworldaxw: ok, give me 504:59
* axw goes to make coffee05:01
wallyworldaxw: free now, standup HO?05:16
axwwallyworld: yup, brt05:16
mupBug #1733847 changed: same ip got assigned to two different container  <juju:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1733847>05:30
axwwallyworld: snap CDN is buggered atm it seems, so blocked on getting k8s installed. I'm going to write some unit tests for worker/caasoperator, and do a little refactoring to bring it more in line with newer workers06:41
wallyworldok, sgtm06:41
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
axwwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8134 - snaps are back, but gotta make dinner. bbl08:38
axwwallyworld: to avoid spreading juju bits across the image, can we put jujud at /var/lib/juju/tools/jujud? then we can still derive from data-dir09:41
wallyworldaxw: that sounds ok to me09:41
axwwallyworld: alternatively we could put it in /var/lib/juju/tools/<version>/jujud as we do now, but makes the image build step a little more complicated. maybe worth it for consistency?09:42
wallyworldbut to we really need that since images are not updated but replaced09:43
axwwallyworld: we don't. I'm just thinking the fewer differences the better09:44
axwwallyworld: to avoid having if-iaas-this-else-if-caas-that09:44
wallyworldthere's lots of other difference already IMO09:44
* axw shrugs09:44
wallyworldthis caas operator is different code really09:45
axwI'll make it a static path for now, we'll see how it goes09:45
wallyworldyeah we can always revise09:45
wallyworldstart simple09:45
axwwallyworld: pushed a change, PTAL09:51
wallyworldaxw: i don't think applocationName is used in waitForApplicationActive()09:53
wallyworldaxw: also, we don't really need Application attr on worker Config - it's just used to print an error message inside the worker - could easily be done by the NewWorker caller09:56
axwwallyworld: I imagine we'll want to use it later on09:56
axwpassing to the API09:56
wallyworldyeah could do09:57
wallyworldaxw: lgtm, thanks for extra changes, i wanted to do clock etc but ran out of steam09:57
axwwallyworld: thanks09:58
jamballoons: veebers: The bot failed to comment on my PR again.11:15
jamaxw: did the bot work correctly on your PR?11:15
jamon mine I had failed to run 'go fmt' and that seemed to cause the bot to reject the PR, but fail to actually update the github comment.11:16
axwwallyworld: since I'm going to need an API for getting the charm URL anyway, I'm going to add one with the SetStatus API (unless you already started on it?)13:09
wallyworldnope, not started yet13:09
balloonsjam, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8128?17:09
jamballoons: yeah, it had a 'go fmt' issue, and that clearly failed the test suite, but didn't report back to the PR17:10
jamso I did a Rebuild directly17:10
balloonsjam, is this just the card we have about go fmt not returning non-zero?17:12
jamballoons: well, it failed in the builder17:12
jamit just didn't reply to the PR which meant a follow up "$$merge$$" ddn't work17:12
balloonsthe $$merge$$ bot really needs replaced, but is blocking on pipelines allowing merges. It's behavior shouldn't have changed in all the time it's been running.17:14
balloonsso that's interesting it wouldn't accept another $$merge$$17:14
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
balloonsjam, do you have anything pressing to discuss?  I could use the time today iif not17:50
jamballoons: nope, I'm half falling asleep anyway.17:51
balloonsjam, :-)17:56
torontoyeshow might I build a charm to deploy Windows 10?19:04
torontoyeson MAAS19:05
wpkIs there a mergebot on https://github.com/juju/description or someone has to do it manually?20:15
thumperwpk: I don't think it has been set up yet20:22
thumperI can click the button if necessary20:22
wpkthumper: please do20:23
* thumper takes a look20:23
thumperwpk: sorry, the work isn't right20:24
thumpersince you are adding a field, you need to bump the serialisation version20:25
thumperthe schema package is very strict20:25
* thumper looks for an example20:25
thumperwpk: take a look at this work wallyworld did https://github.com/juju/description/pull/25/files20:26
thumperwpk: what is going to happen on an import if there is no default gateway?20:31
thumperis it an expected value in 2.3?20:32
wpkthumper: we only do something if IsDefaultGateway is set to true20:32
wpkthumper: since default is false -> we won't do anything20:32
thumperbut the code doesn't rely on there being one with default gateway set?20:33
* thumper out20:34
wpkAnyone else with powers to merge juju/description?20:51
wpkballoons: ?21:12
wpkwallyworld: ?21:12
balloonswpk, pr?21:13
=== petevg_afk is now known as petevg
wallyworldwpk: done21:32
wallyworldballoons: we having release standup?21:32
wpkwallyworld: danke schon21:41
wallyworldwpk: with the SUperSubnets() PR, looks ok but we need unit tests21:48
=== admcleod_ is now known as admcleod
wpkwallyworld: recheck plz.22:01
wallyworldwpk: awesome, ty22:03
babbageclunkwallyworld: good call on the upgrade step - what version should I put that in for? 2.3.122:14
wallyworldbabbageclunk: otp, give me 522:14
babbageclunkwallyworld: no rush22:14
wpkwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/description/pull/31 , too late here..22:36
wallyworldwpk: looking22:36
wallyworldwpk: done22:37
wallyworldbabbageclunk: the upgrade step version matches what juju version the code lands in, so it will be 2.422:39
babbageclunkoh of course it's 2.4, thanks22:39
axwwallyworld: did you have any trouble with kubernetes-core and the kube-system pods not coming alive?23:58
wallyworldit took a few minutes23:58
axwwallyworld: I left it over night :)  somethings borken23:59
axwI'll blow it away and see if it happens again23:59

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