
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest73458
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valoriehi mint04:57
valoriehow can we help?04:57
mintvalorie: ty i dont need help05:01
minti'm looking at mirc alternatives05:03
minti installed konversation05:03
valoriethat's what I use05:04
valorieever since moving from mirc on windows05:04
valoriemany many years ago05:04
mintnice :)05:04
valoriejust keeps getting better!05:05
=== richard is now known as Guest93776
=== Guest93776 is now known as Gizmo_Romick
valoriethere has been a recent security upgrade, so be sure to run the latest packaged version05:05
minti see i use windows sometimes05:07
minti am currently use a linux05:07
minti like it konversation05:08
valorieme too05:09
valorieI believe that konvi runs on windows as well05:09
valoriemost KDE applications do05:09
mintwhich distrubiton?05:10
valorieI'm using Kubuntu05:10
valorieI no longer run Windows05:10
valoriesince about 200105:10
minti am using mint and ubuntu05:11
mintwhere are u from?05:12
valoriehere in Washington state, in the northwest of the US05:19
mintTurkey (Istanbul)05:20
valorieoh very nice!05:23
valorieI love to see users all over the world05:23
mintme too05:23
mintbut there is a language problem :)05:24
* valorie is rather ignorant and knows little but English05:24
mintwe are little know english :)05:26
mintEnglish education is bad in Turkey05:26
mintwe are talking in reverse05:27
mintturkish language :)05:28
mintfor example valorie05:31
mintwhat is your name?05:31
mintsenin(your) adin(name) ne(what) dir(is)05:31
mintyour name what is05:32
mintthis is big problem05:32
mintit is confusing05:32
valoriemy name is Valorie Zimmerman05:36
valoriewell, I talk to people from all over, so the grammar or word order aren't *super* important05:37
mintme too05:40
minti know :)05:40
mintmy name is Gokhan05:41
mintnice too meet u05:41
valorienice to meet you, Gokhan05:41
valoriewhat do you do in Instanbul?05:41
valorieI've always wanted to visit the ancient Constantinople, but .....05:42
valorienot so far05:42
valorieand relations between our governments seems to be not getting better05:42
valorieGokhan, can you join #kubuntu-offtopic so that we can continue talking?05:43
valoriethis is offtopic05:43
valoriehi advo, how can we help ya?05:43
valoriejust click the name and you'll join05:43
advoI'm in clueless land. I want to get kubuntu 16 what not on my rebuilt machine. I can't get win 7 working again, partly because the HDD it was installed on is crapping out? Thing always was that it was unreliable but once it booted it never messed up. At any rate, I want an OS on one of the other HDD to help me manage the whole thing.05:46
advoI don't have a DVD writer, but I do have a fresh USB drive that has more than enough room to help install... but and I have it dled, but I don't know how to go from here.05:47
valorieso it sounds like you want 16.04, the LTS (long term support)05:47
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:47
advoYup, that's what I downloaded.05:47
valorieso click that first link above05:48
valorieit's pretty easy to "burn" a USB drive05:48
advoWhat's a persistent live usb install? That where you can have the host be on the USB drive?05:48
valoriesome people use that when traveling, for instance05:48
advoNeat. But not needed. I'll check the top link.05:48
valorieso they don't have to trust foreign computers05:48
advoWhat's an ubuntu flavour?05:50
advoThat just a term for brand, like kubuntu is a flavour?05:54
valoriekubuntu was the first; now there are quite a few others05:58
valorielubuntu, xubuntu, etc.05:58
advoTrying to do this from a chromebook is proving frustrating...06:00
advoHmm... found a typo...06:01
valorieuhoh, on the help page?06:02
advoCreating a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from Windows06:04
advo"If you are a beginnier, you find good information a"06:04
advoJust a little one.06:04
valorienot sure I have the power to fix that06:05
valorieit's not an ordinary wiki page06:05
advoI don't think I'll be able to do this from this chrome book...06:06
valoriecan you do dd ?06:06
valoriefrom the commandline06:06
valorieadvo: ^^^06:07
valoriepretty simple -- just get the command correct or you'll hose another drive06:08
advoDunno. Currently I can't get it to show me how big the damn iso file is. I'm just going to keep this one up for now and grab the other netbook... it runs on win10.06:08
advoAnd I'm definitely running into a 'none of this makes sense' wall.06:14
valoriedd is slow but simple06:15
valorieand I've never managed to mess up, by being super-careful06:15
advoThis is the sort of thing that's always ended my attempts at doing anything linux. All of a sudden it's a pile of code and stuff and my eyes go fuzzy.06:17
valorieadvo: :(06:28
valorieI find the commandline *sometimes* simpler and faster06:28
valoriealso, the up-arrow is more powerful than anything else06:29
valorieyou don't have to type and retype06:29
valoriethere is the tab-complete just like long nicks here in IRC06:29
valorieand up and down arrow to repeat commands06:30
advoCommand lines. Yeah. I mean, I kinda get it, but also... isn't that what a gui is for?06:33
advoBut my opinion may be from how I seem to not be able to understand how command lines work.06:34
advoAlright. I'm exhausted. Thank you for your help. It got me moving in the right direction.06:41
lordievaderGood morning06:47
valoriemorning, lordievader06:48
lordievaderHey valorie06:48
lordievaderHow are you?06:48
valorieum, good06:49
valoriedreading the holidays a bit06:49
valorietime is zooming too fast!06:49
valoriehow are you?06:50
lordievaderDoing good :)06:50
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
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quimnussHello everyone10:13
quimnussI have a question regarding networking but apparently the channel goes only on invite10:14
quimnussIs it possible to deliver ftp transfers throught a different interface other than the one where the request was made?10:15
lordievaderquimnuss: I suppose it is possible. But will most likely break the TCP connection on  the client side.10:18
lordievaderSince your client suddenly receives traffic from a, presumably, different IP address.10:19
=== tester_ is now known as tester__
user|78386anyone here12:13
lordievaderMany people are... if you are prepared to wait more than a minute.12:14
lordievaderYou'd think, such an old protocol... people would realize how things go.12:15
BluesKajHowdy folks12:19
R_RiosHello, all. The animation of the busy wheel in Plasma is super fast for some reason. Any ideas?13:37
=== burt is now known as Guest96156
burt_G'day everyone  or night dpending on where you are.13:57
BluesKajhi burt_13:58
burt_I am new to Linux and Kubuntu. I was hoping that someone here could tell me how to hide the categoriy "Development" found in KDE application launcher without hding it KDE Menu Launcher. I have followed the KDE articles but without success . Your help is greatly appreciated.14:02
burt_BluesKaj: Hello14:02
burt_I am new to Linux and Kubuntu. I was hoping that someone here could tell me how to hide the categoriy "Development" found in KDE application launcher without hding it in KDE Menu Editor. I have followed the KDE articles but without success . Your help is greatly appreciated.14:05
burt_Also I suspect the literature I have read on this topic is out of date.14:06
hateballburt_:  I don't think that is possible14:08
BluesKajburt_,  afraid not, but it is 2 layers down in the menu so if you're worried about someone discovering it they'll have to know where to look14:10
burt_hateball: based on 2 well known distributions based on Kubuntu Linux Mint KDE edtion and Maui Linux they have done it . I can see the category "Development" in the KDE Menu Editor and does not appear in the KDE Menu Launcher.  Based on that observation I think it must be possible dont you ?14:12
burt_BluesKaj: hateball: based on 2 well known distributions based on Kubuntu Linux Mint KDE edtion and Maui Linux they have done it . I can see the category "Development" in the KDE Menu Editor and does not appear in the KDE Menu Launcher.  Based on that observation I think it must be possible dont you ?14:14
burt_BluesKaj:  hateball thank you both for responding to my question .14:16
BluesKajburt_, what's is your 'issue' with this dev thing, there's no harm in it14:16
burt_I want to hide "Development" category in the KDE menu Launcher without it being invisible in KDE Menu Editor. Thanks14:18
burt_BluesKaj: I want to hide "Development" category in the KDE menu Launcher without it being invisible in KDE Menu Editor. Thanks14:23
BluesKajburt_, that's a very unusual request, and I don't think it's possible, perhaps the experts at the #kde chat can help you.14:27
burt_BluesKaj: Thank you for the link, but it must be possible Linux Mint and Maui Linux both do it and well I'd love to know how they did it lol14:39
* BluesKaj shrugs14:40
lordievaderburt_: You could always make a whishlist bug report for a hide functionality... but I don't think it will quickly be done, or at all.14:41
BluesKajhi AV-8115:00
AV-81thank god! somebody replied!15:00
AV-81i was trying for so long15:00
AV-81by the way how long have you been using ubuntu?15:01
BluesKajAV-81, usually someone will reply if you ask a question, just saying hi doesn't indicate a need for support to some members here15:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:06
lordievaderThat ^ sort of summarizes it.15:06
AV-81How does canonical does business while ubuntu is free?15:08
lordievaderSupport contracts mostly.15:09
lordievaderCompanies pay for the support of Ubuntu.15:10
burt_Can someone please tell me how to hide the category "Development" found in KDE Application Launcher without hiding it on the left side of the  KDE Menu Editor. Your help is greatly appreciated.15:13
burt_Two Kunbuntu based distros Mint and Maui Linux do this by default I'l like to know how they did it, so I can customize my KDE Application Launcher15:14
lordievaderMaybe ask there?15:16
burt_lordievader:  I did ask there but no one responded. I was hoping since Linux Mint and Maui Linux are based on Kubuntu that someone here could answer my question.15:38
=== hc1324 is now known as SimAloo
=== madagu is now known as MadAGu
alesanwhat is in kubuntu, the program that allows users to login in the graphical environment?19:31
BluesKajaitorpazos, sddm19:33
BluesKajaka the login  page19:34
alesanI'm using 16.04 LTS19:37
alesansddm does not seem to be incorporated19:37
BluesKajI bet you have autologin enabled so it boots directly to the desktop from grub  not showing the login page19:39
BluesKajalesan, ^19:41
alesanwell that is probably right BUT19:49
alesanwhat I realized I'm looking for is when I open the lid of the laptop19:49
alesanit comes out of suspend mode19:49
alesanand asks for a password19:49
alesanwho manages *that*19:49
alesanlightdm maybe?19:50
alesanit is currently in the process list19:50
editheravenhi there. how can I get all opengl extensions in latest kubuntu? the open driver from the repos seems "bare-bones", with minimal opengl support. thank you.19:51
BluesKajaitorpazos, system settings>stsrtup&shutdown>login scree>advanced tab, uncheck auto login19:51
BluesKajalesan, sorry ^19:51
BluesKajeditheraven, which gpu?19:52
editheravenoh sorry. ati amd hd 6xxx series19:53
editheraven6770 precisely19:53
BluesKajalesan, ssytem settings>power management19:54
alesanOK I would like to reduce the time it waits after I type a wrong password19:54
BluesKajeditheraven, run,  lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes ..that should tell us the driver in use19:57
editheravenBluesKaj, Kernel driver in use: radeon19:57
editheravenwith only these extensions. "direct rendering: Yes     GL_ARB_direct_state_access, GL_ARB_draw_buffers,      GL_ARB_draw_indirect, GL_ARB_draw_instanced,      GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect, GL_ARB_occlusion_query2,"19:59
BluesKajeditheraven, install the, xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu , driver20:00
editheravenBluesKaj, ok. Let me restart the x server20:02
editheraven_BluesKaj, looks like the kernel loaded the same module. Moreover, amdgpu driver didn't registered any kernel module when installed20:08
BluesKajdo yopu have dkms installed?20:09
editheraven_BluesKaj, yes. which dkms /usr/sbin/dkms20:10
editheraven_I have virtualbox and it can register kernel modules just fine20:12
editheraven_strangely the kernel module exists "/lib/modules/4.13.0-17-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko"20:14
editheraven_ok so I can load the kernel module without error20:16
editheraven_i2c_algo_bit           16384  2 amdgpu,radeon ttm                    94208  2 amdgpu,radeon drm_kms_helper        167936  2 amdgpu,radeon drm                   356352  11 amdgpu,radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helperi2c_algo_bit           16384  2 amdgpu,radeon ttm                    94208  2 amdgpu,radeon drm_kms_helper        167936  2 amdgpu,radeon drm                   356352  11 amdgpu,radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper20:17
BluesKajeditheraven_, if you see any difference in performance hegatively then remove the amdgpu, I'm not sure it the right one20:20
BluesKajsorry , my mistake, editheraven_20:21
BluesKajthink I'll call it a day20:21
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ubsafderlooks like my kubuntu updated automatically firefox can i revert to previous version ?23:12
ubsafderi could even review the update is that  kubuntu expected beheavior ?23:16
krytarikubsafder: Every Firefox update is also considered a security one - so 2.) yes, and 1.) I would not.23:22

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