
bobsmithwxl in the haus?00:08
wxlwhat up bobsmith00:08
bobsmithmore questions for ya! mostly about partitioning, again, sorry, boring00:09
wxlhit me00:09
bobsmithI used this guide: https://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation00:10
bobsmithbut setting swap as the only primary partition, as well as the boot? i dunno, its all good?00:10
bobsmithubuntu help resources are the best! lots of digestable documentaton out there.00:12
wxlif you're doing an MBR scheme, you can only have four partitions00:13
wxlto get around that you can create an extended partition with logical paritions inside it00:13
wxlwindows can't boot from logical partitions, fwiw00:14
bobsmithright just 4 primary00:14
wxltl;dr if you're doing 4 or less partitions on MBR, you can just make everything primary00:14
wxland if you're doing GPT, it doesn't matter. you can do whatever you want.00:14
bobsmithwhat MBR vs. GPT difference does it make?  I'm not going to dual boot anything with windows00:15
wxleither's fine, really00:16
bobsmithso, if I'm doing linux only machines, but with multiple distros per machine?00:16
wxldoesn't matter really00:17
bobsmithok.  somethings do matter on partitioning, but there's not too many rules to worry about i guess?00:17
wxlwell one thing i would consider is using LVM00:19
wxland make sure you use a file system that allows for easy resizing and such00:20
bobsmithyes, that would probably be better for trying different distros i suppose (= virtual machine, yeah?)00:20
wxlif you want to use vms, it doesn't matter what you do with partitioning00:21
bobsmithchange gears for a minute:  today, I tried to boot lubuntu from live USB on a chromebook.  no worky- graphics problem.   I dont suppose theres any such support?00:24
bobsmithI have heard people using different flavors of ubuntu on chromebooks successfully, however.00:26
wxlbobsmith: perhaps not, depends. there's some common kernel parameters to get around display issues00:31
bobsmithI didnt really expect it would work. this from my experience last week trying to get that old eeepc working with lubuntu.  same kinds of graphics display problems.  I put that one on back burner for now...00:33
bobsmithone more gear change:  if/when I get some flavor of linux OS working on chromebook, would it be possible/advisable to use say, a 64GB SD card as /home?? rather than try and replace the 16GB SSD?00:36
bobsmithcouldnt I just make it so in /etc/fstab? and any reason I couldnt make it FAT?00:38
bobsmithshoot, one more thing I'm remembering now- per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving, I did move /home around successfully, and using leafpad to edit rather than vi! fyi...00:41
wxla separate home is always good. and you can put it on the SD card. no idea about using FAT though. never tried.00:43
wxlbobsmith: try nomodeset for graphics issues. it's a start. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions00:44
bobsmithok, I'll chew on those leads.  thx!00:53
sjsu2Having a problem installing Ubuntu on my old C2D MacBook... https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhOEqKRDBXFB02:02
mr17can anyone help me getting a 3g USB modem working with lubuntu 17.10 ?05:06
mr17went thru the guide, choce country, provider and connection options... no go05:07
mr17worked perfedt with 17.0405:07
mr17worked with live usb, now installed ... no go :/05:10
=== MrBok_ is now known as MrBok
=== leszek1 is now known as leszek
mr17hello :)19:33
mr17can someone help me getting a 3g USB modem to work with  lubuntu 17.10 ?19:34
mr17it worked when live, now when lubuntu installed, it wont connect19:36
wxlthis might suck if you have no connectivity, but did you try installing proprietary drivers?19:43
mr17hi wxl , yes i did, and everything is updated19:43
mr17it finds the modem, and i set it up, like i use to, using the guide.. but wont connect, pretty weird19:44
wxli bet you there's still some driver or another you need, but did you look in the logs to see if there are any obvious errors, mr17 ?19:44
mr17where do i find the logs?19:45
wxl/var/log/syslog should be a good start19:45
wxlyou can tail -f it and then try to connect19:45
mr17ok ty, will check19:45
mr17tail -f ?19:46
mr17ohh i see19:48
mr17wxl: it says modem registered, and connecting..19:50
mr17the connection animation just goes forever19:51
mr17"ModemManager[435]: <info>  Simple connect state (4/8): Wait to get fully enabled"19:51
mr17"NetworkManager[461]: <info>  [1511812299.2950] device (cdc-wdm0): state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none', internal state 'managed')"19:52
wxlmr17: does it have an ethernet connection?20:01
mr17right now im using cable20:02
wxltry running the proprietary driver check again20:02
mr17it doesnt make sense, since it worked fine when running the LIVE usb...20:02
mr171 driver in use: Processor microcode firmware for intel ...20:04
wxlok so let's see if we do some searching20:04
mr17been using that on 17.04 too20:05
wxlcould you pastebin lsusb -v?20:06
mr17ty for the help wxl .. yes, hang on20:06
wxlthough know that i'm shooting in the dark here because i don't have a similar device to test with20:07
mr17 do you just need the huewai device ?20:08
mr17"Bus 001 Device 012: ID 12d1:1506 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Modem/Networkcard"20:08
mr17wxl: -> https://pastebin.com/c7V1ZjC820:11
wxlmr17: you got a log file at /var/log/usb_modeswitch.log ?20:12
mr17wxl: nope20:13
wxlmr17: are you using wv dial?20:13
mr17i downloaded modem manager, but no change20:14
wxlhm well i don't know if this is old and irrelevant but it seems that usb_modeswitch is relevant20:14
wxlas is wvdial to do the actual connecting20:14
mr17yes i read about that20:16
wxldid you try using it? it seems specifically related to that chip20:16
mr17i'll reread, and retry that option20:16
wxlsudo usb_modeswitch -J -v 0x12d1 -p 0x14fe20:16
mr17thx wxl  :)20:16
wxljust install usb_modeswitch and then run that20:16
wxlthe switches with the arguments refer to the chip id20:17
mr17ok thanks20:17
wxlthe -J is "huawei new mode"20:17
wxli guess something specific to that range of devices20:17
mr17will it change the usb device, or only settings in linux? - would hate to render the modem dead20:18
wxlapparently if you want the specific string you would add -M '55534243123456780000000000000011062000000100000000000000000000' and remove the -J20:18
wxlno, this only affects the os20:18
wxli also see someone else doing this which may be important to finally kick it into place:20:19
wxlmodprobe option && echo 12d1 1506 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id20:19
mr17"No devices in default mode found. "20:20
mr17i get a permission denied with modprobe.. even with sudo20:21
wxlwhich usb_modeswitch did you use?20:23
wxlum i THINK you may be able to use -W to get more output20:23
mr17i disconnected the device, so i had to change the id20:24
mr17usb_modeswitch "can't use storage command in MessageContent with interface 0; interface class is 255, expected 8. Abort"20:25
wxlis that with -J or -M?20:25
mr17 sudo usb_modeswitch -J -v 0x12d1 -p 0x150620:25
wxltry this usb_modeswitch -v 12d1 -p 15ca -V 12d1 -P 1506 -M "55534243123456780000000000000011062000000100000000000000000000"20:28
mr17"Found devices in target mode or class (1) Look for default devices ...  No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye!"20:29
wxlthat, i think, suggests that you're good to go, BUT as far as i know, that should change the output in lsusb.. the id should actually change20:29
wxlas an example https://askubuntu.com/a/84383520:30
mr17i see.. but it still keeps the running thing besides the clock, and eventually time out20:33
mr17must have messed up the usb_modeswitch i guess20:34
mr17ill recheck20:34
wxlwell, i *THINK* the issue about it complaining about not being in default mode means that the modeswitch was already done20:35
mr17reconnected device.. checked the ids.. same, still same error from usb_modeswitch "Error: can't use storage command in MessageContent with interface 0; interface class is 255, expected 8. Abort"20:36
wxlsadly, i'm at a loss20:36
mr17i noticed this happned when i wrote the iso using unetbootin20:37
mr17whn i used the "startup disk creator", it worked fine .. could it be something ?20:37
wxldumb question: did you check the hashes of the iso?20:37
wxland then check the media you're using to install?20:37
wxlbecause if you didn't, you may just have something wrong with the install, thus the strange behavior20:37
mr17i didnt.. but should be the correct iso.. downloaded using torrent20:38
wxlfailing that as an option, i'd post on askubuntu.com. looks like there are lots of users of that modem. if you search by the chip id i'm sure you'll find a lot20:38
mr17ok big thanks for your help and time wxl .. ill go read :)20:38
wxlthe torrent SHOULD take care of checksuming the thing, but it's worth a double check. that also doesn't take into account possibly copy areas to the media of choice (unless you're using a vm)20:38
mr17no wm... just an oldcomputer (512mb ram)20:39
wxlwhen doing installs, you always have to check everything20:39
* mr17 agrees20:39
wxlotherwise you run the risk of an error.. one bit might be enough to allow the thing to act perfectly right.. except in some strange area20:40
toni8tonesHey I just installed Lubuntu, it took a few tries for sure, on a Lenovo IdeaPad 120s, and everything seems to be working well except for my keypad20:40
toni8tonesdriver issue I am sure...20:40
toni8tonesanyone have any fixes?20:40
mr17i wrote the iso to usb using startup creator, no problems whatsoever, but had to use unetbootin, to see the usb, and copy backup files to a seperate folder20:40
wxltoni8tones: you're not really explaining what's wrong with it.....20:41
mr17once again, thx for your time and help wxl .. i got stuff to read :)20:41
wxlmr17: there's a check at the grub boot screen you can use to test the media20:42
wxlmr17: good luck. OH one other suggestion: you might ask at #ubuntu if anyone's having problems with that particular device. it's not a lubuntu-specific issue20:42
mr17no it seems kinda random... thx, will check the grub boot screen, and #askubuntu20:43
toni8tonesit skips around, I will be entering text in one box or area and it skips to eithe ra different text box or goes back into an earlier part of the text and starts typing there20:43
wxlso this is within a browser, mr17 ?20:43
wxloops i meant that for toni8tones20:44
toni8tonesit's anywhere, in anything20:44
mr17i started by dist-upgrade from 17.04.. worked ok, but some programs went dead, so decidedto reinstall 17.1920:44
mr17yes wxl20:44
toni8tonesit can be a text document, a box on a web browser, email composition20:44
wxlso it happens in terminal, toni8tones ?20:44
wxlwait a minute20:44
toni8tonesyes anywhere20:44
wxldid you hit num lock? XD20:44
mr17if you on laptop toni8tones , check that the numkeypad are off... use the FN button20:45
toni8tonesoh I actually don't know if it happens in terminal to be honest20:45
toni8tonesbut i don't even have a number lock on this keypad20:45
toni8tonesno reason for it, this is a tiny laptop20:45
mr17ok, thats ruled out :)20:45
wxli'd be shocked if you don't have one somewhere20:46
wxldoes 5 work fine?20:46
toni8tonesthe number 5?20:46
wxlkeypad = 10 key, right?20:46
mr17cya folks, thx for help20:47
wxlgood luck mr1720:47
wxlif you figure it out, spread the word!20:47
toni8tones10 key?20:48
toni8tonesthe only two things I see that look like they could be a numlock are F9 which has a like pad lock icon on it20:48
toni8tonesand... actually that's all. ha20:49
wxlthat's what i interpret as a keypad20:49
wxlalso known as "10 key"20:49
wxlactually i meant this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_keypad20:49
wxlusually 5 has no additional function so it should work just fine20:50
toni8tonesoh sorry it's not my keypad then it's my keyboard20:50
wxlso the whole keyboard doesn't work?20:51
toni8tonesit works, I am typing on it right now, it just wont stay in one text line for even like a whole sentence, it bounces to either a different text box20:51
toni8tonesor it will go back intingtheren o something I've already typed and start typ20:51
toni8toneslike that... see where it messed up? the mouse just hopped back there without any reason and started typing there.20:52
toni8tonesusually this is a driver issue20:52
wxlwait your mouse is a problem now?20:52
toni8tonesno it's the keyboard20:52
toni8tonesthe cursor20:53
toni8tonessorry cursor not mouse20:53
wxlso are any keys working fine?20:53
wxlare you using some weird keyboard layout?20:54
toni8tonesall the keys individually work fine.  it's that the typing flow gets inturrupted and the cursor moves to someplace random and then I can't type a complete sentence20:54
toni8tonesno, trust mrng this issue ing if anytone knows where to get the driver for lenovo keypads or if anyone else is havie I have had this happen so many times on computers running windows, it's always the driver, so I am wonde20:55
toni8tonesoh ugh - see sorry it just did it right there20:55
wxlwhy do you keep saying keypads?20:55
toni8toneswhenever this has happened with a windows machine it's always the driver20:55
toni8tonesso I am wondering if anyone knows where to get lenovo ideapad keyboard drivers20:56
wxlin general keyboards need no drivers unless they have some special features not on a normal keyboard20:56
wxl(or rather, they need no drivers not already included in the kernel)20:56
wxlwhat specific model do you have?20:58
toni8toneslenovo ideapad 120s21:03
wxltoni8tones: unfortunately google doesn't provide much help. i will tell you this is not a *L*ubuntu issue, but a general ubuntu one. go ask at #ubuntu and maybe someone there has one with some experience21:07
toni8tonesoh okay I wasn't sure about that so thanks21:08
toni8toneshave a good one21:08
wxlfor masto?21:31
mr17hi again wxl ..lol i think i know why the 3g usb wont work...22:23
mr17i downloaded the desktop version... not the alternate... not really sure what is different.. but now it works like a charm :)22:23
mr17owe you a case of beer :)22:23
wxldo you know if the hashes lined up on the original one, mr17 ? if not, it may be that you got unlucky.. then lucky22:24
mr17hashes was ok22:24
mr17seems the dekstop version will somehow not recognie 3g usbs22:25
mr17been unlucky on pokerTH all night too... must be it ;)22:26
mr17once again, thx for your time and help :) .. bye bye22:27

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