
lotuspsychjemorning guys05:36
Svetahi lotuspsychje :)05:39
lotuspsychjehey Sveta05:39
ducassemorning all06:41
lotuspsychjehey ducasse :p06:42
ducassehiya lotuspsychje06:42
ducasselotuspsychje: work day ahead?06:43
lotuspsychjewhole week :p06:44
lotuspsychje4 weeks till xmass06:44
ducasseugh, yes...06:46
lordievaderGood morning06:47
ducasse\o  lordievader06:48
lordievaderHey ducasse , how are you?06:49
ducassea bit stressed today, but i'm sure it will work out. and you?06:51
lordievaderDoing good06:51
lordievaderBit early at work today.06:51
lordievaderBut oh, well.06:51
lotuspsychjehey lordievader06:53
lotuspsychjewhats up ducasse ?06:54
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:56
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:56
lotuspsychjegreat here06:56
lotuspsychjecoffee before work06:56
lotuspsychjecold n rainy in belgium brrr06:56
lordievaderYeah, same here.06:56
ducassedoesn't really look that cold here, just really, really dark06:57
jinkIs het al weekend? :)06:58
lotuspsychjeuh oh06:58
* lotuspsychje runs away fast06:58
lordievaderducasse: We got dark too, want some? Takes way too long before the sun is up.07:00
ducasseno thanks, we've got plenty :)07:02
ducasseoooh, heavy snow tomorrow - i'm sure that will be popular07:14
lotuspsychjejingle bells...07:15
lotuspsychjejink smells07:15
lotuspsychjebatman got away..07:15
lotuspsychjebatmobile lost his wheel07:15
lotuspsychjeand oerheks got away07:15
lotuspsychjeor something :p07:16
jinklotuspsychje: Awwwwwwwwwwww, ben je vast met Sinterklaas begonnen?07:18
lotuspsychjeerm..i dont believe in santa claus anymore07:19
jinkNeither do my kids, but you know. :)07:20
jinkIs that even a thing in Belgium?07:20
jinkbrb, ran out of fuel^Wcoffee07:21
* lotuspsychje grabs some gasoline07:22
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^07:26
ducasselotuspsychje: i used to admin the computer systems at a newspaper. one day two of the journalists walked into the break room while i was making tea, sat down, and one of them sighed deeply. "what's wrong?" said the first one. the other replied "nothing some good cocaine wouldn't cure"07:27
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje07:27
EriC^^heh, reminds me of hunter s. thompson07:28
* lotuspsychje loves narcotics movies07:29
EriC^^spun, train spotting, requiem for a dream07:30
EriC^^fear & loathing, blow07:31
EriC^^rush hmm never seen that07:31
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: rather old, but nice movie07:32
EriC^^formula 1 car?07:32
lotuspsychjerush from (drugs)07:32
lotuspsychjetraining day also love07:32
EriC^^have you seen spun?07:33
EriC^^not that it's so good, but it's horendous graphically07:33
ducasseEriC^^: hunter thompson was a personal hero of mine, have you read his collections of letters etc? some fantastic stuff there :)07:36
ducasseyou also might like an old movie, "where the buffalo roams", where hunter is being played by bill murray07:38
ducassehas anyone here gotten ncmpcpp to work on artful?07:57
lordievaderncmpcpp doesnt work?08:02
lotuspsychjehave a nice1 today ttyl08:06
ducasselordievader: it's odd. the same version is in both zesty and artful, but on artful i get 'connection refused' when attempting to connect to the mpd server, despite using the same exact config file08:09
lordievaderMpd is running?08:09
lordievaderAnd mpc can connect to it?08:09
ducassesure, it works fine if i connect from the zesty box, and gmpc works fine from the artful box08:10
lordievaderDo you see connections on the mpd host?08:11
lordievaderFrom ncmpcpp I mean.08:11
ducassei haven't gotten that far, i was thinking of sniffing the traffic with wireshark or tcpdump next08:11
ducassejust wondered if anyone else here was using it08:12
ducasseok, the connection from gmpc shows up in mpd.log, but nothing when i try ncmpcpp08:17
lordievaderWell, I use it. But I'm not on Ubuntu.08:30
ducassei found a ppa with a later version, i'll try that. should probably still report a bug, i guess, this is a totally virgin install...08:33
ducasseeither that, or switch this machine to arch as well :)08:34
* lordievader is running 0.7.708:35
ducasse!info ncmpcpp artful08:36
ubot5ncmpcpp (source: ncmpcpp): ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.4-1build3 (artful), package size 726 kB, installed size 2829 kB08:36
lordievader0.7.7 is the (oldest) stable version in the portage tree08:37
ducasseweird it didn't get an update for artful, 0.8.1 is the version in the ppa08:38
lordievaderAnything interesting with the 0.8 upgrade?08:45
ducassefeatures, you mean?08:46
lordievaderFor example/08:49
ducassehaven't installed yet, looking for other problem reports and comparing dependencies atm08:52
ducasserelease notes there :)08:53
lordievaderQuite the list of changes for 0.808:56
ducasseok, upgraded to 0.8.1, and still the same problem. now i'm confused.09:01
ducasselordievader: no firewall. and as i said, another mpd client works just fine on the same host...09:19
lordievaderYeah, that is the strange thing.09:20
lordievaderNcmpcpp is using the config you specify?09:21
ducassei've literally copied the config file from the (working) zesty box. also tried commenting out everything non-essential for establishing a connection. i think this is a problem in libboost, as upgrading the ncmpcpp package itself didn't help. the versions of the dependencies are the only thing that differs.09:33
lordievaderHmm, yes. Guess your right.09:40
Ben64wow, biggest xy problem i've seen for some time10:14
ducasseheading out, bbl10:27
EriC^^morning all10:45
EriC^^ducasse: do you help out in other ubuntu related freenode channels?10:46
EriC^^how can i maybe become an op in the lebanese ubuntu channel i wonder? there are 2 people there, and the topic says latest release 12.04 :D10:47
BluesKajHowdy folks12:19
EriC^^hey BluesKaj12:23
BluesKajHey EriC^^12:23
BluesKajHi lordievader,IMO  think that burt guy has some kind of illogical obsession14:43
lordievaderYeah, I see no real purpose in hiding menu-categories. But hey, who am I.14:44
nicomachus#ubuntu seems slow today16:44
nicomachusHad to check to see if my connection died.16:44
nicomachusi'm going to lunch. mustmodify should be all set once he clears out /boot17:30
lotuspsychjebon apetit nicomachus17:30
lotuspsychjetnx for the headsup, we takeover from here :p17:31
oerheksheya lotus17:31
lotuspsychjeheyyy oerheks17:31
lotuspsychjethis would be useful as trigger right?17:48
lotuspsychjedax: think this would be usefull^17:51
lotuspsychjealot of users with full kernel lists, never clean it17:52
daxsurprised that still isn't automated17:52
lotuspsychjewe someone said to me once, its because of system doesnt know what kernel you gonna use17:52
daxmeh. keep current, highest version, and highest version minus one17:53
lotuspsychjeyeah sounds logic to me also17:54
lotuspsychjewhy keep kernels that are security risks anyway17:54
ubot5For information about removing old kernels to free up space on /boot, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels17:55
dax(just added)17:55
lotuspsychjetnx mate, thats gonna rocknroll17:55
lotuspsychjeyour the man dax :p17:57
nicomachusdax: it's supposed to be automated but sometimes they get marked as manually installed and don't get removed.18:07
nicomachusor people don't run autoremove like they're supposed to.18:08
oerheksthis should be no issue on a fresh 17.10, one partition for all folders incl swapfile18:09
oerheksi'd love to see a system with max 25 kernels :-D18:09
oerheksor something like that, grub-limit18:10
daftykinshey folks :)18:12
lotuspsychjeheyy dafty18:12
daftykinsseems the source packages made folks run out of inodes sooner than hitting a limit in the past18:12
BluesKajHi daftykins18:12
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj18:12
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje18:13
immuhi oerheks lotuspsychje daftykins blur18:23
BluesKajhi immu18:24
immuwhats up18:25
daftykinsmmm builders are getting close to finishing my house here, feels good :D18:27
daftykinssoon i will be able to start cleaning and it'll actually STAY clean!18:27
immunice, daftykins send us few pics18:27
daftykinsoh there'll be video come the end18:28
immucool let me know when its ready18:29
daftykinsthe end of the week might work, as they think they'll be leaving Wednesday18:29
immuif you had to choose between a iphone X and Note8, which one would your choose?18:33
daftykinsmost likely neither, Apple are pretty evil and Samsung make nice hardware but ruin it by preloading a tonne of junk18:34
daftykinsimmu: here are a few from yesterday - https://dafty.rocks/nextcloud/index.php/s/uvrLu94rMy6wc0318:35
daftykinsthe last is a new window box which got installed, today there is plasterboard around the sides ready for a plaster coat tomorrow18:44
immuwhen its ready give us a sweet video tour yeah18:45
immui am off to sleep18:45
immusee you all tomm amigos18:45
daftykinshehe, that fella18:46
oerheksDid Mark filed a bugreport yet? https://www.rt.com/news/411039-living-bacteria-iss-surface/20:26
EriC^^evening gentlemen21:17
daftykinsheya \o21:17
EriC^^hey :D21:23
daftykinswhat's new?21:23
EriC^^not much, you?21:24
daftykinsvery close to having the house work complete :)21:25
oerheksnope, he ain't selling it, EriC^^21:38
EriC^^heh :D21:40
EriC^^what if the bacteria is dangerous21:57
EriC^^like in the movie "life" !21:58
EriC^^they should study them in outer space not bring them back to earth, smh these scientists need to watch more hollywood movies to know a thing or two! wth! :D21:58
daftykinsfair point22:01
oerheksi guess we all are infected now, carry on22:02
* EriC^^ prepares for zombie apocalypse by ordering as many pizza's as possible22:03
daftykinsi've got lots of deliveries expected this week, tomorrow could be exciting :)22:06
EriC^^is thanksgiving celebrated in britain?22:09
daftykinsyep, lots! the first thing i ordered is some new coaxial cable to re-do my TV services (we have roof antenna and satellite dish services here that can be tuned into)22:10
daftykinsshould be fun22:10
daftykinsi like nerding out with cabling tasks :)22:18
EriC^^i just spilled a cup that was full of coffee from the morning, i was too lazy to put a bag in the trash bin, so i poured earlier the ashtray full of cigs in the cup, now it's all on the floor22:18
daftykinsD: nooooo22:18
EriC^^it smells appauling22:18
oerheksnew channel rule: pic, or it didn't happen22:21
oerhekshappens to me too, often. my dealer has the ks400 and k120 in stock for me22:30
oerheks13.99 https://www.bcc.nl/accessoires/accessoires-computer/toetsenbord/logitech-toetsenbord-k120/22587922:30
oerheksreally really cheap22:31
daftykinsah ha22:34

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