
alan_gSaviq: are you looking into the PPA build failures?09:53
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Saviqalan_g: already fixed10:12
Saviqor are there new ones?10:12
* Saviq checks10:12
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
alan_gSaviq: I see you pushed a change, but I don't see any difference10:14
Saviqalan_g: because it failed to upload10:16
Saviq"dpkg-buildpackage: unknown option or argument --tar-ignore=.git"10:16
Saviqbecause freakin' travis has Ubuntu from 4 years ago :P and dpkg only got many long options very recently10:17
alan_gSaviq: ack. You're on it?10:18
Saviqalan_g: https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/5710:19
Saviqit's even worse that dpkg-source does have them long, and that's what I checked the man for...10:19
Saviqbut dpkg-buildpackage only passes on short ones <facepalm />10:20
Saviqthis is where us waiting for the packages to build would be nice when merging ;)10:20
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Saviqpopey: hey, do you know if there's anyone managing the #ubuntu* channels here? we'd like to redirect from here to #mirserver, not sure who to ask :)16:24
popeySure thing16:25
popeyYou could ask in #ubuntu-irc I think.16:25

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