
Blade2021I'm running an ubuntu server on a VM, trying to conect to it from outside my LAN, everything works inside my LAN and I have the firewall and router forwarded but I keep getting a connection timeout when trying to connect to it00:00
Blade2021Any ideas?00:00
Tenacious-TechhuI have an idea; a hamburger patty between two slices of pizza would be delicious.00:01
Blade2021Awesome response but I'm full.00:04
Blade2021I got it.00:04
michael2when I am in gnome terminal and it sees a link - if I click on it it opens chrome - does any one know how to specifiy which browser is open when click on link in gnome terminal so it opens firefox?00:17
allizommichael2: open settings/details/default applications and select Firefox as default00:23
ponyridermichael2: or you can set the default browser in xresources00:27
Tenacious-TechhuAnyone know a complete guide on exactly how adduser works?00:34
Tenacious-TechhuI'm trying to figure out where the parts of a new user's files that don't come from the skel come from.00:34
kk4ewtman adduser?00:34
bcowanman adduser00:35
Tenacious-Techhu"man adduser" doesn't seem to go into that sort of detail.00:35
kk4ewtinfo adduser00:36
bcowan If the file /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local exists, it will  be  executed  after00:36
bcowan       the  user  account  has been set up in order to do any local setup.00:36
michael2ponyrider: hey they did it thanks :) do you know if its possible to do that from the comand line?00:36
ponyriderbcowan: look at useradd, that is more linux generic00:37
Tenacious-Techhubcowan, that's definitely helpful, but it doesn't actually answer the question I just asked; how does adduser actually do its job, and where do the unspecified files come from?00:38
ponyridermichael2: do what from the command line?00:38
michael2set the default browser00:38
ponyridermichael2: set the mimetypes00:39
bcowanTenacious-Techhu, what other files are you talking about00:39
ponyrideri think ubuntu is /etc/mime.types ..?00:40
Tenacious-Techhubcowan, skel specifies some files, but there's a lot that aren't specified that get created anyway...00:40
ponyridermichael2: ^00:40
Tenacious-TechhuWhere do those come from?00:40
bcowanlots of settings from gnome etc get added the first time you log into a session00:40
michael2ponyrider: you mean in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list   ?00:41
ponyridermichael2: that would be your user specific override, not systemwide. you could edit that though00:41
michael2ponyrider: didnt have any success with those file, but this command lists the default: xdg-mime query default text/html00:50
ponyridermichael2: are you using 'xdg-open' to open the file?00:51
michael2in this case im just clicking on links that appear in gnome-terminal00:56
michael2ponyrider: your GUI solution works so I'll just go with that rather than spending any more time trying to get a shell command to work00:57
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
cnnxi just discovered ubuntu from windows 10 app store01:10
cnnxis it like a virtual box thing?01:11
cnnxor is it running ubuntu natively?01:11
cnnxthats amazing01:12
cnnxmuch better than using putty01:12
cnnxi was sick of putty01:12
Krenniccnnx is a subsystem in windows 10 is actually ubuntu  is not like virtualbox01:14
cnnxKrennic: so direct access to the hardware?01:14
cnnxmicrosoft is doing great things01:15
cnnxcombining my love of linux with windows01:15
michael2ponyrider: found the file - its ~/.config/mimeapps.list and when you modify default browser through the GUI this is the file that gets changed01:15
cnnxKrennic: interestingly enough if i run the top command from within the ubuntu subsystem it doesn't show me the processes that task manager in win10 would show me01:17
cnnxjust the userspace local linux pid01:17
cnnxis it not sharing the same memory space?01:18
Krennicis like runing both oerating systems from your computer at the same time what you do in ubuntu  is in ubuntu and what you do in windows in in windows01:20
Krennictu see linux aplication you need to use xming01:21
Krennicyou dont gonna see the linux files cause they are hidding but i suggest you not to try to touch them you can mess up your pc01:23
Krenniccnnx the subsystem is use from you own computer as i said is like runing both operating systems in at the same time in you computer01:26
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
Tenacious-TechhuIf I edit a skel to have some subdirectories in order to place a file to overwrite on the creation of a new account, will the otherwise empty subdirectories overwrite the populated directories, or will those directories not be overwritten?01:53
ksbalajiSomehow I got back my desktop with application launching enabled. But fonts in desktop icons, widows etc are tiny. How to restore please?02:08
tacomasterI have a radeon hd 6310 that all this box will ever do is play netflix and youtube. Can someone help me try to get the video not so choppy?02:53
tacomasterUnder windows it plays just fine so I know that the gpu can handle it but windows 10 is just so sluggish for this machine. Ubuntu feels so much faster but just not as great support for video drivers02:54
tacomasteranything that you need just let me know02:54
pennTellerWow the gnome channel sucks03:24
pennTellerI'm glad this channel exists03:24
sharpishI think I am not recieving updates, for example my firefox is listed as version 54.0 while the current version is listed as 57. The software updater runs, and reports all software is up to date. I have also tried apt-get clean, apt-get update then apt-get upgrade, this also tells me that all the software on the system is up to date. I have searched around, but havent found any results to this particular issue. Any ideas?03:28
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
Bashing-omsharpish: What release are you running ?03:34
sharpishBashing-om, 16.0403:35
sharpishsorry 16.1003:36
Bashing-omsharpish: 16.10 is end of live and gets no updates .. as the repo is closed down .03:37
Bashing-om!16.10 | sharpish03:38
ubottusharpish: Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol, !eolupgrade and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety03:38
sharpishBashing-om, The thought never crossed my mind it was eol. Thanks!03:39
Bashing-omsharpish: Happens , get current asap . 16.04 is the present LTS release ,03:40
Bashing-omsharpish: going forward in your case is 17.04 - 17.10 .03:42
sharpishBashing-om, I will do now. Thanks again!03:43
Bashing-omsharpish: Np .. help where I can :)03:44
Tenacious-TechhuBashing-om, you know anything about skels?03:46
Zenseiany noticeable differences between 16.04 and 17.1003:47
Bashing-omTenacious-Techhu: hances are not .. as I do not recognize the term skels .03:52
apb1963Tenacious-Techhu, you mean like /etc/skel ?04:06
platzhirschHow can I insert the invisible new line ASCII 10 in Ubuntu?04:12
platzhirschWould Ctrl + Shift + U0010 do the trick?04:13
pennTellerGuys does anybody get notifications when somebody DM's you using Hexchat in ubuntu gnome 16.04? I have to contantly be checking the client since I never get a notification.. :(04:13
apb1963Decimal 10 is a Line Feed. (The ascii table from man ascii is wrong.)04:17
apb1963Newline is actually an LF coupled with a CR04:18
Tenacious-Techhuapb1963, yes, that is what I mean; I'm new to dealing with skels, and I'm not sure how to use them properly.04:22
apb1963planigan, Why do you want to do that?04:26
apb1963planigan, sorry, wrong nick04:26
apb1963Tenacious-Techhu, I haven't used them, but afaik you just create and/or modify the files there and the system will do the rest when you add a user.  Have you tried?04:27
Tenacious-Techhuapb1963, my concern is this... if I need to make a bunch of subdirectories in order to put a file in the required place, will the emptiness of those directories then overwrite the existing layout, or will only the existing file overwrite? And, if so, how would you then enforce overwriting with empty subdirectories if that is what you wanted?04:31
stevieI have a dino, this thing is basically about to be oil - the version of crunchbang (defunct) too - is there a ubuntu package for checking system specs/hardware?04:38
kode54stevie: inxi?04:38
steviedo I need to compile it04:39
kode54there's also screenfetch04:39
stevieoh true, this might have screenfetch04:40
stevieso I can't apt-get inxi04:41
stevieoh I see the ppa04:41
steviethe ppa 404'd04:43
kode54https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch you could grab the script manually04:43
steviehardinfo worked04:43
hellimodDrone, you are broken05:39
so_losthello guys, question regarding running ubuntu bash on win and trying to open files through terminal? is it possible? also: is there a way to show images INSIDE the terminal if the bash cannot access the win file sys?05:52
mozammelHello guys I've a problem, I cant use Single Click on nautilus file manager, even Single click option activated on preference, I'm using Ubuntu 17.10 gnome DE, Nautilus 3.26.005:55
thepardoxer02some help, i ran into this problem05:55
thepardoxer02i tried installing libpq-dev, still no luck05:56
edisonbulbhow do I hide all snap packages in gnome-software?05:57
edisonbulbi only want to see debs05:57
alkisgthepardoxer02: it sounds like you added some ppa or something that has some updated versions, which conflict with the rest. Try disabling that PPA and restoring ubuntu versions for all your packages.06:23
lotuspsychjemorning alkisg06:33
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all! :)06:33
edisonbulbwhat could cause an IRC client to freeze, but only if I go to a specific channel?06:39
Triffid_Hunteredisonbulb: broken client + script kiddies playing.. try kvirc instead of hexchat :P06:39
edisonbulbso that must mean that there are script kiddies messing around on ##linux06:40
Triffid_Hunteredisonbulb: I'm there, nothing weird happening at the moment06:40
edisonbulbi'll try switching clients & see what happens06:41
lotuspsychjeedisonbulb: what client?06:42
edisonbulbhexchat as Triffid_Hunter said (idrk how he knew that though)06:42
Triffid_Hunteredisonbulb: because that's the one that folks always seem to have performance issues with, also it's the only one installed by default on ubuntu last time I checked :P06:43
edisonbulbthere needs to be a website devoted completely to crowdsourced open source software reviews -- focusing mainly on the stability and correctness of the programs rather than how "user-friendly" they are06:44
edisonbulbomg i need to stop posting everything that pops into my head -_-06:45
alkisgedisonbulb: there is. Their bug trackers.06:45
alkisgDid you post any "review" there?06:45
edisonbulbi would if i knew what to complain about in my review ;)06:45
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:45
alkisgSee, that easy.06:46
alkisgYou say "I tried to join that channel and it hanged"06:46
alkisgAnd you give feedback whenever asked about it06:46
edisonbulbthe thing is it didn't hang when i tried to join that channel two hours ago :o06:46
alkisgThere are bugs that are not always reproducible06:47
alkisgThat doesn't mean that they shouldn't be reported06:47
edisonbulbhmm never thought of that... how does one go about fixing a non-reproducable bug? now I'm just curious lol06:47
rh10hey! guys, which software allow save screenshots to cloud (dropbox at windows has this functionality)?06:49
rh10xfce desktop06:49
alkisgedisonbulb:  An example? Suppose that you report the bug, and the developer thinks, "ah it's that realloc() that I was doing for the users list, which happens when little RAM is available, let's fix it now that someone was actually affected by it"06:49
edisonbulboop, found another thing to "review"... right clicking a hyperlink and hitting "open in browser" does nothing06:49
alkisgRight, so start reviewing already06:50
edisonbulbit cannot be a coincidence that every package I have problems with was installed with snap06:53
edisonbulbbugs submitted. also kvirc's scripting feature gets in the way of authentication bc my password contains a dollar sign07:02
Triffid_Hunteredisonbulb: should work with the auto nickserv auth thingy?07:02
thepardoxer02i am trying to make a mongoserver, i am getting this error https://dpaste.de/qMh5 , i google and find out that i need to install libpq-dev, but it is already installed in my system07:10
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
Neo3I can close tor see this link http://storage2.static.itmages.com/i/17/1127/h_1511770761_6041895_3415b842c0.png08:19
Neo3killed process of tor and this couldn't help08:20
ducassehow did you kill it?08:21
Neo3ducasse: see it, I found new http://storage6.static.itmages.com/i/17/1127/h_1511770951_4966103_0b0d0138b4.png08:22
Neo3I killed using system monitor08:23
gnomethrowerNeo3: look for firefox-bin too08:23
gnomethrowererr, actually no, disregard that. ignore me08:23
Neo3see I run tor, but it doesn't appear on launch panel, When I focus other window, tor is disappearing08:25
ducasseNeo3: try 'kill -9 11504 10654'08:25
Neo3ducasse: I killed, he launch but doesn't show in panel08:26
Neo3ducasse: when I press hide window '-' he'll wholly disappear and I'll can't find it08:27
Neo3ducasse: do you use tor?08:28
ducassecan't help you with that, i don't use gnome. wait for someone who knows it.08:28
Neo3ubuntu software is broken too08:28
Neo3I was installing chore and when press on .deb archive should be run 'ubuntu software' but this didn't work from begin, and why it run if I made ' sudo apt remove ubuntu-software ', it should be disappeared08:30
Neo3there seems two apps, ubuntu-software and software-center08:31
Neo3software-center is old, and new ubuntu-softwre08:31
Neo3new is broken08:31
ducassedon't use software center, use gnome software instead. or just install from command line, you get more control.08:31
Neo3yes I installed tore from comand line and everything is installing using it08:32
Neo3but software center is not bad too, there list of app, and you can seek what you need.08:34
Neo3Where you find the needed apps?08:34
Neo3I need editor for open psd files, for make html markup08:34
Neo3and for SVG I use Ilustrator08:35
hateballNeo3: There's Inkscape for vector graphics08:35
Neo3hateball: and for rastr graphics?08:36
Neo3hateball: I need only editor that will open Photoshop PSD, I watched video there people use GIMP08:38
ducassethen try gimp, see if/how well it works08:41
Neo3ducasse: it's supported psd08:43
Neo3of course for designers who well know photoshop it's not suit, but I don't know photoshop, only get from psd sometimes images and squeeze image sizes "save for web"08:45
ducasseNeo3: please stop posting screenshots when they're not necessary08:45
Neo3what terminal is better use?08:48
Neo3in video I saw there people use 'terminator'08:48
Neo3but I like more old08:48
ducassedepends what you like and need08:49
Neo3and what something for ssh, in windows I use pussy08:49
ducassefor ssh you just use a terminal and the normal openssh client08:50
Neo3ducasse: dont know still, see in windows for edit and record video I use camtasio studio, and now I can record  video in linux save file to common disc, reboot in vindows and continue use camtasio.... The same with photoshop08:50
Neo3common disc accessible for windows and for ubuntu. Yesterday I though put my passwords to google disc and then load in ubunty, today tried specify path to old file and all my password started work.08:53
Neo3Shortly all my disc data accessible, in both OS ) I though will only 20Gb accessible.08:53
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
Neo3I guested where tor disappeared, he places to firefox icon09:02
Neo3all right work09:02
vahe1I use ALSA for sound , but in the morning no sound, can you help me to understand why?  I don't know where to start checking09:51
TaZeRvahe1: are you sure its not muted?09:54
vahe1TaZeR: https://lut.im/niW9pfhsik/aSklgM8sR00Zqd4m.png09:55
Neo3how get all directories in correct way10:07
Neo3I use it $ ls -d */10:07
spajderixI have a freshly reinstalled PC with ubuntu 17.10. Whenever I play anything I can hear high pitched clicks at random intervals. When I've switched output from pulse to alsa on music player (deadbeef) the problem goes away. Did not have this issue on 16.04. Any ideas on how to fix this?10:09
Thunder_TwNeo3: $ ls -d [path]   should do it, a path is optional. If you want to research your options do $man ls10:10
Neo3Thunder_Tw: ls -d doesn't work, I tired, with */ only work10:12
Ben64Neo3: what exactly are you trying to do10:13
Thunder_TwNeo3:  yeah i've been playing on OpenComputers a bit too much.10:13
Neo3Ben64: create file in apache2/available-sites10:13
Ben64Neo3: uh, how does that relate to listing directories10:13
Neo3I try to navigate to that folder10:13
Ben64cd /etc/apache2/sites-available10:13
Neo3Ben64: I want navigate there and create file10:14
alkisgNeo3: find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d10:15
alkisgEh, sorry, I didn't read the context after the initial question. Yeah, cd and <tab> for autocomplete is fine :)10:15
Neo3Ben64: I want to create file subdomain.example.com.conf ?10:15
Neo3alkisg: find / -type f -name file_name.txt10:16
Ben64Neo3: could be called anything really10:17
Thunder_TwNeo3:  $ ls -D [path]      with a capital D seems to be used on Ubuntu, my mistake.10:19
Neo3Thunder_Tw: no doesn't work -d and -D, only  ls -d */10:20
alkisgNeo3: ls -d */ is the same as echo */, it's handled by bash, not by ls10:22
alkisgFind is the correct command to find files or directories10:22
Neo3alkisg: see if we're doing */ we don't get list dirs, should do with ls -d */10:31
Neo3if we do*10:32
Neo3we won't get10:32
alkisgNeo3: echo */10:33
alkisgLists dirs10:33
alkisgNeo3: anyway, gotta go, good luck10:33
Neo3alkisg: well, bye10:33
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
mar77iI think I misconfigured my zesty; it's a qemu guest here and connects to the internet through NAT. I have this weird thing where I can dig domain, ping remote ip but not ping domain...10:36
mar77ithis is just weird. so and work, but the nameservers I have on my host (including which is my host) don't...10:38
ltx128the guest nat is most likely not on the same subnet10:41
Ben64how is that weird? dns servers work as dns servers but your computer doesn't?10:41
mar77ithe guest net is 192.168.122*10:48
mar77iso why would those mainstream servers work?10:49
Ben64because they are functioning dns servers?10:50
mar77iand why is dns on my host working?10:50
mar77iI'm not exactly sure I'm able to find out what the problem is.10:52
Ben64i don't think i understand your question10:53
ThinkT510mar77i: describe what you expect to be happening10:53
mar77iI expect ping google.com and system upgrade (because the *.archive.ubuntu.com cannot be found) to work with the same resolv.conf as on the host, or at least find out how I can figure out why it doesn't.11:04
erioI am on 16.0411:04
erioUbuntu 16.0411:04
erioI have a command running as root for quite some time: updatedb.mlocat11:04
erioit's making my cpu hot as it's using a core at 100%11:04
hellimodHonestly this nickserv script used by the drone is completely broken11:04
eriois this command necessary?11:04
eriois there anything on the pc that uses the locate command? (maybe unity)11:04
respawn1hey guys. I'm getting DNS leaks on Ubuntu 17.10 using a VPN. Any advice on dealing with it would be appreciated11:04
mar77iThinkT510: was that detailed enough?11:04
ltx128respawn1: lennart poettering, pbuh, hails that systemd-resolved shall be hard-wired to use if the dns server you want to use takes too long to respond11:05
mar77iltx128: you just helped me solve my problem. of course.11:06
mar77ithanks for making me aware of my lennart-radar11:07
respawn1ltx128: far be it for me to question the almighty poettering11:07
=== [Ben] is now known as MrC
mar77i...so I disabled systemd-resolved, added my opennic resolvers and it's working...11:10
mar77ieven across reboots. which is nice.11:11
ltx128it was unpleasant learning the idiosyncrasies of dnsmasq.. going through this fun all again :D11:11
respawn1mar77i: did disabling systemd-resolved.service without opennic work?11:13
mar77irespawn1: well you do have to add a valid nameserver to resolv.conf, which the gateway can probably do (virtual machine host or isp router)11:15
mar77iI'm not saying the problem is blond and gawky, but sometimes he's making it hard to think otherwise.11:16
respawn1mar77i: thanks. will try it out11:16
Neo3guy if I place in bin folder file with name sites and put there #cd /var/www/ , I get www folder?11:17
mar77irespawn1: be aware that you have to manage resolv.conf now, because otherwise that service should have managed it for you.11:18
respawn1mar77i: understood (albeit frustratingly)11:18
Neo3in from any place? As I understand in bin folder places all files that run with one string in terminal11:18
respawn1I can't believe these sorts of issues are still present in 201711:19
mar77ithe caged init experience appears to be here to stay.11:20
mar77ithat is we should probably report more bugs11:20
mar77irespawn1: having mentioned opennic though, taking control over one's dns resolving is sure better than telling google or some other company one hop away from the government where you go search for porn.11:22
respawn1mar77i:yup, been using opennic for a while on my own machine11:26
Neo3I create /bin/test and put there this row #! echo hello, saved and called $ test and nothing happen11:27
fribi'm suddenly having trouble displayng pages properly in firefox, especially text. Anyone know of this problem?11:27
mar77iNeo3: read up on how shebangs work11:28
Neo3mar77i: I'll do11:28
mar77ithe first line should probably be some variation of #!/bin/bash11:28
Neo3for run bush I saw it11:28
Neo3#! /bin/bash11:29
Neo3echo hello11:29
mar77ido you really need that space?11:29
donkeykon My disk is full and I've tried to delete a massive 38Gb log file, however Syslog-NG currently has the file open.  I've tried to restart the syslog-ng service but that fails.  What's my next step?11:30
mar77ialso, /bin/test in particular is probably occupied by an implementation of the builtin with the same name. you should create your own ~/src/bash/test and run it from ~/src/bash as ./test11:30
Neo3~/src and in this folder every files will available from terminal only use one string?11:32
Neo3!# /bin/bush11:32
Neo3echo 'hello'11:32
Neo3Doesn't work11:32
mar77i12:29 < mar77i> do you really need that space? << I asked because I'm not sure you're allowed to add a space after the !. that said, you probably need to make it executable too: chmod +x test11:33
Ben64Neo3: what exactly are you trying to do11:34
mar77ialso keep in mind that you are usually advised not to have . in the path, that means you have to specifically add a relative path ./test or an absolute path ~/src/test11:34
Neo3Ben64: run first scrip for example11:34
Neo3just trying how it work11:34
Neo3I'll do it later11:35
mar77iNeo3: I expect you to tell me what about the last two lines you tried.11:35
Neo3mar77i: do like we put in terminal 'echo hello and we'll get hello11:36
Neo3it's terminal comman echo11:36
Neo3I thought that script like terminal11:37
mar77ino, it's a shell command. and that same shell comes with a built-in test command that will probably run instead of /bin/test11:37
mar77ior ./test, but I hope you haven't tried to make that work.11:37
Neo3yes I won't, Do it later,11:38
Neo3mar77i: much info http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_02_01.html11:39
mar77ito give you a piece of advice that might change the course of your life: join #bash and get off tldp. :)11:40
Neo3I don't know what it is11:41
mar77iquote from that channel: "The TLDP bash guides are outdated, and in some cases just plain wrong."11:41
Neo3I'll configure LAMP11:41
Neo3I tired this commands rm, mkdir, rm -r dir, touch filename11:42
Neo3for file name we use touch11:42
Neo3I tired this sudo vim test and vim not run11:43
Neo3in ubuntu all use nano?11:43
Neo3everybody use nano in ubuntu?11:43
Neo3mar77i: see I'll manage VPS using SSH, what editor I should use?11:44
mar77iyou can use whatever you want. but you are required to minimally know your way around the cli or graphical package manager. :)11:44
Neo3wlll, understood, it's personal preferences...11:45
Neo3I'll use nano11:45
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
backtrack_0% [Connecting to (]11:51
backtrack_what the hell apt is still using a proxy?11:51
backtrack_very nervous problem11:51
backtrack_i do not have any /etc/apt/apt.conf11:51
ajhansenHi guys, how do I upgrade from 16.04 LTS server to 17.10 server?12:00
ezra-sajhansen: afaik you can't unless you touch things manually and with uncertain consecuences, as in you can upgrade from LTS to LTS but if you jump from LTS to non-LTS you have to go version by version, someone please correct me if I'm wrong12:04
EriC^^ajhansen: type suo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and make sure Prompt=normal then run sudo do-release-upgrade12:05
EriC^^*sudo nano12:05
ajhansenEriC^^: okay cool. Also thanks ezra-s - but will this have weird consequences?12:06
Guest81985Hi All. I had 16.04 and was getting really slow screen refresh over VNC with no CPU usage. I decided to update to 17.10 to try to fix it, and now the VNC server doesn't seem to work at all. In the process, I also removed ubuntu-desktop, unity, and replaced with ubuntu-gnome-desktop . Can anyone give me an idea of where to start?12:06
EriC^^ajhansen: oh i just remembered, you wont get to 17.10 i think, it'll jump to 17.04 then you'll have to upgrade again to get 17.10 (which will become unsupported in july 2018)12:08
ezra-sajhansen: unexpected errors while upgrading? version conflicts? not too long ago you should just change /etc/apt/sources.list do apt-get update then upgrade then dist-upgrade and reboot, you are welcome to try and let us how it worked for you :)12:13
ajhansenezra-s: okay ill give it a shot :)12:14
ajhansenesra-s: I'll let ya know in a bit12:14
ajhansenezra-s: it's just a private dev server so it's not that important12:16
ezra-sajhansen: probably you would spend less time making a new install hehe12:17
ajhansenyeah but if I could avoid setting nginx up again I'd be nice.. I know there's a risk still but well :P12:17
ajhansenezra-s: it could be nice to know if it's worth the time :)12:18
BluesKajHowdy folks12:19
ajhansenBluesKaj: howdy :)12:19
BluesKajHi ajhansen12:20
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EriC^^ajhansen: ezra-s dont change /etc/apt/sources.list and dist-upgrade , it's known to break ubuntu (or so people say that), it's different than debian's approach to release upgrading12:22
EriC^^do-release-upgrade is the ubuntu way ™12:22
ajhansenEriC^^: do-release-upgrade asks to change sources.list to zesty itself.. so I really see no need for changing it manually12:23
EriC^^ajhansen: ah right, since 16.10 is eol you need to do that and then run do-release-upgrade12:23
EriC^^!eolupgrades | ajhansen12:23
ubottuajhansen: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:23
ezra-sEriC^^: yes, that's what I tried to say when I mentioned "unexpected results", probably not the best way12:23
ajhansenI changed /etc/update-manager/release-upgrade to Prompt=normal and it's running now - so far so good12:24
ezra-sEriC^^: can you confirm if he can do 16.04 -> 17.10 jump directly?12:25
ajhansenYou can't it seems12:25
ajhansenit jumps to 16.10 first12:25
ezra-salrighty then, that confirms it12:25
ajhansenso i probabply have to run it 3 times in total12:25
BluesKajajhansen, hope you updated/upgraded your existing packages first12:25
ajhansenthey we're fully updated12:26
EriC^^ajhansen: you shouldn't have to change any sources.list to upgrade to 16.10 i think12:26
ajhansenEriC^^: i didn't, but do-release-upgrade did12:26
EriC^^oh ok12:26
BluesKajno need to change the sources.list m do-release-upgrade takes care of that12:27
EriC^^honestly i think you'd be better off with a fresh install12:27
ajhansenBluesKaj: exactly12:27
ajhansenit actually asks if you want to12:27
EriC^^it would be way easier12:27
ezra-sand would take less time indeed :)12:28
ezra-sajhansen: for future reference it is good to have a separate /home filesystem, so you can just re-install everything and you can keep all your data you need there or in a backup directory12:28
ajhansenezra-s: duely noted, I'm not at all expirenced but I see your point - I'm just concerned that I'll run out of space on one partition12:29
ajhansenEriC`^^: probabply will due to the separation of filesystems12:30
ezra-sajhansen: LVM can help you resize your partitions if you run out of space in one, and there is enough free space in disk to assign. But you can go super simple and assign a lot to / and the rest for /home (not mentioning swap or any other you may need like /boot/efi)12:32
ajhansenezra-s: its a Linode VPS12:35
ajhansenezra-s: When changing from LTS to normal releases it upgrades to the first normal at first, second time it skips 17.04 apparently12:51
ezra-sajhansen: oh, nice12:53
ajhansenI will do a complete install in a few days to get the partitions separated but that's also since I get a dedicated server by then12:54
ChilestuffGreetings all13:29
ChilestuffI just installed Ubuntu a couple weeks ago and so far loving it!13:30
j4g0hiho, i am trying to mount a network share to /mnt/share and symlink it to tow different user's desktops who should each be able to read/write(/execute). In /etc/fstab i am using the credentials option + uid and gid of the first user. The second user was added to the first users group for testing purposes. file permissions in the symlinked folder on user2's desktop show that user1 (who is the owner uid=1001) can read/write, but user2 can only read the13:30
j4g0files (-rwxr-xr-x 1 1001 1001). I was wondering what i'd have to do to make it 775 instead of 75513:30
ChilestuffBut being an orphan of winblows, some things are unfamiliar13:30
ChilestuffIs there any way to use quickbooks thru an imulator or such?13:31
ChilestuffThat one program is the only thing keeping windows on my other laptop13:32
j4g0Chilestuff, hi, ppl who run windows software on linux more often than not use wine to do so, see https://www.winehq.org/13:34
adrian_1908Chilestuff: Not sure how representative this is: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=12013:36
adrian_1908I'd see if there's a wine IRC channel or forum and ask about other experiences before giving up on that idea!13:37
ChilestuffGold or better for all but the one I have  :/13:38
adrian_1908Which version do you have?13:38
Chilestuff2013 pro13:38
adrian_1908The sample size is VERY small and Wine itself might have undergone changes, hence my recommendation to ask around (regardless).13:39
ChilestuffGood idea either way13:39
ChilestuffI think I have wine already, at least for games13:40
ChilestuffWell if there is a wine channel it ain't named #wine  :)13:40
* Chilestuff would try whine, but won't risk running into my ex wife13:41
* j4g0 offers cheese13:42
adrian_1908Chilestuff: #winehq13:42
ChilestuffGuess I shoulda looked at the links closer13:44
adrian_1908Of course, if you have the hardware for it (i.e. plenty storage and a capable CPU), you could consider running a Virtual Machine in Ubuntu and hence keep Windows around that way for those tasks that need it.13:44
ChilestuffI heard wine did a better job13:46
ChilestuffAnd honestly QB is the only windows app I haven't found a replacement for in Ubuntu13:46
ChilestuffOf course, I should take more time to get familiar with Ubuntu13:46
adrian_1908Yeah ok, in that case it might be overkill. A virtual machine doesn't have the shortcomings of Wine, since you're effectively running full Windows, so compatibility is less of a concern.13:47
ChilestuffWhat is the command to install new software?13:47
* Chilestuff forgets13:47
hateballChilestuff: there's KMyMoney for accounting stuff otherwise13:47
hateballChilestuff: If it does all you require, that I do not know13:48
ChilestuffWell I was going to for games, but have found linux versions of all my favs13:48
adrian_1908If you want to stick to the command-line, the package manager "apt" is used, e.g. `apt search wine`13:48
Chilestuffhateball, can you convert QB files or import?13:48
adrian_1908Otherwise, I think there's a Software Center and the tool "aptitude" for installing/managing packages.13:49
* Chilestuff has spent a buttload of money for a bookeeper to keep QB updated ... hate to start all over13:49
hateballChilestuff: I dont know. I only used it for personal finance, and I havent ever used quickbooks13:50
hateballChilestuff: it's free to install and test for yourself tho13:50
hateballChilestuff: There is also GNUCash but I havent used that myself13:51
adrian_1908The way I see it, before you annoy yourself with reboots or using an extra machine, install Windows on a virtual machine and get it over with, even if that's 10GB of Windows just just one program.13:51
Chilestuffwht is the supueruser? (is that right?) command13:51
ChilestuffThat's i!13:52
ChilestuffIs there a tutorial for newbs to learn that stuff?13:52
ChilestuffCan you reccomend a quality VM?13:53
adrian_1908If you mean VM, just install VirtualBox, the user interface was pretty self-explanatory the last time i tried it. Regarding the commands, I don't know. I just searched the web and asked around I guess.13:53
ChilestuffThen I guess I'm in the right place  :)13:54
ChilestuffNot finding Virtual Box in software13:56
adrian_1908Chilestuff: Try in one word, withou the space.13:57
Chilestuffwhat category would it be in?13:57
adrian_1908You can use the command line too, i.e. `sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install virtualbox`13:58
ChilestuffGuess I could use "search"  :/13:58
adrian_1908Chilestuff: Here's a video to give you an idea how VirtualBox looks, I found it very user friendly, though I haven't used it in years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psj-UlmaCA013:59
Chilestuffapt is what?13:59
ChilestuffIn the commands line13:59
adrian_1908The package manager of Ubuntu (Debian)14:00
adrian_1908You can use it to install/update/remove software.14:00
adrian_1908For many commands, you can type `man <command>`, e.g. `man ls` to get some information on it.14:02
ChilestuffWell, off to work14:03
ChilestuffThanks for the help14:03
adrian_1908No problem, hope you get things to work.14:03
enthus1asthi, where would you place an autostart for an xinput line?14:04
enthus1asti am totally lost since this systemd thing...14:05
MoopzSo I "accidentally" uninstalled python3.. and I cannot reinstall it. I get this when I try to: https://pastebin.com/EvZaAiKS14:06
adrian_1908Moopz: Which Ubuntu version?14:06
adrian_1908Does plain `apt-get -f install` work, as suggested by the error?14:07
jluci used to use "Drawers" to add a menu with shortcuts toward files and folders in the launcher bar14:07
jlucdo you know what new tool does that with ubuntu 17.10 ?14:08
adrian_1908Moopz: also may want to try `sudo apt -y full-upgrade`14:09
MoopzHmm ok that worked, silly me.14:09
MoopzNow I'm back to my original error though. When I do: "/usr/bin/pkg-config --atleast-version=3.5 python3" it returns 1, instead of 0, even though when I do: "python3 --version" I get "Python 3.5.2"14:10
MoopzIt should return 0 though14:11
adrian_1908Strange. `which python3` is /usr/bin/python3, yes?14:19
j4g0if i type "which python" "/usr/bin/python3" is what i get, yes14:20
adrian_1908^ Sorry, I meant Moopz. Not sure what the issue could be regarding version comparison.14:22
j4g0i am sorry, i am just confused today14:22
adrian_1908Without context, my comments could have been a question no doubt.14:22
Moopzadrian_1908: Yeah, /usr/bin/python314:25
adrian_1908Moopz: Sorry, I got nothing. Do you need Python 3.5 as a dependency or why the test?14:28
Moopzadrian_1908: Yeah, a submodule I have has 3.5 as a depedency.14:29
jlucNo more drag'n'drop for files and folders in nautilus ???14:33
mar77idoes ubuntu usually endless-loop in the update process or is my virtual machine gues special14:41
mar77iokay, my stuff is special. dpkg-configure -a or something after reboot appears to have done the trick14:48
restiahi guys15:03
restiaI want to fix my sound card issus15:03
restiaplz help me...15:03
skinuxI used dd to create a backup image. Can that backup image to turned into a bootable installation image?15:04
restiathis is my system info and15:05
hateballrestia: What's the issue?15:05
restiaI can't listen any sound...lol15:05
restiamy sound card is15:05
restiaCreative Labs Sound Core3D [Sound Blaster Recon3D / Z-Series]15:06
restiaSound Blaster Z15:06
restiahateball: please help me...15:06
AnticomHi all. I'm trying to get into flex/bison. I've found this (https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/A-Complete-C_002b_002b-Example.html) tutorial which says that the examples can be found at ".../bison/examples/calc++". However since i've installed bison via apt i dunno where to look for the examples directory15:06
MathisenAnticom, just look for it with find or locate15:07
jerAnticom, this may be wrong, but check under the /usr/share hierarchy if it's somewhere under there... alternatively, just pull down the bison source and check it out in there =]15:07
jeryeah using find... find /usr/share -name "bison" -type d15:07
AnticomMathisen: dpkg-query --listfiles bison | grep examples didn't yield anything15:07
jerthen grab the bison source and check out those examples locally15:08
Anticomthought i could avoid it somehow15:08
jerit's not huge by any means =]15:08
Anticomjer: my concerns are more about version compatibility. I'd like to keep the installed bison version and the examples in sync15:09
Anticomso they don't break when i look at them later15:09
Anticombummer that there's no bison-examples package etc.15:09
hateballrestia: looks like it probably has no proper support judging by this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232612615:10
jerAnticom, to be fair, bison hasn't changed in any significant way in years15:10
jerbut understandable15:11
Anticomjer: another concern would be that the examples would be removed if i uinstalled bison. I just switched to ubuntu as my primary OS and i want to do things right now and as a consequence might be a bit too careful ;)15:11
Anticomi'll just grab the sources15:11
jeri'm more of a "do what needs to be done" kind of person which means, i tend to be less tidy with my filesystem =] sorry15:13
tomreynAnticom: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/all/bisonc++-doc/filelist15:15
tomreynexamples usually go into doc packages15:15
alexasany success I can face running ArchiCAD on Ubuntu?15:16
Anticomtomreyn: https://media.giphy.com/media/VOPK1BqsMEJRS/giphy.gif15:16
alexasthrough virtualization, I guess...15:16
cuddlesquidis apt-get same as apt, apt-get update or apt update15:17
restiahateball: ohh...anyway, thanks for your support15:18
hateballrestia: well there seemed to be a patch in that thread but... yeah you'd need to know what you're doing to build your own modules15:18
Neo3I've got new domain http://american-chat.ru15:18
Neo3Want put on digitalochean and create chat15:18
hateballrestia: You can always file a !bug if there isnt one on launchpad already15:19
hateball!bug | restia15:19
ubotturestia: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:19
tomreyncuddlesquid: the 'apt' command is a (relatively) newly introduced, more simple frontend. it should not be used in scripts. the 'apt-get' command is the more versatile, more complex, one, which can be scripted.15:19
restiahateball: hmm...ok15:21
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restiahateball: but... I'm not programmer... I'm computer engineer lol15:22
cuddlesquidtomreyn, thanks15:25
cuddlesquidtomreyn, best to stick with apt-get15:25
Neo3see guys, I've found apply shell programming, for example we can run using php shall script and got some data from internet and put users, we can determine server using linux app whois and put data users15:26
nicomachusrestia: you don't have to be a programmer to file a bug report.15:26
Neo3and any other app, can use maybe google translator. using curl15:26
Neo3I think shall language worse learn, it gives opportunity to create real powerful web service15:28
nicomachusNeo3: do you have an ubuntu support question?15:28
tomreyn!ot | Neo315:28
ubottuNeo3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
nicomachusNeo3: then please find another channel. This channel is Ubuntu support only.15:29
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LordDoskiashello, i installed apache-fop via the fop package but when i try to run it i get: /usr/bin/fop: 304: exec: /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_131/bin/java: not found16:12
LordDoskiasmy java is actually /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java16:12
jrabbitis bumblebee or primus officially preferred for optimus systems?16:34
jrabbitI didn't have prime as an option on my last install16:34
vimartHello everybody16:34
XanoHiya! I just upgraded from 16.10 to 17.10, and am looking for the same keyboard layout I had in 16.10 with GNOME, which is US International, with a euro sign on the 5, and AltGr dead keys. There are "English (international AltGr dead keys)" and "English (US, with euro on 5)", which seem identical and do most of what I need, but AltGr+shift+6+e does not produce an "ê", for instance, and AltGr+tm does not produce "™". What's the layout I'm looking for?16:36
oerheksjrabbit, prime is current, with nvidia16:38
nicomachusXano: you could just set those manually.16:38
Xanonicomachus, Those are examples of the layout I'm looking for. There are other shortcuts I'm used to that don't immediately come to mind :)16:46
Hyouchuuhallo o/16:55
vimartHello Hyouchuu16:57
winmuttive got a problem when i am on openvpn client where my default route keeps getting reset by something, i am guessing network manager16:58
winmuttrigth now ive got a while loop readding the route :(16:58
Hyouchuuvimart: Hello, do you sell the ability to quit?17:00
Hyouchuuha ha.... >.>17:00
nicomachus>ask question17:01
nicomachus>wait 2 mins17:01
winmutthowdie. im having probs when im on openvpnclient with some helpful soul trying to change my default gw and wrecking my connection17:04
winmuttright now ive got a while loop pinning my default gw back to where it should be17:05
winmuttim guessing this is network manager making my life fun, but dont know and dont know how to fix17:05
Uzzihi, I've a nas joined samba4 dc,linux client joined samba4 dc. On client i want to login 2 domain user. Authetication works fine, now I want to mount user1 shares on login (by ath credential) and user2 different shared dir on login17:05
nicomachuswinmutt: yes we saw that, but then you left before anyone could answer17:05
winmuttya sorry about that, like i said im hahving problems :)17:06
winmuttnew laptop as well and touchpad is overly sensitive sometimes, causing things like windows to close randomly17:07
Hyouchuuwinmutt: I assumed your connection got wrecked :P17:08
Fensterhey guys, how do I remove something from ubuntu pastebin?17:08
nicomachusFenster: this isn't the right channel for that... I honestly don't even know who manages it.17:08
winmuttany suggestions on my routing issues? network manager has always been a mystery to me.17:10
winmuttuntil i connect to vpn, everything seems ok17:11
mustmodifyI'm having an issue. I have had it before but can't **quite** remember the steps to resolve. It starts with "the following packages have unmet dependencies: blah blah" and ends with either updating the kernel or some other low-level OS thing because the place where such things are stored is out of space.17:12
mustmodifybut that's all I remember.17:12
mustmodifySo (a) what's the fix and (b) how do I stop this from happening in the future?17:13
nicomachuswinmutt: I've been seeing a similar issue on my HTPC at home lastly, so I'm waiting as well.17:13
nicomachusmustmodify: can you paste the full output of 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade' to a pastebin and link it here please?17:14
mustmodifynicomachus: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e117:15
JynxieI am having this issue with ubuntu 17.10 where my ssh sessions will be terminated (broken pipe) this is not due to the internet connection but the OS17:19
Jynxiewhat could this be17:19
nicomachusmustmodify: and did you try 'apt -f install'?17:22
mustmodifyno, that hasn't worked in the past. But I'm happy to try it if you want.17:22
jwashhi everyone, i've got a usb/wifi dongle which was pretty hard to find a good driver for. I got it working, but only through compiling and installing the driver myself. Is there interest in me making an official package for it?17:22
nicomachusmustmodify: looks like that Yarn package doesn't have an install candidate for Ubuntu.17:23
mustmodifynicomachus: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e117:24
mustmodifyupdated gist with `apt-get install -f`17:24
mustmodifysays drive is out of space17:24
mustmodifynot my primary drive.17:24
nicomachusmustmodify: `ls /boot`17:25
nicomachusmustmodify: you're pretty far behind on the kernel, too.17:25
nicomachusmustmodify: too many kernels filling up /boot. You need to remove some old ones.17:26
nicomachusmustmodify: remove all but the 2 most recent. You're a few versions behind, though, so keep removing until you can get up to date, then keep the two most recent. here that is -101 and -9817:27
nicomachuson 16.0417:27
oerheksapt autoremove17:28
nicomachusoerheks: may not work if /boot is full though. but definitely try it first mustmodify17:28
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:30
nicomachuso/ lotuspsychje17:30
YounderI use separate partions for var, tmp, home and /usr/local just in case. That makes backup easier as / is all packages anyways and shouldn't be installed from backup but by reinstalling the OS.17:34
pavlosmustmodify: remove a couple of OLD kernels from /boot manually, then 'apt autoremove' should work17:35
oerheksYounder, there are 2 ways, with a full backup you don't need internet to get back online, but preferrably would be the package list like this: dpkg --get-selections > installed-software17:40
oerheksor apt-clone17:40
mustmodifythe kernels are a set of files with the same version like -81 ?17:44
oerhekslinux-headers-xxx-generic, linux-headers-xxx and linux-image-xxx-generic17:46
YounderYou need to manually then remove the oldest images and then rebuild grub manually17:47
mustmodifyok, updated that gist with my latest attempt.17:48
oerhekssudo update-grub after that indeed17:48
pavlosmustmodify: yes, there are groups of files, system.Map, config, initrd.img, vmlinuz17:48
pavlosmustmodify: ... and abi17:48
Younderhttps://www.amazon.com/How-Linux-Works-Superuser-Should/dp/1593270356 gives you the basics of what happens when linux starts up17:51
mustmodifythat didn't seem to work.17:51
mustmodifyboot is back up to 100% full.17:52
prutheusI have an ruby application running with gtk, and on ubuntu there is just a whole container missing ... just disappeared .. any idea?17:52
prutheusjust happening on ubuntu17:52
mustmodifyoh wait. You don't want me to remove from /boot, you want me to remove from /usr/src?17:52
mustmodifyEven though that isn't full?17:52
mustmodifyis that right?17:53
pavlosmustmodify: can you pastebin /boot (ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 9999)17:53
alkisgmustmodify: if your /boot is full, the easiest way is to temporarily move it to the real file system, and after you finish updating etc, to put it back. Do you want instructions for that?17:53
mustmodifyyes, that sounds fabulous.17:54
alkisgOK. sudo -i <enter> cp -a /boot /boot-new17:54
alkisgWhen that finishes, always under sudo, run: umount /boot; mv /boot /boot-old; mv /boot-new /boot; apt install -f17:55
alkisgTell me if you see any errors at all.17:55
mustmodifypavios: previous: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e1#file-gistfile4-txt, now: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e1#file-gistfile6-txt17:55
mustmodifyis sudo -i like sudo su?17:55
alkisgYes, but more correct17:55
alkisgsudo su is a bad command17:56
lotuspsychje!kernelcleanup | mustmodify17:56
ubottumustmodify: For information about removing old kernels to free up space on /boot, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels17:56
mustmodifyalkisg: can't unmount; target is busy.17:56
EriC^^mustmodify: cd / then do your thing17:57
alkisgmustmodify: possibly you have ran `cd /boot` in a terminal.17:57
faekjarzHi, i'm looking for a RTL-8811AU a/b/g/n/ac wifi driver. (I didn't buy it yet, so no lsmod.) Since i've already found proof of existence via ddg, i'd now like to learn The Most Efficient Method™ ;-D to confirm that a driver for this [type of] device is available on my current install. …how would i do that? …grep /lib/firmware …grep */modules/* …probably not apt search …"<another command> search 8811" maybe …how do i list / search _17:57
alkisgmustmodify: for example, if you first run cd /boot; then sudo -i, you need to exit from sudo, and run cd /, and then run sudo -i again17:57
lotuspsychje!realtek | faekjarz17:57
ubottufaekjarz: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b17:57
lotuspsychjefaekjarz: check also realteks website for latest linux drivers17:58
pavlosmustmodify: you could remove anything with 4.4.0-72 in /boot17:59
mustmodifyyeah, I don't think I'm in it.18:01
mustmodifyalkisg: I'm checking fuser, etc., but I don't see anything.18:01
alkisgmustmodify: to be sure, you can close all terminals, and open a new one. If you're sure, sudo lsof /boot tells you18:01
mustmodify`sudo lsof /boot` results in nothing.18:01
mustmodifyI did that with the terminal.18:01
mustmodifyshould I restart and try again?18:02
alkisgmustmodify: and sudo umount /boot now tells you it's still in use?18:02
alkisgIf it's easy to restart, sure, do that, because something weird is going on and it's best to solve it even by rebooting18:02
alkisgmustmodify: mount | grep boot, does that return only /boot, or something more?18:03
alkisge.g. efi...18:04
faekjarzlotuspsychje: thanks, but i already have sufficient (general) proof of driver existence …i'm sure i could compile it myself, if need be …however, this guide refers to Ubuntu 9.10, that's 2009 ;) …i'm sure there've been some changes in 16.x / 17.x18:04
lotuspsychjefaekjarz: can you tell us your purpose exactly, new buy with realtek chipset?18:05
alkisgmustmodify: run umount /boot/efi first18:05
mustmodify@alkisg: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e1#file-mount_grep_boot18:05
alkisgmustmodify: yeah, so no reboot needed, sorry I didn't know you have efi. Run umount /boot/efi first18:06
mustmodifyAh! that worked.18:06
oerheksfaekjarz, as you didn buy it yet, buy a better supported wifi device, not realtek18:07
mustmodifymv /boot /boot-old; mv /boot-new /boot; apt install -f18:07
faekjarzlotuspsychje: i'd like to find out whether i can actually use (should buy) that somewhat cheapest usb wifi dongle i've found in 16.x or newer18:07
alkisgmustmodify: right18:07
alkisgStop on errors :)18:07
faekjarzoerheks: why not realtek …you seem to have made a general advice against the manufacturer, rather than a specific chip(-set) …why …i mean, i've seen search results, pointing to github, for RTL-8811AU18:10
oerheksfaekjarz, as realtek does not provide linux drivers18:11
winmutthowdie. im having probs when im on openvpnclient with some helpful soul trying to change my default gw and wrecking my connection, im guessing this is network manager but not sure what to do to fix it long term18:11
mustmodify@alkisg: That seems to have worked.18:11
mustmodifyNow what?18:11
alkisgmustmodify: now try `apt purge --auto-remove`, to see if it removes the older kernels. Put the result to pastebin BEFORE pressing yes18:11
faekjarzoerheks: i don't really care who provides them, i'm on a very tight budget, and if there are _working_ drivers for a device, i'd buy it, regardless ODM support18:13
alkisgmustmodify: do you need those node* packages? They seem to be left-overs...18:14
faekjarzlotuspsychje: sorry for not using the oxford comma: …i didn't find "in 16.x or newer", i've just found it, but i'd like to know how to search it in ubuntu18:14
mustmodifyWell I'm not sure but I think not.18:14
alkisgmustmodify: good enough, they're not normally installed; press yes.18:14
mustmodifyI feel like I'm on a roller-coaster18:15
mustmodifywhen this finishes either it'll crash or it'll have been good.18:15
alkisgThat now is typical mainenance btw18:15
alkisgYou no longer have space issues...18:15
lotuspsychjefaekjarz: in most cases wifi just works in ubuntu18:15
mustmodifystill purging18:15
alkisgmustmodify: in other words, remember that command, and use it montly.18:16
alkisgapt purge --auto-remove18:16
NitrigaurUbuntu 16.04 Somehow after an update my Window compositor started using my CPU rather than my GPU. How can I fix this? I'm running plain vanilla Ubuntu Desktop and dconf reset / did not restore this setting.18:16
lotuspsychjealkisg: he can use the autoremove command proposal after updating system in terminal also right?18:16
alkisglotuspsychje: sure, the main problem is his small /boot though, which shouldn't fill too often...18:17
mustmodifyso if I reboot I'll go back to having a mounted /boot ?18:17
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: are you up to date to latest .3?18:17
NitrigaurI'm now in an i3 session, which does not have these issues, but on the same machine.18:17
alkisgmustmodify: *don't* reboot now, we have to put /boot back18:17
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mustmodifyoh ok.18:17
mustmodifyok it finished.18:17
pavlosmustmodify: paste your /boot contents again18:17
alkisgpavlos: not yet18:17
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, .3? Well, The Update manager told me that there were no updates available, so my system is probably up-to date.18:18
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: you can check with lsb_release -a18:18
alkisgmustmodify: so now: mv /boot /boot-new; mv /boot-old /boot; mount /boot; rm -rf /boot/*; cp -a /boot-new/* /boot; rm -rf /boot/efi/*; mount /boot/efi18:18
alkisgAt that point, if you don't see any errors, you're ready to reboot18:19
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: wich gpu chipset are you on?18:19
mustmodify@pavios: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/991ef908cb98e0b9c6957913040547e1#file-gistfile7-txt18:19
pavlosmustmodify: so it kept the last 3 kernels ...18:20
alkisgpavlos: the 2 last kernels, and the running one18:20
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I can confirm that I run .3, I have an nVidia GPU using the propriatary driver from nVidia18:20
alkisgHe's on an older kernel now18:20
alkisgNot on the latest18:20
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: are you on best driver for your system? see the list with: ubuntu-drivers list18:21
NitrigaurYes, I'm using the latest (and hopefully) greatest driver by nVidia, but packaged by Canonical.18:22
mustmodifyok, all that seemed to work.18:22
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: wich version would that be?18:22
alkisgmustmodify: ok, cross your fingers, reboot, and if it fails... boot with a live usb stick. I don't think it'll be needed. :)18:22
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, 38418:22
mustmodifyoh thanks.18:23
mustmodifyback on the roller-coaster.18:23
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, or more complete: nvidia-38418:23
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: wich driver did ubuntu use by default?18:23
jollydutchmanOn 17.10 with the default Gnome desktop, how can I change the default GDM session from Wayland to X?18:24
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, the same, the driver was updated by the Ubuntu update process, not by a human action.18:25
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, the detailed driver version is 384.9018:25
pavlosjollydutchman: https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/18:25
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, the GPU itsel is an Geforce GTX 1060 and the nvidia settings window does not detect any errors.18:27
Nitrigaurîtsel -> itself18:27
mustmodifyit says: file /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-89-generic.efi.signed not found18:27
mustmodifyalloc magic is broken at ...18:27
mustmodifyaborted, press any key to exit18:27
mustmodifySo I take it that's bad?18:28
jollydutchmanpavlos: I know how to change sessions from the GDM greeter. I have auto login configured for my user account and I need to know how to persistently change the default session from Wayland to Xorg.18:28
oerheksdisable autologin in useraccounts? then change and set it up again?18:29
mustmodifywell it seems to be doing something now.18:29
jollydutchmanSurely I can just edit one of the config files to get the desired behavior18:29
oerheksjollydutchman, nope.18:29
jollydutchmanHow about with dconf-editor?18:30
pavlosjollydutchman: https://askubuntu.com/questions/961304/how-do-you-switch-from-wayland-back-to-xorg-in-ubuntu-17-1018:30
alkisgmustmodify: did it boot?18:31
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oerheks"WaylandEnable=false" is that a real solution?18:32
jollydutchmanMeh. That's not necessarily a bad solution. But I don't need the Wayland session to be completely disabled, I just want the system to go into Xorg by default.18:32
oerheksall this trouble for a task of a few clicks..18:32
mustmodify@alkisg: it seemed to boot. It waited a minute or so after something about the mouse drivers.18:32
mustmodifySo I'm not sure what that error was about.18:32
alkisgmustmodify: cool, try dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64 to fix any issues remaining18:32
alkisg(with sudo)18:33
jollydutchmanSomewhat related question: Is there a single good reason to use Wayland instead of X? I can't even think of one18:33
jollydutchmanThe best feedback I've heard from reviewers on distributions that have switched to Wayland is that you usually won't notice the difference18:34
oerheksdepending on hardware, yes.18:34
jollydutchmanOn the con side, I can't even use Synaptic. Is this a joke18:34
mustmodifyWeird. It's still going on about optical mouse drivers.18:35
jollydutchmanWhich would be one thing if there was at least an error dialog or something telling you that it won't work with Wayland. But no, instead, popular applications that you can get from the Ubuntu Software Center will just refuse to launch with no explanation18:36
akikjollydutchman: you need to use xhost to give your root needing apps more privileges: xhost +si:localuser:root18:36
NitrigaurUbuntu 16.04, nVidia 384.90 After update my ubuntu-desktop uses software window compositing, which almost immediately pushes the CPU to 100%, which makes the system unusable. Any way to force compiz to use my GPU?18:38
davidleonwhat's the channel for vscode18:38
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:39
NitrigaurMy i3 session does not suffer from this issue. It only arises when using the std. ubuntu-desktop.18:39
jollydutchmanI have another issue as well. When I select shut down from the Gnome panel, my system always reboots after it goes down. Is there a way I can fix this?18:44
ash_workzis there a risk to installing postgresql-server-dev-X.Y ?18:47
ash_workzon a production server I mean18:47
mustmodify@alkisg: so it finished booting into initramfs18:49
Nitrigaurash_workz, as a matter of principle you should only install what you really *need* on a production server. Any extra package can contain a security hole or an unexpected bug that compromises or bogs down your server.18:50
mustmodifyI take it that's bad?18:50
alkisgmustmodify: yup, it's bad, any error messages?18:51
ca_cabotagehey all, i've got a 16.04 server with an encrypted home folder. It is showing that the entire 200GB /home/user/.Private folder is full - but the VM is showing only 111MB of disk in use. Given what I do on the server, and how long it's been up (only built it last night) there should certainly not be that much data in use - any siggestions on why this happenned and how to fix?18:52
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, have you checked the number of inodes in use as well?18:53
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, the volume might used up all it's available inodes on tiny files (hence the small space consumption)18:54
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, what filesystem are you using for that encrypted volume?18:55
ca_cabotagei'm only at 8% on inodes18:56
ash_workzNitrigaur: right, that's why I'm wary... I'm just getting desperate for a simple solution to getting a sample of an entire database18:57
ash_workzbut my instincts in many ways tell me, "don't do that"18:57
ash_workzbut I feel like with our lack of workflow, my hands are tied.18:58
Nitrigaurash_workz, if you want to experiment, please make a backup beforehand, or if your filesystem supports it, a snapshot.18:58
Nitrigaurash_workz, and keep it within the service window ;-)18:59
ca_cabotageits ext418:59
ca_cabotageencryoted vol is ecryptfs19:00
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, hmmm... Are you using VirtualBox as virtualisation method by any chance?19:01
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, VMWare, ok. So it can't be an issue of an automatically growing volume then...19:02
Nitrigaurca_cabotage, what was the exact error message stating that your drive was full?19:04
NitrigaurUbuntu 16.04, nVidia 384.90 After update my ubuntu-desktop uses software window compositing, which almost immediately pushes the CPU to 100%, which makes the system unusable. Any way to force compiz to use my GPU?19:22
NitrigaurMy i3 session does not suffer from this issue. It only arises when using the std. ubuntu-desktop.19:23
BluesKajNitrigaur, make sure you UEFI/BIOS is setup to use pci-e card/nvidia rather than the onboard cpu/gpu combo19:29
Fenhlhello! I'm setting up my first Ubuntu desktop, after having used debian for servers for a while, and I'm having trouble setting up command-not-found. On debian, there is an `update-command-not-found` command which can be run as a cronjob to update the command database. On Ubuntu, there is no such command. Does it have a different name? Or does Ubuntu update the database automatically?19:30
NitrigaurBluesKaj, I'm not using a laptop, so that should not be an issue, or would it?19:30
NitrigaurBluesKaj, besides, the onboard GPU is switched off in my EFI.19:31
BluesKajNitrigaur, if it's a desktop it might be the issue19:32
BluesKajthe cpu/gpu should not be handling the graphics19:33
NitrigaurBluesKaj, I agree, but that's exactly why I turned it off in the EFI (modern variant of BIOS)19:34
BluesKajyes, but if the EFI doesn't have your pci-e card enabled, graphics will automatically default to cpu/gpu19:35
NitrigaurBluesKaj, my pci-e card *is* enabled, it is my only GPU card in my system. If it were not enabled, nvidia-settings would an error, which it doesn't.19:37
mustmodify@alkisg: Sorry, I got distracted.19:37
BluesKajnope, think you had better check that \19:37
NitrigaurBluesKaj, the output of lspci|grep VGA shows only one GPU detectable in my system.19:39
mustmodify@alkisg: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NFnHuKxwNDPQkTV5319:39
=== nchambers is now known as bartender
mustmodifyAnyone have a suggestion of what I should do with this? "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init": https://photos.app.goo.gl/NFnHuKxwNDPQkTV5319:43
mustmodifyI'm at an "initramfs" prompt.19:43
Nitrigaurmustmodify, basically it means that the system cannot find the files it would expect to be on a root partition19:44
mustmodifySo I guess it didn't work out when we redid the boot partition...19:45
mustmodifywhat should I do now/19:45
Nitrigaurmustmodify, you can edit the boot parameters so that the initial drive for root points to a partition of which you *know* that it contains the root filesystem19:46
BluesKajNitrigaur, then it seems we have a mystery on our hands, unless the performance option in the Nvidia card is set to a minimum19:48
mustmodifyI was working on this chanel with @alkisg and we tried to fix an issue with /boot being full. But it seems like we f'd up things.19:50
mustmodifySo do I reinstall?19:50
mustmodifyor like ...19:50
ca_cabotageNitrigaur: i didnt see an alerted message, my zoneminder just quit running saying that disk was @ 100%19:51
ca_cabotageNitrigaur, so, i checked the VM where it said that only 110MB of the disk was in use, then df -H says that encrypted home directory is full, but nothing else is19:52
alkisgmustmodify: back19:59
alkisgThe actual error is above the "cannot find" line, but it doesn't appear in the photo20:00
alkisgDo you have a live usb?20:00
alkisgOtherwise, you need to press "e" to edit grub.cfg, to properly point to / (root)20:00
oerheksdid he upgrade-grub?20:03
alkisgI think update-grub was called while /boot wasn't mounted... this shouldn't really hurt with efi... so dunno20:06
mustmodify@alkisg: sorry.20:12
mustmodifyI do not have a live USB. Should I make one?20:12
alkisgmustmodify: nah, not really20:13
mustmodifyok. So then I'm at a prompt that says 'initramfs' what now?20:14
alkisgmustmodify: run lsblk, see which is your root device, e.g. /dev/sda220:14
mustmodifylsblk: not found20:14
winmutthowdie. im having probs when im on openvpnclient with some helpful soul trying to change my default gw and wrecking my connection, im guessing this is network manager but not sure what to do to fix it long term20:18
mustmodify@alkisg: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vBRHPSxpKzonAOkl120:22
alkisgmustmodify: mount /dev/mapper/logopolis--vg-root /root20:23
alkisg(I'm guessing this is your root?)20:24
mustmodifywell, let's see...20:24
alkisgmustmodify: after that, `ls /root` should show you /bin, /usr etc etc20:25
mustmodifyI had two of them. I think logopolis-root was the old one.20:25
mustmodifyYep, looks like it. So let's say yes.20:25
alkisgIs this the old or new one?20:25
mustmodifyit says "can't read /etc/fstab/20:25
mustmodify(no such file or directory)20:25
alkisgErm, at which point, at the mount command?20:26
alkisgUse tab to autocomplete, you misstyped something20:26
mustmodifyit's: "mount: can't read '/etc/fstab': No such file or directory"20:26
alkisgE.g. mount /dev/mapper/logo<tab>20:26
mustmodifyused autocomplete. Same result.20:27
alkisgls /dev/mapper/logopolis--vg-root; ls /root20:27
alkisgDo both exist?20:27
mustmodifyand `ls /etc` has only 10 files.20:27
alkisgNo, /etc is in the initramfs, while root will get mounted in /root/, so the real etc will go to /root/etc.20:27
mustmodifyfirst file exists20:28
mustmodify7 bits/bytes20:28
mustmodifyoh, bytes, duh20:28
daniliWho would have acces to a chmod 777 file in a chmod 700 folder?20:28
alkisgdanili: root and the user20:30
alkisg(the folder owner)20:30
mustmodify@alkisg: however, it's not the correct root.20:30
alkisgmustmodify: you managed to mount it?20:30
mustmodifyIt's an old drive20:30
mustmodifyI guess.20:30
=== bartender is now known as nchambers
alkisgumount /root20:30
mustmodifyI mean, I saw that error20:30
mustmodifybut apparently it worked anyway20:31
alkisgmount /dev/mapper/logopolis-root /root20:31
mustmodifyoh wait20:31
mustmodifyI tried logopolis-root after the other one.20:31
mustmodifyI got that error then, too.20:31
mustmodifybut what's mapped now is logopolis-root20:31
mustmodifyso let me try the other one again.20:31
alkisgErm, wait20:31
alkisgIt's possible that you mounted both of them one on top of the other20:31
alkisgRun 2 unmounts first20:32
alkisgumount /root; umount /root20:32
alkisgThen start over20:32
mustmodifydevice busy.20:32
mustmodifydo I umount /root/something-else first?20:32
alkisgif you ran cd, now run cd /20:32
mustmodifyi'm at /20:32
alkisgtype "mount" and see if something else is mounted below it20:33
alkisgBtw, which ubuntu version is that?20:33
mustmodifya bunch of stuff.20:33
alkisgI mean, on /root/something20:33
alkisgTry `mount | grep root` if it helps you read them better20:34
danilialkisg, I'm asking because I wonder how apache can access the cert folder from certbot, the folder is owned by root:root and have chmod 700, the certs themself is chmod 777. As far as i know apache use the www-data user and as far as i know it isn't root? :/20:34
mustmodifyroot/run root/dev/pts root/dev20:34
mustmodifyso I'll do those first20:34
alkisgmustmodify: which ubuntu version is that?20:34
mustmodifyI've forgotten20:34
mustmodify16 maybe?20:35
alkisgcat root/etc/os-release20:35
alkisgdanili: I'm not sure about the context, but some services run as root, access the files they need, and *then* they drop privileges and run under a user account20:36
mustmodifyI unmounted root and then I did vg-root again.20:37
alkisgmustmodify: so the plan is that once you mount the correct one, you type "exit" and it continues booting20:37
alkisgOnce it boots, you type "update-grub" so that it's properly fixed for subsequent boots20:37
danilialkisg,  might be how it does it, thanks :)20:38
mustmodifyI got a bunch of errors, but it worked.20:40
mustmodifytyped exit.20:42
alkisgmustmodify: the ext3 error is ok, it just needs ext4 to mount it20:42
mustmodifyand I think this is a panic.20:43
mustmodifyoh yeah, it even says that.20:43
alkisgYeah. Oh well, create a live cd then, it'll take less time than typing that in grub.20:44
mustmodify_I restarted my machine. So if you send me anything since my last, I missed it.20:47
mustmodify_sorry I mean20:47
mustmodify_I restarted the wrong machine.20:47
alkisg(10:44:35 μμ) alkisg: Yeah. Oh well, create a live cd then, it'll take less time than typing that in grub.20:47
mustmodify_Because I'm dumb.20:47
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Aikarhow do you make the Displays menu not suck? windows try to snap but wont let me rearrange them correctly. wont snap to where they should be, cant move them to where they should be20:56
Aikararandr was smoother, but doesnt seem to retain the configuration of docked vs undocked20:57
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mustmodify_@alkisg: so I don't have an optical drive attached to that machine.21:24
mustmodify_Did you say there was a USB option?21:24
alkisgmustmodify_: sure, in the ubuntu download site, they have a link to a tutorial on how to create a usb stick21:26
alkisgmustmodify_: an alternative is to press  "e" in grub, and change root=UUID=xxx, to root=/dev/mapper/vg-root-whatwasthename21:27
alkisgAnd f10 to boot.21:27
P4how can I reload kernel in Ubuntu/Xenial 16.04 4.4.0-93 + systemd so I don't need to be onsite to provide LUKS secret during a boot time? 4.4.0-101 is installed with dpkg21:40
ChilestuffI have backups for both T-bird and Firefox done thru win10 with mozbackup ... can the backup files be restored to the Ubuntu version of the programs?21:53
oerheksChilestuff, that would be a good test21:56
mustmodify_@alkisg: so current it says "set root='hd0,msdos'"21:56
ChilestuffStory of my life ... dive in to find out how deep the water is and find the rocks  :/21:56
mustmodify_so I need to change that to "set root='UUID,xxx'  " ?21:57
Chilestuffoerheks, I am a total newb ... just installed a couple weeks ago and know NOTHING21:58
ChilestuffI don't even know how to "test"21:58
oerhekswell, i see htere is no linux version of mozbackup?21:59
ChilestuffI don't know how to find out22:00
ChilestuffBeing an orphan of winblows, I'm unfamiliar with command line of any kind22:00
ChilestuffBut it's either learn or go "Office Spcae" on my new laptop22:01
EriC^^Chilestuff: apt-cache search mozbackup22:01
mustmodify_@alkisg: so I got the USB key to work.22:01
mustmodify_Do I want to install a new server?22:01
mustmodify_or is there a way to fix this?22:02
mustmodify_I'm trying "rescue a broken system"22:04
ChilestuffYou'd figure Mozilla would have a linux based backup22:04
auronandaceChilestuff: if you have a firefox account you can use firefox sync22:05
ChilestuffNo account22:05
mustmodify_sorry, I got booted again.22:08
mustmodify_question: messing with the boot partition seems to be what caused my bruhaha. I'm in "rescue mode." It's asking if I want to boot the separate boot partition.22:08
mustmodify_I'm thinking no...22:09
mustmodify_does that seem sensible?22:09
ChilestuffOk, how do I find the profile for tbird and firefox?22:15
ChilestuffThe file structure in Ubuntu is quite different than win22:15
mustmodify_@alkisg: I think it's working now!22:17
rdzhey all. how can i disable scanning for btrfs devices at boot time? i want to keep btrfs-tools installed, it's just that there is no btrfs to be mounted autmatically22:17
kostkonChilestuff, in ~/.mozilla22:18
MoppyCan someone please confirm the python versions in artful?22:18
ChilestuffThat seems to be the problem ... where is ~?22:19
auronandaceChilestuff: that is your home directory: /home/username/22:19
ChilestuffAll I have is a "public" folder which is empty22:20
auronandaceChilestuff: notice the dot? it means it is a hidden folder. you need to show hidden folders to see them22:21
hypercorehow does ssh work?22:21
* Chilestuff smacks his head22:21
oerheks!info python3.622:22
ubottupython3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.3-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 171 kB, installed size 300 kB22:22
ChilestuffTold ya I was a newb  :/22:22
oerheks!info python22:22
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.14-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 136 kB, installed size 626 kB22:22
oerheksno 2 in artfull22:22
auronandaceChilestuff: we all start somewhere22:22
Moppyoerheks: Thank you22:23
ChilestuffOk, in mozilla all I have is extensions and firefox22:23
oerheksbut you can install python2 ofcourse22:23
ChilestuffTbird is installed, but a blank slate22:24
ChilestuffAnd no folder in mozilla22:24
kostkonChilestuff, .mozilla22:25
ChilestuffYeah that's what I meant22:25
* Chilestuff is still learning syntax22:26
Moppy!info python322:27
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.3-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 67 kB22:27
auronandaceChilestuff: when you launch an application for the first time it will create its settings folder in your home directory22:27
auronandaceChilestuff: the home directory will contain the settings for your particular user22:28
ChilestuffI did launch it22:28
auronandaceChilestuff: and you don't have a .thunderbird folder in your home directory?22:29
Chilestuff*sigh* ... I was looking in .mozilla22:30
auronandaceChilestuff: it has been a little while since mozilla let thunderbird go22:30
* Chilestuff can see already he's gonna have to get a lot of shipping info to thank everyone properly22:31
Svetait is subjective... thunderbird is maintained by a few peeps, just with a bit less free time, that is all22:31
Chilestuffsee chilestuff.com22:31
hypercoreanyone know?22:32
Svetahypercore: hi22:32
hypercoreSveta: hello22:32
Svetahypercore: ssh works over tcp22:32
auronandacehypercore: man ssh22:32
Svetahypercore: it allows you to connect to a remote computer.. what is the context of that question?22:32
ChilestuffOk so I can drop the .pcv files into the respective folders? Or do they need to be in "profiles"? (which don't currently exist22:32
hypercoreSveta: i've been creating VMs using vagrant, and it stores the private_key file in .vagrant/.., so i could always refer to that when i wanted to SSH into my vm, but now i've created a droplet using doctl and i have no idea how to get the private_key file22:34
oerheksyou might want to reask in #vagrant22:35
hypercoreoerheks: it's not a vagrant related issue MATE22:35
ChilestuffThat don't work22:36
hypercoreoerheks: don't ever question me in front of the children again22:37
oerheksoh doctl, digital ocian .. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-doctl-the-official-digitalocean-command-line-client#making-ssh-connections22:38
hypercoreoerheks: been looking at that, but don't understand it22:39
ChilestuffOk, I'm "testing"22:39
MoppyI have a USB with a small 126KiB partition at the start that I can't delete. Some kind boot partition, I think, maybe from a Mac. I've tried gparted and it won't delete it.22:40
Chilestuffthe .pcv acts like a zip in Ubuntu, and it's full of the same files in the gibberish name default user folder22:40
ChilestuffOverwriting ... or not22:41
Moppyi get a warning: "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes."22:42
Moppythen i get an error "Partition map has no partition map entry!"22:42
MoppyIf i press fix, it says it's deleted it, but it remains22:42
MoppyBlah, formatted it, and it vanished. This is like an ancient magic ritual.22:44
ChilestuffYo oerheks , you just earned a bag of the best jerky on the planet!22:45
ChilestuffWerewolf Jerky ... made with 100% farm raised werewolf22:46
Chilestuff(We don't use wild ones ... too tough and stringy)22:47
MoppyHow is that even beef?22:47
MoppyOh I can't read. You said BEST jerky, not beef jerky.22:47
ChilestuffWho said anything about beef?  :D22:47
ChilestuffIt's actually grass fed, hormone and antibiotic free, no nitrites and lowest sodium content of any jerky made22:48
ChilestuffAnd so tender even people with dentures can eat it22:48
ChilestuffSee, the constant back and forth from human to werewolf and back stresses out the meat and makes it tough. But thanks to modern technology, and our brand new "Full Moon Dome", we keep our werewolfs under full moon 24/722:50
ChilestuffMakes em nice and tender22:51
ChilestuffGot both working!22:57
ChilestuffNow all I need to do is get quickbooks working in a virtual machine and I can take a baseball bat to this $#%$%^$#$$%* windows 10 machine22:58
* Chilestuff is ready to kill Bill Gates over this %^%^$ "Let's update your privacy settings wether you want to or not"22:59
ChilestuffI'm sorry, I don't care if microsoft wrote it or not, anything that won't let you do ANYTHING on yer own machine until you fold to it's demands is a virus23:00
* Chilestuff will NOT be extorted by anyone or anything23:01
ChilestuffSo I uninstalled the updater long enough to backup everything and then I'm gonna slag that POS back to faqctory )s23:02
Chilestuff0s even23:02
ChilestuffMy FFS is more pronounced when I'm ticked off  :P23:03
ChilestuffI know Ubuntu is good for old machines, but how is it with newer tech?23:05
jollydutchmanI changed my login password earlier today and now my Gnome keyring no longer unlocks automatically when I log in. Is there a way to fix this?23:06
DJAnonimoi'm trying to compile from source liquidsoap23:07
DJAnonimoon configure error is: pkg-config knows about ao... configure: error: ao.pc not found.. Do you need to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH?23:07
DJAnonimoanyone can help?23:07
akikDJAnonimo: you can set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the dir which has ao.pc23:14
MrPocketsIs there a linux compatible teamviewer-like utility i can use to remote to my buddy's Ubuntyu box?23:22
akikMrPockets: yes, teamviewer :)23:23
oerheksvnc, teamviewer, x2go ..23:24
moppyFinally upgraded personal machine to artful. Works so far. They changed the GUI again :-/23:24
MrPocketsVNC isnt' an option due to NAT23:26
MrPocketsand TeamViewer's website isn't loading for some reason on his system23:26
oerhekswget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_i386.deb23:27
CarlFKMrPockets: can you expose a port to him?23:27
MrPocketsI could23:29
MrPocketsthats a lot of work.23:29
moppyAww, artful still points `/usr/bin/env python` to version 2. They chickened out of defaulting to 3.23:31
DJAnonimoakik: and which one has it?23:32
moppyFinally supports natural scrolling! this is the feature I upgraded for. Mouse wheel is the right way up now.23:33
akikDJAnonimo: you can find it with "find / -iname ao.pc"23:35
DJAnonimoakik: not found23:36
akikDJAnonimo: ok you need to install it too then, or compile from source if you go that way23:37
DJAnonimowhich package it is?23:38
akikDJAnonimo: no idea23:38
DJAnonimoi found this one: https://github.com/rmens/liquidsoap-ubuntu23:38
DJAnonimoit says is 16.0423:39
DJAnonimowith git clone?23:39
bazhangDJAnonimo, what version of ubuntu you on now23:40
DJAnonimoUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS23:41
bazhangliquidsoap is in the latest repos23:41
DJAnonimoyes but not with aacplus23:41
DJAnonimoin the link above you can see... Liquidsoap + aacplus on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS23:42
DJAnonimobut i dont know how to install it23:42
DJAnonimobazhang: maybe you can help me?23:42
SvetaDJAnonimo: the link you provided has an install script.23:49
DJAnonimoi just executed it23:49
DJAnonimowaiting for the result23:49
DJAnonimotrying to install liquidsoap the whole day23:49
DJAnonimogetting crazy23:49
SvetaDJAnonimo: https://sourceforge.net/p/savonet/mailman/savonet-users/thread/51522D8B.3070601@spc.org/ suggests installing libao-dev for the error you provided.23:49
SvetaDJAnonimo: what is aacplus?23:50
DJAnonimoaudio codec23:50
DJAnonimono luck with bash23:53
Svetayou need to show the error message23:55
DJAnonimooh. i retried and now compiled23:56
DJAnonimomaybe the sh script fixed something23:56

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