
jose-phillipshey someone can help me in something00:17
jose-phillipsim setting up a computer over kvm00:17
jose-phillipswith maas00:17
jose-phillipsone of the interface should use a vlan00:17
jose-phillipsbut is not taking the vlan setting on it00:17
jose-phillipsany idea of why?00:17
jose-phillipsbut in baremetal hardware create the interface eno1.vlanid00:19
roaksoaxjose-phillips: do you have an vlan created in the networking model in MAAS under the same fabric where you need to create it ?00:29
bdxroaksoax: any other ports might need forward to the region from the proxy?01:27
mupBug #1716750 changed: VM deployed by MAAS has limited network functionality <cpe-onsite> <internal> <curtin:Invalid by andreserl> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1716750>02:02
bdxguessing I need the 5248 forwarded too02:36
jose-phi_roaksoax yes02:44
jose-phi_roaksoax on the baremetal server wokrs as expected02:45
jose-phi_on virtual machine i select just 1 interface with vlan but when the computers get deployed02:45
roaksoaxjose-phi_: what vm, a pod based VM ?02:50
roaksoaxkvm pods don't support fancy networking02:50
jose-phi_is nto a pod02:50
jose-phi_is a virtual machine and looks like a physical computer02:51
jose-phi_i see the deployed vm and check cloud-init config file inside of /etc/networkings nothings point to a vlan02:52
roaksoaxjose-phi_: that would only mean the machine was not configured correctly in MAAS02:54
roaksoaxjose-phi_: maas passes the configuration you make in the MAAS ui02:55
roaksoaxto deploy the machine02:55
roaksoaxmaas uses the machine as any physical system02:55
roaksoaxso you'd have to configure it in MAAS02:55
jose-phi_roaksoax https://pasteboard.co/GVFRKmS.png02:57
jose-phi_there is the config fil02:59
jose-phi_on networking03:00
roaksoaxjose-phi_: i dont see any interface configured to enoX.vlan03:00
jose-phi_that is a machien deployed with maas03:00
jose-phi_with the screenshot i send you before03:01
roaksoaxjose-phi_: the config that you showed me makes sense to me03:01
roaksoaxjose-phi_: you need to create a vlan interface03:02
roaksoaxjose-phi_: e.g. go to the interface , on the 'Actions', select the 3 vertical bars03:02
jose-phi_but maas don't should create it? why works with the physical server03:02
roaksoaxjose-phi_: 'Add alias or VLAN'03:02
roaksoaxselect 'VLAN'03:03
roaksoaxand create a vlan interface03:03
roaksoaxjose-phi_: in your setup MAAS has not idea that you are running KVM on a maas deployed machine03:03
roaksoaxso the VM's wont inherit the host networking03:03
jose-phi_ahhh got it03:04
jose-phi_so i can leave03:05
jose-phi_the physical interface03:05
jose-phi_and create the vlan interface over it03:06
jose-phi_thanks you so much roaksoax  i will try this setting03:28
mupBug #1734798 opened: machines never deploy <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1734798>03:38
guest1234Hello, I was hoping someone could tell me if MAAS is compatible with iLO3 or if there was a way to set it up? I'm attempting an OpenStack installation on HP DL380 G7 servers, and having to use manual power type. Thanks in advance!04:32
guest1234With using Manual power type, I've been able to successfully run a deploy. 3 servers get the Ubuntu image but when I get to installing the remaining OpenStack applications it hangs on "waiting for deployment to settle". Its been sitting for about 30min now, nothings changed. Think I'll let it sit over night, thanks again!04:57
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
zakimanoHi all, I have some problems with a cluster setup here. Anyone willing to take a look?14:23
zakimano(Do note that I am a beginner in this topic)14:24
bdxhow's it going, all?14:44
bdxI have an issue where my machines never deploy14:44
bdxI've created a bug for it14:44
bdxwondering if there might be anything obvious someone might want to point out14:45
bdxI took the proxy out of the picture14:45
bdxI just have a single region+rack14:45
bdxjust trying to get things to work in singleton mode first14:45
roaksoaxbdx: never deploy means it finishes image instal, but when it reboots, it does not boot onto the OS ?15:00
roaksoaxbdx: or it fails the image install?15:00
bdxroaksoax: it boots to the os and just sits there15:35
bdxso I think it never finishes the image install15:36
bdx*boots to the os of the ephemeral image (I think)15:37
bdxthen nothing else happens, it just sits until it hit 40mins and then goes into failed deploy status in maas15:37
bdxroaksoax: I feel like I just need to get better insight into whats going on here somehow15:38
bdxgeh, so much ambiguity15:41
roaksoaxbdx: well, in the UI, check the 'Events' tab and pastbin what you have there15:41
bdxroaksoax: https://imgur.com/a/w1dpi15:42
roaksoaxbdx: can you view more ?15:43
bdxyeah, https://imgur.com/a/PiFGy15:44
bdx1046 machine events in the past 1 days15:45
bdxquite a bit of activity15:45
roaksoaxbdx: that is telling me that the machine attempted to PXE boot15:46
roaksoaxand probably got stuck there15:46
roaksoaxbdx: can you get a full log since you started the installing15:46
bdxyeah, where can I get that ?15:47
bdxlike, you want the cloud-init.log from the node?15:48
bdxthe nodes are prompting me for a password when I try to ssh in15:48
bdxoh, you just want the full event log15:49
bdxroaksoax: would an "Export Event Activity" button be useful in the events page you think?15:50
roaksoaxbdx:  maas <user> events query hostname=<hostname> level=INFO limit=20015:51
bdxoh sweet15:51
vogelcbdx: some of our systems hang during pxe right after loading boot-initrd. it only happens on systems that are in a Cisco ACI network.  I was wondering if you have an ACI network also?15:52
bdxshoot, I'm unfamiliar with ACI15:52
bdxI see its some sort of Application Centric Infrastructure?15:53
bdxlet me see If I can figure this out15:54
vogelcbdx: ok no biggy was just wondering.  ACI is Cisco's SDN.  There are no firewalls in the data path and its intermittent.  If we reboot it a few times it will usually proceed and deploy.15:54
bdxahh, nice, ok, yeah we just purchased some used cisco 10G switches from like 5 years back, I highly doubt they are using ACI, but I just dont know15:56
bdxroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26065391/15:57
bdxam i missing something15:57
roaksoaxbdx: use just the hostname15:58
roaksoaxbdx: no need for the domain15:58
roaksoaxbdx: and, are you logged into the cli ?15:58
bdxoh, I need to login before the admin command will become available?15:58
roaksoaxmaas login <user> http://<maas-ip>:5240/MAAS <apikey>15:59
bdxgot it15:59
bdxroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26065418/16:00
bdxthat is just great16:00
bdxI guess I need to dive into the api/cli a bit more16:00
=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2
roaksoaxbdx: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26065507/ this is telling me that the machine powered on, started to PXE boot, but then it never got the kernel nor the initrd16:18
roaksoaxand got stcuk there16:18
bdxSo, the machine is booted to the ephemeral image it seems now16:19
bdx$ ssh ubuntu@
bdxubuntu@'s password:16:19
bdxif I look at the ipmi viewer, its sitting at the ubuntu login screen16:20
roaksoaxbdx: maybe something failed and falled back into the local disk ?16:22
roaksoaxbdx: can you fdisk -l ?16:22
bdx"but then it never got the kernel nor the initrd" - your thinking the phases 1 of deployment failed and it just booted to local16:23
bdxI cant login16:23
bdxit doesnt seem to have my key, and is prompting me for pw16:23
roaksoaxyeah that could be it, I would attempt to try to re-deploy16:23
roaksoaxbdx: and look at the machine console via the ipmi viewer16:23
roaksoaxto see what it is doing16:24
bdxroaksoax: right Ive done this a binch now16:24
bdxblah, *bunch16:24
bdxand cant figure it out16:25
bdxits happening to all of my nodes16:25
roaksoaxbdx: fwiw, i deployed machines using maas from the snap just fine yuesterday16:26
roaksoaxbdx: tail the logs in /var/snap/maas/common/log/ regiond.log rackd.log if you see anything aspecific16:27
bdxroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26065565/16:29
bdxseeing that in rackd.log16:29
bdxgot it16:34
bdxroaksoax: I updated the bug with ^16:36
bdxroaksoax: do you want two separate bugs for those^?16:40
bdxI wonder why you didnt hit that16:49
roaksoaxbdx: yeah, the port/socket thing is not an issue though16:52
roaksoaxthe other one is what concerns me16:52
roaksoaxbdx: i'll re-deploy another environment16:52
roaksoax1 sec16:52
roaksoaxbdx: while i look into this, what does your proxy.log say ?17:04
bdx$ sudo cat /var/snap/maas/common/log/proxy/* | http://paste.ubuntu.com/26065733/17:06
roaksoaxbdx: strange, squid doesn't run for me in the snap17:09
bdxthat is odd17:11
roaksoaxbut that's an issue in my machine17:11
bdxroaksoax: i'm running region+rack17:11
bdxnot sure if that has anything to do with anything17:11
bdxoh, like you already had something running on the port 8000 so it didnt start17:13
bdxor something17:13
roaksoaxbdx: yeah, my issue is only on ym machines for some reason, it works on other machines i have17:19
roaksoaxbdx: by anyway, re-deploying my maas form the snap17:19
roaksoaxbdx: to test17:19
bdxok, thank you17:21
roaksoaxbdx: yeah, that's the issue... strange17:37
bdxsomething changed in curtin?17:38
bdxrefreshing to not be operator error for once :)17:38
roaksoaxbdx: maybe, but the snap shouldn't have been affected. I'm double checking now17:39
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
roaksoaxbdx: figured out what the issue is, building a new snap and will test it18:15
bdxroaksoax: what did you find to be at the root of this?18:24
roaksoaxbdx: bug in the snap creation when we transitioned to not using upsteram curtin18:36
bdxthanks for help with this18:41
mupBug #1734980 opened: [2.3] Packaging doesn't remove /dev/shm/squid-cf__metadata.shm <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1734980>19:42
roaksoaxvogelc: have you tried a different kernel ?21:20
roaksoaxe.g. a hwe-16.04 kernel21:20

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